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My name is Douglas Gravagna,and I am 44-years-old and living with my mom in Sun City, AZ (due to an existing health condition). In 2006 I was diagnosed with viral cardiomyopathy. As my health began to deteriorate, I required more specialized medical care which led to a hospitalization for congestive heart failure. It was at that time that I was informed by my doctors that the only real chance for a healthy life would be to undergo a heart transplant. This led to extensive evaluations at the University Medical Center in Tucson. Fortunately, I was deemed to be a good candidate.
For most of my life, I was an independent contractor and later worked for five years as an engineer at the Four Seasons Resort in Scottsdale — a job that provided me with private health insurance. When the economy shifted, I was one of the many who lost their jobs (due to cuts), and subsequently, I lost my health insurance coverage.
My current insurance provider is AHCCCS. At the time of the transplant evaluations, AHCCCS stated that there should be no problem in having this life-saving transplant covered by insurance as long as I was deemed to be a good candidate. Then in October 2010, I was notified by Mercy Care that my need for a transplant was denied, based upon the then recently enacted bill HB 2010. In 2011 there was a reversal of HB 2010 and I was once again eligible for a transplant.
My health continued to deteriorate. In 2010 alone, I had 13 hospital stays for congestive heart failure and arrhythmias. My injection fraction is less than 6% which in layman’s terms means my heart is that of a 95-year-old man. Not many people have the resources to meet the financial obligations associated with transplantation, such as: travel and temporary relocation to the transplant center and the costly immunosuppressant medications that I will need to take for the rest of my life. My plea for support from friends and the community is greatly needed to ensure a successful outcome for my future.
I am determined to help myself receive this much-needed heart transplant. Transplantation is expensive (approximately $650,000) — a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with HelpHOPELive. HelpHOPELive is a nonprofit that has been working with the transplant community for 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only.
Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution today.The Gravagna family thanks you in advance for your support and donations.
Douglas Gravagna
Sun City man waits for heart transplant -- read article and watch video:
Transplant Candidate Takes Aim at Arizona's Access Health Program
Fox 10 (Phoenix, Arizona)
February 17, 2011
Patient wants AHCCCS for delayed approval for transplant
By Jim Cross/KTAR
February 17th, 2011
Man Denied Heart Transplant Asks for Independent Investigation
February 18, 2011
'Man cut from Medicaid transplant list may soon have no insurance at all'
01/28/2011 KTVK
A Valley man already taken off the transplant waiting list because of budget cuts to Medicaid may also lose all of his health care benefits. Frank Camacho reports.
'Gov. Brewer/AHCCCS Fail for Months to Tell Patient and Family that He’s Really Been Covered All Along'
How Many Other Patients Have Been Forgotten / Mistakenly Left Without Hope Since October 1, 2010?
Douglas Gravagna, one of the Arizona 98, has just received astounding news from AHCCCS (Arizona Medicaid) and Governor Brewer’s office.
It turns out the past four months of agony, grief and fear he and his family have suffered through were completely unnecessary. Those weary days and sleepless nights spent during the holidays are now supposedly a byproduct of “miscommunication” by AHCCCS and the Governor’s office.
The state of Arizona approved lifesaving organ transplants for 98 citizens. On October 1, 2010, Arizona reneged on that promise of life in the name of budget cuts saving $13,877.56 per human life (granting the state saves $1.36 million next fiscal year, as reported by the Arizona Republic newspaper).
On October 7, 2010, Douglas Gravagna and his family were sent formal notice he was one of the 98 AHCCCS patients for whom organ transplants would no longer be covered effective October 1, 2010.
On January 31, 2011, Kim Vega, Douglas’ sister, received a phone call from a Deputy Policy Director in Governor Brewer’s office indicating “a mistake may have been made” and that Douglas was still covered by AHCCCS for his heart transplant. The Governor’s office promised to mail a letter stating this in writing.
On February 3, 2011, after appearing at a press conference supporting Rep. Anna Tovar’s legislation to restore transplant funding, Kim Vega again received a phone call from the Governor’s office letting her know they “heard about the press conference earlier today” and “just wanted to make sure you (Kim) knew the letter was on the way”.
On February 3, 2011, Douglas and his family received formal notice from AHCCCS that he is, indeed, still covered for a heart transplant and should have been notified of that on November 1, 2010. The letter apologizes “for any miscommunication” and claims “internal records indicate AHCCCS staff communicated this to you by phone”. No phone call was ever received.
This begs a number of questions: how many other families may still actually be covered that have not been properly informed? How could AHCCCS and the Governor’s office make such a mistake? What steps will be taken to spare other families additional needless suffering?
“When the Governor’s office first called me, they claimed to have received none of my correspondence from the past year”, said Kim Vega, Douglas Gravagna’s sister and advocate. “They said they got none of the messages, letters or emails I’ve been sending.”
“How is it possible that my brother and family were made to suffer so much and this mistake is only being realized now? My brother and family were subjected to unnecessary stress and fear, which we are confident has added to the consistent decline in Douglas’s health. We would never have subjected Douglas to media coverage in order to make a plea for his life. After months of trying to reach them, they suddenly discover this when we start appearing on television? We are grateful and thank God Douglas has a chance at life again, but it leaves us wondering: how many other families have slipped through the cracks with this administration? Is another person on this list by mistake? Has someone already died who wasn’t supposed to?”
“I started off simply trying to help my brother, my own loved one, just like so many of the other families. Now that Douglas is safe, I realize my journey is not done. As a matter of basic humanity, I will not stop until we make this right for all the families living through the same nightmare my family is experiencing.”
# # #
Contact Information:
Kim Vega
Sister of Douglas Gravagna & Arizona 98 Family Advocate
(602) 578-8114
'Arizona Contemplates More Death Panels'
As seen on 12/14/10 MSNBC's Countdown with Keith OlbermannDouglas Gravagna is featured
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
'Health Care, Budgets & AZ’s “Death Panel'
12/21/10 NPR
Douglas' sister, Kim Vega, is featured.
AP Photo - Day Life
Douglas Gravagna reacts to a speaker as he and others gathered to discuss the state's budget cuts that have cut health services
'Valley man goes months before getting word on transplant'
02/13/11 KNXV Phoenix ABC Channel 15
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Hey Doug idk if you will remeber me it's laura corinnas little sister! I pray you have found a donor and all is well with you -always
Hi Douglas. Miss you immensely and hoping to help you with your situation. Let me know if there is anything you need. You have always been there for me and I would like to reciprocate your love and kindness. Email me at [email protected].
Todd Summers
HELLO MY LOST BRO,FROM ASTORIA,THIS IS STEVE MUZ......reply back on my personal email at
[email protected] email me back ASAP fast so we can talk on the exchange of phones.
PS: I dont want to put my ph#, out there just in case Sammy the Bull is reading ur mssg board lol.
Put ur home/cell # on my personal reply email.
Steve fish Muz
hi Douglas. I also read the article, and wanted you to know you are not alone in your battle to survive. I send heartfelt prayers as I am trying to be put on a lung transplant list. I feel the constant prayers for me have been miracles, and I wish the same for you. I have a wonderful support system, both in family, friends, and neighbors. I am truly blessed, and you will be in my prayers. My brother-in-law received a heart last year in Oct. from the Univ. of Penn. and he recently had a set back, but all in all he has gotten a new life. Take care and God Bless.
Sharon Tavares
I Doug; My sister sent a message to you on Facebook for me since I dont have an acct. I am the
women who lives in Sun City also, and am caring for an elderly parent also, and recently lost one.
I understand "the look" that "What are you doing here"glare in Sun City. I've experienced it for years.
I believe we have a lot in common, and was looking for someone to visit with that was under 80! :)
I am "Robyn See" [email protected]. I live near 107th and Bell in Sun City.I have a dog and a cat. Perhaps we can meet and visit some time when you are up to it. I'm not in the best of health myself, and on s.s.disability. I trust you are on that also? Cant imagine you wouldnt have applied in
your condition
Robyn See
Hello Douglas, I read the article about you in the Daily News-Sun and was very touched about your
situation. I am not rich and get many requests for donations but I had to help you to get your new Heart.
I wish I could do more, but I know every bit will help. Hang in there, my best wishes are with you.
Rita V
hi there, I helped you put some info on your facebook, at the library a few months ago, you said I was beautiful.. do you remember me? I saved your website so I could look at it later. I want to tell you 'I am compassionate to your situation and I will keep praying for you until yor 100% good luck - let God bless you in every way.. a friend you needed. Stephanie
Hi Douglas, I found you here!! I am Grace. We met at Dr. Bhakta's office on 5/24/2013. I now have a web address where I can send my friends if they are interested. Know that I am adding you to the list of friends that I pray for daily and to the prayer chain that my friends and I share. May God make Himself totally real to you. He wants to be your dearest and best friend.
Grace Waugh.Sun City, AZ
Wishing you the best. Hang in there.
we may be able to offer some help .
[email protected]
fell free to connect with me
enrico alfonse dargenzio, scottsdale , az
Douglas...continue your faith, your journey has just begun and the rewards will be endless in the future. We are so proud of your hard work, sacrafice and determination in this hour of despair. The Lord is a merciful God and he will hold your hand until you can stand strong once more. We love you and are here supporting you every step of the way.
Your loving family :)
Immediate Family
Douglas, Hang in there and know that many people are keeping you in their prayers.
Diane Doty New York
Douglas- I saw your story on Countdown and am outraged by your situation. I am a heart transplant survivor of nine years, receiving my second chance at life one day after turning 21. I can sympathize and empathize with you. I know the shortness of breath, the crushing chest pain, fatigue, restlessness, anxiety, etc, etc. But I cannot fathom going through all the tests for the transplant work up, being told you are a good candidate for a new heart, and then get blindsided by having your insurance taken away...I cannot think of anything more cruel. I can tell you are a good man, deserving of a new heart. I pray that you can find strength and hope in all who support you and that you will get your new heart...your second chance. I will be sending a donation your way -with much regret it is not more-and I will continue with these as long as I can and for as long as it takes. I wish you the very best. You are in my prayers. May God bless you.
Molly, Wichita, KS
Hi Doug,
Made another $50 donation and my company will match another $50. Will keep donating until you are better. Thinking about you often - Lots of warm wishes.
Doug, I watched you on Keith Olbermann and am newly outraged at how politics is involved in health care. I am poor myself and can't contribute more than a few bucks. To think that getting a transplant would depend on how much money one has is disgraceful. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope you get a transplant soon.
Carol Johnson, Ojai, Ca.
I listened to On Point yesterday, and am outraged that a 45 year old man can be refused medical care he needs to survive. I am sending a check so the credit card company doesn't take its percentage, albeit not a big one. Please don't give up.
Ellyn Spencer, Haverhill, MA
Don't give up brother, we're working very hard to bring attention and funds to provide you with a new heart.
Michael Gravagna/Murfreesboro
Stay strong Uncle Douglas! We are all here for you! Your an awesome guy, very giving to others, and very caring. No one will take this chance from you.. Mom is fighting for you every day, she will make sure you get that second chance at life for you have a future here with us. I love you...
paula jones/ peoria,az
Hi Douglas, you spoke very well on Keith Olbermann. When hard-working Americans like yourself are abandoned by their politicians, we need to take matters into our own hands. I'm honoured to do my very small part with a contribution. God bless you; I'll be praying for a successful transplant. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Ernst (NL, Canada)
Hello, Douglas - I, too, saw you and heard your story on Keith Olbermann last night (I never miss his show). My heart - and prayers - go out to you. I'm making a donation to your fund, and my only regret is that it couldn't be much, much more. Hopefully, this won't be the last time I'll be contributing to your cause. My own son had to had three stents put in a couple of years ago (the day after Christmas) at age 40, so I can well relate to having someone close with heart problems. I pray that you will soon have the funds for your transplant, as soon as a heart is available to you. Please know that many of us in this country are horrified by that awful woman with a heart of stone who happens to be your governor. I'm sure there's a special corner in hell for people like her! May God keep you in His care and bring swift healing to you very soon. Blessings to you and your family.
Martha (SE Louisiana)
Hi Doug....I an a devout fan of Countdown with Keith Olberman and I saw you on there tonight.....I am praying for you my friend and for the others as well. I can only contribute small amounts at a time because I am on SS Disability myself but I want to help and I know every little bit adds up. That ***** governor of yours and the no good republicans in the legislature will get theirs in the end....they will have to answer for their misdeeds to a higher power someday and I wouldn't want to be one of them when they do. Hang tough and trust the universe to hear your needs and provide for them.
Steve Creasey, Washington WV
Der Douglas,
I heard you speak on Keith Olbermann yesterday. I happy to help you with a contribution. I hope you get many more and get your transplant soon. Good luck.
Barbara Elizabeth,NJ
Thank you for sharing your story on Countdown – it was incredibly moving and must have been difficult. I have made a donation and have convinced my company to do the same. Your governor is an EVIL, self-serving woman but is not representative of all Americans. You are in my thoughts and I will continue to make donations until you have surgery. Wishing you a warm and healthy new year. Kristina
Douglas, after hearing your story on Keith Olbermann I was moved by your situation and I knew I could not sit back and do nothing. I made a donation today for you toward your heart transplant and I know that many others...the kind of people who watch Countdown...have already and will continue to donate to help you get your heart. It must be hard for you to wait. Stay strong and know that there are people who do care enough about others to lend a hand when they need help. Best wishes.
It breaks my heart to read your story Douglas...i pray for you and your family..I've lost my mother, sister, father and niece all within the past few years to various diseases..it disgust me that republicans and people like Jan brewer play GOD and call other people evil doers while innocent people like you end up getting caught in the middle...i happily donate to help get you the heart you need! my prayers and good thoughts to you and yours...GOD BLESS AND BE WITH YOU
Rene Rodriguez San Francisco CA
Douglas, We too saw you on Countdown. All I can say is that I feel bad that my wife could not donate more for your transplant. We are both recovering from hospitalization (I had surgery although not life threatening) and while I worked hard with Organizing for American (barackObama.com)to pass the healthcare reform act I am angry that the Right is attempting to overturn all of our good work. Those who have believe that the middle class and the unemployed (a sad oxymoron)are a burden on society who are better off dead. Boehner needs to shed his tears for the people of this country who need proper medical care.
I'm not a religious man, but I care. I hope with all my heart that you return on the donor list and have the "coin" it takes to survive.
You are on our thoughts,
Dennis & Mari Wish / La Quinta California
Douglas, I saw your story on Keith Olbermann and was touched by the humanity of your plea. I have donated to your cause and wish you well, friend.
Chris Pavlik, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Dear Douglas - I heard your story on Keith Olberman and want you to keep your faith that you will have a transplant and a happy ending. I dont have much, but am sending what I can afford. Good luck, God Bless. Lea Y. Tucker, Tallahassee, Florida
Leatrice Y. Tucker/ Tallahassee, Fla.
Douglas, I just saw you on Keith Olbermann's show and was moved by your current situation. Although my donation was small, I would hope that many others choose to donate to your cause as well, because if there are enough of us pitching in what we can, (even small amounts) then the numbers will certainly add up to make a difference. I wish the best for you and your family and hope you receive your transplant and experience a speedy recovery.
Jacob Hayden / LaVista Nebraska
Dear Douglas:
I have just watched you on the Keith Olbermann show. My heart grieves for you. I am putting my humble donation in the mail. I see your parents and grandparents in the clip that was shown. You have a wonderful clan. God bless you.
Mohamed and Shahtaj Agha
Mohamed and Shahtaj Agha, Hoffman Estates, IL
Dear Douglas,
Saw you on Keith Olbermann, MSNBC. I would pay your whole bill if I had the money. I will send check for $25.00. My best wishes to you, man! I have cancer, but I hope to hear you got that operation.
Doal W. Hanson
May God Bless You & Give You A Miracle. You will be in our prayers. Your Family is full of love for you, stay close and keep the faith.
Love In Christ- The Hurry Family Stafford VA
Hurry's Stafford VA
God bless you and America and God forgive your Governor.
Alex Smirnov, Moscow, Russia
Thank you for appearing on the, Keith Obermann, show tonight. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Diane Katofsky, Fremont, Ca.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and the gift of life. I will pray for you Douglas. God Bless you and your family.
Janice Brown
We are all praying for you and contribuing as we can so please hang in there, hope is the last thing we lose.
gene albelo/miami, florida
You are in my prayers.
Brenda Lawrence
Hang in there! Your family will continue to fight and support you. Your heart is waiting and a second chance on life will begin for you soon.
Much love: Kim Vega/Phoenix
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Douglas Gravagna
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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