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Ilysa’s life was changed forever in June 2016 when she contracted a near fatal blood infection which caused her body to go into septic shock, shutting down her vital organs. It is extremely rare for this to affect a young, healthy person, but the illness caused blood clots to form in her extremities, and soon led to gangrene and subsequent amputations of all four of her extremities. She lost both feet below the knees, and both hands below the elbows. The illness also left Ilysa with End Stage Renal Disease, or kidney failure. As a result, she will be on dialysis until she gets a kidney transplant.
In addition to the life altering trauma of Ilysa’s illness, we have learned that insurance coverage is woefully inadequate for prostheses, and Ilysa will require multiple prostheses to regain and maintain her independence over the course of her life. Insurance also is unlikely to fully cover the costs associated with a future kidney transplant and the related immuno-suppressant drugs that she’ll have to take for the rest of her life. There will be significant other related expenses as well: home care, therapy, etc… We estimate that the uninsured portion of Ilysa’s medical expenses and care over time will be in the millions of dollars.
If you know Ilysa, you know that she is courageous and strong and has a tremendous spirit. Those who have been at her bedside through these last few months are in awe that she is still that same wonderful woman. We are especially fortunate that Ilysa has survived her physical illness with full brain function. She is determined to regain control of her life and remain a proactive Mom to Benjamin (7) and Ryan (4), a loving wife, and the proud founder of a local preschool which strives to instill a love of learning for so many of our community’s children. In support of that spirit, we ask for your assistance.
My family has been touched by the genuine outpouring of love we have received from our friends and the broader community. We are grateful for your support through the acute phase of Ilysa’s illness, through a long hospital stay and multiple procedures and surgeries. Many people have asked how they may be able to contribute on a long-term basis.
To help with the financial burden of Ilysa’s uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in her honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted non-profit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than thirty years.
All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Help Hope Live holds all funds raised and pays all medical-related bills directly.
Thank you so much for helping. Be sure to check this periodically because we will be posting updates from time to time.
Steven Winick
[email protected]
Our story has just been published on PeopleTV. They did an amazing job treating Ilysa's story with dignity and respect. We hope you find it inspriing! Link below...
I'm SO PLEASED to be sharing the news that ILYSA RECEIVED A KIDNEY TRANSPLANT earlier this week, and after a short hospital stay we came home last night.
There really are no words to describe the donor - beautiful in spirit, kind, generous, empathetic - none of these capture the gift she has given to my family.
Similarly, there are no words to describe our gratitude to her and her family. This woman, a stranger to us, and her family and friends, came to us through Renewal after learning of Ilysa's story and our struggles, and her act of kindness has changed the course of Ilysa's life forever.
Ilysa will no longer be tied to dialysis, she will have more energy, her blood pressure will improve, she can eat and drink, she'll be able to travel... The health benefits are countless. But more than any of that, she'll be able to be there more for our children.
Thank you Catriona Ni Aolain. My sincerest hope is that Ilysa uses your gift to show the world just how much adversity a person can overcome, and that she touches lives in the process.
Looking forward and feeling grateful...
- Steven
...a day in the life... of dialysis...
I don’t mean to whine, but daily dialysis can get any girl down. As if what happened wasn’t enough, I have to deal with kidney failure too?! It’s all a little surreal to be honest. There’s still a small part of me that expects to wake up and find that this nightmare is over. But alas, it’s real-there’s the wheelchair and here’s Louis; my trusted nurse.
Lees? I hear a faint voice pierce through the black of night. It’s 5:45am - the house is silent. It’s time to start. Amazing how life changes. Nine months ago I would have been up at five and out the door by five-fifteen am, heading to workout. It was a religion for me; Equinox, Exceed, Flywheel. I didn’t skip a day for eighteen years! No one was more dedicated than me. Then home by a quarter to seven to make lunches, pack back packs, and sneak in some time to read the paper and scarf down breakfast before all the boys get up. It’s still silent, and I can grab a shower before the chaos begins.
At the time, the boys were four and six; two challenging, but adorable ages. They were busy, active kids, with school, after school classes, and full playdate schedules. My husband, Steve, (of nearly fourteen years), and I own and operate a preschool and children’s enrichment center just down the block; Reade Street Prep. Reade Street, Tribeca-that’s where it all happens for us. Our home, our business, our older son’s school, our friends, our lives. Super centric-perfect for a type A like me. I could take both boys to school, work all day at the preschool, pick up my first grader and shuffle him around to his classes and friends, go back to work, head home with the little one around five, cook or order dinner, do homework, and get the boys down. That was the daily grind. Weekends were packed with classes and practices and date nights with friends. The calendar was full. It was mid-June and end of year parties were in full swing. We were to leave for our summer out west in two weeks, right after a quick trip to London for our dear friend’s wedding. And then it happened.
I didn’t feel well when I went to bed Monday. I was achy and tired and run down. I decided to take the morning, maybe even the day to rest. “Listen to your body”, Steve would say. For once, I did. By mid afternoon I couldn’t walk. My hands and feet felt like they were on fire. I called Steve and asked that he take me to urgent care. I couldn’t even walk the block to get there; something was wrong. After determining that I had strep throat and the flu, the urgent care doctor was convinced I was overreacting and dramatic and prescribed me some Valium, telling me to sleep it off. Fuck that. I knew better.
I climbed into the back of the ambulance, still screaming in pain. The ride was quick, but it seemed like a lifetime. It was ME in the ambulance, sirens blaring, racing through traffic. What was happening?! I had to show up for the first-grade party in an hour. I had organized the whole event! I had the card and the present. I was class mom! We had to move fast. Steve held my hand in the waiting room, as my world, and my body were crashing. The curtain closed around me when they got back my bloodwork. The whole team of doctors would emerge around my stretcher. And then, I blacked out.
Waking up out of a coma is a slow and confusing process. I quickly learned what had happened; that the bacteria that was in my blood caused me to go into septic shock, cutting off the blood supply to my extremities and burning my body. I was on some sort of machine, it felt like a conveyer belt, all wrapped up in something like a shroud of sorts. The lights were bright. My sister was, gently as she could, delivering all the key facts to me. “Lees, don’t try to talk. You’re in the hospital. You have a breathing tube and a feeding tube in your throat. You’re okay. You contracted some crazy bacterial infection. You’ve been here for weeks.” What the fk? I What? I’m where? What happened to me? Where are my boys?
Later I would learn that the sepsis I suffered was so severe that it caused my hands and feet to become necrotic; black, burned, bloodless, and lifeless. I would need to have all four extremities amputated. I was way too drugged to really comprehend this at the time. It was all way too much to process and I was on every opiate under the sun. Five surgeries and countless other lesser mini-traumas later, I was ready to go home. It had been nearly four months. It was time to learn how to live my new life on the outside.
I hear the churn of the dialysis machine. Beeping and gurgling, forcing the cold blood through my body. I shiver under all my covers, wrapped in tubes filled with toxic blood and clean blood, and I fight to fall back asleep and forget this for a while. About an hour and a half into treatment, I start to yawn incessantly. Here we go again. My blood pressure is dropping quickly. I peek out from my covers to look for Louis, but he’s already over me. He calms me as I squirm and tells me we’re gonna give you back some fluid. He messes with the machine for a few minutes and I start to feel better. My heart settles, my breathing returns to normal, and my body relaxes. I’m okay. Twenty more minutes…
I need a kidney. From a donor with blood type O. Sounds simple enough, as that’s like 40% of the population, but it’s not. Nothing is these days. I’ve learned how to walk using my prosthetics. I walk well; I’m getting faster. I’m going to be fast. I’m going to run and move like I used to. I’m learning how to use my myoelectric hands too. I typed this all myself. It’s all a process. I’m back at work between therapies, back out with friends and attending dinners and parties and parent/teacher conferences. I’m determined and unstoppable. Terrified and isolated, insecure and suddenly dependent, but focused on my recovery. The kidney transplant, however, is out of my control. I’m desperate for a donor; a live donor. This will improve my life significantly; no more dialysis, which sucks all your energy out. It’s worrying about everything you drink; volume control. It’s days when I can’t leave my house because my prosthetics won’t fit. It’s cutting out all the food I used to love; cheese, avocado, tomato, nuts, spinach, yogurt, potatoes, to name a few things. And alcohol!!! Damn, I was a great drinker. Dialysis slows you down and consumes you. I can’t travel. I can’t run away. I’m still on life support.
So, I need to spread the word; broaden my campaign. I hope that you will help me by reading my story and forwarding it to everyone you know. I’m hopeful this will work. I can be sustained like this for a couple of more years, but this is no way to live, and frankly, the statistics aren’t good. My family needs me. I need a chance. I need a healthy, happy donor to whom I will owe my life. The next chapter is waiting…
For information on how to help: Email [email protected] / Call 718.431.9831 x209
For more of my story or to make a charitable donation for Medical Expenses: https://helphopelive.org/campaign/11592
I'm writing to update you all on what's happening with my kidney transplant...
The process is confusing and difficult. Information is not readily given out and HIPPA makes it impossible to self navigate.
I'm sad to report that I have not yet found a match. Many of you generously filled out questionnaires and may have been called, tested, both, or neither. The truth is that I do not know. I have learned that I am DEPENDING ON YOU to update ME.
These are the facts:
1-The transplant team explained that they are not at liberty to tell us who or if anyone has been tested.
So I plead with anyone who has been tested, wants to test, or has already been vetted, Please keep us in the loop as to where you are in the process. If you have been tested and haven't heard results call Gretchen 212 305 2239(the donor coordinator) or e mail her at [email protected]
2- If you have sent in your questionnaire and haven't been contacted please let us know or let Gretchen know
212 305 2239
3 - Results are only shared with the donor, NOT with ME. If the donor is not a direct match, they are also informed that they may be a donor for someone else, and that they can be part of a chain for multiple transplants. The team will ONLY leave one voicemail per person. They will not call more than once.
4 - It will be the responsibility of the donors to inform us directly if they are willing to donate after they learn if they are a match.
I am so grateful for your help and support....I encourage anyone who is interested to please keep direct communication open with me as its the only way I will know what's going on.
12/2/2016 - Ilysa Kidney Appeal
Thank you so much for your support thus far as Ilysa endeavors to get back to some sense of a "normal" life. As most of you know, she is continuing to make tremendous progress since returning home, and she fights every single day to regain some independence. She is continuing to improve with her use of prostheses, and with her strength, confidence and fine motor skills while using them. Ilysa has even been able to spend some time back at the school!
The next medical challenge on her journey to be addressed is her kidneys. In September, she was given the diagnosis of ESRD, or End-Stage Renal Disease, which means there is no realistic chance that her kidney function will return. Currently Ilysa requires dialysis to simulate her kidney function. We've arranged for her to get these treatments in our apartment so as to be less invasive, but even still she is required to be treated 5 days per week for about 2 hours per day. Not only is this mentally and physically exhausting but extremely physically restrictive.
Fortunately, despite her other challenges, Ilysa is a great candidate for a kidney transplant. A transplant will un-tether her from life support and extend her life expectancy significantly. In short, she will be able to have a much more "normal" life. The drawback, however, is that Ilysa will require immuno-suppressant drugs for the rest of her life after a successful transplant, and will have to be vigilant about keeping healthy.
Ilysa's incredible sister Shari is currently getting tested, and genetically has a 25% chance of being a "best possible" match for Ilysa. A "best possible" match might give Ilysa 30 years with a kidney, while other donors might be as short as 6 years or as long as 20. The length of use of the kidney depends on the personal characteristics of the donor, but generally deceased donors will skew shorter, while living ones will skew longer. Clearly we are hoping that Shari is a match and medically able to donate. We should know within a few weeks.
In the event that Shari is unable to donate, we are now also looking for other donors. Becoming a donor is easy; its a striaight forward, non-invasive, and very low risk proposition for the donor. Further, you don't need to be a perfect match in order to donate. You do need to be healthy and have a clear medical history to be considered. Ilysa is also on waiting lists for deceased donors, but those can take anywhere from 2-6 years.
Columbia's Potential Kidney Donor Questionnaire is linked below, and is the first step in the process. If they determine that you are eligible as a donor, they will require you to provide several vials of blood. Columbia will then mix your blood with Ilysa's to determine weather you are compatible. That test takes 7-10 days and their protocol is to share the results with the potential recipient.
It is so difficult for us to ask of a community that's already given so generously, but please consider getting tested and donating your kidney for Ilysa. Its low risk for you, and life-altering for us. Thank you all again for your support and love.
Potential Kidney Donor Link: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AtMdLifXWHGpuylO-w5kIVsk1vDB
- Steven Winick
Last night's Soul Cycle event was a huge success. We are so grateful to everyone who came out to support our cause and of course to Soul Cycle and Svedka for partnering with us. We are happy to share some inspiring words Ilysa said to a room of participants spinning for her.
This past Saturday, Ilysa attended one of her closest friends weddings. This moment was so special for Ilysa and the beautiful bride Natalie. Being present at this wedding was a major goal and accomplishment for our stunning warrior.
10/19-Just 5 DAYS after receiving her lower prosthesis, this Superwoman is walking!!!!! She is making outstanding progress. We are so excited to share this update with all of you. Keep checking back for updates on this incredible journey.
10/13 We're thrilled to share Ilysa's first assisted steps with her new prosthesis. She's doing an unbelievable job in rehab everyday.
We're so excited to present Ilysa receiving her first prosthetic hand! This is her first time using the Bebionic hand. Based on her performance, we have no doubt she will excel in no time!
9/22 -- We are nearly ready to receive our first prosthesis! Check out the video below. This was Ilysa's first time using the hand and she did incredibly well. As the rest of her limbs heal, we'll be able to complete her first set of prostheses.
Ilysa, I am just learning of all of this and am in total shock but know that you are so very strong and determined, smart and can do this. You are such a leader and I admire you so very much. Sending tons and tons of love and good healing wishes your way,
Lauren Collins (Porter's mom) looks like we moved out of NYC right when you got sick
Lauren Collins
Hi Ilysa and Steve,
I just heard tonight of your ordeal. While the news was shocking and sad, it was fitting that it came from a Reade St alum. Arthur and Rishi haven't connected since Reade St, but now they're on the same soccer team -- as is Mason--and we learned from them. It's heart warming that there's a community of kids that you've made such a lasting impression on.
Arthur's experience at RSP was wonderful, and it really helped lay a foundation for an academic and social life in which he's flourishing. He's now a student at BASIS. I SO appreciate all that you, Steve and your team have done and are doing to cultivate such goodness.
I'm inspired by your strength, and hope that future keeps getting brighter for you. Anna, Arthur and I are sending you thoughts of love and health and hope that our small contribution can help.
Bob Stevens
Ilysa, I have been following your journey and am so moved by the story of your kidney match and thrilled to hear this update. The generosity of Catriona a stranger who felt your pain and took such a leap, is inspirational to me as a mother of young children in your community. Both of your families have incredible role models in you to look up to that will inspire me as a mother, a friend, and a stranger that also can help make the world a better place.
Sarah Lambert
So happy to learn that you received your transplant - you must be a role model to so many as you continue to break down any obstacle that finds itself in your path! Continued recovery and good health.
Joni Henderson
Dear Ilysa,
I am so happy to hear your transplant was successful! I have only just learned of your story, but the amazing thing is that your generous donor Catriona is my friend, and I met you in 2012-13 when my daughters Scarlett and Lexy were taking math enrichment classes at Reade Street Prep. I was so surprised yesterday when I saw your photo together yesterday and learned the name of the kidney recipient. I am wishing you and your family all the best and much strength in the days ahead. Am so glad you found your donor--it could not have come from a more wonderful, beautiful, caring person. You are both incredible people and I am in awe of your courage and strength.
Julia Downes
Always thinking of you and your family since we met last winter. I hope that you are doing as well as possible and that a perfect donor will come very soon.
Sonya Huy
Ilysa, My name is Marilyn Tollett, i read your story and want you ti know i will be praying for you. I am sending in a donation by mail to Help Hope Live for you. I also want you to knowJesus Christ loves you and he will see you through, he offers everyone the good news that he died for us on the cross and was risen from the grave all we have to do is ask him to be our Savior. God offers us this free gift of eternal life through Jesus if we just accept him and abide by his will everyday. God Bless.
Marilyn Tollett
Thinking of you
Sacha Miller and family
Is there someone who can get in touch with me regarding a possible match? I was deeply touched by your story and the thought of donating has been on my mind for yrs. Many many questions obviously, but would love to possibly chat further.
Katie T.
I came across your story on Facebook. I was on Dialysis for 2 years and I do know what it means to sit in that chair. Try to sign up in different transplant centers. John Hopkins has shorter wait time than PA on NY. Stay strong...life happens...Best wishes
Hi Ilysa - I came across your story on Facebook and wanted to write a quick note. Wishing you and your family the best during this difficult time!
Daniel H - Newton, MA
Dear Illysa and Family:
We are friends of Natalie Levy's family too and send our wishes from the Bay Area! We are all behind you:)!
~ The Bessin Family
Dear llysa, Natalie Levy's family brought your story to our attention. You are truly an amazing woman and you and your beautiful family are in our hearts and prayers.
Renaand Steven Klosk
Hi Ilysa-
I learned about your journey through Facebook and was moved by your strength and bravery. I was a kidney donor for my dad about 3 months ago at NYP and had a very positive experience. My dad is doing amazing and so am I. As a donor, I'm happy to share my experience with any of your potential donors and ensure that I feel exactly the same with one kidney as I did with two! Please reach out if I can be of any help!
Jamie Fishman
I grew up with Steve in Livingston and have been so moved by your story. You are such an inspiration and I pray you get your kidney. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers!
Randy Lebowitz Roth
Hi Ilysa. I am but a complete stranger to you living on the other side of the world and I'm so saddened by what you've endured. In 2010 I contracted pneumococcal meningitis followed by septicaemia. One day I was fit and healthy, a non drinker and non smoker and 36 hours later I was placed in an induced coma where I remained for 2 weeks. The drs told my husband that I wasn't going to make it by morning and my family came to say their goodbyes. All my organs were shutting down including my kidneys. I was then hooked onto a haemodialysis machine. When I woke up I thought it was a nightmare when I saw the colour of my arms and my face. I looked like I had been thrown into a fire. I went into hysterics and had to be sedated. My arms were amputated 6 weeks later and my legs 4 weeks after that. I also lost half my nose. Due to an overdose of antibiotics during an operation I also lost my hearing. I was taken off the haemodialysis machine and my husband was trained on how to use the peritoneal dialysis machine for when I was to be discharged. I stayed on that machine for 20 months until my brother gave me one of his and we're both doing great (he was a perfect match for me) I will be on anti rejection medications forever as well as other meds for other issues that I have related to nerve pains. I wear my prosthetic legs from the minute I wake up and they're the last things I removed before I hop into bed. I do feel for you Ilysa and somehow we get through those rough times. You don't know how strong you are until you have to be. I was in hospital/rehab for 18 months. Be brave lovely lady and you're in my thoughts and I wish you nothing but the best. Warm regards and huge hugs xoxo
Erica Savy-Ward
It is your strength that helped me get through cancer treatment. I thought every day if she can get through her fight I can most definitely get through mine. You don't know me but our folks do and I'm so terribly sorry for what tragedy you endured. Thank you for your bravery. You are my hero.
Hillary Black
Dear Ilysa!
We are deeply touched and inspired by your bravery and determination in face of difficult events in your and your family life. Wish you a further recovery to enjoying your life fully. Will keep you in our hearts with love.
Anna Suponya, Bob and Arthur Stevens
We sent our kids to FTK//RSP in 2012-13, when you were just 2 classrooms. We heard about your medical situation through a Tribeca friend and we want to wish you continued strength in your recovery. This is a lovely page. Thinking of you will bring us strengths in our own struggles.
--Zvia, Gregg, Nanette, Cece
Steve, Ilysa,
I just found out this weekend, and my heart goes out to both of you as well as your children. I don't have the words to express my feelings but to read about the way you both are dealing with this is humbling to say the least. You are in my prayers, hang in there !!!!
Love Rayzor
Raymond A Murray
Hi Lees, Wanted you to know how heartened and happy we are to see your progress. The strength that you've shown is beyond words and we are honored to know you and call you our friend. We wish you, Steve, Ben and Ryan a very happy holiday season and send you healing energy for continued recovery in 2017. Hope to see you soon.
Love, The Gargs, (Anu, Vik, Neel and Nisa)
Ilysa and family - We are thinking of you in this difficult time and sending lots of love, support and encouragement. Your strength and courage is an inspiration to us all. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, The Tongalson Family (Vivian, Jordan, Eric and Karina)
Hi Ilysa and family, my dear friend Nichole Whiting shared your story with us. You are an inspiration! We pray you continue to have the strength and determination you need as you move forward on this medical journey.
Leigh Miska
Dear Ilysa, we are in awe of your strength and courage, cheering you on every step of the way!
The Fernandez-Aller Family
So so very proud of you...your strength empowers us all every day! WE think of you often and are always cheering you on from afar!!
Murphy and Eddie. Xox
I met you at Reade with my daughter Coleen Grissler. Her daughter Kayty, my granddaughter works there. After receiving Kayty's email, Tom, my husband & wanted to help. Both of us wish you & your family all the best. All of you are in our prayers.
Mary Ann Gilhooley
Dear Ilysa, I met you very briefly in the early days of FastTrack Kids. Sending positive thoughts and strength to you and your family.
Love, Hande
Wishing you all good things and much happiness for the future. You are in our thoughts.
Teri and Scott Simon
I don't know you or your family but after getting Lisa's (PS234) email, I was so touched. We wish you and your family all the best!
Anon PS234 parent
I repeat...you are a Diamond Ilysa...strong, multi faceted, unbreakable, beautiful and brilliant!
Love, Joan Esposito
Ilysa, just want you to know that you have been in our thoughts and prayers everyday and we are so proud of you and how incredible you are!
You are truly Amazing and an inspiration to all!!
G-d Bless you and your family!!
Viviance & Dennis
Lees - Your recovery has been nothing short of incredible and inspiring. You truly are a warrior. Sending you our love today and everyday.
Peter & Jenn
We are here for you and your family. Sending positive thoughts and strength to you.
Sacha Miller
Alexander Miller-Young
[email protected]
Sacha Miller
Ilysa, we are so proud of you and how far you have come. We think about you everyday! Nothing but positive thoughts being sent to you and your beautiful family.
Love you Cousin!
Sabrina, Matt & Gianna
Lees, I love you so. I'm so sorry that you and your family have had to go through this. I think about you every second of every day. I'm proud of you for being so strong.
Becca, Matth and Clemmy
We are neighbors of the Harris' in Newport.
I must tell you that since the moment Des told me about you , there hadn't been a day that has gone by that we haven't thought of you and your family.
Your courage and determination is an inspiration and we hope to meet you someday to tell you in person.
Sending you wishes for peace and love
Sue and Jim Paglia
Ilysa and Steven,
Your power and strength amazes us every day. We have been following your progress from afar since this all happened. You are both incredible people and you HAVE OUR SUPPORT AND LOVE forever and always!!
Love, Lisa + Jed XO
Lisa + Jed Becker
Steve and Lees, my heart goes out to you in this difficult moment. Lees, you're amazing, we love you so much, and if there is anything that we can do for you or Steve - whether its taking care of the boys for a bit or bringing food, do let us know we'd love to help in any small or big way that we can. Our family was so lucky to cross paths with you and the beautiful school you envisioned and executed to the best detail. We love you and will always support you. Be strong, you're amazing and I know you will inspire us in many more ways that we never thought possible. Big hugs!!
The Berrys
Lees, I am so grateful that Lisa sent out a note, I wasn't aware this trauma had happened to you. I am so amazed but not surprised by your incredible strength and determination. We are sending you hugs and prayers to continue to stay strong and keep going after it.
xo Sarah Creal and Payton and Isla Robbins
Ilysa and family, we vaguely know each other by living in the same building, but you and your family are an inspiration to us every single day. Thank you for your courage and your strength. Thank you for your inspiration as a parent. If there is ever anything we can do to help please don't hesitate to contact us. We wish you all the best health and happiness. Our thoughts are with you everyday.
The Mercer's #8C
Ilysa, I am in awe of you. You are amazing, and I am so overwhelmed by your strength. I wish you only the best and hope your future will be bright and inspiring to all.
xo Stacie Feldman Krasne
Ilysa you likely don't remember me but I remember you and I'm shocked and saddened to hear of this incredible challenge that's been dealt to you. We met when your 7 year olds were babies in playdate groups. I wish I could do something big to help you but I will be praying for you and wishing you and your family the very best.
Brenda Di Bari (mom of twins Francesca and Angelina)
Illysa -
You are an inspiration. Looking forward to more and more fantastic progress updates..
James Alesi
Ilysa - I just read your story on FB and I know it's been a long time since American University Days, but I was shocked to hear of this. I watched the videos of you and your unbelievable determination and know you will (and already have) made huge strides. I wish you and your family all the best and please reach out when ever you get a chance. [email protected].
Neil Siman
Ilysa, you have such courage will power and strength. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Your bravery is inspirational.
Richard Kreger
Ilysa - you are just beyond a super woman. Wow, I am watching you and I can see that determination and strength - it is truly an inspiration to watch. We are cheering you on every step of the way. xxx
Pamela Weldon
You are truly incredible! We are in awe of your drive and determination!! We are always thinking of you, and will support you in any endevour you choose to tackle. We love you!!
Bev & Gilly Morse
Ilysa, I'm so in awe of your positive spirit and the progress you've been able to make in such a short period of time. Definitely a superhero and an inspiratation. Wishing you all the best - sending all my good thoughts you way!
Andrea Jenkin
Hi! I know I'm posting again, but I think about your will and strength every day, and I'm so proud of how far you've come. Much love to you my friend!
Teri Hagedorn
Brave, inspirational, unbelievably powerful - it seems you are Superwoman looking at those update movies!Your progress is amazing. We are thinking of you all the time since this happened! Sending you lots of love and good spirits to you and your family.
Tobias, Jessica, Elias & Jonah Gorcke
Ilysa, You are a warrior and a fighter ( oh, and the best song writer i know)! You can do this!! You have a fabulous support team and amazing friends and family! Sending you huge hugs
Carrie Altman
Carrie Altman
Immediately I think of hysterically funny camp and school memories of all of us as kids- that's what I think of when I think of you. Smart, witty, clever, and fun! You're a brave soul! Keep on keeping on - if anyone can do it - you can!
With love, the Lieberman and Hirsch families
Hirsch- Lieberman families
I just heard and haven't stopped thinking about you and your beautiful family. I am in awe of your strength, courage, and determination. Sending you love and support for your continued stunning recovery.
Jodi Aschenbrenner Tesser
I am murphys oldest friend and have known your mom forever...I have been following your miraculous progress from the onset...your fighting spirit is inspirational...keep at it...love to Pat.
elise platt
We are friend's of the Mure family and met you at Michael and Brooke's wedding. You are a beautiful family! We know you have a hard journey ahead but want you to know that you have joy and happiness ahead of you! Be strong and know that are you are cared for!
Jim and Vicky Albanese
Ilyssa, I know of you from Brooke and Michael, ...you are such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey. Keep up all of your great work!
Lauren Glause
Hi Ilysa,
I haven't seen you in since college, however, please know that you have been in my thoughts. I wish you only the best and know that you will get through this. Sending you strength and heartfelt wishes.
Dawn Tepper
Hello Ilysa -
Kerianne told me about your amazing school this past summer and all about the boys' friendship. Sending you positive energy and prayers.
Cheryl Scammell
Hi Ilysa,
We haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet but as friends who love Shari dearly, we just wanted to offer our love and prayers to you all. Stay strong.
Chris & Christie Walker
Hi Ilysa!
Just read your story and you are indeed a good inspiration to many. Be hopeful and i believe you can overcome your trials. God bless
Susan (Lucille's caregiver)
Lees: You are extraordinarily courageous, determined, and admirable; know that you are an incredible source of strength and inspiration to those who have not even had the opportunity to know you -- your story is amazing and you are in my thoughts every day. With love...
Carly Popofsky (friend of Natalie)
Ilysa -
Your truly incredible. You have been on our minds and we have been praying for you...
Sabrina and Eric Lemer
Sabrina and Eric Lemer
We are truly moved by your courage and resilient spirit and send you and your family our love.
Paul and Faina Ross
Ilysa, You are such an inspiration to everyone! We are thinking of you and your family and wish you all the best in your recovery process. We know we will see you soon at Reade St Prep and School!
Love, Marissa and Avery Feinstein
Ilysa, You are such an amazing warrior. Words cannot describe our admiration for you. You are truly an inspiration in every way imaginable. Our love and support to you and your family.
Christine Kattan, Tom, Peter and Henry Bergen
Lees, You are one of the smartest, strongest, savviest women I know. You inspire us to be like you. You are amazing always.
Susan, Chris, Lindsay and Lauren Boyle
Ilysia- I know your strong, courageous spirit will get you and your family through this incredibly challenging time. You are a fighter and always have been! Wishing you continued strength, health, happiness and success in reaching all of your goals! XO
Melissa Marks Papock
Sending our thoughts, support and love to you, Steve and the boys.
You have such incredible strength, courage and determination.
You are true role model and inspiration to all of us.
Big hugs from Virginie, Olivier and Timothee
The Haemmerli Family
I've honestly never been more proud to call someone a friend. You are such an inspiration!!! Keep kicking ass and know that we are always thinking of you.
Jess and the Fischer gang
Lees - you're a true inspiration. Sending love from across the pond.
Stuart, Lou & Jessica. X
As we hear of your continued progress through Marie Elena, we are in awe of your spirit, your determination and your strength. Keep pushing, Ilysa; we're rooting for you every step of the way!
Ralph Martinez + Deborah Cohen
Hi Ilysa,
i was so sad to hear of this news. I know we haven't spoken in years, but you were always such a bright light and i know you will pull through.. for your boys! Sending so much love and light your way. i'll be thinking of you and your family through your journey. Stay strong.. always.
All my love,
Jen (Lapidus) Camhi
Jen Camhi
Sending love and strength from Washington Township, NJ... you are incredible! We are cheering for you every day..,
Lauren, Bryon, Lucas & Gavin LaBumbard
Sending you and your family good wishes and support!! You are a fighter! Stay strong....
Ali, Andy, Mia, Lachlan & Luca Isaacs
I am in awe of your strength of body and spirit! Amazing. We are pulling for you and pray for your continued success.
Much love!
Daisy, McAllister, London, Jason and Nichole Whiting
Paolo and I are thinking and praying for you.
We are sending love to you and your family.
Laetitia and Paolo Damiani
I'm inspired by your attitude, your progress and your fighting spirit! These latest videos are AMAZING.
We're so proud of you...and look forward to the next milestone notched on your belt!
John, Kim, Morgan, Henry & Sinclair Mustin
Ilysa, you are an incredible woman and mother. Stay strong. Our family is sending you and your boys lots of love and support.
Jaime, David, Piper and Jemma Koehl
Your strength has no limits. You are truly remarkable and I am speechless. You inspire me and I cannot stop thinking of you. All my love.
Lees, I was devastated when I read Lisa's email, but seeing your determination and amazing progress i know that you will conquer it ALL!! You are incredibly strong and brave, and such an inspiration!!! Can't wait to see you soon walking the boys to school!
You and your beautiful family are in our prayers.
Much love!
Anna, David and Andre Evdokimow
I don't think our paths have ever crossed, as my children are much older than yours. I heard about you via Lisa's email, and I am amazed at your mental and physical strength!
Leila RD
Hi Ilysa,
We are thinking about you and were devastated hearing about what happened. You are a strong woman with a beautiful family. We wish you all the best.
Eva Tokarczyk
Hi Ilysa, I just heard about your story from Lisa and while I don't know you, I recognized your picture immediately... we have often passed on the way to school. After watching your videos, it is clear that you will again be rushing down Chambers St to get your boys to school, probably very soon. I am in awe of your bravery.
Leanne Heeg
Hello Ilysa - I heard about your story through Lisa Ripperger's email. Sending you lots of good wishes for a strong recovery. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Best Ajay, Malini, Arjun, Avani Khorana
Sending you and your family so much love and support!! You are a warrior! Keep positive! You never cease to impress me! I would love to see you very soon. Thinking about you everyday!
Nicky, Len, Ava and Tasha Ellis
You are truly an inspiration and an amazing stron woman! Love your sister. We met at Beach Fitness.
Erin Luciano
Hello Ilysa, I just received an email from lisa at ps234. We have not met but I read your story. You must be an amazingly strong person! We wish you all the best through your battle to take your independence back! I hope some day to meet you in the neighborhood. Regards,
Jerome & Patricia Pesenti
Hi Ilysa,
I am just reading your shocking story in Lisa's email to the PS234. We don't know eachother but we live across RSP and I would always see you walk your boys to school when taking my boys to school in my Dutch cargo bike. I get the chills reading what happened to you and then watching your videos showing how incredibly strong you are. You are a true inspiration to all of us! Hang in there, you can do this and you will walk your beautiful boys to school again! Much love,
Julie & the Nieuweweme boys
Ilysa, I know your story through my daughter. I am astounded to learn what you have endured and now to see how well you seem to be getting on. We don't know each other, but I want you to know that I think about you very often. I am not a religious person so my prayers are emotions from my heart and you and your family are very much there. I wish you every bit of happiness that can possibly come to you.
Roye Jabre
IIysa, I'm a friend of Cindy Grossman. After hearing her talk about you and your family and the courage you've shown given these unbelievable events, I wanted to help. So wish it could be in the 1000's...but 1000's of good wishes accompany the small check that I'm sending.
marsha shearer
You are amazing. I am so impressed with your progress. It is truly inspirational. Your family must be so proud of you. Sending hugs from all of us xo
Fran Orabona
Sending love and strength. So sorry for the rough time you have been thru. Stay strong !! Xoxox
Shannon Estrin Rosoff
We send you our love and admire how strong you are. You're a real fighter!
Madelyn Mejia & Michael Stern
Hi guys... just heard about Ilysa. So so sorry. I know you will find your way and make this work. I'm in the neighborhood so please don't hesitate if you ever need anything.
Steven Renbaum
Ilysaand Steve, Wishing you a speedy recovery. Please do not hestitate to ask for any help you might need! We are praying for you...You will get through this.
Cynthia, Sheldon, Christopher, Caden, and Caleb Berry
Lees, we are sending our best wishes to you and the family. You have such incredible strength and courage, you are an inspiration.
Love, Andrea and Kevin Pivnick
You are in my families prayers everyday. If there is ever a fighter, it's you! Watching you is inspirational!
Love, The Zeitoun Family
Thinking of you Lees and sending love and best wishes on your road to recovery - working it like a champ. It was a rather dramatic way to get me to do a Soul Cycle class, but I'd be honored to spin for you babe. xxxx
Natasha, Serge, Tiago and Javier Silva
You are on of a kind women, and you will conquer your disabilities.
Sharon Katz
IIYSA, we are moms friends who have met you a few times in Long Island. You are a fantastic lady With your strong will you will conquer it all.
Sharon Kat, Dennis Brenner
Sending so much love to you Lees! You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever known and your strength and determination simply puts me in awe of you. We forever have your back. You are a role model and inspiration to the world. All of our love,
Dana, Jonny, Liv and Chloe Cohen
Ilysa, Steve & boys - watching this has brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart! What a warrior you are; what strength, what determination. The real you is shining through and we know you are going to arrive at your destination with your head held high and your spirit intact and your thirst for a productive life achieved. Fight as hard as you are and as hard as you can because the end result is so worth it! Proud of your accomplishments--an understatement; surprised at what you are capable of--never! You are a winner and a champion in every sense of what that means. Forever cheering you on...
Bonnie & Arie Seidler
Ilysa these videos are unbelievable! You are an amazing woman, so strong willed and determined. Your sons are so lucky to have such an incredible Mom! Love, Ann
Ann Sininsky
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Your incredible strength is truly an inspiration. This world has so much to learn from people like you. Stay strong and please know we are here for you in any way possible. Sending you all of our love and positive thoughts.
With much love,
The Weldon Family
With being such close friends of Sandy & Arnold over the years and knowing Steven since he was born, we have felt the pain and anguish in our hearts on a daily basis regarding your terrible ordeal. We are in awe of your strength, your courage, your spirit. Please accept our donation (mail) as a small token of our prayers for you and your beautiful family. With much love,
Phyllis & Larry Malmuth
Ilysa, we think of you often and send you our best. You are so incredibly strong and such an amazing role model for your children. Your courage blows me away. Huge hug to you...
Yalda Harris Riley and Zachary
Having supportive family and friends means so much in life. I'm glad you are surrounded with such love.
Carole Clarke, friend of Cindy Grossman
Holding you in prayerful meditation as you face the challenges ahead. May you be well!
Gail Holmstrom, friend of Cindy Grossman
Gail Holmstrom
Ilysa, you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. The strength and the determination that you have displayed throughout these months is remarkable. I am so proud and privileged to call you my niece! Wishing you only the best always. With much love to you and your beautiful family.
Aunt Jo
Ilysa...you are the very strongest person we know! Eddie and I are routing for you every day!! May you continue to keep on healing every moment
with much love and admiration.
Murphy and Eddie
I think about you every day and am humbled by your motivation, dedication, and passion. Your sister is my sister and I couldn't be happier you have her by your side!
Em Kurutz
llysa, when Cindy told us your story, it so touched my heart. Wishing you to keep strong for your beautiful family and for your you. You will be in my prayers.
Joan Mirrop
Hi Ilysa, we are friends of the Hagedorn's from Tribeca, now living in Park City. We are sending you love and light from the mountains. You are incredible!!!! We hope to meet you and your beautiful family soon. Keep channeling that amazing inner strength you clearly have. Support is all around you. Love Jane, Devrin, Océon and Nico
The Carlson-Smith family
Iam a friend of Cindy you are so courages and strong you inspire me and I wish you more strength each day what a beautiful family you have
Chris Fromme
Ilysa, your strength and determination is truly an inspiration. We wish you continued progress, courage and health. Sending you prayers, love and support.
The Salem Family
Hi Ilysa. Can not imagine how difficult this has been. Please keep fighting. You are such an inspiration for us!
We are thinking of you everyday. Sending you love, hugs and strength. I want to see your beautiful smile soon!
Marina & Brian Hirsch
Ilysa, You are an inspiration for others! Keep on fighting with the knowledge that you are supported and loved by many who care about you.
Ann and Paul Heller
We are sending you our love and support. You are an incredibly strong and brave woman and an amazing role model. We are thinking of you and are praying for you and your family. - Warmest regards, Claira, Adam and Bella Dresher
Dresher Family
You are such an inspiration Ilysa. I can't imagine how hard this is but I know you're a mom and a fighter, so you must. I pray for your strength and courage every day--that you sustain it and not only that you live, but you thrive. You can.
Kathryn Gordon
We hope that you recovery continues to progress.
All the best,
Hudson W's Grandma and Grandpa
Susan and Jim Crook
Keep fighting Ilysa. You are an inspiration for others. We are all here for you.
Cousins Susan and Steven from Long Island
Hi IIysa,
You are such a strong woman!! You inspire us all!! Sending lots of love and support to you and your family!!
The Vincent Family( Lyle,Dong, YiJia and Yian)
Lees, you are an incredible strong giant of a woman. There are no words to describe how much of an inspiration you are. Keep on fighting, we are all rooting for you every single day!
Chana Paris
Hi Ilysa. Yting and I send our love and our best wishes to you. You are strong with so much courage. We hope and pray for your speedy recovery.
Jay Wasserman and Yting Nan
You have fought your fight with more strength and
dignity than anyone can Imagine!
With the devoted support of your mother, Shari and Ben and of course Steven and the boys and your large extended family and friends you will reach your goals every day and then go on to strive even more the next day!!!
Your "posse" will always be there for you!!!!
Our love. Suzanne and Eli and family
You are truly an inspiration to us all! Sending love to you and your family!
The Oxenhorn Family (Seth, Debbie, Joshua and Rachel)
We are in awe of your strength and determination! You are an inspiration to us all. Sending good thoughts and support to you and your family!
The Cureton Family (Peter, Anaita, Lyla, Ryan)
Keep fighting out there, Ilysa!! You're our hero!!
Cousin Mitchell and Lisa from CT
Your strength gives strength to others.
~James Donoghue, fellow nyc freak
Thinking of you! Love, Melanie Giegel and Zoe Rizk
Melanie Giegel and Zoe Rizk
Sending our thoughts and support!
Ian and Kira Geller(NYC freaks list)
Ian and Kira Geller(NYC freaks list)
Who are we without each other? Keep strong.
Brian, (NYC Freaks)
You inspire me and everyone around you.
I love you and am honored to be your sister.
Your less than worthy half -Shari
Sending much love and light from your NYCfreaks community. We'll keep you all in our hearts.
Sending love and positive energy from the NYC Freaks who have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Annie Zaks Kaufman
Hoping we can help make a difference and wishing you a speedy recovery
Georgiana & Ira Platt
Light and love to the Winick family. Big hug Ilysa...we are here for you with open hearts.
Casey,Jesse, & Little Jackie G
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Illysa - we are in awe of your courage and strength. sending you so much love and support. xoxoxo
Love the Han Family (Jenn, Phil, Catherine & Caroline)
We are thinking and praying for you!
Joann, Phil & Olivia Pucciarelli
Lees, sending you and the family all my love and support from the other side of the Atlantic. You are incredible!
Victoria Tsigonis
We are thinking of Lees and the whole family and sending you all our strength and love. You are amazing.
Samir, Monali, Emil, Remy and Zara
We were so heartbroken when we heard your story but we are also very proud of your determination when we saw your video. Wishing you all the best in your recovery.
Berna & Daniel
Lees- We were heartbroken when we heard your condition but now see your strong spirit and determination in that video with your prosthesis. We pray and hope many good thought to you and your family. We miss you but feel your presence at RSP. All our support in your recovery!!!
Galiski Family- Caroline, Jack, John &Nancy
My husband and I are wishing you well (as if it were that simple!) and every single ounce of love and strength we have in our bodies. I know we only saw each other in the hood, but we are a community and we will stand together with the rest of community to support you and your family. All the best, and stay strong. You can and will do this!
The Schwimmmers (Jodi and Eric; Mudville9 owners)
Lees - we missed you at the PS 234 back to school coffee today. So many people asked for you and are sending best wishes your way. The entire community is behind you and we will do whatever we can to help you and the boys. I am so happy Ben and Davis are in the same class this year! If there is anyone who will come out of this and be even stronger it is you. Do not hesitate to ask any of us for anything - everyone wants to help in any way possible. I will see you very soon my friend...drinks w Kim, Debbie, Hillary etc. will be an order!
Alison Bellino & The Johnston Boys on Leonard Street
I don't know you but your story moved me. Be well and strong. My thoughts and prayers are sent your way...
Jennifer Gibbs
Ilysa, you have always been such a strong amazing women and I believe this more and more every day. You approach life with a drive that is both determined yet graceful and your desire to pass this along to others is unmatched. We are behind you every step of the way in this period and for all of it to come. Stay strong girl!!!
The Nève family
You are an incredible woman and we are so blessed to have you in our lives. RSP is a testament to how amazing you are - thank you for giving our children this unparalleled experience. This community is behind you and we are confident you are going to be back as our leader, and until then, we are here for you.
The Haider family x
We love you all so much and are excited to see Ilysa get out of the hospital and back into life again. We've all missed her so much!
The Hagedorns
We love you and can't wait till your back!! Everyone misses you xoxo
The Frank Family
We are so proud of your determination‼️
Love to you and your beautiful family
Andi and Bill
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Ilysa Winick
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
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