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Dear Friends, Family and Supporters,

My sister Kim, age 42, was hit by a driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol on November 14th, 2010. As she was slowing down to prepare to stop at a stop sign, the driver of the vehicle came over a hill traveling 100 mph and slammed into the back of her vehicle. Kim’s spinal cord was severed as a result of the accident and is severely damaged. The doctors told us, she is paralyzed from the chest down and will never be able to walk again due to where her injuries occurred.

Updates (2)

November 11, 2015

I really should be updating this site. With my Anniversary date approaching fast I cam say it has been one long fight with my health issues. They say it takes 2 years to adjust after a Spinal Cord Injury and that is true in my case it has taken me 3 and a half years with all the set backs I've had.

On April 5th, 2012 I managed to break my left Femur as I was in my road to recovery from the Spinal Cord Injury that led me back to the Hospital for another Titanium Rod in my body that runs from my hip to my knee. I have been in the Hospital so many times in the last 5 years than my entire life.

I had a health scare last year from a UTI that really had me scared I almost died from the UTI which set me back.

My Son who was 10 at the time of my Accident has had to grow up fast because of the Accident. He is doing well but still has a hard time coping as he is afraid of what his friends may ask he doesn't invite them to our home. He has had to help care for me when I should be the one caring for him. He played Football for the past two years and stopped playing when he started High School this year and joined ROTC. He wants to join the Military in 3 years but he is afraid of going to far away from me l, he feels it is his job to help me. I always encourage be the best he can be and to follow his heart. I am very proud of him and the young man he is becoming.

The person that ruined our lives because he chose to drive under the influence never spent a night or day in jail. He was let go because the Police Officer never wrote him a ticket for DUI even though you could smell it on him, he was also driving with a Suspended Drivers License for DUI. My father worked hard on trying to get the Toxicology Report from the Hospital and the Sheriff's Dept. Kept giving them the run around by saying they were working on it but, what they were really up to was helping the person stay out of jail by postponing his Court Date twice and that was long enough for him to get his Suspended Drivers License

Reinstated from the previous DUI. This person has really ruined our lives and he is able to continue on with his. He never had to pay any of my bills because he didn't have insurance. I have a bill that I pay on each month that I will be paying on the rest of my life because it is $30,000.

I am very thankful to each and everyone who have prayed & donated. the ones that have stopped driving under the influence. I truly hope others that drink or take medication to remember my story and you will think twice about driving under the influence. It ruins so many lives!

You don't think about bad stuff until it happens to you or someone you love then it's to late. In my case I wasn't the one drinking I was almost killed by a driver who was so high he couldn't stand up. So you also have to pay attention all around you for people who like to drive after they have indulged in Alchol and Drugs. Someone close to the Driver told the DA that right before the accident happened he had to pick him up out of a Ditch and couldn't hardly walk without falling down and he had no business driving. So many people came forward to tell on him.

I truly hope you get a Designated Driver for the Holidays approaching..

I am sorry I have jumped around on this update. Just so many things going on in my life and my Son's life as we are still trying to cope that I'm not able to walk. It's been extremely hard on my youngest Son that I don't know a day that I have not cried since being injured. How do I tell my child that gets excited when he see's my legs having Spasms (that I have more and more of this month) that it's just a Spasm and I am not moving my legs it's only a Spasm causing them to jump? Well it is hard because he wants me to walk again. Texting & Driving is actually worse than Drinking & Driving.

Right now I have been stuck in the house since my (jan. 2015) lift on my Van is broke. My Van is the only Transportation I have to get to my Doctor appointments and since the lift actually cost more than a manual chair I am trying to save up the money for the manual chair then I will be able to ride with anyone since s manual chair can be broken down where a Power Chair can't. I have been stuck in my house for 11 months because of the lift on my Van. My insurance will not buy me a manual chair since Medicare has already purchased a Power Chair a year ago.

I am sorry no one has ever updated this page. I will try my best to update once a month.

Wishing you all a early Thanksgiving! And in Honor of the Vets thank you for your service and we will be thinking of all our Military on Veterans Day especially my oldest Son who was in another Country this month 5 years ago when he got the dreaded call that his Mother may not make it through the accident. Also to my Brother Darren he served as well..


December 21, 2014

I really would like to have an FES, Bike to work on... unfortunately th er especially not an FES Bike in the City I live in the closest one would be 6 hours, away from what my Therapist told me.. so very bumped out about it but it's life and its my life and life continues to roll on....

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