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At 28 years old, in late May 2019, PJ had been feeling lots of aches and pains which he thought were strains from too much golf. On Thursday, May 30 he felt that it was time to go to the ER because it became unbearable.
There were blood tests and exams that proved that he did, in fact have something going on. He was sent to see a Hematologist/Oncologist who reviewed everything but sent him home to rest while the tests were being conducted over the course of a few days and to return if a fever spiked. A fever spiked the following day which landed him in the hospital.
More tests proved that platelets were drastically dropping quickly and they still did not know what the cause was. He was sent home to rest with Advil/Tylenol/Motrin and wait.
By Sunday the pain was unbearable once again with fevers. Back at the hospital another hematologist brought up that they were considering looking for lymphoma or leukemia and that it would take a few hours.
Their final conclusion was Epstein Barr virus which causes infectious mono.
As this is a virus, there is no medication to prescribe. Bedrest and Tylenol/Advil until it gets better. Back home he went and was following Drs. orders. By Wednesday he was feeling better until Friday when he called to tell me that he felt much worse than ever. We finally made it to University of Pennsylvania ER where he was admitted.
After a few hours we knew it was more than EBV. It took 2 days for them to figure out just what type of cancer it was as it was just developing. Our question was did the 3 other trips to the ER miss something. The answer was “NO.”
The leukemia is in the bone marrow. B Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia is what he is fighting. He will be at Penn until Mid-July 2019 then treated as an outpatient for many months after that.
PJ is living with his girlfriend Devon in Glenolden. He graduated from Strath Haven High School and Syracuse University, and he works at Liberty Mutual as a claims adjustor. He loves to golf and loves all things NFL. He has a huge heart – he volunteerd in the past with causes including supporting adults with developmental disabilities through Arc of Delaware County and the Special Olympics.
He has so many people cheering for him, including childhood friends from grade school and his sister, four step sisters, Mom, Dad, Step Mom and Step Dad, Grand Mother, Aunts, and Uncles. He has many, many people pulling for him.
Please check back here regularly for updates as he continues to fight the fight of his life.
Family and friends of Patrick (PJ) Kent are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with his diagnosis.
This illness came on very suddenly and aggressively and treatment will be ongoing for many years. PJ has always been healthy and active, working with special needs communities, always being physically fit and generally enjoying life. This is something that will keep him motivated to get through treatment and back to living the life he loves living.
The necessary treatments will require many months of in patient as well as out patient care. Donations will help offset the deductibles, medical bills not covered by insurance and any other unexpected or unforseen bills that may arise.
You can help by hosting a fundraiser to support PJ, perhaps a golf outing (PJ Loves Golf), or a beef & beer, share his page to your social media platforms, or suggest any event that you wish to host. Or you can simply make a donation. Any and everything is helpful and appreciated.
PJ chose to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility to the full extent allowed by law for contributors. Donors can be sure that the funds donated will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses for PJ. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button. And please consider sharing this link with others so they may donate as well.
You can also find check instructions at the bottom of his page.
Thank you for your support.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Yesterday was Lymphoma and Leukemia Society's National Cancer Survivor's Day. Today is the 1 year anniversary of PJ's diagnosis and beginning of treatment. We are so glad to report that he is still in remission and well on his way in the maintenance phase. Although he has to undergo monthly infusions, PJ is feeling great, is back to work, from home of course, and is happy to have the past year behind him.
Looking back I cannot believe how quickly the year flew by and how much he went through. I am thankful for everyone for the constant thoughts, prayers, good wishes and positive vibes. Please keep them coming, PJ will continue to need them in the coming months and years and he continues his treatment.
I hope to have an update on the Golf Outing as things begin to open up and will share it as soon as I have it.
Thank you all on behalf of PJ!
Hello everyone. Due to the Covid-19, we are unable to know when the fundraiser will be rescheduled. I will keep this page updated and will communicate as much information as I receive it. Thank you for your understanding.
On behalf of PJ,
So, PJ is still recovering, handling the maintenance medicines well and getting stronger by the day. We have been working hard on getting the TopGolf Fundraiser ready. Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus, we have decided to move the date of the event. The new date for the event is Sunday, May 17, 2020. No other details have changed. We really hope that this date change will not effect your ability to join us and we look forward to seeing you there.
On behalf of PJ, thank you for your continued support, phone calls, texts and continued good vibes.
PJ is doing very well, the maintenance meds seem to be working! We are only 25 days away from the Tee it Up for PJ event at TopGolf. Please remember to get your tickets before March 23rd, that is when we have to have our final count in. Also, for those who are attending from the Delaware County area, we have hired a bus that will be leaving from St. George's Church parking lot in Glenolden at 4:00 pm the day of our event. Please let me know if you would like to ride along. It's shaping up to be a great event and we are looking forward to seeing everyone there to support PJ. Thank you all for the continued support, prayers, messages, texts and calls. Please keep them coming. On behalf of PJ, Colleen~
After 242 days, the PICC line has come out. We are all breathing a bit easier. There were 47 days as an inpatient, a really bad pneumonia scare, countless rounds of chemo and a whole bunch of watching and worrying as PJ just fought to get better. Now we have to rally as he works to build up his strength and continue this battle and work through the maintenance through the next 2 and a half years. We are grateful for all of the support, prayers, phone calls, texts and messages that have continued to flow through. Please let it keep coming. We appreciate all of you.
On behalf of PJ,
PJ is continuing to get better from the pneumonia and is slowly feeling better and getting stronger in general. We are all looking forward to next Tuesday, 2/4/2020, when he will receive his last chemo through the PICC line and then that will be removed. Then really on to the recovery and maintenance phase. Thanks to everyone for the continued support, prayers and good vibes. They are what is keeping him and all of us going. Please keep it coming. We hope to see you all soon now that PJ is getting his energy back.
On behalf of PJ, with much gratitute,
Great news, after 13 days in the hospital with pneumonia, PJ came home on Wednesday and is getting better every day. What a very scary time that was.
He had a visit with his Dr. today and was informed that he will be moving to Maintenance treatment. This was great news considering we were expecting 5 more months of infusion! Maintenance will consist of two and a half years of pills and periodic infusion treatments yet it is a great step in the right direction. PJ and all of us are extremely happy and positive and thankful for everybody for checking in, writing, praying, and constantly thinking of us. Please keep the vibes coming. On behalf of PJ, I thank you!
P.J.'s Mom here with the latest update. The Doctor told us that this 50 day round would be the most difficult of the entire treatment and, for the most part, P.J. handled it pretty well. Unfortunately, on day 46 he ended up in the hospital and remains there today. He has pneumonia and is struggling with ongoing high fevers. Fortunately he did complete the 50 day treatment today. It's hard to fight pneumonia or even the common cold when all of his blood cells have been wiped out by the chemo so this hospital stay may take a while. Please continue to keep P.J. in your thoughts and prayers. Going forward, the course of treatment is that he will have a few weeks break and begin the next round mid January. Send those positive vibes and I will send updates more regularly as we have things to share. Thank you!
Another Round in the books. Finished up today. Doc says all counts are good, I'm feeling tired but good and very glad to have that behind me. Will have a few days to rest up. Back at it for the next Round, beginning 11/12. Thank you to all who continue to fight with me. I am so appreciative for all of you. PJ~
Still plugging along. Wanted to put a huge THANK YOU to so many people who have been supporting me. Especially grateful for the T-Shirt Campaign by Justin D'Alonzo. Every dollar was donated directly to this campaign. I appreciate each and every person who continues to write, call, send texts, check in with my family and just think about me. Thank you all so much. PJ~
Please message Stephanie at [email protected] if you are interested in purchasing a bracelet, they are $5 each, by Venmo or PayPal.
Let’s show PJ we are all fighting right alongside him. We will be posting pictures Let’s see the pictures of everyone wearing their bracelets. Let’s continue to KICK B-ALL FOR PJ. Thank you
Today was another visit with my doctor who assures me that things are going well. My counts look good considering all of the chemo that I have been taking. I will continue to follow his advice and do what I need to do, which is rest and eat and try to exercise when I have the energy. Thank you for the continued thoughts, prayers, cards, letters and good vibes, please keep them all coming Everything is working. Hoping to see everyone in the not to distant future. PJ~
Today was a great news day. We have been waiting on bone marrow biopsy results and they came back exactly as the doctor had wanted them. Remission has been achieved! This is fantastic news. We will continue with the chemotherapy treatments as per doctors orders, Round 2 starts tomorrow.
Thank you all for the continued support, calls, texts, cards, letters, prayers and vibes. Please keep them coming. I need each and every one of them to keep me going.
Round One of Consolidation Chemo is now in the books. I am very much looking forward to having a break before the next round begins. Not sure when that will begin, some time between 9/10 and 9/16. Please continue to think of me and keep sending your messages, notes, cards, thoughts and prayers my way, I really appreciate all of you and Thank you all very much.
I have one more treatment in this round, Tuesday, September 3rd. Sorry for not posting more, there really isn't much to say. I'm spending most of days resting. I start my next round on September 16 so am looking forward to the break. I thank each and every one of you for your continued support, donations, letters, cards, emails and texts. Please keep the good vibes coming my way. I hope to see you all soon. Thanks again. PJ~
Day 39 out of 50 now complete. I have 3 days off before I get back to chemo. Very much looking forward to this weekend break. Feeling appreciative of all the great vibes, thoughts and wishes that continue to come my way. Thanks to everyone who continues to write, call, text and reach out through my family. Keep it coming. THANK YOU!!!!
Sorry for the lack of updates, it's been pretty intense. We are now at Day 23 of 50 in this Round. The Doc says that the meds are doing what they are supposed to do. I'm plugging along. Pretty tired most of the time and listening to my body, sleeping when I need to sleep and eating when I need to eat. Feeling grateful for all of the calls, texts, messages, cards, and all good vibes that continue to flow my way. Please continue to send them my way. I appreciate all of them and all of you. I'll do my best to keep the updates more regular. Thank you!
Week 2 of Round 2 is in the books. No real hiccups this week and the Doc says that everything is going according to plan. Looking forward to having the next few days off from chemo and relaxing. Please continue to send your texts, email messages, prayers, good wishes and positive vibes. I appreciate each and every one of them and all of you! PJ~
Week One of Round 2 is complete, not without a bit of worry. Everything is fine now and I'm back home after a quick stay back in the hospital and another new medication added to the list. The prayers, good wishes, cards, email messages, phone calls and texts are what keep me going. Tomorrow starts week 2. I'll keep at it and keep you posted. Thank you for everything.
Met with my doctor yesterday and got great news about the bone marrow biopsy. Originally there was 60% cancer in the bone marrow on 6/7/19. After the first round of chemo they now see only .22%. I'm very satisfied with that result, so is the doctor. As he told me last week, my only job now is to continue this fight for the next 7 or 8 months and that is what I intend to do. Please keep sending your thoughts, wishes, vibes and prayers, they are all working! Thank you so much. P.J.
We met with the new oncology doctor today and feel confident that we are on the right path. Although it will be a long road, I'm ready to get back to fighting. Monday begins Round 2. I'll be having more and different treatment so will be out of commission for a while. After 7-8 months, I should be back to seeing everybody as usual. Please continue to send your prayers, wishes, vibes and messages. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you!
It was 40 days ago that this journey began with a trip to the emergency room for all sorts of unexplainable aches and pains. I finished my last chemo treatment and bone marrow biopsy today for this initial round and am scheduled to be released tomorrow. I am very excited for that and to be off for a few days. We meet with my new doctor on Friday and begin planning for Phase 2, which will take place over a 50 day period. Stay tuned, keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I hope to see you soon. Thank you all for the contributions, cards, gifts, food and continued good vibes. You have no idea how everyone and everything has kept me going. PJ~
Still chugging along. I'm going home on Tuesday, July 9 and am very much looking forward to that. The care I've received here was excellent but I really want my own bed. I'll have a few days off before starting another round as an outpatient, which will take 50 days.
Thank you everyone for the continued support. I need all of your thoughts, prayers, visits and wishes to get me through this. I appreciate everything.
Day 24. Finished Treatment #4 of 5 this past Tuesday, glad to have that under my belt. Looking forward to July 9th for the final treatment of this round. Feeling ok, just a few aches and pains. Thankful to everyone for the continued support, financially as well as emotionally. Please continue to check back for updates.
Thank you!
Ready for the next Chemo Day! Docs say I'm right on track and things are going as they should. Feeling pretty good, sometimes tired but ready to get out of here. Looking forward to the final treatment on or around July 9. The nurses and doctors have been fantastic and the care has been exceptional. Due to all of the medications they have to check on me quite often. Overall, I am feeling pretty good. Please continue to send your prayers, thoughts, good vibes. Each and every one is appreciated and necessary. Looking forward to seeing you soon. P.J.~
21 days in. More than half way there. Had the best night's sleep while here. Devon is with me for the weekend. Mom has the weekend off. Looking forward to mid July when I can be out and about. Thank you all for the calls, cards, visits, contributions, prayers, good wishes and great vibes. I need each and every one. Please keep them coming.
3 out of 5 treatments are now complete. Everything is going according to plan. Feeling OK. Thank you everyone for all of your support. I am doing well and looking forward to getting through the next few weeks. I'm hopeful that I can stick to the treatment plan and be out by mid July. Feeling a bit tired after this last treatment so trying to rest up as much as I can before next Tuesday. Really appreciating all of your donations, messages, phone calls, cards, letters and visits from each and every one of you. Please continue to think of me as I work hard to get better. I hope to be out of here soon and seeing you and sharing great news with all of you. Thanks for checking in.
After 17 days in the hospital, I am eagerly counting days. The doctors tell me that the goal is to be discharged on July 10. I am feeling good, the meds seem to be working. Tomorrow is a chemo day so I'm not terribly excited but doing what needs to be done. On a good note, there will be no need for a spinal tap like the past 2 Tuesdays! Thank you for keeping up to date with my progress. For all of your messages, texts, phone calls and visits. Each and every donation! I cannot believe that this is happening and am so amazed at the outpouring of generosity from everyone. Thank you!
I want to say that I am overwhelmed with the generosity and support from everyone on this site. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Each comment has brought a smile to my face, every donation is something I never expected needing yet I'm so grateful for. I appreciate all of the goodwill that each and every person is sending my way.
I'm feeling OK today, although I now have a sugar problem and have to take insulin. This is due to having to take steroids. Hopefully this will all go away once I'm finished chemo. Looking forward to the weekend and spending it with Devon and friends. And Devon! Due to the insulin issue, whenever anyone visits, please feel free to help yourself to anything along the "Personal Pantry" as it is most likely off limits to me at this point and I am no longer interested in it anyway. Check back soon for updates and keep the positive vibes coming my way. With much gratitude, P.J.
Great news today - no cancer in the spinal fluid. This is excellent news. No more lumbar punctures until Day 28 of treatment, early July. So far, so good. PJ is feeling pretty good, no major complaints. Please keep the positivity coming and share, share, share, share. Thank you for keeping him and all of his family in your thoughts and prayers!
Today was a big chemo day, with 3 different doses. One of which had to be injected into PJ's spine. All of this with absolutely no complaints. The docs say that he is tolerating the treatment well. Keep up the prayers, good vibes and positive thoughts. Thank you everyone for donating and sharing. Check back often for updates. PJ is very appreciative for each and every one of you. Our entire family is as well.
The Doctors are giving us encouraging news. The medicines seem to be working. Last night the sheets only had to be changed twice! PJ's sense of smell is totally heightened and that is a bit annoying for him but he is not complaining. He is doing an awesome job of advocating for himself with all of the doctors. They did approve the use of an essential oil diffuser, hopefully that will help. All of the cleaners and various scents, like bed linens are really not pleasant for him. Other than that, his appetite is good and, more importantly, his spirits are high. Please continue to send your prayers, good vibes and best wishes. Every single one is felt and needed. Thank you so much.
PJ is continuing his fight without complaining! His second round of chemo was pretty harsh. He's lost 15 lbs in one week and is struggling with his appetite. the nights are hard because he sweats profusely. The Dr. says this is a good sign that the cancer cells are dying so we will take that as a great sign.
Please keep sending your prayers, good vibes and positive thoughts. Know that we appreciate every message, phone call and donation. The Fundraising Goal takes a few days to be updated. We are off to a great start. Spread the word. We will be organizing a few various fundraisers, particularly when PJ gets out of the hospital so that he can participate.
Thank you!
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Onwards and upwards! Loads of love and positive energy from the UK. Wishing you all the strength and resilience you need, as well as support. Hoping to see you soon -on good form.
Righty-on as the Brits say, XX Verele and Arjen and Philippe (Boofy)
Verele and Arjen Kuenen
We are friends with your Mom and Uncle John via Special Olympics. I have coached John in basketball for many years and have missed him the last few years. Keep fighting the good fight and never discount the power of prayer. Before you know it you'll be back out on the links!
Be well.
Steve & Debbi O'Connor
Stephen O'Connor
Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery from San Diego! Good luck, PJ!
Willa McKinley
Keeping you in my prayers
Mary Badame
Dear PJ,
I\'m sorry we did not get to see you while we were visiting but am glad we spoke. Even my littlest boy was asking for Uncle PJ. Please continue to fight and stay strong. I know you will beat this. You have always been so strong. I hope you can get better and come visit us in Seoul. I love you little brother. Hannah
Eunhyun Suk
Excellent!!!! Bravo!
Tom tamara lux
Thinking of you PJ and sending positive Karma to you and your family for continued strength, courage and determination. Try to be patient and savor all the tiny steps forward. You Got This!
Frank & Colleen Foti
Hi PJ,
Thanks for the update.
I think about every day and I wish there was something I could do.
Your mom always says how brave you are and that you never complain.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love, Aunt Dot
Stay strong love you brotha
Rob Leone
Now that I’m fully awake, I might as well offer you some advice. Remove all the negatives from your life. Try to use positive words, listen to positive music, watch uplifting movies. It really helps!!!!
It’s Gina A gain
Liz and I are praying for you. I sing in my car and offer it up for your challenges. Of course, if you heard me singing, it may become another challenge for you. So, leave the singing up to me. Prayers arrive in many forms.
Well I always called you Pat but now I'm going to call you PJ! We are missing you in the Liberty Mutual office and everyone is pulling for you. Your strength and the support you have will be a huge part of getting you through this. I'm sending you positive vibes and look forward to seeing you back at work whenever you are ready. Julie Frantz
Julie Frantz
Keep finding laughs and stay strong, you got this!
Andrew Rotsch
PJ - Guessing life is like a roller coaster right now. During the ups and downs keep fighting the fight. We\'re holding good thoughts for the best possible outcome.
Bonnie & Gary Gross
You got this Peej! We’re all here for you bud.
amanda bucolo
HEY PATRICK! Jennefer just told me what\'s going on with you. I am awful in these types of situations and dont really know what to say. What I can do is send sweet sweet maine vibes your way. I am glad you have this and were able to create a community of positivity. I heard a quote once and I think it applies here.
If you want go fast, go alone. If you want to far, go together.
Stay sharp and kick ass, I will be thinking about you.
Natalie from Jade
Hi P.J.,
Glad everything is moving along and I’m sure you’re looking forward to going home.
Hope to see you soon.
Aunt Dot
Keep the fire burning PJ! You are doing a great job! The candles are burning for you. Love from across the Atlantic
Wilco, Irma, Anne-Maria & David
Keep fighting! Sending you prayers of strength, hope, and courage.
Brian Kotoff
Brian Kotoff
Just talked to your mom, sounds like things are moving along.
You have really been a trooper through all this.
I think of you often and I’m glad you will be home soon.
Love and good wishes,
Aunt Dot
Aunt Dot
PJ, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are an amazing young man and your strength and courage will get you through. Stay strong PJ. Sincerely, Paul and Michelle Mulholland
Paul Mulholland
Keep up the good work PJ. Love you, Aunt Donna
Donna Dougherty
it’s not much but I hope it helps!
Avery Powell
Keep on fighting. And hold the spirit high.
Your biggest fans from across the Atlantic.
Lux, Tamara and Tom.
Conquer! You got this PJ. Thinking of you and sending love your way.
Love Hannah and Herm
Hannah Robinson
Hang in there, PJ
Hope your days will get better and better
We carry you in our hearts
John/Linda Braden
The LM Bala office is thinking of you often!
Tiffany Battles
Our thoughts are with you! Hope all goes well, and quickly! Love, Don and Val
Don Lessem
Hey PJ--hang in there--you'll get through this! Sending prayers and love to you and your family! You'll be back out on the links before you know it!
Tom and Sabrina (from Syngenius)
Tom Runfola
Sending good thoughts and positive vibes your way. You got this!
Katie Collins
Gina and I are sending prayers and good thoughts your way PJ
Elizabeth Smith
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Tawana Frink
Wishing you strength and Sending good vibes ! Stay strong !
Judith Hill
Hey Patrick, I tried to call but you were not in. ( you ducking my calls!) I will look forward to speaking with you soon. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have no reference point to relate and can offer no view point other than to hope and pray for you and your family, friends and the medical staff and for your recovery.
Scott Hoffman
Wishing you the best.
Steve Simmonds
Sending love, prayers and good vibes your way PJ. Keep fighting, you got this!
We Love you! Joanne & Jack
Joanne Pfaff
PJ, we are all sending love and prayers for your quick recovery. Love you, Uncle Ernie & Aunt Diane xoxo
Diane D’Agostino
You are strong, PJ. You are in our prayers. Sending lots of positive energy and holding you in the light. Love, Rebecca and Tim
Rebecca Bonner
You’ll get through this Pj!! You have the best support system, all the love and prayers sent your way.
Love Sydney
Sydney Redding
We are thinking about you everyday and sending you so much love, PJ.
rachel shepherd
Saying Prayers Get Well
Lisa Gavetti
Keep up the fighting Pat! Sending prayers your way through this process. If you need anything your LM team is always here!
Sarah Smyth
Get well soon Pat! We're all thinking of you and rooting for you! You got this!
Dana Silver
PJ: Many prayers are coming your way to give you strength to get through the days ahead. Prayers also for your family to stay strong. Hopefully this will be just a memory soon and you will return to your normal life.
Michelle Kapp
Praying!!! You got this
Kristen Seefeldt
Get well soon, stay strong brother.
Phil Petruzzo
Pat, we are all praying for you!! Get well soon, and when you come back to work you will be known as PJ. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you and I am your nurse so if you have any questions I'd be happy to help.
Lori Lukens
Stay Strong PJ!! Our Prayers are with you!!!
Lori Persia
Pat, thinking of you during this difficult time. We miss you at work!
Lacey Gilber
Keeping you and your family in my prayers and stay strong
charles walls
Patrick you are a lot stronger than you know. Sending all good thoughts and prayers your way.
Debbie Davidson
Pj is in our prayers.
The fields Family
PJ, Ron and I wish you all the best. It’s a long road but you are not alone!
Ron & Diane
I just wanted my name to be on here again... Oh yea, and I LOVE YOU!!!!! :) xoxoxoxo
Devon Pfaff
Keep your head up and fucking conquer, my man. Tons of love and positivity.
Sean Gustafson
Prayers for you PJ !! ❤️
Veronica Royer
“It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave”
Kick cancers ass PJ!!!
Deanna Gryn
Sending our prayers
Chris Ritchie
PJ you’re a kind and wonderful man. Always a smiling face at ARC events. Praying for you. I know you will beat this. ❤️
Donna Wetherill
Nobody fights alone Pat!
Kevin McKnight
Praying extra hard for u pj god bless you
Melina Angelo
Fight back PJ! You can kick cancer's butt! Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way!
Risa Scott
I wish you a swift and full recovery, PJ! I am so sorry to hear of your malady, but I feel that your strength and that of your family and friends will bolster your resolve, even in their absence.
Darryl Northington
No one fights alone my friend
Marc Doc
Fuck em up, Peej.
Jon Pfingsten
Thinking of you PJ! You got this. My thoughts and prayers have and will be with you❤️
Dee Wilson
Praying for you Pj ❤️❤️ You will kick cancers ass!!!
Danielle Iavarone & Denise Faragalli
Danielle Iavarone
PJ...YOU GOT THIS...YOU ARE THE WARRIOR!! Besides, ya gotta hang to keep majorly bothering your sisters! Love ya, Dude... Liz & John Mirzoeff & Family( Meg, Char & Vicky too!!)
Elizabeth Mirzoeff
I hope you feel better and never stop fighting
You got this peej! Thinking of you guys always
Alayna McGrath
Praying for you Peej! You can do this!
Lexi Pattinson
Hi PJ,
Thinking of you and sending get well wishes your way.
Aunt Dot
I honestly can not believe it. Although this is tough try to stay positive and fight this. I’m so sorry. I love you so much and praying hard. I’ll be by to see you soon. Love Linda
Linda Tonn
Sending prayers to you and your family & hoping you get well soon!
Kayla Russetto
PJ you are in good hands. Hang in there
Peter Hack
You got this PJ! We love you
Donas & Lou Canavin
Prayers and blessings for you bud, were all pulling for you
Stephen Creighton
We love you PJ! Keep fighting. We will be with you all the way
Aunt Donna and Uncle Lou
Keeping you in my prayers!
Susan Bodalski
We are behind you, PJ, cheering you on from Allentown!
Dennille Schuler
In honor of Patrick Kent!
Kera Armstrong
Prayers from the Joseph Family
Baylee Joseph
Lots of prayers for you, your family, and Dev! Stay strong!
Ally Hold
PJ, we are so shocked and sad to hear of your illness. You are strong, have a great support system of family and friends, and are getting world-class medical care. The deck is therefore very much stacked in your favor. We sincerely hope and pray that treatment will go very well for you and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Laura and Peter Bailet
Praying for you all
Shannon Dickinson
You got this Peej
Jessica Ruggiero
Sending lots of love and positive vibes !!!
Megan kanavel and sky
You got this PJ!
Nicole Hallinan
Sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way!!
Brandy Leahan
PJ, family, & Devon-
Stay strong and keep your head up- you’ve got a ton of people rallying behind you & praying everyday!! So much love & prayers of healing being sent your way.
Steph & Steve Sinex
Stephanie Sinex
You got this PJ!!!
Stephanie and Mike
You are in my prayers!!!!
Amber Leahan
We love you PJ! Aunt Peggy & Toni
Toni Newman
Devon Pfaff
Sending tons of love your way!
Emma Eckman
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Patrick John Kent
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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