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Rebecca Aleck Koltun Needs Your Help

In March 2021, 21-year-old Rebecca was in a tragic skiing accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down. Please help her get the spinal cord injury care and rehab she so urgently needs. ( If you want to follow Rebecca’s journey to recovery, scroll down and click “Subscribe.” For information on fundraising and other activities, join our private Facebook group, Rally for Rebecca.) __________________

Updates (94)

February 17, 2025

Dearest Friends and Family:I have really come to love Neil Diamond.  In the mid 1980's I was invited to a Neil Diamond concert at Madison Square Garden. Let's just say it was an offer I could not refuse. The show was sold out and in the round with the stage at center court.  Neil Diamond wore a white Elvis style jumpsuit and was quite the entertainer. I was mildly impressed. Fast forward 40 years and the stations I listen to play Neil Diamond all the time. I sit in my car singing along so grateful I was at that show!Soon we will be taking Rebecca to Florida for some warm weather and specialized physical therapy. Winter can be very tough for those with spinal cord injuries (SCI). The trip is a complicated undertaking much like the Apollo missions of the 1960's where there are alot of moving parts and you never know if it will all work until you do it.  It is also incredibly costly as we are taking three nurses and arranging further care in Florida. Separately we ship our accessible van with Rebecca's power chair in it. In a perfect world Rebecca would be able to sit in her chair on the plane. The airlines however are not there yet and do not seem to be in a hurry to accommodate the disabled.Rebecca remains busy and productive. She goes and goes and does not let the snow and ice stop her. I am impressed the way her chair cuts through the slush! This past weekend she went to a Valentines day party at a bar in Williamsburg. Along with another woman she has organized a new support group for the disabled. She continues to paint. Audrey and I continue to work because that is what we do.  Thank you for all  your interest and support. We truly would be lost without it. Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.  

December 15, 2024

Dearest Friends and Family:This past Monday Rebecca went to physical therapy.  After that she stopped by the post office to mail a painting someone had ordered from her Etsy account. From there she went to the tailor, Shoprite and then finally to CVS.That evening some friends came over. She baked cookies for them.This is a typical day for Rebecca who does more in a day than many able-bodied people.Rebecca is very strict with herself and sets timers on Alexa limiting how much time she will allow herself on TikTok and watching television.Rebecca continues to have tremendous will and drive. She also recently has become a pitchperson for a company that designs knapsacks for handicapped individuals and something called an "Obi" which is an adaptive eating device that she can operate to feed herself without the assistance of others.I am doing this update because December 20th 2024 will mark three years since Rebecca was discharged from Glen Cove hospital ending a nine-month series of hospitals and rehab centers that began on March 13, 2021.For me personally this date is very significant and the true beginning of what has become a new life for us Koltuns.Like everyone else some days we go sideways and backwards. Some days there are hiccups but all in all we have been very fortunate to have forged a way to live. When I see Rebecca after I come home from work she instills in me a sense of calm and strength.  I will often go down to her room and sit on her couch until she throws me out.We Koltuns wish you a joyous holiday season. Thank you as always for all of your interest and support both emotional and financialLove Audrey, Scott, Erik, and Rebecca.

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February 15, 2025

Puedes decirlo en inglés así:

I want to express my deep gratitude and admiration for everything you have taught us.
May God always bless you and send you all that is good.

Isaac Cohen

February 5, 2025

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January 28, 2025

Never give up. Never surrender

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