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Alison Needs Your Help

I am Alison Largent; I have Stiff Person Syndrome or SPS and chronic Lyme.

Updates (18)

June 23, 2024

It has been a very long time and a very hard and difficult journey. I have the prayers and God to thank, and the love of my spouse that has stayed by my side, my parents, and friends that have watched out for me and prayed for me all this time. I am walking! I am out of the chair almost full time and I am thinking correctly!

It took going to the brink of death to get off many of the meds that were literally killing me and making me worse and shut down. I got infection after infection that almost destroyed my marriage and all my relationships with high fevers and very irrational thinking. Two rounds with sepsis from a very bad UTI causing multiple strokes and back to back hospital visits which forced us to cold turkey off all meds and focus only on the infection. It was during this time that I found my will to live again as I had given up due to all the episodes that were strangling the life out of me time after time for hours.....I was worn down and broken.

I prayed. I realized everything there was in front of me, my future grandson due in days, my mother that was truly ill with cancer that I needed to be with and most of all my husband that had been with me every step of the way.

While I was in and out of consciousness at the hospital my husband tried contacting SPS doctors all over the country and this time some called back! He found out the majority of the meds I was on I should never have been treated with. Not the doctors' fault as it is such a rare disease, all were doing and studying up on current treatments etc...but no one has the perfect answer as each person is different.

He located a doctor in our city that was knowledgeable and treated SPS. In my first visit with him and a very long question and answer session and a huge patient packet we had our first of many answers. First of all, I am extremely allergic to red dye, and in 6 of the medications I was taking the base compound was red dye. This explained much of the problems I had been having. This did not cure me but over the next year of treatment with him and some tweaking and evaluations we have come to a point where I have a life and it is somewhat manageable!

Thank you to the Great Physician Above and to my specialist Dr. Cohen, and the calls my husband made and the assistance those doctors we have our lives back. I can walk for a short period of time unassisted. I am clear headed and rational and working hard everyday to keep my newfound strength in my muscles and gain some flexibility without overdoing it.

As a former athlete I want to push and I do..... it helps to make some of the lesser tasks easier and for me to go a little bit longer. There are limitations of course. As I have stronger muscles they tend to tighten back up as soon as I don't move. Each morning I get out of bed stiff-legged, and it is not until I start moving and walking, that these muscles loosen at all. I am doing very gentle floor Pilates at home to strengthen my core and stretch gently and slowly. I listen to my body and do what I can everyday and will fight to keep out of that wheelchair I lived in for 5 years.

Although I may look perfectly normal at times, I have reminders that I am not cured....walking out of a restaurant fire engines came roaring down the streets with horns blowing and I was instantly spasming from the sudden loud noise. The Texas heat is brutal on me and hot or cold temps can set the spasms off, along with stress, strong emotions, and then there are the random spasms you can do nothing about.

But I take each and every moment as it comes. I enjoy the little gardening I am able to do and of course my art, and trying to give back to others as so many helped me along the way.

One other thing, I have found out I am not alone. Due to the publicity of this disease by Celine Dion, many others have posted their stories and I can relate in so many ways as our stories are similar. Some with the same infections and Sepsis and side effects from the meds. The depression and isolation that comes with this terrible disease due to the fear of going outside and having another paralyzing and painful attack. Although I would never wish this disease on my worst enemy, it is helpful to know that there are others that understand exactly what you are going through.

May 22, 2021

Well, you know being sick is soooo frustrating! Imagine having the aches of the flu along with nausea and then muscles that like to just have a mind of their own. An arm just sticks out, my head tilts suddenly, or my feet twist inwards and legs going straight. I swear they have a mind of their own and I wish the would get in a conference room and hash it all out as to who is doing what at one time and get coordinated! I mean that is what we do in business right?

The main thing is to not give up, do not give in. Don't give up on yourself and the kindness of others, and don't give in to the horrible path of depression. When you have this you go through a little bit of both and it is scary as I have never been one to do either of those.

The main thing here is, things are progressing, the meds work for a short time and have given me limited use of my legs, but walking sure beats the chair 100% of the time!

Then comes the bills from treatment which uses up any returns we get pretty quickly....along with the house updates we are working on a little at a time. Till then, the holes in the walls are from my big powerchair as I was going into a seizure and couldn't react fast enough......Yes its true the house has turned into a demolishion derby.

I am thankful for all the help I have received and for the unimaginable effort of Mckennon "Mac" Laas. However, it is that time again, as the funds have dwindled and I need help.

I am at the last vestiges of medical treatment known for these illnesses. What is left to consider is hugely expensive and/or unknown in their ability to help.

My nurse brought up needing outside assistance when I do not have a person at home, and mentioned the threat of being admitted into a home. I am too young and just cannot afford those options.

As much as I hate to ask for help - especially in these terms I must do so.

Thank you for showing your support and love, it keeps me hoping and fighting!

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January 31, 2022

Wishing you better days ahead.


John Miller

November 2, 2021

I am praying for you and your family. I pray for strength and blessings for you, as well.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Brandi Aikens

July 15, 2020

Best wishes, and thanks for setting such an inspiring example of living life to its best available during tough challenges.

Sara Laas