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James Needs Your Help

Family and friends of James Woodward are raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.

Updates (15)

November 28, 2021

Hi Everyone,

I've been putting off this update for a couple of weeks.James has not completely bounced back from his last exacerbation. As a result, Dr.Whelan thinks it's time to list him and" get those old lungs out". We knew this day would eventually come, but it's a big change. We're still processing the emotions and probably will be for awhile.

Tomorrow (11/29/2021) starts a week of testing to make sure the rest of his body is healthy enough for the transplant. It's possible that by December 9th he could be on the list and waiting for new lungs. We need your support now more than ever. Please keep us in your prayers. I know God's got this, but I'm also human which means it' still a little stressful.

We also need your help with fundraising. 4 years ago when we started this journey they (MUSC) told us we would need $11500 in a separate fund to cover transplant related expenses not covered by insurance. They came up with this number, not us. One of the people we meet with this week is their financial counselor. I imagine this number will be updated at that time. Please help if you can. Thank you so much to those who already have.

Love you all,

James and Elizabeth

September 6, 2021

Hi Everyone. I'm sorry it's been so long between updates. James is doing well. In fact, at his last transplant evaluation his PFT's and 6 minute walk showed improvement. Since he's doing so well they are still not ready to list him. This is a good thing. The longer he can do well without a transplant the better. Remember the average life expectancy after transplant is 5-7 years . They don't want to shorten his life by transplanting too soon. His next evaluation is the day before Halloween . I'll update again after that. Thank you all for your prayers and support. With your help we've raised $2,283 only $9217 to go. Everyone please stay safe and healthy. We've lost too many friends to covid and don't want to lose any more.

Love you all,

James and Elizabeth


April 1, 2020

Prayers for James and you!

Lisa Williams

September 18, 2019

The my friend and fellow rider, Spikot. A military veteran, grandfather taking care of an adopted grandson and wife is in need of a lung transplant. This to help a loving husband and grandfather to continue to care for his family and grandson. Please donate as giving as one can be.
Thank you so much.!
God bless and prayers.

James Merkley