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Colleen Kelly was born prematurely on February 11, 1981 at 2 lbs 7 oz., and 9 months later she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP). The doctors told her parents Dan and Michelle that she would probably never talk, walk, or have much function in her life. Today Colleen thanks them for challenging this. They saw her intelligent sparkling eyes and her great spirited determination as she would literally crawl a mile to build physical strength in a challenging program they placed her in during her early childhood years.

At age 6, Colleen dictated short stories that her mother journaled. At age 10 she authored “The Land of the Leprechauns,” a children’s book published 4 years later of which thousands of copies were sold. Colleen not only overcame the adversity and challenges of being the 1st child with quadriplegia to enter her school system, she also functioned as a conflict mediator and received an Outstanding Achievement Award for all the positive effects she had on her school.


June 14, 2017

Colleen, I worked with your dad years ago at AmeriWater and I just love both him and your mom. I am happy to donate to your cause. The picture of you is beautiful! Please give my love to your parents.

Diane Dolan

March 12, 2017

So sorry to miss your party. We were en route when car trouble caused us to turn back. Sounds like we need vehicle help, too! Hope it was a great celebration of your determination and positive attitude. Enjoyed your book ... have had it for years and shared it at the school where I teach to inspire young authors (and celebrate being Irish)!
God Bless,

Anne and Tom Storey

December 29, 2016

Colleen you Rock! Happy New Year! When is the house warming party?

Tom McCauley