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Saginaw native finds kidney transplant match in best friend

A decorative newsprint graphic.

Rylee Wobio

A screenshot from a TV interview with 23-year-old Rylee Wobio with a ticker that reads Saginaw Native Finds Match for Kidney Transplant. Rylee has light skin, straight brown hair, and brown eyes. She has a silver nosering on the left side of her nose.

23-year-old Rylee Wobio was diagnosed with stage four kidney disease in August 2022. She learned of the diagnosis by chance through her work at a doctor’s office.

Rylee has found new hope for a healthier future through a living donor match: her cousin and best friend, Hannah.

Rylee’s two-year journey will culminate in a kidney transplant scheduled for June 14, 2024.

Critical to the journey is a fundraising campaign with Help Hope Live for out-of-pocket transplant-related expenses.

Rylee’s community has raised over $3,000 since mid-May.

“We’re both very grateful, too, just with the amount of support everybody’s shown us.”

Future kidney donor to 23-year-old Rylee Wobio Hannah Nicklyn is pictured in a screenshot from a TV interview. The ticker reads Rylee's Cousin and Best Friend. Hannah has light skin, curly brown hair, and dark eyes. Written by Emily Progin