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My name is Katrina. I am a mother of a beautiful adult daughter. I’m active in my Church, Sorority, Lupus Support Group (Co-Founder and Past Facilitator), Knitting Group, Team Captain for the Annual Lupus Walk, and I Volunteer at various Performing Art Venues. I enjoy line dancing and hiking in local and regional parks.

Thank you so much in advance for your donations and contributions that will help me to continue living a quality life.

Updates (8)

February 22, 2021

February is the month of love. We recognize those who are dear to our hearts. Honestly, we should honor and recognize our love ones daily.

I would like to give thanks to my kidney donor, Kym, who surprised me at lunch in February 2020. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.

I also want to thank my life-long friend, Cynthia, for guiding me through the process of fundraising and website. Thank you Denise at for answering all of our questions.

Thank you to all who have donated and to all who have prayed for my health.

Peace and Blessings,


January 9, 2021

A New Year brings about perspective on what not only was, and what is to come but also what is NOW. Each day is a blessing from the Lord. We cannot undo our yesterdays; our tomorrows are not promised, but today, this moment in time, is so precious because it is a gift of opportunity to fulfill only that which we individually have been called to do. We can decide to spend THIS moment looking backward and wondering why or what if....or we can press forward walking in wisdom and thankfulness.

So my daily resolution is to choose to look at my PRESENT moment and ponder ways to show my love for God and my neighbor.


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