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Fundraising campaigns change lives for those who need financial assistance and unite communities. Here's how.
Over $188 milllion
raised for help with out-of-pocket medical expenses since 1983
Campaigns launched last year
Ian Burkhart, spinal cord injury client Ambassador
Family of Keith Henry, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
families helped since 1983
paid out to cover medical costs last year
families helped per year
Perfect 4-star rating
from Charity Navigator
Sister of a transplant recipient, a part of the Southwest Transplant Fund
Kara Toomey, a part of the Northeast Catastrophic Illness Fund
-Anonymous Donor
raised through fundraisers last year
-Family of Ernest Patti
Family of James Micki West, a part of the South-Atlantic Catastrophic Illness Fund
Patrick Ivison, a part of the Southwest Catastrophic Injury Fund
Melissa Tuff, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Daniela Izzie, a part of the South-Atlantic Catastrophic Injury Fund
Tamara Mathias, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Judy S Hitchcock, a part of the South-Central Transplant Fund
-2020 Client Survey
Transplant Social Worker
-2020 Client Survey
Liz Casperite, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Family of Patrick Ivison, a part of the Southwest Catastrophic Injury Fund
-Kristen Sachs, wife of Jeff Sachs, a part of the Southwest Catastrophic Injury Fund
Cole Sydnor, client and co-founder of Roll with Cole & Charisma
-2020 Client Survey
in rehab and physical therapy help last year
for wheelchair vans last years
-Kadee Scott, a part of the Northwest Transplant Fund
-Friend of Linda Jara, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Heart Transplant Fund
John Milliron, son of John "Sam" Milliron, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Amy Clabaugh, a part of the South-Central Catastrophic Injury Fund
Christine D Kent, a part of the Southeast Catastrophic Injury Fund
-Charisma Jamison, co-founder of Roll with Cole & Charisma
Joanna McCray, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
for home modifications last year
in assistive technology last year
Husband of Bridgett Isley, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Nancy Kyllingstad, a part of the Southwest Transplant Fund
John Milliron, son of John "Sam" Milliron, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Jasmine Hollingsworth, Founder/Director of Liver Mommas & Families
Joanna McCray, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
in medical relocation help last year
John Milliron, son of John "Sam" Milliron, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Maxine Billings, wife of Tony Billings, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Melissa Tuff, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Michelle Bosquette, a part of the Northeast Transplant Fund
-Rebecca O'Doherty, a part of the New York Transplant Fund
in home health care help last year
-Family of Zaiah C McNeal, a part of the Southwest Transplant Fund
-Family of Philip Marshall Taylor, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Ron House, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
-Family of TJ Miller, a part of the Northwest Transplant Fund
-Family of Donnie Stone, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Husband of Cynthia D Bertram, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
-Family of Donnie Stone, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Melissa Tuff, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
McClifford A Cooper, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Family of Hadlee R Fuchsel, a part of the North-Central Transplant Fund
Wife of Andre McCoy, a part of the Southwest Transplant Fund
Wife of Jeff Sachs, a part of the Southwest Catastrophic Injury Fund
Trey Wehrum, a part of the New York Transplant Fund
Brandon Fowler, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
transplants made possible through fundraising
Family of Kayson Matney, a part of the South-Central Transplant Fund
Kathy Tanksley, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Family of Paul M Buckman, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Catastrophic Injury Fund
individuals helped reclaim their mobility and independence after a life-changing spinal cord injury
Amanda Washek, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Transplant Financial Coordinator
Christine Galatis, a part of the Northeast Catastrophic Injury Fund
Dwight J. Crawford, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Family of Paul M Buckman, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Catastrophic Injury Fund
Trey Wehrum, a part of the New York Transplant Fund
Kirk Williams, a part of the Midwest/West Catastrophic Injury Fund
Family of Joanna McCray, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Family of Dawn Cox, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Transplant Medical Professional
Monica Ashery, a part of the North-Central Transplant Fund
Family of Ethan S Kadish, a part of the Great Lakes Catastrophic Injury Fund
Deborah G. Halberstadt, campaign supporter
Darryl Janes, supporter of client Judd Flanders
Allen Shierling, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Melissa Tuff, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Dwight J. Crawford, a part of the South-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Family of Paul Mustol, a part of the South-Central Catastrophic Illness Fund
Family of Yusef Harris, a part of the Midwest/West Transplant Fund
Family of Adam Rogers, part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Family of Sean McGonagle, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Catastrophic Injury Fund
Kellie Murphy, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Transplant Fund
Kirk Williams, a part of the Midwest/West Catastrophic Injury Fund
Family of Joseph Dinas, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Melissa Tuff, a part of the Southeast Transplant Fund
Family of Marty Zelei, a part of the Great Lakes Transplant Fund
Paula Bowman Cummings, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Transplant Fund