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Family and friends of Scott Bieber are raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.

Scott is a 1982 MAHS graduate, with long and strong family ties in the area. Until progressive lung disease, caused by rheumatoid arthritis, debilitated his activity level, he worked in construction and enjoyed being an avid outdoorsman. His wife of 20 years, Julie, and their 2 teenage children have been Scott’s rock. While caring for and supporting Scott’s needs at home, Julie has juggled her job and graduate school work, and both of their children have maintained honor roll status, active participation in sports and scout activities, and after-school jobs, all while their oldest prepares for college in the fall!

Updates (2)

June 5, 2017

Scott had his second bronchoscopy last Friday. No sign of rejection. He still has a feeding tube and one chest tube on the right side. He is on an all liquid diet for now. He has high hopes of eating real food asap. His spirt is high he's been walking short distances when his blood pressure co-operates, it has been very low lately which is a side effect of his anti-rejection medication. Soon he will be transferred to Montefiore part of UPMC a rehab. hospital, which will help him regain necessary mobility!

May 27, 2017

Scott received donor lungs on May 16, 2017 after waiting anxiously with close family for 24 hours. The surgery went as normal. However, after surgery he had some excessive bleeding which almost required another trip to the OR luckily 5 blood transfusions saved him that trip. We have also just learned of a fungal infection called aspergillus in the his new lungs that is under control now, but if it spreads to other organs can become deadly. We were also just informed that he will need to stay an extra 2-4weeks for extensive physical and occupational therapy. Our family lives 4+ hours away from the hospital that being said we must stay in Pittsburgh for 3 months after Scott's discharge. We must maintain our home near Williamsport, while also taking care of Scott in Pittsburgh. We must pay for food and lodging in Pittsburgh while also paying on medical bills from passed ER trips and current UPMC bills. All being considered we are thankful for his donor and hope that he heals quickly so we can take him home it's a long road ahead but we are getting there.

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