Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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You don’t plan to have an accident that leaves you paralyzed. No one does—including Steve Foster, yet that is exactly what happened! While traveling home June 12, 2008, Steve Foster lost control of his Harley and was taken by Life Flight to the Texas Medical Center in Houston—in a coma with critical injuries. In spite of his prognosis, he beat the odds. Now a quadriplegic, Steve is paralyzed with a C-1, C-2 spinal cord injury. He is dependent on a ventilator some of the time. He has been implanted with the NeuRX Diaphragm Pacing System. His goal with the pacing is to work his way off the ventilator hours during the day or night.
Debbie, his wife, is employed by Clear Creek ISD and is now the sole supporter. Their medical insurance is through her employer yet we know they will have ongoing and unanticipated medical expenses not covered by private insurance. To assist with this financial burden, a fund has been established with the Catastrophic Injury Program of HelpHOPELive. HelpHOPELive provides both tax-deductibility and fiscal accountability to contributors. Funds are administered by HelpHOPELive for medically-related expenses only. Please help Steve accomplish his life-changing goals.
The goals for Steve’s campaign challenges are:
Quadriciser – A Quadriciser is a motorized physical therapy system that would give Steve an aerobic exercise. Steve was recently at TIRR (The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research) and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The Quadriciser is a critical part of his treatment, since Steve is paralyzed from the neck down. This is the only piece of equipment that would give him the cardio workout he desperately needs. The cost of this equipment is $14,500 and is not covered by insurance, even with a letter of recommendation from his doctor. Learn more at www.Quadriciser.com.
Home health care – this is an ongoing expense.
Durable medical equipment – manual wheelchair and wheelchair modifications.
Stem Cell Therapy
Please make checks payable to: HelpHOPELiveSouth-Central Spinal Cord Injury Fund
Note in the memo section: In honor of Steve Foster
Send to: HelpHOPELive
Two Radnor Corporate Center100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087
If you prefer to contribute using a credit card, call 800-642-8399 or select the CONTRIBUTE NOW button.
Helping one another is why we are here. Please help Steve reach his goals by making a contribution at any level. Steve, Debbie and their family are most grateful.
Nancy Harrison –Farries
Hi Steve..I know I don't get around to writing, but know that you are always in my prayers and I think often of your wit and the good times we all had. You were always able to make me smile.. Would love to come see ya'll maybe next time Donna comes. Love you..Suzie
Suzie Wenzel Marcella, san antonio
Steve - I'm so glad you are home now with Deb. And you have 2 wonderful children that love and care for you dearly. I've been continuously praying for your recovery. God bless Stevo, Love - Mel
Melissa Hunter, Houston TX
Bless you Steve, Debbie, and family. I am a coworker of Debbie at LCIS. I met you on your birthday and felt honored to do so! David and I are moved by your strength and love for each other. You have our admiration and support. We wish only the BEST for you and your family.
David and Colleen Reed
Steve, Stan & I ask about you all of the time and keep up with what''s going on through Brenda O. Everone that knew you at the Outpost sends their
best to you. You are a very strong man. Stan has been wanting to come see you. He will give you a little time to adjust at home and then call and stop by. Hang in there! We love ya!
Stan & Sharon Aden, Outpost Tavern
Steve - I am so happy to hear you are finally going home. I found out about the accident through Paula and Donna Eastman - I worked at SWA with Paula, you, Debbie, Donna Eastman, Paul Cooper and all of the old gang in Austin from 1978-1982. Those years are some of the most fun and happy memories of my life due to the extraordinary group we had and the strong bond we formed and still share. Suzie, Donna, Lori and I are still bonded soul sisters STILL after all of these years! That is how special our group was and is. You and your family have been in my prayers since I learned of the accident. I sent you, Debbie and your family Love, Light, Blessings, Healing, Peace, Courage, Strength, Inspiration and Miracles in Abundance. Many people near and far admire your incredible courage and love you and pray for you. Only Love heals, so focus on the Light and Love within yourself and that of all of your friends and family. May God bless you and keep you and your family. I pray for your continued recovery!
Vikki Taylor (formerly Vikki Beck at SWA)
Steve, I meet you thru your wife Debbie at CCISD. She has been my co-worker for many years and a great Friend. We''ve spent many hours talking about what a great people person you are and just a strong but big hearted teddy bear you can be. Debbie and you share such a Strong love, nothing will destroy that. As a family you will rise above this and build on this new venture in your lifes. Neither one of you will be alone, you have the love of each other and the love of family and friends.
Linda Shaffer - League City, TX
I got to this site via Paula Falconer/Steve Moore.
We went to Southmore with Paula & Perla my sister Debra knew them a little better than me I think. It is weird how small the world is....
You must have made a gread impression on Paula she seems very close to you and Debbie.
I be stopping by soon
Dan Holmes Dickinson Texas
Steve, When I heard of your accident and visited with you in the hospital, I gave you my word I would do whatever it takes to help you through this. I''m still here for you and Debbie--and that''s something you can count on.
You''re strong as a bull, a fighter, and our real life Superman to have made such progress and will continue to do so in the days, weeks, and months to come.
Paula Falconer, Kansas City, MO
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Steve Foster
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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