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Lee Harris is raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with his spinal cord injury. Lee lives in Ames, IA and is being treated at Yonkers Rehabilitation.
Lee has chosen to fundraise with HelpHOPELive Catastrophic Injury Fund in part because HelpHOPELive provides both tax-deductibility and fiscal accountability to his contributors. Contributors can be sure that funds contributed will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses.
To make a contribution to Lee’s fundraising campaign, click the “Contribute Now” button. To email this page directly to others in your community, who might wish to learn about Lee’s campaign, click the email button and type in as many email addresses as you wish.
For more information, please contact HelpHOPELive at 800-642-8399.
Thanks for your support!
Ok, so here is the deal. If you have found Free Lee you probably know what it is all about. However, if you do not, here is a little information to get you started. My name is Lee Harris. (Thats where the “Lee” comes from). I am a 20 year old mechanical engineering student at Iowa State Univerisity. On Semptember 12, 2005 something happened that changed my life. I was involve in a bad motorcyle accident in which I shattered my spine. I had surgery to put my vertabrae back together with pins and rods but the major outcome of the surgery is that I am completely paralyzed from the chest down and am now confined to a wheelchair. (For those of you who really know your stuff my injury is technically a “T-5 T-6 Asia-A”) The doctors give me no chance of recovery. I however have a different fate in mind. After spending 6 weeks in the hospital, and another month or so at home with my parents I now live on my own. I go to school, I work, I party, I drive my own pickup. (If you want more info about me check out my Carepage , my carepage name is HarrisISU, check out my myspace page at www.myspace.com/wheelchair_warrior, or send me an e-mail. My email address is [email protected]) All of that is great, but my goal is to one day get out of this wheelchair. (Hints the “Free” part). The only way that we can find to do this right now is olfactory stem cell surgery followed by intensive rehab. The surgery is experimental and is therefore not covered by insurance. Although the rehab will be done in Detroit along with all of my preliminary doctors visits, the surgery is only done in Lisbon Portugal. Because of all of these complications I will be forced to come up with over $100,000. That is why I have this site. I am an extremely independent, strong and motivated person, but I can not do this alone. I need as much mental, physical, and financial support as I can possibly get. If you have read this all the way through you must have some interest in my quest and I greatly appreciate it, every message, dollar, and prayer I can get will get me one step closer to my goal.
Thank You,
Lee E Harris
P.S. If you stumbled onto this site via someone elses, go ahead, add me, I need as much help as I can get my name out there.
Well, so far I’ve got nothing, I am just getting started and feel a bit like a lost puppy at this point. I know my high school has made some efforts and there are talks of chili suppers and such floating floating about but that is in the future. One other idea I have is my logo, perhaps shirts, stickers, posters maybe with the logo on the. If anyone out there would be interested in purchasing or producing them please contact me. The benifit of something like this is two fold. Not only could it possibly help me raise some money, but it would also be a huge promotional deal and would really help the raising awareness part of my mission.
We will be using the HelpHOPELive (HelpHOPELive) to help us keep track and manage our fund raising. Check them out, we still have to come up with how to raise the money, but they should be a big help. Soon you should be able to make a contribution to my fund on this site as well, but give me some time, I’m still working out the kinks.
Everything is all set up with HelpHOPELive. Check out the link to learn how to make a donation.
The stickers are in, if you want one let me know!!!
Take pictures of your stickers stuck to, well whatever you feel the urge to stick them to, then send me the pics. I am going to try to get a slide show going on here but I need some material to work with.
If you would like to know about my hospital stay, the physical therapy I have done, or just how I relearned how to do all of those everydaythings that so many people take for granted, just let me know. I’ve got loads to tell but I’m not going to post it all on this page. Send me a message and I will bet back to you as soon as I can. You can ask me just about anything, so don’t be shy, like I have said before, the more you know the more you can accomplish. If someone else who is suffering from SCI is reading this page I encourage you espcecially to ask me any questions you might have.
Today is six months after my accident. I had to wait until today to do any contacting doctors about the surgery. They want to let my back heal as much as it is going to. Today is also a day of mixed emotions. I can’t help but be just a little bit proud of myself for coming as far as I have. The journey from a hospital bed to where I am now has been a long and hard one. However, almost overwhelming my sense of accomplishment is the fact that this has been the most difficult six months of my life. Before the accident I could never have imagined how hard this would be, both mentally and physically, but all I can do is put one foot in front of the other (well figuratively speaking anyway) and move on.
Today was my first doctors visit, it was just with my local general physician. We needed him to write the order for my CT Mylegram that I need to include with my written aplication to send to the clinic in detroit. He also got my medications straightened out what help me control my spasms and my bladder control. (If you want more info on that, send me message.) I am a little nervous with this being the first step in a very long process, but you can’t make a journey without taking that first step. Also the exitement of the possible outcome down the road has me really exited and it is great to get the ball rolling.
I had my CT Mylegram today. It went well, or at least I think it did anyway. I was in the hospital for a good portion of the day. Esentiall they do a spinal tap and inject dye into your spinal cord so that they can see it better on the scan. They insert it at the base of the spine, then tilt your bed so your body is as 45 degrees with your head down. (You have to hold on pretty tight.) They said some people get headaches but I had no complications. I did have to miss a day of class, but worse things have happened. It has been awhile since I’ve been in a gown on a hospital bed and I will tell you one thing, I do not miss it one little bit. I have a CD with the pictures from the scan, but I’m not a doctor, so as near as I can tell the show that my back is messed up (Duh). We just need to get the application finished up and get that and the pictures sent to Detroit and let somebody who knows what is going on have a look at them.
We got the application all wrapped up last night and the scans together and we are putting everything in the mail today. (Including a check for $150, small price to pay for success I suppose, but it still sucks) It will be a couple of weeks before we hear back from them so in the mean time keep in touch and pray for the best.
I had an interview today for an article in the mechanical engineering alumni newsletter. It is an article featuring yours truly and my turnaround since the accident and my return to school. It went well. It is the same story I have told many times, so chances are if you have read this far you already know it. Still I will try to post the article or a link to it after it is published as most of you will probably not be reading the alumni news letter.
Also I spoke with Kimbra (My physical theripist in Des Moines) and we set up therapy sesions starting April 3. The reason for this round of therapy is to learn how to walk with long leg braces. (KAFO’s) Well its not really walking, it will be more just swinging my legs through crutches, but I’ll let you know more when it happens. The main goal from this is to be able to order my own set of leg braces for use after the surgery, assuming all goes to plan.
I got some feedback supporting the idea of shirts and stickers and so on. I ordered the stickers today. They are 3″ by 5″ screen printed vinyl stickers with the logo and website printed on them. (There is a picture uploaded in My Photos ) The design looks pretty good, and I think the sticker will be a real quality product and turn out looking nice. I ordered them from Contagious Graphics , they worked very well with me to get my order taken care of and gave me a great deal too. I haven’t decided on a price yet, but they will be cheap, so tell your freinds. I should have them in about two weeks.
I had my first day of therapy this time around. This time I am learning to walk with what are called long leg braces. Basically what the braces do is keep my legs straight, so my ankles and knees are locked. I can still move my hips, well I can’t move them, but they move, which makes is hard. If I can get my hips popped foreward and my shoulders back I can get my legs to support my weight. Today I used a loaner set of the leg braces and worked in the parallel bars for about an hour. Next week I go to get measured to get my own set of braces. Once I get those I will go back to therapy and learn how to use them more. What it comes down to is it is an extreme amount of work for my upper body, and as far as using it to get around will really not be efficient. It could be useful for doing things like working on the pickup or other thing things you need to stand up to do. However, the biggest reason for doing it is that if I get to have my surgery it will give me a great start for the rehab that will come with that.
I went to spectrum orthotics in Des Moines today. I went there so that they could fit me for my own set of braces. The trip was pretty uneventful. I went down there and they took a bunch of measurements and made some plaster cast molds of my legs. Assuming everything goes through insurance I shouldhave my braces in a couple of weeks. After I get my leg braces then I can start therapy with Kimbra again. Until then I will just wait.
Also I got an email from Contagious Graphics and the stickers haven been shipped they should be here either this week or next.
The stickers came today and they look great. If you want one let me know and I will see what I can do to get you one. I have plenty. I have decided that I am not going to set a price for the stickers. So, if you want one, I will give it to you, but donations will be accepted as usual.
I got a letter from Detroit today. They have reveiwed my films and have sent them off to Portugal. Once they review my application over there they will be able to tell me whether or not I am able to move on to the next step of the process. The next step of the process it to go to Detroit for additional testing and meeting with doctors. Only after that can they tell me if I get accepted into the study. But as far as I’m concearned just knowing that the process is moving along is a good thing.
Other than that I have just been carrying on with life as usual. I am just going over a three week long struggle with a rather nasty little UTI. But I seem to be over that now. School ended up well, I had a 4.0 gpa this semester. I opted not to take any classes this summer. I will be working at Lowe’s as well as Kreg Tool this summer and expect to keep plenty busy. Other than that I plan to just keep moving on and trying to keep the ball rolling on my ultimate goal.
I went to the doctor today to get some final mesurements so they can finish making my leg braces. The should be done in the next week or two, then hopefully I should be able to get going on learning how to use them in therapy. I’m exited it will give me some added mobility and help me get back into doing some of the things I used to do.
I know I haven’t updated this thing in awhile. I appologize. I have been very busy, but medically, there has been very little going on. I have been working to jobs and keeping very busy. I have also been fighting uti’s for a few weeks now. All of this finally caught up with me wednesday. The current usi I was fighting got into my blood and created an infection in there and caused me some real trouble. I was at work and felt cold, my hands went kind of numb, started shaking, got light headed, got a headache, bad case of nausea. I went outside to try get warmed up, it didn’t work, all of the symptoms got a lot worse. They sent me home from work and I went to the doctor and they ended up sending me to the hospital. The got me on some IV fluids and antibiotics, as well as some morphine to get rid of the headache, it was a headache like I have never had. I finally got discharged yesterday and sent me home with some more anibiotics. But while I was there they did an ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder and I have two bladder stones. One and inch in diameter and one an inch and a half. These are probably the main source of all the infections and incontinence I have been having. So I have to go back to the hospital soon to either have them broken up and removed or surgically removed so they will stop causing me so much trouble. But I’m feeling better now and hopefully I don’t have to do that again.
Other than that whole ordeal a few other things have happened. I went to choice medical and ordered a new cusion. I ordered a rojo air cusion instead of my jay jell cusion because I have a pressure sore on my tailbone I am sick of fighting, that should be here soon. Also I got a call from Spectrum while I was in the hospital and my braces are ready for the final fit, so hopefully I will have them next week. As far as Portugal and Detroit go I have heard nothing more, just more waiting and wondering.
The last few weeks have been pretty uneventfull with not a lot going on. I did get my new cusion and my pressure sore is getting better. But in every other way the cusion is kind of pain in the ass. It makes transfering much more difficult, it’s kind of like sitting in a five gallon bucket. Also when I would sitin the cusion it would flatten out and rub in my wheels. I had skirts for my chair but they stuck up so high that they hit my but when I transfered so I made some of my own out of some clear 1/4″ acrylic. They work really slick and if you aren’t looking for them you don’t even see them. I also adjusted my chair to put some dump in it because my chair had none in it at all. However the axle was already all the way to the top up the adjustment, so I had to flip it upside down and backwards. But when I did that it moved the center of gravity foreward and I was always at risk of going over backwards. Since the axle was already adjusted all the way back I had to desing and machine some spacers that would slide onto the existing tracks that the axle slid on and still get the distance I needed. I designed them on the computer and had one of the machinists at Kreg Tool make them for me. There are deffinately some benifits of working there.
Medically there hasn’t been much happening either. I still don’t have my braces. The date just keeps getting pushed back but I am supposed to go monday the 10th, so hopefully nothing will change between now and then. Once I get them will start therapy the following thursday. I had a pre-op physical yesterday and I am having surgery next wednesday to remove my bladder stones. Hopefully they can get those all out and I won’t have to fight with uti’s quite as much as I have had to fight them so far. As far as Portugal and stem cell sugery I haven’t heard anything new. I will just have to keep waiting on that one I guess.
One final bit of information. This may really only pertain to other para’s and quad’s but anyone can read it. I did find out last weekend that I do not float very well at all anymore. I went to Manson, IA with a bunch of my buddies from school and while we were there we decided to go to the pool. I have not been in water since I have been hurt and decided to just wheel up to where the pool is about four feet deep and just jump in, so I did. But once I got in I figured out I do not float well at all. Treading water using nothing but your arms is really somewhat difficult, especailly when you have to do it in even three feet of water, but I suppose the more I do it the easier it will get.
Well, I have had a few things that I have had happen since my last post that I thought you all may want to know about. The first thing is about my new cusion. I mentioned previously that it was a pain in the ass, well apparently it really was a pain in the as because I have two new pressure somres bringing the total to three. It turns out when I got the cusion they didn’t put enough air it for me and thinking they were the experts it never crossed my mind to double check. I should have known better. I did however get it fixed myself and all three sores seem be healing up.
My surgery went well, they got my stones broke up with the lazer and out of me without cutting me open and I got to go home the same day. I recovered pretty quickly and and was back at work the next day. I think I may have a little bit of infection now. I have been fighting some bad temperatures, headaches, major lack of energy, and a few other symptoms, but so incontinence. I went to the doctor today and he seemed to thing I am doing all right, so I am not too concearned.
The final thing I have to mention pertains to my leg braces. I went down and did a fitting with them monday afternoon and the fit pretty well, but they did need just a little bit of adjustment. They are supposed to be done and waiting for me at the hospital thursday so I get started on another round of physical therapy. I will let everyone know how it goes.
I have had a few things happen recently and I think it might be time for another update. First of all for those of you that don’t know I was part of the top story on the Channel 5 news at ten last night (07/18/06). The Senate passed a few stem cell reasearch bills yesterday and the news was doing a story and they interveiwed me yesterday and I talked about the difference between adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells and what effect the passing of these bills could have on me. If you would like to watch it, the story is posted in the My Videos section of my myspace page. I only had about 40 minutes notice before the interview, but I think I did ok, and we even got the appartment clean in time. The news team also did a very good job with the story and I am happy with it, so check it out.
On a medical note I just wanted to mention that I had my first therapy session with my leg braces last thursday. It was very hard work but I made quite a bit of progress. I would really call what I do walking, it is more like hopping, but I did it in both the parallel bars and with a walker. There I are a few picture posted in the My Photos section of my profile and I am hoping to have a video soon. I will do some more withe the braces in coming weeks and I guess I will just have to see what sort of progress I make.
I got some good news today. I got an email from Dr. Lima in Portugal and he said that everything looked good to him and he had forewarded everything back to Detroit. So now I just have to get in contact with them and get some tests and those sorts of things set up. But now unless something unforseen comes up the surgery is a go and the fund raising begins, so keep checking to see what sort of things we have planned.
Other than that I have just been keeping really busy working and doing therapy with my braces. Things are moving along with that, I’m not sure how practical they will be, but the workout is good, and it is good to try something new. Also I went to the Breaking Benjamin concert last night with the crew from Lowes. It was about 100 degrees in there and there were thousands of people in there, but it was an awesome show and we had a good time. The only problem was I couldnt hardly see anything. Well it just so happens that the woman in front of me was a physical therapist in davenport and she wanted me to let her help me stand up against the gate so I could see over everyones head to the stage. I told her no, but like most therapists, she was relentless. So I lifted myself up agianst the fence and she helped hold me there and I got to stand up and see the stage for a few songs. I guess what they say is true, where theres a will, theres a way. Other than that just keep in touch, hopefully things will get moving along with the surgery and getting ready for it.
I know I haven’t posted in awhile, I have been really busy going back to school and working. I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally heard back from Detroit, and that they have put a hold on accepting patients to send to Portugual until they can review their screening and research processes. They didn’t give me any sort of a time frame, but judging by the email, it could be quite some time. There is still a possibility that I could work directly with Dr. Lima so I suppose that will be my next move. Also we are just finishing getting my HelpHOPELive stuff set up and hope to start fund raising very soon. I will find a way to get surgery, or whatever I need, a setback like this is just a bump in the road an is not going to stop me.
It’s official, the fund raising has begun. I just got word from HelpHOPELive today that they finished up the paperwork and everything was accepted and my fund has been set up. They are working on setting up my website, and as soon as that is done I will be placing a link onto my page.
In other news I have been contacting Carlos Lima directly and working out what I am going to have to do to get the treatment I need, Detroit or no Detroit. As soon as I get any more info I will let everyone know.
It is hard to believe it has been a year already. I just want to take the time to thank everyone who has been helping and supporting me. I know you will all continue to help in any way you can and I greatly appreciate it.
Also I want to let everyone know I have the site that you can now make a donation to. Just click the link below or go to the HelpHOPELive website and type in my name. Thanks.
Ok, so here is the deal. If you have found Free Lee you probably know what it is all about. However, if you do not, here is a little information to get you started. My name is Lee Harris. (Thats where the “Lee” comes from). I am a 20 year old mechanical engineering student at Iowa State Univerisity. On Semptember 12, 2005 something happened that changed my life. I was involve in a bad motorcyle accident in which I shattered my spine. I had surgery to put my vertabrae back together with pins and rods but the major outcome of the surgery is that I am completely paralyzed from the chest down and am now confined to a wheelchair. (For those of you who really know your stuff my injury is technically a “T-5 T-6 Asia-A”) The doctors give me no chance of recovery. I however have a different fate in mind. After spending 6 weeks in the hospital, and another month or so at home with my parents I now live on my own. I go to school, I work, I party, I drive my own pickup. (If you want more info about me check out my Carepage , my carepage name is HarrisISU, or send me an e-mail. My email address is [email protected]) All of that is great, but my goal is to one day get out of this wheelchair. (Hints the “Free” part). The only way that we can find to do this right now is olfactory stem cell surgery followed by intensive rehab. The surgery is experimental and is therefore not covered by insurance. Although the rehab will be done in Detroit along with all of my preliminary doctors visits, the surgery is only done in Lisbon Portugal. Because of all of these complications I will be forced to come up with over $100,000. That is why I have this site. I am an extremely independent, strong and motivated person, but I can not do this alone. I need as much mental, physical, and financial support as I can possibly get. If you have read this all the way through you must have some interest in my quest and I greatly appreciate it, every message, dollar, and prayer I can get will get me one step closer to my goal.
Thank You,
Lee E Harris
P.S. If you stumbled onto this site via someone elses, go ahead, add me, I need as much help as I can get my name out there.
Well, so far I’ve got nothing, I am just getting started and feel a bit like a lost puppy at this point. I know my high school has made some efforts and there are talks of chili suppers and such floating floating about but that is in the future. One other idea I have is my logo, perhaps shirts, stickers, posters maybe with the logo on the. If anyone out there would be interested in purchasing or producing them please contact me. The benifit of something like this is two fold. Not only could it possibly help me raise some money, but it would also be a huge promotional deal and would really help the raising awareness part of my mission.
We will be using the HelpHOPELive (HelpHOPELive) to help us keep track and manage our fund raising. Check them out, we still have to come up with how to raise the money, but they should be a big help. Soon you should be able to make a contribution to my fund on this site as well, but give me some time, I’m still working out the kinks.
Everything is all set up with HelpHOPELive. Check out the link to learn how to make a donation.
The stickers are in, if you want one let me know!!!
Take pictures of your stickers stuck to, well whatever you feel the urge to stick them to, then send me the pics. I am going to try to get a slide show going on here but I need some material to work with.
If you would like to know about my hospital stay, the physical therapy I have done, or just how I relearned how to do all of those everydaythings that so many people take for granted, just let me know. I’ve got loads to tell but I’m not going to post it all on this page. Send me a message and I will bet back to you as soon as I can. You can ask me just about anything, so don’t be shy, like I have said before, the more you know the more you can accomplish. If someone else who is suffering from SCI is reading this page I encourage you espcecially to ask me any questions you might have.
Today is six months after my accident. I had to wait until today to do any contacting doctors about the surgery. They want to let my back heal as much as it is going to. Today is also a day of mixed emotions. I can’t help but be just a little bit proud of myself for coming as far as I have. The journey from a hospital bed to where I am now has been a long and hard one. However, almost overwhelming my sense of accomplishment is the fact that this has been the most difficult six months of my life. Before the accident I could never have imagined how hard this would be, both mentally and physically, but all I can do is put one foot in front of the other (well figuratively speaking anyway) and move on.
Today was my first doctors visit, it was just with my local general physician. We needed him to write the order for my CT Mylegram that I need to include with my written aplication to send to the clinic in detroit. He also got my medications straightened out what help me control my spasms and my bladder control. (If you want more info on that, send me message.) I am a little nervous with this being the first step in a very long process, but you can’t make a journey without taking that first step. Also the exitement of the possible outcome down the road has me really exited and it is great to get the ball rolling.
I had my CT Mylegram today. It went well, or at least I think it did anyway. I was in the hospital for a good portion of the day. Esentiall they do a spinal tap and inject dye into your spinal cord so that they can see it better on the scan. They insert it at the base of the spine, then tilt your bed so your body is as 45 degrees with your head down. (You have to hold on pretty tight.) They said some people get headaches but I had no complications. I did have to miss a day of class, but worse things have happened. It has been awhile since I’ve been in a gown on a hospital bed and I will tell you one thing, I do not miss it one little bit. I have a CD with the pictures from the scan, but I’m not a doctor, so as near as I can tell the show that my back is messed up (Duh). We just need to get the application finished up and get that and the pictures sent to Detroit and let somebody who knows what is going on have a look at them.
We got the application all wrapped up last night and the scans together and we are putting everything in the mail today. (Including a check for $150, small price to pay for success I suppose, but it still sucks) It will be a couple of weeks before we hear back from them so in the mean time keep in touch and pray for the best.
I had an interview today for an article in the mechanical engineering alumni newsletter. It is an article featuring yours truly and my turnaround since the accident and my return to school. It went well. It is the same story I have told many times, so chances are if you have read this far you already know it. Still I will try to post the article or a link to it after it is published as most of you will probably not be reading the alumni news letter.
Also I spoke with Kimbra (My physical theripist in Des Moines) and we set up therapy sesions starting April 3. The reason for this round of therapy is to learn how to walk with long leg braces. (KAFO’s) Well its not really walking, it will be more just swinging my legs through crutches, but I’ll let you know more when it happens. The main goal from this is to be able to order my own set of leg braces for use after the surgery, assuming all goes to plan.
I got some feedback supporting the idea of shirts and stickers and so on. I ordered the stickers today. They are 3″ by 5″ screen printed vinyl stickers with the logo and website printed on them. (There is a picture uploaded in My Photos ) The design looks pretty good, and I think the sticker will be a real quality product and turn out looking nice. I ordered them from Contagious Graphics , they worked very well with me to get my order taken care of and gave me a great deal too. I haven’t decided on a price yet, but they will be cheap, so tell your freinds. I should have them in about two weeks.
I had my first day of therapy this time around. This time I am learning to walk with what are called long leg braces. Basically what the braces do is keep my legs straight, so my ankles and knees are locked. I can still move my hips, well I can’t move them, but they move, which makes is hard. If I can get my hips popped foreward and my shoulders back I can get my legs to support my weight. Today I used a loaner set of the leg braces and worked in the parallel bars for about an hour. Next week I go to get measured to get my own set of braces. Once I get those I will go back to therapy and learn how to use them more. What it comes down to is it is an extreme amount of work for my upper body, and as far as using it to get around will really not be efficient. It could be useful for doing things like working on the pickup or other thing things you need to stand up to do. However, the biggest reason for doing it is that if I get to have my surgery it will give me a great start for the rehab that will come with that.
I went to spectrum orthotics in Des Moines today. I went there so that they could fit me for my own set of braces. The trip was pretty uneventful. I went down there and they took a bunch of measurements and made some plaster cast molds of my legs. Assuming everything goes through insurance I shouldhave my braces in a couple of weeks. After I get my leg braces then I can start therapy with Kimbra again. Until then I will just wait.
Also I got an email from Contagious Graphics and the stickers haven been shipped they should be here either this week or next.
The stickers came today and they look great. If you want one let me know and I will see what I can do to get you one. I have plenty. I have decided that I am not going to set a price for the stickers. So, if you want one, I will give it to you, but donations will be accepted as usual.
I got a letter from Detroit today. They have reveiwed my films and have sent them off to Portugal. Once they review my application over there they will be able to tell me whether or not I am able to move on to the next step of the process. The next step of the process it to go to Detroit for additional testing and meeting with doctors. Only after that can they tell me if I get accepted into the study. But as far as I’m concearned just knowing that the process is moving along is a good thing.
Other than that I have just been carrying on with life as usual. I am just going over a three week long struggle with a rather nasty little UTI. But I seem to be over that now. School ended up well, I had a 4.0 gpa this semester. I opted not to take any classes this summer. I will be working at Lowe’s as well as Kreg Tool this summer and expect to keep plenty busy. Other than that I plan to just keep moving on and trying to keep the ball rolling on my ultimate goal.
I went to the doctor today to get some final mesurements so they can finish making my leg braces. The should be done in the next week or two, then hopefully I should be able to get going on learning how to use them in therapy. I’m exited it will give me some added mobility and help me get back into doing some of the things I used to do.
I know I haven’t updated this thing in awhile. I appologize. I have been very busy, but medically, there has been very little going on. I have been working to jobs and keeping very busy. I have also been fighting uti’s for a few weeks now. All of this finally caught up with me wednesday. The current usi I was fighting got into my blood and created an infection in there and caused me some real trouble. I was at work and felt cold, my hands went kind of numb, started shaking, got light headed, got a headache, bad case of nausea. I went outside to try get warmed up, it didn’t work, all of the symptoms got a lot worse. They sent me home from work and I went to the doctor and they ended up sending me to the hospital. The got me on some IV fluids and antibiotics, as well as some morphine to get rid of the headache, it was a headache like I have never had. I finally got discharged yesterday and sent me home with some more anibiotics. But while I was there they did an ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder and I have two bladder stones. One and inch in diameter and one an inch and a half. These are probably the main source of all the infections and incontinence I have been having. So I have to go back to the hospital soon to either have them broken up and removed or surgically removed so they will stop causing me so much trouble. But I’m feeling better now and hopefully I don’t have to do that again.
Other than that whole ordeal a few other things have happened. I went to choice medical and ordered a new cusion. I ordered a rojo air cusion instead of my jay jell cusion because I have a pressure sore on my tailbone I am sick of fighting, that should be here soon. Also I got a call from Spectrum while I was in the hospital and my braces are ready for the final fit, so hopefully I will have them next week. As far as Portugal and Detroit go I have heard nothing more, just more waiting and wondering.
The last few weeks have been pretty uneventfull with not a lot going on. I did get my new cusion and my pressure sore is getting better. But in every other way the cusion is kind of pain in the ass. It makes transfering much more difficult, it’s kind of like sitting in a five gallon bucket. Also when I would sitin the cusion it would flatten out and rub in my wheels. I had skirts for my chair but they stuck up so high that they hit my but when I transfered so I made some of my own out of some clear 1/4″ acrylic. They work really slick and if you aren’t looking for them you don’t even see them. I also adjusted my chair to put some dump in it because my chair had none in it at all. However the axle was already all the way to the top up the adjustment, so I had to flip it upside down and backwards. But when I did that it moved the center of gravity foreward and I was always at risk of going over backwards. Since the axle was already adjusted all the way back I had to desing and machine some spacers that would slide onto the existing tracks that the axle slid on and still get the distance I needed. I designed them on the computer and had one of the machinists at Kreg Tool make them for me. There are deffinately some benifits of working there.
Medically there hasn’t been much happening either. I still don’t have my braces. The date just keeps getting pushed back but I am supposed to go monday the 10th, so hopefully nothing will change between now and then. Once I get them will start therapy the following thursday. I had a pre-op physical yesterday and I am having surgery next wednesday to remove my bladder stones. Hopefully they can get those all out and I won’t have to fight with uti’s quite as much as I have had to fight them so far. As far as Portugal and stem cell sugery I haven’t heard anything new. I will just have to keep waiting on that one I guess.
One final bit of information. This may really only pertain to other para’s and quad’s but anyone can read it. I did find out last weekend that I do not float very well at all anymore. I went to Manson, IA with a bunch of my buddies from school and while we were there we decided to go to the pool. I have not been in water since I have been hurt and decided to just wheel up to where the pool is about four feet deep and just jump in, so I did. But once I got in I figured out I do not float well at all. Treading water using nothing but your arms is really somewhat difficult, especailly when you have to do it in even three feet of water, but I suppose the more I do it the easier it will get.
Well, I have had a few things that I have had happen since my last post that I thought you all may want to know about. The first thing is about my new cusion. I mentioned previously that it was a pain in the ass, well apparently it really was a pain in the as because I have two new pressure somres bringing the total to three. It turns out when I got the cusion they didn’t put enough air it for me and thinking they were the experts it never crossed my mind to double check. I should have known better. I did however get it fixed myself and all three sores seem be healing up.
My surgery went well, they got my stones broke up with the lazer and out of me without cutting me open and I got to go home the same day. I recovered pretty quickly and and was back at work the next day. I think I may have a little bit of infection now. I have been fighting some bad temperatures, headaches, major lack of energy, and a few other symptoms, but so incontinence. I went to the doctor today and he seemed to thing I am doing all right, so I am not too concearned.
The final thing I have to mention pertains to my leg braces. I went down and did a fitting with them monday afternoon and the fit pretty well, but they did need just a little bit of adjustment. They are supposed to be done and waiting for me at the hospital thursday so I get started on another round of physical therapy. I will let everyone know how it goes.
I have had a few things happen recently and I think it might be time for another update. First of all for those of you that don’t know I was part of the top story on the Channel 5 news at ten last night (07/18/06). The Senate passed a few stem cell reasearch bills yesterday and the news was doing a story and they interveiwed me yesterday and I talked about the difference between adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells and what effect the passing of these bills could have on me. If you would like to watch it, the story is posted in the My Videos section of my myspace page. I only had about 40 minutes notice before the interview, but I think I did ok, and we even got the appartment clean in time. The news team also did a very good job with the story and I am happy with it, so check it out.
On a medical note I just wanted to mention that I had my first therapy session with my leg braces last thursday. It was very hard work but I made quite a bit of progress. I would really call what I do walking, it is more like hopping, but I did it in both the parallel bars and with a walker. There I are a few picture posted in the My Photos section of my profile and I am hoping to have a video soon. I will do some more withe the braces in coming weeks and I guess I will just have to see what sort of progress I make.
I got some good news today. I got an email from Dr. Lima in Portugal and he said that everything looked good to him and he had forewarded everything back to Detroit. So now I just have to get in contact with them and get some tests and those sorts of things set up. But now unless something unforseen comes up the surgery is a go and the fund raising begins, so keep checking to see what sort of things we have planned.
Other than that I have just been keeping really busy working and doing therapy with my braces. Things are moving along with that, I’m not sure how practical they will be, but the workout is good, and it is good to try something new. Also I went to the Breaking Benjamin concert last night with the crew from Lowes. It was about 100 degrees in there and there were thousands of people in there, but it was an awesome show and we had a good time. The only problem was I couldnt hardly see anything. Well it just so happens that the woman in front of me was a physical therapist in davenport and she wanted me to let her help me stand up against the gate so I could see over everyones head to the stage. I told her no, but like most therapists, she was relentless. So I lifted myself up agianst the fence and she helped hold me there and I got to stand up and see the stage for a few songs. I guess what they say is true, where theres a will, theres a way. Other than that just keep in touch, hopefully things will get moving along with the surgery and getting ready for it.
I know I haven’t posted in awhile, I have been really busy going back to school and working. I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally heard back from Detroit, and that they have put a hold on accepting patients to send to Portugual until they can review their screening and research processes. They didn’t give me any sort of a time frame, but judging by the email, it could be quite some time. There is still a possibility that I could work directly with Dr. Lima so I suppose that will be my next move. Also we are just finishing getting my HelpHOPELive stuff set up and hope to start fund raising very soon. I will find a way to get surgery, or whatever I need, a setback like this is just a bump in the road an is not going to stop me.
It’s official, the fund raising has begun. I just got word from HelpHOPELive today that they finished up the paperwork and everything was accepted and my fund has been set up. They are working on setting up my website, and as soon as that is done I will be placing a link onto my page.
In other news I have been contacting Carlos Lima directly and working out what I am going to have to do to get the treatment I need, Detroit or no Detroit. As soon as I get any more info I will let everyone know.
It is hard to believe it has been a year already. I just want to take the time to thank everyone who has been helping and supporting me. I know you will all continue to help in any way you can and I greatly appreciate it.
Also I want to let everyone know I have the site that you can now make a donation to. Just click the link below or go to the HelpHOPELive website and type in my name. Thanks.
Good Luck to you Lee.
You are showing great character, and your attitude and actions are going to help you achieve your goals.
Keep up your relationships with your friends, they can be a real blessing.
Ron Holtan, ISU Chemistry
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Help Hope Live
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In honor of Lee Harris
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Help Hope Live
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Radnor, PA 19087
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