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Your Support is Needed

It was another sunny Sunday afternoon in southwest Wyoming. I was returning home from an amazing weekend spent connecting with friends in Salt Lake City. Running through my mind were mundane thoughts like how I couldn’t wait to see my dog, what I could maybe find in my refrigerator for dinner, and how long it would take me to do the laundry.

Updates (8)

January 2, 2022

February 2, 2019

I am finally at a point that I am ready to try to make a difference with my life. I feel that God gave me this condition to use it to further the rights of those around me who are ostracized and forgotten about.

There were several injustices that I had to go through on my quest to get where I am. Many of them were demeaning, degraded, counterintuitive, and counterproductive. I feel there is no one more qualified to fight for someone with disabilities and myself. Vocational rehab has agreed to pay half of my law tuition. I am desperately trying to raise funds to help pay the other half of my tuition to allow me the opportunity to fight for the people that can’t fight for themselves. I am scheduled to take the LSAT on March 30th and there is nothing that can stand in my way.

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February 6, 2019

Hogan, I don\'t know if you remember me - we were in grad school together and on the same team for Schweiger\'s Strategy project. I\'m so sorry to hear about your accident and injuries, but have absolute confidence that you will emerge even stronger. Sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Lakshmi Rajasekhar

September 22, 2018

So admire your spirit and optimism, you’re an incredible inspiration. Can’t wait to see you soon and catch up! ~Peggie

Margaret Chan

July 14, 2018


Blessings, my friend. Thinking of you and praying for the best life. You deserve it.

Rusty Adair