Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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Patrick has been an advocate for the laws requiring back up cameras in all cars and testified in Washington DC . Patrick recently graduated from the USC School of Cinematic Arts. Patrick received a lifechanging scholarship from Swim With Mike to attend his dream school. Since graduation Patrick has been living in Los Angeles,CA and working on numerous film projects, doing sound design, and is currently working in post production. In his free time Patrick surfs using an adaptive surfboard and plays wheelchair rugby.
Below find the video that Patrick submitted for his USC School of Cinematic arts application.
Patrick and his family are raising money to cover the cost of a wheelchair, not fully covered by insurance, and for the cost of a caregiver so that he can live independently while working in Los Angeles.
Thank you so much for supporting Patrick!!! We feel so incredibly blessed by your generosity.
Patrick and his family have chosen to fundraise with Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live provides both tax-deductibility to the full extent allowed by law and fiscal accountability to his contributors. Contributors can be sure that funds contributed will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses.
To make a credit card contribution to Patrick’s fundraising campaign, call Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399 or click the GIVE button.
To send a contribution:
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo section:
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087
For more information, contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399
Thank you for your support!
Patrick got married! We were so thrilled to start the new year off with the wonderful news that Patrick married his beautiful fiancé Kimberlee. They live in North Hollywood and both work in tv and film. Patrick is juggling several jobs and working with Netflix and National Geographic just to name a few. He recently modified his van so that he is able to drive from his wheelchair. His wheelchair was finally approved last year but the co pay was still $8,000. Thanks to donations we were able to offset some of this expenses. Thank you so much to all of our supporters!
Hi! It’s been a long time since I posted an update. We all survived the pandemic. Patrick is living and working in North Hollywood and he’s engaged to a beautiful woman named Kimberlee. She is a wonderful support system to Patrick especially during the pandemic. She took on the roll of caregiver since Patrick’s was unable
to come. They make a fantastic team!!
Patrick’s sister Sam recently got married and I have my new favorite photos of my kids!!! I’ll add it! Love to all of you
Patrick has a job working in unscripted TV and loves his job….maybe not the hours!
Patrick is still living and working in Los Angeles. He is employed as a Post Production Coordinator, currently working on: Bar Rescue on Paramount Network, Guardians of the Glades on the Discovery Channel Tuesday nights, and on the Kitten Bowl that will air on the Hallmark Channel during SuperBowl LIV. He works long hours but loves the challenge and the fast pace of television production.
Patrick was filmed for two documentaries, one titled Any One of Us on HBO and another that is on Amazon Prime titled Take a Look at this Heart.
We have continued to fundraise via social media for medical expenses that are not covered by insurance. A big financial need has come up. Patrick's wheelchair van has broken and is beyond economical repair. He located a low-mileage 2017 Chrysler van that has most of the modifications he needs already completed; however, the cost is still very high. We are fundraising seeking help towards the van so that Patrick's auto loan payments aren't too high.
Thank you again to all of you who have shared his story and supported us over the years!!! We truly love and appreciate you all!
What is Patrick up to now? Check out our #MobilityMatters Blog post! https://helphopelive.org/mobilitymatters-patrick-ivison/
Patrick is living in North Hollywood and working long hours in Los Angeles in post production. He has a wonderful girlfriend named Kimberlee. He’s been working out in his gym at his apartment complex, playing rugby and occasionally surfing. He continues to be active in the movie making business. He recently shared his story in a movie called Take a Look At This Heart.
He helped pass the laws that require all new vehicles to have back up cameras.
He recently participated in a film challenge contest and his movie was nominated for best writer.
Patrick is doing great! He graduated from USC school of Cinematic Arts last year and he is living in North Hollywood working at a company called Audio Eyes. He does sound design and mixing for them.
Patrick's TEDx speech http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF09ti6y84g
Here is one of the first independent walking videos. (age 15) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BXu0oCNFws
Here is the incredible video from the Today Show of Patrick WALKING at his high school graduation.
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You da man Patty
Vincent Fox
Love you Patrick❤️
Lenora Thompson
So very proud of all you have accomplished and to be a part of this campaign to help you!
Christine Osbahr Halloran
Patrick thank you for being a great person and a model for Spencer. Rock On!
Vincent Fox
Love you Patrick. Keep on motoring! Norie
Lenora Thompson
We love you Patrick! Roll on!!
Nancy Buchoz
For Patrick’s thrown
Genevieve Andre
On behalf of the Torrey Pines Church Surf Ministry. We love you Patrick (and Jennifer and Sam)!
Kelley Klassen
Miss you guys!
Ian Bloom
Ride on, Patrick!
Natalie Wilson
Blessing from me to help ❤️
Carol Williams
We hope this helps you get your new chair soon!
Tiffany, Casey, Izzy, Magnolia and Sidney’s Lynch
Tiffany Lynch
Happy birthday, Patrick! Hope to see you & your new wheels soon!
Rebecca Wrighton
Hoping the best for you Patrick
Barbara Ehrlich
Let's get you some wheels! You are the best, Patrick. All our love.
Celia Brewer
geez man thanks for letting us know hope you get it soon
Help Hope Live has been the lifeblood of our Grandson's fight to recover from horrific injuries incurred as a toddler. Many thank yous to the wonderful people at Help Hope Live. Bob and Janice Kayler
Bob and Janice Kayler
I'll always be by your side, Patrick! I love you! Ricochet
Judy Fridono
Patrick I used to work with your mom at Rady’s where she would always share your stories and I just want to say you’re such an incredible and inspirational person! Keep up the great work!
Sylwia Piekut
you are an amazing man with a great future ahead of you- you have inspired me throughout the yrs as i met you when you were five. I love your whole family (even Derek!) and i too cant wait to see your name on the big screen! Never never never give up! You are awesome!!!
Sandee Lobred
You continue to inspire us in so many ways. You are truly amazing and we can't wait to see your name on the big screen. I'll even stick around for the credits for once. ;) Love you so much, dude!!!
The Emmert fam
I am a friend of your mom's from high school. I have been following your story on her FB posts. You are an incredible young man and have an amazing life ahead of you!! All the best to you and your family!
Susie Turner Sabatano
Patrick, I found your story through utube video of you and Ricochete and then searched on and read your amazing story. I truely believe you shall walk again. Keep up the good work.
Karen Lee/ Hilliard, Florida
Patrick, I wish you all the best with all of your goals. I am inspired by your positive attitude, energy and determination (as well as your adventurous spirit!) Take Care.
Pam Casey, Auburn, ME
Patrick: I am remarkably touched by your story and it kills me to hear what happened to you. And, I love that you are still fighting to walk again. When I was 20 years old (almost 21 yrs), I was in a traumatic car accident and, luckily, I was still on my father's excellent government health insurance policy. I fell asleep at the wheel and woke-up a month later to discover I was paralyzed on the entire left side of my body, shattered ribs, bla bla bla ... I had great medical care and was able to overcome being paralyzed. I am no doctor, but, I do believe one's recovery is based on medical coverage, love & support, God and your "will" to recover. I am now 38, and I walk fine. But, for the past 17 years, I've always had a strong desire to help someone who doesn't have adequate insurance. At this time, I can only contribute a small amount. But, I am due significant monies based on another traumatic incident (personal injury) that happened to me in NYC. I can't talk about it, but, I expect a huge settlement due to the careless acts of other people (as is the case with you). I don't want to get your hopes up high, since life is full of surprises, but, I pray that I will be able to contribute much more in the future. I also want to put your story on my personal website. I am someone who only wants to help. I know where you are and I feel your positive energy. Please stay strong and determined!
Jennifer Sachs, New York City
You are an inspiration to all! And I just fell in love with Ricochet! What a doll. I also am an avid animal lover. Never give up, no matter what they tell you. You have a terrific Mom,always listen to her and you cannot go wrong. I hope my donation will help in some way. God Bless and Keep you and your family and wonderful circle of friends and animals.
Donna Winauski LaCrescenta, CA
saw you in transworld surf - really cool
check out some bad brains records -"never give in!!!!! stay positive
Gregg - PB
Gregg Shedlik Pacific Beach
You are an amazing young man! Your will and determination to succeed is very inspirational. We are donitating to help you and wish you and your family all the best. God bless you.
Mark & Shanlynn Grosvenor, Franklin, TN
Patrick, your story touched my heart. You are an amazing person. I recently had a nerve injury that has affected my walking, and you give me hope that I will fully recover. Keep up the hard work. Hope my small contribution made to your fund will help with expenses.
Susan Aberg, Dallas, Tx.
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Patrick Ivison
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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