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On February 19, 2018, less than two months after his father passed, my husband Tony received a call that we never expected and that would change his and our family’s lives forever. It was his doctor calling to tell him he had liver cancer! In addition to treatment, he was also in need of a liver transplant.
The transplant could save and prolong his life. On March 6, 2019, Tony received his new liver! However, our journey is not over nor will it ever be because for the remainder of his life, he will have to take anti-rejection medications (which are very expensive) to prevent his immune system from rejecting his new, healthy liver.
In addition, we now face lifelong medical appointments and tests to make sure the liver is still working properly and his cancer has not returned. Yes, he has health insurance, but as you are probably aware, it only covers a certain percentage of his medical treatment.
Therefore we are continuing to ask family, friends and others to join us in fundraising for the non-profit organization Help Hope Live to help us with these critical expenses we now face.
Tony is a sweet, quiet, humble and mild-tempered individual who is greatly loved by his family and friends. Before their father’s passing, he helped his siblings to care for him. He also helped them to care for their mother who had dementia before she passed.
Here are some ways your donations will help us: (1) we will be able to cover the costs of expensive anti-rejection medications that his insurance will not cover, (2) we will be able to pay for his transplant medical care that his insurance will not cover, (3) you will be helping us to ease some of the financial burden of a transplant and (4) Tony and our family will be able to focus on him continuing to live with his new organ and having a happy life with his family and friends.
Additionally, by making monetary donations, you will be helping Tony and me to stay afloat during this lifelong crisis (one of the hardest we have ever faced). Until now, we have never had to publicly ask anyone for help. Initially, Tony wanted no one (not even his family) to know of his illness because he is simply a very private person. However, this experience has helped him to realize that sometimes in life things happen that cause us to reach out for help. And when they do, we cannot let pride nor anything else get in the way of our seeking and asking for the assistance we so desperately need. So, part of our efforts to endeavor to assume self-responsibility for Tony’s medical needs is through fundraising.
Sad to say, sometimes it takes actually having to experience something for ourselves before we will reach out to help others. That’s okay because honestly, it does at times takes walking in another person’s shoes to move us to offer assistance to others.
Tony, I and our family thank you so very much from the depths of our hearts for any contribution you can make (no matter how small it may be in your eyes)!!! Every bit adds up 🙂 .
Family and friends of Tony are raising money for the nonprofit organization Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
Tony and I have chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility to the full extent allowed by law for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you again so much for your support!
The Billings Family
It's been nearly a year since my last update. Tony is still doing well. We've had our ups and downs regarding his health, but for the most part, we're doing good. This month, he will see his liver specialist for his six-month follow-up, have more CT scans of his chest, abdomen and pelvis, have a telephone appointment with his radiology oncologist, and have his monthly follow-up appointment with his chemotherapy oncologist.
In December, 2021, we celebrated our 40-year wedding anniversary! Since our children were young when we had our last family portrait taken, the only gift we wanted from them was a family photo of all four of us, and thankfully, they delivered! I've posted one of the pics here under an album titled "Family Photos".
Well, that's all for now. Thank you all again so very much for your ongoing love, support and encouragement!
From our hearts to yours,
The Billings Family (Tony, Maxine, Tasha & Stefan)
Today is Monday, May 10, 2021, and Tony finished his last and fifth round of stereotactic radiation for two more areas in his left lung where the liver cancer has spread.
Last month, he had more CT scans of his chest, abdomen and pelvis. Although, his scans looked good overall, his chemotherapy oncologist advised us that the one left upper-lobe lesion in his lung had gotten bigger and she would confer with his radiology oncologist regarding whether or not he needed more stereotactic radiation.
The radiology oncologist told us there is also the progression of a tiny tumor in a new location that is close to the bone. Initially, he prescribed four more rounds of stereotactic radiation for both areas but a couple of days later changed it to five lower dosages that would not be as toxic. He was very optimistic about the treatment. Tony did really well and has not experienced any side effects. He has a telehealth appointment next month with this oncologist and will have a post radiation scan in three months. He also continues to see his chemotheraphy oncologist monthly.
God continues to care for us and provide us with everything we need thanks to everyone's prayers and generosity. We could not have made it this far without your love, encouragement and support. Thank you again from the depths of our hearts! We love you all very much!
The Billings Family :)
Today is Wednesday, January 6, 2021. Tony started taking his chemo pills a little over three months ago. He has experienced several side effects, but they are not as severe as they were initially. He has been following-up with his oncologist.
Yesterday, he had CT scans done of his chest, abdomen and pelvis. Today, he saw his oncologist and received his CT results. Wonderful news!!! His scans look good! The nodules are decreasing in size! There are still two that the oncologist has reached out to his other oncologist about to see if more radiation is needed. He is to continue taking his chemo pills. Today's labs also were fine! His next follow-up is in four weeks. He will have more scans in three months.
As always, thank you all so very much for your ongoing prayers, love, support and encouragement!
The Billings Family :)
A lot has happened since my last update. Sadly, Tony's chest CT from earlier this month showed that his four radiation treatments from May and June, 2020 did not work like they should have. Initially, he had one cancerous nodule in his left lung. The cancer is spreading, and there are now multiple nodules. They are still small, but there are quite a few of them.
He will be given systemic therapy (chemotherapy pills) to slow down the growth of the new nodules. Data shows the pills will not cure the cancer or make it go away forever. The goal is to get it stabilized so it does not get worse.
The cancer is stage 4 because that is the stage given for any cancer that spreads from one organ to another. It could get worse. Not many patients get shrinkage so it is better to not get any new cancerous nodules.
He will have CTs done of his chest, abdomen and pelvis the first part of October and a follow-up appointment with his oncologist later that month.
Again, thank you all so very much for your ongoing prayers, love, support and encouragement!
The Billings Family
Today, Tony had his one-month follow-up with his oncologist. After the next CT of his chest which will be performed around September 7 or 8, 2020, we will know how his radiation treatments affected the cancerous spot in his left lung. His next follow-up appointment is September 9, 2020.
Again, we thank you all so very much for your ongoing prayers, love, support and encouragement!
The Billings Family
Today is 6/4/2020. Tony had his last round of radiation yesterday and got to ring the bell :) ! He received his first on 5/26/2020. His schedule was changed again. He had his second round on 5/28/2020, his third on 6/1/2020 and, as mentioned, his fourth and last on 6/3/2020.
We are extremely grateful that this is behind us. As always, we greatly appreciate your continued prayers, encouragement and support!
While you're here, don't forget to watch the video of him ringing the bell as well as the pictures.
From our hearts to yours!
The Billings Family
Today is 5/25/2020. I am three weeks behind on updates. Tony had his consultation with the oncologist on 5/11/2020. He will need four rounds of high energy radiation called Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. The likelihood of success is excellent :) !
Thankfully, also, the spot is tiny. There are almost no side effects from the treatment, but the most common is fatigue. He may also have some skin irritation. After his last treatment, he will have a one-month follow-up with the oncologist.
Originally, treatment was to begin 5/18/2020. However, when we got there, it had to be postponed until 5/26/2020 because the radiation was not targeting the area like it should have.
So, we are going back tomorrow for his first treatment. Hopefully, this time, everything will go as planned. If so, his remaining three treatments will be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (5/27/2020 to 5/29/2020).
Again, thank you all so very much from the depths of our hearts for your ongoing prayers, love, support and encouragement!
The Billings Family
Today is May 2, 2020. A few days after Tony had his MRI this past March, we got the results. There is a spot on his left lung. The doctors advised he should have a biopsy to see if it is cancerous, and if so, what type of treatment is needed.
He got the biopsy this past Monday, and we received the results yesterday. He has liver cancer in his left lung and needs more radiation treatment. The good news is it's only in one spot and is easily treatable. He has a consultation with the oncologist on May 11, 2020.
We will continue to keep you updated here. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We've made it through what was hopefully the worst but still need your support.
Thank you very much!
The Billings Family
Today is March 16, 2020. Tony's six-month follow-up with his liver specialist went really good!
He was taken off one of his two anti-rejection meds, so now, he will only be on one for life. His visits for labwork were decreased from once a month to every two months. Due to his heart issues, he will remain on one aspirin a day. He will have another follow-up in a year.
There is an eight to ten percent risk of the liver cancer returning. He had an ultrasound and two CT scans done, but we have to wait for the results. CTs of his abdomen and chest will be repeated in six months.
We are eternally grateful that he made it to the one-year anniversary of his transplant and look forward to celebrating many more! We also remain thankful for everyone's ongoing love, support and encouragement!
From our hearts to yours,
The Billings Family :)
Today (9/11/2019), Tony saw his liver specialist for his six-month follow-up. All went well. He just needs to watch what he eats because he has gained five pounds since his last visit three months ago :) . One of his anti-rejection meds (Cellcept) was reduced from two twice daily to one twice daily. His magnesium prescription was also reduced from two twice daily to one twice daily. He will have his labs repeated in two to four weeks to see how he is doing on the lower dose of Cellcept.
He also had an MRI today to see if the tumor has returned. Results came back normal. His next follow-up appointment with his specialist is in March, 2019 (the one-year anniversary of his transplant) :) .
We continue to view everyday as a blessing because Tony is still here with us. We are also still very appreciative of everyone's ongoing prayers, love, support and encouragement!
Thank you again so much from the depths of our hearts!!!
The Billings Family :)
Tony went for his three-month follow-up appointment with his liver specialist on 6/11/2019. The doctor released him to return to work on 6/15/2019. My depression has set in because although I hate that it took him and our family going through this, I'm sad that he and I won't be having all the time together that we have over the past three months :( . Anyway, he still has lifting restrictions of no more than 50 pounds until September. His next three-month follow-up is also scheduled for September.
He also had his first MRI since receiving his new liver. There is only an eight percent chance of the cancer returning after transplant, but the doctor wants to be overly cautious to make sure it has not returned.
For the next month, he still has to continue getting weekly labs. Then he will get labs every other week. Eventually, he will get them once a month. Thereafter, it will be every three months for lifetime.
Changes were made to more of his medications: (1) two more prescription meds were stopped, (2) the number of times per day he takes one other prescription med was decreased and (3) he can stop taking his daily multi-vitamin as long as he continues to eat right.
So, transplant-wise, he is still doing great! However, his vision has gotten considerably worse in the last three months since he saw the ophthalmologist two days before his transplant. He has cataracts on both eyes and needs surgery on both. Surgery had to be postponed due to his transplant, and his liver specialist instructed him to wait until mid July. So until he has the surgeries on both eyes and his vision improves, I will continue to be his chauffeur :) .
Again, Tony, I and our entire family want to say thank you so very much for everything!!! We could not have made it this far in this lifelong journey without all of your prayers, love, support and encouragement!!!
From our hearts to yours!
The Billings Family :)
Today is 4/15/2019, and Tony and I not long ago got home from his first appointment with his liver specialist since his transplant on 3/6/2019.
As always, he received a good report. However, there is an issue with his kidneys--they are okay but not as good as they used to be because of the surgery (transplant). To hopefully remedy this, the specialist may at a later time change one of his anti-rejection meds to a different one.
He cannot yet return to work and still has some restrictions regarding lifting, exercising and stretching. He will continue to go once a week for labs. His next appointment and MRI will be in mid June.
Thank you all again so very much for your ongoing prayers, love, support and encouragement!!!
The Billings Family :)
Today is April 9, 2019. Last week, Tony's lab visits were reduced from twice a week to once a week. We went this morning. His Prograf (one of his anti-rejection meds) level was high again so they reduced his dosage again. He is still doing very well :) !
I just responded to several lovely guestbook messages. Oh, they so touched my heart!!! We are so blessed to have all of you!!!
The Billings Family :)
Today (March 19, 2019), is post-transplant day number 13, and Tony is still doing very well as you can see from his post-transplant picture :) :) :) !!! Before the transplant, he did not like to smile when he was photographed, but now, he is showing off that beautiful smile of his :) .
For the first few months, he has to go twice a week to the transplant center for lab work and to see his doctor. He got good reports again today. The only thing is he has been losing weight because his appetite is still not back to normal although it is improving. The dietician told him he needs to eat plenty of protein especially the first three months.
If his labs are still up where they should be, they will decrease the number of anti-rejection pills he takes twice a day :) :) :) .
He was hoping they would remove his staples today, but it's too soon. They should be able to next week.
Thank you all again so much for continuing to stay in our corner through this life-altering experience!!!
The Billings Family :)
Today is 3/12/2019. Tony was released from the hospital yesterday, 3/11/2019 :) :) :) !!! He is doing so well one of his transplant doctors called him a "rock star". In my opinion, that is exactly what he is because he is greatly admired for his tenacity, strong will and determination to overcome any obstacle thrown at him.
Of course, he still has many challenges to overcome in rebounding from his surgery. One includes conforming to a whole new way of life in order to continue living. There will be huge adjustments for us all as his family but especially for him. However, I have complete trust that Jehovah God will continue to help us through.
As I stated earlier, our journey is far from over, so please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so very much!!!
The Billings Family :)
Hello again, everyone! It's still 3/7/2019. Guess who just called me! Tony :) :) :) !!!
I was not expecting that! He sounds fantastic!!! He still sounds a little groggy but says he is doing good!
Oh, I forgot to add that when he called, he was not even in the bed. He told me he was sitting on a chair in his room :) !
Please keep sending up the prayers!
Thank you,
Maxine :)
Fantastic news :) :) :) !!!
Yesterday (3/6/2019), Tony received his liver transplant :) :) :) !!! The call that there was an organ for him came about 1:00 a.m. the same day. We had just gone to bed when the phone rang! Tony jumped up and answered the call!
The hospital wanted us to be there by 3:00 a.m. We arrived about 2:30 a.m. I've uploaded a pic of Tony and me as we waited for his surgery to begin which wasn't until over 12 hours later.
As Tony, our daughter and I drove to the hospital, my thoughts were bittersweet. I was so, so happy that my husband was being given the gift of life. However, in order for him to receive it, someone else had lost theirs :( .
About 2:30 p.m. yesterday, an employee of the hospital came to take him to surgery. Once we all reached the surgical floor, another employee escorted us to the waiting area while Tony was being prepped for the surgery which would take four to eight hours.
Periodically during the transplant, the staff would call my cell phone and give us updates on how everything was going. The update that really affected me emotionally and mentally was the one we got about 7:30 p.m. They had taken out his old liver and were sewing in the new one, and everything was still going good :) ! I started to think about him lying there with one of his vital organs having been removed from his body and being replaced with a new one that was once inside the body of another person. The only word I can use to describe how I felt is surreal. It was bizarre--not in a gross way but in a way that was extraordinarily unbelievable.
About 11:00 p.m., we received the last update that the surgeons were finished, everything had gone well, there were no problems, the new liver was working and in about 20 minutes, we could see him.
Throughout the surgery, I had been trying to envision how he would look when we first saw him. I was afraid he would not look like himself and would look poorly. However, that was not the case at all!
Although there is a breathing tube protruding from his mouth, he looked just like himself but only better. The skin on his face appeared so soft, smooth and blemish-free :) ! Immediately, I could tell that just as the doctors had told us, the new liver was indeed working :) !!!
This morning, I called to get an update on him. This is what the nurse told me: He had a good night. He is still on the breathing machine since he's not yet ready to breathe on his own. Everything is good. He is a trooper. :)
Yesterday during the surgery, our daughter and I were talking about how our experience has moved us to sign up to be organ donors. Sometimes it takes personally going through something in order for our minds and hearts to be more open to things out of our comfort zone.
Again, Tony, I and our entire family greatly appreciate the love, support, and encouragement you've shown us and continue to show!!! Our journey is far from over, so we still need your prayers and support. Please remember anything that you can share in a monetary way is also still greatly appreciated regardless of how small it may seem to you.
We are still working on a community fundraiser event and will continue to keep you updated regarding it. We also still have donation jars in two local businesses here in Temple, GA where we live, and we also very much appreciate the love and support of all who have and are placing donations in them!!!
Tony & our entire family :) :) :)
We received an e-mail yesterday (2/4/2019) from Piedmont Transplant that Tony's MELD score is now 28 which has put him at the top of their list :) ! We can get called at any time to be notified that there is an organ for him. However, it can also take weeks or a couple more months. It's now the beginning of another phase.
We are in the process of getting together a fundraiser event, and I will keep you up-to-date about it.
Again, we thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement and support!!!
The Billings Family :)
Tony's MRI from this morning (1/17/2019) looks good! The tumor still appears dead, but his liver specialist wants to review it with his transplant team a week from Friday. If they agree, Tony's MELD score will be bumped up to 28, and he will probably get his transplant next month.
This is a very pivotal time for Tony and our family. Even with insurance, pre- and post-transplantation costs can be astronomical. Therefore, we will need all the help we can get. My family and I are planning to have some type of fundraiser soon, and I will share more information about it later.
Again, we are extremely grateful for your prayers and encouragement and to everyone who have made monetary contributions toward our cause. Whatever amount you can give (no matter how small you may feel it is), please know that it is generous to us, and we greatly, greatly appreciate it!!!
Please also continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
The Billings Family
Today is December 26, 2018. Last week (12/21/18), Tony and I celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary!!! Including the time we dated before we got married, we've been together 41 years!!!
It will soon be a year since we learned about his cancer. We've been through a lot together, and all of it (good and bad) has made us stronger with God's help. I feel extremely blessed to have such a wonderful and loving husband, children, family (fleshly and spiritual) and dear friends (some of whom I have never met in person)!!!
Thank you all again so very much for your ongoing prayers, love, support and encouragement!!!
Maxine Billings :)
Good news! Today (12/18/2018), Tony saw his liver specialist. His next MRI will be done in January 2019. If it shows the tumor is still dead, his MELD score will be bumped up to 28, and he will likely get his transplant the following month in February!!!
Thank you all again so much for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!!!
The Billings Family :)
Hello, everyone! Just want to let you all know that your donations are already helping us with Tony's medical expenses not covered by his insurance. We recently submitted a bill to Help Hope Live, and within just a matter of a few days, they had paid it out of your contributions!!!
Again, thank you so very much for your support and encouragement!!!
The Billings Family :)
Great news!!! Tony's recent MRI looks good!!! If for the next three months the tumor stays dead like his liver specialist thinks it will, his name will be bumped to the top of the transplant waiting list. Therefore, we're looking at a spring transplant!!! :) :) :)
Also, since he's doing so well now, the doctor advised we could cancel this week's appointment with him and reschedule it for December. :)
Thank you again so very much for your continued prayers, love, support and encouragement!!!
The Billings Family :)
Tony's EGD went great today! It took less than 30 minutes, and this time, no esophageal banding was necessary. Next EGD will be performed in three months.
His blood count is still low, however. So, yesterday, his primary care doctor put him on an iron supplement twice a day. In two weeks, he will have his blood tested again.
Other than that, all is well for now as we await his transplant :) !
Thank you all again so much for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!!!
The Billings Family :)
Received great news today (8/31/2018)!!! There are no more new lesions or cancer :) :) :) ! Next MRI due in November.
Thank you all again so very much for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!!!
The Billings Family :)
Hello, everyone! I know it's been a while since I posted any updates. As usual, Tony and I have been busy going back and forth to his various appointments.
During his most recent EGD on August 9, 2018, the gastroenterologist had to perform a procedure in order to prevent him from developing more internal bleeding. Afterwards, he felt extremely uncomfortable from pain and discomfort in his throat and chest. He did not want to go to the emergency room and toughed it out.
However, two days later, he had gotten to the point where it was beginning to be a little unbearable, so we called the doctor's office after hours and left a message for the on-call doctor. He called us back immediately. He assured us that what Tony was experiencing was normal following the procedure. However, he informed us that if his pain became severe or he developed a fever, we should go to the ER. Thankfully, we did not have to go, and over the next few days, he continued to get better.
Yesterday, another MRI was performed. His liver specialist called us today to give us the results. There is a small spot to the right of where the previous spot was. It looks cancerous, but he wants to get a second opinion. So when the hospital committee meets this week, he will discuss it with them and call us back Friday.
We're trying not to panic. This is why they are keeping a check on his liver so if any more cancerous spots do appear, they can treat them and kill them or keep them small until he can have his transplant.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and thank you again from the depths of our hearts for your support and encouragement!!!
The Billings Family :)
Today (8/2/2018), Tony saw the nurse practitioner in the gastroenterologist's office regarding scheduling his next EGD. It will be performed next week.
He's experiencing pain in his right side and still has not regained all of his strength. He was advised to take it easy and take things day by day.
No pictures to share today as my mind was all over the place as I searched through his humongous file for his medication list which I could not find. Recalled I probably had not put it back since his appointment last week with the liver specialist. Got home and learned that is exactly what I had done :) .
Thank you again so much for your ongoing prayers, support and encouragement!
The Billings Family :)
WOW!!! More great news to share!!! Today (7/25/2018) at Tony's appointment with the liver specialist, we were told last month's MRI indicates that the tumor is DEAD :) :) :) !!!
But he definitely needs the transplant. So Piedmont Transplant has to prove for six months that it stays dead or small. If it does, he will probably have his transplant in February or March :) :) :) !!! So until then, the doctors want to keep him as healthy as possible.
They also want him to follow-up with his gastroenterologist to have another EGD.
The doctor prescribed him two new meds to prevent bleeding. Since he has heart disease, the aspirin a day that was recently stopped due to internal bleeding, will be started back after the transplant.
His next MRI is scheduled for next month, and he is scheduled to see the liver specialist again in October.
Oh, by the way, he now weighs less than me :) :) :) !!! I have really got to stick with my exercise and healthier eating now :) .
Thank you all again so much for your continued prayers, encouragement and support!!!
The Billings Family :)
As I shared yesterday (7/19/18), we got the wonderful news that Tony's name has been added to the transplant waiting list!!! Today (7/20/18), Tony received his letter in the mail officially informing him. Needless to say, he and our entire family are extremely happy!!! :) :) :)
Thank you all again so very much for allowing us to share this critical, lifesaving journey with you and for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!!!
From our hearts to yours!!!
The Billings Family :)
I have some fantastic news!!! We learned today that Tony's name is on the transplant waiting list!!! :) :) :)
He also saw his primary care physician today for his one-week follow-up since his release from the hospital. Unfortunately, his feet are still swollen, especially the right one. The doctor said it may have something to do with his protein levels. He has to return in a month for follow-up.
I called our Coordinator at Piedmont Transplant to let her know that his feet are still swollen. She advised if his feet are warm to the touch, have no feeling or have discoloration that he should go to the ER because it could be a blood clot. Thankfully, he's not experiencing any of those symptoms! She also said the doctor may have to prescribe a helper pill to aid with the swelling. He has an appointment next week to see his liver specialist.
As always, thank you so much for your ongoing prayers, support and encouragement!!!
The Billings Family :)
Tony's feet have been swollen since last Saturday, and I've been so worried about him. We've been soaking them in Epsom salt and warm water. Also, a couple of times, I rubbed a mixture of ginger and almond oil on them. The next day when he got home from work, the lower inside of his left leg had a red rash. Later the same day, the lower inside of his right leg also had the same rash.
I wanted him to go to Urgent Care, but since he was in no pain nor experiencing any other symptoms, he did not want to go. Last night, I emailed pics of his feet and legs to our Coordinator at Piedmont Transplant and called her this morning. I feel so much better after talking with her.
She said with liver disease, swelling of the feet can happen suddenly. He needs to continue to watch his sodium intake. His labs he had done last Friday look good, but his blood count is still a little low from all the internal bleeding he had.
She is going to see if the doctor wants to prescribe him some water pills. But as long as he is not weak, dizzy or in any pain, he should be okay. He should also keep his legs elevated.
The rash on his legs could be from the essential oils I put on his feet, but I can keep applying the hydrocortisone cream I've been putting on them. Oatmeal baths will also help.
He already has an appointment with his liver specialist for next Wednesday, and it's okay for him to wait until then to see the doctor.
That's it for now. Have a beautiful day!!!
The Billings Family :)
Whew!!! A lot has happened since I posted my last update! To make a long story short, Tony had to go back to the ER the very next day because he was getting worse instead of better. He was extremely weak. I was just getting ready to go to the store to get him more liquids and foods that I thought he would be able to keep down when one of the coordinators at Piedmont Transplant called back to check on him. She advised if he was having a particular symptom that it was a sign he might have internal bleeding.
So, we returned to the ER and were told that since the day before, his blood count had dropped from 12 to 9. Turns out he did have internal bleeding. He was admitted and just got released today (July 10, 2018). Again, we so greatly appreciate the excellent care the hospital staff gave him during his stay!!! :) :) :)
Our young nephew and niece whom we simply adore and consider our grandchildren (since we have none of our own :) ), made him a sweet and beautiful get well card and brought it to him the day they visited him in the hospital (pictures of it are in his photo album). They are so precious!!! :) :) :)
Needless to say, he and our entire family are so glad he is better and back at home!!! While you're here, please look through his photo album as I've posted some recent pics.
As always, thank you so much for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!!!
From our hearts to yours!!!
The Billings Family :)
Tuesday night, Tony had to go to the ER because he was vomiting and throwing up blood. We were afraid it had something to do with his liver. All his tests came back normal, and the doctor told us it was probably food poisoning. He recalled feeling funny after eating some fig newtons the day before.
Anyway, he is no longer throwing up but is still very weak. I've never seen him this sick before. It's hard witnessing a loved one being ill and especially so when you're used to seeing them feeling strong and well. :(
Thank you all again so very much for your continued support, encouragement and prayers!!!
From our hearts to yours!!!
The Billings Family :)
Our family just received more good news!!! Tony's name will likely go on the transplant waiting list this month!!! :) :) :) His case will be taken to committee today.
Piedmont Transplant will get insurance authorization which will probably take 2-14 business days.
Also, Tony has to get more labs done which he can do at any Piedmont facility on a walk-in basis.
Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you very much!!!
As always, this is from our hearts to yours!
The Billings Family :)
Great news!!! The tumor is dying!!! :) :) :)
Today, we had four appointments at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Newnan, GA.
(1) Naturopathic follow-up (Dr. Chang)
(2) Lab (blood) draw
(3) Nurse assessment (vitals checked -- all good)
(4) Medical oncology follow-up (Dr. Meiri)
Dr. Meiri showed us the scans from March 23, 2018 (very first one they did) and June 14, 2018 (one done six weeks after initial treatment) so that we could see the difference in the tumor. Dr. Meiri told us, "The tumor is dying. Big difference. Really awesome."
He sees no other tumors. Labs are good. Liver enzymes are slightly elevated. There is some lymph nodes enlargement, but that is normal. He will continue to monitor the tumor. In eight weeks, another CT scan (whole body) will be done. Thereafter, they will alternate with a MRI scan (liver only).
So, things are looking good, and hopefully, Tony's name will soon be on the transplant list!!! Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Again, we thank you all from the depths of our hearts!!!
From our hearts to yours!!!
The Billings Family
No pictures to share today, but I attended our last two transplant classes today at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. So, now all that's left for Tony to do to get his name on the waiting list is to complete the recommendation to obtain the Hepatitis B vaccinations which may be done under the direction of his local family doctor. He's already scheduled for next month to get the second of the three-shot vaccine.
Thank you all again so much for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!!!
And as always, this is from our hearts to yours!!!
The Billings Family
Well, today (June 15, 2018), Tony and I attended the last of our mandatory two support group meetings at Piedmont Transplant in Atlanta. We learned so much more than at the previous meeting. So, we are now another step closer to his name getting on the waiting list!!! Of the mandatory four transplant classes, we have two left to attend and plan to go to them next week.
Before the meeting started today, we took a bunch of selfies (because I didn't like how I looked in any of them). My intention was to upload only one to his campaign page, but I've posted all of them (except for the one I liked the least) in his "Photo Galleries". To view them, just click on "My Update Pictures".
Also, while you're here, even if you can't make a donation, please feel free to sign the guestbook sharing a few words of encouragement. I understand that sometimes, it's difficult to know exactly what to say, but we never know how something as simple as an uplifting word or two can brighten someone's day. As the Scriptures say, "A word spoken at the right time—how good it is!"--Proverbs 15:23
Again, we thank you all so very much from the depths of our hearts for your prayers, support and encouragement!
From our hearts to yours!
The Billings Family
Tony's appointments today (June 14, 2018) at Cancer Treatment Centers of America went very well! He wasn't in the mood for pictures today because he had not long gotten off work and was tired and sleepy. However, I took a lot of pictures and shot a couple of videos of one of the spectacular water features and two beautiful, white swans along with some pretty, colorful Koi fish in the pond on the grounds of the facility. To view the photos, click on "My Update Pictures" under "Photo Galleries". If I'm able to share the videos, I'll add them later.
Now, for our great news! First, his MRI was done. Later, we saw his oncology doctor who gave us the results.
Ninety-nine percent of the activity around the tumor area is dead which is really good. There is only a small area that is inflamed, but it's likely some healing going on from his radiation treatment last month.
The doctor liked what he saw and is very optimistic that no more treatment will be necessary. However, before he can say for sure, another MRI scan will need to be repeated in three months.
In the meantime, we'll continue our visits to Piedmont Transplant in Atlanta. And hopefully, he'll soon have his name on the waiting list for his new liver!
Thank you all again so much for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!
From our hearts to yours!
The Billings Family
Hello, everyone! Just want to share with you some more great news about Tony's transplant. Our Pre-Liver Transplant Coordinator left us a message regarding today's hospital committee meeting. The cardiologist gave the committee clearance for Tony to continue to be a candidate for transplant which means he is closer to getting on the transplant list.
There are still two more transplant classes and one more support group meeting we are required to take before he can get listed. We are taking our last support group meeting this Friday and our last two transplant classes next Tuesday.
We just could not wait to share our wonderful news with you!!! Thank you all again so very much for your continued prayers, support and encouragement!!!
From our hearts to yours!
The Billings Family
Hello, everyone! Tony and I just want to share a quick update with you about his heart catherization that was performed today at the Fuqua Heart Center at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, GA.
He has a lot of calcium on the outside of his blood vessels in his heart. There is also calcium in his main artery which is a condition called calcific non-obstructed coronary artery disease. Therefore, he will have to continue daily taking an aspirin and his Lipitor for the remainder of his life.
Today's cath completed the evaluations required pre-transplant. Based on today's test results, in combination with his previous results, the doctor gave clearance for him to receive his transplant. Of course, his name will have to go on the waiting list. We will continue to keep you updated.
Also, we'd like to take this opportunity to again thank you all for your generous donations, heartfelt prayers and words of encouragement! You are true testaments to Proverbs 17:17 which says: "A true friend shows love at all times, and is a brother who is born for times of distress."
Thank you so very much!!! From our hearts to yours!!!
The Billings Family
Today, Tony and I went to the pharmacy at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Newnan, GA, to get one of his herbal supplements that his naturopathic oncology doctor prescribed.
He is still doing well and in good spirits. He has an appointment next week at Piedmont Transplant in Atlanta, GA, to get his heart catherization done. Will share update. He's also scheduled next month at the treatment center to get a CT scan to see how his radiation treatment earlier this month went. Will share update on that as well.
Thank you all again so much for your generous donations and heartfelt prayers!!!
From our hearts to yours!!!
The Billings Family
Thank you so very much, everyone, for the love, support and encouragement you are showing us!!!
At the moment, Tony is doing well. He is still in good spirits. He did express to me today that he is not depressed and wants to keep it that way. He is very quiet, reserved and humble. Therefore, unlike me and some people who feel the need and desire to verbally express our feelings, he is just the opposite.
In light of this, please do feel free to (if you see him or talk with him) ask him how he's doing but not dwell on it because talking about it too much will make him depressed. And as you can probably well imagine, the state of his mental and emotional health are also extremely critical to his being able to get through this very difficult time.
So again, thank you all so much for helping us to endure!
From our hearts to yours!
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Hey, Jo! Thank you so very much for your continued love, prayers, encouragement and support!
Tony & Maxine :)
Maxine Billings
Sending BIG HUGS and PRAYERS your way.
Jo Turner
To: Kimberly Goodloe
Kim, my dear friend,
Thank you so much for your ongoing love, support and encouragement!!! Tony and our family deeply appreciate it!!!
Maxine :)
Maxine Billings
To: Taun Patterson
Dear Sis,
Oh, how wonderful to hear from you!!! I totally understand as I don\'t go on FB a lot anymore myself.
Thank you so much for your kind words, and please know that I feel the same way about you!!! Your prayers, love, support and encouragement mean so much to Tony and our family!!!
Maxine :)
Maxine Billings
To: Charlotte Boykin
Dear Sis,
Oh, how your message deeply touched my heart!!! Thank you so much for your beautiful comments and your ongoing love, support and encouragement!!!
I totally understand why being an organ donor is so important to you!!!
Your sis Maxine :)
Maxine Billings
To: Cameshia Garricks
Dear Cameshia,
Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words!!!
Oh, how wonderful that you are following in the beautiful footsteps of your dear mother!!! I can just imagine how proud of you she would be!!!
Your love, encouragement and support mean so much to Tony and our family!!!
Maxine :)
Maxine Billings
Praying for you, Tony and entire family
Kimberly Goodloe
Sis. Maxine,
Unfortunately, this is the first I am hearing of all that your husband along with your family has been going through. I haven\'t been on FB often. You are suck a sweet & kind person. I would have been so disappointed I did not give you support at this time. I am exceptionally happy to know all has gone so well. You & your family will also be in my prayers.
Continued success to your husband.
Taun Patterson
Sis, your message about Tony and the journey of the family was very inspiring. I too am a organ donor. The family knows that this is important to me.
Charlotte Boykin
Blessings to your family. When my mother passed away June 2010 she was an organ donor. Her eyes, heart and liver were donated to help others. I made the decision to be an organ donor at 16yrs old and she made her decision then to be an organ donor.
Praise God for his blessings!!!!
Cameshia Garricks
To: Pam Gilmore
Pam, thank you so very much for your ongoing prayers, support and encouragement!!! We are forever grateful for your genuine love!!!
The Billings Family
Maxine Billings
Keeping hope at the forefront.
Pam Gilmore
Cindy, thank you so very much for your continued prayers and words of encouragement!!! We so greatly appreciate them and you!!!
The Billings Family
Maxine Billings
We are praying for healing and blessings.
Cindy Woods Dukes
To: Pam Gilmore
Dear Pam, thank you so much for your continued prayers, love, support and encouragement!!! Tony, I and our entire family greatly appreciate everything you and everyone else are doing to help us through this stressful time!!!
Maxine Billings
Tony and Maxine.: Continue to be strong. Keeping you and family in prayer.
Pam Gilmore
Andre, thank you so very much for your comforting message!!! Tony, I and our entire family greatly appreciate your prayers, support and encouragement!!!
Agape\' :)
Maxine Billings
In my prayers. Tha is for the updates.
Agape \'
Andre Clark
Andre Clark
Jesse and Penny, thank you both so much for your kind, loving and comforting words! We greatly, greatly appreciate your love, friendship and prayers!!! We love yall too!
Maxine Billings
So sorry for the disease that your husband Tony has, mine and Pennys thoughts and prayers are with y\'all. We all know prayer and friendships help us get through these troubled times. Great news the tumor is dying. We love y\'all, take care ?
Jesse & Penny Hicks
Muriel, thank you so very much for your kind and loving words of support and encouragement!!! I and my entire family also greatly appreciate your prayers in our behalf!!!
We love you too!!!
Maxine Billings
Sending love and prayers to you both. May Jehovah support you and give you strength. Love you.
Oh, Clara, thank you so very much for your endearing and encouraging words!!! Your prayers and encouragement mean so much to my family and me (more than we can find enough of the right words to convey)!!!
Maxine Billings
Sending prayers, love, and light. A believer, I know your God got this! Stay encouraged, motivated and spiritually fed. Keep the good lord first, keep living & loving on each other, family and friends...blessings
Clara Freeman
To: Maxine Dobbs-Berry
Cousin Maxine, Tony and I are deeply touched by your expressions of comfort and encouragement!!! Yes, as you said, I do believe that Jehovah will help us through this. Exactly how, I don\'t know. But I have complete confidence that He will, somehow, some way. I already see one way He is doing so now with all of the love and support you and so many others are showering on us. We really feel loved and cared for.
Thank you again!!!
Maxine Billings
To: Pam Gilmore
Pam, Tony and I both thank you from the depths of our hearts for your comforting words of support and encouragement!!!
Maxine Billings
Maxine and Tony, you are in my prayers,
I pray for a suddenly miracle, i pray for finances to come from the North, South, East, and West to supply for all your needs, i pray you both and your family faith stay strong, i pray Tony, will not be depressed or oppressed by the defeated enemy, Tony will win this battle with the help of our Lord Jehovah and His dear Son Jesus Christ..love you all dearly family❤
Maxine Dobbs-Berry
To Maxine and Tony. Always in your corner
Pam Gilmore
JoAnn, thank you so very much for your hugs, prayers, support and encouragement!!!
Maxine Billings
To Tony and Maxine with lotsa hugs and prayers. ❤️
JoAnn Turner
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Tony Billings
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
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