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Concerned and caring friends encouraged us to ask for help with Spencer’s overwhelming medical costs. Up until now, we had been extremely hesitant to do so. Wanting donors to get tax credit for helping us, we found Help Hope Live charity. Donations to this nonprofit, are tax deductible, unlike other more commonly known platforms. Spencer’s life was miraculously spared after sustaining life-threatening injuries in a car accident, June 24, 2020. He and two friends were on a road trip to Seattle, but the journey came to an end in Fresno. Miracles occured that day and all 3 survived. We believe God spared their lives in order for His glory to be revealed. Spencer sustained multiple fractures, both shoulders were broken, sternal fracture, fractures of almost all of the bones in his face, and 5 vertebral fracutres, his liver was lacerated and hands were both burned, severely. Most debilitating, were the 5 vertebral fractures that devastatingly damaged his spinal cord. Those fractures caused a complete spinal cord injury at the T3 level. Spencer’s life has been drastically changed, he has many challenges ahead, but he faces them all with determination and positivity. The struggles have been enormous for him and made exponentially difficult during a pandemic with all its limitations and complications.
Our son is known for his lively sense of humor, which he has used to entertain friends and family all his life. He has been active in cross country running, snowboarding, skateboarding, playing his cello in orchestras and praise bands. Spencer grew up in a family that is active in church and he has participated in many mission trips to far off lands. He is looking forward to finishing his college degree in Film and Television, and finding a career that allows him to follow his creative passions. Never wasting time dwelling on the past, Spencer fights valiantly each day, and so many say his positivity is inspiring.
He spent 8 days in an ICU in Fresno making it through a 7 hour spinal fixation surgery and then, was transferred closer to home, spending 5 weeks in the hospital, healing. We are so grateful that both those hospitalizations, his surgery and those two high level transportations were covered by our medical insurance. He had wonderful care and after 6 hospitalized weeks, his shoulder bones were finally cleared so he could begin weight bearing, the most important skill needed for rehabilitation. This would now allow him to be more active in transferring himself, and so he was ready to begin aggressive rehabilitation therapy. Sensing the urgency to get him immediate continuation of therapy, we got to work searching for specialty spinal cord injury treatment center. Our goal, as his parents, was to give Spencer the best opportunity for an active, strong, healthy, fulfilling future. There are very few “model system” specialty spinal cord injury centers in the U.S. We believe God led us to Craig Hospital in Denver. Insurance was unable to help with the cost for this specialty spinal cord rehab center, so we had to urgently come up with the cash cost of $200,000 in less than a week. Add to that amount, air ambulance to Denver, ADA home remodeling, specialty vehicle modifications, custom wheelchair, specialist MD consults, special treatments, durable medical equipment, and lifelong required medications (raising our out of pocket costs to almost another whole $200,000), it is easy to see that the costs of Spencer’s care have become extreme. We have done all humanly possible to provide for his best care, but it is evident that the monumental costs require us to ask for help from our family, friends and community.
Spencer has been so blessed by the many cards, texts, calls, books, gifts, notes and cookies sent to cheer him on his journey. He has gained lifelong skills and strengths here in Denver, at Craig hospital, we are so glad he was accepted to their rehab progam. Many, many have asked how they can help and have encouraged us to find ways to raise needed funds. Donating to this charity, in Spencer’s name, provides help for his medical expenses and, Help Hope Live donations are tax deductible. It is very important to us, that donors receive tax credit, in response to their generosity.
We are so grateful to all of you, who over the years, have so richly woven yourselves into the fabric of our family. We are blessed by every one of you.
Thank you for helping Spencer fight on to victory!
To make a tax-deductible donation to Spencer’s fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
We are overwhelmed at the generosity of so many friends and family. The outpouring of love is just amazing. We thank you all! Spencer is winding up the 2 week outpatient portion of his stay here at Craig hospital. His therapists have him practicing all the new ways he will be getting around in the home and community. They even rented a cello for him to work on how he can support his body and the cello, while playing. A true feat, indeed. We have also learned that it is no easy task to propel a wheelchair through 7-8 inches of unshoveled snow on the sidewalk. Good thing this will not be a problem he encounters often at home! We are going to miss all the knowledgeable, ready support here at Craig hospital, but look forward to coming home soon!
Thank you for visiting Spencer's fundraising page. It is new and we are working on quickly adding photos and updates.
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Keep up the good work Spencer. We love to see your progress on Facebook.
Tom and Brenda
Brenda Segoria
Love you Spenc n your whole family
Tim Evans
I'm praying for Spencer, and I know that everything will be well in the end. God bless you and your family <3 :)
James Lynch
Aloha Spencer ! Am praying for YOU and your Compadres ! You don\'t know me, but I\'m a cousin of your Sweet Mom..(her Mom, Bev, and my Dad are 1st cousins). I am just now finding out about your accident via FB. (I don\'t go on FB usually). Your family did visit me on West Coast of Oahu a few years back...Am so glad I now know and will be in touch ! With Sincere Hugs and Aloha, Cousin Laretta (Totton)
" I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord. Keep up the fight.
monica foulston
Our prayers are for you and your wonderful family. Keep working together thru this extreme situation. Stay strong!
Love & hugs, Loretta & Jerry.
Loretta Kopitzke
Keep up the good fight Spencer!
Keeping you in our prayers.
Gary and Janeen Marais
Gary and Janeen Marais
We are lifting you and your family up in our prayers during these difficult times
Menard Barruga
You amaze me, Spencer. With all that you\'ve been through you continue to smile big. Not only that but rumor has it that you encouraged others as well while at the Spinal Clinic in CO. Way to go. Please know the prayers of many are with you DAILY - AND - they will continue to be. Mega blessing, Spencer. :)
Betty McAllister
God bless this family and hold them close during this season.
Bert Chancellor
With prayers to our living Lord and hope in the progress of medicine, we honor Spencer Sherwin. Much Aloha from the Kawika Smith Ohana
Janet&Kawika Smith
Spencer, we are very sorry this accident happened but are sending our good wishes and prayers for the best recovery possible.
Love from,
Alan, Karen, Sissel and Stig Soderblom
Karen Soderblom
Spencer is the coolest dude I know. Good thoughts coming your way!
Austin Mock
So much love and prayers to Spencer and all the Sherwins!
Tamara Shankel
Prayers for Spencer, keep fighting.
My heart goes out you and your family.
Neal Hansen
Just want you to know that you are in my thoughts often and in my daily prayers. Life isn't easy but it is certainly better when we help each other! Hugs and Love, Jeanne
jeanne hildebrand
We are continuing to pray for your family. We love you all so very much.
Brenda Segoria
The Lord is your Rock, Spencer! He will journey with you. Our prayers for you continue. Much Love, Sandy and Don Balli
Sandy Balli
Way to go Spencer. We are so proud of you!
Stacey Belliard
Prayers for Spencer on a daily basis.
We can’t wait to see you!
Much love from Mark, Liza, Sarah and John
Mark and Liza West
This is a great forum to help others and we pray that this will help our friend and others.
Marla Savik
We love you and your family Spencer!
Kathy and Ricardo Peverini
Praying for Spencer!!
Kristen Erich
We love you Spencer!!
Chung and Janice Park
Janice Park
Lots of love and prayers for Spencer and the Sherwin family...in my thoughts and prayers, daily.
M. George
Megan George
We are happy for your progress and so pleased you can play cello again, Spencer! Debbie and I are sending love and our prayers for continued healing and courage.
Woody Totton
Spencer, our family has been so inspired by your positive attitude and hard work so far. We are praying for your continued recovery and we look forward to seeing you again once you get back home.
The Golay's
Wesley & Kimie Golay
Blessings to Spencer and family on the next part of this journey. God has great things in store for you all!
Timothy & Birgit Sherwin
spencer, we are praying for you as you continue your rehab journey! Courage, hope, and strength to you my friend. Grace and I look forward to seeing you back at home soon. Your entire church is cheering for you in your corner!
Isaac Kim
Spencer, Meredith, and Tom -
We are saddened at the accident that has altered all your lives so immeasurably. We are so thankful that Spencer's life has been spared. We are in awe of your family, and the powerful witness you exhibit daily. God bless you as you continue to let His light shine.
Kaarsten and Les Richards
Praying every day for Spencer!
Jeannie Dalrymple
Sherwin Family,
I send no words, I'm sure you have heard them all..What I do send Is love and hugs.
May God continue to surround your family.
Love, Georgie and John
Georgana and John Barrett
Spencer we believe in you and the plans God has for your life. May you continue to heal and share Jesus. Meredith you are beyond amazing such a light in the midst of such a challenge. May God continue to shine brightly through your family and guide your family adjusting to your new normal.
Continued peace, light and blessings for all of
The Sherwin’s.
Cynthia Kanakriyeh
Love you Spencer. We are praying for you.
Moses Maier
Be strong Spencer. God loves you.
Matthew Underwood
May God keep you and your family in His loving care, Spencer P. Sherwin
waylene swensen
Brooklynn Armesto-Larson
Dear Spencer,
“ Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. “ Isaiah 41:10
You and your family are in our daily prayers. God is love and merciful, He will guide and strengthen you , He will make you as His Strong and Faithful witness.
Sam & Ruth Huong
God bless man. Praying for a speedy and full recovery.
Logan Seibold
Sending prayers for your continued courage! You are beloved Spencer!!!
Auntie Jody
Praying for you Spencer & family!
Mindy Canwell
Sending love and wishes for strength and peace.
Meredith Watson
<3 you Spence!
Jason Sherwin
Wish I could give more man. You're a baller of a person. Keep up the good healing and good attitude.
- Micah
Micah Buller
Sending hugs and prayers to the Sherwins, and especially for Spencer!!
Joyce Rusch
Love and Prayers Spencer. God is with you and your family. By Jesus stripes you will be healed completely!
Sheila Hodgkin
Continued prayer for the Sherwin family. Sending our love, the Tooma family.
Gus and Lara Tooma
In our prayers daily.
Caroline Boyd
Praying for a speedy and full recovery, buddy. Stay Strong!
Natan & Krista Vigna
Praying for you all. May God continue to bless your family and guide you all through this journey of healing. Stay strong in your faith for he hears our prayers. Sending much love to you all. Janine
Janine Davis
Keeping Spencer and you all in our prayers!
Gary and Kim Keiser
Gary and Kim Keiser
Lifting Spencer and family up in our prayers.
wesley westphal
Sending love and support to Spencer and family.
Lavonne Bissell
God bless you Spencer! Keep on fighting and know that we're all praying for your peace and healing. So proud of how far you've come! <3
Heather Caputo
We are praying for many blessing to be poured out and you face this new journey in life. We love you guys!
Wes and Betsy Youngberg
You are all in our thoughts and prayers every day.
Tamara Heinrich
Praying for Spencer, and your family ❤
Denise Ramirez
We love you Spencer. We praise God for the blessings he is pouring out on you and your family.
Brenda Segoria
Keep strong, Spencer!! We are here for ya. Praying for you and your family always!!!
Ernie Medina
Love you, Sherwin family!
Alex Biegel
The entire Sherwin family are a beacon of Christian light, hope, grace, and true faith in God and his promises. Meredith has been an inspiration to others through her posts and Bible studies. We
all are praying for Spencer. Joyce C Watson
Joyce C Watson
You have our prayers and our love, Spencer. May God give you strength and blessings each day of this journey.
Jeanne Skrocki
Prayers for Spencer.
Paul Kim
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Spencer P. Sherwin
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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