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Family and friends of Travis Gibson and his family are raising money to pay for medical expenses associated with a double lung transplant. The family lives in Georgia and will be having the transplant in Charleston, SC. It is a requirement to live within 10 minutes of the hospital for 3 months post transplant.

Travis has chosen to fundraise with Help Hope Live because of tax deductibility for corporate donors. Donors can be sure that funds donated will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Donate Now button.

Updates (14)

January 15, 2018

Travis has had the transplant, and there have been many trials and problems along the way. He is stable and making progress, slowly but surely. I apologize for not keeping this updated there have been so many things going on from moment to moment that it was all I could do to keep 1 update location. So to see the journey and read my updates please visit the public Facebook page, Transplant for Travis. Thank you for your love, prayers and support.

December 14, 2017

Here is an update from yesterday afternoon. This video was live on Facebook:

After arriving at MUSC, the doctors decided the lungs were not good enough to do the surgery.

After waiting on traffic to clear a little and eating dinner in the hospital cafeteria, Travis was told there was a chance a different pair of lungs could come to him. They wouldn't know anything until after midnight Tuesday night. Em and Travis went to stay at Em's grandparents' house in North Charleston and headed home today. Someone else received those lungs last night. please pray for them and both donor families.

Please continue to pray for the perfect lungs for Travis!


August 10, 2017

Travis and Emily, Your Ipswitch Community is thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. Your courage and spirit is an inspiration to all of us.

Ipswitch, Inc.