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Dear Friends and Family,
Many of you know our loving mother, Sandy Dodgins. Our Mom has spent most of her adult life taking care of the needs of others. She raised the three of us and worked for more than 30 years as a nurse. The tables have turned and it is now our turn to take care of her.
Three years ago, Sandy was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Failure. She is on dialysis three days every week. Even though her life has changed drastically, she doesn’t complain, lives one day at a time and is always looking forward to the future. She is a remarkable woman.
Her doctors at Medical University of South Carolina have told us that her only option now is a life- saving kidney transplant. Not only is a transplant major surgery, it is also very expensive. Even with insurance there are many expenses that are not covered and must be paid out of pocket. Some of these are co-pays, deductibles, travel to and from the transplant center and she will need to relocate to be near to the hospital at time of transplant. In addition, Sandy will be on a life-time of anti-rejection medications. This puts us up against a challenge that we can not meet alone and desperately need your help.
A fundraising campaign, in Sandy’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive (HelpHOPELive). HelpHOPELive is a nonprofit organization that has provided fundraising assistance to the transplant community for more than 28 years. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consider making a contribution today.It is never easy to ask for help and now is certainly no exception. Mom has touched the lives of many and we deeply appreciate the support she has received. At times like this the assistance of family, friends and the community is crucial to help ensure a positive quality of life.
We thank you for your ongoing kindness, prayer and generosity.
With sincere heartfelt gratitude,

Joshua Dodgins Justin Dodgins Christopher Dodgins
864-354-9204 864-764-5679 864-354-9188
