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Dear Family, Friends, and Yoga Students,

Some of you know that I was diagnosed with Lupus over 20 years ago. Lupus is a chronic auto immune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body).

Updates (1)

March 16, 2015

As most of you know, last year I received the ultimate gift of life, a kidney transplant from my sister Sheryl. It was a miracle gift and the past year has been one of blessings and also one of challenges.

I am loving the fact that I am finally dialysis free and moving forward in my recovery even though it has been slow and challenging. Unfortunately, this past December, I had a set-back when I caught an upper respiratory infection. The set-back is due to the difficulty of balancing the required anti-rejection medications with the anti-biotic needed to beat the infection. My new kidney is now struggling and my doctors at the University of San Francisco want me to return for testing and possible a biopsy to evaluate what’s going on.

Once again I need your help. Funding the uninsured expenses related to my transplant has been a challenge, but with this latest development, I cannot continue to meet it without your support. I have ongoing out of pocket medical bills and prescriptions along with the upcoming travel expenses to San Francisco. I need to raise money as quickly as possible. You all so very generously made it possible for me to be able to accept and afford the kidney transplant in the first place and I will always be forever grateful.

My family and I are very grateful for all of your ongoing support, generosity, kindness and prayers.

Aloha and Namaste

Nancy Horlacher


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January 5, 2014

Sending prayers and thoughts of encouragement to you! Aloha and Namaste!

The Lins

July 20, 2013

Don't know if you remember me, Nancy. I met you in Moilili when I first moved here, and you were very nice to me during Aja's classes. You even drove me (and others) to have dim sum with Aja and other students! Hope you are getting the care you need. x Laurie Freed

Laurie Freed

May 14, 2013

Dear Nancy
Wishing you all the best and pray for successful transplant and long healthy life

Aparna Shah Honolulu