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Jeff Needs Our Support

Jeff Harris is raising money to pay for uninsured medical, maintenance and other extraordinary expenses associated with his spinal cord injury which has rendered him a quadriplegic. Jeff was treated in the neurological ICU in Norfolk, Virginia before being flown back to Philadelphia where he spent several months at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital. The marriage of his “can-do” attitude and the assistance he’s received from friends and family via the Help Hope Live program have fueled his remarkable progress in the direction of an independent life.

Updates (5)

February 23, 2018

We are back for our 11th Curlathon year . It's incredibly tough to put into words the impact this event has had on my life. All I can say is it's life changing, and never take that lightly. My life would not be the same without you, and this wonderful event. Thank you to all who have attended, donated and volunteered making this event an incredible enduring success.

Your graciousness and benevolence have helped raise over 200k dollars. Each year the money donated goes to disability related expenses, which insurance won't cover. I have been able to purchase a wheelchair van and medical supplies, make necessary home modifications, pay for daily aides, buy wheelchairs of all sorts and most importantly enjoy this beautiful world.

I hope those who have attended in the past, plan to come again this year and make the event another resounding success! Those who haven't been yet, you are ALL welcome.

The event is open to everyone (friends, family, children, adults, strangers, etc.) and includes food, fun, drinks, and curling on April 7th from 8am to 11 pm.

To those who don't know about the event, the Curl-A-Thon, is a fundraiser put on by my friends and family at the Philadelphia Curling Club, which I've been a member of since 1997. All donations and proceeds go into a non-profit fund administered by HelpHopeLive, a 501(c)(3) organization, set up in my name to help offset continuing costs related to my injury.

Sooooo...stop in Friday or Saturday, say "Hello", have a beer, try your luck at curling. Every year we try to tie a theme into the event. This year were going to celebrate this years Olympics and all this years Incredible USA curling achievements.

If you're feeling adventurous and would like to try curling, come on out!

- Saturday, April 7th: Open curling will be offered from 6:30pm on, for all to try.

To my wheelchair friends, the club is NOT currently accessible and does NOT have an accessible bathroom. However, please don't let this discourage you, we have plenty of people to help you bump up and down a few small stairs. If you’re interested in getting out on the ice in your chair, we can make that happen too. Just give us a heads up.

March 4, 2017

Save the Date!!!

The 10th Annual Curl-a-thon is April 7 & 8, 2017.

Keep an eye out here for more details!

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March 28, 2025

Much love Jeff.... Lori and Pap

David Papalia

March 24, 2025

I was not able to get to the Curlathon this year but I hope it was a roaring success. May God continue to bless you, Jeff, with His love, peace, joy and health. Pete U

Peter Uzelac

March 22, 2025

Hope Curlathon is a huge success.

Todd Scheuren