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A little about Karrie: At age fourteen, Karrie became a healthcare activist, volunteering as a peer educator for a local reproductive health clinic. She organized against wars and for disability rights.
Now Karrie needs the community’s help. Karrie has Chiari-Syringomyelia, resulting in neurological symptoms such as a gait disorder, neuropathic pain, and severe headaches. She also has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which has caused an ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm that has started to expand. Every mm of growth = one step closer to open heart surgery (or worst case scenario: rupture, for which survival is very low). In addition, Karrie has Lynch Syndrome, a genetic mutation that causes cancers all over the body, requiring annual screenings for colon, skin, brain, liver, pancreas, esophagus, bladder and more. Thanks to the community aid so generously given here, Karrie has had a preventive hysterectomy (the MSH6 mutation came with a high risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer) and a preventive mastectomy). Last but not least, at the start of 2024, Karrie got a surprise MH diagnosis that requires highly specialized care and often takes many years.
With notables in Best American Essays, Intermedia art exhibited in a retrospective at the first program of its kind, the Schiff Award for Prose, and an essay recognized as one of the Most Transformative Essays of 2016 by Sundress Publications (also nominated for a Pushcart), Karrie’s work breaks barriers for disabled writers and artists. In 2021, Karrie received an NEA-Iowa Arts Council grant for The Log Project, which uses logs from felled trees after the Derecho disaster in August 2020 to create a codex to tell the story of the storm. (http://www.thelogproject.com)
Donations will fund healthcare.
Help Hope Live verified Karrie’s medical conditions and needs. No funds are dispersed without a receipt.
For Checks:
Make checks payable to: Help Hope Live
Note in memo section: In honor of Karrie Higgins
Please send to: Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
100 Matsonford Road
Suite 100, Radnor, PA 19087
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your Support!
Thanks to your support, Karrie has now had two surgeries, extensive PT and neurological rehabilitation, access to pain management and MH care, and home modifications. Right now, Karrie needs to raise about $400/month for MH care. An email update to donors shared more details than can be posted here, but suffice to say, it's a very serious MH issue that requires extensive care -- and it is linked with Karrie's other disabilities (both in terms of Karrie's risks for developing this issue when they were a small child and also in terms of prognosis and care for those conditions. Thank you for all the support! Please keep sharing!
Thank you for all of the support so far! Karrie needs a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer. Our max out of pocket is extremely high and we need to raise $10,000 (we updated this because we double checked our max out of pocket and it's bigger than last year -- we had been thinking of last year's out of pocket) by July--for surgery and for additional costs related to care after surgery. Cancer mastectomies take a lot of tissue and require Karrie to go without using arms and a lot of rest and PT afterward to ensure no frozen shoulder or other issues. With EDS, healing is delayed and there can often be problems with the scars, etc. If any revisions need to be done, they will likely be in January and subject to a new out of pocket.
Happy new year, friends, family, and lovely strangers out there! Thank you for your support through a very difficult 2022! 2023 is shaping up with some new health challenges related to all my conditions, but I feel hopeful knowing my community has continued to lend support. Thank you, thank you! I will post an update soon, after I see oncology, orthopedics, and neurology again! I hope you are keeping warm and safe & I will "see" you soon!
Thank you so much for all the support! I wanted to write a quick update. Some of you have seen me posting about this. I recently was found to have the pathogenic gene that runs in my family and has caused numerous cancers. The diagnosis is Lynch Syndrome and it results in an extremely elevated risk of several cancers: colon, brain, endometrial, ovarian, skin, stomach, pancreas, bladder and more. All of these cancers are prevalent in my family history and I have had my own bouts with cancer.
This gene, MSH6, typically is responsible for PROTECTING us from cancer by repairing mistakes in transcription. Unfortunately, with my mutation, it does the opposite and causes cancer. This happens even with good preventive strategies like avoiding red meat, not smoking, etc. It is, as my doctors say, a ticking time bomb.
I will require numerous annual screenings + preventive surgeries + chemopreventive medications + travel for studies (I am currently trying to get into several studies, including a vaccine trial that uses the neoantigens produced by Lynch tumors as a target -- training the immune system too attack these cancers and delay onset + increase positive treatment outcomes since our cancers tend to resist typical treatments).
These surgeries are not covered under my plan (or even most plans) but would reduce my risk of SOME of these cancers by 90%. The screenings will also be a huge financial issue because our deductible is so high and many are not covered as "preventive" medicine.
This is in addition to the already high costs for my disabilities, the disaster damage we are still trying to repair, home mods, and DME (including a wheelchair van). To say we are drowning would be an understatement.
My very first scan post-Lynch diagnosis found a mass and I already am facing these costs.
Donations are tax deductible (check your particular tax situation, of course) and no funds are released without proof of expense.
Hello! I uploaded a new album to show the Menard's receipt for the materials for the ramp built by WRAP & the invoice from WRAP for the city permit and nuts/bolts. Huge thanks to WRAP for building such a beautiful ramp! I will add a photo of the ramp as well. Now, we need to come up with funds to replace lost siding on the back of the house from this process, for some alterations inside the back door to make the ramp usable, and for medical care. THANK YOU to all who have chipped in and/or boosted so far! It makes a huge difference! We have a ramp now!
We are coming in on the home stretch for the wheelchair ramp! WRAP -- a nonprofit that builds wheelchair ramps -- came by to measure our back door and they provided us the estimate for materials. We need to raise about $2,000 for it, which is SO much cheaper than any alternative as we are just paying for materials, not labor. So let's get this going and raise the funds! After that, we have stair lifts left and the house will be so much more accessible. Then after that a wheelchair van. Whew. So much to do, but it's coming along ... slowly! THANK YOU so much for your help!
HUGE NEWS: We were approved by WRAP (Wheelchair Accessibility Program http://wrapiowa.org/) for help with a ramp! They will provide design, engineering, and labor and we need to purchase materials. As I have mentioned before, we were denied help by FEMA for the $59,000 in home repairs left to do after the derecho disaster, and one of those is the deck. That is anywhere from a $20,000--$30,000 estimate, depending on materials, design, and contractor. So getting help with the ramp is HUGE, but materials could still be in the thousands and so we need a big push. If you can promote my fundraiser, it will make all the difference! I will post the email from WRAP shortly and the FEMA rejection as well as quotes on the deck. We are also applying for various other programs in the city for help, but a huge barrier there is that we took in my mother after dad died and so her income puts us right over the limits. For some, expenses may count, so we are showing them my medical costs. I will update you as we learn more. THANK YOU for all of your help so far!
A quick update! Thank you SO MUCH For all of the amazing support! I recently won a grant to purchase new hearing aids, so I was able to replace my old ones and now I can hear again. We were also approved by an organization to build a ramp, and we must purchase the materials. Of course, this also means we need to repair the deck that was damaged in the derecho disaster in August 2020. Insurance rejected the claim and we have tried every possible avenue for appeal with them and with FEMA -- no luck. After we achieve the goal for the deck and ramp, we are working toward stair lifts and other mods. We are looking into some grants that could help fill in gaps and we are also reaching out to local orgs to partner with our Help Hope Live campaign. Thank you again! It means everything!
Hello everyone! I have been sick and dealing with the intense heat wave and some other issues with repairs on the house, so I apologize for not posting for so long! I wanted to send a huge thanks to all for your support. Shares, comments, and donations are all equally amazing, and I truly feel the support of my community.
Right now, I am awaiting the phlebotemist for whole genome sequencing. They are behind due to COVID so it may be a couple months of waiting. The results of this test may or may not change the course of my treatment or how we understand my conditions, but the need for home modifications such as a ramp and stair lifts goes on!
I am reaching out to local nonprofits to hold events and possibly with contractors who may want to partner in fundraising and get the publicity of helping a disabled customer while also being paid for their work. Alan is offering to trade video & marketing work, so if you are aware of any contractors who would be open to this (or if you are one!), please get in touch!
At the moment, I am eager to raise the funds for the cyborg gloves because my grip is interfering with PT due to my lack of strength for bands, small (very small) weights, etc. I think that is my top priority for now. Each one is $1999 (they were $1400, but the sale is over alas). Shares help so much! Thank you1
Hello everyone! Just a quick update:
I am currently awaiting scheduling for a phlebotomist to come to my home for a blood draw for full genome testing. I have some upcoming tests following not-great news at the doctor, but I may need to cancel due to lack of funds.
Our biggest need right now is a van. We are often unable to include me in events because we can't fit my wheelchair and a third person in our vehicle (let alone a fourth person!).
We also still need stair lifts, my cyborg gloves for my grip, and a ramp.
Unfortunately, due to the severe damage to our home and insurance refusing to cover our deck, the only way we can get the ramp is to come up with funds for the deck, which is impossible on Alan's wages ... at the same time, we have been turned down from nonprofits because we took in my mother and they want to count her social security as household income, taking us just over the limits.
Mom is looking for a place, but she cannot afford one.
I am working hard to look for further grants, but so far, no luck. I thank you all for your support, and I hope I have better news soon!
Hoping to do an online event to raise funds, and I will have details soon.
Hello! A quick update:
Thanks to your generous donations, I was able to purchase the lift for my wheelchair! It uses the wheelchair's own battery to lift it into and out of the car. I will get a video as soon as Alan has put it together and gotten it into the car.
Meanwhile, I finally had a chance to see a new geneticist. I am not leaving my current one; she just only handles connective tissue disorders. In 2019, she referred me to a neurogeneticst, but I could never afford the followup. I finally got full financial aid this year for an appointment through another provider. I was hoping to use a genetic testing service that has financial aid as well, but because I will require full genome testing (due to the number of issues in the family history/family tree and various other questions ... she chose a different lab. This is looking to be probably around $2500-$3000 and we are looking for:
1. Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia -- confirmed in my family history and I have symptoms, but then I also have syringomyelia so it's hard to say
2. MSH6 or Lynch Syndrome, which is confirmed in my family history as well. This mutation causes a variety of cancers.
3. Mitochondrial disorder
4. I have a VUS for Classical EDS, though my diagnosis remains hEDS until we know more about my VUS. But we may find TNXB or something else -- who knows? The geneticist told me the note on my mutation on CLINVAR suggests it's likely pathogenic and in the future (who knows how long?) my diagnosis could possibly (or even likely???) change to Classical. I guess only time will tell. It wouldn't change my care, so there is that.
We are still trying to repair the house after derecho and unfortunately, our deck needs to be replaced from the severe damage. This is extremely costly and it's also the only place on the house where a ramp could be installed. This means we must get it repaired to get a ramp ... so the fundraising goes on. Thanks so much to all of you for helping! I appreciate it more than I can say!
A HUGE thank you for all of the generous donations! I am not sure how to see each one or get contact information to send a proper thank you individually so I hope you see this! I also tweeted one out. I appreciate it beyond words.
I am now over 1/10th of the way to new hearing aids! Amazing! I will keep you posted on that goal. You are the best for sharing, RTing or just saying hello!
Hello everyone! Just a quick update and thank you to all who have chipped in! I paid for an appointment / pain assessment that led to a prescription for LDN, which I started several weeks back and am still titrating on. This medication is very interesting and works by causing your body to release more endorphins, which relieves pain and inflammation. It can also help with fatigue and brain fog. So far, it's helping me -- a subtle, but real boost! So thank you!
Donations will also be put in savings toward new hearing aids, which cost $10,000 (last time I had a program where I got 50% off so I am looking again for something like it for the replacements). I have about ... 1/10th of that. It's a great start--amazing!
We continue to work on derecho repairs. I got referred to a nonprofit that builds ramps. I will apply and hopefully they can accept us into the program. They do this work for only the cost of lumber! BUT this all depends on our deck getting repaired, too. So a lot hangs in the balance, as usual.
Thank you all much for your generosity and kindness!
Just wanted to update that we received some unexpected financial help that will get me some needed appointments. I mentioned the wheelchair earlier (hooray!) and I also received some funds that will make my ECHO & a few other big appointments possible.
We talked to a stair lift company about getting one installed in our home and there is a USED one! That will be much, much cheaper (we're talking thousands cheaper) if still available when we are able to book it (if not, then we reassess or wait for another refurbished one). However, we will still need help as we have the staircase upstairs and downstairs. It adds up quickly.
The used model that would fit our upstairs staircase requires some alteration to a few of our steps, so that is something to consider, but the way the company explained it, it will be seamless. It's apparently common with older stairs. With the pandemic, and with derecho repairs, we are not sure when this would happen, but I am hoping for later in the spring. *fingers crossed* *toes, too.*
Then we would be looking at repairing the deck (also damaged in the storm) so we can finally install a ramp there. We had someone out to examine the damage and we will see what insurance says. The ramp would still cost thousands and would not be part of any insurance coverage, but rebuilding the deck after derecho damage offers a chance to make it more compatible with one when the funds are raised.
Later goals (these will depend on the financial picture quite a lot) are to remodel the bathroom for accessibility. That will be a long way off due to funds.
Much of our money right now goes to repairs for the disaster (insurance covered a lot, but we have a lot out of pocket as well, which is delaying home mods) when we are able. The goal of this fundraiser is a high figure because home mods and the things I need for my syringomyelia cost a lot of money. We keep inching our way toward it, though, thanks to all of you!
We also have been making some changes that aren't structural, but increase safety here.
I will keep updating as I receive estimates and repairs and home modifications are done.
Hello Everyone! I am going to be adding some specific needs to my Help Hope Live page. They added a feature for it. Here is the breakdown (and I will add soon officially also!)
1. Lift for fold & go wheelchair to get it into the car: $750
2. Cover for fold & go wheelchair when folded: $149.95
3. Neomano Neofect glove that restores grip using electrical signals: $2,000
4. Chair Lift: $1,000 - $3,000 depending on model/installation
5. 3x $75 copays for upcoming visits (plus since deductible won't be met, I will need to cover the rest, not sure on exact amount yet)!)
6. Echocardiogram (not sure of amount yet)
I have a HUGE update! I have ordered the Fold & Go electric wheelchair! I will have photos soon. My doctor wrote me the script & letter of medical necessity, which I will post in the photo albums. It's going to make such a huge difference in my life!
The next thing I am aiming for is this cyborg glove. My hands / grip are weak and dexterity can be an issue. This glove would allow me to grip pens and brushes better and do more with PT for my strength. I am trying for a combo of fundraising and grants. https://shop.neofect.com/products/neomano?variant=32502766927953
We are working on clearing the studio space, which was filled to the brim when mom moved in after my father died. Once that is complete, we will be hopefully looking into contractors to get bids for the stair lift and we can update here with how much that will be.
Meanwhile, repairs on the house post disaster are coming along. Once those are complete, we can get on that ramp building, too!
Hello everyone! Karrie still needs a power wheelchair as a mobility scooter typically requires balance they don't have. There is a great one made by Fold & Go that runs in the $3,000 range on sale. They also make a lift to get it into the car for $750. This is a great option because it's far less expensive than a typical custom chair with power + folds so it doesn't require an expensive wheelchair van. It also can handle an incline, uneven terrain, and even harsh weather! So if we can get this fundraiser to ~$4,000 asap, this will be a reality and Karrie will have more access & independence. Thank you for any amplification and contributions! This is the chair: https://www.foldandgowheelchairs.com/travel-friendly/fold-go-magshock-wheelchair-pink/
A huge thanks to everyone who chipped in so far! I am beyond grateful. Through Help Hope Live, I have managed to stay insured and get the medications I need, which are often quite expensive. Some of our goals are much bigger -- especially home mods for safety. Last night, I almost fell down the staircase (my wrist is injured from catching myself on the opposite wall, but I am otherwise OK), and it's even clearer how crucial it is that I get the stair lift for safety --and for access to space for my art. Thank you SO much again!
Hello everyone! I have been SO slow with updates, and I am very sorry for that! I haven't been feeling well and have been dealing with the after effects of the derecho that hit Iowa as well. We at first thought our house was ok, but it turned out to have $40,000 or so in damage, so lots to do! Anyway, THANK YOU so much for the help. I really appreciate it! I don't have much to update other than I am still insured thanks to YOU! And I have been able to pick up my meds.Thank you, thank you! It means the world!
Just a little update. I finally had some blood work done to figure out the cause of this crushing fatigue and increased pain. It's different than the kinds of fatigue and pain I usually get. Earlier in the week (or was it last week already?), when I took a very short walk with Alan, I was unable to get home and he had to go get the car to pick me up. That is SO not like me!
I am being sent for another echo as well, which is long overdue as it is. Not much news. I just want to feel better and get back to making art.
Thank you so all so much! I wish I could click on individual messages or donations and send personalized thank-you's! This platform doesn't have that feature, so I hope you all see this!
Quick update that I am being sent to the infectious disease specialist as I cannot seem to get better. First, I need to go through internal medicine, so I made that appointment. It's end of August and I need to hopefully move it to sooner. In the meantime, I am awaiting another test result. This means I may finally start getting some care to get better from this illness + infections on top of it that have not resulted with multiple rounds of antibiotics.It's going to cost money, though!
In the meantime, I have obtained my uncle's and father's records to take to the neuro geneticist, but I was still waiting on the records from my father's cousin. Those are coming soon. They will help the doctor because insurance is not going to cover genetic testing for the other condition in my family without some kind of documentation. This would be on top of the EDS.
Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Wear your masks!
I have had a few interesting responses to my campaign along the lines of "well you can walk, you don't need a wheelchair or mobility scooter."
I'll take this as a chance to educate you about the complexities of mobility!
Did you know many people who use a wheelchair or scooter actually can walk? Maybe just a little, or maybe only on some days, but they can!
I exist in a kind of between space ... I can walk, but I actually can't walk, at least not without significant aid. I have an ataxic gait and recurring falls and injuries (including dislocations due to the torque on my ankles and knees because I also have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome).
I have lost vibratory & other sensation in my legs and feet, which means I also don't get sensory feedback through them while walking. Doesn't sound like a big deal until you lose it! Imagine not feeling your steps. I wish there was some way to replicate that for you.
Even though I have lost protective sensation through my arms, and hands, I feel blunt touch but not pinpricks or burns. It's due to where my spinal cord is getting damaged and is called "dissociated sensory loss." Different parts of the spinal cord handle different sensations so I don't feel much (or at all) cuts or burns, but I can feel a touch. I know, it's weird, but it's a core feature of syringomyelia. It's why when I got tattoos (prior to diagnosis, so I had no idea why at the time), I didn't feel much of anything.
Anyway, I wind up kinda tapping or even kinda pounding (not really pounding but not sure of the right word here) my cane a lot to get grounded, which is ... not great for my wrist and fingers cause again: EDS. It's also common with oscillopsia to do this as I need to get a feel for where things are/the ground/where I am stepping. I kind of feel my way. I mean, I can see, but I can't see (another weird complexity!).
This presents its own problem when you consider that my thenars have wasted from syringomyelia, significantly weakening my grip. The cane can sometimes be very hard to use. I do have a rollator and it is better, but I still have times where I am going to need more -- more and more it seems.
There are also ambulatory wheelchair users who can walk without gait disturbances or even without another aid. They have valid reasons for needing a wheelchair or scooter, too (pain, weakness, fatigue, etc.)! It might surprise you how many wheelchair & scooter users are ambulatory, actually.
Neither situation is worse or better -- just different.
Also, I can't drive and there is very limited transit here without great access. Paratransit exists, but it's its own problem (often late or without slots, very expensive, you have to book well in advance). Sometimes, I'd like to hear last minute about something or just feel like going out and ... go! Like everyone else. Or be able to go on my own, have some alone time, enjoy the journey. Or not pay outrageous prices every time.
I hope this helps to explain it! Thanks so much for reading!
Thank you so much for all of the kind messages! I wish I had a reply button to send a message to each of you, so I hope you can see this. Thank you SO very much.
Just a quick update: I have been sick since early March. Just resting at home & was instructed to quarantine. Otherwise, I am awaiting genetics, immunology, and neurology followup.
It's still a priority to get home modifications complete, such as ramps and something to make stairs safer--whether it be a lift or stair steady.
I've had significant flareups of my chronic conditions, probably due to this illness. Trying to manage it all.
Thank you all SO much again!
Just a quick update that I was finally tested for COVID19. I have a followup on Tuesday (via telemedicine).
I am sorry for the delay in updates! I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe! Generous donations helped pay for my most recent insurance premium, and I cannot thank you enough! They also helped pay for medications, which was so helpful in this time of COVID19 as I did manage to get a few months of some of them to avoid too many trips to the pharmacy.
I apologize for the delay in updates. I came down sick, possibly with COVID (tests in Iowa are very hard to get) or possibly with some other respiratory illness. Flu & strep were negative. It feels like pneumonias I've had before but also very different. The fatigue & lung pain have been crushing.
I am working toward paying May premium and hopefully getting an all-terrain rollator since the sidewalks where I live are not in good repair. All appointments are currently on hold, though I am also fundraising for a telehealth appointment for a genetic counselor and some further testing. Otherwise, just resting for now.
So sorry I can't write messages to each individual. This platform shares your encouraging messages (thank you!), but there isn't a place for me to click to reply. Please know how grateful I am for all your help. STAY SAFE & Stay Home if you can! Much love, Karrie
Just a quick update that I was able to pay my February 2020 insurance premium and I posted the receipt in a photo album. This was made possible by my fundraiser as a large premium increase is threatening to force me to cancel coverage. Every month is going to be tenuous like this, I fear, though hopefully I can keep it going each month while working toward home modifications, testing and mobility aids.
One huge problem right now: I am fighting with insurance over my epilepsy medication, which is due for refill. It will cost $1,122 until insurance processes an appeal. They covered it all through 2019 without much issue, but for some reason, they are not processing the appeal in 2020. It's odd because the formulary for 2020 shows Tier 4 with no Pre-Auth, and yet, they are treating it as non-formulary. I can apply for assistance, but it takes time to process the paperwork. Stopping an epilepsy medication suddenly is dangerous. Seizures, death, etc., can result. And my medication, while amazing, is my last ditch. Others either didn't work or caused severe psychiatric & physical side effects.
Hopefully I can get this resolved soon, but I am running out of medication, and last time it happened, I had seizures that caused a host of issues (losing a tooth, cracking others, injuries, including head injury).
THANK YOU SO MUCH for boosting, commenting, donating, and just generally being so supportive. I appreciate it more than I can say.
A huge thank you to everyone who has boosted, donated or said a kind word!
Help Hope Live has been incredibly supportive to work with & they handle all the funds so you know they go exactly where stated.
We are aiming to get some videos and photos posted soon to show the plans for the modifications. At the moment, we are in a snowstorm and hunkered down indoors.
Hope you all are safe and having a wonderful new year.
Last week, the landscaper came to slope the sides of the newly repaved driveway. Attached is a photo. This was several thousands cheaper than retaining walls + with the wet soil here, will not have the issue of bricks coming loose like they have done to all our neighbors. I will post the receipt in my albums (it was $2140), and we are focusing on raising funds to cover it, as it was an essential component of the repave.
We are also focusing on insurance costs for 2020. We have a large increase in our premium and it could lead to losing insurance. We are hoping to get at least some of that increase covered each month as well as medications, genetic testing, MRI angiography, and a GI visit.
Other important plans for 2020: Chair lifts, a ramp, and access mods to the bathroom and kitchen--if we raise funds, of course!
Thank you so much for the support, everyone! RT's, kind words, support and donations are all amazing! We are on the October schedule for a concrete contractor for half the driveway (all we can do for now on current budget--rest will come later).
So now the challenge is getting as much money raised toward the sloping as possible. The sloping occurs along the sides of the driveway where the re-grade will leave a lot more land exposed. We had looked into retaining walls, but they cost twice as much and the neighbors have had issues with theirs due to the wet and mushy land in this area. Luckily, a landscaping contractor across the street from us says we can do the sloping instead so that is what we will do. It's an essential component of the driveway regrade/repave, but done separately since it's not concrete. It will be approx. $3,000 (vs. $6,000 for retaining walls, yikes) so aiming to get at least $2,000 more in donations this week if we can! Thanks so much!
In the meantime, my appeal for coverage of my $3,000 genetic test was denied so that will be a large bill or payment plan and we will focus on that next if need be. I am still fighting it with the state.
Thanks for your support! It makes a huge difference, and I appreciate all of you more than I can say.
Thank you so much for all of your support so far! Between generous donations, RTs, Facebook shares, or replies of support, it all makes a difference.
I apologize for taking so long to write a thank-you note and an update--I wasn't sure how to do it & then we had an intense and busy couple of months with my father in hospice. He passed away August 1st.
As for the house and my health ... We had a contractor come back out this week and discuss ideas to bring down their bid with some changes to their initial plan. This would be for about half the driveway, to address the most pressing safety concerns with the grade and the shattered concrete. (The rest needs work, too, and is a problem for wheeled mobility aids also, but we have to get these pressing concerns addressed now & can do the rest later). It looks like we can get on that schedule! So that will begin in October.
To make things with the house go even better, I would love to see the fundraiser get to at least $6,000 as soon as possible because in order for the driveway to be done, we must also re-slope the lawn surrounding it, which is another $2,000-$3,000. Yikes! But it's way cheaper than retaining walls & the neighbors did it with good results.
$10,000 even better so we can get going on chair lifts as well.
Once the driveway is done, we can start working seriously on the ramp out the back--with donations, of course! It didn't make sense until we had the driveway plan in place since I would roll out and ... be stuck.
Irony--when the contractor was here, they witnessed a fall off the step. It was almost like an exclamation point on how urgent this really is.
As for health, due to the pressing needs with the house, I haven't been able to afford my imaging or appointments, though I do have a referral for a specialist in genetic neurological conditions as it appears I may have a second genetic condition that runs through my family as well. (More on that when I know more.)
My mobility has decreased and I've had injuries and falls, as well as increased pain. A big contributor to injuries and pain is the grade of the driveway, so it will be a huge relief to get it addressed.
That's it for now. We will get some videos up soon. We were so busy with my father in hospice for Alzheimer's that we didn't have a chance to film any.
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Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Karrie Higgins
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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