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Rebecca Aleck Koltun Needs Your Help

In March 2021, 21-year-old Rebecca was in a tragic skiing accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down. Please help her get the spinal cord injury care and rehab she so urgently needs. ( If you want to follow Rebecca’s journey to recovery, scroll down and click “Subscribe.” For information on fundraising and other activities, join our private Facebook group, Rally for Rebecca.)

Updates (91)

March 17, 2024

Dearest Friends and Family:

Every morning when I wake up I remind myself that I am playing with house money.

First off I wake up- a great start.

I feel pretty good- even better.

If the sun is shining- well then I have hit the trifecta.

This update is supposed to be about Rebecca and if you read on I will get to her. In reality it has always been about me. There is an old adage that when writers put pen to paper (millenials-this is how we used to jot down our thoughts) they are really writing about themselves.

This past week we acknowledged that three years have passed since Rebecca's accident. The old me died that day. Rebecca has often referred to her 9-month hospitalization following her accident as her gestation period. While our old selves were different there are some vague similarities. The "I don't give a s--t" component to my personality has increased exponentially. This is an overall positive development. Nevertheless on a gut simple level we are just trying to enjoy life. That is it. The accident has made that clearer to us.

As many of you know the stars aligned and we were all able to travel to Florida by airplane this past February. When that plane took off, knowing Rebecca was on it, was exhilarating. When we arrived in Florida and I saw my in-laws pull up at the airport with our van I jumped with joy. Down in Florida we all tapped into a fountain of newfound emotional support. Palm trees and blue water also don't hurt. Rebecca went to Disney with her wonderful crew of caregivers. We all went on a wonderful sunset cruise off the coast of Miami on a boat called the Impossible Dream.

Coming back was rough. Our nursing and caregiver situation continues to be very challenging and difficult. To function at the most basic level we need competent good hearted caregivers. This is never ending. It should not have to be like this but it is.

We will carry on. Thank you all for your continued support and for being involved.

Love the Koltun family.

December 21, 2023

Dearest Friends and Family:

I have not written updates with great frequency of late. Part of it was me telling myself I had nothing to say. Part of it was me telling myself it is time to move forward.

However, two years ago, today (December 20, 2021) Rebecca was discharged from Glen Cove hospital. We have not looked back since. Hence a good time for an update.

Her discharge was after a nine-month stint in three different hospitals. Her health has been good since then considering the obstacles she faces.

She has carved out a life as have the rest of us Koltuns. It is not the life we wanted or expected but as we know in life we must play the hand we are dealt.

(I hate cliches but this one seems appropriate).

Rebecca plans her days meticulously and then figures out how to execute her plans. She does things that she can enjoy. They may be little things to some but as I have learned little things matter and little things can be big.

I will not lie to you. Our lives can be agonizing, maddening and stressful. Sorry for complaining. Oftentimes I feel as if I am on a tightrope. So am I happy? For me I don't know how to answer that. I am not unhappy but I don't know that I was happy before her accident. I certainly was not unhappy and I am not unhappy now. I have come to learn that happiness is not all encompassing. Most people don't walk around happy 24/7. Well maybe some do, For me I have happy moments. I have sad moments. I have satisfied moments. I have pissed off moments (lots of those).

Our biggest challenge continues to be finding caregivers. Oh the stories I could tell you. We have many good nurses and aides but we need more. Although there is a nursing agency we work with they are continually unable to fill many shifts forcing us to hire privately for Rebecca. This of course is very expensive. Hence we are grateful for all the fundraising that has been done and all the contributions that have been made. Without the vast support that has come our way our lives would be nothing short of disastrous.

My heart still breaks every day and I am a very different individual from the person I was prior to March 13, 2021. I could write a book about the differences. I try not to think about how I was beforehand but I do enjoy thinking about what I was like many years earlier before I turned 30. Honestly I probably glamorize it.

In February we are planning to take Rebecca to Florida. A trip like this requires a tremendous amount of preparation and research. If all goes well Rebecca will get on a plane and fly south with us along with an entourage of nurses. It is the final frontier.

Thank you all for your continued support. Thank you for your interest. Happy Holidays to all.

With love, the Koltun family

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June 10, 2024

Rebecca you give inspiration to all, most especially those who face serious challenges. May we alll make the most of our opportunities in your honor!

Elaine Collins

June 9, 2024

This donation for Rebecca Koltun is being made by our group, known as The "Hoops of Northport" . We are a group of friends who having been playing basketball together for 30 years. We also host various fund raising events to help neighbors.

David Anderson

June 7, 2024

God Bless!
