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John has been dealing with progressive lung disease for years and now has exhausted all conventional treatments including removing part of a diseased lung. He needs a double lung transplant soon to survive his worsening bronchiectasis, ABPA (allergic bronco pulmonary aspergillosis) as well as severe asthma. We’re asking family, friends and co-workers to join us in fundraising for the non-profit HelpHopeLive.org in honor of John, to assist with expenses he’ll incur after surgery. He expects to be in a Boston area hospital 3-4 weeks immediately following the transplant. He will also be required to live within an hour of the Boston area in order to attend regular clinic visits post surgery.
John has a great positive attitude and has always readily jumped in to assist others both at home and at work. Now he’s banking on others to reciprocate in his time of need. John has been a supportive father supporting his son through high school and collegiate lacrosse. He recently became a grandfather. Please help him watch little Millie grow up so he can support her in future endeavors as well. Despite having health insurance there are many expenses associated with transplants that are not covered. He’s been told to expect to pay up to $10k for medications including essential anti-rejection drugs the first year alone as well as housing and travel expenses post surgery.
Donations to HelpHopeLive.org in John’s honor will aide in alleviating the stress and financial burden after lung transplant and allow John to focus on his recovery.
Family and friends of John Miller are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
John has chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
Happy one year anniversary! Hard to believe one year ago today I got my new set of lungs. This past year has been an amazing journey. Not easy at times by any means however totally worth the end result. Just came from my clinic visit with the transplant team in Boston and they think I’m doing great. Restrictions lifted as far as activity goes. Able to use my discretion going out to stores or restaurants and just being with people. Of course Covid is still out there so I will remain to be cautious since I’ve come this far I don’t want to mess anything up. Life and a new set of lungs are good. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers over the past year and for your financial support as well. I am truly blessed with good family and friends and most of all my donor who gave me the gift of life.
December 26,2021
Santa (aka Grandpa and Grandma Miller) rode their sleigh to Delaware to see Millie and her parents for Christmas. She was very interested in touching all the ornaments on the tree, not so much ripping the paper off the packages. She got lots of toys and it was great to see how she responded to all of them. So blessed to have received those lungs and be able to cherish these wonderful memories.
December 5,2021
Got to spend Millie’s birthday with her and celebrate the 1 yr milestone! So much has happened this past year for both of us I can’t believe it . It was a small celebration just immediate family and she really didn’t even know what to make of it all. So adorable to watch her explore her new toys and her new abilities. She’s cruising a lot more and ventured a few steps without holding on. It won’t be long now! Hope to be down again at Christmas in just a few weeks
As things continued to move along nicely throughout the rest of the summer and early fall, I continued to need IV antibiotics to treat several resistant infections in my lungs. Despite the fact that I felt fine and wasn’t having any real “symptoms“ they could tell those bugs were still there by testing my sputum, an occasional cough and by bronchoscopy. The lung team really thought this was due to silent aspiration even though again I had no real symptoms. It was recommended that I have a procedure called a Nissan fundoplication. What they do is take the top of your stomach wrap it around the bottom of your esophagus and make things tighter so none of the fluid from your stomach can go up into your esophagus and get into your lungs since that’s where they thought these bugs were originally coming from. They do it laparoscopically and I was only in the hospital overnight. Stayed a couple extra days in Boston and then home to enjoy two weeks of a liquid diet. Yuck! If you ever want to lose weight quick that is surely the way to do it. 20 pounds in a few weeks. And diarrhea to boot. Once I got over that part of it and started to resuming normal diet everything seemed fine. They won’t really know if it was “successful“ until I have my next bronchoscopy which should be around a year post transplant. I continue on my daily routine of walking and exercising and limiting myself to just that due to Covid. Hoping to be able to go and celebrate my little Millie’s first birthday with her the beginning of December and keeping my fingers crossed that it will be safe to do so.
Today is 6 months post transplant! I am feeling good although apparently still having some issues with some bugs that don’t want to leave my lungs and am currently on IV antibiotics. Walking 2 miles per day and continuing my strengthening exercises and I realize how important it all is to continue to make gains. Karen and I were able to go on vacation to the Delaware shore- a trip that I look forward to every year! Just being by the ocean rejuvenates my body, mind and soul. This year was a little different as I really just got my feet wet- no swimming but I enjoyed walking on the beach,relaxing and reading. I had struggled so much on oxygen to even get from the parking lot to the beach the last time I was there 2 years ago. I’ve also been able to see my little joy Millie! We babysat and she was just the best girl. Loved to get down on the floor and crawl around with her. She is crawling and pulling to stand and using her voice although not sure what she is saying. Our son Chris ,daughter in law Kelsey and Millie were finally able to come and visit us. Just as my confidence was building to try and venture out to experience a bit of normalcy, COVID is rearing its ugly head again. I’m wary of taking any unnecessary chances . I treasure the gift I received and believe in protecting it. Won’t find me without a mask that’s for sure!
It is now the 4th of July, Happy 7 months to granddaughter Millie Anne, and I am approaching 5 months post transplant, how time flies. I am feeling great still being cautious in public even though I have received both Covid-19 vaccines. The mask won't be going away for me anytime soon as I have too protect my precious new lungs. Starting to slowly venture out in public. Still doing monthly visits to the transplant clinic in Mass General in Boston. Meeting up again with Millie Anne was so precious when we saw her in May. Since then she has learned how to crawl and eating foods. It is such a Godsend to be able watch her grow. To think a few months ago I wasn't sure that would be possible. So grateful for science and medicine of today. The heavy duty meds are giving me some hair loss, it's getting very thin but that's a side effect of the prescriptions I am on as well as shakiness. I'll take it as I am alive and well and able to do things that I wasn't able to do for years. So thankful for this major event in my life, thank you to my donor and their family whoever you are. I hope to find out some day so I can thank them in person. This is a wonderful journey that couldn't have been possible without the support from my friends, family and co-workers and acquaintances. Our fundraising has stalled so please consider donating to the cause. Again thanks so much for helping me and I hope to give back in the future to help others that are struggling with these horrible diseases. I pray for those who are going through difficult times, it is a very hard road to travel but it's worth it to stay alive and enjoy the life we have left. My new motto is life is too short and very precious so enjoy it because you never know what you are going to wake up with. Don't take things for granted, life can change drastically in a heart beat. Donate blood, give to charities, help others, it's all good for the mind and soul. As this site says Help HOPE Live. Thank you
June 17, 2021 I have hit a new milestone for me,, 10k steps in a day. Just a couple of weeks ago I was doing 5-6k steps per day. Getting stronger everyday, still walking and exercising. This is so exciting and exhilarating to be able to do these things again. I have to get stronger as my granddaughter Millie Anne is now crawling!!! She is on the move and grandpa better be able to keep up with her. See pics. I am now doing monthly follow ups with the clinic at Mass General for lung transplant and hoping that will get spaced out further as I heal internally. So far so good!
It's been 14 weeks now since my double lung transplant and I am doing great! It's a life changer for sure, doing things I used to be able to do is fantastic. I am so grateful for such a wonderful gift and blessed to have the opportunity to continue on with life. Last weekend I was able to travel to Delaware to see my granddaughter Millie Anne. What a wonderful time it was to see her and my son and daughter in law! Last week I was cleared to drive again, so I did drive some of the way down and back. Going back to Boston the week after next for follow up clinic. Still exercising and walking more than a mile each day and it feels great! Looking forward to a beach vacation this summer as well as seeing Millie again. My new life is taking me back decades as my asthma is no longer since the transplant. What a relief that is. Making progress everyday as I continue to heal on the inside and get stronger. I will update periodically so stay tuned.
At home for almost 3 weeks now and feeling wonderfully . I am walking a mile every day including a pretty steady incline up to the main road in my development. The only limiting factor is my legs get tired but there’s absolutely no shortness of breath! I am also using weights for my exercises to strengthen my arms and my legs. I am also re-experiencing the basics in life without struggling. For example taking a shower without having to sit down stop and rest or need assistance. I’m able to do dishes without sitting down and resting. I even got to go to the hardware store and walk around (with my mask on of course) . What a treat since I haven’t seen a store in over a year. Doing all these things without giving it a second thought. Today I went back to see my pulmonologist David Strumpf in Troy for the first time in almost 3 months post transplant. The entire office staff had to come in to congratulate me and were amazed at how well I looked compared to pre-transplant. They were so glad that I was doing so well. I owe the whole team there a lot - if not for all their efforts of scheduling tests ,forwarding records , the support and guidance from Dr. Strumpf I wouldn’t be where I am today. Hats off to all of them. Tomorrow my wife Karen and I will celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary. A few months ago it was questionable whether or not I would see that happen. We were looking forward to perhaps attempting a little outside dining somewhere to celebrate but the weather does not look like it’s going to cooperate. We’ll save that for sometime in the future. Back to Boston next week for a few tests and a follow up visit with the transplant team.
4/13/21 Home at last two months to the day after my lung transplant. It’s been quite the journey lots of hard work but worth every bit of it. I was able to walk about a quarter of a mile in my neighborhood for the first time since I moved there a year ago. I also was able to go up and down a full flight of stairs without stopping in without shortness of breath. It all felt surreal and amazing at the same time. I can’t wait to see what I’m able to do next!
Almost 2 months post transplant and things were progressing well up until Easter Sunday. We got a call from one of his lung doctors telling us they had found an infection during his bronchoscopy. It required IV antibiotics and so we walked across the street to the hospital and up to the familiar floor where he had spent his initial month after surgery. The nurses were glad to see how well he had progressed so far. Fortunately , it was a short four day stay. He had a pic line placed so he can continue his antibiotic therapy at home for the next two weeks. While we were there we happened to notice a beautiful beautiful painting on the wall painted by a transplant recipients along with some beautiful words of inspiration that were meant to be seen and provide encouragement to others. I have posted both here on the website. John is feeling good despite having the lung infection. He continues to work on his exercises to build strength ,walking to build his endurance, snd continues his positive outlook during the recovery process.. We realize that re-hospitalization after transplant especially during the first year is normal for either infection or rejection so that did not deter his determination and hopefully will not impact our plan to return home to Troy next week. Continued support from family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and those of you we may not know continue to be much appreciated and of course prayers are most welcome!
Five weeks post lung transplant and out of the hospital one week. I am feeling great! Breathing is good able to walk longer than I have in years. Using the rollator right now for long distance as I’m having some hip discomfort from weak muscles. Working on my exercises and walking every day to strengthen my legs and build my endurance. I’ve been to the transplant clinic once so far and got a good report from the nurse practitioner and transplant doctor. Still taking blood and doing chest x-rays on a regular basis and tweaking my meds. Enjoying the spring weather in Boston . Thankful for all the continued good wishes and prayers from family friends and coworkers.
John was discharged from Mass General at 7 pm last evening . Walked up from the parking garage to the apartment in Boston where we’ll spend the next month for phase 2 of his recovery. We are very grateful to all the staff at the hospital for their exceptional care and encouragement throughout this process. John and his family are overwhelmed by the continuous good vibes and prayers being sent our way and of course for your continued financial support as well .
Almost 4 weeks post lung transplant John had a very good week. Finally the pain in his thighs is almost gone enabling him to get up out of the chair with nearly no effort. They continue to work on removing the fluid from his arms and legs and that has been a noticeable improvement this week. A pic line was placed for continued antibiotics and IV diuretics. John’s now walking around the step down unit with a walker independently. He’s able to get washed by himself and put his own Ted stockings and he did 30 step ups with the physical therapist. He feels he’s really turned the corner. His strength and endurance continue to improve. And most important of all he’s breathing great and is not short of breath.He’s hopeful the doctors will let him leave the hospital next week. Keeping our fingers crossed on that one. John and his family continue to be grateful for everyone’s prayers, good wishes and support. Please keep them coming.
Almost week 3 post lung transplant. John had a few more bumps in the road this week. Still having lots of swelling in his arms and legs and some issues with some lower blood pressure. The swelling makes it difficult to draw blood or keep IV sites viable causing the doctors to consider placing a pic line for easier access and less discomfort for John. In preparation for that they did ultrasounds on both his arms to rule out any blood clots and coincidently one was found in his left jugular vein. Fortunately they had already started him on some Lovenox injections to address his chronic clotting issues . The significant swelling in his legs continues to cause pain and makes it difficult for him to stand up. He’s a trooper though and pushes through as best he can making progress with both his physical and occupational therapy. Admittedly he’s getting tired of being in the hospital and is anxious to get out. Getting a little lonely in Boston as well. As luck would have it Massachusetts General visitation is resuming this week so off to Boston for the weekend his wife goes . Fortunately she had secured a lease on an apartment in anticipation of his upcoming discharge. Although that looks as though it may be a little delayed and may have to extend that lease. A wise man said “the road to recovery is never straight but as long as the trajectory is positive .”
We believe that to be true. John and family continue to welcome your good wishes, thoughts and prayers and of course your donations.
It’s been almost 2 weeks since John got his new lungs. He continues to make great progress although there were a few ups and downs this week. He did experience some atrial fibrillation and some orthostatic hypotension which kept him in bed for a few days. He also had a small pocket of fluid drained from the lung cavity and now appears to be back on track. All the chest tubes are now out and he’s feeling a bit more normal. Despite retaining some extra fluid in his arms and legs, today he walked 170 feet in the hall with the wheeled walker. He also stood and brushed his teeth! There’s even been some rumors that he might be ready to Be discharged sometime next week.That means a little extended stay in Boston. John and his family continue to be amazed by all the support from family, friends, acquaintances and strangers. Keep all those positive thoughts and prayers coming. We continue to need your emotional and financial support on John’s road to recovery. He looks forward every day to the pictures of his granddaughter little Millie knowing every day in recovery is a day closer to seeing and holding her again
Day 6 post transplant: As you can see by today’s picture post he’s looking more like himself! He’s now off the oxygen( first time in 2 1/2 years),eating a regular diet, had one of the pain block catheters pulled, and will have another chest tube pulled later today.Yesterday he was up walking a short distance in the room with therapy and using a walker and he surprised the occupational therapist but putting his foot on his knee to show how he’d Put on a sock! Says he’s feeling better everyday! Your continued support means the world to us and his family!
John is now four days post bilateral lung transplant at Mass General where is receiving amazing care. He is doing exceptional per the staff there. He had the breathing tube Removed in under 36 hours, passed the all important swallowing test, has already had a chest tube and a drain removed, has been up in the chair for the past couple days and started physical therapy. Today he had a bronchoscopy which went well and showed the lungs are in good shape. His oxygen saturation is good and they are hoping to totally discontinue that tomorrow. Pain is well-controlled . John and I are so grateful for everyone’s prayers, well wishes and support throughout this process and as we continue to move forward in this journey.
After about 6 weeks, John received the call on February 13, 2021. He headed to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and received the double lung transplant he so desperately needed on February 14, 2021. The procedure went well and he is currently recovering in the ICU. Thank you to all who have generously supported our family already. We will continue to provide updates throughout the recovery process.
2/2/21 Thank you so much to those who have donated or sent kind words. This is very overwhelming to me and we deeply appreciate the generosity. Positivity is a great tool to get through difficult times, you all are lifting our spirits. I look forward to a great outcome, keep the thoughts and prayers coming. John and Karen
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Hey John, I'm glad to hear that you're improving!! You'll be in my prayers!!
David Wood
It was great to hear from you today. I so glad recovery is going well!!
Now that that I have your number we can keep in touch
Rich Blanchard
This is the remaining donation from the Eddy Visiting Nurse and Rehab Association fundraiser for John. We hope this find him and Karen doing well in Boston!
David Orenstein
Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Take things one hurdle at a time.
Great to see you smile. #StrongerTogether
Rich Wagner
Wonderful news! Keep up the great work. We know you both are anxiously awaiting that discharge date. All good thoughts sent your way! Sue and Bill
William Stilan
Sending positive vibes John!
The Dambrocia Family!
Mollie Dambrocia
Keeping Karen, her husband & their family in my prayers for strength & healing.
You look awesome John! Keep up the good work! Continued prayers for healing and speedy recovery!!
Rick n Fran Sprague
Continued prayer and positive thoughts for healing and recovery.
Susan Suhrada
Karen & John,
We have you both in our prayers. My sister, Eileen Martino, wrote me today that John had his surgery & did well. It’s a big surgery & we will keep you both in our prayers.
I remember having so much fun with you & your family & friends at the Pampered Chef party you hosted with me so many years ago!
Eileen keeps me informed as to what’s happening in NY as I am still on Florida.
One of our friends in Fl had same procedure few years back & has done well.
God Bless John & wishing him a speedy recovery!
Peace & love,
Colleen & Paul Maluso
Praying that all goes well and for a speedy recovery.
Denise Greene
All best wishes for your speedy and complete recovery, John. A new lease on life is a blessing, indeed.
Catherine Walsh
I am happy to hear John received his transplant. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Diane Dare
My thoughts are with you and John while he recovers from surgery. I have friends in the Boston area so let me know if you need anything while you are out there.
Tina V
Tina VanDerwerker
God Bless you. My prayers are with you.
I live in the Boston area. If you need anything please call me-You have my number.
That is fantastic news about your transplant, Congratulations!
Lori Frederick
Grandbabies need grandfathers, keep fighting!
Brian Delaney
Karen and John,
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers during this healing journey.
Barb and Gino Bureau
Barbara Bureau
Thinking of you and your family coach!
Christian Cuccinello
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, please stay positive and strong.
Charlie and Marcella Rockwell
Good luck, Miller fam. In my thoughts and prayers.
Simon Connor
Karen and John, You are in our thoughts. Here we go!
Mark and Julie DeBortoli Diane Cohen
Good Luck with everything!!!
John, hoping that soon you will be on the road to recovery . Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers .
Kelly Conley
Kelly Conley
Rooting for a call soon with a successful surgery to get you back on your feet and holding that sweet MIllie! Looking forward to sharing many more birthdays with you!
John, I wish you the very best and you are healthy again. I will keep the Lord in prayer for you and that everything is great in your favor. Keep your spirits up and prayers from the heart. I will be thinking of you each day. Linda Grim (friend of Janet Graham).
Linda Grim
Hang in there John and get well soon....let us know if we can assist in any way....
Michael and Paula Gagnon
Michael Gagnon
Wishing you a speedy recovery John, keep smiling better days are ahead!
Dave Matthews
Sending prayers and healing thoughts to John and family.
Donna Rosen
Donna Rosen
Our thoughts and prayers are with John, Karen and family. Raul and Clara Ayala
Clara Ayala
Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!
Robin Duquella
In honor of John Miller of Troy, NY
Jane Stocking
John and Karen
Wishing you strength as you go forward on this journey. Now that Millie is in the picture you have more motivation than ever! Our thoughts and prayers are always with you. Love , Lynda and Steve
Lynda Shrager
Coach Miller and Family,
Sending prayers and positivity to you.
Oz and Stacie Khan
Stacie Khan
John and Karen you are an inspiration to us all. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
We wish John a speedy recovery after surgery and look forward to your good health and lots good times in the future. With love, Bill and Sue Stilan
William Stilan
Sending thoughts and prayers your way!
Stephanie Wusterbarth
Coach Miller and Family,
Sending prayers and healing thoughts to your Dad.
Love, The Spiker Family
Elizabeth Spiker
Thinking of you! Love you both!
Casey O'Brien
I remember being at your wedding at Pinegrove Methodist Church many years ago. We will keep you both in our thoughts and prayers.
Kathy and Bill Fennell
Love you guys
Larry Kline
Best wishes.
Sharon Timpano
Hoping that the process goes quickly and John is on his way to a speedy recovery soon. Sending hugs and prayers. Both of you stay strong, you’ve got this! Shari
Shari and Jonathan Rosenblum
Coach Miller, Sending prayers and positive energy to your dad and mom - and will continue to! The Cerza crew
Danielle De Vita
John, Karen and family, you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Jamie Weaver
Jamie Weaver
Miller family,
I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully you will get that phone call soon!
Patti Ingram
Patti Ingram
John and Karen, thinking of you. Keeping you in my prayers.
Mary Barrows
John, Karen and family,
Thinking and praying for you as you await the call! Your positive attitude along with the love and support that surrounds you can only mean good things to come! As Jimmy use to say “Never Give Up”
Rick and Fran Sprague
Rick and Fran Sprague
Coach Miller,
Sending strength, prayers and healing thoughts to your Dad and the entire family.
The Wheelers
jennifer wheeler
Coach Miller, your father and family are in our prayers. John, Lynne and Mason
John Reale
Sending all the positive thoughts and many prayers your way John and Karen and family!!
Megan Amyot
Thinking of you karen and John!!!
Michelle Mazzacco
Coach Miller - we are all praying for your father and thinking of your entire family.
Laura and Mike Miller
Mike Miller
The Macks are sending lots of love to you, Karen and John!!!
Jessica Mack
Thoughts and prayers! Hope you get the call very soon!!!
Sara Holland
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Hope for smooth process and recovery
Anne Butler
Many prayers to you all during this time. Many hopes for a positive outcome.
Maria Boomhower
Maria Boomhower
Sending good thoughts and prayers!
Mary Marro-Giroux
John and Karen - Thinking of you both. Praying for a successful surgery for John.
Katie Miller
Sending prayers and healing thoughts to both of you for a smooth recovery.
Becky Bernhardt
John, prayers to you! Let’s hope for a speedy recovery, when this is over Lisa and Bridget
Lisa Lemery
Sending lots of prayers!
Sara Richards
Coach Miller, Sending prayers and positive thoughts to your dad and the entire family.
The Carra's
Angel Carra
John and Karen,
Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you.
Barry and Elizabeth Wygel
Elizabeth Wygel
Wishing you the best Mr. Miller
vince hunt
Will be thinking of you both! You got this!
Nancy Hogan
John & Karen,
We always have you in our thoughts and prayers. We Love You!
Janet & Rich
Janet Graham
Hope your prayers are answered soon!!
Melanie Dorrance
Standing with you and Karen! Keep holding strong! Hugs and prayers to you.
Pamela Miller
John, We’re all praying & pulling for you! Love The O’Brien family!!!
Barbara O’Brien
Praying for you and your family, John.
Sharon Pieronek
Wishing you and your family the best coach
Best of health and good luck!
Brian Richer
Good luck John! Thinking of you and Karen. Laura Gras
Laura Gras
Stay strong Uncle John!
Evan Felitte
The Coleman family
Mark Coleman
Hoping for the best Coach
Keep on fighting.
william Miller
John and Karen -
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers .
Mary Ellen and Mike Olenyk
Mary Ellen and Mike Olenyk
Love and prayers!
Diane and Bob Felitte
For my future brother in law! Love you pal!
Kenneth Parow
John and Karen,
Sending many prayers and hopeful thoughts this transplant happens soon for you.
Together, your coupled strength through this disease process is so inspiring to all who know you.
Wishing all the best things for you both ♥️
Never Give Up
Sally OBrien
Thinking of you and Kelsey, and praying for your dad
- Taryn & Jon
Taryn Nichols
Sending positive thoughts your way!
Aileen O'Brien
Keep Fighting!!!
Scott Watras
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of John Miller
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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