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David Talkington of central Ohio, was diagnosed with Hypophosphatasia (HPP) as an infant. This rare metabolic bone disease causes patients to break bones easily, fatigue, pain and can impact their quality of life. David could work a regular job until 2008 until he broke two femurs within 6 months of each other due to HPP. The Doctors informed him he should be on disability due to slow healing fractures caused by HPP.

David was approved for Social Security-Disability, is now in a power wheelchair outside the home and on tough days at home, but has experienced wonderful progress with treatment and physical therapy! He can now walk around inside the house with assistive devices as well as using his power chair depending upon what he needs that day. He has made more progress than we ever dreamed! While this is encouraging for longer distances he will still need the wheelchair.

Updates (26)

May 30, 2024

We are so grateful Dave is doing about the same as he ages with hpp. We continue to raise funds for handicapped van maintenance and wheelchair ramp maintenance which is a medical necessity but not covered by insurance. We are so thankful for our friends, family and anonymous that help us with these expenses. It’s such a blessing that we thank God for.

November 30, 2023

Well Dave has been doing what he can to help pay it forward in this season of life. We were so thankful to be able to share our story in person twice this year with the Hypophosphatasia community. They say make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the other is gold. Truly we experienced both at these meetings as we had not been to one in person since 2019. Tears were shed as well as laughter as we connected and encouraged those around us to keep moving forward! No matter how little or big that might look. We are thankful for friends and family who continue to support and cheer us on in this journey which is a marathon and not a sprint.

We were able to get the van repaired and want to thank everyone who helped with that. Its looking great and driving so good and we were blessed by the shop that did the work on the pricing. God is so good to us! We are so thankful! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and pray God would keep you in the palm of His hand until we meet again.

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November 30, 2023

God bless you and keep you, David & Sharon! Praise His Name for His never-ending love and faithfulness!

Yvonne Tavanyar

December 6, 2021

You are both very loved and appreciated!!

Global Team Network

September 27, 2021

The best is yet to come!
