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The Earley family respectfully and humbly asks for your support on behalf of our husband, father, brother and son, Peter.
Peter was diagnosed with Progressive MS in 2003, but then re-diagnosed in 2013 with Lyme Disease (LD) – a disease that often mimics MS. In 2008, many kind people provided generous financial support to Peter by donating to a fundraising campaign the family had established at HelpHOPELive (formerly NTAF). The funds raised allowed Peter to receive stem cell treatments, which have kept him out of a wheelchair for more than sevenyears. However, we are now at another critical juncture as his condition has worsened and Peter needs additional care. If his current rate of decline is not halted and reversed, very costly and degrading in-home care or a long-term care facility may be necessary. Obviously we all hope to avoid those scenarios!
Many treatment options and facilities have been researched and the one with the most encouraging testimonials and protocols is Sanoviv Medical Institute located in Rosarito, Mexico ( Treatment can be life-saving, but is expensive. For two weeks, Peter will be under the care of six different doctors utilizing a myriad of cutting-edge protocols, including genetic testing. Contingent upon his progress, he may stay an additional one-two weeks. After a major detox and an immune system bolstering at Sanoviv, Peter will return to Michigan and begin working with a LD expert doctor at the Natural Wellness Relief Center ( located in Grand Blanc, MI, which has a 80-90% successful remission rate! They will evaluate Sanoviv’s results and provide continuous follow-up care for approximately nine months.
The approximate total care cost is $40,000, of which only 5% will be covered by insurance as these procedures are considered “alternative treatments.” To help with this financial burden, a fundraising campaign in Peter’s honor has once again been established with HelpHOPELive, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Great Lakes Catastrophic Illness Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for illness-related expenses only. Please consider making a donation today and click the DONATE NOW button.
A supportive community is crucial to improving Peter’s declining condition, as well as relieving the mounting stress on his family, especially his true champions — Kimberly, McKenzie and Jordan. He will improve, we just don’t know how far and how fast. We do, however, expect remission or at least a vast reduction in muscle spasms with improved walking and mobility.
We will keep everyone informed of his progress and spread the good news of his successes and the protocols to help other patients learn what we will know, so they may heal too. Peter never gives up so we shouldn’t either. Failure is not an option! Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.
With sincere gratitude from the bottom of our hearts,
The Earley Family
Peter's progress at Sanoviv Medical Institute
To view Jordan Earley's thank you message to donors, please click on this link:
To view Kimberly-Kassner Earley's thank you message to donors, please click on this link:
To view Peter Earley's thank you message to donors, please click on this link:
Peter has completed a little over a week of evaluation and treatment and is responding well. Stay tuned for a more detailed report coming very soon.
Chris Earley
Peter, since learning of your illness you have been in my thoughts. I'm sure you'll get on top of this--you're a fighter.
ITB Rob Teitsma EN 76
Hi Kim, Peter and family, Sending our love and encouragement.... hope you have a successful block party and that the treatment helps cure Peter.
Roger & Dawn Houston
You are the reason I am Psi U. Hang tough brother.
Your former Wonders suite-mate.
Johnny G.
Hi Peter, Keep up the fight! Good Luck. You'll be in the Marshall family prayers!
ITB, John Marshall
Brother Peter, you are a giant of a man! You will beat this!
Brother Wham
Hello Peter from your San Francisco Fan. I am honored to help you on this journey and will continue to pray for you. Keep up your incredible focus and determination. I will not be able to attend the fundraiser, but will be cheering on the auctioneer to get top dollar:) I just know it will be successful. Our angel Janet will make sure of that.
There are no shortage of prayers from all of us who love you.
Big Hug
Francesca Tashjian, San Francisco
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Peter Earley
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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