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My name is Ashley Foster, I am 30, and I live in Scottsdale Arizona. At the age of 17, I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis. Gastroparesis is a condition of the GI tract, causing delayed gastric emptying. Because of this, anything I ate or drank sat in my stomach for a prolonged time, causing nausea and vomiting. Due to my excessive nausea and vomiting, I was unable to receive enough nourishment. In order to get all of the nourishment I need to sustain life, every night I hooked up to an IV solution called TPN. TPN stands for Total Parenteral Nutrition, it contained all of my daily nutritional needs.

Unfortunately, if being diagnosed with Gastroparesis wasn’t enough. I was also diagnosed with Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction. Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction is again a condition of the bowels that decreases the body’s ability to move food through the bowel. Due to this I experienced severe nausea, vomiting, bloating, constipation, and pain.

Updates (4)

December 24, 2014

Waiting and waiting.,, Thats the plan for now.

I have Officially been Listed!!! It's taken 4 long months. Now we just sit around and wait for that call. That call to come into their hospital, so the staff can start the prepping process. Last time it was 22hrs. From the time of the call to being wheeled into the OR.

Last time I was feeling a little more invincible. This time, I don't feel that. I must admit; I am scared this time. I'm scared of what I know is going to happen and the pain that I have to endure. But in the end of that is what it takes to have a better quality of life, then it's worth it.

I've also had a strange feeling recently. A feeling of needing to be ready. The have all my ducks in a row. All my loose ends tied up. So I'm doing my best. And I hate to say unfortunately it is the holiday season and accidents do happen. It's hard to know that at the same time my family is celebrating that my donors family is grieving the loss of their loved on. But we care extremely thankful for this wonderful gift they have given me and to others.

As time goes on. We are still in desperate need of support. My transplant journey has placed my family in extreme financial hardship. We can't do this alone. We need help from the community.

We have set up an account with HelpHopeLive. Don't forget, the end of the year is coming and we all want those tax deductions.

August 8, 2014

So My mother and I have made the Temporary Re-Location to Cleveland. We were so worried about housing and what to do. We were so blessed to find The Transplant House of Cleveland. The Transplant house was just opening up, just as we were to have our first appointments at Cleveland Clinic. So we ended up being the very first guests at the Transplant House. The timing was perfect, the location is perfect and the accommodations are perfect. We have our own little apartment with a kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, its a perfect little oasis to come Home to after a long day of appointments. The Transplant House has really gone above and beyond to welcome us and to make us feel so at home. It's truly a "Home Away From Home".

The last few weeks have been appointments after appointments. We have had day after day where we are at the hospital all day long. I've seen practically every specialist there is. Many tests and procedures. I still have a few more tests to do, possibly a few more doctors to see then hopefully we can get my Re-Transplant presented to the committee, approved, and then listed for my Transplant.

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March 26, 2009

Ashley, I so enjoyed talking with you at length last week at my desk. I went home and told your story to my 23year old son. My purpose was to show him that when he begins to think his life is crappy....well he has NO idea what that really can mean to some people! LOL You were going to go shopping when you left the Clinic that day. Did you ever get some pants that actually FIT you? I hope so! See you soon precious.

Debbie, Mayo Clinic

October 31, 2008

Ashley, you don''t remember me as I have only met you once. I think you were 13 at the time. You were visiting your grandma in Montana. I want you to know that I will be praying for you.

Ramona Plummer - Portland Oregon

October 26, 2008

My dearest Ashley and Miriam (Mom), I just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and sending our thoughts and prayers to you and your doctors!!! You are such a positive influence in all the lives you touch. Keep up the positive thoughts and remember you are loved much!!!!

Kate and Jim, NYC