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John Rouzer, the son of Wren Coburn, of Wellston, Oklahoma, received a kidney transplant on Thanksgiving Day 2016! John and his family are so grateful for this life-saving gift and will need the help of their community to ensure he is medically and financially supported through this time of healing and adjusting. Transplants are life saving but very expensive. In addition to the extremely expensive medical bills, Wren, as a single parent, will not be able to work for a period of up to 6 months as John recovers; possibly longer if any complications arise.

On August 26, 2014 John arrived home from a normal day at school and found himself too weak to walk the distance from the bus stop to the house. His dad found him 45 minutes later resting under a tree in the yard. John couldn’t eat anything that evening and began to throw up later that night. The next day, he was at OU Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City, OK where they officially diagnosed him with Chronic Renal Failure (kidney failure).
