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Our Mommy Needs Your Help – Please join us in giving the gift of life.

In October 2016, our Mommy, Renee Houghton was suddenly stricken with Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle. One day she was our active, fun-loving Mommy, and the next she was in the emergency room unresponsive. We would ultimately be asked to say good-bye to her in the ICU not knowing when and if we would see our Mommy again. She spent the next 35 days in the hospital 21 of them in the CVICU. She is strong and never gave up overcoming so many obstacles in her fight for life. These were the scariest days for me and my sister Peaches, missing Mommy so much and praying for her to come home. This was an incredibly overwhelming experience for 2 little girls just 10 and 7 years old at the time.

Updates (2)

January 8, 2019

Mommy Comes Homes.

Our Mommy is now home recovering from her heart transplant surgery. The doctors have called her surgical recovery remarkable and are very encouraged. She has a long rode ahead of her as her body heals and adapts to her new heart. There will be good days and bad days, but she is strong and with the Lord by her side; she continues to overcome even what may seem impossible on some days.

The next year is critical as her Cardiac care team will monitor her for rejection of the new heart. As of now, she is showing mild signs of rejection which is not uncommon and they are treating it. We continue to trust in God who has gotten her to this point. She is one of God's great miracles, and we know He has a plan for her.

December 29, 2018

The best Christmas gift ever received!!!

After our Mommy's conditioned worsened, she was admitted into Duke University Hospital on 12/18 where she would stay until a donor heart came available. Four days after admission, a heart miraculously was initially matched. It was a slow process but the news the heart was foing to our Mommy dropped us to our knees....Glory be to God.

On Saturday, December 22nd at 10:15 am, the new heart and precious gift took it's first beats inside her body. ❤

She is currently recovering at Duke University Hospital and making great progress. We are so grateful for the exceptional care she is receiving. Her courage, bravery, strenghth and above all faith continues to inspire us and so many surrounding her in the hospital.


Unfortunately with this terrific news comes a financial stress more immediate than our parents planned. For example, we have had 2 weeks of unexpected lodging expenses while with her, and the medications expenses are another big one to her going home. No matter the cost, she requires them in order to not reject the heart. As we shared previously, even with the best health coverage many expenses are not fully covered.

We are so grateful and appreciative for everyone who has helped us, prayed and made donations. However, more help is still really needed in order to make our Mommy's recovery as positive and health focused as possible. We have made it so far to have this gift not come to full fruition. If you can help or share our story with your followers, we would be forever grateful. The smallest bit of help will make a big difference.

❤God Bless.

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January 15, 2019

Praying for your recovery and your sweet family. We all love and support you! ❤️

Haley Bade

January 15, 2019

God bless you and your family

Avery Kuhn

January 10, 2019

We love you Renee! If you need anything please call. We are SO very proud of you and your strength. Can’t wait to see you. Happy New Year honey, you got this!

Amy Arnold