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Joshua, a Pittsburgh native, has been teaching music lessons since he was in middle school. After receiving his degree in Music Education, he settled into teaching music to elementary students in Rochester, New York. For the past 5 years, he has brought the joy of music to more than 600 students. During his third year of his most recent position, a nagging cough sent him to the doctor. After months and months of testing and treatments, Joshua was finally diagnosed: pulmonary hypertension, polymitosis and Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
While two of the conditions are now manageable through medication, the Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis progresses quickly and scars the lungs in a way that does not allow oxygen into the blood very well. Through his rapidly declining health, he continued to share his love of guitar, djembe, and singing with his students and playing with the worship team at his church. In January 2020, Josh was evaluated at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh, PA. The doctors agree that his best chance for survival at this point is a lung transplant. Following the evaluation, Josh’s health has declined to where he is no longer able to teach. He hopes to beat this illness quickly and return to sharing music in Rochester.
Joshua is fortunate to be insured and some of the costs for the procedure will be covered. However, because of the extensive nature of the surgery, Josh and his wife Laura will have to temporarily relocate to Pittsburgh to be near the medical team overseeing his recovery- one of many costs that are not covered by insurance. Other anticipated costs include co-pays for life long medications and expenses related to his rehabilitation after the procedure. With that in mind, family and friends of Joshua Sarchet are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to cover these uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
Joshua has chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
Josh’s bronch surgery went well :)
Headed to PA for a routine check up and bronch. Prayers for good weather and a smooth surgery.
Josh's results show no rejection or infection. Hooray!
Josh’s surgeon said that his lungs looked totally clear and great during the bronch! The procedure is done and we will get full results later in the week.
Josh's pulmonary function tests and check-up went well yesterday! Today he has a bronchoscope.
We are headed to PA next week for routine bronch and check-up. Hopefully there will be no inflammation or rejection in Josh's lungs.
Josh's bronch showed no infection, but some inflammation. Doctors are hoping this clears on its own since Josh's pulmonary function test was normal.
Today is #NationalNonprofitDay! Please consider supporting Help Hope Live to offset costs for families facing a transplant need or a catastrophic injury or illness. You can donate to the campaign in honor of Josh's double lung transplant on our page, or go to the Help Hope Live home page to see more.
Josh is doing well during the bronchoscope procedure so far. We will get results later in the week. Thanks for your prayers!
We are headed to PA this week for some routine tests. Please pray for safe travels, smooth procedures, and good results.
Josh is part of several studies to determine the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine for immune-compromised patients. We traveled to PA in July for one of the tests, which unfortunately revealed that Josh did not develop any antibodies or immunity from the Covid vaccine. Hopefully this will be good information for the medical team and the profession.
Results from Josh's latest bronchoscope came back totally negative for rejection/infection!!!!
Josh's left vocal cord is still paralyzed. He has been working with Speech Therapy to practice best use of the vocal function he has remaining. This is going well! We are thankful for the opportunity to teach from home during this time to minimize exposure to viruses, to allow for the flexibility of Josh's therapy and appointments, and to provide time for rest (vocal and physical) when needed. We appreciate your continued prayers and support!
With love, Josh and Laura
Josh’s bronch results showed no rejection or infections! Thanks for your prayers.
We arrived safely in PA, and Josh's appointments yesterday went well. He had his best pulmonary function test yet! That means that his lung capacity is the greatest it has been since the transplant last April.
Today, we are at the hospital for his bronchoscopy. Please pray that he does well with the anesthesia, the surgery goes smoothly, and there are good results in a few days after the procedure.
Happy New Year! We will be leaving for PA for routine check ups and bronch surgery on January 24th. Please pray for safe travels, smooth procedure, and good news from Josh’s doctors.
Help Hope Live for Joshua Sarchet: End this year with HOPE.
We have continued expenses of physical and vocal therapy, medications and prescriptions, travel to PA for appointments, and hospital bills for procedures. Consider making a year end, tax deductible donation to help Josh continue his healthy recovery after transplant. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Donations made in honor of a specific individual, or in response to campaign solicitations, are restricted by region only and do not obligate Help Hope Live to allocate funds towards a specific individual, as the IRS would deem such donations to be private gifts, which are not tax deductible. Clients receive support according to their medical and financial need. Help Hope Live is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Information: 800.642.8399. A copy of the latest annual report can be obtained from the organization or from the office of the Attorney General by writing Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY, 10271.
If you missed Laura speak in the Caregiver Hope Talk, here is the recording: https://youtu.be/01-0WH1BgRU.
Please attend the Caregiver Hope Talk featuring Josh's wife, Laura, on Thursday, December 10th at 2:45pm! https://helphopelive.org/event/hope-talk-celebrating-family-caregivers/
Thanks for all of your continued prayers and support!
Love, Josh and Laura
This week, Josh "graduated" from pulmonary rehab!!! This is a huge step in recovery. It means that Josh no longer has to go to outpatient several times a week, but can do exercises at home and over video conference with his team of physical therapists and doctors. Way to go, Josh!
Tonight at 6pm, HelpHopeLive is hosting a Gala! Josh and Laura recorded a short video that will be played at approximately 6:29pm. Here is the link to register for the free virtual event: https://helphopelive.org/event/8th-annual-live-it-up/. Hope to see you there!
We found out that Josh has osteoporosis. This is likely because the transplant meds change how the body absorbs vitamins and minerals. For now, the doctor is having Josh take supplements as treatment for the osteoporosis. Please pray that it is kept in check and that Josh continues to feel well.
Josh has NO REJECTION of the lungs on this latest bronch! Praise God! There were issues with obstruction of the airways, which leads to complications breathing and sleeping, as well as difficulties with the bronch surgeries and vocal cord surgeries. Please pray that the obstructed airways will become clear and be resolved!
Josh has been teaching from home via the computer, which has been a huge blessing! We are so grateful for all of your love, prayers, and support.
The second bronchoscope today went better. We should get results as far as rejection/biopsy/infection in about a week. Josh will still need to follow up with the sleep apnea team to see if that is a problem. We are headed back to Rochester this afternoon!
The lungs look good on Josh's bronch, but during the procedure his airways were obstructed (same problem that has caused difficulty with the vocal cord surgeries). The doctor is having Josh go back into the operating room for another bronch this afternoon, hoping for better results.
Josh's routine Pulmonary Function Tests went very well yesterday and so did his follow-up appointments with the Pittsburgh doctors. He is going into surgery this morning for his bronchoscope (also routine). Thank you for your prayers!
Josh and Laura will be traveling to Pittsburgh for follow up appointments and a routine bronchoscope. Please pray it goes well next week!
Josh is doing well since his surgery. He followed up with the ENT; the left vocal cord is still paralyzed but potentially treatable with further surgeries. Josh and Laura are both excited to start teaching (remotely) this school year soon!
Josh is home from the hospital! He has a PICC line for 24-hour IV antibiotics in for the next two weeks. Home nursing will come to the house to help. We are so glad he is home!
Josh is doing well. Up and moving around the room. He may get to come home as early as this weekend but will need to continue antibiotics for another week and a half.
Surgeon just called. Gall bladder came out fine with four small incisions. It was infected but there were no problems with any other organs. They also were able to clear out the stones in the ducts. Josh came off the breathing tube and anesthesia fine, and he is waking up in the recovery room now! Hopefully Laura will get to see him later today.
Operation is going well. Hopefully will wrap up in about an hour or so.
Josh is going in for surgery now for a laparoscopic removal of the gall bladder.
Josh will need to be on IV antibiotics for at least two weeks due to his blood infection. It is not clear whether he will do that outpatient or in the hospital. The doctors are still weighing the decision about when to do surgery on the gall bladder, but that could be as soon as today.
Josh’s doctors at the hospital are still trying to determine the cause of infection and where else it may have spread in his body. They have found some issues with his gall bladder and connecting ducts, and will do an MRI today to get more information. They think Josh needs the gall bladder removed, but are trying to weigh the urgency of the surgery and his tolerance for surgery so soon after transplant. Josh is in good spirits and we thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
Josh has been running a fever last night and today. He is still being treated at the hospital in Rochester for a suspected infection. Laura was able to see him this morning.
Josh has been admitted to the hospital through the ER. He has elevated liver enzymes, white blood cell count, and abdominal tenderness, as well as pain. It appears he has some kind of abdominal infection. Lungs look good, but the doctors are working on finding out what is wrong.
It is so good to be home! Josh began Pulmonary Rehab in Rochester yesterday, and he will be doing that outpatient twice a week. Please continue to pray for lessened incision and back pain.
Six months ago, Josh and Laura left their home in Rochester to go to the ICU for Josh’s progressing lung disease. Josh received a double lung transplant on April 2, 2020. Today, after six months in Pittsburgh, Josh and Laura safely return to their home in Rochester, NY! Praise God!
Josh's procedure went fine this morning. Hopefully this will provide some temporary function to his vocals and prevent aspiration/pneumonia. Josh is on strict voice rest for two days. We will follow up with the voice doctor in one month to see how the vocal cords are doing.
Josh is about to go into another surgery for his left vocal cord. This is an injection to temporarily provide safety for Josh in breathing and swallowing by allowing the vocal cords to close as designed. This should also improve vocal function for a month or two, while giving the paralyzed vocal fold time to hopefully heal. Please pray for the procedure to go well, and for Josh's vocal cord to regain function.
Josh is continuing to do well! He is excelling at pulmonary rehab, and the internal medicine side of things is looking good as well. Josh did have slight rejection on his last bronch, but it was not significant enough to need treatment. There are no infections in the lungs either! The doctors are monitoring fungal cultures to make sure those do not grow, but Josh is on an inhaled preventative anti-fungal medicine in the meantime.
Josh will undergo a second vocal cord injection surgery at the beginning of August. While the left vocal cord is still completely paralyzed, the doctors are looking into both temporary and permanent options to determine the best course of treatment to help Josh regain his voice, and prevent aspiration/swallowing issues.
Josh and Laura have been cleared to move back to Rochester on August 11th! Josh will continue with pulmonary rehab and treatment in Rochester, and they will travel to Pittsburgh roughly once per month for continued treatment and tests. Laura and Josh are thrilled to be going home soon! Pray that Josh's healing continues and that this plan is able to happen.
Overall, Josh's new lungs are working wonderfully. He breathes easily, only getting a bit short of breath during exercise. We are so thankful for the miracle of a new chance at life, and this gift from the donor's family.
Josh's doctors continue to be pleased with his progress. Physical therapy has gone wonderfully, so Josh has graduated to doing outpatient Pulmonary Rehab 3x/week. Physically, Josh is getting around great!
Josh has a bronchoscope today (Wednesday 7/15). Please pray for the procedure to go well, and for results to be negative for rejection and infection.
Josh's left vocal cord is still completely paralyzed. This not only affects his speaking/singing voice, but can also impede swallowing and lead to aspiration/pneumonia risk. The injection Josh had after the transplant has been wearing off, so we are working with a voice team and ENT to determine next steps.
Thank you for prayers for our whole family after the passing of Laura's brother, Luke, last week (https://www.amigone.com/obituaries/Luke-D-Ciminelli?obId=16901888&fbclid=IwAR3WzZkekmPgiEjkTvhyXSd-l-TCwGZ5WAhYMpLnc2gFibOE_lr_dUZLrFg#/obituaryInfo). We appreciate your continued support during this difficult time as we grieve, and are still away from home post-surgery.
Josh's treatment for rejection at the hospital last week went smoothly. He continues to make amazing progress in physical therapy. The next bronch and follow-up appointments will be in a few weeks, so we are hoping those produce good results and that we get some information on when we might come back to Rochester. Blood draws have been difficult lately, so please pray that the nurse is able to find veins to make productive blood draws. Thank you!
Josh did not have any infection, thankfully! He is being treated this week in the hospital (outpatient) for the rejection, and that is going well so far. Thanks for your continued prayers and support!
Josh's bronchoscopy/biopsy showed rejection. He will be treated in the hospital next week with a steroid infusion. We are still waiting to hear on the infection results.
Surgery went fine! Results later this week
Josh went in for his bronch about an hour ago.
Josh's bronchoscopy and biopsy will be this Wednesday (June 17th). He continues to do well with physical therapy. Please pray for increased mobility and decreased pain levels. We appreciate your continued support during this long journey!
The bronch/biopsy has been rescheduled due to medication changes. Thanks for continued prayers!
Josh will be having a routine bronchoscope and biopsy tomorrow (Wednesday). Please pray for the procedure to go well, and for results to be negative for rejection and infection. Continue to pray for Josh's pain management as well.
Josh's doctors are please with his progress and healing so far. Josh and Laura will need to remain in Pittsburgh for another roughly 2 months at least for biopsies, to clear Josh's infection, and to balance some issues with his medicines. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
Josh just finished his last IV antibiotic, which Laura has been administering at the Pittsburgh apartment along with an antibiotic breathing medicine. Josh also graduated from OT this weekend, which means he no longer needs the support of an occupational therapist! Josh continues to work with physical therapy (PT) several times per week, as he has a long way to go to build strength and balance after the surgery. He is making great progress, and his oxygen levels have been amazing (96-99%)!
Josh's magnesium levels continue to be a challenge. He is on a magnesium supplement schedule in addition to the post-transplant medications, which create a rigorous timetable for Josh and Laura. Please pray that they are able to find some time to sleep and rest between administering all of the medication.
Josh has a follow-up appointment next week, when hopefully the last half of the staples on his chest incision will be taken out. Please pray for pain management related to the incision site and the staples, as well as back pain due to the staples pulling at his body.
Thankful for all of your support!
Copy and paste this link to your email for a story from the news this morning: Thanks, WPXI! https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/upmc-performs-record-number-lung-transplants-despite-covid-19/H2JYEICBMFDENA4N2G4T7STTDU/
Leaving the hospital! Check out the Post-Transplant album below for more photos.
Josh has been discharged from the hospital! Hooray! He and Laura will be staying in Pittsburgh for the next month or so. They will continue with occupational therapy, physical therapy, and home nursing. Please continue to pray for Josh's magnesium levels to stabilize and his infection to clear.
Josh’s doctors are still working on balancing his magnesium levels. The biopsy results showed no rejection, which we are thankful for! He does have a bacterial infection in the lungs. He will begin an inhaled treatment tomorrow along with IV antibiotic medicine for at least one week. Doctors are confident this infection will clear up. From a clinical standpoint, Josh is doing great and continues to make progress in therapy and rehab. Please keep praying!
Please continue to pray for regulated magnesium levels. Josh's doctors are trying to balance his medications and supplements to keep his levels high enough.
Josh just finished up with the bronchoscopy. The doctor was pleased with how the procedure went. Please pray the results of the biopsy come back negative for rejection!
Josh started a new medicine today to help his kidneys keep magnesium better. So far it seems to be moving in the right direction. Josh continues to do great with therapy. Thank you for all the wonderful cards! See pictures below by clicking on the album. Josh also continues to work with his amazing music therapist, Aaron, pictured with Josh and the guitars.
Josh has a routine bronchoscope and biopsy scheduled for tomorrow afternoon (Friday). Please pray for this to go well and to come back negative for rejection.
physical therapy today! Laura got to sing along as Josh walked and played guitar. Great job, Josh!!!
Laura was able to visit Josh at the hospital today! See the photo album below for a picture of them reunited!
Josh was able to get half of his staples out today! Check out the videos of Josh's walking progress, and the picture in the photo albums below. Today, Josh played guitar with his music therapist, Aaron, and several doctors to serenade Laura over video chat. Thanks be to God for a great day!
Josh continues to do well with therapy. One thing the doctors are trying to solve right now is that Josh's magnesium (an electrolyte that helps the heart) continues to be low even with infusions. Pray that they can regulate these levels.
Josh was able to get the sutures (stitches) out from his chest tube and ECMO sites. All incisions are healing well, and now the only thing he has is the row of staples on his main chest incision. Josh’s blood cell counts are looking better. Josh continues to make good progress in therapy and is working on taking some walking steps unassisted. Continued prayers!
Josh is healing well. His white blood cell count and platelet count are heading in the right direction. There was some evidence of bacterial infection, so pray that clears up with antibiotic treatment. Josh is able to stand independently, and he continues to work on walking with support.
Josh is doing well today. He is excited to get back into the routine of therapy during the week. His chest x-ray today showed no pneumonia, but a small amount of fluid which will be treated with diuretics. Josh's white blood cell count and platelet count are both high, which the rheumatology team determined is likely not from polymyositis, but may be due to an infection. Though Josh's lung function is looking great, they will do a full infection work-up to look for sources of infection. Thankfully, he does not need any extra steroid at this time. Josh's trach stoma is healing very well! Thank you for continued prayers.
Josh is doing well today. Doctors continue to monitor his heart, blood sugar, white blood cells, and kidney as cautionary measures. Josh has gotten clearance to use his arms for balance again, as his sternum (breast bone) begins to heal from the surgery (it was broken and repaired in order for the doctors to reach the lung cavity). Josh also was able to discontinue pain medications today. Josh’s breathing and lungs are doing very well – his oxygen saturation remains 95-100% most of the time, even with exertion during therapy. This is with no oxygen/breathing support! Please continue to pray for ease of pain, peace of mind, and progress towards walking and activities of daily living for Josh.
Good morning! Josh is doing well - he had a great week in therapy. If you would like to send Josh an e-card, please use this link: https://ecards.upmc.com/ Josh is at UPMC Montefiore Hospital.
Another piece of great news - Josh is able to work with a music therapist at the inpatient rehab center! The music therapist, Aaron, plays the double bass, which is the same instrument that Josh's wife Laura plays. Aaron has been working on helping Josh play the guitar, listen to music and talk therapy. Josh really enjoys working with Aaron and we are so thankful for this service.
Josh continues to do well. Doctors are monitoring his blood sugar, which has been up and down, and his white blood cell count. Josh is working very hard in physical therapy to rebuild his strength! Keep praying that he is able to walk on his own sometime soon.
Josh continues to do well at Montefiore Hospital in rehab. Right now he needs assistance with many activities of daily living, walking, and tasks. He works with Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy daily to rebuild strength and endurance. Thanks for continued prayers!
Josh got his trach taken out today! He is breathing completely on his own. The trach hole will close on its own eventually. Josh is learning how to strengthen his lung capacity. He is doing well in rehab and works with PT, OT, Speech, and works on Activities of Daily Living.
Josh has successfully moved to Montefiore Hospital to the inpatient rehabilitation center. He will continue to work with PT and Speech there. Josh was able to get his feeding tube taken out and is on a regular diet.
Josh is doing well today. This is his second day of the steroid treatment for the rejection. He still has the trach capped on room air, which means he is doing fantastic with his breathing. They will look at taking the trach out possibly in the next few days. Josh passed his swallow test last night, so he is taking his medications by mouth and able to eat and drink as tolerated. There is a potential he will move to the inpatient rehab hospital (attached to the same building, down the road) today! I will keep updates coming as we know more about the move.
Josh’s biopsy results came back. He does have moderate rejection, which is not uncommon after transplant. This will be treated with a high dose steroid for three days, and they will repeat a biopsy in about two weeks. Josh remained on room air overnight and still has the trach capped this morning, which means he is doing great from a respiratory standpoint. He needs to be coughing up more secretions still to clear out the lungs, but hopefully the trach will be taken out in a few days if that progresses well. Josh’s last remaining chest tube was taken out this morning, which should help with his pain. He is still experiencing a lot of pain at his chest incision. Speech and PT will be working with Josh today. Pray for continued progress and for the rejection to be contained and remediated.
Josh’s procedure for the vocal cord injection went well this morning. This is to temporarily help the vocal cords close and give them time to hopefully heal over the next few months. Josh is on complete vocal rest for 24 hours. Tomorrow, Speech will assess to see if Josh is ready to start trying to speak with the trach valve again. They are also hoping to do a swallow test in the next few days, so hopefully Josh will be able to start eating and drinking again soon! The doctors took out the right chest tube, which is good progress. Josh still has one chest tube in (left side), and he is having some pain with that. Today, they are doing a breathing trial with a trach cap – this means that Josh is breathing on his own right now with regular room air and no extra oxygen! His O2 saturation in 95% which is fine for the trial, so they will monitor his breathing and see how he continues to do with the trach capped. Josh will hopefully move to the inpatient rehab center at Montefiore Hospital sometime next week (this is the next stage after the pulmonary step-down floor). Still waiting on the biopsy results to see if there is any rejection. Thanks for all the prayers!
The vocal cord injection went well!
Josh is off to the operating room for the vocal cord injection procedure
Josh’s white blood cell count is down into the normal range again! He is off of the biPap. He was able to stand again a little today with help from PT. The goal is to continue working with therapy and build strength, until he will move to the inpatient physical rehab center at Montefiore hospital.
Josh found out about a difficult set-back today. He saw the ear-nose-throat (ENT) doctor today, and his left vocal cord is paralyzed. This could be due to the surgery, the ventilator, the trach, or some other cause. It is somewhat common after transplant, but we are praying it is temporary. This causes difficulty with coughing, swallowing, aspiration, and voicing. Josh is scheduled for an operation tomorrow to inject the vocal cords to allow them to close, which will hopefully be a temporary solution to allow the vocal cord to heal. Right now, it is unclear how this will affect Josh long term. ENT will continue to monitor Josh and they are hoping the vocal cord will recover mobility on its own in the next few months. As Josh is a music teacher and aspiring music therapist, this is extremely difficult news for him. Please pray for recovery of Josh’s voice use and vocal control and strength.
Josh has a smaller trach put in to replace his large trach. He has started working with Speech again to try making progress with the speech valve.
Josh is out of the operating room after the bronchoscopy and biopsy - the procedure went well and the doctor was extremely pleased with the condition of the lung and airways. I will update again after we get the results back on the specimen as to whether the biopsy shows any tissue rejection.
Josh continues to make good progress! He only used the biPap for a few hours last night. He is on the trach mask during the day. Tonight they will try without the biPap (trach mask only). Getting off the biPap entirely is the next big hurdle. Josh is scheduled for a routine bronchoscopy and biopsy tomorrow, for which he will be under a general anesthesia, so please pray for that to go well.
Josh is doing well today. His white blood cell count is lower again which is good. Heart rate and breathing looking good! Still working on managing pain and getting stronger.
Josh had a good night and is doing better this morning. White blood cell count is looking a little more normal. His chest X-ray of the lungs looked great today! He is in some pain as his chest incision is healing. He is breathing well on the trach, but it is uncomfortable for him. The doctors are happy with Josh's progress. He will start working with Speech Therapy to work on swallowing in the next few days, and will continue to work with PT and OT to build his strength. Continued prayers.
Josh is having a little trouble adjusting to his new environment on the floor. Please pray for him to be in good spirits and for a good night's sleep. They are working on reducing swelling and managing pain at his trach site and chest incision.
Josh moved out of the ICU today! He is now on the pulmonary step-down floor of the hospital. Laura is still not able to visit. Josh is doing very well recovering. He is working with PT and OT on standing a little bit and is able to sit up in a chair for most of the day. During the day he is on a trach mask with oxygen, and at night he is on bi-pap. His white blood cell count is a little bit lower than the last couple of days, which is good; the doctors think the higher count may be due to Josh’s polymyositis. Getting out of the ICU is huge progress!
Josh had a great night. They did a bronchoscope this morning to check and clean out his lungs, which went well. They are on the way to move him out of the ICU to the pulmonary floor this morning! Such great progress! Will update again when he moves.
Josh continues to get stronger. Today he worked with PT and OT on standing, with help, for a few seconds at a time. Since he no longer needs the ventilator, tomorrow he will likely move out of the ICU to the pulmonary floor of the hospital!
Josh did great on the bi-pap last night. He is doing well on the trach mask again today. Today, they are working on managing his pain, and monitoring his heart rate which is a little elevated. They will do another biopsy soon to look for any inflammation that may be causing the high white blood cell count.
Josh is doing well on the trach mask still and is resting. He will go on the bi pap overnight. Pray for a good nights’ sleep!
Thanks Debbie and Julie for sharing this great blessing video of Pittsburgh churches! Copy the link and paste into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdxMgmN9NpA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1gzZ6E350qIOcXGET550EuboQdTBCIxs3uK1VWSqi470AbpUtCBf7eAsA
Josh did not sleep well last night, but he did well on the bi-pap overnight instead of the ventilator! He is up in the chair this morning and on the trach mask again. He will work with PT (physical therapy) and OT (occupational therapy) during the day. The plan for today is to continue on the trach mask, and to take more diuretics to reduce swelling. Josh’s white blood cell count is still high. They will do a biopsy bronchoscopy soon (both to check the white blood cell potential source and for routine post-surgery). Thank you for your continued prayers.
Josh’s CT scan was normal, and all tests for infections came back negative. His white blood cell count is still high. He is also still on medicine for the clot, which will be scanned again later in the week or next week. He has been on the trach mask un-cuffed all day (which means he has to do more of the breathing) and will go on bi-pap overnight instead of the ventilator to see how he tolerates it. Please pray for Josh and Laura as they are still unable to see each other due to the hospital being closed to visitors.
Josh is doing well with the trach mask breathing this morning. His white blood cell count is still increased, so they did a scan to see if they can identify the cause of that. Please pray for any infections to be resolved if that is causing his white blood cell count to be high, and for rheumatology to be able to help with understanding how Josh's polymyositis may be contributing.
Josh has been in bed this since this afternoon, and is still on the trach mask this evening. He will go back on the ventilator tonight. His white blood cell count is still high so rheumatology will see him tomorrow. They are working on managing pain, adjusting transplant meds, and controlling swelling with diuretics.
Josh is doing well on the trach mask still this afternoon. They put him back in bed to do some bloodwork and work on getting some of his large IV lines adjusted and re-placed. Hoping that he can switch over from the ventilator to a bi-pap or c-pap machine at some point soon.
Josh had a good night last night. They did a bronchoscope this morning which went well. Josh is sitting up in the chair and on the trach mask again this morning. The goal is to see how long he can do on the trach mask today (breathing on his own), to move toward weaning off the ventilator when he is able. There are some setbacks every once in a while, but the nurses feel that he is moving in the right direction. Thank you for continued prayers!
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Such good news. So glad you guys are doing well.
Carol Lowne
Thankful Josh and Laura! We miss you.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Hi Laura Girl and Josh,
I bet you already know who this is! Boy do we miss both of you at church! Of course, we don\'t go, physically, but we could see you on Online Services...I do hope you will be back someday. I\'m sure you will.
Someday we will all look back on these couple of years and laugh and rejoice of how God works in our lives.
What a blessing that Josh has been able to have the transplant and meet all the challenges he has gone through.
We think of you often and always keep you in our prayers.
Love to both,
Harry and Judy Wood
Judith Y Wood
Thanks for the good news Josh and Laura. Will be praying for the next step to have good results.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Looking forward to listening in...missing you!
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Wonderful news for you both! We still have the joy of praying over you both every day! So wonderful to hear of this great progress...now praying for vocal cord healing!
Carol Lowne
Thanks for the great news Josh and Laura!
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Praying for good results from being a good boy and taking your vitamins :-) Was sure a blessing to \"see\" you in worship Sat. night. The music and sermon were wonderful. Someday you will both be able to join us. We miss you so much!
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Hi Josh and Laura...count on our prayers continuing with you on your travels to Pittsburgh and for God\'s peace and new miracles during tests and your bronchoscope, Josh.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Prayers answered Josh! We\'ll be praying for added healing with the PICC line. No more jumping jacks for you Josh! Love to both of you.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Thankful to God for the good news that surgery went well! Will continue to pray for healing and peaceful rest.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Hi Josh and Laura...we are so sorry you have to go through this but we know the Lord has been there for you to lean on. We think the world of you and will continue to pray for comfort and the assurance that God is carrying you every step of the way through this detour on the journey.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Hi Josh and Laura...just want you to know we just read the update that Josh has been hospitalized. We are praying for Josh, the doctors, and for the sadness you must be feeling Laura in not being able to visit. Our love...
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Praying for everything to o well, relief from vocal cord paralysis and for protection over you both...home is in sight guys!
Carol and Alan
Wonderful new re coming home josh and laura....praying for those vocal cord and for function again!
Carol Lowne
Thanks for the update Josh and Laura...praying you continue to experience the wonderful promises of God fulfilled even in the most difficult of trials.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Wonderful progress for Josh. Praying that blood will be available like a fountain for all blood draws! It will be wonderful when you are back home!
Carol and Alan Lowne
Hi Josh and Laura...praying for the rejection infusion. So sorry Josh...be encouraged knowing our dear Lord has you in the palm of His hand. Thankful there was no infection. PTL...
Laverne and Lynn Bates
We continue to pray... and look forward to the time you\'ll be back in Rochester.
The Thomsons
Praying you have wonderful results, our friend!
Pete and Bobbi Guild
May the Lord breathe into your life strength and peace today.
Tony Bailey
You are in my prayers for good results in tomorrow\'s bronchoscopy. We are standing with you, in God\'s love, as your church family.
Dave Carden
Sending prayers to both of you!!
Sarah Potter Sarah Potter
My prayers continue for you and Laura, your medical team, and your entire family. I cannot help but delight in and praise God for God's dramatic and miraculous care of you. I pray for God's continued blessing on every aspect of your life, marriage, and vocation as a teacher.
Thanks for the updates Josh and Laura...we look forward to the progress and answers to our prayers every day! We love you both and can\'t wait for the day when you return \"home\".
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Thankful for the progress you have achieved - looking forward to continued blessings in your lives.
Steven Douglass
Love and prayers for God’s continued blessings on you today!
So many praises for continued answers to our prayers for Josh\'s healing. We will pray for the magnesium levels, rest from the pain in the coming days before the staples are removed, and strength and peace for Josh and Laura. This old song came to mind today and I thought of you.
If we could see beyond today as God can see,
If all the clouds should roll away,
The shadows flee;
O\'er present griefs we would not fret,
Each sorrow we would soon forget,
For many joys are waiting yet
For you and me.
Love to both of you always...
Laverne and Lynn Bates
We're still praying for you, Josh and Laura! Love, The Thomsons
Alicia Thomson
Hi Josh,
Wow! To see you leaving the hospital fills us with joy. We will continue to pray for you and Laura and wish for you an uneventful recovery from now on.
Fondly, Dottie and Dick Robinson
Dottie Robinson
Continuous prayers for healing and strength!!! We miss you!!
Tashara Smalls
Eli Texler wishes his teachers husband a speedy recovery and his teacher to come back to school! In Hebrew, the word CHAI means life and it's numerical equivalent is 18 so we contributed double CHAI.
Devorah Hertzel
Prayers for a speedy recovery. With love, Tim, Megan, & Austin
Tim Lynn
So happy for you, Josh and Laura!
Sarah Helmers
Wonderful to see you leaving the hospital!!
Deborah Steere
Josh and Laura...WooHoo!!!! Fantastic video news.....I watched them 3 times. :)
Will continue praying every day for improvement upon improvement. We just prayed in the Healing Prayer Group (by Zoom) ....the group prays every week as well.
Looking forward to the day when we can see you both again...not in a hospital but at home and well and you both living your lives with great peace and joy and as it is meant to be.
Alan and Carol L.
Wow...tears are flowing all around! Praise God...didn\'t know you were so close to discharge. So very happy for you Josh...crazy me, when you waved I started waving back :-) Looking great! Especially like that sleek black limo for the occasion. How will we get the Sarchet Daily News? Praying the magnesium levels and the infection keep going in the right direction. We love you!
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Josh and Laura, I saw your recent utube of Josh playing the guitar and Laura singing. It truly brought tears to my eyes. How blessed, beautiful and inspirational. As always Josh,you\'re so talented, however watching you walk and play almost completely by yourself, your recovery is so blessed and remarkable! The two of you are a couple that can overcome anything and everything and your love keeps your recovery much quicker than anyone would believe. Love for Laura and the Lord keeps your recovery astounding! Much Love
Sue Pollick
Thankful the bronchoscopy is finished...we\'re all learning the meaning of new procedures and the possibility that Josh might have a sore throat and be a little hoarse. It\'s been great walking beside you both on this path and praying for the many twists and turns. Looking forward to the days when Josh will be able to take a walk in this beautiful weather. Prayers continue with thanksgiving every day.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
That picture of you and Laura doesn\'t look \"virtual\". It looks real! Wonderful!
Wilda V Smith
Hi Josh and Laura...more positives. Love it when we hear going in the right direction. We are thankful with you for Aaron tonight, and will be praying for a negative in Friday\'s tests. As always, we trust God\'s unending miracles in your lives and can\'t wait to see you again. Love as always.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
We love you Josh! Stay strong!
Phyllis and Tommy Etzel
So happy to see you are doing so well. You are continually in my prayers.
Mary Ella Loos
Josh, you look great. Laura, you always look great. Praying fervently. James 5:16
Pastor Chuck
So wonderful to see you two together!!
Michele Kelly
Wow...you two lovebirds! Amazing answers to our prayers Josh and Laura.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
WOOHOO!!!! JOSH and Laura together...a sight for sore eyes!
Carol and Alan Lowne
Hi Josh!
It is such a blessing to watch you progress! John and I are praying for you daily and look forward to seeing you and Laura when you get back home.
Many blessings,
Gina Tassone
Love seeing the walking video! Keep up the good progress! Prayers for you both!
Michelle Greco
It’s so good to see you up and walking
A video of music please
Keeping you in my thoughts.
Rick Laus
Fantastic...way to go Josh!!!!
Carol and Alan Lowne
Wow....how exciting! Have these pictures been here all along and I never looked for them? Was the picture of Josh and Laura in their best bib and tucker prior to the lung transplant? So Laura and Josh have not been together at all since the surgery? Totally amazed. Big staples coming out slowly...bet that hurt a wee bit. What a blessing you are to others on their journey. Prayers always!
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Joshua, your recovery is truly remarkable. Continued prayers, especially for your magnesium levels. Though,the Lord continues to provide. Blessings and prayers. Every progress is truly amazing and a blessing.
Sue Pollick
Hi Josh and Laura,
Always happy to see your updates.
It\'s great to hear Josh is doing well with therapy. We will be praying this week for heightened levels of magnesium, and a peace within that God is still on the throne. His promise is true He will not forget you. God loves you and so do we!
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Josh and Laura you are in my prayers.
Janet Herman
Josh and laura...we’re still praying everyday and rejoicing at every marker of progress (‘Happy dance”) ....we look forward to the day when we can see uyou both dance together again!
Carol and Alan Lowne
Great update! Love getting your messages...such an encouragement! We hear those staples are pretty big? Watch that Josh, Laura, he\'ll be chasing the nurses down the hall! Be assured of our daily prayers for both of you.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
You’re doing great, Josh!! I’m so thrilled to hear you have a music therapist to work with; how fun! I’m seeing your progress in Laura’s reports! Keep up the good work, Josh and Laura!! You’re doing better than you realize. Rejoice in the Lord, thank him for his blessings! Amen
Michele Kelly
Hi Josh and Laura,
Hope you are sensing the Lord\'s continued peace and strength as you encounter the strains of daily living that we take for granted. God is forever faithful.
Our prayers continue today and every day.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Those messages are just great...perfect Josh! Whoever writes the messages has blessed our hearts!
Love to Josh and Laura. We praise our God for answers to prayer every day. We won\'t stop praying.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Way to go Josh (and Laura)...this is a marathon for you and you are examples in patience for us all! We continue to pray for you both every day!
Carol and Alan Lowne
Praying for continued improvement and blessings as you heal.
Steven Douglass
Praise God. Josh ,you are remarkably resilient and I know you have a lot of patience. I know,in time you will be walking freely towards Laura. Blessings and prayers always. Much Love.
Sue Pollick
It is so good to receive these updates and to hear how you are making progress. We continue to pray for you regularly!! We are looking forward to seeing you and Laura again! You both are very dear to our family!!
The Fugates
We are all praying for you in the Service family, Josh. We are so glad you are on the road to recovery and can\'t wait to see you again. God bless!
Marie and Monty Service
Josh, the best 7 words today: \"He is breathing completely on his own.\" PTL for answers to our prayers.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Praise God! Been praying and everyone\'s prayers have been answered! Josh you are awesome and so strong. Your faith and family have got you risen to the occasion! God love you and continued recovery and prayers!
Sue Pollick
Wishing you a healthy recovery and will remember you in my prayers!
Katerina Hetelekides
Laura and Joshua--We are sending you lots of love. Aria and Jeff
Aria Colaizzi
We look forward to the good news updates each day and thank God for the progress Josh is making. God’s goodness is overwhelming!!
Aunt Dale
Every day we look forward to reading Josh\'s progress and his specific needs. Today we are praying for the rejection to be contained, remediated, and for those adopted lungs to settle in to their permanent home, inside a man we dearly love! Gentle hugs to both of you.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Thinking of you and your family at this time of need. Wishing you a healthy recovery! Paula Tantillo from Council Rock
Paula Tantillo
You are in my prayers.
Cassie Pruitt Cassie Pruitt
Josh and Laura , continued prayers and Josh, you\'ve come so far through the Grace of God and I know He will continue to provide for you. Everything will work out with patience and love! Much love and prayers for healing!
Sue Pollick
Best of luck to Joshua. We learned of Joshua's condition through Mike Kinsky who encouraged us to check out the HelpHopeLive page. Thanks Mike! Great idea!!!
Dear Josh and Laura,
God is the best healer, there is no one like our Father who can protect us like a strong tower, and in the shadow of His wings can we kneel and bless His name. He will hold us when the world has broken us. He will lift us up when we have fallen. When our world and our heart is shattered, only He can wipe the very tears from our eyes. God’s goodness means far more than His generosity, but it certainly includes His infinitely generous attitude toward us. By nature, He longs to bring joy and blessing to all His creatures. “And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord: For He is good, for His mercy endures.” Ezra 3:11. “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord.” Psalm 27:13
We love you, and continue to pray daily for Josh\'s healing beyond our imagination, and for comfort and peace for both of you.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Be encouraged! Everyday I’m seeing Josh\'s progress in your posts, Laura! Thinking of you and praying for you both often!
Michele Kelly
Praise God that Josh continues his recovery. Truly remarkable! Continued prayers for both of you and his anesthesia tmrw. The Lord definitely provides!!
Sue Pollick
To God be the glory.. great things He has done, and continuing to do !! We rejoice with you and continue to pray with you for reduction of the biPap and stamina for the procedure tomorrow. Love you both!
Laverne and Lynn Bates
We love you Josh and Laura...be encouraged, we are praying for continued peace and healing.
Laverne and Lynn Bates
Praise God! He is an amazingly strong and faith filled gentleman and he\'s working toward a wonderful life with his remarkable Laura! Continued prayers for speedy recovery! Thank You Lord!
sue pollick
Praise the Lord!
Pete and Bobbi Guild
Joshua and Laura. Thoughts and prayers are always with both of you! What a beautiful Blessing at Josh\'s continued recovery and healing!! Praying that pain will subside! Continued strength through the Lord!!
sue pollick
Dear Josh and Laura....still praying every day (and night) for you both to be encouraged and strengthened and surrounded by angels who help you hold fast....all the way through Josh’s recovery and into a bright future together again.
Carol and Alan Lowne
May you feel the risen Christ walking before you, behind you, beside you and through you.
Bobbi Guild
Let your light shine.
Talibah Timothy
Praise God!! Continued thoughts and prayers are with both of you! He is definitely going in the right direction. His strength is truly amazing and remarkable!! I know Laura,you are definitely his strength to working toward his healing!
sue pollick
Continue prayers for healing and recovery without pain! Lord, watch over Josh at his time of recovery and pain free w no side affects! Josh continued healing for this strength filled gentleman of God!
sue pollick
Thanks so very much Laura for taking your time to inform us. He is truly amazing and remarkable!! Sent some cards for him tonight! Many blessings and prayers for you always!! HAPPY and Blessed EASTER to you!! If you need anything let me know, please!!
sue pollick
Laura, I am continuing prayers for all of you and all his hospital providers for continued, compassionate and problem solving skills! Much love,hugs and thoughts always! HAPPY and Healthy and Blessed Easter!!
sue pollick
Hi Josh and Laura,
Watching and praying every day for every step of progress and rejoicing with you that you have new lungs. Happy Easter...He Is Risen ...He is Risen Indeed.]!
Carol and Alan Lowne
Josh, we are praying for strength and continued healing. May you feel His loving arms around you and Laura. God is good! “Trust in the Lord”
Love, Bob & Marcia Gardinet
Kent and I are loving all the good news of yr care and recovery. God is Good!!
Dale Eustice
We wish you a smooth recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jeremy and Hilda Grace
Jeremy and Hilda Grace
Josh, you are amazing so many of us. Obviously the good Lord is in this with you! Keep doing your part and so many who know you and your family will do our part in prayer!!
Diana and Dave Roth
Thank God!
sue pollick
Praise God! Continued thoughts and prayers! A birthday to remember, especially hearing your voice!
sue pollick
Laura. Thank you so much for letting us know. I\'ve been praying since 5:30 this morning and thought operation over. Will continue to pray for healing!! The Lord will watch over Him and You!
sue pollick
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH!! Praying for you every day.
Continue prayers and thoughts are with both of you. The Lord be with his healthcare providers as they operate on this gifted, and remarkable Josh. May his bday bring healing!! God is with Him!!
sue pollick
Best wishes and continued prayers for Josh and Laura <3
Michelle Greco
Your department continues to read daily updates and pray for you both. We hope his birthday tomorrow brings healing and continued progress. God bless!
Your updates have been so helpful! Thank you for keeping us all in the loop as we keep josh close to our hearts and thoughts! Hoping this birthday week is full of good news and continued strength and healing! All our love, Katie & Steve Falter xo
Katie Falter
This is to honor Joshua Caleb Sarchet and his extraordinary family. You will not find more kinder, compassionate, beautiful people who have dedicated their lives to helping others. Wishing Josh a speedy recovery and a happy fulfilling life.
Linda Marsden
Thank you for being so diligent and sharing regular updates on Josh’s progress. Praise the Lord for His hand has surely been in this process. We continue to pray and have others praying as well.
Love and Prayers, always.
Michele & Jeremy Kelly
Praying for both of you!!!
Pam Dierket
Praying for Joshua Sarchet recovery after receiving lung transplant. God is walking beside you Josh, Laura, and family on this journey. And you're my dear family and friends are supporting you, and holding you tight.
Peace, Godspeed....
Carolyn M.
Carolyn Mabb
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
Eric Ulrich
Hey Joshua. I wish you a speedy recovery and can\'t wait to see you doing Praise & Worship. \"By his stripes you are healed!\"
Rev. Samuel E. Sanders
Wishing you all the best, Josh!
Michelle Walsh
There are few people in this world as giving as you Josh. Somehow you found your soulmate in an equally selfless soul. I am praying for you both so you can be returned to the lives you live so beautifully in support of those around you. Your students and colleagues miss you dearly. With love and faith in God. - Jaimie
Jaimie Brillante
Sending lots of love.
Julie Curcio
Thoughts and prayers to you and Laura... you got this!
Denise Marino (J\'s co-worker)
Transplant day is here. Hallelulah!
Roberta Guild
Sending our love and prayers....right now for the surgeons\' skills to be used in the miracle we\'ve prayed for. And for you Laura that God would give you His peace and dispel the gulls in your tummy!
Laverne and Lynn Bates
We are sending oceans of love and prayers that our Heavenly Father will see you through this and take you to the other side! God is on the throne!
Pete and Bobbi Guild
Judy and Ron Charlton
Get better soon Josh!
Marc Silhol
We are thinking of you both and praying daily. Praying for the doctors and nurses. And that the healing touch of God is with you at this time.
Rya & James Weise
Praying for you both , we know exactly how you are feeling , Michael has had 2 transplants in the past. May the Lord give you the strength, endurance and peace during this time .
Michael and Lynn Vannest
Keeping you guys in my prayers.
Marcie Quinn
Josh and Laura...
Praying for you both & the doctors. Praying that God guided the doctors hands in this surgery. Love you both.
Karen McKeehan
Karen McKeehan
Josh and Laura,
We have been praying for you daily! We love you and look forward to your return to Rochester with a healthy set of lungs.
Jim, Dawn, Joshua, Johanna (Marie, too)
Jim-Dawn Fugate
Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. May God continue to bless and keep you.
Paul and Joy Shewan
OMGOSH Laura!! I\'m so glad you reached out to me!! I love you. I care about you, with Josh and your life together as one.
Sending prayers immediately to the donor...thanks be to God, Josh...God give the Dr\'s. steady hands, and Josh your strength and will for a successful lung transplant today, for Laura...love, strength, hugs from your heart and hands.
Prayerfully in love and peace,
Carolyn Mabb
Carolyn Mabb
May God keep the family as we pray for them and thank him for his blessing for Josh.
Regina Johnson
Prayers for Sarchet and his donors family
Monique Bonnett
Rejoicing for the news of a donor. We will continue to lift you both up in prayer, and will also prayer for the donor’s family during this difficult time. Love you both and miss you.
Sue, Haley and Kristina Smout
Get well soon Josh! I remember you at Westminster and you are a bright shining person!
Sara Kish (Sullivan)
Josh and Laura,
We are keeping you in our prayers as you wait. Can\'t even imagine how difficult this kind of waiting is, but I thinking of that verse in Isaiah that says, \"They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength\"....Praying that for you!
Bev and Mike
We’ve been praying for you Josh ....stay focused on Christ!
Margie and Dennis
We love and admire you, Josh. So many, many prayers going up for you and Laura every day. We\'re grateful that you\'re so high on the donor list and we wait eagerly to learn that you got the transplant and are doing well.
SidDonna Barefoot
Hi Josh - our Lord is answering prayer - not in our time frame. Jesus is with you.
Joyfully His!
Sue Harkins
Joshua wishing that your expectations are fulfilled sooner than soon.
Karen reifer
Wish a speedy recovery to Joshua
Solomon Yigzaw
Keep fighting Josh. Thinking of you through all this.
Isaac Tabone
Josh & Laura,
Praying that the transplant will happen soon and that you will be healthy enough to receive it. God is with you in all this and your friends are supporting all they can.
Love in Him, Chuck & Sue Rudd
Sue Rudd
Praying daily for courage for all of you, and healing for Josh. Know that you are in my heart.
Sue Gold
We’ve been keeping our eyes constantly on the updates here. You are in our thoughts and the prayers of Caleb and his family. Philly is only two hours from us, let us know if there’s ever anything you need or we can do and we will be there. We are sending every bit of positive energy we can your way.
Mary Walrath and Caleb Holdridge
Stay strong and trusting in God Laura and Josh...we are praying every day for improvement and protection from harm and for new lungs for Josh.
Alan and Carol Lowne
Karen and I are praying for you both and a speedy recovery for Joshua.
Take care,
Karen & Don Feigel
Donald Feigel
Praying for health and blessings.
Viviam Lopez-French
Josh & Laura,
Holding you both in prayer. Praying that our Lord guides the doctors & team to do the best for you.
Love, Karen McKeehan
Karen McKeehan
Josh and Laura, We send our love and support to you both.
Matt Ciminelli
Dear Laura & Joshua,
Please know that I will be praying for the both of you during this time!
God's Peace,
Terry Keach
Terrance Keach
You have a network of folks who love you ready to support you through this. Look forward to reading about your successful procedure and recovery to full health.
Gaelen McCormick
I truly understand the power of Music and Music education since my dad was a music teacher. The impact he made on his student and the community he lived in was amazing.
I hope that you have the same chance that he had to make a difference thru music.
Vincent Tutino
Praying for you and your families. From Eph. 1:18-19, 13: We pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance and what is the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe. He has called you by name and you are HIS and are sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit. Talking to God thru Christ about those lungs!
Carol and Monty Vitolins
Laura & Josh,
Praying the time goes quickly, comfortably and peacefully as you await your surgery. So many of us are thinking of you and are behind you here in the ROC. So glad you are getting the care you need in Pitt. Best wishes.
Julie Ward-Roth
Praying for you Josh and sending you strength!
Robin Rudy
Get well! We'll be praying for you:)
Alesia Allen
You and your family are very special. We pray for a successful surgery and quick healing - then back to a productive life.
Miriam Foster
Laura & Josh - lifting you up in prayer.
Tracy Bramwell
Praying for you!
Janelle Annechino
Wishing you and your family the best.
Sara Howard
Thinking of you and your family during this time ❤️❤️ Sending lots of positive vibes for the road ahead!
Katie Carrasquillo
Josh- we love you so dearly. We are praying for your health and for Laura's strength during this season of your life. You are on our minds and in our hearts always. <3
Allie Ferington
Praying hard for you. Don\'t give up and keep the faith
kathy sims
Praying for you both!
Marilyn Dawalt
Josh is an amazing and compassionate person who is always there for others.
Ryan Decker
To one of the most talented and caring teachers I have worked with; I wish you the best and look forward to hearing about your successful recovery. I know that all of your students will miss you greatly and that you feel the same about them.
Luke Petrosino
Sending prayers your way from Pittsburgh....stay strong!!
Mike & Denise Teti
You are a great person Josh - wishing you the best.
Steven Tremblay
Sending you hope, comfort, and affection from one of your many Penfield Symphony Orchestra friends. Holding you both in our thoughts and best wishes for a successful procedure and speedy recovery.
Dianne Stengel
Praying for His mercy and strength to sustain you!
Rob, Jessie, Aubrey, Olivia and Ava Keim
Rob Keim
Prayers of strength and hope to you and Laura during this challenging time.
Steven Davison
I am praying for you, your family and your medical team.
Lauren Mack
Praying for you!
Jesse, Jess, Corban, Malorie, Gideon, & Eloise Newcomb
Jessica Newcomb
Laura and Josh,
Thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. I hope all goes well and the transplant comes soon.
Cassie Camman
Cassie Camman
Thoughts and prayers are with you brother! Love always!
The Pierce Family
Kyle Pierce
The Sarchet Family has always been a favorite of the librarians (some of us now retired) at Mt. Lebanon Public Library and we are sorry to hear of this new trial for Josh. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Sending you all comfort and care.
Doreen Hurley
Doreen Hurley
Josh and Laura,
Please know you\'re in our prayers through this time. I hope when you leave UPMC it\'s with the gift of an amazing set of lungs. We lift your name to the Lord.
Misty and Michael Kelley
Misty Kelley
Love and prayers from the Thomson family.
We are praying you leave for Pittsburgh on a good note.
It\'s been easy to drum up support for such a wonderful couple.
We expect you\'ll be back in the swing of things in time, and you\'ll not miss a beat.
You both have a lot of class!
(Alicia wants it known that she takes no responsibility for anything written after the first line!)
Rob, Alicia, Sarah, and Joshua Thomson
Laura and Josh, you are in my prayers. Josh, I had heard so much about you for the past couple years and was so happy to finally meet you at the holiday gathering. You are both amazing people and I admire your strength. Love to you L and J ❤️
Keri Welling
Josh and Laura,
We love you!
Bobbi and Pete
Bobbi and Pete Guild
Hello Joshua. This is your uncle Mickey - (Douglas). I am praying for you and standby beside you and lifting you up . I am asking the spirit of a GOD, whose very name means - breath, wind, life to breathe into you. You have been hidden from me and I from you. I will help in any way that I can. If you want to can private message me.
Douglas Calvin Sarchet
Dear Josh and Laura... it was wonderful to see you today at the hospital... thanks for sharing this site and we look forward to doing a small part to help get you through this time without being burdened by the cost of the transport and your time in Pittsburgh. We are praying for you both and Josh’s opportunity (to come) that will give him new lungs.
Alan and Carol Lowne
Adding my prayers to those already flying to Father God, just so He is reminded every second how precious this Sarchet family is to so many of us.
Susan E Gold
Praying for you Josh!!
Patrick Caruso
We are praying for you Josh!
Angela Cory
Wishing for health and recovery for you!
Love you Joshua.
Gabriela Lohrmann
Praying for a full recovery
William Hill
Josh, I’m praying for you, Laura, and your family. Stay strong and know God is with you!
Timothy Guillemette
The Pereira family sends all our thoughts and prayers to you!
Lauren Pereiea
The Hart clan is with you! <3
Kat Sarchet-Hart
Love and Respect brother.
Lee Scott
Monique Bonnett
Joshua best wishes to you. If you ever what to talk get back to me I had a lung transplant April 2019 I might be able to answer any questions you may have. And tell you how the operation went and the recovery
Jay Marrow
Praying for you everyday Josh! Sending so much love your way with healing thoughts.
Raphaella Letendre
Sorry to hear your health is causing you difficulties. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️
Louise Marino
My thoughts and prayers are with you!!
Katie Burch
Josh, sending healing thoughts your way and keeping you in my thoughts!
Elana Glick
Wishing you well, Josh! Love, Kimberly (Charlton) Israel
Kimberly Israel
Anna and I are thinking about you and Laura and wishing for the best outcome. Let me know if we can do anything else to help. My mom is close by and can help with meals.
Ryan Kirk
Get better so you can come back to finish your degree!
Naomi Raymond
Chelsea and I are thinking of you!
Derek Fredrickson
L&R , Silent T!
Brendan Keiper
Thinking of you, you'll be in my prayers!
Arienne Cauchie
Sending all my love to you Josh. You’re in my prayers!
Emily Berwind
Steve and I are praying for you! Sending love your way, friend.
Jennie Sankey
I’m thinking of you! Wishing you lots of healing and a return to good health. Love, Denise
Denise Mantell
Josh and Laura,
Our kids will miss you at Rochester Prep! Please know that the whole Lighthouse family is praying for you both!
Jeremy, Christy, Sam, Merida, and Gideon Lighthouse
Josh, my nephew is on the board of Rochester Prep. The third anniversary of my lung transplant (IPF) was two days ago. Hoping that you and your family stay strong and beat this disease.
Michael Kinsky
We love you Josh and Laura!
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Joshua Caleb Sarchet
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