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Cindy (a.k.a. Duckie) Needs a New Liver!

At 2.5 years old, Cindy loved Sesame Street (especially Ernie’s “Rubber Duckie” song!), her stuffed toys, and her new baby brother. She had a greatly enlarged liver, but no other issues or symptoms. She was thriving. Jump ahead 25 years—Cindy grew up, graduated high school, got married, became a mother, got divorced, got an education, was working in IT, and building a wide circle of friends in the community.

Updates (5)

March 28, 2017

Happy Spring and Happy Birthday to Duckie!

It's been a LONG winter of managing complications and trying to get back on the list. Because of the heart/lung complication, she was made inactive. The docs have been trying since September to find the right balance of fluid to allow the transplant to proceed.

Her next (maybe last, we HOPE and PRAY) is TOMORROW!

If the heart cath is good, she will be relisted, and at the head of the class! Stay tuned for developments!!!

March 2, 2017

All - The new medication (Tyvaso) would appear to be working. We won't know for sure until the next heart cath. That is coming soon --- March 16th!

Please pray, send good wishes and positive vibes --- and watch for for news!!

We're still accepting tax deductible donations to cover medical expenses,some help with living expenses for the month we'll be in Oakland. Thank you all!


April 19, 2020


Keep fighting. If you need anything at all please feel free to reach out.

Best Regards,
[email protected]

Kevin Hamilton

September 6, 2016

I love you Cindy, more than you will ever know. Know that I am praying for you (& Momma Duckie too ;) All of the time. You have got this, my heart!

Rachel Frazier