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David Talkington of central Ohio, was diagnosed with Hypophosphatasia (HPP) as an infant. This rare metabolic bone disease causes patients to break bones easily, fatigue, pain and can impact their quality of life. David could work a regular job until 2008 until he broke two femurs within 6 months of each other due to HPP. The Doctors informed him he should be on disability due to slow healing fractures caused by HPP.
David was approved for Social Security-Disability, is now in a power wheelchair outside the home and on tough days at home, but has experienced wonderful progress with treatment and physical therapy! He can now walk around inside the house with assistive devices as well as using his power chair depending upon what he needs that day. He has made more progress than we ever dreamed! While this is encouraging for longer distances he will still need the wheelchair.
Living with HPP presents many challenges and one of those is a large financial burden. Thankfully David has insurance but some things David needs are not covered by his insurance.
Currently, David attends church with his wife of 37 years, Sharon. David enjoys encouraging others who are recovering from short and long term illnesses in hospitals and at home through volunteering. This last year David and Sharon have spoken to Hypophosphatasia patient groups in the HPP Unmasked educational program sharing their story.
David loves to visit in person or on the phone, FaceTime, and has always been a social and empathetic person. In fact, you may know David from high school in Cortland, Ohio, College at Mount Vernon Nazarene College, or in the community, as he has always been a vibrant part.
To help with the financial burden of David’s uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in his honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 30 years. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law, are held by Help Hope Live in the Great Lakes Catastrophic Illness Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for illness-related expenses only. Please consider a contribution, as we believe that further financial support will greatly improve David’s quality of life.
For credit card contributions, please select the Give button or call 800.642.8399 or:
Make checks payable to: Help Hope Live Note in memo section: In honor of David D Talkington Mail to: Help Hope Live 2 Radnor Corporate Center 100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100 Radnor, PA 19087
Keep an eye on this Help Hope Live campaign page because we will be planning some fundraising events soon and posting updates regularly.
If you’d like to volunteer to help, please email one of us.
Thank you for your generosity and support.
Sharon Talkington, David’s wife
Rachel Talkington, David’s daughter
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. This campaign is administered by Help Hope Live, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing fundraising assistance to transplant and catastrophic injury patients. Information: 800.642.8399
We are so grateful Dave is doing about the same as he ages with hpp. We continue to raise funds for handicapped van maintenance and wheelchair ramp maintenance which is a medical necessity but not covered by insurance. We are so thankful for our friends, family and anonymous that help us with these expenses. It’s such a blessing that we thank God for.
Well Dave has been doing what he can to help pay it forward in this season of life. We were so thankful to be able to share our story in person twice this year with the Hypophosphatasia community. They say make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the other is gold. Truly we experienced both at these meetings as we had not been to one in person since 2019. Tears were shed as well as laughter as we connected and encouraged those around us to keep moving forward! No matter how little or big that might look. We are thankful for friends and family who continue to support and cheer us on in this journey which is a marathon and not a sprint.
We were able to get the van repaired and want to thank everyone who helped with that. Its looking great and driving so good and we were blessed by the shop that did the work on the pricing. God is so good to us! We are so thankful! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and pray God would keep you in the palm of His hand until we meet again.
Giving Tuesday is Nov 29 and we are so excited! It’s a fun day where people all around the world give to causes they care about! Help Hope Live will be covering the credit card fees for gifts to Daves campaign on their website and we are so thankful for that! We are still gathering some estimates for handicap van repairs and are not sure what medical expenses may look like since we have an insurance change for Dave next year so please share, pray, and consider a donation to his campaign through Help Hope Live. We so appreciate the support! ❤️
This past winter we had trouble with the deck sealer product not standing up like it should have. This was very disappointing but as many of you may have experienced sometimes this happens.
So this year we had it done again with a different product and the non-skid strips on the deck and stairs for safety. Whether walking or rolling this is a medical need for David that is not covered by health insurance.
Thanks to all of your gifts and Help Hope Live we were able to get this taken care or before it got too cold! Such a blessing we are truly thankful for!
Next project some repair work on the handicapped van. We hope to get estimates next month. Please consider a donation to Daves Help Hope Live to help us out with this medical need that is not covered by health insurance. Blessings to each and everyone one of you!
We are so thankful this year we were able to get the handicap ramp reconstructed and sealed. We also were able to get a step added so that one was not too high for David. All surfaces were painted with a texturized paint to help seal as well as help with traction since we live in a place where winter will be here soon! Thank you for helping us lighten the load by your donations in honor of David D Talkington to Help Hope Live. Our next goal for Giving Tuesday is $1500 towards handicapped van maintenance for our van Silver.
As Fall begins here in Ohio the temperatures are starting to dip and I am reminded of a project we need to finish before the weather gets too cold. Sealing the new ramp, putting down traction on it, sealing the railings and installing another one. We have an estimate and need $201 to finish this project as its a medical need that insurance does not cover. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, love and support!
This summer has brought some handicap van maintenance we knew was coming but not this soon. We needed brakes and the ac was not working 100% so we got that charged. This was mostly paid for by the $1000 grant emergency fund we found for which we are truly grateful! A few days later the ac went out completely.
Hope Travels!
Several months ago David and I were asked if we would serve as Help Hope Live brand ambassadors, and we said yes!
At our first meeting they shared with us about a virtual 5k HHL fundraiser that anyone could do walking, rolling, etc. This was amazing to us because it meant we could do it at our own pace and in a way that we could accomplish this goal!
Dave immediately said to me “I think I want to do this.” I said well then you should. So he went to the website to sign up and when he went to check out there was an opportunity to get a medal. He asked me should I get one and I said “ Have you ever medaled in anything in your life?” He said “No” I said “ Order it” and he did.
We could do this to benefit HHL or a need David had specifically. We chose to do it for handicap ramp maintenance and handicap van maintenance needs David has as well as post on social media people could do it for HHL in general.
We are so thankful that part of our journey the last 5 years has included medicine, #Strensiq, for his rare diagnosis #Hypophosphatasia. As part of his treatment regimen along with lots of hard work in physical therapy and at home he is able to walk short distances. Before this treatment that was no longer a possibility other than in our faith and prayers which we continued to claim, believe and now achieve.
The impossible of yesterday is now possible for Dave today. We are so thankful for this season in our lives and we say we are living the dream! We are so thankful for this opportunity and believe this will kick off our new season of hope traveling! Thank you for considering donating. ❤️
Great news!!
We found a grant for $1000 which David applied for and was approved to help with the van repairs!
We continue to build the team for Hope Traveks. Join us - you can participate from anywhere, at any time, and at your own pace Our team is named Bones4life and it’s only $25 to join. For example we will do this over multiple days and end in May 16th. You can walk, roll, run, or bike. You get a t-shirt for the $25 and your. You have an option to purchase the medal. We are very excited as Dave and I have never done anything like this before. Join us as this kicks off our travel season that was paused by Covid precautions. You can also donate at the link to help us with the medical expenses Dave has that insurance does not cover such as handicap repair and maintenance, handicap van maintenance. Thank you all for joining us on this health journey!
Hope Travels
Well we have not be able to travel much in the last year as Covid precaution have changed things for us but we are delighted to get out for this virtual race. Hope Travels. You can walk, run, wheel, or bike, this virtual 5k wherever you are to help us with Dave’s medical needs that are not covered by insurance. Dave and I will do it over several days and end on May 16th.
We need to do some maintenance to our handicap ramp at our house as well as some on our handicapped van. Current guess on this is around $1500. You can join our team Bones4life at this link https://raceroster.com/events/2021/39591/hope-travels-5k/teams?fbclid=IwAR3Ote1gbT7FOKyHFj2lWIHYXYlFMYP017vl87CoCPl75pzJDyAPNyjNbx4 or for Help Hope Live to help others. Thank you so much for joining us in hope for us and others on this journey!
Hot water tank and install paid!
We thank God for our friends, family and Help Hope Live! The hot water tank and install was something we were not looking to have to do so soon. This was a medical need for Dave as hot showers are pain relieving. Having this connection with Help Hope Live helps us to receive the help we need with medical necessities that are not covered by insurance. Thanks again to all who gave towards this need it has been met.
We look forward to spring being right around the corner with the birds and flowers and getting our ramp and deck resealed, as well as the couple of rust spots taken care of on the van. Please consider these two needs estimated at a total of $1500. Thanks again!
Dave’s got new wheels and power!!!
We are so thankful to share with family and friends our latest chapter in our Help Hope Live journey!
Dave has new wheels and power!
Many of you know that Dave was needing a new wheelchair pretty badlt. His last chair five years ago was a power chair, and after regaining so much mobility he needed something lighter that he could use. We went to see the Wheelchair Clinic at OSU and they reminded us that Medicare does not like to go backwards. That means they never expect you to get better, and moving from an electric wheelchair to a manual wheelchair is considered unusual. They were not set up for situations like this where an individual had improved.
Well Dave has made great strides on treatment but still needs support for long distances. We also felt that it would be best for his health if he could use a manual wheelchair to ambulate when he is physically up for that and it would benefit his overall health such as cardio. Then when he is fatigued if we could get a Smoov drive it would be great to kick in that power. This also helps Dave manage his pain and fatigue with hpp. It is helpful as it would help relieve the burden from me pushing him at times when he needs assistance. None of us is getting any younger.
So we were advised that the manual wheelchair probably would not be approved and that the Smoov they felt would definitely not be approved. We encouraged them to try, we prayed as well as asked you to pray and here we are. They approved it all through insurance! We thank God as well as all of you who encourage us and cheered us on in the process! The medical staff at OSU wheelchair clinic are phenomenal as well as NuMotion. They did a great job! Now Dave is just getting used to new wheels as well as the Smoov drive. We are so thankful that we were not forced to fundraise for these two items!
We continue to raise funds for maintenance in the Spring for the handicap ramp at the house as well as repair to a couple of rust spots on the handicap van. Those two projects are estimated at $1500 total. We had a surprise fall of lots of plumbing work at the house that needed fixed. We had it covered with the exception of the $850 of the $1100 for the hot water tank which is a necessity as hot showers are therapeutic for Dave with hpp. Lots of people with arthritis can relate I am sure. If you desire to help us out on any of these projects here is the link to give. Thank you for helping us to take care of unpaid medical necessary expenses not covered by insurance!
For many of us, 2020 has been like steering through chaos in many ways. David and I have a lot of experience with living through chaotic situations, as thats what it is like having a Rare Disease like Hypophosphatasia. We learn to shift, change, and adapt with every curve ball thrown at us. This year has been different but we have applied some of the lessons from Rare Living to overcome and live fully this year.
We are thankful this Giving Tuesday, Dec 1, to present some needs that we have or anticipate coming up and appreciate your consideration to give, share, pray, and cheer us on in our journey with HPP and Help Hope Live. These small steps will help us get those needs met and for some of you get a tax deduction in the process.
Today is the big day!
Over two years ago we were told to think of three things that would improve Daves life. 1. The handicap van which we received a year ago. 2.A generator to provide uninterrupted electric for all things medical for Dave. Today that is being installed as we speak!!! Thanks to our family, friends, and anonymous who gave, shared, and prayed for this project! Thanks to Help Hope Live for existing, encouraging us to do a Facebook fundraiser, as well as a grant that helped us finish off the last of the project we needed! You have been amazing for this medical need that insurance does not pay for. It’s why Help Hope Live is a vital resource for so many that have needs like this and can’t find resources to help.
Thanks to Bill Hale and Curt Bragg with Weekley Electric who have patiently walked us through each step of the way. This company has been amazing and we highly recommend them to anyone looking for back up power for part or all of your house.
Thanks to this opportunity with Help Hope Live we can check another necessity off the list and not have to be concerned about power outage.
Any funds that come in the future will continue to help with things Dave needs that are medically necessary but not covered by insurance. We will be checking soon on his power for manual wheelchair and due to timing it might be covered by insurance. More on that later. Happy Monday!
We updated Dave's total raised for the two projects currently that we are working on. Goal is 15000 for both projects for the house generator and the smart drive for back up power on his wheelchair.We are thrilled that the Facebook fundraiser has brought in $1665 so far and is running through Saturday. Friends have sent us $550 towards this project so we are over halfway to one of our goals. Thank you all so much for your love, prayers, shares, and support! Please let us know how we can pray for you! Blessings!
Giving Tuesday Now May 5
Tuesday May 5 is a Global Day of Giving for showing unity and generosity in this season and that #hopeisnotcancelled! Participation can include donating to a cause you care about, helping a member of your community directly, letting your voice be heard by advocating for an issue that matters to you, or getting involved with a special nonprofit cause as a digital volunteer.
Hope Help Live has encouraged us to share Dave’s page and needs during this time. This is humbling at a time that so many have needs. If you have a need we would love to pray with you and point others in your direction so please comment or pm us if you feel comfortable. In the last few weeks we have shared from what we have with others such as hand sanitizer, food, and other items people have shared with us so generously. We are so grateful for our community! But we have also been told others are looking for places and people to give to, so here we go.
We have two projects as goals to better Dave’s quality of life. One is a generator for power back up at our house, because many things Dave needs require electricity. From refrigerating his medicine, to charging his power chair, to his lift chair, and adjustable bed these are all items that contribute to how Dave functions on a day to day basis. We were reminded of this need as Daves medication refrigerator died during this COVID19 season and currently can’t be replaced due to them not being able to deliver safely. It has been apparent for awhile but now more than ever we really need back up power now for our home and fridge in case the power goes out. Estimated cost of generator 2 years ago was $6900 . We have requested an updated estimate from company linked here and will keep you posted: https://www.generac.com/
In the last few years we have been honored to travel and share our story to help others understand our rare hpp journey and help facilitate hope in others. We continue to dream of doing more of this in the future as well as though the internet currently. So the second project we have is adding power to Dave’s manual chair, specifically a Max Mobility Smart Drive MX2 plus push tracker.( http://www.max-mobility.com/smartdrive#videos ) Due to Dave’s changing abilities when we travel, or go longer distances, he uses his manual wheelchair and if he could push himself and then kick in the power when he gets tired or can’t push himself that would be wonderful and better for his health. There are times when we travel that we can get someone to push him but other times they are short staffed or we have no time. It’s at this point I have to push him and juggle our many bags as well, which can cause us more stress and exhaustion. I want to support Dave’s best health and independence, and I know he would appreciate being able to get himself around more easily. Estimate is $7000 new, and we have been told that insurance will not pay for it.
We last posted these on our Hope Help Live awhile back and $1500 came in to help which is wonderful and we so appreciate it! Please note that your gifts are tax deductible through Help Hope Live. You can currently use an e-check (they are temporarily covering the third party fee) but are unable to mail checks currently due to COVID. (Please note in Honor of David D Talkington on your gift)
Thanks to all if you read this far we believe that our telling our story brings hope to others. Thank you for sharing, liking and inviting others to join us, giving, loving us, and cheering us on in this chapter of our lives. We truly believe the Best is Yet to Come!
Well Dave and I are loving having our new to us van. We are using it for medical appointments, going to community events, as well as the store. It's such a blessing and it rides so smooth for Dave. He talks about how much he appreciates it often! In the last year Dave has made some health choices that have shown up in weight loss and improved health! He has lost 110lbs and of course that has a positive impact in how he feels, functions, and looks. We are so thankful for these health improvements! He is able to increase his walking and that is great! We hope to be able to share our story of Dave having hpp some more this next year as we believe it helps to facilitate hope in others. One thing that would help Dave with that and his independence is a Max Mobility Smart Drive mx2 plus, push tracker band, and ap. It is a device that you put on your manual wheelchair to turn on power when you need it so he or I don't have to push the wheelchair. That translates to when we are in airports and sometimes we can't get someone to push him I would not have to push him and he would have more independence. This could also help with the ebb and flow of health on days he feels like pushing he can and on days he can't he can turn on the power and stay independent. Currently we are being told insurance will not cover this item and it runs around $7000. Dave also has on his goals to get back up power for at least his medical items that are electric in case of power outage. Things like a refrigerator for his medication, his bed, his lift chair, power wheelchair, all need power to run and charge. We priced a Generac generator for part of the house a couple of years ago and it was estimated to be around $5200. Our goal of $17000 shows we already raised $10415 and that was already spent on the van purchase. We would choice one of these items once the money was raised and then go for the next item. Thank you for considering giving to help with these medical needs to improve Dave's life and remember gifts here could be tax deductible since Help Hope Live is a non-profit. Please contact me, Sharon, if you have any questions. We believe the year 2020 holds great things for all of us! The Best is Yet to Come!
We purchased a VAN in April 2019!!!!!
Finally we were able to find and purchase a handicap van! It’’s a 2010 Chrysler Town and Country Limited handicap van. It has the side ramp and drivers seat like we needed. We and our friends, family, and a sales person literally have looked all over the US for this van and we finally found it in Ohio. It also has many features on the van that were important to us like a back up camera for Dave since he has limited mobility in his neck. We picked it up and have been in awe ever since. Dave and I often say we are living the dream as many things we thought would never happen are happening in our lives. Well this is one of them.
We want to thank our Good Good Father God, our family, friends, spiritual family, HelpHopeLive.org Worthwhile Life Foundation, and anonymous. We are overwhelmed with your generosity and feel the love! Thank you, thank you, thank you for making a huge positive impact in our lives!
If you wish to give to Dave’s Help Hope Live campaign to help with unpaid medical bills, medical expenses such a power for his manual wheelchair that we are looking into, van repairs, things to help with Dave's life. Contact me if you have questions. [email protected] Many thanks again to all who gave, shared, liked, and commented. We can’t thank you enough! <3
So we were recently honored to be speaking at Stand with HPP Pittsburgh and Dave's sister and brother in law joined us for the meeting. They arrived early for lunch and Dave decided to show them a few new things he could do since starting treatment and a lot of physical therapy over 2 and 1/2 years. So he got up and began to walk around with his cane and they were so surprised his sister asked if she could take a video. Well she did and during the video Dave began to exceed her expectations and you can hear the tears of pure joy in the background. Lots of hard work in pt, treatment that took tons of things coming together to create, manufacture, bring to market and eventually Dave to take, lots of faith and courage on his and our part to walk out this journey, as well as friends family and an hpp community cheering us on and praying for us one step at a time. So this is a bit of the story behind the video. Dave has worked so hard and has new walking stills but for longer distances he will still need his power chair as this is a treatment and not a cure. We need the van by winter. So if you would like to help us please give to Davids Help Hope Live. It's tax deductible and they also participate in employee matched gifts. Please share with your friends who may be looking for end of the year tax deductions. Thank you all for your love and support! We feel it! <3
URGENT! Dave and the Handicap Van
Have you ever run a marathon? If you haven’t have you ever had to persevere through challenging circumstances for an extended period of time? Well that has been Daves’s life with hypophosphatasia (hpp). Hpp is not a 50 yard dash, it’s a marathon. You have to train with physical therapy, do exercises, take breaks, rest, get good nutrition, medical care, tests, medicine, procedures, even surgeries sometimes, and start it all over again. At times it can be very exhausting and discouraging. Rare diseases are like that in that they are challenging, stretching, and life long.
We have been very encouraged with the treatment and physical therapy Dave has been receiving. It has helped him to be able to travel and share his HPP story with others who also have HPP, their loved ones, and care givers. Sharing your story can be encouraging to others that they are not alone, someone else understands my struggles, if Dave can live a fulfilling life I can too! Everyone has challenges in life, one of Daves happens to be HPP.
Another marathon we have been running has been raising money for a new handicapped van purchase.The grant we applied for had too many applicants and they could not help us. We would like to thank Chive Charities for even accepting our application for consideration and we are thankful for all they can help other with rare diseases, veterans, first responders, and special education this year!
Here’s the run down of where we are at now: Through Daves Help Hope Live account we have raised $ 6,926. Through Daves Stable account we have raised $ 9,250. Our goal is to raise $75000 by winter to purchase a new handicapped van with all the features Dave requires. Thanks to all who have helped us so far! Please consider, like, share, and give. Gifts to Help Hope Live are tax deductible and they also participate in companies matching gifts. Time is running out so whatever funds we raise will be used to purchase a new or used van by winter.
Last, but certainly not least, HPP awareness day is Oct 30. If you know of someone who is fracturing bones and they don’t know why ask their doctor to check their alp(alkaline phosphatase). It’s a routine blood test most people have had. If it’s low alp it might be HPP.
Do you break bones often? What’s your alp? Is it hpp?
Copyright SHARONNMYLIFE INC 2018 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.
David Talkington update
Dave is working hard in physical therapy for neck range of motion. We are thankful he has this opportunity and that he is making such great progress.
Dave and Sharon are sharing their hpp (hypophosphatasia) story of hope with others in the hpp community with a goal to encourage others that life with hpp is worth living there are just some adjustments and bumps in the road to negotiate at times that are different from others challenges in life.
Since our last update The Worth While Life http://worthwhilelife.org had a bowling fundraiser and raised $7000 that they deposited in his Stable account for the van! This was such an encouragement to us and we can’t thank them enough! The Hope Help Live account has grown to over $6000 as of today!!! Words can not express how thankful we are to the many family, friends, and others we have not met yet that have given towards this project.
Our latest step is to apply for a grant to help with the van as you can see this is a large project. We finally found one that could fit but it takes months for them to process and if Dave qualifies answer. In the meantime we continue to share the Hope Help Live Link as well as the Stable account for any who would like to give. We appreciate all who are praying, sending positive thoughts, and cheering us on in this marathon project that we pray will soon be accomplished as our other van is getting pretty tired. We are thankful for it but our season with it is coming to an end we believe soon.
This Honda Odyssey is a possibility for Dave to consider.
Recently we went to Columbus Mobility Specialist to check out some of their vans and get some more information about options for Dave. When you are shopping for a handicap van you need to decide on a make and model of van and then what adaptations you want to have made on the van. We have spent hours and hours looking online but it was time to look in person. There is a lot to learn and we so appreciate the journey we are on. My Dad went along with us to help us with the mechanics end and we felt like it was time for us to start getting our hands on the product to see what feels right to us.
Here is one we looked at.
The salesman showing us a handicap accessible van.
This model seemed to be higher off the ground for a handicap minivan than the others we have looked at. There was plenty of room to enter with the wheelchair and turn around which was very nice. There was no carpet on the floor but had the rubberized flooring instead. It also had key fob entry and a bench back seat.
Dave and Dad pondering this possibility.
This was a good stop on our journey and we look forward to the next one as we search for Daves handicap van. Our goal of $65000 was confirmed again at this dealership. We are currently at $5780. Many thanks to our family and friend for helping to grow our Help Hope Live Fund to help us purchase that new van soon! If you would like to give or help with a fundraiser please connect through this link.
HelpHopeLive David D Talkington Fund for Van and Unpaid Medical Bills
Copyright SHARONNMYLIFE INC 2018 | all rights reserved
Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. Please note, hurtful or offensive anonymous comments will be blocked.
Posted by Sharon Talkington at 10:46 AM No comments:
I'm so excited about the great progress with the growth of this account! Thanks to all that have given this year! I continue to make progress with treatment but still need the handicap van soon. Remember gifts are tax deductible and Help Hope Live also does employee matching! If you want that tax deduction by the end of the year please make sure that gift is in by Dec 31,2017.
Hello.. This is Dave! I'm having a really good day today so I am writing part of this update! Some of you know that I have been in a wheelchair since 1995.. and had to take disability in 2008. Sharon and I wanted to let you know that we now have a YouTube Channel!! It's formal name is davensharontalk. Within the Vlog, we will call it "The Talk" ! This Vlog will take you into the daily life of our family as we navigate life with an ultra-rare metabolic bone disease. It should be lots of fun.. See you there!
The Link to watch our 1st YouTube Video is listed below!
Blessings to All! Thanks so much for Giving! ..
We are so blessed by the thoughts, prayers, and gifts into Dave's HelpHopeLive fund with our current goal of a handicapped van. It's so exciting to see the balance growing towards our goal!
Our current van has been in the shop for more repairs and each time we are thankful that our mechanic is able to keep it going for now. However, the need for a new van continues to grow and we are praying and hoping to be able to purchase it soon.
Dave finished up physical therapy this month and we are so grateful for the progress that he has made since last June when he started physical therapy. He will continue exercises at home and at the gym where he took PT as he is physically able to. He had some problems with one of his knees in the last few weeks that we went to the Dr for and it was recommended that he sees the specialist as well soon. So please pray for wisdom as we continue to navigate Dave's health.
Some have asked if Dave can drive a regular car and the answer is yes! He rarely drives or rides in a regular car due to his soft bones and fracture history without an incident.The handicap van has special seating in it so as to help minimize Dave's risk of fracture. We need the handicap van for Dave's safety as well as for transport of his power chair which weighs over 300 pounds and we need a lift or ramp to load it, which is the reason why we cannot purchase a regular car instead. Current indications with the response he is having to treatment has not given us reason to expect him to walk long distances in the future, although we do expect increased quality of life it seems that this particular hope is something we will have to pray for a different solution for. So with that projection in mind the power chair will still be needed and therefore transportation will be needed as well, making the van just as much of a need now as before he was receiving treatment.
We are so grateful for all the love, prayers, and support in our journey with Dave and his diagnosis of Hypophophatasia (HPP). Dave is still doing therapy and making encouraging progress.
We have had so many of you give towards the van we are overwhelmed with your outpouring of love and support! Thank you doesn't seem to be enough to express our gratitude but we are extremely grateful for each dollar given.
Most of you know we are concentrating on the need for a new handicapped van for Dave through this Help Hope Live campaign. Our current van has seen better days and will need replaced soon. It was just in the shop recently again for some more repairs. We're still working towards this goal, and are encouraged by the response and support from our family and friends!
Please feel free to share this link and remember your gifts are tax deductible since HelpHopeLive is a non-profit.
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God bless you and keep you, David & Sharon! Praise His Name for His never-ending love and faithfulness!
Yvonne Tavanyar
You are both very loved and appreciated!!
Global Team Network
The best is yet to come!
Thinking of your family XO
Sherri Palackdharry
You guys deserve every cent ❤️
Christian Harris
Hoping that van will soon be there!
Ed Loewen
We love you Dave! I can't wait to see you in your new van.
Kenton Brown
In honor of David D Talkington
Kevin & Tami Holman Kevin & Tami Holman
Love you Dave!
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of David D Talkington
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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The event for the disability community
Born to connect, empower and inspire the rare disease community.
A mobility dealer for wheelchair accessible vehicles and adaptive equipment