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Help Make a Difference in Stephan’s Life!

In May 2015, my husband Stephan Golden and I were involved in an ATV accident in which Stephan’s spine was fractured. Since the accident, he has had two neck surgeries and has been admitted to the hospital three times. Doctors are not sure how long it will take before Stephan regains full mobility in both hands and legs. He has had severe back pain and is still unable to walk totally on his own. As you can imagine, the care he needs is very expensive, which is why we need your help.

Updates (10)

January 18, 2023

We want to thank each of you for continuing to support and believing in the healing for Stephan.

We were trying to get him into Inpatient Rehab for the past 2 years. Today God open the door. After we were told he was denied again, after the doctors did an appeal and was also told denied. I then was asked on Friday , 1/13/23 to call and do a family appeal.

I wanted to call then but, i said i need to pray and seek God for the words. So I told our Elders from church what was going on and ask they pray for God's will be done not ours. So all weekend we were in a state of prayer and listening to see what direction to go in.

On Tuesday 1/17/23 , i called to request an fast track appeal and was ready to plead our case. The 1st customer service person didn't speak good English and ended up hanging up on me. I called back and the 2nd person said , i will research and call me back in 10 minutes but never received a call back ,after 30 minutes. I called back 3rd time and still 7person didn't understand English but they transferred me to Taylor who actually worked with Insurance Company and she was able to submit our appeal after speaking with me and the Admissions department. She told me that i should hear back in 72hrs. But, God, Admission called today 1/18/23 and said to me. I don't know what you said but, Stephan was approved.

I told her it was not me but God who open a door no man can close. Stephan goes back to Inpatient rehab at WakeMed hospital on this Friday. Not sure for how long but, we believe he will be there as long as he needs to get better. God get ALL the glory.

Thank you all for prayers and your financial support. We love and appreciate you all.

November 21, 2022

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May 22, 2024

Prayer for the restoration of the mind, body and soul, in Jesus name.

Amelia Holaway

May 19, 2024

Best wishes and love from Durham, North Carolina!

Kelvin Mosley

June 8, 2023

Let brotherly love continue!

Amelia Holaway