Rebecca Aleck Koltun Needs Your Help
In March 2021, 21-year-old Rebecca was in a tragic skiing accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down. Please help her get the spinal cord injury care and rehab she so urgently needs. ( If you want to follow Rebecca’s journey to recovery, scroll down and click “Subscribe.” For information on fundraising and other activities, join our private Facebook group, Rally for Rebecca.) __________________
It’s your worst nightmare: a horrific accident that, in an instant, changes your life and the lives of your family forever.
On Saturday, March 13, 2021, Rebecca Aleck Koltun, a healthy, vibrant young woman about to graduate college, was in a life-threatening ski accident in which she suffered catastrophic injuries to her neck and spinal cord. A determined team of some 20 EMTs and other medical professionals ultimately saved her life, but the devastating outcome is that Rebecca is now paralyzed from the neck down. She can see, hear and understand, but is unable to move her arms or legs. The injury to her spinal cord—C1-C2, incomplete—is similar to that suffered years ago by actor Christopher Reeve. The medical name for her condition is quadriplegia.
We all know and love Rebecca as a strong, smart, ambitious, funny and determined young woman. In addition to being an avid skier, soccer player and New York Times crossword puzzle whiz, she’s also a loving daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, friend, classmate and teammate. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that she was planning to attend medical school after graduating from Binghamton University this May. And we have no doubt Rebecca will approach the challenges she now faces with the same passion and fortitude. She already is.
In addition to coping with overwhelming shock, Rebecca’s parents—Scott and Audrey–now face exorbitant medical bills that their health insurance does not cover. In the first year alone, the cost of Rebecca’s care will likely exceed $1 million in out-of-pocket expenses, and there will be additional costs for modifying their home and purchasing the equipment necessary to address her needs, such as a customized van, specialized exercise equipment for strengthening and preventing atrophy of her muscles and a wheelchair, as well as a home care provider to help with her daily tasks and exercise.
If you are able, please consider supporting Rebecca and her family—Scott, Audrey and Rebecca’s brother, Erik–as they cope with the heartbreak of Rebecca’s injuries and the financial challenges ahead. Your contribution will help cover the cost of daily care and therapy she needs when she transfers to an in-patient rehab facility which specializes in treating and rehabilitating people with severe spinal cord injuries. She and her family will be forever grateful.
The first year of Rebecca’s treatment will be critical. Upon discharge from the hospital, Rebecca will need to spend months in rehab, receiving care almost around the clock. Research and experience indicate that in some instances, and with the supervision of trained experts, people with spinal cord injuries may recover partial function. Those gains typically come during the first twelve months of treatment and require a highly qualified team who will work with Rebecca daily, using cutting-edge medical equipment and technology. The right strengthening or range of motion exercises could pave the way for Rebecca to one day walk or use her hands again. That’s why these first few weeks and months are the most crucial time to provide support.
That Rebecca survived this devastating accident is nothing short of a miracle. It is proof of her love for life and strong sense of purpose. It’s important to remember, she’s still Rebecca, and she’s still a fighter. Rebecca has brightened our lives for 21 years. Now let’s join together to brighten hers.
We have chosen to fundraise for the Koltuns through Help Hope Live because the organization assures fiscal accountability for funds raised. You can be sure your donation will be used to pay or reimburse medical and care-related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to support Rebecca’s care (by credit or debit card), simply click the Give button. If you prefer to donate by check, instructions are on the left side of the page under Mail a Check.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
Updates (94)
February 17, 2025
Dearest Friends and Family:I have really come to love Neil Diamond. In the mid 1980's I was invited to a Neil Diamond concert at Madison Square Garden. Let's just say it was an offer I could not refuse. The show was sold out and in the round with the stage at center court. Neil Diamond wore a white Elvis style jumpsuit and was quite the entertainer. I was mildly impressed. Fast forward 40 years and the stations I listen to play Neil Diamond all the time. I sit in my car singing along so grateful I was at that show!Soon we will be taking Rebecca to Florida for some warm weather and specialized physical therapy. Winter can be very tough for those with spinal cord injuries (SCI). The trip is a complicated undertaking much like the Apollo missions of the 1960's where there are alot of moving parts and you never know if it will all work until you do it. It is also incredibly costly as we are taking three nurses and arranging further care in Florida. Separately we ship our accessible van with Rebecca's power chair in it. In a perfect world Rebecca would be able to sit in her chair on the plane. The airlines however are not there yet and do not seem to be in a hurry to accommodate the disabled.Rebecca remains busy and productive. She goes and goes and does not let the snow and ice stop her. I am impressed the way her chair cuts through the slush! This past weekend she went to a Valentines day party at a bar in Williamsburg. Along with another woman she has organized a new support group for the disabled. She continues to paint. Audrey and I continue to work because that is what we do. Thank you for all your interest and support. We truly would be lost without it. Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
December 15, 2024
Dearest Friends and Family:This past Monday Rebecca went to physical therapy. After that she stopped by the post office to mail a painting someone had ordered from her Etsy account. From there she went to the tailor, Shoprite and then finally to CVS.That evening some friends came over. She baked cookies for them.This is a typical day for Rebecca who does more in a day than many able-bodied people.Rebecca is very strict with herself and sets timers on Alexa limiting how much time she will allow herself on TikTok and watching television.Rebecca continues to have tremendous will and drive. She also recently has become a pitchperson for a company that designs knapsacks for handicapped individuals and something called an "Obi" which is an adaptive eating device that she can operate to feed herself without the assistance of others.I am doing this update because December 20th 2024 will mark three years since Rebecca was discharged from Glen Cove hospital ending a nine-month series of hospitals and rehab centers that began on March 13, 2021.For me personally this date is very significant and the true beginning of what has become a new life for us Koltuns.Like everyone else some days we go sideways and backwards. Some days there are hiccups but all in all we have been very fortunate to have forged a way to live. When I see Rebecca after I come home from work she instills in me a sense of calm and strength. I will often go down to her room and sit on her couch until she throws me out.We Koltuns wish you a joyous holiday season. Thank you as always for all of your interest and support both emotional and financialLove Audrey, Scott, Erik, and Rebecca.
September 20, 2024
Dearest Friends and Family:
Rebecca has finished decorating her room for Halloween.
That is the true sign that summer is now over. We are sad to see summer go but it was great while it lasted.
Rebecca has been incredibly busy these past few months. She strives to fill her schedule with fun productive and diversified activities. She went to a Noah Kahan concert at Madison Square Garden and met Noah Kahan backstage. She went to a book event for the author Jodi Picoult and was able to spend some time and converse with her as well. She just went to a Pitbull concert with T-pain as the opening act at Jones Beach. Sorry she did not meet Pitbull.
Rebecca continues to amaze and inspire. Tonight as I write this she is in Manhattan at the preview showing for the new Christopher Reeve movie.
One day maybe they will make a movie about Rebecca! She is driven and I don't mean by her powerchair. She has taught us that nothing and noone can take away or spoil our spirit or our soul. If we choose to protect and hold onto them then they will be with us always.
I have learned there is always something to be happy about. There is always something to be grateful for. There is always a goal to try and reach. Everyday we try our best.
Of course, Rebecca faces obstacles every day. Having solid nurses and caregivers is key. The machinery and programs necessary to allow Rebecca to keep going must be well oiled and constantly fed. The accessible van, the elevator in our home, her power chair which she operates with her neck and mouth, the medical supplies etc.
We are very fortunate to have had such tremendous support from the beginning of our new lives. Thank you all for remaining interested.
Love the Koltuns
March 17, 2024
Dearest Friends and Family:
Every morning when I wake up I remind myself that I am playing with house money.
First off I wake up- a great start.
I feel pretty good- even better.
If the sun is shining- well then I have hit the trifecta.
This update is supposed to be about Rebecca and if you read on I will get to her. In reality it has always been about me. There is an old adage that when writers put pen to paper (millenials-this is how we used to jot down our thoughts) they are really writing about themselves.
This past week we acknowledged that three years have passed since Rebecca's accident. The old me died that day. Rebecca has often referred to her 9-month hospitalization following her accident as her gestation period. While our old selves were different there are some vague similarities. The "I don't give a s--t" component to my personality has increased exponentially. This is an overall positive development. Nevertheless on a gut simple level we are just trying to enjoy life. That is it. The accident has made that clearer to us.
As many of you know the stars aligned and we were all able to travel to Florida by airplane this past February. When that plane took off, knowing Rebecca was on it, was exhilarating. When we arrived in Florida and I saw my in-laws pull up at the airport with our van I jumped with joy. Down in Florida we all tapped into a fountain of newfound emotional support. Palm trees and blue water also don't hurt. Rebecca went to Disney with her wonderful crew of caregivers. We all went on a wonderful sunset cruise off the coast of Miami on a boat called the Impossible Dream.
Coming back was rough. Our nursing and caregiver situation continues to be very challenging and difficult. To function at the most basic level we need competent good hearted caregivers. This is never ending. It should not have to be like this but it is.
We will carry on. Thank you all for your continued support and for being involved.
Love the Koltun family.
December 21, 2023
Dearest Friends and Family:
I have not written updates with great frequency of late. Part of it was me telling myself I had nothing to say. Part of it was me telling myself it is time to move forward.
However, two years ago, today (December 20, 2021) Rebecca was discharged from Glen Cove hospital. We have not looked back since. Hence a good time for an update.
Her discharge was after a nine-month stint in three different hospitals. Her health has been good since then considering the obstacles she faces.
She has carved out a life as have the rest of us Koltuns. It is not the life we wanted or expected but as we know in life we must play the hand we are dealt.
(I hate cliches but this one seems appropriate).
Rebecca plans her days meticulously and then figures out how to execute her plans. She does things that she can enjoy. They may be little things to some but as I have learned little things matter and little things can be big.
I will not lie to you. Our lives can be agonizing, maddening and stressful. Sorry for complaining. Oftentimes I feel as if I am on a tightrope. So am I happy? For me I don't know how to answer that. I am not unhappy but I don't know that I was happy before her accident. I certainly was not unhappy and I am not unhappy now. I have come to learn that happiness is not all encompassing. Most people don't walk around happy 24/7. Well maybe some do, For me I have happy moments. I have sad moments. I have satisfied moments. I have pissed off moments (lots of those).
Our biggest challenge continues to be finding caregivers. Oh the stories I could tell you. We have many good nurses and aides but we need more. Although there is a nursing agency we work with they are continually unable to fill many shifts forcing us to hire privately for Rebecca. This of course is very expensive. Hence we are grateful for all the fundraising that has been done and all the contributions that have been made. Without the vast support that has come our way our lives would be nothing short of disastrous.
My heart still breaks every day and I am a very different individual from the person I was prior to March 13, 2021. I could write a book about the differences. I try not to think about how I was beforehand but I do enjoy thinking about what I was like many years earlier before I turned 30. Honestly I probably glamorize it.
In February we are planning to take Rebecca to Florida. A trip like this requires a tremendous amount of preparation and research. If all goes well Rebecca will get on a plane and fly south with us along with an entourage of nurses. It is the final frontier.
Thank you all for your continued support. Thank you for your interest. Happy Holidays to all.
With love, the Koltun family
September 24, 2023
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am going to write a book. It will not be about Rebecca. I am going to title it "Journey to the Bottom of my Wife's Purse". It will be part science fiction and part fantasy. It will talk about the endless abyss, the black hole of what can be found there such as receipts from the 1990's and lost single earrings purchased at art shows. The book may not do well but I would like to license it for a movie.
Rebecca is doing well. She is looking forward to wearing some of the nice fall sweaters that she recently purchased. Lately she has been introducing caregivers and friends to the store Primark located in Roosevelt Field. She continues to paint and is working on the skill of painting Christmas Trees. This is not as easy as it sounds. Nevertheless, she persists. She is also making her protein balls which take up alot of space in our refrigerator.
Tomorrow is Yom Kippur the most serious of all the Jewish holidays as that is when it is determined whether we will be inscribed in the book of life. This past week we celebrated Rosh Hashana which is the Jewish New Year. Last night I had tuna fish and egg salad for dinner which will also be part of the menu when we break fast.
We have received some lovely communications in the past several weeks from individuals who are inspired by Rebecca. Some of them we know and some we don't. These messages inspire us.
We Koltuns wish you all a happy and healthy. We continue to be grateful for all of your support.
Love Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
August 30, 2023
Dearest Friends and Family:
It is hard to believe that the summer is coming to an end and that before long I will be digging through the bottom of my closet searching for my winter gloves and wool hat.
Rebecca has had an enjoyable summer. She has gone to many concerts. Most recently she saw the Lumineers at Jones Beach Theatre. Earlier this summer she saw Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift at Met Life in New Jersey. As for me I saw an Eagles tribute band and Oppenheimer.
This past week my mother-in-law came to visit. I truly love when my mother in law visits as she brings such a good vibe to our house. On the Saturday of her visit we drove into the city and went to see Aladdin on Broadway. Rebecca navigated her power chair through all of the craziness in Times Square. She said it was like being in a video game with people coming at her nonstop from all directions. That same week we also took some fun day trips to Greenport and Tobay beach.
Earlier this summer Rebecca took the Long Island Railroad for the first time since her accident into Grand Central Station. It was quite an adventure being on the train with her. We then had lunch in Bryant Park and watched the Dominican Day Parade. For lunch that day I had a Caesar Salad with too much dressing which made the lettuce kind of soggy.
Rebecca continues to paint. She has gotten quite good. We all continue to move forward. I find the best methodology is to not think too deeply or overanalyze. Just do and enjoy. As Carl Reiner said if you wake up and you are not in the obit then have breakfast!
Once again we want to thank everyone out there who offers us support whether it be financial or emotional. We are greatly appreciative and always will be!
Love, The Koltun Family
June 4, 2023
Dearest Friends and Family:
Now that the series Succession is over and I have finished, Jewish Matchmaking on Netflix, I have some time to do an update. There is much to report so buckle your seatbelts!
Since the time of my last update Chat GBT has become a big thing. I want to assure you all that Chat GBT played no role in writing this update. I am doing it the old fashioned way.
As many of you know Rebecca's second annual 5K race took place this past Saturday over Memorial Day. It was an unbelievable success as there were over 700 participants. This far surpassed the turnout for the previous year. The weather was beautiful. Thanks to all of the wonderful sponsors and volunteers there were plenty of bananas, corn muffins, bagels and water for everyone.
We want to thank all the volunteers and the entire Plainview community who helped make the event run so smoothly. We especially want to thank the "Executive Committee" including the entire Mensch and Brenner families who work year-round to stage this fantastic event! We also want to thank the Gulotta's and Michelle Schneider who were also part of the committee. We are very fortunate to have such great friends! A special thank you to all of the sponsors! By the way, Rebecca does the entire 5K in her chair.
The 5K event not only serves as a much-needed fundraiser for Rebecca but it also helps bring about more awareness for those with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). We read about advances that are taking place for SCI and are of course cautiously optimistic that one day those advances can help Rebecca. In the meantime however we would like to see commercial airlines make a simple accommodation and provide space so that Rebecca can fly sitting in her wheelchair.
Rebecca if she is ever to fly anywhere, cannot fly commercial. She needs to be in her chair as she can not transfer to a regular seat. If the airlines did something as simple as removing a seat to provide an empty space for her chair, she could in fact fly just like you or me. I hope the CEO of Delta or Jet Blue reads this or even the head of the FAA.
In addition to the 5k, Rebecca also got to see Taylor Swift at Met Life Stadium the Sunday after the race. Many of you know this as she posted TikToks about the show. As her chauffeur, I got to listen to the concert from the parking lot. We could hear it loud and clear. There were thousands of teenage girls in the parking lot who presumably could not get tickets to the show. As one friend of mine aptly pointed out, Taylor Swift is their Rolling Stones.
Earlier in May Rebecca was invited to speak on a panel at an event at Glen Cove Hospital. The event focused on patient care at the hospital and advancements that have been made there. Audrey and I attended and it was a great chance to catch up with some of the staff there that we had not seen since Rebecca's discharge. Rebecca spoke beautifully. It was also enlightening to hear the other panel members speak as well. They were all former patients who had suffered traumatic injuries or had developed illnesses that impaired their cognitive and motor functions.
In the past couple of months, we have had several visitors stay with us. Audrey's parents came to visit in March to help celebrate Audrey's 60th. Audrey's sister Debra was up here for the 5K along with Audrey's dear friend from Denver, Lisa. My cousin Cheryl who lives outside of San Francisco also visited with us for five days in April. It was a delight having all of these guests as they bring such good energy.
That about sums it up. As for me, I have been trying to understand the origins of the universe and Planck density when I am not working. Audrey also is busy working. When not working she enjoys using the Swiffer, getting her nails done and shopping online for shoes. As for our dog Ollie he likes when we put tsatziki sauce in his food.
Thank you all for your continued interest and support.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
March 12, 2023
Dearest Friends and Family:
This Monday, March 13th, will be the two-year anniversary of Rebecca's accident.
To mark this occasion, I am writing this update, however quite honestly, I am struggling with what to say.
You see lately I am trying to only think forward. In the same vein, however I have a desire to speak to groups and organizations and share our story because it is such a compelling one.
I can say that we are trying as best as we can to normalize our lives although a part of me would retort that none of this will ever be normal.
We have more or less settled into routines. We work. We exercise. We socialize. We cook. We go out to dinner. We go shopping. We sleep. We get pissed off about stupid stuff. We laugh. We have good days and we have bad days.....just like everyone else.
Two things for sure:
We have had a lot of help along the way and Rebecca is truly a remarkable person.
We continue to welcome your support. Below is a link for Rebecca’s 5k which will take place on May 27, 2023.
Love to all,
The Koltun Family
2023 Rally for Rebecca 5K (
January 22, 2023
Dearest Friends and Family:
A Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
We continue to soldier on.
It is far from easy but the only path any of us really have is forward. While the challenges of the Koltuns are obvious we recognize that many people face difficulties whether they be mental health issues, financial trouble, sickness, phobia. The list goes on.
All I can say is we try our best.
Rebecca is very focused on filling her days with activities and plans. She enjoys spending time with friends, going to restaurants, playing Katan online and reading to just name a few of the things she is involved in. She is still painting and she very much enjoys her digital marketing class. We often go to the city with her and navigate her chair through the crazy streets of Manhattan. It is always a true sense of accomplishment when she can visit a friend in their apartment.
The winter time is more restrictive as the days are shorter and the cold air makes it difficult for her to spend any significant time outside.
Sadly, we continue to struggle with nursing and care provider issues. One would think that this would resolve itself but it does not. The nursing agency we use is woefully understaffed and we often find ourselves without coverage. This means we have to pay privately for coverage if we are lucky enough to find it. Needless to say this is also very expensive. Many of Rebecca's expenses unfortunately are not covered through insurance and while we are not destitute the amount of money spent on her daily living is high. This is why fundraising is so important to us. We continue to be grateful for all of the financial and emotional support that we receive. Raising funds for Rebecca is essential.
Going back to the nursing if anyone knows of Nurses interested in working with Rebecca then please message Audrey on Facebook or reach out to us on the HHL website.
I will end this update with a homeowner tip. If you don't have one then I highly recommend the purchase of a plumber snake- also called a toilet auger. When a plunger doesn't do the trick you will want one of these... trust me. They are less than 50 bucks and worth their weight in gold.
Love to all, The Koltuns.
November 24, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
A Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Yesterday was a special day as Audrey found the long lost table pads for our dining room table that she had been searching for. Eureka! When we had to move out of our house for the renovation, she put them under a bed. This of course is the perfect place for table pads because they are flat and slide easily. The trick is to remember they are there.
Last Thanksgiving, we spent in an all-purpose room at Glen Cove Hospital. Rebecca was not feeling great that day but the hospital staff wheeled her bed down the hall into that room so we could all be together. This year we will be home. Clearly, we have come a long way.
This past Sunday Rebecca went to Brunch in NYC to celebrate the birthday of some friends. I drove the van and there was minimal traffic both ways. I even managed to find a parking spot on the street.
The past year has given us much to be thankful for. We have cultivated a life and forged a path. While it is not a life any of us asked for, we have made due. We could not have done so without the family and friends who have helped us so much every step of the way. I talk to myself extensively every day. Much of what I say is not fit for print in the update. I give myself encouragement. One of my new favorite phrases is: This is how it is...
We are especially grateful for the financial support that Rebecca has gotten from so many of you. Without this money we would be in big trouble. Every week we write checks for hundreds and often thousands of dollars to cover expenses related to Rebecca's medical care that are not picked up by insurance.
Someone who I met early on after Rebecca's accident and had a similar situation told me. You can only try your best every day. That holds true for all of us.
It is now time for me to put the table pads on the table so I will sign off. Special thanks to my friend AM who suggested I do an update.
Love to all, The Koltuns.
November 5, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
I have been somewhat remiss in putting out the updates recently but there is certainly much to report.
As some of you may know Rebecca had an art sale this past weekend in front of Family Bagels here in Plainview. She sold many of her original paintings and prints. The sale was very well attended but surprisingly neither Sotheby's nor Christies sent a representative.
We celebrated Rebecca's birthday two weeks ago with a party at the house. We had lots of pizza pies from Bella Vista (our local Pizzeria) along with a delicious Oreo cake that someone graciously baked. The party was Taylor Swift themed although Taylor Swift herself did not show up.
About a week ago we all went on a road trip to Pennsylvania for the annual Help Hope Live Gala. Our dear friends Andrew and Wendy Mensch were honored that evening for their extraordinary fund-raising efforts on behalf of Rebecca. We had a fantastic time as we got to meet many of the people that we have worked with at HHL over the past one and a half years raising funds for Rebecca.
Rebecca got her new custom power wheelchair also about two weeks ago. It is a Permobil and it comes with headlights and a horn. The color is powder blue. The head array is more open giving Rebecca a better view of the world in front of her. There are a few kinks that still need to be worked out in the chair but overall, it should serve her well. The chair goes fast and seems to hold a charge.
Rebecca just started taking an online course in digital marketing. The course is given through Stony Brook. She seems to be enjoying it so far.
As for me lately I have been contemplating whether there are other life forms in the Universe. I have been reading about the Webb telescope which cost 10 billion dollars. Speaking of cost, I have also been in search of soft cotton tee shirts. Did you know that some tee shirts run as high as $80.00 and there is no free shipping? (this is a rhetorical question).
We are always grateful for the nurses and aides who are so vigilant and dedicated in caring for Rebecca. Without them we would not be able to function as we do.
We also continue to be thankful and appreciative for all of the support and ongoing interest in our story. It is truly remarkable.
Thank you.
Love, The Koltun family
October 16, 2022
Hi Friends and Family...
In celebration of Rebecca's birthday, please join us LIVE on Friday, October 21st at 6PM Eastern Time as she reveals the two winners of the Rally for Rebecca Virtual Birthday 50/50. Click here to join:
If you have not entered the 50/50, please go to for details on how to enter for a chance to win.
We look forward to seeing you all this coming Friday night.
The Rally for Rebecca Fundraising Team
October 2, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Rebecca went to the movies this afternoon with Audrey. I am alone in the house with no laundry to fold or dishwasher to unload; and my dog is being antisocial. Hence, a good time to write an update.
About three weeks ago Rebecca was in a fashion show for disabled individuals sponsored by the Runway of Dreams Foundation. The show was on a Monday night during fashion week at a trendy venue in Manhattan. Rebecca wore an elegant black dress and beige jacket for the runway. It was quite an event run by a wonderful organization. Major companies like Kohls, Zappos and Tommy Hilfiger play large roles in this event. The individuals participating face all kinds of challenges. Some have no arms or legs. Others have Down's syndrome and the like.
A few weeks later there was a comedy show fundraiser for Rebecca. It was a load of fun for all involved. We are grateful to the Mensch family which organized and ran the event.
Rebecca has been living in the community (as they say) for over nine months now. This is longer than all of her hospital stays combined. In my mind the nine month stretch is a significant milestone. Not only has she lived in the community but she has thrived. Her ability to live and thrive comes with the assistance and participation of many individuals. For that help we are grateful. People tell us and show us everyday that they care. For me personally I find that very uplifting.
Rebecca's goals, like ours, are simple: to be productive and enjoy living. How to reach those goals is different for everyone. As the cold weather approaches it will be more difficult for Rebecca to do things outside (people with SCI tend to get cold easily). Rebecca is considering taking an online class. She is also looking to do volunteer work onsite at various locations. Anyone with any ideas about volunteer work let us know.
One of the first nights after Rebecca was injured Erik and I were sitting in the lobby of our Courtyard by Marriott hotel. Erik turned to me and said " Rebecca is a very clever girl and she will figure this out". I believe that has held true thus far.
Thank you all for your continued support and interest.
Love The Koltuns
August 28, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
It is hard to believe that as I write this summer is almost over. Today it is cloudy in New York but we are told the sun will be coming out later this afternoon.
Rebecca has had a busy summer. This past week she went into Manhattan and saw another show.
Many people who I speak with express admiration for our family and Rebecca. It is certainly nice to hear those compliments. The bottom line is that we are just trying to live our lives and enjoy them just as anyone else would. Rebecca wants to enjoy life. We want to enjoy our lives. Rebecca must do it within the parameters of her condition. She chooses to focus on the things she can do. We do what we can do.
Come to think of it we all have parameters whether they be physical, psychological, emotional, familial or financial. We all work within those parameters
August has been a tough month for me at times. My Dad died in August and Mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer in August. Great things have also happened in August. On August 17, 2021 Rebecca was discharged from Spaulding in Boston and transferred to Glen Cove Hospital. This was a new beginning for her and for us.
Here is a toast to new beginnings. Here is a toast to moving forward as best we can.
Thank you all for your continued support and interest.
Love, Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
August 7, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Rebecca has done some really fun things this summer.
She went to see the band One Republic at Jones Beach and sat pretty close to the stage. They gave out earplugs.
Last Sunday we went to a Yankee game and sat field level. The Yankees were advised of Rebecca's situation and someone from their organization reached out with tickets and passes to the Legends Restaurant. Best of all we had free parking.
Last Saturday we traveled to New Jersey for the graduation party of some close family friends. The party was terrific. The traffic on the George Washington Bridge not so much.
Last night we attended a charity event by the Over the Hill Gang where Rebecca was a beneficiary. Thank you OTHG!
Early one Sunday morning a few weeks ago I received a text from an old friend who told me it was urgent that she speak with me. I called her immediately and she told me that recently she had a session with a Medium and my parents showed up and took over her the session with all sorts of messages for me. At first I felt bad for my friend because this particular Medium is very much in demand and she had to wait close to a year to see him. Then when she goes my parents monopolize her session. Afterward I was grateful and I took comfort in her experience and in the message. Mediums by the way are not cheap. They cost more than massage therapists but less than lawyers.
The summer is flying by fast. I have not written an update in a while so I am a bit rusty.
Thank you all for your continued interest and support.
Love the Koltuns.
July 11, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
About two weeks ago Rebecca was fitted for her permanent power chair. It will be manufactured by a company called Permobil. The chair she uses now is a demo model made by Quantum. Permobil and Quantum are the two main chair companies. They are like Infiniti and Lexus.
Fitting Rebecca for her custom chair was a very detailed process and required the expertise of several individuals including a manufacturer's representative and an occupational therapist. With all the insurance red tape and supply chain issues, it is anyone's guess when she will actually get her new chair. In the meantime she utilizes her Quantum as well as her manual chair. Her manual chair is quite comfortable but it does not give her the independence that the power chair allows. Anyone who is around her in her power chair knows to watch out for sudden movements. If she runs over your feet the chair will crush your toes into little pieces.
About six weeks ago I purchased curtains for our new den upstairs. Although I am 62 I have never had occasion to buy or order curtains. The curtains had to be custom made because of the size of our window. This was uncharted territory for me. Fortunately I went to a store that specialized in window coverings and the process turned out to be very easy. The curtains arrived in about three weeks and there were no supply chain issues or insurance company approval requirements.
Our summer has gone very well so far. Rebecca loves drinking iced decaf coffees and going to beaches and parks. Yesterday Rebecca along with some family and friends traveled into the City and saw a Broadway play. The theatre was very accommodating. Although I went into the City with them I opted instead to go see the Elvis movie.
Is there really such a thing as normal? I don't know because normality is subjective and individual. It is liking asking whether there is such a thing as sanity.
We are faced with choices throughout our lives. This gives us some control of our destinies. In the past 16 months I have spoken with many Rabbis more so than in in my entire life. One Rabbi in Boston who we became quite friendly with explained that we only get some choices- not the big ones.
I have to go to work tomorrow so thank you again for your continued interest and support.
Love the Koltuns.
June 18, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
This morning I woke up at 4:41 am and could not fall back to sleep.
I have this recurring dream that I am back in college and it is halfway through the semester and I have yet to attend any classes or submit my assignments. This was very unlike me. I wish my dream would tell me what I did spend my time doing.
After a while I got out of bed and decided to do an update but then Audrey told me we need potato salad for tomorrow so I headed off to Shoprite.
Every day I try to think of the things Rebecca can do. This time of year it is easy to be outside and enjoy the sun, the breeze and the greenery.
Rebecca is focused on scheduling her days. She takes as much control as she can. She keeps busy with various appointments and visitors etc. We go all sorts of places in our van. She enjoys singing and doing her art.
A friend of ours who is a quadriplegic told me one day I will wake up and realize life has normalized. I would like to say we are approaching that but truly none of this feels normal to me. Of course I tell myself we are far better off than we were one year ago when we were stuck in Boston with no visible path home.
I still think why us? No doubt I had it good. I do realize there is tragedy everywhere. But still why us?
Notwithstanding the above we have been very fortunate. The community of support that exists for Rebecca and our family is incredible. It is never ending and is like a deep deep well that we always draw from.
I have no answers. I do not know that there are answers. Only to find enjoyment in the day.
Love to all, the Koltuns
June 6, 2022
Congrats to Rebecca's cousin Kyle for completing the 2022 Carilion Clinic IRONMAN 70.3 Virginia's Blue Ridge Race on Sunday, June 5! He turned his own race into the RACE FOR REBECCA, a personal fundraiser that resulted in $1,800 for Rebecca's care. His total time was 8 hrs 13 minutes. 2-mile swim, 58-mile bike (In mountains!) 13.5 run. Each event and total, swim 42 min, bike 4 hrs, run 3 hrs, the time total was 8 hrs 13 min. Congrats Kyle, and thanks for the awesome work!
June 4, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
I think at this point I am going to curtail my weekly updates to once or twice per month.
Now that summer is here I need to make sure that we have gas for the grill. I also need to keep the outdoor cushions out of the rain.
Rebecca and Audrey are at an art show this afternoon and I sincerely hope they do not buy anything as our house is overloaded with stuff and I am a minimalist.
We are still flying high from the wonderful 5k event that took place over Memorial Day Weekend in honor of Rebecca. We look forward to future events in large part because it is good to see friends and supporters.
While our struggles are more out in the open than most, I have learned that everyone faces personal difficulties and hurdles. We are all imperfect beings in a world where life is often not fair. Keeping this in the back of our minds may help us during the day when things don't always go right.
I will always do an update when there is something to report or say.
Thank you all for your continued suport.
Love, the Koltuns
May 29, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Yesterday was the first annual 5k Walk Run Roll for Rebecca. It was a huge success and I think it turned out to be larger than anyone envisioned. The weather turned out to be fine for the event. The forecast had been iffy all week.
The organizers of the event were planning this for over six months. None of them had ever oversaw an event of such scope and magnitude before. There were many many people who made sure it ran smoothly. The primary organizers were Andrew and Wendy Mensch and Jason and Judy Brenner. There were also many others who did so much. I apologize for not mentioning them by name here. Please understand that we are incredibly grateful for all your help.
We have been very friendly with the Mensch family for many years. The Brenner family were more neighbors and acquaintances before this with whom we had much in common. We have grown closer to them since Rebecca's accident.
The event raised alot of money. It created attention and awareness for spinal chord injury (SCI) and for those who ambulate in wheelchairs.
Maybe most importantly it brought people together for a good cause in what is an increasingly troubled world.
Members of the Stratton Mountain Ski Patrol involved in Rebecca's rescue drove down for the event. My office Chesney Nicholas and Brower also had a load of people who participated. It is hard to believe all of this was for Rebecca and our family. It was very overwhelming.
I am now going to eat some scrambled eggs for breakfast. I used to read Dear Abby and Ann Landers when I was a kid. I am not one to impose advice but if I were to give advice I would say whatever your circumstances try and enjoy the day. That is what I am going to do. It is all we have.
Thank you all for your continued interest and support.
Love, The Koltun Family.
May 20, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
As many of you know, a team of our friends and community members are organizing a Rally for Rebecca 5K walk-run-roll to raise funds for Rebecca’s HHL campaign. (The event will start at Plainview-Old Bethpage Middle School, with a fun run at 8:00 a.m. for the kids and the 5K starting at 8:30 a.m. It’s on rain or shine) The date of the event is Saturday May 28, 2022.
So far more than 300 people have registered to either join the race or volunteer on race day. We continue to be amazed and humbled by the amount of support that has been provided to Rebecca and our family. We are hoping for a super large turnout so if you are thinking of coming, then please put on your best walking and/or running shoes and come out on the morning of Saturday May 28th. It should be alot of fun and it is really for a good cause.
Rebecca will also be doing the race in her power chair.
It’s not too late to show your support in any way you can — as a participant, volunteer, sponsor or just by cheering everyone on…Our whole family will be there, and we hope to see you there too.
If you're from out of the area, you can participate virtually. We appreciate the army of people who've volunteered to help on race day, but we still need more. If your feet are too tired for running or walking the 5K, but you are able to help, please sign up using the sign up genius link:
We especially want to thank the organizing committee, sponsors and all the local shops and restaurants who donated food and raffle prizes and the POB police and fire departments, as well as the staff and administrators from the POB schools who are helping promote and providing a venue for the race. Registration and race details are here:
Sign up to volunteer (registration on Elite Feats page is optional for volunteers):
Thank you all so much.
Love, The Koltun Family
May 14, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Thank you for reading this update and thank you for your support as always.
Rebecca is approaching her five month anniversary of living in the community as they say. Five months is longer than any hospital stay she had. Rebecca continues to do well. She keeps herself busy with all sorts of things. Her health continues to be steady and stable. Thank G-d. Last night we went out to a Japanese Restaurant for sushi. In a crowded restaurant Rebecca's voice can not be heard at times. Someone got her a voice amplifier. It works great.
When Rebecca was discharged we embarked on a new adventure. In many ways however it was like we were entering a dark cave with only the flashlight from our I phone to navigate. Caving has never been something that interested me. Now five months into this we are finding our way around. We have learned a great deal. We have gotten more. savvy.
When something like this happens information comes at you from many different sources. Some of it is valuable but alot of it is not applicable. At the beginning we had no idea what was what. Now we are getting a better sense. We all know the phrase live and learn. My Dad had a great phrase: Some can learn others must feel.
As many of you know Rebecca is entitled to and receives benefits from "Medicaid" the public welfare system that is supposedly designed to support individuals who are poor disabled etc. As an attorney I have dealt tangentially with Medicaid many times over the years. In working with the Medicaid system on behalf of Rebecca I am sorry to say that it is incredibly complicated, convoluted and woefully inadequate. In all this time I have never really met anyone who understands it.
In summary if we did not have private money Rebecca may not have been able to live outside of a hospital. If we did not have private money it would be almost impossible for Audrey and I to work. It is my hope and goal to one day raise enough funds so that Rebecca does not have to rely on Medicaid.
We have learned to accept help. We are grateful. I will admit I am a humbler individual. Rebecca is a very strong individual. She has what it takes. Many times when I sit down to write the update I have no idea what I am going to say. This was one of those times.
Love to all. The Koltuns.
May 7, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
I have been watching alot of old episodes of Green Acres lately. I watch them late at night. They help me sleep. The show is really kind of unrealistic.
If Oliver Wendell Douglas was such a smart and savvy businessman and lawyer then how come he didn't do his due diligence before he bought that shack in Hooterville? Also who drives a tractor in a three piece suit anyway?
Two of my favorite words are "might" and "may". Okay-- to use it in a sentence: "We might be able to do this or that one day". "Things may improve or this or that situation may get better." Of course they may or might get worse but I tend to be an optimist. Bottom line we really don't know what life is going to bring us. We plan ahead a week, a month a year but in reality we don't know if our plans will ever come to fruition. As for me I am done planning. I do not plan. I do not even dream. I observe and react. It is all still new to me. People who have been through this tell me one day it will all be normal and I will hit my groove. I am not there yet. Not even close. Everyday is a matter of survival. I deal with many outside forces.
Rebecca's weeks are filled with activity. She loves people and enjoys being out and about. She reads voraciously. She goes to Starbucks and Panera. Today she was in Stew Leonards and Trader Joes. She is certainly not shy about her disability. I see her trying to figure the best way she can live within her limitations. We had our healing service Wednesday which is something I look forward to in our "new normal". Rebecca spoke very eloquently about her meeting other people with similar disabilities on Tick Tock etc. They exchange ideas and war stories.
There is really not much to report this week. We are doing our best. Thank you for reading this update. Thank you for your support.
Love, The Koltuns.
April 30, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am happy to report our nursing and care situation is showing some signs of improvement. This of course is good news.
I will now talk about one of our other battles. As many of you know we pay for a great deal of Rebecca's care privately. This is because of the limited resources made available to Rebecca through insurance.
One of our biggest battles is with the insurance company that pays for Rebecca's nursing. This is not Audrey's employer but another company. Northwell which is who Audrey is employed with has been incredibly good to us from day one. They are not the villian. It is another company.
Despite the fact that Rebecca's Doctor has written multiple letters of medical necessity regarding Rebecca's need for 24 hour nursing, this insurance company for all intents and purposes ignores Rebecca's Doctor's letters and relies on the opinions of their "Doctors" who say Rebecca can get away with much much less.
Of course Rebecca is not their daughter and these insurance company Doctors are not employed to do what is medically necessary. Their job is to save the insurance company money. As many of you know I am an attorney and I am quite familiar with the machinations of insurance companies so this is not a surprise to me.
Fortunately, we can now file what is known as an "External Appeal" meaning someone outside of the insurance company will review Rebecca's situation. This of course takes time.
In the meantime, Rebecca makes the most of her days as we all should. We are enjoying the sunshine and look forward to the warmer weather which hopefully will come soon.
Thank you all again for reading this Update. I know I always say it but it bears repeating. Without the support of all of you who read this we would not be where we are today.
Love to all, The Koltuns.
April 23, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
It has been a tough past few weeks for us and I have not felt like doing an update. While I am by nature an optimist, the truth is I have felt worn down and defeated of late. I am not a religious man but when I wake up I say good morning to my parents and quietly ask for the strength to make it through the day. Fortunately the good Lord gives it to me and off I go to walk my dog.
Staffing nurses has become extraordinarily difficult and most of the time we are without any nurses to care for Rebecca. When this happens it falls on Audrey and I to provide her care. Neither Audrey and I are trained medical professionals, Moreover we both have jobs and careers. Fortunately we have a few dedicated and wonderful people who help us but it is far from enough. Caring for Rebecca is very physical and labor intensive. The good news is it can be done and once it is done she is good to go
Rebecca has been having trouble sleeping lately and when she can't sleep it makes the day that much more arduous for her. For good or for bad my mood is often tied to her meaning if she is having a good day so am I and visa versa. I really don't want it to be that way.
There are a good number of individuals who come to our house on a regular basis to visit with Rebecca. Some I knew others I have just met. Some are art therapists others are neighborhood moms. Having these individuals in our home brings a real positive energy. We are grateful for them.
Today the weather was beautiful and we were able to go down to the beach later in the day. Rebecca sped along in her power chair on the boardwalk in the sunshine. That was uplifting for all of us. She left me in the dust.
A few weeks ago we received a care package from some organization. It was filled with household items like dish detergent, sponges etc. Contained in it was also a bar of Ivory soap. Now when I was a kid I never much cared for Ivory soap. I always liked Dial. But I started using this bar of Ivory and I really took to it. They say as you get older your taste buds change but soap? I of course had my mouth washed out with soap when I was a boy and deservedly so. It was not Ivory but the decorative soap in the guest bathroom.
A friend of ours had open heart surgery this week. Please pray for him.
Thank you all again for your support and interest.
Here is to looking forward to better times.
Love The Koltuns.
April 9, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
People have been asking all week what we thought of the GTTR episode.
The answer is we loved it and we thought they did a terrific job capturing the story and the essence of our family. We are greatly appreciative of the many people who helped with the project and we realize how fortunate we are to have had such unbelievable support from the very beginning of what was a life changing event. I wish I could personally show my gratitude to everyone who helped us. It is kind of weird to watch a TV show about one's life.
When we moved out of the house for the renovation we had to throw a ton of stuff into storage quickly. This past week we had our belongings delivered back to our garage. I am now going through all of these boxes, organizing and throwing stuff out. I have a shredder. I can't tell you what a great release it is to shred old bank statements for a few hours. I felt like a new man!
In the past two days we learned of two other families with members who suffered spinal cord injuries similar to that of Rebecca. They both appear to be working their way through the same type of s---storm that we found ourselves in earlier on. Needless to say we will offer our help in any way we can.
I am an attorney by occupation and these past few weeks the courts have started to open up so I have found myself putting on a suit and tie again.
I know I say this alot but we continue to live one day at a time and deal with both the challenges and the joy that the day may bring us. Rebecca is resolute and purposeful in planning out each day. She does not like to be late and she likes things to go according to plan. It is not always easy for her and it is not always smooth for us. Nevertheless we keep going.
Love to all, The Koltuns.
April 3, 2022
For anyone who missed it, here's a link to the episode of George to the Rescue featuring the renovation of the Koltun's home. The episode is touching, respectful, and beautifully done -- and we are forever grateful to George and his crew for their efforts. It is gratifying to see Rebecca, Scott, Audrey, Erik and Ollie back home where they belong.
April 2, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
I apologize for not writing this update last night but I was too busy listening to some old Leonard Cohen CD's. Whenever I see a picture of Leonard Cohen I wonder why fedoras like my Dad used to wear have not come back in style. Everything else has.
I am purposely writing this update before the GTTR episode which airs in about an hour. I will not know how I am going to feel after watching our lives unfold on television. All the people at NBC and the entire GTTR staff were super professional and capable so I know they have done a great job. Nevertheless it will be a unique experience to say the least watching a TV show about our lives.
I bought a new I phone 11 this past week at the Apple Store. The time had come to replace my I phone 7 which was quickly losing its ability to hold a charge. The entire process was seamless and smooth. I had a great salesperson who explained to me the difference between all the phones and I was able to transfer my data without a hitch.
I know my post last week was dark. But every day is a struggle for us. We do our best to figure out a way . We coordinate and do our best to think out of the box. There was an article on us in Newsday yesterday about our lives and the GTTR show. I thought it was a really good article. We have some caregivers that are really devoted to Rebecca but we need more.
Rebecca saw that Batman movie yesterday and enjoyed it. She goes to physical therapy. She goes to stores and visits with friends and relatives. She goes outside. She feels the sun and the wind. We don't look too far ahead and we never look behind. We are able to continue moving forward in great part because of all the help we receive from others.
As many of you know we have a mealtrain. I truly look forward to it and we have received many wonderful meals from it. Thank you to all of you who have participated.
Okay it is almost time for the show and I want to eat some egg salad before it starts. If I eat during the show people will complain I am chewing too loud.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
March 26, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Thank you all again for your interest and support.
Personally, this was a tough week.. We fight this war on many fronts as you can imagine. Some of the battles are within us. Others are with forces we can not control. Some weeks we just get worn out. Some days despondency gets the better of us and it is tough to find that bright light or sense of purpose. Many days we feel we have to move mountains to carve out a somewhat normal existence and we just do not have the strength. Some days the anxiety level gets very high and I feel my heart beating through my chest.
When Rebecca was at Spaulding in the beginning moving her from bed to chair was a major undertaking. I got crazy watching it because Rebecca had a one hour therapy session and 45 minutes of it would be transferring her from bed to chair. After a while I would leave the room and go somewhere else. I would feel faint and stressed. Thinking about that now I can appreciate how far Rebecca has come since those early days.
Finding good nurses and motivated individuals to be companions for Rebecca remains a high priority for us. We are still seeking nurses to take care of our Rebecca. If you are a nurse or know of a nurse that would be interested in working with Rebecca then please contact Bayada at 516 222 0092.
Although a year has passed it is all still new to us. We try our best every day. We put our shoes and socks on, brush our teeth, walk the dog. etc Rebecca goes to therapy. She goes to parks. She visits with friends and has lunch. She plays Kattan and does crossword puzzles. Today she was at Chopt in Woodbury. Being reborn into a completely different existence takes time. Remember it is the journey that is important not the destination.
Rebecca's George to the Rescue episode will be airing on Saturday April 2nd on NBC at 930 am. in the New York/Metropolitan area. I am told it may be on later that day also on NBC. It will also be on You Tube once the initial airing is complete. It will be interesting to watch for us Koltuns.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
March 19, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Rebecca had a nice day and I believe a good week. Audrey's parents are visiting with us which is a pleasure. We took a road trip down to Wantagh Park today and walked/rolled along the water enjoying the sunshine. Wantagh Park is a real hidden gem We are very fortunate to have so many beautiful parks here on Long Island. Before that the gang made a trip to Marshalls and then Rebecca headed off to physical therapy.
This past week Rebecca took possession of her manual wheel chair which was fitted for her. The manual chair is a good alternate means for Rebecca to get around. As someone has to push it, the manual chair does not give Rebecca the independence and freedom that she gets with her power chair. Nevertheless it is a nice sky blue and it will come in handy at times for her.
I have been thinking about where we were a year ago. Rebecca was in the ICU at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital in Lebanon New Hampshire. Audrey Erik and I were staying in a Marriott Residence Inn about a mile away. I could not sleep at night so I would stay up watching the Golden Girls which was on the Hallmark Channel. During the day we would sneak into the hospital (Covid Rules) Dartmouth-Hitchcock is absolutely huge. They had an Au Bon Pain so the coffee was good. Rebecca was only allowed one visitor at a time because of Covid so we would all do shifts. The staff there was incredibly nice. They all wore LL Bean. The town of Hanover was nearby. It is the college town for Dartmouth but since the school was not open the town was pretty much deserted. Needless to say these were not fun times. We spent 18 days in New Hampshire before Rebecca was transferred to Spaulding. Nothing against New Hampshire but I seriously doubt I will ever go back there.
Last night I had a very vivid dream that I was driving around Green Acres Shopping Mall. I was with two dentists who were in the front seat and we could not find parking. I am not sure what that is about. My teeth are fine. Good night all. I am going to see if the dishwasher is fully loaded and ready to run.
Love to all, The Koltuns.
March 14, 2022
Sunday marked the one-year anniversary of Rebecca’s accident. We wanted to take a moment to thank the entire community for your amazing support. From restaurants and stores that have been so generous even as they struggle with life during COVID to groups and individuals who’ve been creative with their fundraising efforts and so generous with their time, donations, and the ongoing meal train. The giving, caring, and love seem endless.
Together, the Rally for Rebecca campaigns have raised more than $1,050,000 in less than a year...a record for our partners at Help Hope Live, who have offered outstanding support since we first met in late March of last year. Donations have come from friends, family, and strangers in more than 40 states and 10 countries...truly amazing and a testament to our love and support for Rebecca and her entire family!
The money raised in this first year since Rebecca’s accident was greatly needed and is always much appreciated. The funds have gone and continue to go a long way to help cover Rebecca’s initial expenses—like the specially adapted van, custom wheelchair and Hoyer lift, as well as hospital and nursing costs not covered by Rebecca’s insurance.
Moving forward, Rebecca will require round-the-clock care for the rest of her life, as well as physical, occupational, and respiratory therapies, medications, supplies, and maintenance of her equipment. The estimated ongoing cost for her care exceeds $250,000 to $300,000 a year.
With that figure in mind, we will be resetting our fundraising goal for the second year to $300,000 starting this week.
Your generosity has exceeded all expectations and, for Rebecca’s sake and for that of her whole family, we hope your support will continue. We will be here to promote and help coordinate fundraisers, including the upcoming Rally for Rebecca 5K Walk-Run-Roll, the Poker Tournament, and many other efforts that are coming up this year.
From the bottom of our hearts, and on behalf of the entire Koltun family, thank you for your support and friendship. Let’s keep right on rallying for Rebecca!
- Wendy and Andrew Mensch
March 13, 2022
Hello to all of you who have been following Scott's posts and supporting our family. This is Audrey writing today-one year after Rebecca's ski accident. I sit here in tears. Tears of hope, sadness, grief, appreciation, and more. A few months ago, I was asked to write an article about Rebecca's frontline workers for an online magazine, and I want to share it with you.
"How do you thank someone who has done so much for your child including saving her life, transporting her in a very fragile state, taking care of your child for months, days, hours at a time? People who first helped us are the ski patrol at Stratton Mountain. I was told there were 12 people that assisted getting Rebecca down to the medical clinic there. Then, an exceptional team of doctors worked on Rebecca to keep her alive. She lost her pulse multiple times but they did not give up. We want to thank the folks that airlifted her to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire. There she received exceptional care from doctors, nurses, social workers, nurse managers, custodial staff, etc. The paramedics in the ambulance that transported Rebecca from New Hampshire to Boston where she was there for 4 1/2 months at Spaulding rehabilitation hospital were wonderful. I was allowed to ride in the ambulance and both Rebecca and I were so scared. We had no idea what our immediate future was going to look like. This is where she gained a tremendous amount of progress with regards to healing. Here she became very close to her medical team, the respiratory therapists, her occupational and physical therapists, her speech therapists, recreation therapist, her technology specialist, and some of the of patients with SCI. She was also transported multiple times by ambulance to Mass General Hospital and received exceptional care in the pediatric ICU. The nurses, doctors, and child life specialists were incredible.
In August, Rebecca was transferred to Northwell Glen Cove Hospital rehab where the care she received exceeded our expectations exponentially. Everyone treated Rebecca like their own daughter (doctors, nurses. PCAs, PT, OT, recreational therapists, security, administration, etc). We all received wonderful support and Rebecca received phenomenal care there.
Rebecca was in the hospital for nine months after her ski accident in March. Other frontline workers that helped in Rebecca‘s recovery are her friends who have continuously supported her and us and have been visiting her this entire time. This is helping her with her emotional recovery. Our friends, family, our community and beyond have been extremely supportive and have helped our family tremendously in coping with this tragedy.
After Rebecca was discharged from Glen Cove Hospital on December 20, 2021, she was able to live with us in a temporary location while our house was being renovated so she can live in it. We have been living in a Senior Community, Brandywine, in Melville. The staff and residents are all so warm and welcoming. It truly is our second home. Scott and I lived here for 4 months.
Our house was redesigned and renovated by and through the NBC TV show George to the Rescue (GTTR).
Almost immediately after Rebecca’s accident, many individuals who we knew and others we did not know contacted GTTR (George Orliphant) about our situation. Our house which is lovely is not a house that is accessible for the handicapped. This, coupled with Rebecca’s limitations, made any renovation project very difficult. We are so grateful to this remarkable team.
We have met some remarkable and caring people this past year. Anyone who has helped us, prayed for us, and supported is an essential frontline worker to our family."
We have all made exceptional strides in the past year. As you all have been reading, this is not easy but we try to do what we need to survive and push on with our new lives. We truly appreciate all of you support, prayers, love, generosity, kindness, and hope.
Thank you all again for being there for us.
March 12, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
This Sunday will mark the one-year anniversary of Rebecca's accident.
People ask us how we feel about it. That is a complicated question. I asked Rebecca just before and she said at first she did not think it was that big of a deal except that people are mentioning it constantly so maybe it is a big deal.
As for me I truly do not know what to think. I honestly don't know what I feel. In many ways it is hard to believe a year has passed because it still is all new to me. I could start to analyze what it all means but I don't think that will do me any good. I am not going be like Hamlet and paralyze myself with my thoughts (no pun intended). Next week Rebecca will be out of the hospital for three months. That is also a significant milestone.
It has been an extraordinary year. I have met more people in this one year than possibly in my entire life. We have had moments of total despair. We have also had times where we achieved great breakthroughs. We have also had some truly bizarre moments and crossed paths with some highly unusual people. Honestly there was a period where the crazier the person was, the more I wanted to hang around with them.
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and it is all surreal to me. Then I glance at the door to my bedroom which was widened for Rebecca and I know it is real.
Many many people have helped and supported us . Without all this help we would not be where we are today. I am always nervous about thanking people by name because I am afraid I will offend someone by leaving them out. I will name a few. Without Helen, Warren and Debra Aleck, Robin Brooke and Andrew and Wendy Mensch I don't know if we would have survived this. Ron Manucci, Hannah K. You guys went so far above and beyond. I will never forget. Rabbi Bravo always there. Adam Stein you brought us home. There are many many others.
We Koltuns continue to move forward.
Love to all Audrey Scott Erik and Rebecca.
March 5, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Thank you for your continued interest in Rebecca and our family.
Thank you also to all of you who give us support emotionally and financially. Both are incredibly important.
In the next few weeks Audrey will be returning to work. Her re-entry into the workforce is very important for her head and for our pocketbooks as we get our health insurance through her employer. We are nervous about Audrey returning to work.
Our live are dependent on other people doing their jobs so when we get a phone call that a nurse or a physical therapist cancels last minute it can be distressing.
I hear from many people that they pray for Rebecca daily. This past week we had another healing service which I always enjoy. I never get tired of hearing from someone that they are praying for us. Please pray for the little things as well as the big things.
Rebecca hates being transferred in a hoyer lift. I am able to move her without the hoyer by scooping her up in my arms and carrying her. Some of the nurses and aides can move her without the hoyer too. Whenever I transfer her and plop her down on her bed she gives me a big smile.
I recognize this update is kind of boring. So I will tell you that our dog Ollie thoroughly enjoys making number 2 in our backyard. I go out there every two days and clean up 6-8 piles. If you are good in arithmetic, then you will no doubt conclude he is not in need of a laxative. Sorry to those reading this over breakfast.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
February 25, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Our dog Ollie has adjusted quite nicely to being home. Every night after we go to sleep he sneaks out of our room and decides what couch or chair he is going park his malodorous body for the night. He used to jump off the furniture when he heard me get up. Now he hears me but couldn’t care less if I see him or not. He just sort of looks at me and says “so what”.
His appetite is also better and we know longer have to spike his food with shredded cheese.
Rebecca’s update last week was both hard to read and very real. As you can imagine there were many comments and messages about it, both public and private. I can only speak for myself and when I read all the responses I realize we are not battling this alone. You all care and many of you suffer like we do. Sadly no one suffers more than my daughter and that is hard for me to accept. A lot of people in the world face huge insurmountable difficulties from all kinds of things. We all know that.
I asked Rebecca if she wanted to do another update this week and she declined so I figured now would be a good time to talk about our home lift. I am both fascinated and scared of it. It is the Saravia Telecab 17 installed by Alphacare Stairlifts. It reminds me of something from the Starship Enterprise. It does the job!! A special thank you to all of you folks who are involved in our meal train. The food has been wonderful and plentiful! I look forward to it!
Rebecca continues to do well. This past week she went to Massapequa Preserve, Costco (to eat the samples) and Wantagh State Park amongst other places. She goes and goes.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
February 19, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
This update is from Rebecca.
This week, a friend was telling me about the situation where is she was feeling sorry for herself because she was dealing with some medical issues. I told her I know how she felt because I feel sorry for myself all the time. She was surprised. really? She said. "You always seem so upbeat and you're always doing things." "It's all about distraction" I said. Distraction is the fools gold version of happiness. Distraction may take the form of a song on the radio or the friend that comes to visit or a good TV show or even a doctors appointment,. Each distraction is a life raft that I clutch onto. I hop from life raft to life raft getting through the day. What happens when my thoughts are too loud to overpower the song on the radio or the voices of my friends that I invited over. or I'm simply laying awake at bed at two in the morning staring at the ceiling? Wondering how everything went so irrevocably different and wrong so quickly? Well, that is when I sink to a place very dark and deep and sometimes it's very difficult to pull myself out of that space. I drown myself in thoughts of what I missing in life and all the trouble and the burdens I have caused. I'm not writing this for pity I'm just writing this because I figured you all read this blog for honesty and to know how we possibly get through each day. For me, it is often through the art of distraction.
This part of the update is from Scott:
Rebecca, I have come to realize life is about the moment. It is about the present. If I am with you in a restaurant or you are visiting with a friend the moment is good. The moment is being enjoyed. The past is history and the future is speculation. It is all about the moment. Try to make the moment good. I too find myself going into moments of great sadness. I call them the spirals and it is oftentimes hard to stop them. However they do eventually stop and the sun rises and I realize I am alive another day and there are things to do and enjoy.
February 12, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
We were able to move back into our house this past Saturday. We had a lot of help from friends who came to Brandywine in the morning and packed up their cars with our stuff. They then shlepped back to our house, unpacked and either put the stuff in our garage or lugged it up our steps through our front door. At the same time several people from Bayada (the nursing agency) showed up at our house and organized all of Rebecca's medical supplies.
Needless to say the help of all these individuals was huge for us. One week later we are still unpacking and organizing. It will take a while to get settled. For me I am rediscovering my wardrobe and wearing clothes that I forgot I had. Yes they all still fit. Returning to our house is different for all of us. For Audrey and I we are going back to our old bed and bedroom. Not so for Rebecca. For me there is a bittersweet element to returning home. Remember very few things in life are black and white. There are always tinges of gray. Our house is beautiful but it is not the same house we had before Becca's accident. It is a house that has been designed and modified to suit our new lifestyle.
To me the most amazing thing about our house is that even with all the work done to it, the vibe and integrity of the house feels the same way it did before. It is as if our house got a facelift by the greatest plastic surgeon ever. At the same time they turned our house into one that is handicap accessible. A special thank you again to the entire George to the Rescue team and JRM Construction. It is evident that all the people who worked on our house did so out of love. I know that sounds cliche but it is true. Every single aspect of our renovation showed forethought, respect for who we were and caring.
We continue to live one day at a time. I was talking to someone today and they referred to something that will happen in May and I remarked to them that for me May is light years away. I can't think beyond Tuesday right now.
I was raised by wonderful parents of a different generation. They were older when I was born. My mother and father were both very intelligent. They never went to college. They did not know about cell phones, computers or smart TVs. I often imagine or daydream of their presence around me now. I think about what they would say to all this.
Rebecca, like us, tries her best everyday. She does her therapy. She goes places. We do things. She has come a long way and so have we. Truth is we still don't know where any of us are really going.
Love to all, Audrey Scott Erik and Rebecca.
February 4, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Rebecca felt that I did not elaborate enough on the going away party Brandywine had for us last week. They served shrimp cocktail, taquitos and other appetizers. They also had a large cake for us with vanilla icing. It said “Farewell to the Koltuns”
The party aligned with happy hour so there was wine and beer as well as soft drinks. For entertainment they also had a saxophone player named “Chilly Willy” and he played a lot of songs that Rebecca did not know but my parents (if they were there) would have recognized most of them.
Brandywine also gave us a beautiful book comprised of letters from the Residents. It was a lovely send off.
We were supposed to move home last Saturday but the weather did not cooperate so now we are hoping to move home tomorrow. I am going to go out and buy some more ice melt as our driveway will be like a skating rink.
Rebecca had a good week. She went to the movies on Tuesday and last night we went out for Hibachi with dear friends. The Hibachi chef kept flinging food at Rebecca. She enjoyed that. Our Rabbi did another healing service this past week. These services are not just for Rebecca. I find them comforting and inspiring as I am sure do the many others who participate.
As you can imagine we are still trying to figure all this out. Fortunately, we have a lot of help and support from people like you who read this update.
Thank you all for your interest. Love The Koltuns
January 29, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
There is a blizzard this morning in the Northeast. We were supposed to move back to our house today. That plan is now on hold as we "weather the storm".
Rebecca had a good week. Friends come and visit most days. The dedication and character of the friends she has is amazing. This past week she went to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory with two friends and then went shopping in a mall. She has her various therapies a few days a week as well as numerous other appointments. This past week Brandywine had a going away party for us which was lovely.
Rebecca has been living in the community (as they say) for just about six weeks. She is going out and doing things. Her stamina is getting better. Certainly, when we were in New Hampshire and Boston it was hard to imagine her advancing as far as she has. I am grateful and thankful for that and many other things.
Over the past ten months I have spoken with many individuals who suffered spinal cord injuries (SCI) and are afflicted with quadriplegia. Every SCI is different and unique and every "journey" that these individuals have traveled is different just like each of our lives has a unique path. I had a tendency at the beginning to speak to someone and say to myself afterward that will be what Rebecca will encounter. I was wrong. While it is helpful to speak with other people, Rebecca travels her own path both mentally and physically. We do the same.
People are complimentary of us as a family. It is uplifting for me to read those comments. No doubt we have endured a great deal and shown resilience. We have however received and continue to receive tremendous help and support from many people and organizations in all shapes and forms. Without this help we would have been lost. Audrey and I have jobs and careers. Both of our employers have been beyond wonderful and accommodating to us.
We continue to forge this path but we do it knowing we are not alone.
Thank you all again for your continued support and interest.
Love to all, The Koltuns.
January 22, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family: This first portion of the update is from Rebecca:
A while back, My mom brought up that she needed to buy me a winter coat. I asked her what had happened to my Patagonia jacket that I have gotten only a year or so ago. She said that on the day of my accident, the medics had to cut it open in order to treat me medically. The jacket was gone. However I would not accept that I would not have my favorite Patagonia jacket. Therefore, I decided to write Patagonia and explain to them what exactly happened to my coat. Those coats are terrific and I wanted another one. I simply asked them if they would replace the coat that I had lost. I soon heard back that they in fact would give me a new coat and they would also give me 40% off anything else I want. I was so happy about this.
This second portion is from Scott:
As many of you know we have been living at Brandywine Independent Living in Melville since late September. In about another week or so G-d willing we will move back home.
I wanted to take a moment to talk about Brandywine which took us in when we had nowhere else to go. While we were living up in Boston we knew that the only way we could return to New York is if we could find a rehab hospital that would take Rebecca and once Rebecca was discharged from that hospital that we have a handicapped accessible apartment that she could move into with us until our house was ready.
Brandywine agreed to rent us an apartment on a short term basis. They furnished the apartment and renovated the shower in one of the bathrooms so that Rebecca could roll her shower chair in. They even asked what were Rebecca's tastes as far as colors and furniture. Hence we got yellow towels and beachy type furniture.
We lived here for close to three months before Becca was finally able to move in with us. During that time staff and residents waited with great anticipation for her arrival. At times it felt like she would never get here. For months I could only imagine what it would be like for her here.
I will admit I do not know alot about developments like Brandywine which has both Independent Living and Assisted Living sections. Brandywine however is a real community. People genuinely care about each other here. They care about us. The staff and the residents are all super friendly. I will be sad to leave them.
Now I am going to get a bit morbid. Like many people we Koltuns are facing great personal struggles and difficulties. Sometimes people will say to me that their problems don't compare to mine. I don't agree. Your problems are significant to you just as mine are significant to me. The struggles and battles that we are fighting are being fought on many fronts. There is the psychological and the logistical to name two. For me the mornings are tough. On a good night I will get some sleep til about 5 am and then for some reason the anxiety kicks in. I will try to divert my thoughts. I play mind games. I think of bizarre things that may give me some peace. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Eventually I get out of bed and I walk my dog. I will ask the overnight aide or nurse if Rebecca got a good night sleep. If she did I breathe a sigh of relief. I make coffee. I take my vitamins. I unload the dishwasher and I start to feel better. There is nothing like unloading a dishwasher to get a true sense of accomplishment.
Thank you all again for all your support. We rely on it. I did not think before this that I really needed people but I do. We all need people.
Love to all the Koltuns.
January 13, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
As many of you know our house was redesigned and renovated by and through the NBC TV show George to the Rescue (GTTR).
Almost immediately after Rebecca’s accident many individuals who we knew and others we did not know contacted GTTR about our situation. Our house which is lovely is not a house that is accessible for the handicapped. This, coupled with Rebecca’s limitations, made any renovation project very difficult.
Our house was visited on multiple occasions by many individuals affiliated with the TV show to figure out a way our house could be reconfigured so that we could live in it with Rebecca. The GTTR producers Andrew Bank and Andrew Scerbo were determined to find a way to get this done. Fortunately, a company called JRM Construction Management agreed to take on this monumental project.
JRM began working with Montroy Anderson Demarco, an architectural/interior design firm (MDA) and after many drafts and proposals, plans were drawn up. These plans included providing Rebecca with an ADA bathroom equipped with a roll in shower. They also included a ramp so that Rebecca could easily access from the outside the downstairs level of the house where she would sleep. Most importantly the plans included an elevator type lift so that Rebecca could come upstairs to the main part of the house any time she wanted giving her full access to our entire house.
Construction began at the beginning of October and was completed by the end of December. This past Saturday January 8th was the big “Reveal” where we got to see our newly renovated beautiful home. This of course was all filmed for the TV show and we are told that our episode will be airing at the end of March. We hope to be fully moved back in to our house by the end of this month.
I want to publicly thank the following individuals and companies for their dedication their professionalism and hard work. The amount of work, effort and ingenuity that went into renovating our home is astounding. We Koltuns are forever grateful.
1. GTTR:George Oliphant, Host, Andrew Bank and Andrew Scerbo, Producers.
2. JRM Construction: Joe Romano, Benjamin Blanck, Pat Friedmann and Steve Florio;
3. Montrose Anderson and Demarco: Steven Andersen, Allie Papp and Richard DeMarco;
4. The Town of Oyster Bay;
5. Laura and Melissa Pashavan, Muralists
6. Steve Dubner Landscaping;
7. Alpha Care Supply- Lift;
8. Kohler for the generator and plumbing fixtures;
9. Carrier and the BP Group HVAC
10. Home Theatre of Long Island Audio Visual;
11. Cord Contracting Framing and Dry Wall;
12. KAMC Building Supplies;
13. Patella Woodworking
14. CFI Furniture
15. Curvino- Tile work and Kleet Lumber
January 8, 2022
Dearest Friends and Family:
Rebecca has given me the green light to do the update this week. Thank you Rebecca.
I have been thinking alot about my washing machine. When I see it I will give it a big hug. You have heard of tree huggers well I will be a washing machine hugger.
Rebecca had a good week. She has a new found freedom living in "the community" as they call it. Her friends come and visit. She travels in her van to all sorts of places. Today she made her debut at the Country Pointe Shop Rite. After that we all met up at Theodore Roosevelt Park to look at the water. Rebecca is very popular with the residents and staff here. People are super friendly and nice. We feel comfortable and safe in this environment.
This past week I met a fairly well known individual who has a TV show. He told me a story how in the past year he had met a lottery winner and a spinal cord patient. The lottery winner said that his fate had brought him to see the worst in humanity and the spinal cord patient said that his fate had allowed him to see the best in humanity. I am paraphrasing. Human nature is complex.
Speaking of complex. Audrey and I are still trying to figure out all of Rebecca's care outside of the hospital. There are lots of moving parts: one is nursing and a second is equipment and supplies. There is also the job of figuring what is covered and by who. This is not simple. I am convinced there are no exact answers. It is not two times two equals four.
It snowed in New York last night and when I woke up this morning I did not have to stress out about shoveling and whether the plows will bury me in. I still had to clean the cars however.
Rebecca has a specially adapted mini van. It is very functional for trasnporting her around. She can get in and out easily. The inside of the van however reminds me of a tin can. It is hollow. Picture what it would be like to drive around in an empty can of Le Seur Peas with heat and a radio. When Porsche develops an adaptable van please let me know.
Rebecca would like to meet Taylor Swift. From what I hear the two of them could become fast friends. If anybody out there could make this happen it would be appreciated.
Thank you all for your interest and support. We are grateful.
Love to all, The Koltun Family.
January 1, 2022
Happy New Year to everyone: This update is from Rebecca:
On Christmas day, our dear Friends that many of you know, Wendy and Andrew and their daughter Lauren came over for our traditional Chinese food meal. I asked for light sauce on my chicken but it seems they interpreted that to be extra sauce. But that's OK, as we all know, there are worse problems in the world.
During the week, I had a few doctors appointments virtually and I met my physical therapist who came to the apartment to do some therapy. She was wearing a nice winter coat that was short and seems relatively thin, which is what I am currently looking for in a winter coat. My Mom commented on how we really liked her jacket and that I was looking for something similar. Two days later, when the physical therapist returned, she casually mentioned that she ordered me the winter coat. In addition to her generosity we are very pleased with her abilities as a physical therapist and her bubbly personality.
I don't like quoting things because I find it cheesy but if there was one quote that I have truly learn to accept it is that Life is what happens when we are making plans. Prior to my accident, I had a road map of all the things I wanted to do the following year of my life. I had plans to travel, see family and friends, and possibly continue to medical school. In reality, all that we have is the present. The past and future are simply figments of our imagination. This quote prevails right now, as Covid is all around us. Many of my plans have been canceled and I am left to scramble to figure out what I'm supposed to do with my time. I tried to make most of what is right in front of me and live in the present.
Anyway, happy new year to all of you and thank you for Reading my update.
December 25, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Rebecca has been home now for close to five days and it has been delightful to have her under the same roof as us. This past week she shopped at Uncle Giuseppes (food market) and Michaels (the craft store). She also went to Cold Spring Harbor to watch the sun set.
Tonight some friends assisted us with a handicap ramp they had. They shlepped it to our Rabbi's house and Rebecca was able to visit our Rabbi in her home taking the ramp up the steps. These trips gave us great joy and a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Rebecca has embarked on a new way of life -- one that is not in a hospital. The other day a friend commented to us that his grandmother was in the nursing home adjacent to where we are living. Rebecca who knows the grandmother said she wanted to visit her. Rebecca said nothing would give her more pleasure than to be the one doing the visiting.
Our two and half bedroom apartment has also gone from being spacious to very small. This, to be honest, is an adjustment for me. Privacy is not something that I have right now.
The world we live in is a mess with Covid, politics etc. There is however alot of good out there. I have met many fine individuals since our lives changed last March. These people have no motivation other than to do the right thing and be genuinely helpful. I know I have said this before but I believe it is worth repeating. I look back sometimes at myself before Rebecca's accident and I feel like I knew nothing about anything. I was a "fart in the breeze". as my dear Dad would say. That is not to say that I did not get hit with my share of difficulties before this but for the most part I lived in a comfortable safe predictable world. Nothing ever happened that was so far out of the ordinary .........Until this.
Now I realize that my safe comfortable predictable world was only an illusion. I am more tuned in now. I pay attention better. I don't assume tomorrow will be like today. I try not to take things for granted. I see that there are alot of people who work long hours with no glory . These people were not noticed by me. I see them now. I see lots of other things I did not see before and maybe I understand them a little better.
It is Christmas Eve. I thank you for reading this update which I recognize is somewhat disjointed. I am not sure what it says but it says what I feel. What really matters is your interest and support for Rebecca. Thank you for following what is her and our story.
Love to all, The Koltun family.
December 21, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
This is a special mid week update.
I am very happy to report that Rebecca was discharged from Glen Cove Rehab Hospital today and as I write this she is resting comfortably in bed watching reruns of Desperate Housewives with her mother.
This was a very busy day. It began with a phone call around 9 am telling us that Becca was clear for discharge. Our dear friend LG went to the hospital with Audrey and helped pack. The wonderful Rabbi B then came and brought lunch for some of the staff at the hospital. I then arrived with the van. Rebecca left the hospital to a beautiful sendoff from the staff.
Rebecca's stay at Glen Cove was just "what the Doctor ordered" (pun intended). The care and love that Rebecca received there far exceeded our expectations. A special thank you to Dr Adam Stein and Dr. Susan Maltser two very fine people who advocated to bring Rebecca to Glen Cove.
When we arrived at our temporary home News 12 was waiting and after some interviews Rebecca got to the apartment. Several nurses met us and did an intake so that their care could begin for Rebecca.
Needless to say this day was a huge milestone. It is a joyful day for all of us and while we are nervous about her leaving the hospital environment we feel as prepared as we will ever be to make this huge leap. Tomorrow is a new day. Look for us in Trader Joe's or Panera.
Thank you to all of you for your continued interest in Rebecca's story. Thank you for your support whether it be emotional and/or financial. The journey continues for us Koltuns and I am happy to continue reporting to you.
Love to all, The Koltun Family.
December 18, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am writing this update on Saturday afternoon as I sit with Rebecca. She is offering her input but as always I maintain creative control. That means I do not necessarily have to listen to her.
Becca was scheduled to be discharged yesterday but due to a cold she was held back at the hospital. While we were dissappointed it is best that she recuperated in the hospital surrounded by the great staff here. Today she is feeling much better and we are hopeful she will be discharged early next week
This past week Rebecca met the remaining nurses who will be participating in her care. She liked them all. On Thursday she again visited what will soon be her temporary home to test out some equipment and see Ollie. In preparation for her discharge we have emptied out her hospital room. She has enough Reeses to last her to next halloween. The walls and window sills which used to covered with pictures of her and her friends are now bare.
Thank you all for your continued support and interest.
Love to all The Koltun Family.
December 11, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I told Rebecca earlier today that I wasn't going to do an update because there was nothing new to report. Rebecca told me that was a "bad idea" and if I don't do an update people will think "something is wrong". So here I am. I made an executive decision about whether I should write the update now or unload the dishwasher.
Rebecca is doing fine and we appear to be moving closer toward discharge. Today Audrey and I were at the hospital for training as we have been for the past number of Fridays. We practice transfers and Rebecca works on getting in and out of the van in her chair. Having Rebecca leave the safety and security of the hospital is scary no doubt but we are getting as prepared for it as we can. We know the road will not always be smooth but we will buckle up our seatbelts and move forward. Sorry for the corny metaphor.
This past week our Rabbi had her monthly healing service. This is something we enjoy. The service is soothing and we get to see some of our dear friends and family online.
I learned earlier today that someone who had worked at the JCC we belong to had suddenly passed away recently. Although I did not know this person well I did see him at the JCC all the time. A reminder of how fleeting and fragile life is.
We continue to be grateful for the tremendous groundswell of support that we have been given as we find our way through this. We would have been lost without you. So many people care and love Rebecca. It is a joy for me to watch Rebecca kid around and interact with the hospital folks, her new friends and her old friends.
Thank you all again for your support and interest. Your thoughts and prayers do help.
Love to all Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
December 4, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Our Rebecca continues to do well. She has been feeling good. She receives quality and attentive care at Glen Cove Hospital and has grown close with many members of the hospital staff. She remains busy with therapy and visitors.
Yesterday Audrey and I went outside with her so she could practice getting in and out of the van. The ramp for the van is about 30 inches wide which is not much wider than Becca's chair. Also Becca's vantage point in seeing the ramp is limited because it is below her. Once in the van she has to pivot the chair forward. All said getting in and out of the van and operating the chair is a skill. Becca however is quite good at it.
We are moving closer to Rebecca's discharge which at this point is contingent on getting enough home care in place. This as many of you know has been difficult due to the labor and nursing shortages. Rebecca describes her care as looking complicated on paper but in reality it is simpler and straight forward. Rebecca knows more about her care than anyone and she is an excellent teacher and communicator. While I am obviously biased, working with her will be a joy and the time will fly because she is so active and clever.
Many of you were moved by our washing machine woes (I was touched). Recently my I phone 5 updated. I do not understand or see the need for my phone to update particularly if it is working but whatever. Now that it is updated every time I leave the apartment I receive a notification that I left Audrey's i phone 11 behind. Well...yeah I also left Audrey behind.
We wish everyone a good week. We remain positive and I personally am dumbfounded by how far we have come. We were deep in the abyss but we have emerged. While our challenges are well known, everyone faces their own struggles. Sometimes there are no easy or quick answers. Solutions and means can and do eventually come.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
December 2, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
We still need your help in recruiting a few more nurses, RN's or LPN's to assist in Rebecca's care. We are so close to getting Becca discharged. We primarily need help with overnight shifts. Please if you are an RN or LPN or know of one who would like to work with our Rebecca then please contact Jeanne Samson at Bayada at 516 222 0092.
Thank you. The Koltun family.
November 27, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am happy to report Rebecca had another good week. She had full days of therapy on both Thursday and Friday. After therapy on Thursday we had a low key thanksgiving dinner at the hospital. Rebecca continues to have a steady stream of visitors and we continue to work towards her discharge which we hope will be soon.
Today was a meaningful day for Audrey and I as we were able to visit with and thank in person all the hardworking ladies who orchestrated the Recipes for Rebecca cookbook. What an ingenious idea! The Recipes for Rebecca cookbook was/is being sold and distributed at the Plainview library today and tomorrow. Words can not express our appreciation for their dedication, creativity and hard work! The book is a terrific compilation of all different types of recipes. It is indexed and organized in multiple ways so one can easily find a recipe or contributor with ease. Be sure to order a copy if you have not already done so.
Thank you also to those people who sent goodies our way this Thanksgiving holiday. They were delicious and undoubtedly drove my A1C levels up.
Stay safe everyone and don't eat that last sugar cookie unless you really have to.
Love to all Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
November 20, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Today Rebecca went on a field trip to Brandywine our temporary home. She traveled in our modified van on the Long Island Expressway and once she arrived she was greeted by many of the staff here with balloons and a welcome sign. She toured the building and saw our apartment. Most importantly, she got to visit with our dog Ollie.
This was a huge morale booster for all of us. It allowed us to see the light at the end of what oftentimes has been a long dark tunnel. It gave us hope and reaffirmed our belief and expectation that once Rebecca is discharged she will continue to lead a fun and fulfilling life.
This year we will have Thanksgiving dinner at the hospital. Audrey's parents, sister and aunt will all travel up from Virginia. Thanksgiving weekend will be busy. Rebecca will also be visited by friends who have been out of town. It will be great.
It has been a good week for our Rebecca. She has been feeling better and her spirits are upbeat. She has really been enjoying her rec therapy as she gets more and more creative with her painting.
Eight months have passed since Rebecca's accident and our lives have been very different ever since. It dawned on me recently that I have probably learned more in these last eight months than I did in my first 60 plus years. Of course I would have preferred to remain blissfully ignorant. For example on the outside I have learned about spinal cord injury (SCI), medicine, and hospitals. I have learned how to advocate for my daughter. I have also learned when to shut up. On the inside I have learned patience and humility. I am still learning those traits.
I have learned about people. We have seen and been gratified by many of our wonderful friends who just always seem to know how to rise to the occasion. We continue to see people we did not know at all or barely knew champion Rebecca's cause. We have made new friends and grown close with people we did not know well or at all eight months earlier. There is alot of good in the world. I have seen it!
I have also become acquainted with suffering in both myself and others. On the bright side I have learned that suffering can be mitigated, endured, corralled and/or outlasted. This is where patience and perseverance come in.
Thank you for reading this blog. It is very late and I keep rewriting it as my mind is a jumble.
Happy thanksgiving.
Love, Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
November 13, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am writing this update from the hospital. Audrey and I just had some delicious greek food from a place down the road. It is dark outside. The leaves are falling from the trees. It is breezy. Autumn is making its presence known. This weather puts me in the mood for a horitaki salad with chicken souvlaki.
Rebecca tells me she wants to contribute to the update but she is engrossed in watching a Taylor Swift music video instead. She tells me she anticipated the release of Taylor Swift's rerecording of the album "Red" all week. I tell her that I am anticipating the release of the Peter Jackson six hour documentary on the Beatles later this month. She gives me some ideas for the update. I half listen.
Rebecca had another good week. She is feeling better and we continue to be hopeful she will be discharged soon. Our biggest hurdle as far as discharge of course is getting her nursing care in place. In the meantime Rebecca has her days full with all of her therapies. She continues to have visitors and she is making Tik Toks (they are clever). She has met many people with quadriplegia. I am pleased that she is developing a network of people to talk to who are in a similar boat.
While our lives have changed dramatically in the past eight months, I am having trouble with one minor modification. In our apartment we have a washer/dryer combo machine.This is one machine that washes and drys your clothes.It has lots of dials and buttons. While these machines are a space saver I would not recommend getting one unless you have to. They are hard to operate. While trying to activate the drying function on one occasion I inadvertently washed my clothes three times. When I finally got the dryer going it took like five hours to get our towels dry. This is sad but true. I may be old fashioned but i like a separate washer and dryer.
Once again we thank you all for your interest and support. We would be lost without you.
Love, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
November 10, 2021
Good evening:
I am writing once again because we need everyone's help in recruiting nurses so that our dear Rebecca can come home.
We have successfully found some nurses but we still need more. If you are an RN or an LPN or know of one who might be interested in working with Rebecca please contact Jeanne Samson at Bayada. Her number is 516 222 0092.
Although I may be somewhat biased, working with Rebecca will be a life changing and rewarding experience!
Please help spread the word! Thank you. The Koltun family.
November 6, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I write this update with Rebecca at my side giving me her input and wording. However I still have creative control.
Overall our Rebecca had a good week.
One of the highlights of the week was this afternoon as we were able to take Rebecca on an outing to Garvies Point Park. Garvies Point is an area on the water in Glen Cove with some beautiful walking paths. We took Becca in our new van and went with two of her therapists and a nurse. It was awesome watching Rebecca going up the ramp and positioning herself in the van for transport. It was even better watching her ride her wheelchair along the pathways at the park.
Earlier in the week Rebecca dressed up for her favorite holiday, Halloween. She wanted to be the Queen of Hearts on her throne and did this by wearing a crown, red gloves and a tee shirt that she painted in OT with a "Q" and a heart. In Rebecca's words it did not come out great but it is the effort that counts.
Later that day Rebecca had a special halloween lunch outside with a few of her friends, their moms and Audrey. She of course ended the day by eating candy.
Rebecca also had some nice lunch guests on Thursday and Friday. These special people drive up to the hospital to eat with Becca even though lunch is only an hour. We also enjoyed our monthly healing service this past Wednesday which many of you who read this blog watch on Zoom.
Audrey and I continue to reside at our temporary quarters while our house undergoes renovations. We are very fortunate to have such a spacious apartment. We have met many fine people at our temporary home. We look forward to the day that we can all be back in the house together.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
October 30, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
This update is from Rebecca:
This past weekend I celebrated my birthday with some dear friends and family at the hospital. The way the hospital allowed me to celebrate my birthday was a true reflection of how well they have treated me since the moment I arrived here. They decorated so nicely and got me a beautiful cake that I shared with my guests.
The week that followed was difficult as I have been experiencing some medical issues. However if there is one thing that never fails to bring me some pleasure and comfort it is going to my favorite spot in the hospital. As many of my close friends can tell you, I am someone who is always cold. I will do anything to warm up whether it be buying a heated vest from a sketchy website (yes this happened) or dragging around my electric blanket to the library or friends' houses.
Fortunately there is an area in the hospital that provides me some warmth. It is a rather unusual place. They call it the Willy Wonka tunnel because the ceiling is low and the doors are all different sizes. The hot water pipes run along the ceiling. This heats up the entire tunnel. I come to this quasi private tunnel nearly every day with my guests for hours. I truly appreciate any friend who has stood down there in the heat with me and has silently sweated through it all knowing that I was comfortable.
Many of you have asked me when I am supposed to get out of here. To be honest I really don't know and I have given up trying to predict when I will be home as I am terrible at that game. There are many steps that have to be taken concerning my home care before I can be discharged.
It is my hope that I will be home for Thanksgiving. I look forward to hanging out in groups and not being bound by hospital policies and schedules.
Thank you all for your birthday wishes and donations and thank you for your continued interest in me.
Love, Rebecca
October 29, 2021
Good morning:
We need help in finding nurses who can assist in Rebecca's care. In the next few weeks it is our hope that Rebecca will be discharged from Glen Cove. One of our biggest challenges however is finding nurses to assist in Rebecca's care.
If you are an RN or an LPN and are interested in working with Rebecca then please contact Jeanne Samson at Bayada. Her phone number is 516 222 0092. If you know of an RN or LPN that may be interested please pass this information onto them.
Thank you!!! Scott Koltun
October 22, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
As many of you know Rebecca is celebrating her birthday this week. Undoubtedly this day brings out many different and even conflicting emotions not just for Rebecca but for all of us who are close to her.
While it is a different kind of birthday this year, it is important to know that Rebecca is in fact celebrating and enjoying her special day. Mind you she is not doing it alone. She is doing it with the love, support and collaboration of her family, friends and caregivers. There have been several fundraising events that were based on Rebecca's birthday. One of those was the 50/50 raffle coordinated by our friends Andrew and Wendy M. Rebecca last night announced the winners of the raffle live on Zoom. On Thursday Audrey's mother, sister and aunt drove up from Virginia and surprised Rebecca at the hospital for her birthday.
When Rebecca had her accident the changes to our lives were sudden and dramatic. As time goes by however I try (emphasis on try) to grow accustomed to this new way of life and I try as well to employ a new way of thinking (it does not always work). This new way of thinking diminishes the importance of the "tomorrows" and the "yesterdays". It focuses on the "todays" and making each today as good a day as it can possibly be. I have learned that we can all still have good days. A good day is subjective and personal to the individual. The idea of a good day can change. My definition of a good day has certainly changed but then again it has always been changing. A good day for me at 20 was different from a good day at 60. You can figure out how.
One last thing I have taught myself. If you have a bad day that does not mean you will never have another good day.
For all of you who have helped in celebrating Rebecca's birthday we Koltuns thank you. For all of you who read these updates and express interest in us I am grateful. Our Rebecca continues to do her best to make the most of each day. She is bright, resourceful and clever. She is charming ( to others not me) and she is engaging. She will find a way.
Happy Birthday Rebecca. We love you very much.
October 20, 2021
Rebecca's birthday is on Thursday 10/21 and we have plans! Several promotions are live to support Becca...including a live Zoom tomorrow (Thursday) at 6PM (ET), where Rebecca will be announcing the winners of the 50/50 Birthday Raffle. Click below for details and a link to the Birthday Zoom. To buy tickets, see other promotions and join the Zoom at
October 19, 2021
It's Rebecca's birthday week! Please help us celebrate! Click on the link below to read our latest fundraising update to learn how you can participate in one of several fundraisers being held this week in Rebecca's honor.
October 16, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
This was a pretty quiet normal week for our Rebecca which in the world of SCI can be a good thing. Sometimes during the week I think what I can write and relay to all of you who look so forward to hearing about how our Rebecca is doing.
Rebecca loves going outside every day and feeling the sunshine on her face. She enjoys the company of her visitors. She certainly loves her deserts. Since Rebecca is currently paralyzed from the shoulders down she uses her neck and facial muscles a great deal more than the average person. She breathes and talks differently than us. By the end of the day her neck and facial muscles are sore and tired. That is where Audrey and I come in and we give her neck and facial massages.
As many of you know Rebecca's birthday is next week and we are gratified at all the different programs that have been created in order to raise money on her behalf. The Rally for Rebecca FB page has loads of information and opportunities to support our Rebecca. Thank you to all of you who have created and participated in these fundraising events.
Audrey and I enjoy living in our temporary home while our house is being renovated. It is very quiet and peaceful. Like Rebecca we love seeing our friends. We both relish going into our offices and working.
We wish you all a good week and thank you for your continued interest in our lives.
Love to all Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
October 9, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
This past week was a busy one for our Rebecca. We were invited to participate in the opening of a new caregiver center at Glen Cove hospital. The opening was a huge event and was attended by close to 100 people including many local dignitaries such as Congressman Tom Suozzi and Assemblyman Chuck Lavine.
At the ceremony Rebecca Audrey and I were honored to speak as the patient representatives on behalf of the hospital. This was a rewarding experience for us as we were able to share how wonderful the hospital has treated us. When I say the hospital I mean the staff as the heart and soul of any hospital are its staff.
Several people including the Executive Director of the hospital spoke of Rebecca at the opening. They talked of how Rebecca has inspired them all. This is obviously very complimentary and flattering to her. It got me thinking because while I never asked her I don't think it is Rebecca's primary intent to be inspirational. It then dawned on me that inspiration is fueled by the perception of the individual receiving it.
Rebecca like most of us wants to enjoy and maximize each and every day. Finding enjoyment and fufillment in every day is different for all of us. As life changes and advances what we enjoy and find rewarding changes for us too. When we are faced with life changing events we must adapt and pursue different avenues of activity and pleasure.
Okay enough of this.
Halloween is Rebecca's favorite holiday. This past week the nurses suprised Rebecca and decorated her room with loads of Halloween paraphenalia.
Rebecca continues to have many visitors all of whom bring her food that I wind up eating. As many of you know there was a healing service this past week which we find comforting.
Erik came out and we all had dinner together. For me this is inspirational as it reminds me we are still a solid family of four!
Once again we thank you for all of your support and interest in us.
Our love to you all. Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
October 2, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Rebecca continues to do well at Glen Cove.
This past week she had a minor hiccup medically but that seems to have resolved itself. No doubt that Rebecca is getting great medical care at Glen Cove but she is also truly loved there. A phlebotomist who comes in at 5 am now and then to see Rebecca while she is asleep. I do not believe this phlebotomist has ever spoken to Rebecca but this past week she knitted her a beautiful shawl. The aides and nurses who work with Becca on a daily basis are truly wonderful. I know I keep saying this but it bears repeating.
Rebecca continues to enjoy Rec therapy where she paints in all different styles. One technique she uses is blowing paint at the canvas through a straw. We have uploaded one of her pictures to her webpage here utlizing this technique.
Audrey and I are now living at an independent living facility. We are hopeful work will start on our house next week.The apartment we live in is decorated beautifully with a beachy type feel. It is painted in a baby /powder blue and has that distressed type furniture that looks so good. The food here is delicious and the oatmeal is amazing!
We continue to take one day at a time and are grateful for what we have. We have learned and are trying not to think in terms of absolutes. We try to focus on the present, on the day and on the hour. Doing this is not easy but we try. I will not lie it does not always work. We are still a family of four plus our dog who is doing quite well and is a source of comfort. No doubt we are nervous about Rebecca's eventual discharge and her transition home. That is where hope and faith come in.
Thank you all for your continued interest and support.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
September 25, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Once again we Koltuns thank you for your interest and support. It means the world to us. I know I say this alot but important things are worth repeating.
We are very pleased that the Plainview Chamber of Commerce has chosen Rebecca's cause as their fundraising beneficiary this year. This past week I had the privilege of speaking to the Chamber and thanking them for their support. With Rebecca's discharge approaching we are beginning to get a glimpse of what her future care costs will look like. Needless to say they are astronomical and are scaring the bejesus out of me. However we are determined to provide Rebecca with a meaningful, joyous and productive life at whatever cost.
Rebecca had another good week and we are continually grateful for the outstanding care that she continues to get at Glen Cove. To quote my son Erik; "I get a really good vibe from this place". Rebecca has a thing for tye dye whether it be sweatshirts, pants or pillow cases etc. After learning of this some of the staff at Glen Cove made Becca some tye dye sweats and pants. They then declared every Friday as tye dye Friday and all wore tye dye today in her honor. I personally have no great love for tye dye but then again what do I know about style.
This past week one of Becca's favorite therapists (MJ) from Spaulding was in New York and she paid Rebecca a visit. It was great seeiing her! Audrey's mom and sister also came in for the weekend to visit and we are thrilled they are here.
Our home renovations will be starting next week so we are getting ready to move out for about three months. We will be living in an assisted living facility in Melville until our house is ready. In the coming weeks we look forward to having Rebecca join us there. First however it is essential that all her care and equipment be in order so that she can come and live with us safely. In the meantime Becca enjoys painting in Rec therapy and cooking in the kitchen with OT. Today she made vanilla pudding with nutella and crumbled chocolate chip cookies which she ran over and crushed with her wheelchair. No I did not try the pudding as I do not eat nutella. Nevertheless I was told that the consistency was a little watery and next time they will use less milk.
Love to you all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
September 18, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Fortunately things are remaining consistent. Rebecca continues to do well at Glen Cove. Audrey and I are still preparing to move out so our home can be renovated (yes our house is a mess). At the same time we are preparing for Rebecca's eventual discharge.
This past week Audrey and I went to see the specially modified van that we will be purchasing. The van that we are getting is a Chrysler Pacifica but it is specially adapted for someone like Rebecca who can only be transported in her power wheelchair. The company that did the modifications to the Pacifica is called Braun. The modifications are very extensive and involve lowering the floor of the van so Rebecca and her chair can fit inside vertically. There is a ramp that lowers from inside of the sliding doors for Rebecca's access. Seeing the van made us very excited because we will soon be able to take Rebecca to her favorite places including Trader Joes, Starbucks and Theodore Roosvelt Park in Oyster Bay to watch the sunset.
One of Rebecca's projects this week was making chocalate covered pretzels with toppings in Rec Therapy. The toppings were sprinkles and crushed oreos. In order to crush the oreos or crumble them Rebecca had one of the therapists put them in a zip loc bag and place them on the floor. Rebecca then ran over them back and forth in her power wheelchair! Yes this was Becca's idea! She then had the oreos and sprinkles put in cups. Rebecca with her mouth would then dip the pretzels in the melted chocolate, swirl them around and then dip them in the toppings cups. Becca's therapist told her that was her best day at work so far.
As many of you know this past week was the Jewish high holy day of Yom Kippur. Our Rabbi every year on this day organizes a "Mitzvah project" for the congregants. This year the project was centered around Rebecca's art work. Our Rabbi had get well cards, mobiles, stickers and posters made that all incorporated Rebecca's artwork. These cards mobiles etc. will all be sent to patients in hospitals in an effort to brighten their days. The posters will be placed on the ceilings so that the patients can see them.
Once again we Koltuns thank you all for your support and interest as we navigate our way through this new world. We have met many wonderful and inspiring people through this process. It is impossible to keep track of and thank all of you individually. I wish I could do so.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
September 11, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am mindful of the fact that I am writing this post on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and like all of you I have my own recollections of that terrible day.
This week it will be six months since our Rebecca's accident and I marvel out how far Rebecca has come. Initially we were told:
1) that she would probably never eat again;
2) that she would probably be on a ventilator for the rest of her life;
3) that she may never talk again.
Speaking of eating this week one of Rebecca's aides who works the overnight shift and is from the island of Jamaica was talking with Rebecca about Jamaican food. The next day this aide brought in cocunut curry chicken with rice and potatoes for her. It was delicious!
The next day another of Rebecca's aides who is from Haiti followed the same trend and brought in an enormous tray of food including chicken legs,corn,black rice with beans and potato salad. Rebecca said it was one of the best pieces of chicken she ever had. Erik happened to be visiting Rebecca that day so there were no leftovers.
We are hopeful that one day this aide will give us her secret recipe.
Rebecca continues to be busy at Glen Cove with therapy and visitors. She had another good week physically. She continues to enjoy rec therapy and she painted a lovely new piece with shades of oranges and yellows. To me it represents a sunrise or sunset. She also played hedbanz with two other patients and did guided meditation.
Audrey and I are getting ready to move out so renovations can begin. We are hopeful they will start within the next two weeks. We are also beginning to "train" for Rebecca's eventual discharge from Glen Cove.
Rebecca continues to be able to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. She is a total pro at operating her wheelchair.
Once again we thank you all for your support and interest. Over the past six months I have learned to have hope and faith. I know this may send cliche or trite but it is so true. Hope and faith become even more important when it feels like you have little to nothing else. I think back to some dark days in Boston and my mother in law telling me and assuring me that everything will fall into place. I found this comforting and I have repeated this mantra to myself often.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
September 4, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am happy to report that things continue to go well for us Koltuns since we have returned to Long Island.
Our dear Rebecca has full busy days at Glen Cove that consist of physical , occupational and recreational therapy. After her therapies Rebecca generally has a visitor or two along with Audrey and I. Rebecca continues to make art by utilizing a straw to paint on a canvas. She also enjoys cooking. Yesterday she made pudding by attaching a wisk to her forehead so she could mix it up.
As many of you may know Rebecca is a big fan of the Texas Roadhouse Restaurant. One of the nurses at Glen Cove got wind of this and had her husband bring Rebecca the Herb Crusted Chicken dinner along with the famous Texas Roadhouse rolls. So kind and thoughtful. Family friends visited Rebecca this week and the next day sent her the chicken meatballs from Butera's. What a special treat! Our Rabbi who Rebecca has gotten close with has been a regular visitor at Glen Cove as well.
Audrey and I will soon be moving out of our home so that renovations can begin. This weekend we will begin packing and hopefully throwing stuff out. This morning we visited the senior living facility that we will be moving into with Rebecca while our house is under construction. The place is like a cruise ship with loads of activities. We look forward to meeting the other residents. Rebecca will love riding the grounds in her power wheelchair.
This past week Erik came home for a few nights. It was the first time we were in the house together since before Rebecca's accident. Our dog Ollie was beyond ecstatic to see Erik. This was baffling to me as I am the one who takes care of Ollie and he did not display anywhere near the same level of joy or affection when he first saw me.
I continue to look for silver linings in this new life we have. Many of those silver linings can be found in the new friendships we have formed with people we would have never known but for our circumstances. Other silver linings can be found by discovering the true depths of kindness and compassion in people we did know. I continue to tell myself that out of something bad good can grow.
As I tell Rebecca we must take each day as its own separate entity and find ways to enjoy and make it worthwhile.
Thank you all once again for your interest along with your kindness, support and compassion.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
August 28, 2021
Deaest Friends and Family:
This is the second update I am writing you from the comfort of our living room. I just put a load of laundry in our washing machine. The joy of doing laundry with your own washer and dryer is something that can not be overrated. Sorry for the digression now let me get back to our Rebecca.
We continue to be very happy with all the care and attention Rebecca is getting at Glen Cove. The nurses and aides are so warm and kind. The therapy that Rebecca receives is utilizing different modalities and focusing on different parts of her body. Rebecca tells me that she is doing alot of neck excercises involving stretching and strengthening the neck muscles. Also they are employing alot of different breathing excercises and techniques for her to try out. They have a tilt table at Glen Cove and Becca was able to get up to 60 degrees this week which is terrific. SCI patients often have trouble getting vertical because of blood pressure issues. Rebecca tells me that one of the RT's is giving her rakey and crystal therapy at night. She is also getting nightly massage on her neck. As you can imagine the neck and facial muscles are used constantly.
Rebecca also continues to get Recreational Therapy almost daily where she is creating more artwork. We will try and post another one of her pictures soon.
Later in the day after her therapy Rebecca continues to have visitors most days aside from Audrey and I. This past week a gentlemen from Long Island who is quadriplegic and has been mentoring all of us came to visit and we had a delightful time together. Last night another dear friend of Becca's visited.
Yesterday Rebecca got a loaner power wheelchair that she will use til her custom chair is built. The chair was very similar to the one Becca had at Spaulding. Being able to drive her own chair is very important as it gives Rebecca independence.
Audrey and I are thrilled to be home. We are both working again but instead of being a two minute walk from our apartment we now have a half hour drive to Glen Cove so we must plan out our days accordingly. We are also thrilled to have our dog Ollie back and are grateful to the "dog nanny" for taking such good care of him.
Last Saturday night we attended a fundraiser for our Rebecca and we want to thank everyone who organized and participated. It was great to see so many people there who have been supportive of us during this long journey.
Once again I want to thank all of you who read this for your continued interest and support. While you're here, please be sure to check out the ongoing 50/50 raffle ( and the Recipes for Rebecca ( fundraisers (you can get to them using the buttons on the left side of this page).
We continue to take one day at a time. We search for and find joy in every day.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca
August 21, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
On Tuesday August 17, 2021 Rebecca was discharged from Spaulding and was transferred down to the Northwell Glen Cove Acute Rehabilitation Center on Long Island, our home. Last night after we left Glen Cove Rebecca texted me her update:
"This past week was quite eventful for us Koltuns. My grandparents were still visiting with us in Boston over the weekend and a very good friend of mine drove up to visit me in what we knew would probably be our last days in Boston. We spent hours and hours outside on the third floor pavillion visiting with family and our fellow patients who became our close friends. Of course we may have violated a few of the visitor policies in the process but they can't catch us now.
This brings me to the next bit of news which involved the five hour ambulance ride we took down to Long Island Tuesday morning. My mom rode with me in the ambulance and my Dad stayed back and packed up the apartment and the rest of my room. Our really good friend Andrew M flew up to Boston Monday night to help my Dad pack and ride back down to New York with him. His help and emotional support were immeasurable for my Dad and we are deeply grateful to him.
Now on Monday night in what was to be my last dinner at Spaulding I ordered a Fried Chicken Sandwich. Unfortunately Uber Easts screwed up the order and the only one who got their dinner was my Dad. Needless to say when I got in the ambulance Tuesday morning I was still craving a Fried Chicken Sandwich. When I expessed this to the EMT about half way throygh the trip we took a detour to find a Chick Fil a After arriving at Chick Fil a we discovered the ambulance was too big to go through the drive through and the restaurant was not open to customers. My Mom then got in our cousin Robin's car to place the order. I failed to mention that our wonderful cousin Robin who lives near Boston and has been with us every step of the way also followed us down to New York to assist with my transition.
When we got to Glen Cove the Doctors and Nurses who would be overseeing my care were all waiting for me. They were all extremely welcoming and kind. My care at Glen Cove has been terrific so far. I have been receiving PT, OT and lots of recreational therapy which I enjoy a great deal. As many of you know I like to be kept busy! I was able to do some more art this past week and I also received musical therapy. The musical therapist knew I liked Taylor Swift and I was able to sing some of my favorite Taylor Swift songs while she played the guitar. I have met another patient around my age and have already been able to have people visit with me which brightens my day.The food here is pretty good too. I have been in touch with my friends at Spaulding and I miss them but I am slowly adjusting to my new environment"
There is Becca's update. As for Audrey and I we are back in our house for the time being. As Dorothy said there is no place like home.
Thank you all for your interest, support and kindness.
Love, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
August 14, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
As many of you know this past week was not a great one for Rebecca. Last Saturday night she had to be hospitalized at Mass General Hospital (MGH) for pneumonia. She was discharged earlier today and is back at Spaulding. I am happy to say she is now doing much better.
While speaking with Rebecca after she got back to Spaulding today I told her that I was exhausted and did not feel like writing the update. She told me she would write it and lo and behold texted me a few hours later the following:
Imagine you are playing Monopoly with your family and are doing well. You expect to pass Go and collect your $200.00. Then all of a sudden...Yep you pick up a card that says"Go to Jail Do not Pass Go and Do not Collect $200.00" That is how I (Rebecca) would compare this past week for us at Spaulding.
Rebecca went on to describe herself as getting "excellent care from the wonderful doctors and nurses" in the PICU at MGH. When Audrey's parents learned of Becca's hospitalization they flew back up to Boston (for the fourth time since Becca's accident) to lend their emotional support and spend some quality time with their granddaughter, daughter and "favorite son in law" Folks remember these are Becca's words not mine.
In celebrating Rebecca's return to Spaulding she decided to order in from the Cheesecake Factory. She had the Factory Burrito and some specialized type of cheesecake that must have been 1000 calories.
This was Rebecca's third stint at MGH which has to be one of the finest hosptitals in the world. It happens to be deeply affiliated with a well known University in nearby Cambridge that is supposed to have a pretty good medical school.
If you need to be in a hospital then I would recommend MGH which is located in downtown Boston. From Charlestown (where we live) there is a free shuttle bus that runs every 15 minutes right to MGH. The only catch is the shuttles are old school buses with no shocks. I only bring this up because the roads in Boston tend to be like the surface of the moon. After riding the bus for a week you can then make an appointment and see one of the orthopedic surgeons.
Becca concluded her update by saying that she wants eveyone to know that she is feeling much better and that we are projected to leave Spaulding next week. She then said that she hopes the next update will be from Long Island.
Thank you all once again for your support and interest in our journey.
Love to all Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
August 7, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Thank you all again so much for your support, prayers and kind words. They are all very meaningful and important to us.
Although we are still dealing with collateral medical issues, overall Rebecca had a very good week. Our date of discharge remains uncertain but I think we have all taken the attitude of whatever will be.... will be.
We try to view each day as its own individual entity by garnering as much pleasure and joy out of it as possible. We try and live in the now as they say. Trust me this is not always easy. There are alot of setbacks and detours with SCI. Nevertheless if we can take Rebecca outside for two to three hours on a nice day and/or schmooze and share snacks with the other people on the floor then we take it as a victory.
We spend many hours each day at Spaulding which is a microcosm unto itself, a world I never thought I would be part of. Spaulding does not only have SCI patients (6th floor), they also do rehab for Brain Injury, Stroke and Neurology (4th and 5th floors) and they also have a sizeable Burn Unit (7th floor) and Pediatric Wing (8th floor) We cross paths with these patients every day in the elevators, on the outdoor Pavillion, & in the lobby. We see them smoking a cigarette outside (no smoking in the hospital) One would think after over four months here I would get used to the visuals. I don't. It is beyond comprehension what can happen to people but equally important is seeing what they can be treated for and recover from.
This past week Rebecca was able to leave the grounds of Spaulding. She drove her power wheel chair to the local Dunkin Donuts with her OT and had a latte. After that she visited the USS Constitution Museum and got to explore Charlestown down by the water. For someone who has not been in the real world five months this was monumental. Being in the world as a quadripeligic is much different from an able bodied person. She felt every bump in the sidewalk driving her chair. Her peripheral vision is limited due to a lack of range of motion in her neck. After this outing she was exhausted. Later that evening we had our monthly healing service which we always enjoy.
Rebecca continues to paint with her OT who she loves. As many of you may know or have surmised, she uses her mouth to hold and guide the brush. She has now employed a new type of splatter paint technique using a straw and blowing paint out onto the canvas. We plan to exhibit some more of her paintings.
As for me, I have learned that I like ice coffee. For years I only drank my coffee in the mornings hot, however a good ice coffee in the afternoon with some oat milk is a real simple pleasure! This past week I also made dinner in the apartment a few nights. I found this to be very therapeutic. Shaved brussel sprouts cooked with some olive oil and salt and pepper is simple and nutritious. The trick is to cook the brussel sprouts till they are almost burnt.
Thank you all again for reading this update and putting up with my rambling.
We love you. Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
August 1, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I was almost not going to write an update this week however Rebecca convinced me to do one anyway even though this was a tough week and there was not much to report. She chided me that people rely on and look forward to the updates. I told her I am fully aware of that and promised her I would get one out.
Rebecca was sidetracked for most of the week with some collateral medical issues that go along with her SCI (spinal cord injury). This of course is very disheartening for all of us especially since we are getting closer to discharge. We are hoping to put these issues in the rearview mirror so that Rebecca can continue on the road to recover as best as she can.
When I asked Rebecca what to include in the update she asked me to mention that she had lunch this past week with some of the other patients in the Lantern Room which is a community room on the SCI floor. This past week a good friend of Becca's was discharged home. We will miss him! Even though Rebecca was not feeling great she still did all of her therapies. She facetimed a Stony Brook professor who is a quadripeligic and learned a great deal from her. She also has become friendly with a young man from the New England area who suffered a serious SCI in January of this past year. Ths nice young gentleman and his mom visited us this past week in person.
Rebecca has been painting pictures in OT. We have had several of them framed. This past week she gave one of those paintings to her OT who she has grown quite close with. These pictures all have different color patterns and sequences. Each of the paintings represents a different emotion that Rebecca has experienced at Spaulding. She told me she is considering marketing her paintings and auctioning them on Ebay. This is proof her entrepenurial spirit is in tact!
Audrey and I continue to prepare for Rebecca's discharge and her transition back to the NY area. There is much to know with Becca's care and many different tasks to do. None of them terribly hard but there are just alot of them!
We continue to be grateful for all the support that we have gotten on this rough road that we travel on. Thank goodness for all the friends who visit. Thank goodness for all the friends who have helped us with all of the other issues that we have to navigate. Thank you all for your interest and concern.
Love to all Audrey Scott Erik and Rebecca
July 24, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
This past week was a relatively quiet one for us up here. Erik was up for a few days which is always helpful for us. We are beginning to prepare as best we can for Rebecca's eventual discharge from Spaulding and our return to the New York area. While we are excited about returning to New York, the prospect of leaving Spaulding where Rebecca has gotten fantastic medical care is scary. The thought of leaving many of the staff here who we have grown quite close with will be very emotional. As Rebecca has said there will be alot of hard good byes.
We will soon begin to interview potential caregivers for Rebecca. For those that have already given us names of leads for people we thank you. If anyone else out there can suggest good individuals for Rebecca's care then please let us know. You can leave us a message on this site or contact Audrey through Facebook or email. Ultimately the goal is to have Rebecca take complete charge of her medical care. Thus we want her to participate in the recruitment process as much as possible.
Although it has been well over four months since Becca's accident, it still does not seem real. Sad to say but I look forward to the day it does seem real. Will that take a year or two or more? I honestly could not tell you. A large part of the surreal nature of this experience is living away from home. My wardrobe up here is a fraction of what it is at home. I am so sick of wearing the same variations of tee shirts, sweathshirts,jeans and shorts. I have thought of burning all of my clothes from this journey with a big bonfire in my backyard when I return to New York. That would be a cathartic experience!
Becca continues to be a social butterfly on her floor. She enjoys the company of her fellow patients and socializes as much as possible. These patients are all different ages, some young and some older. They all come from different walks of life. Sadly they all share the common bond of spinal cord injury hence paralysis.
When the weather is nice we continue to get outside as much as possible. This past week saw many sunny days in the 70s with a cool breeze blowing off Boston Harbor. We enjoy sitting on the third floor pavillion breathing in the fresh air and soaking in the sun. We watch the ships float by. Many times we see rainbows on the horizon.
Thank you all for reading this blog and for continually showing interest in our story. It goes without saying that we value your support, concern and love for us.
With love, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
July 17, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Yesterday I got my third and hopefully final haircut up here in Boston.
In the past week I am happy to report that plans for us all to transition back to New York appear to be falling into place. This of course gives us great relief and in the coming weeks as matters develop I look forward to providing more information concerning our return to New York.
Preparing for our future lives after we leave Spaulding has involved and required the work of some extraordinary and generous people. If there is a silver lining in any of this it would be that we have met the most inspirational, strong, courageous and giving individuals. To those individuals we are so grateful. This has been a humbling exerperience for all of us. Illness and injury are no doubt humbling for those afflicted and their families. As it was pointed out to me earlier this week we have some control in our lives but not complete control.
One consistent chararecteristic of those who are afflicted with quadripeligia (aka tetrapelgia) and their families is their generosity with time and willingness to speak with us and share what they know in the hopes of making our path a little easier. This week like others we spoke at length with several people in the same boat as us. We hope one day to pay it forward as they say.
Our Rebecca continues to get stronger. She enjoys her physical and occupational therapy. She loves the Erigo exercise machine which is a tilt table with pedals that get her legs moving through electrical stimulation. She was unable to use the Erigo earlier in her stay because of blood pressure issues but now is able to do it.
Rebecca is very social and she continues to seek out and meet the people on her floor. When the weather is nice we always go outside to this lovely pavillion/ patio area on the third floor at Spaulding overlooking Boston harbor. Yesterday we were out there with several other SCI patients discussing the pros and cons of all the different catheters in use. There is also always diiscussion of the use of their power wheelchairs. Spasms and pain medications are also popular topics.
As for Audrey and I when we are not visiting Rebecca we search for normalcy. We love doing laundry, running the dishwasher, taking the trash and recycling out, vacuuming and making the bed. Pardon my sarcasm and dry humor in these paragraphs but there is truth in all of this. By the way we may be the only people in Boston who do not own at least one dog. There are tons of Bernese Mountain dogs here. They are gorgeous animals!
It is Saturday morning and once again we are very fortunate to have visitors. Rebecca also will have visitors this weekend. This again is super important for all of us.
We thank you all again for all of your support and comments. Thank you again and keep them coming!
Love to all, Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
July 10, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
This has been an up and down week for us and our Rebecca.
Unfortunately we still do not have any certainty with where Rebecca will go once she is discharged from Spaulding. We are hopeful that in the coming week certain options will become clearer for us. These matters are out of our hands and while we advocate for Rebecca as best we can we do not know how much consideration is given to what we have to say.
As I have probably said many times I went from being someone who thought he had control of his life to being someone with much less or no control. We live in an apartment that is not ours and we live in a city that is not our home. I think in a way that we are an example that control is really something of an illusion that we placate ourselves with and in reality none of us have as much control as we think.
This past week Rebecca participated and spoke at a healing service for her that was broadcast on Zoom through the Makom group. Many of you who read this blog were on that service and got to see Rebecca's radiant smile and her beautiful voice live as she thanked people for all the support that has come her way in the past months.
Rebecca also met in person one of the individuals who saved her life this week. This gentleman is the Director of the medical clinic at Stratton and was present when Rebecca was brought down the mountain after her accident. He engaged in the multitude of lafe saving measures performed on Rebecca before she was airlifted to Dartmouth Hitchcock medical center. He initially drove up to New Hampshire to meet with us in the week following the accident. Audrey has kept in touch with him and he was in Boston this past week so we brought him in to meet Rebecca. It was a meaninful meeting to say the least. Afterward I saw him in the lobby at the hospital and he reminded me what a miracle Rebecca is.
Rebecca's grandparents are visiting this week and having them here is super comforting. They both have nice calm demeanors and are for us a source of stability in the vortex that we liive in. Erik was also up for a few days who miss terribly. He and Rebecca spent some quality time.
Audrey and I continue to deal with the enormity of Rebecca's care and all the supplies and equipment that will be necessary for her to function on any given day. I will be straight and tell you that it is totally overwhelming to us and we have doubts on whether we will be able to do it. Many of you have complimented my writing saying I have ability etc. I thank you for that. One thing that I have no natural ability at is being a caretaker!
Once again I thank you for all your support and messages. Please keep them coming! We need you. We would be lost without you all.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
July 3, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
We wish you all a happy and healthy July 4th weekend. Up here in Boston there is supposed to be some rain and cooler weather. The weekends here are long for us. Fortunately we continue to have good friends visiting and Rebecca will also have friends visiting as well. This all helps make the time pass.
As many of you know Rebecca has been here at Spaulding for three months and we are now looking at what will be the next steps for her once she is discharged. Eventually we plan to move home back to Plainview. Plans are underway to have our house modified so that Rebecca can live with us safely but the bottom line is our house will not be ready for her when she is discharged from Spaulding.
One option is for us to remain up here for several more months and receive outpatient therapy at Spaulding. In addition to that there is a gym or exercise facility that specializes in SCI patients about 30 minutes away that we are told is excellent and she could go there two times a week.
Remaining in Boston may be our only option. We are finding it very difficult to find any continued suitable rehabilitation that will accept Rebecca down in the New York area. We want to come home because we want to begin to reestablish our roots. Psychologically coming home, being in our own environment and being able to see friends more regularly is very important to us.
Because of Rebecca's situation we thought that a senior living facility might work for her and us, however due to licensing issues and red tape none of these places have been able to accept Rebecca. We have reached out to a local politician who inidicated he would make calls for us and are still hopeful this local politician can help us find a place to live. Needless to say this uncertainty about where we are going adds to our level of stress.
This past week Rebecca had a minor medical procedure which appeared to go well. Becca was excited for this procedure because it got her out of the hospital for the day. Additionally we were able to see some modified vans that Rebecca could be transported in. These vans are very practical. They are minivans that are customized to accomodate Rebecca's wheelchair. Rebecca would access the van through a ramp that comes down through the sliding door on the side of the van.
Once again we thank you all for your support. We ask you to keep us in your prayers and thoughts. We hope to find our way through this labyrinth. We hope to one day regain some normalcy in our lives. We hope to continue to have the strength to cope with this ordeal. Most of all we hope and pray our Becca continues to recover.
We send our love to you all. Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
June 26, 2021
Addendum: Last night I wrote the update from Rebecca's room rather than from the quiet of our apartment. Being in Becca's room at Spaulding is an "in the moment" experience as one is constantly engaging and intereacting with Rebecca or whoever else is in the room. This proves to be distracting and can prevent whatever deep thoughts and creativity I have from emerging. So I went to bed last night and thought of something else I wanted to add:
We have been in an unusual, difficult, extraordinary situation since Becca's accident. Many days can be very stressful,sad, joyous etc. We run the gamut of emotions here. Anyway what I try to find is some degree of normalcy everyday. I have told you about my walks but I also find normalcy in taking the garbage to the trashroom, in going to Whole foods and buying four items we may need, in going to CVS, in mailing letters and doing work for my job. These routine acts that I have done my whole life connect me/us to our past life which we hope to get back to in some form eventually.
June 26, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am once again writing this update from Becca's room and once again I have sought her input on what to include.
This past week saw a flurry of activity from our Rebecca. This morning she was outside fishing in Boston Harbor. Becca had no interest in the fishing instead she just wanted to be sitting outside by the water. As is the Spaulding tradition no one caught any fish. Becca's other activities included karaoke, painting, riding the functional electric stim (FES ) bike and attending the wedding of a fellow patient at Spaulding who married his long time girlfriend. This wedding was a big event at Spaulding. Audrey and I attended as well. There was also local news coverage of the wedding. Google "NBC Spaulding Wedding" and you can learn all about it.
Later that evening the bride and groom wheeled their delicious vanilla wedding cake into Becca's room and shared some of it with us.
Audrey and I are starting to take a more active role in Rebecca's care. This past week we learned how to change her trach and her diaphragmatic pacer dressing. Whether Becca will leave Spaulding with a trach is still an open question. She has not been on a ventilator in over a month. She continues to breathe through the pacer and the breaths she generates on her own. Her breathing volumes continue to improve and the RT's are all pleased with her progress. This past week they removed the ventilator from Rebecca's room. A ventilator is a huge piece of equipment and her room is now much more spacious. Getting the vent out was a very happy moment for me.
Audrey, Rebecca and I continue to be very fortunate to have a steady stream of visitors. This is a gigantic source of emotional support for all of us. We continue to take one day at a time as the future for us still remains very uncertain and scary. One thing that is certain and real is the support and love that we know is out there for us. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers. We read your comments, texts and emails. Thank you to all of you.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
June 19, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I started writing this update from Rebecca's room earlier as Audrey and Rebecca were watching an old season of the Bachelorette. I asked Rebecca what she wanted me to say. She said "tell them it is not all sunshine and rainbows". I replied I think they know that. So folks, while I do try to accentuate the positive I must be clear that it is not all sunshine and ranbows.
We are here in Boston a little over two and a half months. I can't say it is getting any easier and I can't say that we are used to it. I also can't say that the reason why we are here has been accepted by us mentally. People who have been down this road tell me that one day our lives will normalize again. We take them at their word and continue to have faith and hope that they are correct.
FYI the food at the hospital happens to be quite good! The chef here I am told was once an executive chef at a five star hotel. We have alot of our meals at the hospital and the people in "nutrition" are always really nice about accomodating us with last minute orders or menu changes. One of my favorites is the grilled salmon. Even with the good food we have all lost weight over the last few months including Rebecca of course. Recently Rebecca was presented with the option of ordering milk shakes by Nutrition. She got a milkshake a day delivered for about two weeks. She would drink half and guess who would drink the other half.
Becca continues to be our rock star. She was testing wheelchairs it felt like every day this past week. The wheelchair vendors all talk about how amazed they are with her progress. While we appreciate the positive kudos we realize that they are trying to sell us a wheelchair. Seriously the vendors are all nice and like everyone else we have gotten to know them as well. The good thing about testing out the wheelchairs is we get to go outside. Speaking of outside, two days ago I was given clearance to bring Rebecca outside by myself to the third floor pavillion. Getting this type of permission is no small accomplishment as I had to demonstrate that I know what to do in case of different types of emergencies. Being able to bring her outside on my own will help break up the weekends where the days are long.
This past week Becca made baked ziti in OT. She visited the "smart apartment" on the 4th floor at Spaulding, and she sang Karaoke in Speech. When she sings Karaoke she does duets with her neighbor, friend and fellow patient next door. Rebecca tells me that this fellow ( I can't reveal his name because of HIPAA) is a big fan of Poison and Def Leppard. Not surprisingly the songs of these bands are not on the Karoaoke machine. Rebecca's voice continues to get stronger. She has been off the vent for three weeks now and is breathing only through the diaphragmatic pacer and those breaths which she generates on her own. She is getting healthier and advancing but she still has a long way to go.
To all you wonderful people who read this blog and care about us I again say thank you. Please know that you are our lifeline. Many days are tough and we get comfort knowing that you are in this battle with us.
Love to all, Audrey Scott Erik and Rebecca.
June 12, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am happy to report this past week was overall a good one for our Rebecca. Audrey and I observe and spend time with Rebecca for many hours each day. Some might say we are in so deep that we only see the trees and not the forest. However, everyday when I first see Becca I look in her eyes as they tell me what I need to know initially. They can tell me whether she is content or sad. They can also reveal whether she is focused, tired or her mind is somewhere else. This past Thursday and Friday when I first saw her she looked better than ever. Her eyes were bright and clear. I was thrilled. Further when I walk in and she makes some sort of sarcastic comment to me about what I am wearing or how my hair looks I am ecstatic because that is our Becca.
I say the week was good overall because when it started out Becca had a UTI (urinary tract infection). UTI's are unfortunately common for SCI patients and they can be nasty until treated. Fortunately she got the right antibiotics and this one was in the rearview mirror pretty quickly.
This past week Erik came to visit which is always a plus and emotional boost for all of us. Becca's weekdays continue to be busy with all of her therapies. This past week she made a tye dye t shirt using a straw ( she told me to include in the update that she inadvertently swallowed some of the solution). A large component of her therapy is speech and Becca's voice is getting stronger. As part of her speech therapy Becca sang karoake duets with her next door neighbor, a 20 year old spinal cord patient.
Becca this past week was also invited to the wedding of another spinal cord patient on her floor. The wedding is scheduled in about two weeks and will take place on the third floor pavillion at Spaulding.
I am also happy to report that Becca has been off the vent for over one week now, meaning she breathes only through the diaphragmatic pacer along with the breaths which she consciously and deliberately initiates. Since Becca is talking more and more she is forced to cause and create her own breaths in order to keep talking. This of course is great because she is re-teaching her body how to breathe on its own. Although Becca still has her trach for the vent hook up, the trach is now "capped" meaning it is closed with a cap not too different from a bottle cap. This is a big step for her as she graduated from the speaking valve to the cap. This is not too minimize the effort that Becca must put in just to breathe. It can be like getting a full workout and it does make her tired.
Finally Audrey and I continue to live in Boston. We have gotten to know many people here: the security guards at the hospital, all the different therapists, the PT's, OT's, RT's and Speech language pathologists (SLP's). The nurses, case workers, case managers and doctors. It is a new world for us, an alternate universe that we still find it hard to believe we live in. I say every week how much we want to go home but we know that the care and therapy Becca gets here is superb so we stay and count our blessings for the progress she has made and will continue to make.
We Koltun's thank you for reading this update and for sending us your support. We read your messages and know that you care about Becca and us. Please keep it up!
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
June 5, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
We are coming on three months since Rebecca's accident and the day that our lives changed in dramatic form. Rebecca has been at Spaulding now for over two months and although she has made tremendous progress she still has a long way to go with all of her disciplines.
Rebecca continues to breathe primarily through her diaphragmatic pacer and she is reliant less and less on ventilator use. Breathing is something most of us don't think about because it is so automatic. However breathing is complicated business and for Rebecca's mind it almost has to be relearned and at the same time her body has to be reconditioned to breathing regular air as opposed to ventilator air (the content of the two are different). Since Rebecca is now off the vent most of the time so she does her physical and occupational therapy breathing through the pacer. This is exhausting for her yet she always tries to push through with her therapy sessions. Toward the end of the week there was talk of pulling back some in order to give her more rest and so that she can focus more on her breathing.
Friends continue to visit Rebecca, mostly on the weekends, and we are so grateful that they make the trip. Seeing these friends means the world to Rebecca. Audrey and I also continue to have people visiting us. Audrey's sister, Debra, was just here for a week and Audrey's parents were here the week before that.
This past week I went home for a few days. Being in our house of course triggered many emotions and feelings . This time I had feelings of hope that one day we will move back into a living space that will be modified for Rebecca. Exactly how that will happen and when that will happen are still unknowns to us presently but as time goes on we are hopeful that we will get a clearer picture of our path forward. We are juggling so many variables in our lives now that if we think too far ahead it will make us crazy. It is for this reason that we literally exist day to day and at the end of the each day we congratulate ourselves that we made it through. I will not lie to you -- this is a sad and difficult way to live. We hope it is temporary. We hope one day we will settle into our new normal and each day that passes we like to think we are getting closer to more stability in our lives.
We thank all of you for your continued support. We thank you for taking the time to read these updates and for showing interest in us. We thank those of you who leave messages on this website or on any other social media page where this update is posted. We thank those that called us or texted us this week to see how we are doing. All of this helps carry us through this complex and extraordinary time in our lives. .
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
May 29, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Once again we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your thoughts, your prayers, your encouraging messages, and your love. They are all emotional boosts to us as we keep moving forward in this saga.
Our Rebecca continues to make progress in Rehab here at Spaulding. This past week on Wednesday she made brownies in occupational therapy. She mixed the brownie ingredients manually (which included peanut butter cups) in a bowl with a large mixing spoon that was affixed to her head. In the world of paralysis you need to work with what you have and be innovative. Later that day she took the brownies and served them to her weekly social group. She was very proud that she added the peanut butter cups to her recipe.
Rebecca continues to ween off the ventilator only breathing through the pacer. She is logging more and more hours everyday with no ventilator support. Her respiratory therapists continue to be pleased with her progress. Earlier in the week she had a new smaller trach put in. This made use of the speaking valve easier so that she could talk with less effort while she was on the pacer. Talking is something that takes practice and must be done on the exhale in coordination with her breathing. Since Rebecca is off the vent Audrey and I can take her in her chair around her floor with nothing else attached to her.
Rebecca also learned a few weeks ago that she was accepted to medical school. We were all extremely proud of this amazing accomplishment even though she will not be attending medical school this fall.
She continues to receive physical therapy every day which consists of all sorts of stretching and strengthening exercises. She also continues to receive speech therapy which has many facets including spinal cord injury education. As caregivers Audrey and I are also being educated on how to take care of Rebecca. We learned how to suction her and pull out her secretions as Rebecca due to her injury has difficulty generating her own cough. We also learned how to use the Ambu ventilator bag in case of emergency.
This past week Rebecca was able to meet in person with two peer mentors through the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and Spaulding. These individuals suffered severe spinal cord injuries years earlier and are now leading productive and meaningful lives with careers and families. These individuals in my mind are true heros and are incredibly inspirational. They talked openly about their lives with Rebecca.
We continue to take life here day by day. Weekends are the toughest part of the week for us as there are minimal therapies and the days tend to be long. We are grateful to Rebecca's friends that come to visit her as she enjoys those visits immensely. We are grateful to the peer mentors that have met with Rebecca and talked so openly about their lives with her.
We wish everyone a good holiday weekend.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca.
May 22, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Once again we want to thank you all so much for your support and prayers. Last week after I posted Rebecca's update I realized that I forgot to say thank you. Hearing from you all during the week is so so important to Audrey and I. If you know us don't be shy about sending us a text. If you don't know us then always feel free to leave us a message on this site or wherever else this update is posted. We read them and it makes us feel better.
This past week showed some good progress for our Rebecca. On Monday the representative from the diaphragmatic pacer company was at the hospital and he was able to adjust some of the settings on the pacer. With these changes Rebecca is now able to breathe off the ventilator with just the pacer for significant periods of time. This was huge. She initially did two sessions of two hours each off the ventilator. From there the amount of time off the vent was increased incrementally daily for the remainder of the week. The goal of course it to ween her off the vent. This is an attainable goal but it is not easy.
On Friday Audrey and I were able to take Rebecca and wheel her in her chair around her floor with no ventilator attached to her. Again we wheeled her around ourselves with no vent attached. There were no tubes, no portable vent and no respiratory therapist with us as we did this. Rebecca was apprehensive about taking this step and so were we. However we all pushed forward and did it. Rehab has many objectives and one of the most important components is to teach the patient and the family how to regain autonomy and independence with what will be the new normal. This was a big step in that direction.
Spinal cord injuries are never a straight or smooth road and in the world of spinal cord injuries Rebecca suffered a particularly bad one. Nevertheless we continue to do the best we can. This past week Rebecca's Doctor told her he had never seen any one as determined as her. He told her it was okay to take a break for a day. The Doctor then told Audrey that he knew Rebecca would not do that.
Rebecca coninues with her PT, OT and Speech therapy. One new device introduced this week was a speaking valve which is a device attached to her trach when she is off the vent and breathing through the pacer. Without getting too technical the speaking valve diverts air through her breathing airway stimulating her vocal cords so Rebecca can speak when off the vent. This is not easy to do and is an acquired skill.
As for Audrey and I we take one day at a time up here. The weekends can be challenging but we have friends and relatives who visit both us and Rebecca and this helps enormously with our psyches. I will soon be ready for another haircut and I will probably go back to the same place as last time. I need to remember that they are cash only.
Love to you all. Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca
May 15, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Tomorrow Rebecca will graduate college. She will be wearing her Binghamton cap and a green Binghamton tee shirt and we will watch the ceremony virtually from a conference room at Spaulding..
When her accident happened the first thought was to apply for a medical withdrawal but after a few days Audrey had the foresight to realize why can't she just graduate. Afterall, she is a 4.0 student. Given the circumstances why can't the school permit her to graduate. With the help of my cousin in Florida Audrey filed some paperwork and wrote some letters and the school accomodated us no problem and agreed to graduate Rebecca.
A good friend of Rebecca's will "walk for her" and have Rebecca on facetime when Rebecca is presented her diploma. Later that day we will have a celebratory dinner. I am writing this now in the future tense because I think I am going to be too spent emotionally tomorrow night to put pen to paper.
Rebecca finished another week of rehab and she conitnues to get stronger physically. She rode the electric stim bike, was on the tilt table, and continued to test out wheel chairs. She had her first collision entering an elevator (don't tell our insurance broker) This week she rode the wheelchairs outside in front of the hospital and around the main entrance.
This past week another device was introduced to her called the Glassouse Assistive Device. This is a hands free device worn like glasses. It is essentially a computer mouse with a bite switch. Since Rebecca now has more movement in her neck she can use this device to read books on her I pad, play Words with Friends, and do all sorts of other functions and activities on the I pad. This is a real game changer as some of the other assistive devices she tried were much more difficult and unsteady to operate. In the world of quadrapelegia it is all about giving autonomy and control to the patient. Independence is so so important. The more one can do for themselves the better off they will be.
Rebecca continues to have friends visit. Erik was also up this past week. Visitors are great for her psyche and for ours. This weekend we have dear friends here. It is now mid May and we have been here in Boston for six weeks. We miss home terribly and look forward to the day that we can return to a house that is adapted for Rebecca. We look forward to seeing our neighbors and friends. We miss our dog Ollie. We don't know when we will be returning home but we know it will be some day.
With Love to all, Audrey Scott Erik and Rebecca
May 8, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
Another week has rolled by and again I am happy to report Rebecca continues to progress nicely in rehab.
This week Rebecca was testing out the power wheelchairs. The key is to find one that is easy to operate. Rebecca had previously used the sip and puff but was not crazy about it. This past week she used one with a joy stick which she could operate with her chin and/or tongue. She could also change the mode of the chair ( tilt, forward motion, rear motion) with a triggering device that she could contact with her head. The triggering device is affixed to the headrest adjacent to her head. In addition to the means of operation Rebecca has to decide if she wants a front wheel drive or a mid wheel drive chair. Talk about sensory overload!!
Rebecca also was on the tilt table and on the electric stim bike where they attach electrodes to her legs to stimulate her muscles so she can pedal the bike. Truly an amazing device!
Most importantly Rebecca had the chance this week to meet and interact with various other SCI patients on her floor in what will be a weekly get together Due to HIPAA guidelines and the Dodd Frank Act I am unable to disclose any further information about her fellow floor mates. Nevertheless she enloyed meeting them all and looks forward to seeing them again. Later that evening she facetimed a new peer mentor, a wonderful young woman, who suffered a spinal cord injury about 10 years ago. Rebecca has always been a pragmatic individual and she asked alot of very incisive questions about leading life with a spinal cord injury. Listening to her conversation with this delightful woman brought tears to my eyes.
Rebecca also is continuing her use of the diaphragmatic pacer and building up the strength in her diaphragm as she learns to pull in her own breaths. I could write the next five updates about the pacer and not run out of information to convey. It is a true medical advancement.
One thing I have learned is that there are no hard and fast rules for dealing with spinal cord injury. Every case is different and every injury is different. I have likened it to a labyrinth where you can't always see what is ahead, you hit dead end paths and then must go back and try something else. Trial and error is key. The key is to never stop trying and employ both patience and persistence Rehab is so important but rest is equally important. Today after riding the electric stim bike Rebecca was exhausted and rest for her was critical.
As for Audrey and I we continue to adjust to life in Boston where even though it is May the weather is still freezing and the trees are hardly in bloom. We continue to dote on our Rebecca who refers to Audrey as her secretary and me as her butler. We take one day at a time. Our lives have been changed forever and the way I view things now is very different from the way I did eight weeks ago. Although I like to think I never took things for granted I am a different man now.
I thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers. The support that we have received from all of you has come in many forms. This support fuels us. It reminds us that we are not in this difficult and complex battle alone. Your texts, calls and messages keep us going.
One silver lining in this, (if there is such a thing) is that we have met and gotten to know many extraordinary people. Superhumans is a term I have coined for them in my mind. This unique group it seems will do anything to help us. That is their calling. Some were strangers before this that we now have the privilege of knowing, others we knew but we were not cognizant of the enormity of their hearts or the beauty of their souls. To that special group I also say thank you.(even though Superhumans do not want or like to be thanked).
Love to you all, Audrey, Scott, Erik and Rebecca
May 6, 2021
Dear Friends:
On behalf of the Koltun family, I want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers, kind words, generous donations and hard work in support of Rebecca’s journey to recovery. I can’t over-emphasize the gratitude the Koltun’s have expressed for all the warmth and support that they’ve received from family, friends and friends of family and friends. They are so lucky to have all of you.
We’re very pleased to report that Rebecca continues to make progress with her use of the diaphragmatic pacer along with her physical and occupational therapies, all of which are so important to her recovery from this tragic injury.
As of this writing, we’ve raised almost $710,000 for Rebecca’s care. Many people have asked where their donations are going, and some are wondering why we continue to fundraise (and increase our goals) despite the success of our outreach. I hope to clarify that for you here.
According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, the estimated lifetime costs due to spinal cord injury can be as high as $4.7 million, depending on the extent of the injury (Rebecca’s injury -- high tetraplegia [C1-C2] is among the most severe).
As you can imagine, the Koltuns face many costs that -- despite being medically and practically necessary -- are not covered by insurance, Medicaid or Social Security benefits. Here are just a few examples:
• The length of Rebecca’s stay at the Spaulding Rehab Center is dictated not by her medical need, but by her health insurance coverage. The Koltuns have been told that if she were to extend her treatment there under self-pay, it would cost a staggering $10-12,000/day.
• When she returns home to Plainview and likely for the rest of her life, Rebecca will need round-the-clock caretakers to help feed, bathe, dress and transport her to her various rehab therapy appointments and other activities at an approximate cost of $50,000/year)
• Rebecca will need ongoing respiratory, physical and occupational therapies for years to come. Health insurance and Medicaid cover only a limited number of those appointments each year.
Add these expenses to the costs of renovating their home, installing a generator to support a ventilator, power wheelchair and custom hospital bed plus finding interim (accessible) housing while the renovations are being completed, and the average first-year cost for Rebecca’s care can easily exceed $1 million. The cost in subsequent years will likely approach $200,000-$250,000. (You can find a more detailed fact sheet outlining costs for specific items by clicking the aqua box to the left of this column, labelled "How Much Does a Spinal Injury Cost?" Note, however, that the numbers cited are based on 2015 dollars, the latest year for which the data are readily available).
A Special Shout Out
Before I close, I want to offer a special shout out to the many small businesses in and around Plainview, NY that have been sponsoring fundraising events and providing raffle prizes and other donations. You can find their names in the “Media” section of the Rally for Rebecca page on Facebook. If you’re not currently a member of the page, you can join using this link: to stay informed about upcoming and continuing fundraising activities.
Stay tuned for more updates throughout Rebecca’s journey. And thanks again for your generosity, kindness and support.
Wendy Mensch
Koltun Family Friend
May 1, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I am starting to write this on Friday night April 30th and I am happy to report that Rebecca finished a good week of rehabilitation at Spaulding.
She is gradually getting conditioned to use the diaphragmatic pacer more and more. As many of you know Rebecca is an athlete so her mindset of training and conditioning is going to serve her well in this new world she lives in. She is also learnng to operate a sip and puff wheelchair, a device that is not easy to master.
We take each day as it comes here and try not to get too far ahead of ourselves but at the same time we know at some point Rebecca will be discharged from Spaulding and we have to start thinking and preparing for our next steps. This is very scary to us to put it mildly.
Talking about what we will do next is like trying to drive a car blindfolded. The level of care that Rebecca will need is staggering. For sure Rebecca will require skilled nursing and personal care attendants just to get through a normal day.
For now we take joy in the steps forward, no matter how small, that she is making. She is enjoying her meals and texting her friends. Erik was up this past week to visit. Rebecca loves seeing her brother as it is very uplifting.
A number of Rebecca's friends also came to visit this past week. However, because of the Covid rules only one friend can be in her room at a time. These visits mean so much to her. They connect her to her past world and she is thrilled to be able to see her friends.
We hope and pray every moment Rebecca continues to make progress. We enjoy each and every moment that we are with her and are overjoyed when she gives us her big smile. I will not lie to you as some of the moments for us are dark. Being displaced is not easy and we miss greatly the comforts and familiarity of our house and neighborhood. We try to take long walks during the day when the weather permits. We have learned that Boston is a walkable city (it is certainly not a driveable city). From Charlestown we can walk across one bridge into downtown Boston. From another foot bridge we can walk into Cambridge. Being near the water is very soothing.
Once again I can not emphasize enough to you how much your support means to us. It is comforting to know that we are all thought of and prayed for. I have never been a religious man but I find myself trying to connect to G-d in my own way each day. I make my hopes and prayers known. The fact that you are all doing the same is very powerful to us. Please continue to think, pray support Rebecca and us. Its importance can not be underestimated.
We love you all. Audrey, Scott Erik and Rebecca.
April 25, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
It is six weeks ago today that we received the new Rebecca who transformed our lives.
This past week was an important one. On Tuesday Rebecca underwent surgery at Mass General Hospital (MGH) and had a diaphragmatic pacer successfully implanted. The diaphragmatic pacer (or pacer) electrically stimulates the diaphragm to contract ( something it was not doing after Rebecca's injury). With her diaphragm able to now contract and pull air into her lungs, Rebecca, we believe will become less dependent on the ventilator and hopefully she can wean herself off the vent entirely at some point in the future.
Like everything else this is a process and requires conditioning. It will take time to develop her diaphragm muscle which has been inactive since her accident. This pacer is relatively new to medical technology and it is not very common as most people who suffer the type of injury that Rebecca did do not survive. The use of the pacer will now become a large component of her rehab.
The quality of care that Rebecca received at MGH was absolutely amazing from the surgeon who performed the procedure to all the residents and the nurses...what a great hospital! Thank you!
Our Rebecca remains tough and determined. She is courageous and brave. She will continue to work hard in rehab. She will also get the rest that she needs which is so important to spinal cord injury patients. We know it is not an easy path and we know it is not a straight path but we continue to forge ahead.
Rebecca is enjoying being able to eat real food. She must still however supplement with a feeding tube. She also loves facetiming and texting her friends All of this however requires assistance. The COVID rules regarding visitors has been strict at Spaulding. However Rebecca was able to get special permission for some friends to visit. This has been wonderful for her and we hope these visits continue as they are a great morale booster.
Boston remains our home for the time being. It is a city that does not have straight roads or good signs. There are however loads of golden retrievers everywhere and all of them seemed to be named "Bailey". Another important development is that Audrey finally got her haircut and it looks great
Lastly it goes without saying that the emotional support and prayers that we receive from all of you is vital to us. We are aware of all the fundraisers that continue on Rebecca's behalf. We are humbled by all this generosity. We really do not know what to say except "Thank you"
Love to all, Audrey, Scott and Erik and Rebecca.
April 17, 2021
One quick addendum. Thursday I was able to get a badly needed haircut. This was very pleasing to Rebecca who told me I looked like a mad scientist. The barber charged me the "senior rate" without asking me my age. I don't know if I was happy about that. Audrey is now looking to get her hair cut so stay tuned!! Scott
April 17, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family:
I wish I could tell you that every step was one forward in the name of progress for our dear Rebecca.
Unfortunately in the world of spinal cord injuries, healing and health insurance companies it doesn't always work that way. This past week we hit a bit of a rough patch,however she is now okay.
Late Sunday night/ early Monday morning it was suspected Rebecca had an infection and as an abundance of caution a decision was made to have Rebecca tranferred over to Mass General Hospital. After a little more that 24 hours there, she was ready to be discharged. However due to a communication breakdown there was a delay in getting insurance approval for her transfer back to Spaulding. Accordingly she had to remain in Mass General unnecessarily for two more days. This was incredibly frustrating and maddening for all of us. Fortunately Audrey was able to sleep at the hospital with Rebecca and Erik and I were there every day. The care and kindness that Rebecca received at Mass General was unparalleled.
As of Thursday afternoon our dear Rebecca was back at Spaulding and on Friday she was receiving the Speech, PT and OT that she needs to maximize her recovery.
We are hopeful this type of thing does not happen again.
I can only ask all of you to keep praying for our Rebecca. As I have said before your support, whether it be financial, emotional or through prayer means everything to us and helps us get through the more difficult days. Above all we rely on Rebecca and her spirit and love of life to carry us. Thank you all so so much. Love, Audrey, Scott and Erik.
April 10, 2021
Dear Friends and Family:
Today is four weeks since Becca's accident and the day we began this new phase in our lives. Without getting too deep or philosophical I choose to look at is as the day our Rebecca was reborn.
Audrey and I continue to take it day by day here in Boston. The fact that Rebecca can eat solid food and enjoy it is a game changer. As she told me yesterday she is now gaining the power and ability to control her diet which is very important to her. She is still receiving tube feedings however.
As many of you know talking has been difficult for her with the ventilator however when the vent is adjusted in a certain way she is able to speak and is getting quite adept at it. Yesterday with the assistance of the adaptive tech person and voice conrol through her cell phone she was able to text independently. This is also huge. When she does speak it sounds like her voice.
Rebecca just completed her first full work week here at Spaulding. Everyday is busy for her between PT, OT, Speech and Respiratory. Yesterday she got to go outside for a while on a portable vent and that was great. We continue to hear from the friends that we made at Dartmouth Hitchcock and the medical clinic at Stratton who are all so interested in Rebecca and her progress. That is heartwarming to us.
I have come to realize that while this is a story about Rebecca, it is also a story about Audrey and I. After 26 days staying at Marriott Residence Inns both in New Hampshire and Boston we have moved to a nice apartment provided to us by Spaulding across the street from the hospital. While we have nothing against Marriott Residence Inns, we did get tired of eating Cheerios out of a box and powdered eggs for breakfast. I am looking forward to seeing my new points total. I can not count the number of times that I left my key card in the room locking myself out.
The visitor policy at Spaulding is pretty strict due to Covid but we were able to get permission for a dear friend of Becca's who goes to school in Boston to visit her today. We are grateful for that. This will be wonderful for Rebecca as she misses her friends.
Once again we want to thank everyone for their wonderful support whether it is sending us meals, donating to the fund, sending us messages, keeping in touch or praying for Rebecca, it keeps us going.
Love to all, Audrey, Scott and Erik.
April 7, 2021
Once again we must thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for all the support and love you have shown us throughout this terrible ordeal. It has lifted our spirits and helped carry us through this journey. It has provided us some degree of solace in these rough days.
Today our Rebecca was cleared and was able to eat solid food for the first time since her accident. This was a big step in the direction of progress. It made us all so happy. Rebecca has been at Spaulding Rehab now for six days. She receives physical and occupational therapy every day. She also works with a speech pathologist and a respiratory therapist daily. So far we are pleased with the professionalism and dedication of all the caregivers at Spaulding.
Please continue your prayers and thoughts for our wonderful Rebecca. Love Audrey, Scott and Erik
April 1, 2021
Dearest Friends and Family: Earlier today our Rebecca was discharged from Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Centre and was transported via ambulance down to the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston. The ride was a little over two hours and went smoothly. Audrey was able to ride in the ambulance along with Rebecca, a Respiratory Therapist and a Critical Care Nurse. Once at Spaulding they began assessing Rebecca. Once they are done with their evaluations they will formulate a plan for her. Rehab for someone like Rebecca is complex and is comprised of many different components and specialties. It can also be long and never ending. We continue to be hopeful and pray for miracles for our dear Rebecca who is doing her best to remain strong. We tell her (and ourselves) to try and take one day at a time with this. When that doesn't work we say take one hour at a time! We will continue to keep you posted on Rebecca's progress at rehab.
We want to thank everyone again soooo much for all of the financial and emotional support that you have provided to us. We are overwhelmed with the enormity of what has happened to Rebecca. We are equally overwhelmed with all the support and love that has been expressed for Rebecca Receiving your financial support and reading your comments has meant the absolute world to us. It provides us some degree of relief to know that so many people care so much. It reminds us that there is so much good in people and in the world.
Please continue to keep Rebecca in your prayers and thoughts every day. Love to you all. Scott
March 28, 2021
Thank you to everyone for all you have done so far for our dear Rebecca! Below is Audrey and my story concerning what happened. Love to you all. Scott
March 13, 2021 was like any other Saturday for me. I knew my two kids were both skiing that day at Stratton Mountain in Vermont. I swam laps that morning and spoke with my wife Audrey about whether she had any preferences for dinner. Audrey had gotten together with a friend to go for a walk and I decided to take a ride down to Jones Beach and walk on the boardwalk. Something I loved to do. It was a beautiful day weather wise. It took me about 20 minutes to drive down to the beach and just as I was parking the car my cellphone rang.
It was a strange number. When I answered the phone it was my son Erik who immediately told me that Rebecca was in an accident and was found unconscious in the woods on the mountain. He told me she was going to be airlifted to Dartmouth Hospital in New Hampshire. He knew no more. I immediately started trying to reach Audrey on her phone and at the same time I began driving home. I reached Audrey when I was just about home and she immediately began walking back to come home so that we could head up to New Hampshire. Shortly after I got home Erik called me again. He was at the medical clinic at Stratton and he put me on the phone with one of the Doctors. I was told the situation was dire; that my dear Rebecca was found without a pulse and that while they had revived her she kept losing it and they had to keep doing CPR to get her back. I was told that she was without oxygen for a period of time and this could result in her being brain damaged or brain dead. It was made clear to me that she may not survive the helicopter ride to Dartmouth and that the team of no less than 20 doctors had done everything they could to save her. I was then told Erik would be brought in to see his sister for what may be the last time.
Over the next three hours we functioned as robots. We packed some clothes and medicine we needed, grabbed some waters and snacks. We dropped off the dog at our dog sitter and began the five hour ride up to New Hampshire. How were able to do this is still a mystery to me. While I am not overly religious I believe G-d carried us and gave us the strength to function in what was the most awful day of our lives. I fully expected to receive a call that she did not make it and that our trip up there would be a short one. How my son Erik functioned and remained calm is a testament to what an amazing young man he is.
About halfway into the ride we called Erik who was in New Hampshire near the hospital. Rebecca was at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Centre which is a Level I trauma center. Having been here now for two weeks I can only call this hospital truly amazing. While it may not be geographically convenient you must trust me that this is the place you would want to go if something was very wrong medically. Erik could not go in because of Covid but was told that Rebecca had arrived critical and was now stable. We then called the ER and spoke with someone who went through a ton of medical jargon and said Rebecca although seriously seriously injured was following basic neurologic commands. We were also told that it appeared Rebecca had sustained some very severe neck fractures very high up on her neck. They were bringing her in for an emergency MRI and would make a determination if emergency surgery was necessary. Later that night we were told emergency surgery (meaning that evening) was not necessary. She would however need surgery over the next 48 hours to stabilize her spine. The doctor also confirmed how severe the fractures were and that she did not have the ability to breathe on her own and that she was on a ventilator.
We were told the next day the Hospital was lifting COVID restrictions and we could come in and visit. We booked our room at a local Marriott Courtyard and spent the night trying to sleep.
Oddly enough I was scheduled to have my second COVID vaccine shot on March 14th the day after Rebecca's accident. My appointment was at 2:20. So the following morning I drove from New Hampshire back down to NY to get my second COVID shot. After I got my shot I went home spent the night at home and packed up all the things that we had forgotten the day before when we first drove up to New Hampshire
Amongst this terrible day for all of us, there were some little miracles:
1-Stratton just happened to have a team of the best-top notch physicians on staff that day. Some of whom specialize in trauma. These Doctors refused to give up on Rebecca and did whatever it took to save her life doing whatever lifesaving measures are needed to keep her heart beating....... a miracle
2-Rebecca needed to go to a Level 1 Trauma Center. Their first choice of Trauma 1 Medical Centers is Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon New Hampshire, but there needs to be a helicopter available to air lift her there. Their second choice Trauma -1 Medical Center is Albany Medical Center. When Rebecca had her accident a helicopter from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center had just become available and flew right to Stratton to get Rebecca. ...a miracle
2-On our way up to New Hampshire, we called the ICU where Rebecca was taken and were told she was "critical but stable." ..."but stable." ...a miracle
3-Despite being without a pulse and needing CPR multiples times, Rebecca's brain MRI, neurologic exams, and cognition were all normal. ...a miracle.
We have now been here for over two weeks. We are trying to get Rebecca medically stable enough where she can be transferred to a Rehab centre in Boston.
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February 15, 2025
Puedes decirlo en inglés así:
I want to express my deep gratitude and admiration for everything you have taught us.
May God always bless you and send you all that is good.
Isaac Cohen
February 5, 2025
Peter janowsky
Susan Bloom
January 28, 2025
Never give up. Never surrender
Sharon Kidd
January 27, 2025
In July of 2023 I suffered a C3 SCI in a motorbike accident.
Finding Rebecca's Instagram and doing therapy, both had a profound positive impact in my mental wellbeing. Physically, I have been very lucky to come off the ventilator and regain movement on my upper torso, arms and left hand.
I am in a much better place now, emotionally and physically. Thank you Rebecca for your persistence in sharing your humor and happy moments on camera. Please stay strong and keep enjoying life in your own way.
Alex Pappas
January 26, 2025
I see you are striving for the best keep your will power up and you will change a lot of people\'s lives after they see you as much as you have done for yourself keep up the good work and remember I will be there for you no matter what praise the Lord if you\'re still with us thank you
Louis Workes
January 23, 2025
You are an inspiration! ♥️♥️
ashley kanoff
January 9, 2025
Keep up hope for a cure!
January 8, 2025
I would love to purchase an original piece of your art work, or a print. They are so joyous and colorful. I send you all my prayers. You are an incredible inspiration! That you. Kitty Bronster
Kitty Bronster
January 8, 2025
Best regards and hope for Rebecca, a local inspiring hero❤️
Elise Smith
January 7, 2025
From all of us at Caroling for a Cause, and the community that participated in our caroling weekend, we are honored to support you through this donation.
Caroling for a Cause Fundraiser
January 5, 2025
God bless you and your family, and may His Spirit shine down upon Rebecca. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Love and blessings from Australia.
December 28, 2024
Dear Rebecca,
Your journey continues to remind me of the importance of supporting meaningful causes, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to do something for you. Your strength and resilience inspire me and I hope this contribution helps you.
With admiration and warmest regards,
Eddie Salzberg
Childhood friend of Debbie and Audrey
Eddie Salzberg
December 20, 2024
Stay strong, Rebecca! You are an inspiration to us!
Joseph Araneo Family
December 18, 2024
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for continuing to share your experiences with the world. You inspire me on a daily basis.
Wishing you a happy holiday season and warm wishes in 2025 and beyond.
Judith Brenner
December 3, 2024
You're always in my thoughts, and I watch in awe at everything you accomplish!
- Susan Fleming
Susan Fleming
November 12, 2024
Your tiktoks are great. Keep up the positive attitude.
Karan Chawla
November 7, 2024
Best Wishes!
Charles Gill
November 7, 2024
Your painting is great :)
October 31, 2024
Refuah Schlema, Rebecca! You are an incredible person and an inspiration. Blessings, and keep being you!
Lynn and Marc Bekerman
October 23, 2024
Happy Birthday! You are an inspiration!
Best wishes to you and your family.
Jennifer Weiss
October 22, 2024
Happy 25th Birthday Rebecca!
October 21, 2024
Thanks for being an inspiration! Lily and Joe Nelson
Lily Kelman-Nelson
October 20, 2024
Best wishes to Rebecca from Gabe and Tina.
Gabriel Falsetta
October 20, 2024
Happy 25th birthday, Rebecca! This donation is in honor of your big day!
Robin, Steve, Marlee, Joe, Daniel
Robin Bernstein
October 18, 2024
You are very inspiring Rebecca. Your energy and smile ❤️
Ezgi Arik
October 18, 2024
Happy Birthday Rebecca! Your family and you are the heart of our community, we all come together because of your strength.
Birk family
Neil Birk
October 16, 2024
Hope you have a Happy Birthday, Rebecca! You are such an inspiration. Wishing all the best to you and your family.
Amy McNamara
September 28, 2024
Hugs and prayers your way! I had a spinal cord injurybin 1997. I call my accident date my rebirthday as I know I was given a second chance. I am a c6 quadriplegic, but know your spinal cord injury is more severe than mine, but just as devastating. I totally relate to the before and after you spoke about! I was 21 when I got hurt, now 48. I still hope to see a cure for us in my lifetime, but surely in yours! I met Christopher and Dana Reeve at Kessler institute where we both did therapy! Amazing experience! hugs your way!
Denyse Miele
September 26, 2024
Oh sweetie, I hug you virtually! I kind of know your B route in life. Our son was born with Muscular Dystrophy which actually took his life at 16. Parents and caregivers are so special and you are also all that. Please know that I\'m praying for you all from Twin Falls Idaho
This is where he attempted to jump the Snake River Canyon in 1974.
Remember that you are loved beyond measure!
Brian Johnson
September 20, 2024
Happy 25th Birthday Rebecca!!! You are truly an inspiration to all.
The Ross Family
Debbie Ross
September 15, 2024
It takes a village. Never give up, Rebecca. Happy Birthdays to our wonderful friends, Francesca and Danielle.
Ellen Yass Peter Simon
September 14, 2024
Sending best wishes for continued recovery and strength
Christina Lacagnina
September 4, 2024
Sending prayers and a happy birthday
Patrick Eidinger
September 4, 2024
Sending prayers and wishing you a happy birthday
Raegan Eidinger
September 3, 2024
Happy birthday, Rebecca! You are amazing!
Mindy Frankel Strauss
September 3, 2024
Praying for your family and for you to find and keep competent, kind caregivers!
August 21, 2024
Barney pee
Rebecca Maatz
June 10, 2024
Rebecca you give inspiration to all, most especially those who face serious challenges. May we alll make the most of our opportunities in your honor!
Elaine Collins
June 9, 2024
This donation for Rebecca Koltun is being made by our group, known as The "Hoops of Northport" . We are a group of friends who having been playing basketball together for 30 years. We also host various fund raising events to help neighbors.
David Anderson
June 7, 2024
God Bless!
May 30, 2024
Blessings to you, Rebecca, and your family.
Elin Branting
May 27, 2024
Jeff Weiner - 5k
Patricia Lyons-Bousquet
May 27, 2024
Rally for Rebecca Run-Walk-Roll - 5K, per request of Jeff Weiner
Barbara Kaplan
May 24, 2024
Please count this donation toward the 5K. Looking forward to volunteering at the event tomorrow!
Robin Eileen Bernstein
Robin Bernstein
May 24, 2024
Rick Siegel
May 24, 2024
Rebekah I look forward to Jehovah God’s promise that you will be totally healed in the near future! That promise is at Revelation 21:3,4-With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.
Lori Bracey
May 23, 2024
the roundtable networking group and jeff Weiner is happy to support slow and steady in their fundraising for this great cause
Jeffrey Weiner
May 21, 2024
Jeffrey Weiner
May 20, 2024
I am Sarah Teper’s friend!! Love your tiktoks xoxo
Courtney Kobus
May 20, 2024
Rebecca, wishing you all the best, always.
Jeff Weiner, this is in support of your 5K to help raise money for Rebecca - and all the good you do, every day.
Stacy Robin Mansoura
May 20, 2024
Jeff Weiner - 5k
Patricia Lyons-Bousquet
May 19, 2024
I have been following you since I met your grandmother at Gladys Aaron‘s 90th birthday party. When she mentioned George to the rescue, I knew all about it. As a special ed teacher of the Blind, I follow him with pride. Following the “Healing” Zoom episodes and your many outstanding accomplishments, I now follow you with pride.
Fran Post
May 16, 2024
Thank you Jeff Weiner for walking for such a great cause.
Judy Mines
May 10, 2024
Jeff Weiner 5K Run
John Scura
May 9, 2024
wish you well xo
lianne halfon
May 3, 2024
Best of luck reaching your goal
Stephen Horowitz
May 1, 2024
Wishing Rebecca and the entire team a successful “Rally for Rebecca”& additional remarkable progress!
Susan Weingarten
April 29, 2024
Best wishes for a very successful and fun Rally!
Marion Rose
April 29, 2024
Sending Rebecca so many prayers for her recovery. She is inspirational!
Raegan Eidinger
April 27, 2024
Rebecca, you are a true inspiration!
Lori Scheur
April 9, 2024
Bravo, Rebecca! Sending our great admiration and love to you and your family.
Mike and Elaine Kantor
Myron and Elaine Kantor
April 6, 2024
My brother Peter Verdirame has chosen to help Rebecca in any way he can. We hope this helps Rebecca and her family. Much love.
Virginia & Christopher McMahon
April 5, 2024
Donation is for Rally for Rebecca 5K from Northwell Health STARS Rehabilitation.
Denise Goncalves-Hutter
March 27, 2024
My son, William Jennings, met Rebecca while lifeguarding at HKC and they became friends . My beloved Will tragically died in a plane crash in Australia on November 4th of 2023. He was assisting in the efforts to fight the bush fires. It recently came to my attention that in the past Will had asked friends to donate to Rebecca instead of giving him a birthday gift. Happy Birthday, Will. To Rebecca & Family, I’m thinking of you and sending love your way.
Denise Jennings
March 26, 2024
God Bless the Koltun Family now and always.
Rabbi Ron Csillag
March 25, 2024
He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Fathers full giving is only begun.
His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.
March 20, 2024
Dear Rebecca,
Wishing you much luck. You are truly sn inspiration.
Linda Gallof
Linda Gallof
March 17, 2024
Love You!
June Levine
March 14, 2024
I promised to match all donations up to my Facebook Birthday Fundraiser's goal. We exceeded that goal, so I'm matching the total amount raised.
Happy 3rd Survival-versary, Rebecca!
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
Robin Bernstein
March 14, 2024
Wishing your beautiful daughter well. I was struck by her story. I’m a mom of a Binghamton alumni and have a current student there. I remember hearing about her. We wish her well!
Denise Algerio
March 14, 2024
Rebecca.. u are a true inspiration!! Sending lots of love!
Debbie Laykind
March 14, 2024
Rebecca you are an inspiration to all! The Starks
Dale Stark
March 13, 2024
Best to you Rebecca and Famiiy!
Ronni Marcus
Ronni Marcus
March 13, 2024
Here’s to a woman and family of great strength and love.
Stephanie Calliott
March 13, 2024
We continue to hold you an your family in our prayers. You are a remarkable young lady and inspire everyone who knows you. Keep that beautiful smile and know there are a lot of people who love you and your wonderful family!
Judy and Ray Goldman
March 13, 2024
You are an inspiration!
Ellen Casper Flood
March 13, 2024
You are an amazing woman and artist. Keep on with your work and your smile. You are an inspiration. Your entire family is an inspiration.
Mindy Strauss
March 13, 2024
Querida Becca, Tu eres una persona muy especial y maravillosa. Somos muy orgullosos de ti.
Enviamos besos y abrazos. Nos vemos pronto!
Xoxo. Rhonda y Elliot
Rhonda & Elliot Silverberg
March 13, 2024
Keep smiling!
March 12, 2024
Thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Alice Kelly
March 12, 2024
Praying for you!!!
Susan Tancer
March 12, 2024
We are astounded by Rebecca’s accomplishments over the past three years. Wishing her continued successes in all her endeavors.
Susan Weingarten
March 12, 2024
For Rebecca, You continue to inspire.
Karen Rothburd
March 11, 2024
Hoping this helps Rebecca and her family. Love them all
Lori Melnitsky
March 11, 2024
Keep Thriving and making us smile with your creativity and accomplishments Rebecca!
Kathie Ring
March 11, 2024
Sending our love always!
Jan and Eric Rogers
March 11, 2024
Rebecca, your ability to live life to the fullest inspires me every day. Everything is possible!!
Lisa Gilburne
March 11, 2024
From an occupational therapist in Baltimore who did fieldwork with pediatric SCI at KKI
March 10, 2024
Keep on, keeping on, Dear Rebecca. <3
Holly Kurtz
March 9, 2024
I’ve been following Rebecca on tik tok for probably around 2 years now. I think her attitude and drive is honestly incredible. She has the best sense of humor and I can just tell she’s absolutely brilliant and I just have a lot of respect for her. I hope she continues to see the positive in every situation and continues to show others how no matter what you’re going through you can’t give up. She really embodies such strength, courage, and joy and has helped a lot of people including myself. I can’t wait to see what she does in the future!
Meghan Murphy
March 8, 2024
Keep Living Well! Everyone’s rooting for you
jiayun Koh
March 7, 2024
You’re strong! Power through!
March 3, 2024
Supporting your fund
Amber Mirza
March 1, 2024
I just lost my dad and find you so inspiring! You show so much positivity and there’s a great charisma and beauty coming from you! Keep it up!
Alessio Scorrano
February 29, 2024
Revecca I came across your page and I commend you for your advocacy of SCI. I am an SCI OT and run an adaptive ski program for veterans, keep doing what you love!
Matthew Pescatore
February 12, 2024
Have you heard about how specific sound frequency can apparently positively affect spinal cord injuries? Look up healing sound frequencies on You Tube. Also, check out Tesla MedBed Technology Clinic in Longboat Key, FL. Is restoration hope for some in this time. I\'ve only begun to read... Blessing on your week.
K Genser
January 29, 2024
Refuah Shlema !!
Sending you strength and much Love
January 20, 2024
Wishing you the best
January 5, 2024
I am so hoping to see you all this Winter!! Much love to you all!
Susan Fleming
Susan Fleming
December 26, 2023
Hi Rebecca, Audrey, Scott & Erik--
Wishing you all the best in 2024!
Robin Bernstein
December 22, 2023
In honor of Amy Max from her team at Hercules Fence.
Jay Klebanoff
December 21, 2023
With lots of love!!
Brad Parpan
December 14, 2023
Hi Rebecca,
You don’t know me but I am praying for you. I came across your story by chance about a year ago. Because of you, I remember to pray for all spinal cord injury patients, especially the young, in my prayers.
Lisa Barone
November 28, 2023
Hey Rebecca - You are a TOTAL inspiration. Your cycling cousin. Gerry B
Gerald Brooks
November 9, 2023
Friends of Harriet Yablonka and Risa Leibowitz
Wishing you all the best
Our prayers are with you
Curtis ,kirsi and Nina Phillips
Curtis Phillips
November 5, 2023
My contribution is small, however I’m sure that if i veryone does it part you will manage to so it.
I just came across to your IG and I’ve just seen a fantastic smile, try as much as you can to keep it and you shall have everything you’re fighting for.
Love from Portugal
Bernardo Carvalhas
October 27, 2023
A few days late, but congratulations on your 24th birthday! I just read your story. I am 22 myself and have deep respect for you. You are an inspiration to many. I wish you all the best for the future.
The Netherlands
Dennis Bolder
October 22, 2023
More fill the board donations!
Sarah Mensch
October 22, 2023
Donation courtesy of several donors to the fill the board birthday fundraiser!
Sarah Mensch
October 21, 2023
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Rebecca! This donation is in honor of your special day!
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin & Steve Feigenbaum
Robin Bernstein
October 19, 2023
I pray for you get better as I hope God bless you as reminder as please remember their is a God because remember he is real because regardless he is here for you what happened he is with you regardless your health goes because Jesus Christ loves you as myself I believe in God as believe in his word because as christian and Jew and Muslims all serve God because our God and Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever as sure blessings came for you maybe that's why I'm here for you maybe my donate why I'm here for you show you my support because I really care about your health and your life to getting better for your recovery as hope you get better and get well as you don't know me as my connection be together forever in your heart and your life as your friend as unnamed
October 17, 2023
Happy Birthday, Rebecca! :)
Audra Lewton & Family
October 13, 2023
All my prayers and love
Trisha Ninivaggi
October 5, 2023
You are a light.
October 1, 2023
Dear Koltun Family,
Thank you for the recent update on beautiful Rebecca. I thoroughly enjoy knowing her progress and learning about all the things she is doing. Rebecca and your family are forever in my daily thoughts and prayers. May God continue to bless Rebecca as she makes strides to do more and more. May God Bless you all.
With Love always,
Debbie Conk & Family
Debbie Conk
September 26, 2023
God bless you all. Blessings this special time of year and prayers for a beautiful young woman.
Lisa Marie Scrima-Castelli.
September 26, 2023
It's a small help from Ukraine. Get well soon, I believe you will overcome all the troubles you have!
September 25, 2023
Love your smile
September 24, 2023
Happy fall to the Koltun family, Your updates are incredibly uplifting and not being on social media I appreciate the email with all the great events you having going on to help support Rebecca's recovery. We will always support Rebecca and can only imagine the expenses your family faces. Keep up the great hard work you are all doing and please know we are always praying and supporting the inspirational determined Rebecca.
With love,
Donna Donnelly & family
Donna Donnelly
September 20, 2023
Stay strong and keep amazing all of us along your journey!
Scott Bentley
September 19, 2023
I remember my daughter who was a Binghamton University student at the time sharing the news about Rebecca. Being we are from Long Island as well, we felt the need to help if even just in a small way. We are so happy to see the progress and resiliency Rebecca has made and will continue to make. Her artwork is beautiful just like her!! All the best to all of you!
Denise Algerio
September 19, 2023
Sending Rebecca prayers & strength!
Raegan Eidinger
August 31, 2023
MUCH L<3\\//E ALWAYS, Friends!
Sending (+) POSiTiVE (+) \V/iBES onto you-all by spirituality, ViA Eatonton, GA.
Adam Cayle FUNck
August 19, 2023
You are amazing!
Kevin M. Spiegel, FACHE
August 14, 2023
You are a Rockstar.
Matos Stewart
July 29, 2023
Supporting Rebecca's foundation.
Amber Mirza
June 11, 2023
You’re and inspiration for everyone! You are amazing and will do great things in this world!
Raymond Sanchez
May 30, 2023
Stay strong Rebecca. You are an inspiration for us all. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
Joanne Ditchik
May 29, 2023
Happy to suuper Rebecca as you discover all your abilities post-accident. From Kerry Ring’s Uncle Bill
William Schineller
May 27, 2023
❤️ from Chris and Brian!
Chris Smellie
May 27, 2023
She is an inspiration to us all.
Mindy Schultheis
May 26, 2023
Dear Rebecca, Scott, Audrey & Erik, I was planning to be at the walk tomorrow but things got a little hectic. I am wishing you much success with the walk and hope our donation helps meet your goal. Rebecca is always in our thoughts and prayers.
Love always,
Donna Donnelly & family
Donna Donnelly
May 26, 2023
Your courage and bravery is inspiring to us all! Keep up the fight and persevere. We are in awe of your strength and inner toughness.
All the best - John and Ellen Janowski
John Janowski
May 24, 2023
I admire your true warrior are an inspiration to all.
Susan Shapiro
May 20, 2023
Thinking about you and wishing you “Refuah Shleimah.”
Dina Hochbaum
May 19, 2023
Scott, Audrey, Eric, and Rebecca - So sorry we won't be at the 5k. We hope this helps you meet your fundraising goals!
With love,
Marlee and Joe
Marlee Appert
May 18, 2023
Dear Scott, Audrey, Erik & Rebecca--
We can't make it to the 5K this year but we'll be cheering you on from afar, and are happily making this donation to help you reach the goal. Big thanks to everyone who worked so tirelessly to make this annual event a reality.
Steve Feigenbaum & Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
Steve Feigenbaum
May 8, 2023
You're a ray of sunshine and an inspiration! We are amazed by you. xoxo Holly Gelfand Kurtz and fam
Holly Kurtz
April 28, 2023
Wishing all the best to you and your beautiful family!
Sharon and Abe
Abraham Stecker
April 8, 2023
Dear Rebecca & family, I may have not posted in a while but you are ALWAYS in my thoughts & prayers and that will never stop. We will be at the May run to show our continued support for Rebecca and her story remains close to our hearts and something we share often to others. May the spirit of good people continue to support the Koltun family.
Love always,
Donna Donnelly & family
Donna Donnelly
March 28, 2023
May God watch over you.
Diane York
March 16, 2023
My Rally for Rebecca Facebook fundraiser this month quickly hit its first goal, so I raised it. We soon surpassed the second goal, so I raised it yet again. Happy to report that we met the third and final goal, which I matched, and exceeded it, too! Big thanks to my generous Facebook friends who proved it takes a village. And three cheers for Rebecca, who proves her winning spirit every day!
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
March 15, 2023
In support of Rally for Rebecca donation!
Lauren Friedland
March 7, 2023
Thinking of you and sending you my best wishes.
Amber Mirza
January 22, 2023
Wishing you continued gains
Marilyn Greenberg
January 21, 2023
A privilege to support Rebecca and family -
alice and victor fornari
January 19, 2023
Wishing you all the best Rebecca from the Mueller family.
Nancy and John Mueller
January 19, 2023
Keep fighting, Rebecca. All who know you are incredibly proud of you.
Domenick DiDomenico
December 31, 2022
may God multiply this trillions of times.
carol rastelli
December 29, 2022
Wishing you all good things and Blessings for 2023
Ronald Csillag
December 24, 2022
I just think you are STUNNING and so funny and I’m so so impressed. I wished we lived close so we could hang and be friends
Kate Hansen
December 22, 2022
Best wishes for the new year Rebecca!
Steve Feigenbaum
December 21, 2022
Happy Chanukah to the Koltun Family :)
Audra Lewton
December 19, 2022
Our family continues our prayers for your family. My daughters had the privledge years ago to babysit. We've been blessed by your whole family for a long time in your kindness and trust. Thank you and God bless you each along with every need. May this small token multiply now and always. Happy Hanukkah,
The rastelli family
carol rastelli
December 18, 2022
Wishing Rebecca and her family a happy Chanukah from Emily, Steve, Max, Miriam, and Malcolm Schulman
Emily Raphael
December 12, 2022
Dear Koltun Family,
I saw this post about Lego wheelchair ramps in Germany and thought you would be interested.
Gigi Aharoni
December 8, 2022
You are awesome! Wish you the best!
Holly Blackstead
December 6, 2022
Wishing your family peace this holiday season, and always hoping for a cure for Rebecca. Anything is possible!
Mariana Rountry
November 30, 2022
Inspirational message as always. Love to all.
Susan Green
November 30, 2022
Wishing all the best to Rebecca, Erik, Audrey, and Scott. Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving!
Lisa Gilburne
November 30, 2022
Sending Rebecca prayers for her recovery….
Raegan Eidinger
November 29, 2022
a donation for an awesome young lady with love
helene korel
November 29, 2022
Rebecca, it was fantastic having the family together for the Thanksgiving holiday. The support of your friends continual visits is a tribute to you. Continue you being you. This donation is in honor of Gramms' and PW's 62nd Anniversary.
I love you.
Aunt Debra
Debra Aleck
November 26, 2022
I think of you very often although I have never met nor spoken with you. I do free advanced SPANISH graded studies online at Duolingo. Perhaps you might be interested in looking into that I would love to communicate directly with you sometime. I hope that you are doing very well and I love your TikToks . I have multiple disabilities and work fulltime. Marsha Lampert MBA MS
Marsha Lampert
November 2, 2022
Rebecca is an inspiration for our town! May you and your family be blessed with a r'fu-ah sh'lei-mah.
Joseph Kamenshchik
October 28, 2022
My parents have been close with the Alecks for decades and have been sending all of their love daily to Rebecca and all of the Aleck/Koltuns. This special donation is made honor of their 60th Wedding Anniversary on 10/28/22. May Rebecca feel the love and support of everyone who cares for her and her family and she continues life’s journey.
Tammy & Courtney Bloom
October 23, 2022
Happy birthday Rebecca !!!!
Marsha Lampert
October 21, 2022
In honor of Rebecca's birthday!
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin & family
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
October 21, 2022
Sarah Teper
October 20, 2022
You cannot help yourself but to root and support this amazing and beautiful young woman! I encourage everyone to also donate to a charity that is actively trying to find a cure (please do this in addition to your financial support of Rebecca). I did some research and made a matching donation to I am not sure if Rebecca or her family have a different organization that they are supporting.
I am inspired!
Chris Cardillo
October 12, 2022
Happy Birthday to beautiful Rebecca. Thinking and praying for you every day. Forever in my heart.
Love always,
Debbie Conk and Family
Debbie Conk
October 6, 2022
Dear Rebecca, Scott, Audrey & Erik,
It may have been a little while since I last sent a message but there isn't a day that goes by that we aren't thinking, praying & rallying behind Rebecca. We wanted to wish Rebecca a very Happy Birthday, not sure the exact day but I understand it's her Birthday month and we wanted to send warm birthday wishes to the incredible, strong, dedicated, young beautiful lady that Rebecca is. Happy Birthday Rebecca...we will always be with you!
Love always,
Donna Donnelly & family
Donna Donnelly
October 6, 2022
In honor of Rebecca.
And to thank you for your help.
May one recovery help lead to another.
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
September 30, 2022
In honor of the Hope Award recognition of Wendy and Andrew Mensch
Phyllis Chazan
September 24, 2022
Wishing the Koltun family a Happy and Healthy New Year!! ❤️
Elise Gonson
September 20, 2022
Your courage and fortitude is inspiring!
Deborah Schiff
September 17, 2022
Donate towards the Comedy Night on September 17, 2022
Ruth Simon
September 6, 2022
Thinking of the Kolton family. Love, Rena
rena springer
September 2, 2022
Sending prayers to Rebecca & her family.
Raegan Eidinger
August 28, 2022
Thinking of the Koltun family
Joanne Lein
August 24, 2022
Your strength inspires us daily! We wish you well and hope you continue to make new strides everyday.
Marlee and Joe Appert
August 19, 2022
Keep moving forward a day at a time and let your light shine brightly for all to see.
Scott Singer
August 6, 2022
I read your post and want to wish your daughter Rebecca the very best.
While watching an Elon Musk podcast, I came accross this bit of info about a \"neuralink brain chip\" - hear more about it here:
Best wishes,
August 1, 2022
sending best wishes for continued recovery and strength
Amber Mirza
July 23, 2022
Always thinking and praying for Rebecca and her family!
Susan Mendelsohn
July 23, 2022
Hi Rebecca, I think of you often although I dont know you personally, and wanted to let you know of an awesome free continuing ed type online SPANISH education program called Duolingo in which I am a student part time ,I had earned one of my 2 BA Degrees in Spanish(the other in Music,both at Hofstra University) I would love to meet you in person sometime - I am so happy that you are doing so well especially in Art! I cried when I watched your Rescue video- You are so courageous and strong,
Marsha Lampert MBA MS
Marsha Lampert
June 23, 2022
In memory of Thomas Varushese, grandfather of Jonathan Korason.
Lonnie Fogel
June 21, 2022
Dear Rebecca, Scott, Audrey & Erik, Last month we had the opportunity to meet you at Rebecca's 5K Rally. Your family is even more loving and enduring in person and are so deserving of ongoing support. We know none of this has been easy and every day may be different but we are always praying for each of you. May god continue to give you the the strength you need and that people from all over continue to support the Koltun family.
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
June 8, 2022
To Rebecca, the epitome of grace and courage.
Bob Frankfort Frankfort
June 5, 2022
Rebecca, You are in my thoughts and prayers every single day. I thank God that His Grace has reigned done on you during this extraordinarily difficult time. It's oh so easy for me to say that all things happen for a reason, but if the tables were turned, I'd find it very challenging to accept my present situation. So, it can only be by God's Grace that you move forward with such strength, Grace and dignity. I was born and raised in Whitestone, NY. I will be on The Island in September. Could I possible stop by your home and say, "Hello?' I can only imagine how many family, friends and well-wishers want to drop in. Either way, my daily prayers will embrace you especially as you wake up every morning and prepare to start your day. Love&Hugs, John Merritt
John Merritt
May 30, 2022
The Wolff family is sending continued prayers and support.
Janine Wolff
May 29, 2022
So nice to hear that the 5K was a smashing success. And all the love and support you continue to receive, and deserve.
Douglas Kelban
May 29, 2022
What a beautiful family photo on FB on the day of the 5K! Love to you all - Susan
Susan Fleming
May 28, 2022
In support of Susan Teich
Rima Licht
May 28, 2022
This donation is in honor of today's Rally for Rebecca inaugural 5K Walk-Run-Roll. What a wonderful event and terrific turn-out! Congrats to the folks who worked tirelessly to make it a reality.
The Bernstein/Shnitkin/Appert/Feigenbaum crew :)
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
May 28, 2022
We are amazed by the courage of Rebecca and all the Coulton’s and thrilled by the leadership of Andrew and Wendy.
Nancy and Glenn Turett
May 28, 2022
We are sorry that we could not make it this morning but are with you in spirit...
Karen, Jon, Ben and Dani
Karen Jason
May 28, 2022
Sending our warmest best wishes to Becca and the Koltun family.
Amanda , Sammi, Randy & Eric Newman
Randy Newman
May 27, 2022
-in support of Rebecca Koltun's walk-run-roll campaign. GO REBECCA! -with love, -Lauren Friedland
Lauren Friedland
May 27, 2022
Rally for Rebecca
Norma Spund
May 24, 2022
Rebecca is one of a kind gem
Jaya Roy
May 24, 2022
Dear Rebecca, Scott, Audrey & Erik, We are pleased to share that we will be at Rebecca's Rally this coming Saturday. Rebecca is a smart, beautiful, driven individual who has touched the lives of people all over the country if not world. We wouldn't miss this and will be there to support someone we see as being a force in life. Thank you Rebecca for showing us to never give up, you are a true inspiration. We will see you Saturday. Love, Debra Conk & Family
Debra Conk
May 24, 2022
Dear Rebecca, Scott, Audrey & Erik, I know it's been a while since I have posted but not one day has passed that we don't continuously think and pray for Rebecca's recovery. We read your beautifully written updates and love the way your home renovation came out. We will be at your rally this Saturday with family and friends in support of one of the greatest causes, supporting the determined and resilient Rebecca! We will see you there.
Love always, Donna Donnelly & Family xoxoxo
Donna Donnelly
May 23, 2022
You are an inspiration
Robyn Diruzza
May 17, 2022
Sending love and strength. We can’t be there on the 28th but wanted to show our support.
Jan and Eric Rogers
May 16, 2022
Binghamton Golf Outing Second Part
Luke Petrsoric
May 15, 2022
Went to high school with your grandma Helen.We wish you only the best of care .
Trudy Morris
May 15, 2022
Rebecca- we continue to pray for you and your wonderful parents.
Fellow Nassau county residents.
The Mendelsohn’s
May 15, 2022
Rebecca\'s come a long ways thanks to you guys, and all the friends, relatives, and helpers who\'ve been on the journey with you. The mission goes on.
Doug and Susan
Doug Kelban
May 11, 2022
We just had our second annual Binghamton golf outing in honor of Rebecca. Our thoughts are still with you and we hope you continue towards a strong road to recovery.
Luke Petrsoric
May 10, 2022
PS - Wow! The house! So, so good. So grateful for all the good people in the world. You really bring it out in them Koltons! Thank you!!
Gayle, chaplain
May 10, 2022
Hello Koltons, Thinking of you all on this beautiful May day. Such a delight to read your thoughts and \"hear\" your voice. Glad to hear that Becca is sparkling her sparkle, and you are fighting your fight - feeling very grateful that you\'re an attorney.
Know that up here in NH we remember your strength, determination and the amazing love of your family. Please share our warmest hello with everyone.
Gayle, chaplain
May 7, 2022
You nailed this one. We all try to get better and better as a person and in dealing with life. It works till the universe gets jealous and the you-know-what hits the fan. As for Green Acres, I was too busy watching the women to get bored... That\'s the secret!!
Douglas Kelban
May 6, 2022
Father has the same situation, can you add me on your group via Facebook.
Working on bringing him home soon.
Joseph Zengotita
May 6, 2022
You are a true inspiration!
Jennifer Livingston
May 2, 2022
I\'m so glad you found good help. As far as insurance companies: there\'s a special place in hell for them. About 15-20 years ago, a high up executive at Cigna resigned and then spilled the beans: it was Cigna\'s policy to routinely deny claims, trying to discourage and exhaust the ill people and their families, causing them to give up pressing legitimate claims, or perhaps die first. What kind of mutant can do this to Ill people and their families? The bastards lost a massive class action lawsuit, ha ha. Don\'t give up.
Douglas Kelban
April 29, 2022
Dear Rebecca, You are my hero. I pray and think about you and your family every day. For whatever reason, the cross you presently carry has touched my heart in a very profound way. Every morning I ask my Guardian Angel to hold your hand and help you get your day started, Yes, every morning I look at a list of men, women and children that are on my prayer list. I no longer live in Westchester County, NY, but if I did I would love to stop by just to say hello and remind you just how many lives have been touched by you. The truth is, most of this Earthly experience is a complete mystery to me. Why things happen the way they do is totally beyond my human comprehension. I pray for our brothers and sisters through out the day who live in the Ukraine. Sometimes it just hurts...I have no answers. I try to live One Day At A Time and do the best that I can. I pray for the spiritual eyes to behold the God Consciousness in every man, woman and child I see throughout the day. Faith, I\'ve been told, is the bridge between us and our Higher Power. I suspect that I\'m preaching to the choir and should shut up. If you ever need to chat, even at two in the morning, please call. I live in The Villages, Florida. It\'s an over 55 community with 72,000 houses and approximately 132,000 people. I\'ve been here 6 months and find myself growing in my love for God more and more each day..One of my favorite poems is, \"Desiderata\" by Max Ehrmann, 1921, Latin for \"things desired.\" Joke: You know you\'re getting old when you tell your husband that you\'re having an affair and says, \"So, Who\'s catering it?\" :-)
John Michael Joseph Merritt
April 26, 2022
Emily Raphael's birthday gift
Maxwell Schulman
April 24, 2022
I\'m sorry to hear about the nurse leaving. I wish I had some magic to alleviate your suffering. The loss of a good nurse, with the possibility of a crisis at any time must be draining, discouraging, y brutal at times in ways I can\'t even imagine. Susan, I, and the rest of the gang are humbled and in awe of you guys. If you want company on a day you guys are going for a walk, I\'d love to join you and get my fat butt moving. Also, if one of you needs transportation again, I\'d be happy to help. It\'s good to have old fart retired friends, LOL.
Love to all,
Susan and Doug
Douglas Kelban
April 23, 2022
Wheelchair Sports Federation - PushHard!
John Hamre
April 23, 2022
I’m thinking of Rebecca and the family daily.
Loved seeing your beautiful home. How wonderful that is for the entire family.
Carolyn Mcmurphy
April 18, 2022
As always, sending much love and healing thoughts and prayers to the whole Koltun family. Rebecca, you are always an inspiration. This donation is from the Feel No Evil book club fundraiser. Thank you to those who participated who may be reading this.
Stephanie Kaplan and Family
Stephanie Kepke Kaplan
April 16, 2022
Happy Passover to all of the Koltuns....with love, Lauren Friedland
Lauren Friedland
April 15, 2022
-from Marsha A Lampert MBA MS
Marsha Lampert
April 15, 2022
Wishing the Koltun family and the entire Rally for Rebecca community a Happy Passover!
Shannon Shensky
April 11, 2022
All my thanks to Peter Bloch!!!! (He made it happen)
Peter Janowsky
April 7, 2022
Hi Rebecca hope your doing okay. Hope you get better soon.
Daniela Tedoldi
April 4, 2022
We were sad to miss the event, organized by Peter Janowsky, but send our support to Rebecca and her family.
Rebecca Edelstein
April 4, 2022
Seeing you smile on GTTR was so amazing! We are so happy you have a new space to hangout with your friends and family ! Keep smiling xoxo love, The Kropf Family
melissa kropf
April 3, 2022
This is such a worthwhile cause.
Marilyn, Jo, MiaBeth Gorodetzer
April 3, 2022
Rebecca, my very best wishes for your continued well-being. Wenday & Andrew Mensch are des friends and their tireless campaign on your behalf has moved me (and others) greatly.
With love,
Barry Collodi
Barron Collodi
April 3, 2022
Dear Scott, Audrey, and Rebecca: Sue and I watched George to the rescue. We were overwhelmed, and both cried, but not just tears of sadness this time, but tears of gratitude towards all those who supported you through the worst times, and to GTTR and all those who work with him, for their incredible kindness and talents. We all hope this is the beginning of finding a new path forward. Much Love,
Doug and Susan.
April 2, 2022
Sending prayers and strength
Leslie Siegel-Flaxman
April 1, 2022
Keep up your valiant fight! You are loved and prayed for.
Lois Hass
April 1, 2022
Thank you Peter Janowsky, for sending the link to so many for this worthy cause.
Andrew Bernstein
April 1, 2022
Wishing you the very best
Susan Taran
April 1, 2022
Wishing the Family all the best and stay strong.
James Brazel
April 1, 2022
You are an amazing young lady. Stay strong and keep fighting.
Gina Guido
April 1, 2022
Best wishes always to all the Koltun's -- and a bit of special warmth on the occasion of Audrey's 57th birthday.
All best,
Nancy Mensch Turett/WholeView
Nancy Turett
March 31, 2022
Keep your youthful spirit up and ever forward, Rebecca!
March 30, 2022
Peter J.
Long Island Test Prep Jeff Eisenberg
March 28, 2022
So sorry you had such a tough week. I suspect that\'s true more often than you let on, but you carry on the best you can, which is pretty damn good. Rebecca is very lucky to have you guys for parents.
Doug Kelban
March 27, 2022
Good afternoon Scott and family, my daughters, Case and Jordan, went to HS with Rebecca, we learned of her accident the week that it happened. We were all crushed, the girls think the world of Rebecca.
I felt I had nothing tangible to offer, to help in any way so I have not communicated until now. I have worked in the field of disabilities my whole career in Quality Assurance, Im currently at the Viscardi center. I know of many resources that might be of interest to Rebecca, and am very good at finding what I do not yet know. I would love to be in contact and support Rebecca and your family in any way I can. You can initially reach me at [email protected] if you\'d like.
You are all always my our thoughts. so sincerely, Brooke Masone
Brooke Masone
March 26, 2022
Praying for Rebecca and her family!
Mary Guttieri
March 25, 2022
Sending love and good wishes!
Steve & Wendy Ahart
March 25, 2022
Thinking of Rebecca.
Manderly Cohen
March 24, 2022
Best wishes to a very brave girl and her family.
Lorraine Lubicich
March 24, 2022
Saw you on Tiktok, please keep uploading content so that you can reach many people.
Oguzhan Yildiz
March 23, 2022
On behalf of Peter J
March 22, 2022
Stay strong, stay funny.
Tim Taylor
March 22, 2022
You don't know me, but I found you and your story on TikTok.
Even though we will never see each other, I still wanted to give you a small donation in hopes that it will help you in some way.
Stay strong, Rebecca :)
Matteo Vivona
March 18, 2022
Sending you so much healing...
Robbie Kreinces
March 18, 2022
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and her family.
Howard Small
March 18, 2022
Instagram donations- 1 year anniversary
Lauren Fern
March 17, 2022
You’ve come so far! Keep going. Thanks for sharing your beauty, your heart & humor. Love your TikTok
Beck Grassano
March 16, 2022
For continued healing. Much love , Nancy
Nancy McGrew
March 15, 2022
Thinking of you. We continue to pray for health and healing!
Lauren Ruchelman Shaps
March 15, 2022
May The Most Gracious God, Lord of the universes ease your suffering and bring you healing, mercy, and peace. Ameen.
shahrzad mohammadi
March 15, 2022
I recently held a Facebook birthday fundraiser in honor of Rebecca's inspiring progress this past year, and in anticipation of all she has yet to accomplish. I'd originally pledged to match all donations up to the goal...but I'm very happy to report that thanks to so many generous contributions, we exceeded the goal! So I'm now matching every donation up to the total amount raised.
Two additional donations were made after I pledged my matching amount, so I matched those two donations via Facebook, and Facebook then closed my fundraiser. So I'm making the remaining matching donation here.
Robin :)
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
March 15, 2022
With love, The Manley Family
Linda Manley
March 14, 2022
Hi Audrey
Hopefully you remember me from our Equinox gym days and our talks in the locker room. I’ve been following Rebecca’s amazing recovery and journey and sending prayers to you and your family. You have amazing friends who keep everyone informed. Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family.
Ellen Brafman
March 14, 2022
Sending my prayers to Rebecca & her family.
Raegan Eidinger
March 14, 2022
I am always thinking of you Rebecca. Sending you lots of love!
Maria Stamatiou
March 14, 2022
The Mueller family continues to wish Rebecca and her family all the best.
Nancy Mueller
March 14, 2022
Keep up the fight!
Annmarie Woods
March 14, 2022
Friend of Peter J
Lorraine Lods
March 14, 2022
Thomas Mazzini
March 14, 2022
Sending love to Rebecca, Audrey, Scott and Erik. We wish you strength as you move forward in your journey of healing. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
The Bomzer Family
Karen, Jeff, Rich & Michelle
Karen Bomzer
March 13, 2022
Thinking of you and your family.
The Lafazan’s
Sandy Lafazan
March 12, 2022
Dear Rebecca,
Awhile back, you expressed a wish to meet Taylor Swift. You may already be aware of it, but, in case you aren\'t, there is a foundation called, The Make a Wish Foundation, which arranges these kinds of things. You need a referral from a doctor and social worker to qualify, as I understand it. If interested, contact the foundation, or contact me, and I will see if I can get a name for you to contact directly. You can get my email address or cell phone through the Help, Hope, and Live campaign list, as I have contributed. I don\'t think that your parents have my updated email address, and I don\'t want to post it publicly...
You and your family are really amazing...keep on rocking!
You are in my prayers constantly...and there are more people praying for you than you are aware...Things can change in ways unpredictably for the better too...Musicians Gloria Estefan and David Broza are examples who recovered from devastating accidents and surpassed doctors\' stay your strong, beautiful self....
I don\'t know if you got my other messages, but I know you because I grew up next door to your father in Baldwin, and I learned of your situation this past October...I cannot recall if you knew your Grandpa Dave, but I know that you did not know Grandma Estelle...I knew her, and I see a lot of her in your face...She was so upbeat too...wonderful lady with the most bubbly, personality and warmest smile....
I\'m sending you lots of love and healing energy.
Lauren Friedland
March 11, 2022
Support from the Tenenbaum Law, P.C. Team. ❤
Karen Tenenbaum
March 10, 2022
My hair is crazy enough. Enjoy the event
Agnes Wohl
March 6, 2022
We are always thinking and praying for you all.❤️❤️
Cousin Randi
March 3, 2022
Rebecca you have touched our hearts. I hope your days will be filled with sunshine and love from all around you.
madeleine zember
March 3, 2022
continuing to support your campaign. Wishing you well!
Amber Mirza
March 1, 2022
Never lose hope. You are beautiful and will always be.
Thelma Neira
February 25, 2022
Feelings of support are being sent to you Rebecca!
Sheri Mendelson Berkowitz
February 24, 2022
Here is wishing Scott, Audrey, Erik, and above all, Rebecca, all the best in this new and challenging journey that lies ahead. Wherever we are in life, God is present, and urging us to Choose Life, in a way that is always unique to our own abilities and given our unique circumstances. Rebecca--there is a gift you are to give to the world. We're sure of that. God bless you all, and much love...
Rabbi Perry Rank
February 17, 2022
EMB Confections for a Cause and the Glassman Family are sending healing thoughts, strengths and well wishes your way!
Sarah Glassman
February 15, 2022
Thank You Michael Wortzman!
Peter Janowsky
February 14, 2022
From the carjoy team football pool!
Eric Molbegat
February 13, 2022
The Koltun fam will always be in my prayers! Erik is one of the best and I can only imagine Rebecca is the same!
Abby Lavelle
February 12, 2022
Dear Rebecca, Scott, Audrey & Erik,
Thank you for these continued updates, hearing and learning about Rebecca's progress, you're day to day, and even how Scott thinks of his parents is a testament of the realness of the Koltun family.
I am looking forward to watching the reveal of your home's improvements (please keep us posted on when exactly in March this will air, we don't want to miss it).
We are aiming to be at the 5K and will be recruiting some of our friends to join us. Not a day goes by we don't pray for Rebecca and each of you. Keep up the good work and that goes to each and every person who have helped and loved the Koltun family. Like Scott said in an earlier post "we all need people" and that couldn't be more true!
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
February 12, 2022
Very impressed with Rebecca's attitude and drive and her wonderful family. Wishing you all the best. Hope our donation helps!
karen lazan
February 3, 2022
Keep up the good fight. God bless you and your family.
Diane York
January 27, 2022
Your strength and determination is inspiring.
Sarah McKnight
January 26, 2022
Praying for Rebecca & so sorry your that you are all going through this….
Raegan Eidinger
January 23, 2022
Sending lots of love and hope your way!
Rachel Molzon
January 18, 2022
Love and hugs to Rebecca and the Koltun family.
Helayne Giller
January 14, 2022
I am very touched by your spirit - i think you have a lot of great things to look forward to in the future. Godspeed
January 14, 2022
William McCluskey
January 10, 2022
Wishing you the best. You are an inspiration to me.
January 10, 2022
Sending love
Linda Hittleman
January 10, 2022
You are truly an inspiration to all humanity.
Mindy Schultheis
January 10, 2022
You are a huge inspiration Rebecca. Thank you for sharing your gifts and heart with everyone. Many blessings to you!
Linda Lucas
January 8, 2022
Rebecca, I read about your accident online and wanted to contribute to help with your recovery.
Eric Palmer
January 7, 2022
Praying for God to give you all the graces you need.
January 7, 2022
Prayers are with you. God Bless your strength.
January 2, 2022
A tragic accident but miraculous story!!! Praying for your recovery.
January 1, 2022
"To whom shall I turn thou hast the words of eternal salvation." Dear Rebecca, Please know that you are Loved by many. "Pray without ceasing."
January 1, 2022
Hope this helps. From Rabbi Jonathan Hecht
Jonathan Hecht
December 31, 2021
Hi Rebecca,
It was so nice to meet you and your family/friends at the Milleridge last night. You are a beautiful young lady- inside and out! My wish for you is that you keep that same inspirational spirit alive and continue to make all the healing progress on this journey. You are never alone and will always have our support. Wishing you and your family a happy & healthy new year!
Anandi Cappelmann
December 31, 2021
You've come such a long way and I'm so proud of you. You have been a wonder and inspiration to us all. Love you Becca!
Vivian Lin
December 28, 2021
Keeping Rebecca in my prayers
Amanda Doreson
December 27, 2021
Stay Strong!
Sture Sigfred
December 25, 2021
Holiday and Gods Blessings to you all …..
Linda and Larry Greaver
December 25, 2021
May God Bless You
Timothy Sullivan
December 24, 2021
Right after I wrote my last message, I was directed to the page of this wheelchair accessible wine bar in NYC- great concept!
Kathy Rothstein
December 24, 2021
Best wishes on your healing journey. My Grandmother received excellent care at Glen Cove hospital in the 1980\'s. I\'m so excited to learn about the caregiver support center that was opened there. It\'s truly an excellent model of care that all hospitals should implement to support patients and their families.
Kathy Rothstein
December 24, 2021
Rebecca, I saw you on News12 and I am so happy that you get to be home.
Amber M
December 24, 2021
Dear Rebecca, Scott, Audrey & Erik,
Watching Rebecca's recent video of her being discharged from Glen Cove Hospital was so uplifting to see. Rebecca is such an articulate speaker and remains to be such a positive force in our lives.
As someone who celebrates Christmas, today being Christmas Eve has always been a time to reflect on the things in life I have been so grateful for. Today I write to all of your family, friends, health care professionals and the community who have given Rebecca and her family the much needed support and love they have needed and deserved. I am so grateful to see the outpouring from people from all over, simply showing that "most people are good" in this case "real good."
May Rebecca continue to show us all how to take challenges head on and persevere. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas & a Happy & Healthy 2022.
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
December 24, 2021
Praying for Rebecca
Kerry OBrien
December 23, 2021
With best wishes, Donna Bialor and Art Popp
Arthur Popp
December 22, 2021
In honor of you, Rebecca. You'll be a doctor, or anything you want! For right now just be you, and we thank God for you.
Jacqueline Marx
December 22, 2021
Audrey, may you be given the strength to help Rebecca as she continues her difficult journey. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your amazing family!
Gregg and Rena Trestman
December 22, 2021
Welcome home Rebecca! We are so happy for you to be able to be home! Your positive attitude and love for life is infectious! Keep being you & take it one day at a time! Xoxo The Kropf Family
Melissa Kropf
December 22, 2021
I heard about you from My cousins, Jackie Kligerman and Sherry Gutes.
You are an amazing woman. Stay strong !
So much love coming your way.
Rocky from California
Rochelle Karbel
December 21, 2021
God bless you Rebecca,
and your family.
In my prayers,
Pat Leistman
Pat Leistman
December 21, 2021
Welcome Home!
Leslie Sattler
December 21, 2021
Dear Rebecca, we are so happy to see you out of the hospital.
Your smile is so contagious & we are so happy to hear that you will be so much closer to your family and friends.
Please know that you will always be in our prayers.
We will always be grateful for the love and compassion your dad showed our son.
We are rooting for you Rebecca !!!
God Bless, the Carroll’s
Kevin & Dianne Carroll
December 20, 2021
Best wishes to Rebecca and her family.
Thomas Kearney
December 20, 2021
Hello Rebecca, I saw your report on the news of you getting out of the hospital. I\'m wishing you the best on this major mile stone a new journey in life. I suffered a spinal cord injury when I was 20, and thanks to the support of my family and close friends I have been living my life to the fullest under my circumstances and experience great joy and sense of accomplishment. Their support let me continue my education and enter a field that I have great passion for which has led me to financial independence, fulfillment, and peace of mind knowing that life is going to be OK. I am now 51 and still going strong!
I can see that you appear to be surrounded by those that love you, and appear very supportive and helping you get to where you need to be. Wishing you the best!
Ron Lind
December 20, 2021
Welcome home Rebecca!!
Melissa Shenkman
December 20, 2021
Welcome home!!
Stephanie Rish
December 20, 2021
My heart and thoughts are with you, Rebecca. Though at times the road will be tough, I'm here to say there is life after a spinal injury. I will try reaching out to you and your family to see how else I can be of assistance. In the meantime, best wishes for a holiday spent with family, friends, and the rest of your care team.
A fellow SCI survivor and Bearcat,
Derek Vladescu
Derek Vladescu
December 19, 2021
Good Bless you, Rebecca and your family! Fight hard we are rooting for you!!!!
Spraytansbykat Spraytansbykat
December 17, 2021
Rebecca, you are a true inspiration to all! Your spirit is amazing! You are so lucky to have such amazing parents and brother! I follow your inspirational updates and your ticktoks. You have a great sense of humor!
Keep fighting!!!
❤️Nassau county neighbors- The Mendelsohn’s
Susan Mendelsohn
December 17, 2021
God Bless you Rebecca. I will pray for your full recovery.
December 15, 2021
Sending my love to the Koltun family.
Brad Parpan
December 14, 2021
May God Bless you and your determination and courage, Rebecca! Thank you Dr. Yacht for Rebecca's cookbook. I will cherish your gift forever.
Gerri Sikes
December 12, 2021
Holiday wishes for continued positive progress and good spirits from the Bartling Family
Jenny Bartling
December 11, 2021
Rebecca- you are an incredible individual And your radiance shines through in all your pictures and in the reports of your accomplishments both before and after the accident. Wishing only good things ahead for you and your wonderful family.
Sherry (Millman) and Rob Purzak
Sherry Millman Purzak
December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
Praying for Rebecca. A small Holiday donation.
Nancy Defendini
December 10, 2021
Keeping you in our prayers Rebecca
The Hogan Family
December 5, 2021
Happy Chanukah to the Koltun Family! Wishing you brightness and light always--
Audra Lewton & Family
December 1, 2021
Sending continued support, love, and best wishes to amazing Rebecca!! Love, The Gilburne Family
Lisa Gilburne
December 1, 2021
Thinking of the Koltun family during the holiday season <3
Jamie Simon
December 1, 2021
Hello Rebecca ,
I’m a retired art teacher from Bayside. Keep creating and sharing your wonderful art!
You inspire us all!!
With love and support,
Michelle Belil
November 30, 2021
Wishing Rebecca, Scott, Audrey and Erik continued strength, knowing your Plainview “family” is here for you.
Happy Chanukah!
Love, Susan and Scott Marc
Susan Marc
November 30, 2021
Sending lots of love, light, hugs and kisses to Becca, Audrey, Scott and Erik. It was fantastic spending the Thanksgiving holiday with you all.
Debra Aleck
November 30, 2021
Sending Love and Support from the Karla Gudeon Art & Design Crew
Karla Gudeon
November 30, 2021
Can't think of anything better TUE give to with love, support & eternal HOPE!
Lisa Snyder
November 30, 2021
For Rebecca on #GivingTuesday.
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
November 30, 2021
This donation is on behalf of POB DECA from our Rally for Rebecca fundraisers! Thinking about you always and all that you brought to our business department! Sending you lots of love <333
Catherine Tortoso POB DECA
November 30, 2021
Love to the Koltunsl from Laura Finch
laura finch
November 29, 2021
Dear Rebecca,
You remain in our hearts and you continue to inspire us with your outlook.
Happy Hanukkah!
The Brenner Family
Judith Brenner
November 26, 2021
100% proceeds from sale of Rally for Rebecca book
Jett Fieland
November 26, 2021
Rebecca - I follow you and your Dad\'s post\'s every Saturday morning. I think of you everyday. Yesterday I read in a Florida newspaper about a man who had a bad accident ten years ago who is now an artist. I immediately thought of you. His name is: Cruise Bogle. If you have the opportunity Google his name and look at his work. He paints just like you do. Keep working hard. You have a unbelievable fan club of people who pray for you everyday and cannot wait until you get home. Your beautiful in so many ways. Steve
Stephen Lennox
November 22, 2021
On behalf of the POB Guidance and Counseling Department. Sending our love to Rebecca.
Laurie Lynn-Claps
November 22, 2021
We wish you all the love and happiness. Keep fighting. Xoxoxo
Michelle Garvey
November 21, 2021
Dear Rebecca, Audrey and Scott,
I eagerly look for the weekly updates and was especially moved by Rebecca’s video post thanking her first responders. Rebecca’s poise, courage and expressions of gratitude are beautiful and humbling. I think about Rebecca and the family everyday and hope that in some small way my energy is contributing to the healing. I love you all, thank you for sharing your journey.
Hugs, Nancy
Nancy McGrew
November 21, 2021
Dear Rebecca, Scott, Audrey & Erik,
This latest post and video fills my heart with so much love, hope & perseverance, Rebecca continues to amaze everyone that knows her story! We wish your family & friends safe travels as they come to Long Island to celebrate Thanksgiving with the beautiful, courageous, determined, Rebecca. Thinking of you all and sending you tremendous love and prayers always.
With Love,
The Donnelly Family
Donna Donnelly
November 20, 2021
Scott, Thank you for your weekly updates. I k ow many of us wait for them. Please Know you, Audrey, Becca and the entire family are prayed for every day. May your Thanksgiving with family be special and blessed. Life is precious and changes in a heartbeat. Love and prayers, Linda and Larry Greaver (lake neighbors of Helen and Warren)
Linda Greaver
November 19, 2021
As a friend of the Cusanelli's and someone who is 43-year post spinal cord injury (C4-5-6), I wish Rebecca all the best and offer her my sincerest encouragement as she begins her recovery journey.
Joseph McCullough
November 16, 2021
Dear Rebecca, good luck with your recovery, hang strong
Nicole Neglia
November 16, 2021
We love you Becca and we're all rooting for you <3 You amaze us.
November 14, 2021
Dear Rebecca,
I read of your injury in the newsletter for our Alma Mater, Binghamton University. I am touched by your courage and strength, and the love and support of your family and friends. I know you will find your way through your journey, and I hope we will find a cure soon (as one day we will) for spinal cord injuries. Sincerely, Russel Harvey, Harpur College, \'94
Russel Harvey
November 13, 2021
Binghamton University alums sticking together. Good luck, Rebecca - never give up.
Howard Eisen
November 12, 2021
Wishing you all the best in your recovery!
- Shane and Meaghan Hurley, Binghamton University class of 2004
Shane Hurley
November 12, 2021
Sorry to hear of your situation. Best wishes.
Stephen R. Wasserman, Harpur College '74
Founder of the Wasserman Family Scholarship Fund at Binghamton University.
Stephen Wasserman
November 7, 2021
POB Nurses
Gail Hashmall
November 5, 2021
Birthday Fundraiser! You got this Rebecca!!!!
Madalyn Fernbach
November 2, 2021
POB Nurses for Rebecca
Suzanne Weissberg
November 1, 2021
POB School Nurses support Rebecca!!!
Margaret Coakley
October 31, 2021
Hello Rebecca,
Happy Birthday!! I loved your post about always being cold. I am the same!
I often use my heated seat in the car when my husband has the A/C blasting!
You don\'t know me but I have been following your posts since last spring. I live in Norfolk and am a friend of your Aunt Debra. I have kept you in my prayers. I have a son, Andrew (36) who was in a bad car accident when he was 15. He suffered a serious brain injury that has greatly impacted his life. We know all too well how fragile life is. I admire how you and your family have dealt with your tragedy with such grace and courage. God bless you!
Nancy Youngs Wilcox
October 29, 2021
Pumpkin contest!
Susan Rais
October 25, 2021
Rebecca, you are always in our hearts! xoxo The Zion Family
Jill Zion
October 25, 2021
Happy belated Birthday, Rebecca! We are wish you the best every day. You have had such a positive impact on a lot of people who know you or have followed your journey as you recover and make astounding progress each day. May God bless you and your family.
Gerard and Kerry Chesterton
Gerard Chesterton
October 25, 2021
Happy Birthday and best wishes to you and your family!
Jennifer Weiss
October 24, 2021
Happy Birthday Rebecca,
Your story is truly inspirational! It is easy to see how much you are loved by your family and friends! Keep on getting stronger and enjoy your special day!
Melanie and Eric Rosen (friends of the Bandlers)
Melanie and Eric Rosen
October 24, 2021
Happy 22 Birthday Rebecca! May God continue to create miracles in the coming year for you and your family. Birthday wishes for Hope, Faith, and Love. Mrs. Jahn
Donna Jahn
October 23, 2021
Happy Birthday Rebecca !!
Doug and Susan
Douglas Kelban and Susan Green
October 23, 2021
Rebecca your journey has been inspiring to our dear friend Janice as she is going through her own health journey . God bless you ! Marysue Susan & Barbara
Barbara Spencer
October 22, 2021
I am sorry I missed Rebecca\'s birthday but sending love and the very best wishes for a happy birthday. I have no doubt she was surrounded by love! Hoping Rebecca will continue inspiring everyone and surprising us all with her positivity and ability to accomplish goals that were thought to be impossible!... L\'chaim!
Love, cousins Judy and Ray Goldman
October 22, 2021
Happy Birthday to Rebecca!
Laura Miller
October 22, 2021
Happy birthday Rebecca! Hope your day was filled with family, friends and love. I wish you strength in the coming year and always.
With love, Mrs Marc
Susan Marc
October 22, 2021
Happy 22nd Birthday to you Rebecca. I continue to be so inspired by your strength, resilience and determination. Your beautiful smile lights up your whole face. I continue to pray for you all the time and continue to follow your dads posts to stay connected to you and your journey. Please always remember there are many people that don’t know you personally forever thinking and praying for you. I know you will continue to persevere and make amazing strides. May God’s Bless you always!
Love always, Debbie Conk & Family
Debra Conk
October 21, 2021
Happy Birthday Rebecca!
Dear Rebecca,
What a beautiful, sunny, warm day today was & so symbolic that today is your birthday as you are that beautiful, sunny, warm person. It's not surprising to read about the many people you have touched & inspired and while I am not on any social media and rely on your dad's updates, I can see from the outpouring of your family, friends and community just how special you are to everyone. May this birthday bring you continued progress, strength and resilience and know that we will never stop rallying behind the amazing inspiring Rebecca Koltun!
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
October 21, 2021
Sending healing thoughts and wishing you a very happy birthday. I think about you all the time.
Sharon Cohen
October 21, 2021
Happy birthday Becca❤️ Thinking of you all the time!!
Nicole Drebsky
October 21, 2021
Happy Birthday Rebecca!
October 21, 2021
Camille sloane
October 21, 2021
Happy birthday Rebecca ! I hope you have a great day! Keep smiling xo
The Kropf Family
October 21, 2021
Hi Scott & Audrey--
This donation is in honor of Rebecca's birthday.
Sending the Koltun crew much love, today & always.
***Happy birthday, Rebecca!***
Robin Bernstein & Steve Feigenbaum
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
October 20, 2021
The Koltun family are special people and I wish them all well. Rebecca, I know you’ll continue to make great progress!
Ronelle Hershkowitz
October 20, 2021
Happy birthday Rebecca
Enjoy your special day. I wish you joy
Marsha lampert
October 19, 2021
This donation is in loving memory of Milt Mensch. He was a loving husband, father, father in-law and grandfather to the entire Mensch family.
Alyssa Brill
October 19, 2021
Happy Birthday Rebecca. The love you feel from all of us on your special day is felt for you every day. You are remarkable. I know you will accomplish whatever you set your heart to do and we will be there to support you every step of the way. I am sending you much love from me and Erik.
Ruth Simon
October 18, 2021
You and your family continue to be in our thoughts. Keep up the good fight and work towards recovery!
Bruce & Zhanna Aber
October 18, 2021
Happy Birthday Rebecca
May this year be filled with love and smiles
Leslie, Lee , Jess and Evan
Jake and Enzo
Leslie Sattler
October 17, 2021
This donation is made with love to Rebecca, to honor the memory of Milt Mensch. We wish her all the best as she continues to get stronger each day!
Ellen and Joel Popelsky
Ellen Popelsky
October 14, 2021
Dear Rebecca,
Wishing you so much luck and tons of love.
Warmest Regards,
Debbie in the guidance office of POBJFK
debra alhante
October 14, 2021
That was quite an honor for you guys to be asked to speak on behalf of the hospital. It\'s a great way to give back to all the amazing people there who\'ve helped and supported you all. I\'m sure, given how well you write, that you helped them greatly. It\'s also great that you are able to grasp and enjoy some family normality. Hopefully, much more to come not just as a family, but for you and Audrey, who endured, and continue to endure, what no parents should ever have to endure, and you and Audrey have done it amazingly. That\'s it for now. Love to all, and it was great to see you at Shiva.
Doug Kelban and Susan Green
October 13, 2021
Pumpkin contest submission donation!
Jessica Raia
October 13, 2021
Rebecca keep inspiring all of us. Much love to you and your family.
Susan Green
October 12, 2021
100% proceeds from sale of "Rally for Sally" books. I hoe this is just the first of many more donations.
Raina Fieland
October 11, 2021
Becca’s Bootcamp proceeds! Xoxox
Maggie Cusanelli
October 8, 2021
The Walking on Sunshine Project is happy to give 36% of its total donation funds to help with Rebecca’s recovery!
Walking on Sunshine Project
October 8, 2021
I just learned of this, and I am sending lots of love, prayers, healing energy, and then some to Becca and the Koltun family.
Lauren Friedland
the Baldwin bond of friendship
Lauren Friedland
October 7, 2021
To Rebecca Koltun
gary dvoskin
October 7, 2021
Rebecca your artwork is so inspiring and amazing. Your story is miraculous and touches every chord in my heart and spirit.
Marsha Lampert
October 5, 2021
Good Morning, Becca,
I hope you are doing well and getting used to Glen Cove. It sounds like you are doing really well there - I am so happy to see. This morning I needed a \"Becca fix\" - your dad\'s messages and updates always help to put things in perspective when things in the world, or POBJFK, seem out of sort. It\'s so great to read you will be coming home soon - how exciting! I love your artwork, Becca - you really should consider an auction or sale down the road. You are so talented! Keep getting stronger, friend. Love from all your friends at POBJFK. xoxo
James Murray
October 2, 2021
Sounds like you found a wonderful facility for he
Love to all,
Doug and Susan
Douglas Kelban and Susan Green
October 1, 2021
In memory of my dear friend Meg's father, and sent with all good wishes to the Koltuns, especially of course Rebecca.
Emily Schulman and family
Emily Raphael
October 1, 2021
Beccas Bootcamp donations!!
Emily Leibowitz
September 29, 2021
Given by carjoy leasing on behalf of Matthew Lenner, Jamie Rudes, Jeff Stein and Seth Feinman
Eric Molbegat
September 29, 2021
Wishing Rebecca and family so much love, light and strength. You are an inspiration to so many. I'm so happy that you are home now, and I hope that the renovations go smoothly, and you can truly be in your own home soon. You're all always in my thoughts and prayers.
Stephanie Kepke Kaplan and Family
Stephanie Kepke Kaplan
September 25, 2021
From Eric Molbegat and the Car Joy Team on behalf of Seth Feinman!
Eric Molbegat
September 23, 2021
Rebecca, sending you love and support
Jennifer Rubin Frisch
September 22, 2021
Dear Audrey & Scott,
You’re in my daily thoughts & prayers. Sendings you all my love.
Dear Rebecca,
Your weekly updates have been so inspiring to me. Keep pushing forward! (ps: I’m a fellow Texas Roadhouse lover too!… maybe 1 day we can do a safe/socially distant lunch) :) xoxo
Melissa Chin
September 22, 2021
Sending you love and hope,
The Bursteins
The Bursteins
September 21, 2021
Rebecca: May God Bless You and give you and your family strength to continue your fight for a brighter future! with love and prayers
Diane York
September 21, 2021
On behalf of Matthew Brager from the team at CarJoy!
Eric Molbegat
September 19, 2021
Rebecca’s spirit and persistence should inspire us all. We greatly admire her and pull for her. How she solved the problem of crushing the cookies was ingenious and just a small demonstration of her determination! Good on you, Rebecca!
Good luck with your home transformation. I know that is really hard work.
Mike and I have you in our thoughts and prayers.
Elaine and Mike Kantor
September 18, 2021
Blessings to you all... And hope.
Barbara Litt
September 18, 2021
My mom has MS and uses a motorized wheelchair. When her minivan was customized for her chair she was so happy. It gave her freedom. Hoping Rebecca feels that as well.
Nina Goldrich
September 18, 2021
Hello Rebecca,
You don’t know me. I am Judy Burkhoff. My son, Jeff, works with your Dad. He told me about your accident.
As I read your story and all that you went and are going through, I can understand what a special person you are. Your determination, bravery, willpower, and perseverance is beyond inspirational. You are a beautiful young lady.
Continue to have trust in yourself and never give up in reaching your goals.
You’ll see, miracles do happen.
Best wishes and prayers to you and your family.
Judy Burkhoff
Judith Burkhoff
September 18, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey, Erik & Rebecca,
Thank you for continuing to post Rebecca's updates as it is so encouraging to see her progress and to hear of the support from so many including your family, friends, community, doctors, therapies and the wonderful caretakers who help in Rebecca's recovery. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't continue to pray for the best care and progress for Rebecca. Rebecca's drive and mindset is truly exceptional and will continue to advance her through all of this. I want to take a moment to tell Scott, Audrey and Erik that your family's love, strength, and devotion is very indicative of Rebecca's progress and the milestones that lie ahead for her. Keep up your strength and good luck with the much needed home renovations to help accommodate Rebecca's return home.
With Love,
Donna Donnelly and family
Donna Donnelly
September 17, 2021
Rebecca you will walk soon!!
September 17, 2021
We are praying for you and your recovery!!!!
Kelly Belluomo
September 17, 2021
From Eric Molbegat @ Car Joy USA on behalf of Harris Zakarian
Eeic Molbegat
September 17, 2021
On behalf of Larry Frydman c/o Eric Molbegat @ Car Joy USA
Eric Molbegat
September 14, 2021
To beautiful and amazing Rebecca,
Wishing every day of the New Year brings you a source of happiness and a step closer towards the promise of the wonderful life that you and your fabulous family deserve. Shana tova!
Glenna Rubin
September 12, 2021
Prayers for Faith and Hope to give you strength and courage as you’re family navigates this journey.. God Bless, Mrs. Jahn
Donna Jahn
September 12, 2021
Continue to be a warrior
Robin Kaufman
September 12, 2021
So good to have you back home, and to see in your perspective of time, Rebecca\'s remarkable spirit and progress.
Love to all,
Doug and Susan
Douglas Kelban and Susan Green
September 12, 2021
Rebecca, Claire & I are sending our best thoughts your way hoping your recovery goes well.
Marvin Friedberg
Claire & Marvin Friedberg
September 12, 2021
Dear Koltun family,
You All are an inspiration for me! Scott your posts are so poignant to read! I think of you often Audrey, Rebecca is fortunate to have such amazing parents!!
Rebecca is doing great things and will continue to do so! Erik is such a supportive brother. Please know that there are many people all over the country pulling for you all.
love, Sally Burnam
Sally Burnam
September 11, 2021
Keep improving!
Gayle Klein-Peck
September 10, 2021
Sending love and prayers of support for Rebecca and her family. Know you have a huge team rallying around you! XOXO
Barbars Thiem
September 10, 2021
Thinking of you all
Sharon Goldberg
September 10, 2021
I am Lori Melnitsky's aunt. My heart went out to the Koltun family when Lori told me of Becca's traumatic injury. L'shana tova and my hopes and wishes that Becca will improve significantly over time. So glad that your family is back together, able to love and comfort each other through stressful times.
Rosalind Katz
September 10, 2021
Sending hope and prayers. We’re Amy Max’s parents.
Ellen and Bruce Winston
September 9, 2021
Praying for Rebecca’s recovery….
Raegan Eidinger
September 9, 2021
We are friends of Warren and Helen. It is so important to provide good home health care for Rebecca. You are on the right track. Please take good care of yourselves.
Eileen Merten
September 9, 2021
Prayers always for your recovery
Emily Balog
September 7, 2021
Best of luck, Rebecca. You seem so talented and brave! Keep smiling. Linda Kay
Linda Kay
September 7, 2021
Miracles are possible with hope, determination and great neurosurgeons.
Lorraine Cohn
September 7, 2021
Hi Rebecca!
I\'m glad to hear you are closer to home and doing well. I\'m really glad to read all these updates and I hope your dad is as funny in person as he is in the updates. I think about you often and wish you well.
Amber Smacher (Geography Class)
September 6, 2021
Keep fighting, Rebecca. I don't know you, but your story has inspired me more than words can say. Thank you for sharing it with the world. Wishing you continued growth in the new year. L'Shana Tova. :)
Denise Javaherforoush
September 5, 2021
Glad you\'re all back in town. Hope to see you soon. I love Rebecca\'s fighting spirit and finding new ways to do stuff, like the forehead whisk. The only thing I use my forehead for is to slap it in disbelief when I\'ve done something incredibly stupid. Amazing I\'m not already concussed
Douglas Kelban
September 5, 2021
There will be a cure in your lifetime - i am sure of it. Godspeed.
Paula Halloran
September 2, 2021
Dear Rebecca, Audrey, Scott and Erik - you all cross my mind quite often. I am grateful to hear you are thriving as we knew you would when you went to Spaulding. It must be an immense relief to be one step closer to your hometown. Keep up the great work. I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Vicki Gould, RRT
Vicki Gould
September 1, 2021
I’m so thankful to have met you in Rec Therapy! I’m looking forward to seeing you progress. We’ll do it together!
Alban Kastrataj
September 1, 2021
This donation is made in celebration of the Koltun family returning home to Long Island. From close friends and distant strangers we are all sending love and support.
Margaret Cusanelli
August 29, 2021
Great to have you home. Sounds like Rebecca\'s really working hard on her rehab: a real sounds like a full time job!
Hope to see you all again soon.
Love, Doug and Susan
Douglas Kelban and Susan Green
August 26, 2021
In honor of Rebecca Koltun
Sharon & Jack Lennett
August 24, 2021
Thinking of Rebecca and her family with compassion and sending out love and deep thoughts of hope.
Susan McCarthy
August 24, 2021
In honor of Rebecca and in memory of Carl Hirsch
Jodi Koelsch
August 23, 2021
Supporting Rebecca in memory of Carl Hirsch.
Bonnie Miller
August 23, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a complete recovery!
Aviva and Stephen Goldberg
August 23, 2021
Sorry: meant to type\"I\'m so happy to hear\" . I hate typing on these infernal phones.
Douglas Kelban
August 23, 2021
I\'m having to hear your care is working out so well. We look forward to your updates. They are well written. Perhaps they may someday become part of the basis for a book about your experience, coping, the highs and lows, and what helps and what doesn\'t. It would be of So much help to many people, and maybe give meaning to your difficult journey
Douglas Kelban
August 22, 2021
Welcome home Koltun Family!!!
With love and best wishes,
Lisa, Jay, Harris, and Daniel Gilburne
Lisa Gilburne
August 22, 2021
I Know about you from Newsday. I read your updates and am inspired by your courage
August 22, 2021
Churro Eye concert at main event for Rally for Rebecca
Jessica Scheibel
August 22, 2021
Dearest Rebecca & family, Your latest updated had me in tears as we are so happy to hear you are back home on Long Island! The love of your family, close friends and community is extremely precious & invaluable and I am so grateful to read of your ongoing support by so many. We continue to pray every day for continuous innovations and science to assist in your recovery. Welcome Home are the best example of strength, determination, attitude and energy, we can all learn something from you!
Donna Donnelly
August 21, 2021
Mike and I are so happy to learn that you have made this big step! Of course you will miss the many friends you made, but you will make friends wherever you go. People are drawn to you. We are praying that your adjustment is as smooth as possible and that your steady progress continues. With your determination and the support of your dedicated family you will make that so! It is wonderful that your parents are home. Sending love.
Elaine and Mike Kantor
Emily Kantor
August 21, 2021
wonderful news that you are all back and Rebecca is adjusting so well to the new Rehab
my thoughts and prayers are with you all every minute of everyday with love
helene korel
August 21, 2021
In memory of a wonderful man, Carl Hirsch from his friends and family.
Lauren Goldsmith
August 20, 2021
may you find comfort knowing your are in our thoughts and prayers.
cynthia sila
August 20, 2021
In memory of Carl Hirsch
Marilyn & Artie Auster
August 20, 2021
In memory of Carl Hirsch
Joshua Raphael
August 18, 2021
In memory of my grandfather, Carl Hirsch. A family man who would have wanted to support Rebecca as much as he could.
Adam Hirsch
August 18, 2021
In memory of Carl Hirsch
Judy Klein & Family
August 18, 2021
Sending love and support for Rebecca.
William Artz
August 18, 2021
Sending love to Becca and all the Koltun family as you navigate this next transition! The Cusanelli Family Xoxox
Joan Waters
August 18, 2021
In memory of Dr. Carl Hirsch.
Bassin's, Fogel's, Greenberg's, Heller's, Lipman's, Majewski's, Nessim's, Shapiro's and Starr's
Audrey Nessim
August 18, 2021
We have been following your story and are so impressed with your perseverance and strength. Sending strength, love, and well wishes as you make the transition back home.
Felicia Fleitman
August 17, 2021
We have never met, but I saw a post by Wendy Mensch. My heart goes out to you and your whole family.
Sending huge healing hugs,
Linda Rosenfeld
Linda Rosenfeld
August 17, 2021
You all are so amazing!
August 17, 2021
So happy to know that you are on your way home to NY, Rebecca. You and your family are an inspiration to all of us. We love you, and wish you the greatest possible success in this next step on your road to recovery. We are here for you always.
Wendy & Andrew Mensch
August 17, 2021
In memory of Dr. Carl Hirsch
Jonathan Jordan
August 17, 2021
Best wishes to the Gross and Hirsch family and a full recovery for Rebecca.
Joshua Korn
August 16, 2021
In memory of Carl Hirsch
Danielle Eiger
August 16, 2021
In memory of Carl Hirsch and a beautiful way to help Rebecca Koltun and her family
Alysa and Glenn Rosen
Alysa and Glenn Rosen
August 16, 2021
This donation is in memory of Carl Hirsch.
Cory, Lindsay and Seth
Cory, Seth and Lindsay Puchall and Samowitz
August 15, 2021
We are a community and as a community we help and support each other. I am inspired by our community’s outpouring of love and support and especially inspired by Rebecca.
August 15, 2021
In memory of Carl Hirsch and in honor of Rebecca Koltun.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Debbie & Ed Hecht
Debra Hecht
August 15, 2021
Excellent update. Rebecca in charge! Sorry to hear about the latest challenge. I’m happy for you all that things are better, and you all will be moving on soon. Best wishes and love,
Douglas Kelban
August 15, 2021
Wish you all the best. God bless.
Ansh Patel
August 13, 2021
Debbie Rosenblatt
August 12, 2021
Thoughts and prayers are with you all. Take one day at a time and celebrate the mini-milestones.
August 9, 2021
Dash Katz's parents sending love to you and your family
Leslie Larson
August 7, 2021
I'm impressed by your persistence. Always going to support your cause!
Amber Mirza
August 7, 2021
We are happy to read that Rebecca was able to get out in the world. She is such a fierce fighter! We can only imagine how strenuous this adventure was and we hope each outing will get a little easier. Rebecca, we think of you so frequently and we are cheering you on! You are amazing. Love to you and all the family.
Elaine and Mike Kantor
August 7, 2021
Hi. Glad to hear Rebecca\'s side issues are getting better, and that you were all able to get out of Spaulding... it\'s got to be psychologically taxing there.
Love to all,
Douglas Kelban
August 6, 2021
I have heard amazing things about you from your brother, Rebecca. You are a warrior Queen and I hope to meet you one day. Sending you so much strength!!! And I'm also sending you and your entire iconic family all of my love <3 xoxo
Dash Katz
August 4, 2021
I am a friend of Harriet and Gerald Bloom and have been keeping you in constant prayer. I can see that you are a very special person to many people and never give up.
You may have heard of Joni Eareckson Tada who had a very similar injury at your age (she is in her 60s now). She has been very spiritually encouraging to all who have gone down her path and has a website, If you look her up I hope she will be an encouragement to you as well.
G-D bless you.
Alessio Salsano
August 3, 2021
Keep inspiring us to strive in life-regardless of the circumstances!
Your family ❤️ loves you very much!
Suzi Gordon,Evan,Elana,Mikayla and Aden Rappaport
Suzanne Gordon
August 2, 2021
Thinking of you Rebecca. I know your grandparents Warren and Helen quite well through Lake Gaston. Hang in there. I hear you are one amazing woman
Nancy Vetreno
August 2, 2021
What a special painting!!! Thank you so much for posting it …. Prayers for the week.
Linda and Larry Greaver
August 1, 2021
I want to start out by thanking Rebecca for this weeks update. What an amazing girl to think of the rest of us even after a rough week. I have enjoyed getting to know Rebecca through these updates. I love her personality and her determination. As so many others have said these updates keep us connected to her journey. I believe with all my heart better days are ahead. Please know we think and pray each day. There are so many people rallying behind Rebeccas recovery. Thank you Scott for taking the time to share the good and the bad. We know it’s an undertaking but you continue to share and we truly appreciate it. May God Bless Rebecca and your entire family. We look forward to the celebratory days ahead for Rebecca. Love always, Debbie Conk & Family
Debbie Conk
August 1, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey, Erik & Rebecca,
Thank you Rebecca for encouraging your dad to keep us updated in spite of not having a good week. To hear how Rebecca is connecting with others in similar situations is a testament on how determined she is to keep moving forward. It’s also heartwarming to hear that others with SCI’s are offering their support, knowledge and being a resource to her…truly instrumental in Rebecca’s recovery. We continue to pray, support and share Rebecca’s story and look forward to learning when your family is back at home together. Keep us posted on those paintings too…I’d love to order one.
With love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
August 1, 2021
Scott, thank you for your updates during the “good, bad and challenging “ days and weeks. Rebecca is correct, there are probably many of us who wait on Fridays for your update so we can know how things are going and how to specifically direct our prayers. Please know that you are all in our prayers as you navigate this up and down road, uncertain and challenging days and especially as you all prepare for the next step that takes you closer to home. If you get a chance and Rebecca is ok with it, it would be great to see a picture of one of her paintings. How special for that OT to receive one. As a PT, I can tell you that when we receive special gifts or notes like this, they mean so much to us and inspire and motivate us more than you can imagine …. Daily prayers …
Linda and Larry Greaver
July 30, 2021
Stay Strong 4ever
Ricky Yang
July 29, 2021
I remember the Kolton family quite well. I can only wish you a very speedy recovery…with tons of love, Ronelle Hershkowitz
Ronelle Hershkowitz
July 27, 2021
Hi Audrey, Scott, Rebecca & Erik,
I am so happy that things seem to be falling into place with your move back home.
The video of Rebecca on the Erigo machine is truly amazing. So glad that she has the opportunity to utilize. I hope this will make her stronger and stronger. Her beautiful smile throughout the video inspires us all. If there is any way in which I can help your transition back home a bit easier, please let me know.
I am at your service!!
Looking forward to hearing more about your transition back home and to seeing you all as well.
All of us here in Plainview continue to pray for Rebecca and to be hopeful as she moves forward.
Big hugs and lots of hugs to all of you!!
Love The Gulottas
Barbara, Steve, Mike and Daniel
Barbara Gulotta
July 25, 2021
We look forward to your return, and anything we can do to help.
Love, Doug and Susan
July 22, 2021
I don’t know you, Rebecca. I found your campaign on the bio of Rishi Sohi’s (a coworker of mine at Johnson & Johnson) Instagram. But I am in awe of you. Get better and go to medical school. You are a warrior. Much love to you and your family. You will be on my mind for a long time. <3
Caitlin Finch
July 22, 2021
I don’t know you all but Rebecca seems like a ray of light on this earth. I wish her and your family much happiness and joy and send my deepest condolences for the immense challenges you’ve had to face.
Spencer Smith
July 20, 2021
Proceeds from sale of spinal cord injury pins at Floral Park Bellerose School has been made on Rebecca\'s behalf.
Everyone wishes Rebecca continued progress and good health throughout this journey.
Barbara Gulotta
July 19, 2021
To The Koltun Family
Sending love and prayers.
The Boecker Family
Jonell & Bill Boecker
July 18, 2021
Jeff and Amy Brooke are in Jerusalem and have said a prayer for Rebecca at the Western Wall (indeed throughout Jerusalem and constantly). Refuah shleima b\'korov.
The Brookes
Jeff Brooke
July 18, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey, Erik & Rebecca,
I am always so grateful when I read your updates that speak to the visitors and ongoing support of your family, friends and community showing that people understand the extremity of Rebecca’s situation and what it requires of the immediate family. I am a big believer in that people need people and we are here to help each other. I was sorry to have missed Rebecca’s zoom broadcast as I wasn’t aware of it but I was glad to view your recent video of Rebecca on the erigo machine and can’t say enough how incredibly beautiful she is both inside and out. We will never stop praying, supporting and rallying behind each of you and look forward to hearing of better days upon your return to New York when your family can settle back into a new normal.
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & family
Donna Donnelly
July 17, 2021
Scott thank you as always for giving us these updates. I truly check the site first thing every Saturday. I want to share with others I looked into my company match program. I was so happy to see this organization is one my company does match. My future donations will go directly through my organizations link. They are also matching my previous donations. It’s worth asking if your employer partners with Helphopelive. I was very surprised being in the past there were ones they didn’t partner with. Just good for others to know. We continue to think and pray everyday for your beautiful, string, determined Rebecca and your family. We are so proud of her and know she will continue to make strides. There is not a day that goes by that we don’t think and pray for all of you. We look forward to your return to NY. Love always: Debbie Conk & Family
Debbie Conk
July 15, 2021
No matter where you are in this journey, we're right beside you, always.
Robin Bernstein Shnitkin
July 15, 2021
You’ve probably heard about the Israeli company that has created amazing products. The MyoCycle FES bike can be used by quadriplegics. Here is a link to check it out further:
Speak with them about getting one for your home after rehab.
Lauren Peltier, PT, DPT
Business Development Manager, Northeast
P: 413-896-3758
Rebecca is in all our hearts and minds
Gigi Aharoni
July 15, 2021
My mother, Edith Jason, asked that in honor of her 86th birthday, that donations be made to Rebecca. We are sending continued love and light.
Jason/Pollard Family
Karen Jason
July 11, 2021
Hi Rebecca,
We just finished reading your Dad\'s blog on your progress . We continually pray for you and hope you will be able to return home.
We think about you constantly. I am so sorry I missed the last program that you wee on. Somehow I had the dates confused. I hope you are enjoying your grandparents visit. They love you very much and would do anything they could for you. We love you
very much also even if you do not hear from me frequently. I have several friends who are supporting your Help, Hope Live foundation. Lots of Love Aunt Gladys & Bert
Gladys Aaron
July 10, 2021
I TOTALLY disagree that you don\'t have natural ability to be a caretaker. I think Rebecca is so lucky to have you guys for parents, and the degree of her improvement speaks to that, as well as her ability to hold onto that fighting spirit and efforts. The service was wonderful. Rebecca looked beautiful and spoke WELL. Many people will be there for you when you think you can\'t do it anymore. We love all of you.
Doug Kelban and Susan Green
July 10, 2021
May god bless you and your family !
Theresa Pfeiffer
July 10, 2021
May god watch over your beautiful family ! I pray for you every day !
Theresa Pfeiffer
July 9, 2021
This donation is from Village Schools monthly Comminity Outreach.
Allyson Giles
July 9, 2021
Keep fighting Rebecca!! Sending love and positive thoughts your way! You’re so beautiful and that will never change.
Gayle Kresevic
July 9, 2021
Dear Koltun Family,
We continue to support you in any way we can.
Stay strong.
You all continue to inspire so many.
The Brenner Family
Judith Brenner
July 8, 2021
Your strength and determination are remarkable Rebecca. Praying for your continued healing.
Susan Fleming
July 6, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca
Audrey Rudolph
July 5, 2021
Though we have never met, my husband and I think about you every day. You are in our prayers, and we want to keep contributing to the most amazing, courageous family. We are community!
Evy Rothman
July 5, 2021
Happy 4th of July! Proud of your progress towards recovery.
Amber Mirza
July 5, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey, Erik & Rebecca,
Your latest update shares so much about what you are enduring through these difficult times. I am sure preparing your home with the necessary accommodations will take time and be costly. I pray that you continue to receive the support for Rebecca and each of you and that you continue on the brave path that you have been faced with.
With love,
Donna Donnelly & family
Donna Donnelly
July 4, 2021
We have come to learn that we have several mutual friends who speak so highly of Rebecca and your family. Our thoughts are with you.
The Cicio Family
Susan Cicio
July 4, 2021
Your family is always in our thoughts. I heard about your story through a mutual Great Neck friend. May I ask which local rehab you would want Rebecca to go to? Maybe we can help.
Gigi Aharoni
July 3, 2021
We too look forward to when we can get together as we used to. May it come sooner than expected.
Love to all.
Douglas Kelban
July 3, 2021
Sending light and love everyday
Aviva Katz
June 30, 2021
To the Koltun family
My thoughts and my prayers are with you
Jon Ullmann
Jonathan Ullmann
June 28, 2021
Thinking of you all the time and keeping you in my prayers Becca. You're one of the strongest people I've ever met and I love reading your dad's updates - you are one impressive human. Stay strong girl!
Maddie Darstein
June 27, 2021
Thank you Scott for sharing these intimidate and personal thoughts with us… sending love, faith, and peace from the Jahn family. Our congregation at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Middle Island, NY is praying for Rebecca
Mrs. Jahn, POBJFK Class of 2019
June 26, 2021
Apropos about the small things helping us cope: a Chinese fable….
A man is walking in the jungle when he hears a roar and sees a lion closing in on him. He runs in a panic until he comes to a cliff. He’s thinking he can jump and evade the lion when he looks down and sees another lion waiting for him. With no other alternative, he jumps. Halfway down, he sees a rose bush: a way to save himself. He grabs and holds onto the rose bush. He is about to think of his good fortune and escape, when he notices the rose’s roots slowly pulling free of the cliff.
The wise Chinese master asks his student “what did the man do?”
The answer: he smelled the rose.
Douglas Kelban
June 26, 2021
Wow, a lot is going on. We’re glad Rebecca has been able to partake in activities, and is still improving in her breathing. Your updates are very meaningful and well said, and maybe writing will become a new career! You are so right about how the daily , mundane , and chores and rituals of life provide a sustaining structure in the worst of times, and you and Audrey are doing a marvelous job.
Love to all.
Douglas Kelban and Susan Green.
June 26, 2021
We know each day is filled with struggle as well as advances. We think of Rebecca and you every day. Rebecca and both of you are working so hard and the significant progress with the breathing demonstrates that. It seems like a great community there but we hope you will all be able to return home before too long.
Mike and Elaine Kantor
Mike and Elaine Kantor
June 26, 2021
Marie T Madden
June 26, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey, Rebecca & Erik, Once again I share that while you may not know my and I, we feel connected to each of you. We pray that everyday Rebecca continues to have improvements and progress that will bring her to major milestones in her recovery. As others have said your updates are truly appreciated as we are all so vested in Rebecca's recovery and want to hear about her days, progress and how each of you are. We care deeply over Rebecca's story as she has touched so many people's lives...whether a fellow Long Islander or someone far away, we will never stop rallying behind her.
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
June 25, 2021
Everyday and every night I’m reading your beautiful unfolding miracle story. It’s an amazing and touching one. Rebecca is extraordinary and inspiring and you and your family are exemplary in loving her so much.
It especially resonates with me
The situation with a “ forced relocation “ that can seem endless
Back 4/1/2016 I flew to NY for what I thought was a few weeks at very most. I could not have been any more wrong. The diagnosis and treatment plan made it impossible to return to Fla. It’s been over 5 yrs away from my family with no end in sight. See my book about my situation. Three Pastors and a Rabbi : Heavenly Experimental Dental Prosthetics for a Dyslexic Dwarf
Sold on amazon and eBay.
Please share this with Rebecca.
I understand all too well the emotional aspects of sudden
Indefinite forced relocation out of state for treatments. If I can be of any help to Rebecca or any of you please let me know
Marsha Lampert MBA MS
June 23, 2021
Hi Scott,
I grew up in Plainview and graduated from JFK High SchooI. It\'s a great place to grow up, so I can understand how much you miss your home and community. I wanted you to know that there are people out there who are thinking of you, Audrey, Rebecca and Erik every day! Rebecca\'s story has touched all of our hearts. You and Audrey have risen to this challenge as parents by being there for her in every way. Scott, your updates on Rebecca\'s progress mean a lot. Thank you for writing them! Stay strong and positive. You set a powerful example for all of us.
Ann Vigo
June 22, 2021
This donation is on behalf of the POBMS Leo Club. Wishing Rebecca a safe recovery!
Nicole Santangelo
June 22, 2021
Just a stranger who saw your story on Camp Kenwal’s Facebook page. Had to donate so you know there are many out there who you don’t even know who are pulling for you! God bless!
Scott Schmidt
June 21, 2021
I am a friend of Martin Cohen and he told me about Help Hope Live in your honor.
Stay focused and strong.
Colleen Connors-Casenta
June 20, 2021
Thank you so VERY much Scott for the continued updates. I patiently wait every week for the next one. I have messaged you in the past (I am a complete stranger) but now I consider the Koltun family my new friends. After reading Rebeccas input on “not being all sunshine and rainbows” it stood with me all week. I pray to god for more sunshine and rainbows and I hang on to very strong faith that more is coming Rebeccas way. I wish you a Happy Father’s Day with your beautiful family. Please know you all are continuously thought about and prayed for many times each and every day. You may feel far from home and very home sick but please know LI is waiting your return. I am confident I can speak for everyone- we too cannot wait for that day to come. All our love and prayers being sent to you today and always:
Love Debbie Conk and Family
Debbie Conk
June 20, 2021
Hi Scott -
Happy Father\'s Day to you. Thank you for your updates. You all are on my mind and in my heart daily. I, too, like your friend Stephen, can picture Rebecca writing a book, her story, like \"Herstory.\" My love to you, Audrey, Rebecca and Erik
Susan Fleming
June 20, 2021
Scott -
I last wrote to you on June 5th. You are a gifted writer. All night \"last night, I kept saying to myself \" Its not always Sunshine and Rainbows\". Rebecca has touched so many lives in different ways that she will never know. I know by now that she is brilliant and super strong. I dream of Rebecca becoming an author, writing her story and many other stories that come to her Brilliant mind. First book \" It\'s not always Sunshine and Rainbows\"
Stephen Lennox
Stephen Lennox
June 20, 2021
Sending positive thoughts to you and your family. We are all thinking and rooting for you!
Debra Eliot
June 19, 2021
Thank you for the weekly updates. We are following them each week. We are all thinking of Rebecca and your whole family.
Love to all,
Leonard and Francine ....Elise\'s friend:)
The Rivera Family
June 19, 2021
Glad to hear about the good things, but are also happy to be a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear for what is so hard we can only imagine it.
Love to all
Doug and Susan
Douglas Kelban
June 19, 2021
As always thank you for your weekly updates. Rebecca’s process with being off the vent, being able to communicate with her and venture outside with her are huge steps. You all remain in our thoughts and prayers as you all navigate this uncertain and new journey.
The Greavers (lake friends of Helen and Warren)
June 18, 2021
I think of you guys every day. I read all of your posts. So very proud of Rebecca’s progress and positive attitude. My thoughts are with all of you.
David Shnitkin
June 17, 2021
You have come so far! Great job!
June 17, 2021
A Collection of funds from the table donation (only) at the Catch the wave fundraiser! Funds raised from bracelets, Lawn Signs, and additional donations.
Lauren Fern
June 16, 2021
Dear Koltun’s,
I am an old friend of Scott’s and when I learned about Rebecca’s accident my heart broke. Scott and Audrey, you raised a beautiful family. It is clear how special a person Rebecca is by the outpouring of love and support she has received from friends, the community and from supporters (new friends) that are rooting for her. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Stu Spinner
Stuart Spinner
June 16, 2021
Very happy to hear of Rebecca’s
Stay strong, you all are just amazing during this very difficult time in your life.
Think about you each & every day & can’t wait to read your plogs.
Love to you all,
Maida & Malcolm
Maida & Malcolm
June 15, 2021
Thinking of you every day.
June 15, 2021
I'm rooting for you, Rebecca!
Lisa Schiffman
June 14, 2021
I am so glad to hear of further progress and some aspects of normal life for Rebecca: You can all use some lifting of spirits does she have to still use the vent at night? Her sarcasm is a good thing...that she has the \"piss and vinegar\" , with you and Audrey\'s ever-present help and support, that she will need to take the fight further.
Love to all,
Doug and Susan
Douglas Kelban and Susan Green
June 14, 2021
As always your updates are very much appreciated as I continue to share Rebecca's story with anyone I can. There isn't a day that goes by that we aren't praying for major improvements and miracles for Rebecca. While you may not know us, we hold each of you (Scott, Audrey, Rebecca & Erik) in our hearts and prayers each and everyday. We will never stop praying and supporting you.
Love always,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
June 9, 2021
To the Koltun family,
Wishing all of you continued strength, love, and healing. You're all an inspiration.
Love, from another Long Island family
Shari Isikow
June 8, 2021
Hi again,
I\'ve been writing and rewriting this trying to find the words that you guys have been so gracious to share with all of us. I have felt awfully connected to this tragedy because of my own little sister, Katherine\'s experience. My family and I also set up a donation page but I didn\'t have the bandwidth at the time to provide any updates or put into words what we felt. Seeing these updates have finally given me the strength to share more of our story and I hope this helps Rebecca and your family in any capacity.
I mentioned here before that she sustained a traumatic injury as a sophomore in college at Cornell University in the fall of 2018. At the time she was a healthy and bright student with no preexisting health conditions. She was found unconscious in the house she shared with her sorority. She was admitted to the local hospital where doctors were unable to stop the uncontrollable seizures she was experiencing at the time and had to be transferred to Rochester Strong where she was medically induced into a coma for three weeks to protect her brain.
The first weeks were so difficult and it was incredibly painful for my mom to watch. She took a family leave from work and spent every night at the hospital unwilling to leave Katherine\'s side. I was still finishing up the fall semester at Binghamton and my dad couldn\'t take time off work to provide for our family.
When she woke up from her coma she lost the last two years of memory and thought she was still a freshman in college! She couldn\'t even recognize the friends she had made through her sorority. She was placed on a ventilator for the duration of her coma. She spent the following month in the ICU learning how to breathe and perform basic functions to regain her strength and coordination. She was eventually transferred back to NYU where she was an in-patient at the rusk pediatrics rehab center (she was not too happy to be placed with the kids, she was the oldest one there!)
The news of the incident felt so deeply unfair. Katherine cared so deeply about anyone and everyone and it felt like the universe sucker punched her and derailed our entire lives. I can\'t speak for Katherine but I think what hurt the most was the life she had previously imagined for herself. She is going back to school this fall after two years on medical leave and I am so proud of her. This time has included numerous hospital relapses, medication adjustments, psychoneuro clearances, and hundreds of hours of speech/physical/occupational therapy. Katherine has been left with epilepsy that is managed with medication for the most part.
This experience has given me a profound appreciation of time, life, love and family. Wishing Rebecca the best.
P. S. My personal email is [email protected] if you would like to keep in touch! Please reach out if any of you are feeling discouraged as I also know how terribly lonely it gets!
Whitney Tam
June 7, 2021
My family and I are sending much love and our prayers to Rebecca and all of you! We hope Rebecca continues to improve. Her strength is amazing and she is an inspiration. Thank you to anyone reading this who has purchased a bracelet. I really appreciate being able to support Rebecca, Audrey, Scott and Erik. Sending hugs.
Stephanie Kepke Kaplan
June 7, 2021
hi. we have been following your inspiring story. my daughter is friends with Amanda Scheman and we are a local family, praying for your beautiful Rebecca. you are in our hearts and prayers.
Jennifer Gross
June 6, 2021
Dear Koltun’s,
I also look forward to and appreciate your updates. Rebecca’s progress is amazing, and such a testament to your whole family. She gets the strength, courage and determination from the way she was raised. When I had the pleasure of teaching Rebecca in my classroom her enthusiasm, laughter and desire to make every lesson fun provided me with motivation! Apparently, I bear a resemblance to Audrey and she would invite friends into class to verify that I looked like her Mom! It was fun to see the joy in her face when she talked about Audrey. I don’t think we could pass as sisters.. but I was honored to be considered her doppelgänger. Although I have to admit I didn’t know what that meant until Rebecca dubbed me with the title
Donna Jahn
June 5, 2021
We do not really know one another, but I have been following Rebecca’s courageous journey. My parents are friends with Helen and Warren. I am
friends with your cousins Ellen and Michelle. We appreciate your updates on Rebecca’s condition and how you all are navigating life at this time. I am amazed at Rebecca’s determination through all of this. The advancement in technology is mind boggling. I hope this technology helps pave the way for the best possible outcomes for Rebecca’s future. The love and support from your hometown is so inspiring. Rebecca is very fortunate to have such a loving and devoted family as well. My thoughts and prayers to all of you.
Ann Marcus
June 5, 2021
To the Koltun family
My thoughts and my prayers are with you
Jon Ullmann
Jonathan Ullmann
June 5, 2021
I’m sending my love and prayers to you all. Miracles happen everyday. Love, Diana (J.U friend).
Diana Jaramillo
June 5, 2021
Rebecca keep hanging tough. You are a very special young lady. You will win this battle. The world needs you.❤️❤️❤️
Jack Keller
June 5, 2021
Thank you so much for the updates, like Stephen said below we too look forward to them and appreciate them. Please know that we continue to pray for all of you everyday. You are truly an amazing family. You have an army of strangers praying for you and thinking of you every day. Sending love from Long Island and Binghamton \'21.
The Killian Family
Sue Killian
June 5, 2021
Dear Rebecca,
Sending lots of love and prayers to you and your family. Stay strong, as you always have been:)
Stacey Piegari
June 5, 2021
Scott - I just want YOU to know that I appreciate your weekly updates.
I never met your family however I now feel as if I had. I have been a skier almost my entire life of 66 years, the last 35 at Stratton. When I heard about Rebecca my heart broke. For the past two months I think about you everyday. I have five grown children now and cannot fathom your pain. I pray for Rebecca EVERYDAY and someday would like to meet her when you return to Plainview. (I live in Westchester). I do not do facebook so I have to wait for your weekly updates. I could not sleep last night because I had a feeling that you would update us all on Saturday. You and Audrey raised a beautiful and STRONG daughter. Rebecca, I cannot wait to meet you someday. Your are truly an unbelievable person.
June 5, 2021
From so many people who are rooting for you and supporting you, we love you!
June 4, 2021
Seems like you're getting stronger every week!
June 1, 2021
A friend of the Kopilak family.
Roberta and Arnie Popper
June 1, 2021
A strong woman who continues to grow stronger.
June 1, 2021
Rebecca, you have come so far so fast and I can tell from your determination and drive that you will continue to get better. Life isn’t always what we expect it to be, but God only gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. In this short time, you’ve already shown just how tough you are ! Keep fighting your fight everyday. I hope that things that were once so hard to do will continue to become easier. I hope the surroundings of your family and friends continues to keep your spirits high and push you through each day. One day at a time ! You are in our families thoughts and prayers everyday.
Melissa Kropf
June 1, 2021
Please know your beautiful Rebecca and entire family will remain in our thoughts and prayers. We read about Rebecca’s accident in a local paper and I have been checking in on her progress ever since. Rebecca sounds like an incredibly strong young woman and is certainly benefitting from the support and love from you all! Sending our thoughts and prayers
Jennifer Pickering
May 31, 2021
Thinking and praying for Rebecca and her family. Wishing Rebecca success everyday and good health for the future. God Bless you all.
Rose Hussey
May 31, 2021
Dear Rebecca and Family,
Thank you for the weekly updates that keep us connected to you. It truly means so much to us. Rebecca, you are an inspiration to us all! Your determination and tenacity to get better is remarkable. We are amazed at the different things that you are learning to do such as making brownies. They must have tasted delicious! We are also thrilled that you are gaining more more autonomy each day...little by little. Being able to move around the floor at Spaulding without a ventilator and meet with your peers is fantastic. Please know that you are surrounded with love and support by your family in Boston and by your friends here in Plainview. We wish continued progress each day as you continue this journey to get better.
We are sending our love and hugs. You are an amazing young woman and you should be so proud!
Love, The Gulottas
Barbara Gulotta
May 30, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca and her progress.
Phyllis Zuckerman
May 30, 2021
Dear Rebecca, Bert and I keep in touch with Grandma about your progress. You are an amazing young woman and we are very excited about all the things you are learning to do. We send our love and prayers to you. Although we do not send you messages, often we pray for you constantly. Love you and Mom and Dad.
Aunt Gladys
Gladys Aaron
May 30, 2021
Your updates keeps me feeling so connected to all of you and I love getting to know the beautiful determined incredible Rebecca. I understand your weekends can be long and challenging but please know how much you are all thought about and prayed for. I’ve never met any of you/your family but you are all deep in my heart. As I follow Rebeccas journey I feel so close to you. Not a day will ever go by that I am not in deep thought and prayers for the Koltun family. Rebecca is such an amazing girl and I will continue to pray for her recovery. Never ever give up on that! God has a plan for her. She is too special and too determined. Thinking and praying for everyone always!
Debbie Conk and family
May 29, 2021
These donations were collected from Rally for Rebecca bracelet sales at Northeastern University. We are rooting for you here in Boston, Rebecca!
Lauren Mensch
May 29, 2021
A collection of funds for the Rally for Rebecca Fundraiser at Lifetime Fitness in Syosset! We love you all! <3
Lori Susi
Katherine Susi
Donna Brennan
Elena Panvini
Keri Lehon
Lisa Marolachakis
Dara Lifschutz
Sammi Sternbach
Joanne Ditchik
Helen Kielczewski
Cher Meli
Anya Weinberg
Haley Chin
Frances Chin
Lisa Iovine
Tanya Sortino
Glenda Sussman
Marc Savino
Andrea Bisso
Michelle Sweeney
Shannon Ma
Nancy Ma
Michelle Casey
Linda Mummiani
Mary Efstratiou
Jill Oppenheimer
Renee Rose
Michelle Von Brook
Diana Galiatsatos
Maria Decicco
Rande Hirsch
Chandhini Ramaiah
Jamie Mitchnick
Sofia Yang
Katiuscia Altidor
Dani Perlowitz
Naomi Levine
Victoria Godino
Beth Geddes
Jordana Lewis
Tejas Nair
Kaylor Dimes
Pamela Johnson
Jennifer Ohare
Yves Maco
Maria Pappas
Brian Thompson
Melina Hetman
The Stark Family
Tara Stark
May 29, 2021
Congratulations on your acceptance to medical school! Even though you don’t get to go yet, I am sure you are learning so much about your injury and also about the medical field. Rooting for your success!
Amber Mirza
May 29, 2021
I can't say enough how these updates help those of us who don't know Rebecca or your beautiful family keep us feeling connected. Like you mention how you see others as "true heroes and inspirational" you should know that is how we see you, Rebecca, Audrey & Erik. Your strength and determination and your families love for each other is an incredible testament to the strong bond you share as a family. We continue to pray for Rebecca and the continuous advances in technology, medicine and the exceptional people in each of your lives.
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
May 29, 2021
Rebecca is just amazing. So glad to hear of her continued progress. I wonder if medical school would let her do the academic work remotely. With the passage of time, perhaps she could be a teacher, mentor, and inspiration to medical students even if not engaged in direct practice.
Douglas Kelban
May 28, 2021
Rebecca - while attending school in Plainview (especially High School) I always considered you as the gold standard among all your peers. There was never a question that you would accomplish great things. I still firmly believe that you are destined for greatness. I know your hard work will pay dividends in the future. Keep up your tenacious work ethic.
Michael Bernstein
May 27, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and her family.
Howard Small
May 26, 2021
Sending Rebecca wishes for strength and healing; our very best to all of you ☀️.
Amy Kaplan
May 26, 2021
Scott, thank you for the updates on sweet Rebecca. All of you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I know Rebecca will continue to amaze us with her strides in therapy and reaching her goals.
May 25, 2021
Wishing all the best
The Lombarts
richard lombart
May 25, 2021
In honor of Rebecca's graduation (a bit belated) and Mother's Day (more than a bit belated). Sending our love and support--
Audra Lewton & Family
May 25, 2021
I read Rebecca’s story in Newsday. Wishing her and all of those close to her strength, fortitude and the absolute best going forward.
Gerard Chesterton
May 24, 2021
Dear Audrey, Scott, Rebecca and Erik,
I want to thank Scott for the updates each week. It gives us the opportunity to know how Rebecca id doing and how you are all managing each week. You are all in our thoughts and prayers each and every day.
Rebecca, you are our hero...very determined, positive, and a real inspiration to us all!
We are thrilled that you are slowly getting weened off of the ventilator and will have the opportunity to move around without that gear and, more importantly, breathe on your own! All of the assistive devices that you have been introduced seem truly amazing as well. I think it is wonderful that you are now able to read and go on your IPAD. Each and every thing is progress and a step in the right direction.
Also, so glad that Spaulding is letting your friends visit. l know some friends of yours that would like to visit when they return from Tennessee. Here is hoping for a good week ahead for you! Sending positive healing vibes for good health and strength, and a huge hug to you and your family.
xoxo The Gulotta Family xoxoxo
Barbara Gulotta
May 24, 2021
Dear Audrey, Scott and Rebecca,
I just want you to know I think of you all the time...and included Rebecca in my mishaberach prayer this weekend at our granddaughter, Lainey\'s bat mitzvah. Robin ( my sister) and your Mom keep me up to date on Rebecca\'s progress,, and I hope you get the messages I send along with them every time we talk. And I always read Scott\'s messages. They fill in the gaps of what is going on..especially for all of us who really care, but are far away! I truly believe with her positive attitude, and wonderful personality, she will be the one to break the barriers. Each little step is a step closer to reaching her goal. I send my love, and prayers to you all...letting you know you are thought of! Mazel tov on Rebecca\'s graduation. Her smile is absolutely radiating and contagious. Stay strong and know there are a lot of us Rebecca supporters rooting for you! Hope you all can feel the love!
May 23, 2021
Dear Rebecca and family
so very proud of you with your graduation
you are in my thoughts and prayers every minute of every day with love
You are such a strong young woman just like your mother and grandmother
always thinking of you and your family dear
helene korel
May 23, 2021
Dear Rebecca and Family
Reading your updates on the progress you have made is something Mike and I always do. Rebecca, you are fierce. We admire you and we are pulling for you. You just keep right on moving ahead, no matter how very difficult. Audrey, Eric and Scott: You make an amazing support team. We are thinking of you all and sending prayers as well.
With Love,
Myron and Elaine
Emily Kantor
May 23, 2021
Praying for the best, God bless!
May 23, 2021
Rebecca\'s determination is unbelievable! She is a young woman with grace and fortitude beyond her years. Audrey and Scott have a lot to be proud of!
ann vigo
May 22, 2021
A collection of funds raised from over 10 people from Instagram in honor of Becca’s graduation. Congrats!
Lauren Fern
May 22, 2021
A collection of funds from the RALLY FOR REBECCA BRACELET Donation
Lauren Fern
May 22, 2021
While we no longer live in Plainview, we will always be a part of the Makom community and are keeping Rebecca and family in our thoughts and prayers!
Sharon Schwartz
May 19, 2021
Congratulations on your graduation Rebecca! You were an awesome group member in GEO356A. I\'m almost tempted to visit the Southwest now, almost. Enjoy your celebration, its well deserved. You earned it.
Amber Smacher
May 19, 2021
Prayers to Becca and her family!!!
Lynn Bekerman
May 18, 2021
From Judy Jacobs-Parkway Elementary School with love and prayers
Parkway Elementary School
May 18, 2021
Donations collected for Becca's graduation! Congratulations!! You and your family are in our hearts every single day. We love you!
Olivia Anderson
Rebecca Newman
Brianna Bellino
Gabrielle Daley
Ashley Brazel
Samantha Sarfaty
Rachel Pearl
Nicolette Gardini
Alexa Osner
Armando Gonzalez
Michelle Wang
Catherine O'Brien
Christina Rutter
Allison Zweig
Lauren Cohen
Melanie Cassino
Cesar Acosta
Kathryn Harley
Jen Sullivan
Brianna Prego
Samantha Zuckerman
Jessica Lopez
Jason Brenner
Kaylor Dimes
Lauren Healy
Olivia Sottile
Francesca Andranovich
Sami Eisenberg
Maria Pappas
Alex Randisi
Julia Galterio
Sari Bochner
Melanie Haid
Nikki Mastoridies
Samantha Swallwood
Breanne Handwerker
Stephanie Pollino
Kevin Brennan
Stephanie Stern
Maria Mobley
Khiya Connolly-Sisk
Tara Stark
May 17, 2021
You are a remarkable and inspirational young woman. Congratulations on your graduation! Keeping you in our prayers.
The Urban Family
Christine Urban
May 17, 2021
Congrats to you Rebecca!! So proud of your amazing accomplishments! Sending you all tremendous hugs, lots of love and continued strength! We love you all! XOXO
Melissa Rose Mednick
May 17, 2021
Happy Graduation! You have demonstrated much strength and tenacity. I am excited to continue reading the updates about your progress and am impressed by what you have accomplished so far with the standing tilt, bike, etc. Keep up the good work!
Amber Mirza
May 17, 2021
Made in honor of Rebecca’s Summa Cum Laude graduation accomplishment
Susan & Jack Weingarten
May 16, 2021
Big congrats, Rebecca, on your college graduation! So very proud of your accomplishments, your strength & your amazing spirit. Wishing you boundless success on the road ahead.
(And from a fellow alum, welcome to the Binghamton alumni family!)
Much love xoxoxo,
Robin (Binghamton Class of '80), Steve, Marlee, Joe, Daniel
Robin E Bernstein
May 16, 2021
Dear Rebecca and family: congratulations to the amazing Rebecca, and her equally amazing parents, on graduation from college. If there\'s a way we can watch the ceremony, please let us know. Love to all,
Doug and Susan
Douglas Kelban and Susan Green
May 16, 2021
Rebecca, we are so proud of you. Congratulations on your graduation today. Susan and Doug
Susan Green
May 16, 2021
Congratulations on your graduation!!! Wishing you the best always!! :) <3
Jessica Raia
May 16, 2021
Congratulations Rebecca on your SUNY Binghamton Graduation! A tremendous milestone on your road to recovery. Always in my heart, I pray for you, your family and friends. With your determination and their love and support you will continue to heal and thrive. God Bless you all.
Mrs. Jahn
Donna Jahn
May 16, 2021
Dear Rebecca and Family -
We know that this was not the graduation you had planned, but we hope you will find joy and meaning behind this milestone. We have never met, but our son goes to Binghamton and Rebecca's story has reached our home. We think about you all the time and are hoping that only good things come to you during your recovery. We wish you all the strength you need to get through this, day by day, and we hope that you feel all the love and care surrounding you. Congratulations on your graduation Rebecca.
The Levin Family
Michele Levin
May 16, 2021
Be strong, Rebecca, we are praying for you.
Carolyn Norton
May 16, 2021
Rebecca, Audrey, Scott and Erik:
We're so proud to call your our friends and "family we chose." And today, we re especially proud of Rebecca's spirit, fortitude and college graduation. Mazel tov, love and hugs to all of you.
-- The Mensch Family
Wendy and Andrew Mensch
May 16, 2021
Congratulations to Rebecca on her very well deserved graduation. The last few weeks I’ve been able to learn so much about her. I am so proud of all the hard work she gives each week in rehab. There’s not a day that goes by that I do not think and pray for Rebecca. You are all in our hearts.
Debbie Conk & Family
May 16, 2021
Congratulations to Rebecca on her graduation and her tremendous hard work all around. Rebecca is always in our thoughts and prayers and may each day bring her progress, milestones and miracles. We will never stop praying and supporting her.
Love Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
May 16, 2021
Lauren Fern
May 15, 2021
So proud of Rebecca on her graduation!!
Mary Hearring
May 15, 2021
We are truly happy to read that Rebecca is progressing and that she has new aids to make her more independent! Mike and I have you, Rebecca and your family in our prayers each day. Our hopes are with yours that you and she will be able to be at home soon.
Sending our Love and Support.
Elaine Kantor and Mike Kantor
May 13, 2021
I think about Rebecca and your family everyday. It brings me joy to see your family\'s regular updates and her progress. My sister sustained a traumatic brain injury a few years ago. She has been a patient at Rochester Strong and NYU Langone. I actually met Erik at school during that time and he showed such warmth and kindness that I will never forget.
I also know what a world of a difference being at a top hospital/rehab center makes. My cousin is a doctor at MGH. When I asked, she assured me the care team there and at Spaulding are the absolute best in the country. I am hopeful and positive about Rebecca’s future for that reason. She is so lucky to have a devoted team, family and friends at her side. I will continue sharing this page and Rebecca’s story. Sending healing energy and love your way.
Whitney Tam
May 13, 2021
Sending thoughts and prayers for healing as well as continued positivity, strength and determination.
Rory and Debbie Cohen
Rory Cohen
May 12, 2021
Wishing Rebecca good health
Terri Heller
May 12, 2021
Praying for Rebecca!
Lauren Orsini
May 11, 2021
My prayers and thoughts to Rebecca and her family.
Chuck Katz
May 11, 2021
Our prayers are with Rebecca and her family. May they continue with all the love and support to win the fight and bring Rebecca home.
The Baker Family
Rachel, Dylan, Darlene & Gina
Darlene Baker
May 11, 2021
Thank you for your updates (I am certain you are very consumed and busy). I love hearing about Rebeccas progress and check the site often. I continue to donate to Rebecca and pray for her throughout each day. You are all in my thoughts and prayers (she is all I can think about). God Bless this family!
Debbie Conk
May 10, 2021
On behalf of Jared Wulfow and Gartner, thoughts and prayers to Rebecca and her family.
Chet Kwiatkowski
May 10, 2021
With love from adam ungar
Joanna Savino
May 10, 2021
I am Danny Gulotta's cousin. Rebecca and your family are in my prayers.
May 9, 2021
Hoping and praying daily, thinking about you Rebecca and your loving family
Diana Ruchelman
Diana Ruchelman
May 9, 2021
Never give up hope!
Dan & Michele Viola
May 9, 2021
May God see your sweetness, strength and courage and grant you a miracle.
Cookie Miles
May 8, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey, Erik and of course Rebecca,
We are thinking about you every day...especially on this Mother's Day weekend. The messages you have shared with us are inspiring...thank you for including us on your journey. Rebecca's perseverance is remarkable and I believe it comes from having such an incredible family and circle supporting her.
My Mother's Day gift is also a donation for Rebecca....sending hugs.
With love,
The Brenner Family
Judith Brenner
May 8, 2021
Hi. I continue to be amazed by the medical advances, and by you and your family. I am very happy to be able to call all of you my friends, and look forward to when we can visit Rebecca. With love,
Douglas Kelban
May 8, 2021
This donation is what I asked of my children and husband for Mother's Day. I pray each day for the best possible outcome for your family. Happy Mother's Day to all!
May 8, 2021
Your updates are always so appreciated. The technology of today is certainly amazing. We continue to lift you all, including the amazing team of professionals at Spaulding up in prayers.
Linda and Larry Greaver (lake neighbors of Helen and Warren)
May 8, 2021
You’re in my prayers every day, Rebecca.
James Murray
May 7, 2021
Thinking and praying for you and your family. Stay strong!!!!
Ella Zalewski
May 6, 2021
Will continue to send my thoughts, prayers and positive energy to Rebecca and the whole Koltun family
Erin FitzGerald
May 6, 2021
Sending all of my positive energy and hope to Rebecca’s recovery
Cat O’Brien
May 5, 2021
So happy things are progressing in a forward direction. I literally think about Rebecca every day. As I have all of you constantly in my thoughts.
David Shnitkin
May 4, 2021
you got this, Becca!
Amber Mirza
May 4, 2021
Rebecca, I hope you feel a little better every day.
Hye Seung Ryoo
May 4, 2021
From one Binghamton family to another.
Jennifer Lynch
May 4, 2021
Rebecca, we met a few times in orgo discussion. I was in awe of how effortlessly you helped me with the questions. It was an absolute pleasure to have a conversation with you, someone so smart, kind, and fun all at once. We talked about how we both have a brother 2 years older than us, and it warmed my heart when you told me of your close relationship with yours. And I remember how meeting you inspired me to think “okay it is actually possible to do well in this class.” Thank you.
I am so sorry for what you are now going through. I am thinking of you and your family. Wishing you infinite luck, blessings, and strength. Praying for your wellbeing and recovery. ❤️
Julia Livoti
May 3, 2021
Hoping to help Make A Difference for others ..... SJF is a foundation that was started 8 1/2 years ago when our daughter had a tragic accident and passed away.... this was Sydne’s dream to help others.... please visit our website at to see all we have done to Make A Difference for Others.... god bless your daughter
Nadine Jacoby
May 3, 2021
Larry and I send our deepest wish for a great recovery. Just remember where there is Life there is HOPE! We have known Helen and Warren Aleck for many years. For sure, apples don't fall far from the tree! They have always shown great strength and generosity. You will too.
We send our very best wishes to you all,
Brenda and Larry Klar
Brenda and Larry Klar
May 3, 2021
From your phamily. We love you!! <3
Danielle Del Ciello
May 3, 2021
Keep fighting Becca! We're so proud of you each and every single day! Sending love from all your friends in Bing ❤️❤️
Aryas Safaie
May 3, 2021
Prayers for a complete recovery.
May 2, 2021
Sending our love to Rebecca and her family.
Joyce and Jay Kossman
Jay and Joyce Kossman
May 2, 2021
Ricky Yang
May 1, 2021
Sending prayers and positive vibes your way
Amy Ferko
May 1, 2021
You don't know us, we are Part of the Plainview Community.
We send our well wishes.
Jill & Seth Kaplowitz
May 1, 2021
Not a day goes by where we don't stop to pray exclusively for Rebecca's recovery. I mentioned in an earlier post that we had been at Stratton the same day and while that is a connection to Rebecca's story it is not the only reason why we feel connected to her story. We are a family from Long Island with children of similar ages, we see the love and support of your beautiful family and will never stop praying and rallying behind Rebecca and each of you.
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
May 1, 2021
You are all in our hearts and throughout the day I think and pray for each of you. Your updates mean everything to all of us. (We don’t know one another/ but Rebeccas story is all I can think and talk to God about). When you all return home you will have LI rallying behind you. Enormous love and prayers being sent to all of you.
Debbie Conk
May 1, 2021
Keeping you all in my prayers
Harriette Gold
May 1, 2021
\"CharlieX \"is really Doug Kelban. Sorry about that.
Douglas Kelban
May 1, 2021
So glad to hear of her further progress. Whatever support you will need once home, we\'ll be there for you
May 1, 2021
We think of you and your family each and every day.
Sandy and Marty Mendelsohn
May 1, 2021
Sending love with another Heart for Rebecca. Thank you for your support, Linda Rosenthal.
Diana Anton
April 30, 2021
Best wishes to the Koltuns from a member of the extended KPMG family.
Adam Brawley
April 30, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey and Erik,
My thoughts and prayers are with your family. From this point forward, there will always be a place for the four of you in my heart. I hope that my donation of $1,000 will contribute significantly to Rebecca's care. I would give even more if I were able to. I don't know Rebecca or you. I only know of your family from what I've read in the news about the accident. But when I read about the tragedy, it broke my heart. I knew that I had to help. It could have been anybody. It could have been me. It could have been someone that I love. And if, God forbid, something horrible like that had happened to me or to someone that I love, I would want others to help me, if they could, even if they didn't know me personally. So I am happy to help your family as much and as best as I can. Please know that I am praying for your family and all four of you will always be in my heart.
With Love,
Benjamin Korman
Benjamin Korman
April 30, 2021
Sending you my love Rebecca, and keeping you and your family in my prayers ❤️
Michele Fischetti
April 30, 2021
Keeping you in our thoughts each day - keep fighting!
Marlee Shnitkin
April 30, 2021
You are one of the kindest and most selfless people I have ever met and I am beyond grateful to have a light like you in my life. Everyone is sending you well wishes. Love to you and your family now and always.
Sigma Delta Tau at Binghamton University
Tarin Sussman
April 29, 2021
Gd bless and stay strong❤️
Mildred Wurman
April 29, 2021
We are keeping you in our prayers.
Lori and Michael Glasser
Lori Glasser
April 29, 2021
Sending you love and healing prayers!
Maria Stamatiou
April 29, 2021
As an organization we sold affirmation bracelets on your behalf featuring one of Rebeccas phrases never give up. We hope you continue to live by this because you are so strong and we are all praying for you. Best wishes and a speedy recovery. The brothers of Alpha Phi Omega at Oneonta
Alpha Phi Omega Oneonta
April 28, 2021
Dear Rebecca,
May your recovery be full and complete with G-D's guidance; and all our prayers!
With love,
Charlotte Seigerman
Charlotte Seigerman
April 28, 2021
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Your strength and positivity are inspirational!
Nadine Maritato
April 27, 2021
Hi- I did not know Rebecca but I was also a graduate of Binghamton, from Levittown, and have skiied Stratton many times so I really felt this story in my gut. Even though I do not know her I think and pray for her recovery frequently. Sending you all the good vibes I can from a fellow Bearcat from Long Island!
Jennifer Peterson
April 27, 2021
Here is the second half of the money raised from the Beads4Proceeds bracelets. Hoping that these bracelets will continue to give you "strength" and let you know how many people are here to support you and your family during this time!
Lisa Bernstein
April 26, 2021
Thank you for your updates. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending tons of positivity your way.
Love Amy
Amy Lichtenstein
April 26, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Ilene Frischer
April 26, 2021
We love you Becca!
Erin Aufrichtig
April 26, 2021
Sending prayers of hope and love from Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Judy Willner
April 25, 2021
Thank you for keeping us updated! Love seeing that beautiful smile of hers and all of your smiles too! Praying every day for Rebecca\'s continued healing! Her strength and courage are truly inspiring! Sending you ALL tons of love, hugs and positive energy! XOXO
Melissa Rose Mednick
April 25, 2021
We, along with countless others, look forward to your updates on your courageous Rebecca. The news regarding the diaphragmatic pacer is exciting. We hope and believe it will be a successful tool in her progress. Prayers continue here. Love to Rebecca and the whole family.
Mike and Elaine Kantor
Elaine Kantor and Mike Kantor
April 25, 2021
Your positivity and perseverance is inspiring beyond belief. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Nina Raia
April 25, 2021
As always thank you for updates on Rebecca and how you are all doing. As a therapist I know the road ahead is full of bumps and curves but what amazing technology advances that Rebecca is having access to ... and the top notch facilities. Our prayers continue for her, all of the family and the medical/therapy teams surrounding Rebecca!
Linda and Larry (lake friends of Helen and Warren)
April 25, 2021
So happy for you all that progress continues.. our love to all.
Douglas Kelban and Susan Green
April 25, 2021
Dear Audrey,
You are all in my prayers. Please let me know what else I can do to help.
Peggy Cline Damuth
Margaret Damuth
April 24, 2021
May god grant you a speedy recovery! Prayers!
warren spinner
April 23, 2021
We are thinking of Rebecca and your family during this difficult time. Our love and prayers go out to you.
April 23, 2021
I think of Rebecca and the Koltun family every day. I am reminded of the unforgettable Christopher Reeve who left us such a great legacy with his Foundation.
Ann Vigo~Dienes
April 23, 2021
Wishing you love and praying for you sweet beautiful Rebecca
Lori Page
April 23, 2021
Sending love and healing thoughts to Rebecca and the Koltun family during this difficult time.
Donations from the “Raffles for Rebecca” Fundraiser from Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority at Binghamton University.
Hailey Zion
April 23, 2021
Keep believing in yourself Rebecca!
April 22, 2021
Wishing you all the best!
Jacqueline Reckseit
April 22, 2021
Praying for Rebecca Koltun's continued recovery.
Toby and Howie Kaye
April 22, 2021
My 11 year old daughter Molly made and sold beaded mask chains and wanted to donate her money to Rebecca. She hopes Rebecca gets well and wanted to do something to help her family.
Molly Goldblatt
April 22, 2021
Our family is praying for your daughter's full recovery.
Heidi Bota
April 22, 2021
Wishing you all the best Rebecca. Praying for a successful surgery. Much love ❤️❤️❤️
April 22, 2021
Get well soon Rebecca ❤️
Frankie Figueroa
April 22, 2021
Wishing you the very best for a strong recovery, Rebecca. I can see your resilience and persistence in your face and eyes.
Leslie Fishman
April 21, 2021
Prayers for your family as you navigate the unimaginable.
Faith Corey Fuhrman
April 21, 2021
Wishing you and your family love and courage! Stay strong.
Pegeen Channell
April 21, 2021
Jeff and Amy Brooke a rooting for you and have added "Rivka Bas Chaya" to the refuah shleima (speedy recovery) list at B'nai Israel Congregation, Norfolk, VA.
Jeffrey Brooke
April 21, 2021
Sending love, support and strength from your Hadassah sister up the street in Boston!
Leslie Gonzalez
April 21, 2021
Praying for Rebecca to make a full recovery soon. Your Hadassah sister.
Sue Lewin
April 21, 2021
Rebeca wishes of hope and prayers for a miraculous recovery
Esther Finkelstein
April 21, 2021
love and prayers from Rochelle Leibowitz (Emily Leibowitz’s Savta)
Rochelle Leibowitz
April 21, 2021
This donation is on behalf of the brothers at Phi Sigma Kappa at Lehigh University. Best wishes and all prayers to Rebeca and her family.
Areeb Khan
April 20, 2021
I am constantly thinking about you and have so much hope for your recovery. I remember you as strong, courageous, talented, and having a resilient attitude. You have become a part of everyone in Plainview’s life , and everyone is supporting you. We will continue to donate, fundraise, and spread the word about your story, and I do not see a stop in sight!
Amber Mirza
April 20, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you all especially Rebecca for her recovery.
Horace (Stretch) Weiss
April 20, 2021
Wishing Rebecca and family, the very best care available.
Steve `Taubman
April 20, 2021
A Collection of Funds from the RALLY FOR REBECCA Bracelet donation.
Lauren Fern
April 19, 2021
Praying for you Rebecca! You and your family are in my thoughts. Lots of love and healing ❤️
Allie Kulak
April 19, 2021
Rebecca you are surrounded with love
joanne schiefer
April 19, 2021
Thinking of you Rebecca!! Hoping for a healthy recovery, stay strong.
Laura Marrandino
April 19, 2021
I think of you often, Rebecca. I love how you are smiling in those latest photos with your parents. Your true beauty shines through!
Ann Vigo~Dienes
April 19, 2021
We have never met but i am Praying for you & your family Rebecca!!
Stay strong <3
Frenny Mehta
April 19, 2021
A Collection of Funds from the RALLY FOR REBECCA Bracelet donation.
Lauren Fern
April 19, 2021
I don\'t know you Rebecca, but I am a good friend of your grandparents, Helen and Warren. Your story has touched the hearts of so many in the Hampton Roads area. We are praying for you. I understand that you are a very strong person and a fighter. Keep up that fight!
Pam Gladstone
April 18, 2021
Proudly donating from the Sacred Space at Hot Pilates Secret Vinyasa Yoga class. May you always remember these three beautiful truths: you can always believe in something good, find peace, and know that you are never breathing alone. With all of our love:
Jolee Benezra
Shelly Benezra
Katie Iovino
Temima Shames
Sam Zuckerman
Mel Clarke
Olivia Sottile
Rosaria Rielly
Maddie Merinuck
Oliva Crowley
Suzie Ryan
Debra Zorn
Katie O'Neil
Stephanie Guzowski
Kathleen Albanese
Carrie Klipera
Siena Casella
Stephanie Grill
Patty Scibelli
Naomi Franko
Danielle Palma
Catherine Clesi
Ilene Kaplan
Maria Decicco
Adam Ostroff
Joanna Sugar
Danielle Feldman
Sara Getzoff
Jenna Gazzo
Amanda Gazzo
Sarah Montes
Jena Stark
Susan Rubin
Priya Dasani
Lori Saporito
Ashley Brazel
Kristi Cory
Amber Mirza
Matt Bahar
Heidi Herritt
Lauren Fern
Shari Kunoff
Natalie Fenwick
Kimie Chmura
Kelsey Fritsch
Jen Pantell
Carolyn Miller
Alise Yang
Chrissi Forde
Arielle Geller
Sam Harris
Dale Stark
Cory Stark
Tara Stark
Tara Stark
April 18, 2021
Sending so much love and prayers to sweet Becca
Binghamton University Dance Team
Sophia Pressman
April 18, 2021
Praying for a full recovery
Alexander Morsink
April 18, 2021
Our prayers are with you during this difficult journey. The Hettinger Family
Gloria Hettinger
April 18, 2021
Please, always know you have the love and support of family, friends and strangers alike- who wish you a full recovery.
We continue to storm heaven with prayers,
The Serani-Esposito Family
Paula Serani Esposito,LCSW-R
April 18, 2021
We just want to let you, and your family, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day.
Harriet & Gerry Bloom
Harriet & Gerry Bloom
April 18, 2021
We wish you well, Rebecca!
From friends if GG and Fred Kopilak
karin shields
April 18, 2021
I don’t know your family personally, but I saw Rebecca’s story on the social media of mutual friends. My heart goes out to Rebecca and your whole family. I hope this little bit helps to get her the best care.
Tobi Klein
April 18, 2021
Sending heartfelt prayers
allison nass
April 18, 2021
Healing thoughts and prayers to this beautiful young girl and her family.
Amy Kaminer
April 17, 2021
From Brooke Erkus- A collection of Funds from the RALLY FOR REBECCA Bracelet donations.
Lauren Fern
April 17, 2021
Becca we think about u everyday and hopefully u get to see progress. Love from Cheryl Shames Temima’s mom
Cheryl Shames
April 17, 2021
Sending prayers for hope during this difficult time. We’re rooting for you! All our love and strength now and forever more. Leah, Gabrielle and Joshua Martin
Leah Martin
April 17, 2021
Rebecca you are a beautiful soul and a fighter! We are sending lots of love and prayers your way!
April 17, 2021
You are amazing and we are all thinking about you! You are such a fighter!
- SUNY Brockport Student Dance Organization
SUNY Brockport Student Dance Organization
April 17, 2021
Sending love and prayers to all of you and hope that this last week doesn’t happen again. Xoxoxo
Kathy and Jerry Kantor
April 17, 2021
Stay strong!!!
April 17, 2021
Rebecca, Audrey, Scott, Erik - i am in touch with you guys through my daily prayers and I hold you all in my heart. Sending lots of love - -Gerry
gerry brooks
April 17, 2021
i really do hope this helps and that she can get everything she needs to recover send love and prayers<3
hanan affifi
April 17, 2021
Sending loving and healing energy everyday.
Nancy McGrew
April 17, 2021
Thank you for these very important updates on Rebecca. We won’t stop praying for her and sharing her story. May the love, support, prayers, family, love for life, community and non stop momentum bring progress and milestones to your beautiful daughter.
With Love,
Donna Donnelly & Family
Donna Donnelly
April 17, 2021
Sending prayers for Rebecca and her family. We have you all in our thoughts and prayers everyday.
Kimberly Campbell
April 17, 2021
Thank you for your continued updates on your beautiful Rebecca. I personally check this site daily looking for more information. This is my 3rd post to you letting you know how much I think and pray for Rebecca and all of you. I continue to share her story and ask for support and prayers. I wake up in the night to pray again and again (please know you are not alone). I believe in Rebeccas recovery. May God’s Bless her and all of you. Thank you for continuing to share her progress.
Debbie Conk
April 17, 2021
You are in our prayers.
April 17, 2021
Dear Koltun Family-
It is so wonderful to see photos of Rebecca sitting in the sun and smiling! Sorry to learn of the unanticipated hospital stay, but we are happy she is back at Spaulding, receiving amazing treatments. We met your friend Jessica, and I\'d guess about 90% of Plainview, at the fundraiser outside of Family Bagel. The love and support being channeled your way is so strong, so I know you can feel it up there in Boston. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers and hearts, 24/7! Keep posting your updates...we need them too! Love, the Marnells
April 17, 2021
Thinking of you so often. The love of your family and Rebecca’s spirit can move mountains. Sending positive thoughts.
- Fellow Binghamton Family
April 17, 2021
I have been thinking about Rebecca & your family every single day since the accident and am praying hard for her daily progress! She looks amazing in the pics and is an inspiration to all. It\'s great to read the updates too and I\'m so glad her hospital was short even though frustrating. I will continue believing in the power of prayer!!!
With affection & love, Stephanie Greenhouse/Buckberg
Stephanie Buckberg (Greenhouse)
April 17, 2021
We wish you a most most most speedy recovery! Our thoughts are with you and your family. Obviously, you are a beautiful and intelligent girl and it would be so wonderful for you to be able to accomplish your plans in life. I know you have to be patient, but we know your ill try your very best and put this behind you.
Hugs and Hugs and More Hugs
Sylvia Essman
April 16, 2021
Collected from various donors! Love and miss you Becca!
John Pennisi
April 16, 2021
Blessings to the family!
April 16, 2021
Sending prayers for your recovery.
Cynthia Rosa
April 16, 2021
Best wishes from Northwell Health
Northwell Health
April 16, 2021
Every day Mike and I think of Rebecca and all of you. We pray for her recovery to be as far-reaching as possible. We admire her strength and we send her and her family our love and our support. You are in our hearts.
Myron(Mike) and Elaine Kantor
Elaine Kantor and Mike Kantor
April 16, 2021
From the customers of CheaperChic - we love you and support you! Wishing Rebecca all of the best, and sending so much love! Virtual hugs to the entire Koltun family!!
Stacey Aaron
April 16, 2021
We are so sorry for the tragic accident Rebecca has suffered. We pray that she will make a steady and good recovery to a happy life.
Bernie & Helene Grablowsky
April 16, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a complete recovery and a "refua shlema"...from Eric (Binghamton senior) and his family.
Eric Zucker
April 16, 2021
Sending Prayers and positive energy to help you through this❤️
S. Edmundson
April 15, 2021
You have such a beautiful smile. I will be thinking of you often and hope the best for your future.
April 15, 2021
Rebecca and all the family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Maureen Fradkin
April 15, 2021
Just read your latest updates. Thank you so much for sharing . We think about you guys all the time. Sending you love and hugs from NJ, cousins Lisa and Jeff
Lisa Klein
April 15, 2021
Friend of the Scheibel Family. My prayers for Rebecca and family.
Jeanine Levine
April 15, 2021
On 4/12 Becca’s many friends at BU gathered at Toms and raised over $4000! So much love for Becca, I’m proud to have been a part of it.
Lawrence Shea
April 15, 2021
Sending love for a full recovery The Gleeson Family
John Gleeson
April 15, 2021
As a friend of Susan Green and lifelong skier mybheart goes out to you.
Sharyn Taylor
April 15, 2021
Thinking of you.
April 15, 2021
I read Becca's tragic story in the newspaper. My thoughts and prayers are with Becca and her family. Keep fighting and continue to be strong Becca!
Patricia and Richard Lazaro
April 15, 2021
Continued prayers for Rebecca and her family
Suzanne Theocharidis
April 15, 2021
Sending you light love to your family
Robin Pollak
April 15, 2021
Be strong and have faith in uncertainty! You are so loved! God will take care of you he has not forgotten about you!
April 15, 2021
Our positive thoughts are with you.
Salvatore DeSantis
April 15, 2021
Praying for continued healing and miracles.
Amy McNamara
April 14, 2021
Friends of the Teich family, we wish Becca well
Sandy Shapin
April 14, 2021
Following Becca\'s journey from Melbourne, Australia, through my contacts at HHL, this is a tough time for you all, I have a hashtag that I use #darknessglimmerlight the 3 periods of this injury...I run a support group Warrior Momz on facebook, we are a small but very experienced supportive community - most of us are parents supporting a loved one with the injury or they are injured themselves..My son was injured 21 years ago in a snowboarding accident C5/ T1...
SCI is an extremely tough cruel injury but gaining recovery and independence is possible ~ #IMpossible
Your advocacy and support for your precious daughter will be crucial for her ongoing recovery! Sadly it\'s a community no one ever had a goal to join, but you will find amazing support, love, understanding and experience...
Kay Ledson
April 14, 2021
Sending our thoughts and prayers. Love, Dana & Robert Fink
dana fink
April 14, 2021
Praying for beautiful Rebecca and her family!
Mariana Rountry
April 14, 2021
My thoughts, prayers and love to the Kolton and Aleck families
helene korel
April 14, 2021
Rebecca, you are obviously a wonderful person with a wonderful family. Plainview loves you.
Richard Elgart
April 14, 2021
get well soon .. so sad to hear this incident. God bless you. wishing u to overcome the difficulties facing right now.jesus bless u tc
dhanoob kunju
April 14, 2021
Wishing Rebecca, Erik, Audrey, Scott and entire family, prayers, strength, and courage during this difficult period. May the care and love we have for you carry you and speed you.
Richard Stern
April 14, 2021
From us & my parents. Praying for Rebecca and your entire family.
Tobi & Steven Innerfield
April 14, 2021
We’re routing for your successful recovery! Sending you strength, support and love. We will keep you in our prayers.
Kristen James
April 13, 2021
Sending prayers for your healing and recovery.
April 13, 2021
Dear Rebecca, I learned about you through a friend who skies At Stratton. You are very brave and I am sure all your friends and family are so proud of how you are handling your unfortunate accident. I will prayer for you in addition to helping your fund.
Patty Allen
April 13, 2021
Best wishes for your recovery, Rebecca
Steven Cyphers
April 13, 2021
Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
Dori and Jerry Brenner
April 13, 2021
Randy and I hope for a miracle for Rebecca.
janet delciello
April 13, 2021
From Brooke Erkus- A portion of the funds from the the RALLY FOR REBECCA BRACELETS
Lauren Fern
April 13, 2021
You are all in my thoughts and payers! Stay strong.
Beth Gottlieb
April 13, 2021
Prayers are with you!
David Roche
April 13, 2021
I can't imagine how difficult this must be for the entire family. I believe there is a reason and a plan behind your survival. I wish you strength endurance and vision. Your challenges may become your triumph even if that seems impossible now. Though we never met I just wish I could do more. Forever in my thoughts. Shine bright work hard don't lose your light.
Stefanie Kiernan
April 13, 2021
Maryanne Anderson
April 13, 2021
Thinking only the best thoughts for Rebecca. Extra hugs to Audrey. Best, Karen Samuels
Karen Samuels
April 13, 2021
We hope and pray for your recovery
Hana Trubowitz
April 13, 2021
My prayers are with you Rebecca
Rosanne O'Loughlin
April 13, 2021
Sending caring thoughts and prayers to all of you every step of the way.
Pamela Anderson
April 12, 2021
We will say a prayer for your recovery.
The Jankowitz Family
April 12, 2021
Stay Strong Rebecca! We are all pulling for you!
Carol Salony
April 12, 2021
Hoping medicine , science and technology provide strength and independence for Rebecca Koltun’s future .
Wendy Treidel
April 12, 2021
Sending you only love and the best wishes <3 we miss you and love you so much Becca
Kayla Lieb
April 12, 2021
I’m sharing on behalf of Suny Oneonta. I hope this helps,
Grace McCann
April 12, 2021
Rally for Rebecca Raffle Donation
Jessica Scheibel
April 12, 2021
Dear Audrey & Scott,
I am so so sorry to hear about Rebecca’s accident. I know this has affected all of you greatly. I am thankful that little miracles have happened along the way to keep your Rebecca alive, & I pray that miracles continue to happen for her. So glad to hear she is eating solid food now. Please know your entire family is in my thoughts & prayers. Much love,
Wendy Alperin Rubin
Wendy Rubin
April 12, 2021
Will continue praying for you and your family.
April 12, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca and family.
Shari Kornberg
April 12, 2021
My heart goes out to the family sending you prayers.
April 12, 2021
We will continue to keep Rebecca in our prayers and pray that God will continue to guide her on her road to recovery. - The LaRusso Family
Phyllis LaRusso
April 12, 2021
Thinking of you, Rebecca, and your family. Continued prayers for your recovery.
Susan Marc
April 12, 2021
Our heartfelt prayers go out to you and your family. God bless you with strength and peace always. ❤️
Janet Wiseltier
April 12, 2021
Sending all our love, hope, strength and encouraging prayers for Rebecca, Audrey, Scott, and Erik.
Greg, Linda and Rachel Cross
April 12, 2021
We are all pulling for you Rebecca and are hopeful for a meaningful recovery.
Jeff Herzog
April 12, 2021
Sending Rebecca—and the entire Koltun family—strength, love and healing wishes. Xoxo, Sheri & Jeremy ArbitalJacoby
Sheri and Jeremy ArbitalJacoby
April 12, 2021
Stay strong Rebecca!
Jamie Doppelt
April 11, 2021
Thinking of you Becca <3 You are so strong
April 11, 2021
Sending much hope and strength for Rebecca.
Jill Wasserman
April 11, 2021
Healing thoughts!
Amy Trust
April 11, 2021
I volunteered with Rebecca in Costa Rica in 2019. She is a determined, outgoing, smart, and caring young woman. It amazed me how selfless and motivated she was at such a young age. Truly inspiring. Praying for your healing!
Mandi Diederich
April 11, 2021
Sending positive vibes and prayers to Rebecca and her family.
Chryso Peter DAngelo
April 11, 2021
Miracles do happen. Stay focused stay strong!
Elie Ribacoff
April 11, 2021
Sending my best wishes from LI
Marion Rose
April 11, 2021
Audrey -- sending you and your family so much love. xox Wendy Siegel
Wendy Siegel
April 11, 2021
Dear Audrey Scott and Erik
Audrey, we met on Becca\'s and my son John\'s first day of orientation at BIng. I was so happy John met his first friend in Becca. We want you to know we pray all the time for Becca and pray for her recovery. It sounds like all our prayers are being answered. SO happy to hear Becca is progressing. God bless her and you all during this difficult time.
Diane and Mike Cusker
Diane Cusker
April 11, 2021
Light flourishes in the darkness.
Sam Weber
April 11, 2021
Sofia Estevez
April 11, 2021
Sending you strength and love from one Swiftie to another <3
Avery Weiss
April 11, 2021
The Garil Family is praying for Rebecca.
Dale Garil
April 11, 2021
From Brooke Erkus-portion of funds from RALLY FOR REBECCA Bracelets
Lauren Fern
April 11, 2021
Keep going on your road to recovery.
Jessica Rubin
April 11, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
The Bruwer Family
Lisa Bruwer
April 11, 2021
Even if you don’t know a person, that should never stop you from giving.
Aaron Banks
April 11, 2021
You’ll always have my thoughts. You’ll always have my prayers. I know you’ll have everything and everyone you need every step of the way because you would do the same for them. Get well soon Becca❤️
Adam Ungar
April 11, 2021
I am keeping your beautiful Rebecca in my
loving prayers for healing and strength.
Ramona V. Machson
Ramona Machson
April 11, 2021
I do not know Rebecca personally, but I have been thinking of her ever since I first heard of her accident. There are no right words, but as somebody her age, I am extremely inspired by her strength. Seeing pictures of her smiling with visitors shows her immense positivity and determination, two qualities that are such a rarity. Sending lots of good thoughts and well wishes to Rebecca and her family. I will continue to hope for more miracles.
Brianna Prego
April 11, 2021
Audrey, Scott and Erik,
We went to the family bagel fundraiser today. It was so truly inspiring to see the community rally and turn out for your dear Rebecca. Michelle and I think of your dear Rebecca every day. Our hearts go out to you. Love Michelle and David
Michelle and David Shnitkin
April 11, 2021
Donation made with love and healing energy!
Melissa Mednick
April 10, 2021
From Brooke Erkus- portion of collected funds from the RALLY FOR REBECCA bracelets.
Lauren Fern
April 10, 2021
Dear Koltun Family: This is my second post to let you know since the day I heard about Rebeccas accident I have been praying for her day and night. Please know how many people care and cherish your updates on Rebecca. You don’t know me but please find comfort in knowing how many people I continue to share Rebecca’s page with for continued support and forever prayers. I believe in miracles and I have faith in Rebeccas recovery. I will always think and pray for her and all of you. Sending you enormous love and support.
Debbie Conk
April 10, 2021
With all the love, support and determination, we know you will exceed all expectations Rebecca.Stay strong. Sending much love and prayers to you and your family.
From your cousins once { or twice} removed! But still close in heart.
Judy and Ray Goldman
Ray and Judy Goldman
April 10, 2021
Keeping Rebecca and the Koltun Family in my thoughts and prayers everyday
Nicole Nasti
April 10, 2021
We ❤️ U becca
Joanna Savino
April 10, 2021
Our thoughts are with all of you .
Susan and Ralph Straus
April 10, 2021
I'm heartbroken about this whole situation. But I know how strong you are and know you will have a positive road toward recovery. My family and I are thinking and praying for you everyday!
Nick Roca
April 10, 2021
Our almost 8 year old grandson Chase raised this amount by doing a magic show to raise money for his and his sister Jordy’s wonderful babysitter Becca. It is with great pride that we have chosen to match his donation.
Denise and Allen Wolfbiss
April 10, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca from a Bing Mom.
Dana Sullivan
April 10, 2021
on behalf of Jess Daniel <3
sara getzoff
April 10, 2021
Our prayers are continually with Rebecca and her family. Robbie and Albert
Robbie|Albert Selkin
April 10, 2021
Sending love and prayers to Rebecca, Erik, Audrey and Scott.
Laura Finch
April 10, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca
Wendy Punzo
April 10, 2021
My daughter is in her 3rd year at Binghamton University and told us about beautiful Rebecca. Our continued prayers and healing thoughts sent to Rebecca
Denise Algerio
April 10, 2021
Our prayers and thoughts are with Rebecca and family.
Rinda Toben
April 10, 2021
Rebecca you are a strong young lady and you can do this. Never give up. God will give you strength
Billie Gordon
April 10, 2021
Our prayers & thoughts are with you Scott and your family.....
Rich & Fran Lewis
Fran Lewis
April 10, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Liz Rosenberg
April 10, 2021
Praying for you and your family
Nicholas Fiumara
April 10, 2021
Dear Audrey, Scott, Eric and Rebbeca,
I am terribilly saddened to learn of the accident that has occurred. I will be praying for you every day and night. I belong to Steven McDonalds prayer group and your will to live reminds me of his huge spirit to spread a message of hope despite many obstacles.
Patrick Rodgers
April 10, 2021
Praying for you Rebecca!
Dominick Tassone
April 10, 2021
Prayers for a speedy and full recovery
Constance Bachner
April 10, 2021
Sending love and support from the Hensley Online Trivia Group (aka friends of Sarah, Andrew, and Wendy Mensch)!
Alyssa Hensley
April 10, 2021
Sending prayers and lots of healing vibes to Rebecca and family on her road to recovery - from a Binghamton family.
Regina Cregin
April 10, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca and her family!
Joseph and Mary Olive
April 9, 2021
Thoughts and prayers to a speedy recovery! We're all supporting you in your recovery! All the Best to you and your loving family!
Edna Cuttler
April 9, 2021
Dear Audrey, Scott, and Erik,
My thoughts and prayers have been with Rebecca and all of you since I heard what happened. Please stay strong. Sending love and support.
Sharon Hyman
April 9, 2021
From Brooke Erkus- the rest of the 4/9 donation from the RALLY FOR BECCA Bracelets!
Lauren Fern
April 9, 2021
Our hearts go out to all and the family and pray for good results!
Amy Uffner
April 9, 2021
Sophia Kaczmarski
April 9, 2021
I do not know this family personally, but I heard of this tragic story from client...there are no words to express the sorrow. May God bless you and give you his blessing, his favor during this extremely difficulty time. Tom & Diane Hoffman
Thomas Hoffman
April 9, 2021
We pray for your family every day!
April 9, 2021
Stay strong, God bless
Anthony Cruz
April 9, 2021
Sending Prayers
The Nargentino Family
April 9, 2021
Hope. You recover fast
Steve Ferraro
April 9, 2021
Rabbi Arthur & Miriam Ruberg
April 9, 2021
From Brooke Erkus- collection of funds from the RALLY FOR REBECCA bracelets
Lauren Fern
April 9, 2021
Donations from Rally for Rebecca Raffle and Rally for Rebecca Lawn Signs
Jessica Scheibel
April 9, 2021
Sending prayers and love
Sharon Goldberg
April 9, 2021
A collection of funds from the
RALLY FOR REBECCA Bracelets (part 2)
Lauren Fern
April 9, 2021
Scott, Audrey, Erik,
I was so devastated when my parents told me about your beautiful daughters accident. She will remain in my prayers, as will you all. Sending strength, love, and hope to you all.
Much love,
Jody, Mark, Nick, Mitch and Lindsay Becker
Jody Becker
April 9, 2021
Sending healing thoughts and vibes.
The Kaplan Family
Glenn Kaplan
April 9, 2021
with prayers and love
carla hoene
April 9, 2021
Sending lots of strength and support to you Rebecca.
The Ritter Family
Scott Ritter
April 9, 2021
Stay strong down this challenging road. Sending healing vibes from NYC.
Patty Yuen
April 9, 2021
We are honored to support our neighbor Rebecca and her family. With our love, thoughts, and prayers. Matt & Scott
Greenblatt & Agulnick PC Law Offices
April 9, 2021
Sending healing prayers to Rebecca and her family.
Jodi, Steve, Justin & Lauryn Kashkin
April 9, 2021
You are in our thoughts and prayers Becca! Stay strong!
- The SUNY Brockport Dance Team
Olivia Anderson
April 9, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca and her beautiful, strong family. May each new day bring tiny miracles and so much hope.
Karen Benway
April 9, 2021
I am Andy Lavigne good friend. So sorry to hear about this tragic incident. Hope that one day will one day soon be able to overcome this terrible accident. Mark S Gardner / Dallas. TX
Mark Gardner
April 9, 2021
Rebecca is in our thought and prayers. The Peck Friedman family
Linda Peck
April 9, 2021
Thinking of you during this very difficult time. Prayers for a fast recovery.
Dana Moskowitz
April 9, 2021
Praying for your recovery! You got this!
Patrick Eidinger
April 9, 2021
Wishing for a speedy and full recovery for Rebecca
Sondra Krinsky
April 8, 2021
Praying for Rebecca.
Meridith Savage
April 8, 2021
Prayers and strong healing thoughts for Rebecca and her family. Good news her rehab has begun at such a great place.
Melanie and Katie
Melanie Mikkelsen
April 8, 2021
Keeping your family in our prayers.
irina gershkovich
April 8, 2021
From more friends and family who are sending so much love, prayer, and support your way. You amaze everyone everyday and I know you're going to continue to do so. We all love you and are rooting for you <3
- various donors
Marisa Noon
April 8, 2021
You do not know us, but we are Zeke\'s grandparents.
Our hearts and prayers go out to you every day. We are so pleased that Rebecca is making progress and eating solid foods.
Fred & GG Kopilak
April 8, 2021
I just saw the msg asking for prayer for Rebecca. I am deeply saddened to hear what she and her family have been through, and have to go through. will keep Rebecca and family in my prayers daily and pass on to other prayer warriors to do the same.
April 8, 2021
you and your family have been in my family\'s thoughts and prayers ever since we heard the horrible news. We are hoping for rehab to go as well as it possibly can. Stay strong!!!
Jessica Raia
April 8, 2021
As I started to say...we heard about Rebecca’s accident through a friend of a friend and our hearts have been truly broken...we are devout Christians who aim to live our lives trusting that God’s plan is better than our own, however we have been questioning God, over and over, why did this happen?!?! Though we have NO answer to that question, we are praying for a healing miracle for Rebecca! And we are praying for Rebecca, her family and her friends to feel God’s peace, comfort, love and hope during this unfathomable time. May you all be filled with an abundance of faith and strength to carry you through each moment...each day!
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” 1 Corinthians 16
Kristine Jacobson
April 8, 2021
Extra Raffle Donation
Jessica Scheibel
April 8, 2021
Hoping and praying for Rebecca’s recovery and for to get stronger and to be able to get better.
Raegan Eidinger
April 8, 2021
Sorry my message was cut off...
Kristine Jacobson
April 8, 2021
Miracles happen everyday. Stay positive. We will keep sending prayers and good vibes.
April 8, 2021
We heard about Rebecca’s accident through a friend of a friend and our hearts have been truly broken
Kristine Jacobson
April 8, 2021
Look at your accomplishments in a minute by minute increments.
You have already accomplished a milestone. Don’t lose hope and be strong. Our extended families and friends from all over the world are making prayers for you.
Aryas’s family
Masood Safaie
April 8, 2021
Print Sale Proceeds
Graydon Swartz
April 8, 2021
All of us here at Mattlin are sending lots of positive thoughts.
martin mccabe
April 8, 2021
Wishing the Koltun family strength at this most difficult time. Love to all
Carol Vorperian
April 8, 2021
From your friends at 116 Murray St. and other friends and family, we love you Becca and are wishing you a speedy recovery! Thank you for bringing light into our lives every day and miss you more than ever <3
Aryas Safaie
April 8, 2021
Scott and Audrey,
Rebecca and your family are in our thoughts. Hoping each day is better than the day before...
Please pass on a special \"hello\" to Rebecca from Eric... He and all of us are praying for a recovery.
Great news to hear that she\'s eating solid food.
Craig, Michele, Jake and Eric
Craig L. Weiser
April 8, 2021
Hi Rebecca,
Lots of prayers & best wishes for continued healing!
Warm regards,
Christina Alexopoulos (Binghamton U Club Soccer 2019)
Christina Alexopoulos
April 8, 2021
My deepest thoughts and prayers are with Becca and all her friends and family at this time. I know there is no challenge too big that she can't overcome, and I look forward to seeing her back in action real soon. Stay strong and know we all love you so much.
John DiModica
April 8, 2021
I am a fellow Plainview resident. My thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and the entire Koltun family. Your positive outlook will help you all through these very tough times. May G-d look over all of you. From Jill, Howie and Louie Parnes
Jill Parnes
April 8, 2021
So very sorry to hear this news- Sending healing energy-
Leslie Harvey
April 8, 2021
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time. Sending love and strengthen.
Melissa Kropf
April 8, 2021
Keeping positive thoughts for your recovery.
- The Unterlack Family
Evan Unterlack
April 8, 2021
Prayers are with Rebecca for her healing & strength. With God all things are possible,
Valerie Caulfield
April 8, 2021
Praying for a speedy recovery 3767
Tina Luce
April 8, 2021
My prayers are with you all.
Leslie Koffler
April 8, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey & Erik,
Not a day goes by where we aren't praying hard for Rebecca's recovery. As I mentioned in an earlier post that we had been at Stratton the same day and Rebecca's story is so close to our hearts. Each of you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and we will continue sharing Rebecca's story in search of additional support and prayers.
Love, Donna Donnelly & family
Donna Donnelly
April 8, 2021
May the long time sunshine Pom you all love surround you and the pure light within you guide your way home
Eric Fisher
April 8, 2021
My prayers are with Rebecca.
Linda Loeb
April 8, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers for Rebecca and her family!
Mitchell and Cindy Boxer
April 8, 2021
Sensing prayers to Rebecca and the Koltun family
Mary Stafford
April 7, 2021
Thinking of you and your wonderful family. Praying for your complete recovery. Refuah Shlemah.
Dina Hochbaum
April 7, 2021
Rebecca you and your family are on our hearts. We are praying for you everyday, for you all to have strength, courage and healing. Sending our love to you.
Kevin Linda Morgan Marisa and Michael ❤️
The Noons
April 7, 2021
Praying for you and your family.
suzanne smith
April 7, 2021
Dear Rebecca. I hope you get well soon and I hope you can come home to Plainview soon too. Plainview will celebrate your homecoming. ❤️
Lisa kupferberg
April 7, 2021
We are keeping Rebecca in our thoughts and prayers and we are sending strength, love and comforting hugs to you all.
Glenn,Kori,Skylar,Sage and Hayden Schneider
Glenn Schneider
April 7, 2021
Thinking of you.
Vicky Kuperman
April 7, 2021
Solid foods!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!! This is great news!! Praying for your progress, Rebecca. Love to the are in our thoughts 24/7.
The Marnell Family
April 7, 2021
Dear Audrey, Scott, Rebecca and Erik,
Thank you so much for your updates during this difficult journey for all of you. We are so happy to hear that Rebecca is now able to eat solid food. Rebecca, you are in our thoughts always. We are sending hope, love, and strength to you and your family.
With love, Barbara, Steve, Daniel and Michael Gulotta
Barbara Gulotta
April 7, 2021
I am so sorry to hear about Rebecca. My positive thoughts and prayers to all of you.
Robin Friedman
April 7, 2021
Thank you for sharing such wonderful news! One step at a time towards recovery for Rebecca.
Leslie Popoff
April 7, 2021
Thinking of Rebecca and her family !
Amy Plutzer
April 7, 2021
My niece experienced something similar at a similar age. She has a blog you may find helpful and is open to talking with others, if you wish to contact her.
May you and your family be comforted and strengthened.
April 7, 2021
Praying for your full recovery. God bless!
William DeVito
April 7, 2021
Love, hope and prayers for your strength in recovery.
Christine McCarthy
April 7, 2021
Many prayers for Hope, her family and friends. Continue to fight and stay strong!
Greg Arroyo
April 7, 2021
May you experience moracles!
Marlene Ulman
April 7, 2021
Praying everyday for Rebecca and her family
Sydney Chaikin
April 7, 2021
My wife and I are both originally from Plainview and we are a world wide skiing family! Our prayers and thoughts go out to you all especially to Rebecca.
Ann Louise O\'Neill and Edward John Maher
Edward John Maher
April 7, 2021
Desr Family
Our prayers and thoughts are with you all .
Susan & Anthony Kropf
Susan & Anthony Kropf
April 7, 2021
God bless the Koltun family.
Daniel Panessa
April 7, 2021
My heart goes out to the Koltun family. Wishing Rebecca a speedy recovery.
Lisa Appelbaum
April 7, 2021
Praying for you and your family and wishing you strength and support.
Thomas Baby
April 7, 2021
Sending more thoughts and prayers...
You are in our hearts now and always.
With love,
The Brenner Family
Judith Brenner
April 7, 2021
Praying, The Dunn Family
ellen dunn
April 7, 2021
sending prayers
Brianna Federico
April 7, 2021
More Magical Mechak !
Hollie Mechak
April 7, 2021
Prayers for a miracle for your incredible daughter
Samantha Gaskin
April 7, 2021
Sending prayers for a miraculous recovery.
Gail Geller
April 7, 2021
I’m keeping Rebecca and the entire family in my prayers!
Denise Evelti
April 7, 2021
Best wishes for speedy and complete recovery.
Jane Teta
April 7, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you
Ellen Levine
April 7, 2021
I heard about this through social media as I went to college with Erik. It is devastating to hear and I am heartbroken. I’ve been checking this page regularly for updates, thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. Sending my strength, energy and love your way.
Whitney Tam
April 7, 2021
Our thoughts are prayers go out to Rebecca and the Kolton Family.
The Zimmerman’s
April 7, 2021
As a mother my heart is aching for you and your family. Know that many are sending their prayers and love to all of you. Keep strong Rebecca.
Shahrzad Mohammadi
April 7, 2021
Donation from Brandon Bullock, Sarah Castor, and family. Our hearts go out to Rebecca and family. We will keep her in our thoughts and pray for all the best outcomes.
Brandon Bullock
April 7, 2021
In honor of Amy Musniks for all she does for others.
Thank you,
The Heller’s
Michael Heller
April 6, 2021
Rally for Rebecca Bracelet Fundraiser
Part 1
Brooke Erkus
Craig Erkus
April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021
We have been thinking of Rebecca since we heard the news. My entire family, who watch our girls play soccer together, are praying for her and your family. Please feel free to call on us, as we don’t live far from Plainview, if you need something done while you are in Boston.
With love,
Lisa, Rob, Julia and Robert
Lisa Stewart
April 6, 2021
We are praying for you today and always xo
Lisa Becker
April 6, 2021
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers ❤️ - the Gallagher family
Joanna Savino
April 6, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you
Barbara Wagner
April 6, 2021
May God bless and keep you strong.
Praying for you and your family
Lynn Mahoney
April 6, 2021
Prayers to the Koltun family. May God watch over the family during this difficult time and may he send angels from Heaven to bring healing to Rebecca.
April 6, 2021
“Hearts for Rebecca” raised these funds to spread love and support to Rebecca and family. Thank you, Arlene Levenstein and Ana Castro for your purchase of hearts.
Diana Anton
April 6, 2021
Sending my heartfelt prayers for Rebecca’s recovery. To her loving family and friends stay strong.
Irene Bier
April 6, 2021
My heart and prayers go out to Rebecca Koltun and her family! Wishing them the strength to get through this difficult time. Sending healing thoughts and prayers.
Ellen Lieber
Ellen Lieber
April 6, 2021
Praying for her and sending strength to the entire family.
Chris Kronish
April 6, 2021
I heard about this on the news and being a Long Island native this hit close to home. I am a social worker at New York Presbyterian and if you ever need anything please feel free to reach out to me and I will provide you with my email address. Sending well wishes to her and will be mailing a check out to your family tomorrow. Stay strong
Melissa Kanterman
April 6, 2021
Sending love and hope.
Sheryl Fuhrmann
April 6, 2021
God bless you. We are praying and you are loved.
Paula Halloran
April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021
God’s Blessings
Anthony Cotroneo
April 6, 2021
Sending prayers to Rebecca and her family. From the Fasano Family
Laurie Fasano
April 6, 2021
Stay strong sweet girl. Your in everyone's prayers for a full recovery. God bless you always.
ann ross sparacio
April 6, 2021
In my thoughts & prayers
Bonnie Stackhouse
April 6, 2021
Praying for you, dear Rebecca.
Love to you, Audrey, Scott, and Erik,
Joni (Fink) and Rami
Joni and Rami Burstein
April 6, 2021
Our sincere and most heartfelt thoughts go out to all of you during this difficult time. We send our prayers that you begin to see signs of recovery in the near future. Sara Jo and Joel Rubin
Sara Jo Rubin
April 6, 2021
God Bless you and keep up the fight! Best wishes in your recovery.
Kristen Boehm
April 6, 2021
I happened to be sitting with a friend at the back the Club when we saw the helicopter land. We then noticed the heightened activity around the staging area and the ambulance pulling into the spot normally taken by an ATV to bring people in the sled to the clinic. We watched ski patrol bring someone, who we now know was Rebecca, down in the sled. I've never seen ski patrol move with such speed, purpose, and determination. I saw someone giving her CPR as the sled went by and someone else giving her oxygen. It was an incredible sight and kudos to the entire ski patrol team and the staff at the clinic. We watched as they loaded her straight into the ambulance and a few minutes later, the chopper lift off. I have been wondering what ever happened to the young girl and prayed that she had made it . So glad to learn she's pulled through and our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and her family on her continued recovery and improvement.
April 6, 2021
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
April 6, 2021
The Benjamins hope you have a speedy recovery. you are in our thoughts and prayers.
sandra benjamin
April 6, 2021
Sending prayers
April 6, 2021
Thinking of you all, Audrey, and davening for your daughter's speedy recovery.
If you have not shared your daughter's Hebrew name as well as yours to your online info, please do. Want to make sure she's in our prayers in as many places as possible.
Joey Miller
April 6, 2021
Sending love and prayers to Rebecca and your entire family. ❤️
Jodi & Bob Eisen
April 6, 2021
Thinking about you and wishing you the best.
Hannah and Fred Brenowitz
Meridith Zwirn
April 6, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Koltun family.
JJ Burns & Company
April 6, 2021
I think of you and your beautiful daughter often and pray for healing and for strength. Sending love.
Lois Hass
April 6, 2021
On Behalf of my friend Fiona Grant!
Sara Getzoff
April 6, 2021
רפואה שלמה
Danielle Tyler
April 6, 2021
This heartbreaking tragedy leaves us all at a loss for words. My heart goes out to Becca and to the family. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Mike Cooke
April 6, 2021
We had the pleasure of meeting beautiful Rebecca at the Seri residence a few years ago. She has been in our constant prayers since we heard the news. Praying for continued healing, resilience and strength! Hugs
Aviva Sharbin
April 6, 2021
Sending prayers and hope to Rebecca and her family.
Alanna Schwartz
April 6, 2021
Hey Rebecca and Family, Josh Gindi and I are sending this to you from Woodbury. This is such an emotional story, close to home. Stay strong, and hope you getter better soon!
Jack Grunberg
April 6, 2021
Audrey and Scott , So sorry to hear of this devastating news .... Praying for Rebecca’s recovery .
Lori Berman
April 6, 2021
Sending love and support to Rebecca and her family. Wishing you continued strength, courage, and hopefulness in the days, weeks, and months ahead --
Audra Lewton & Family
April 6, 2021
Sending my love and prayers to Rebecca and the entire Koltun family
Brandon McNulty
April 6, 2021
May God bless Rebecca and her loving friends and family.
Stephen McDade
April 6, 2021
To your beautiful Rebecca. I\'m best friend with Ellen Kagan since JHS. Rebecca is in my thoughts and prayers every single day, as well as your family, and even your sweet doggy who must feel confused. I was talking to my boyfriend Jon regarding your situation. Jon is a quadraplegic and is doing great. We spend a lot of times on the boardwalk in Long Beach, where he lives. He uses his \"power chair\" when we go for our long walks. Jon is available to speak to anyone in your family if you have any questions. He will help you out any way he can. (516)255-7137. He does live in a Nursing Home, up the block from Starbucks in Long Beach. Everything there is taken care for him. He\'s like a king there. He\'s 63 now, his accident happened 30 years ago, but he doesn\'t let anything get in his way. Think positively, as I shall for you........
Miriam Safier
April 6, 2021
Keeping Rebecca in my prayers
Lauren Firoz
April 6, 2021
Hollie Mechak
April 5, 2021
Will keep Rebecca & you all in my prayers.
Patricia Davis
April 5, 2021
Your beautiful daughter is in my thoughts and prayers
Sharon Hoffman
April 5, 2021
I Pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, that Gods will be done for Rebecca, I pray for a mighty miracle of super natural healing through Gods Grace to realign Rebeccas C1-C2, to heal her spinal cord and restore her ability to breathe, feel and move her body from the neck down again. I pray for strength, blessings and miracles to come forth to the Koltun family. I have faith that she will continue to spread light love and inspiration to the lives of countless other. God Bless
Logan Schmitt
April 5, 2021
Praying that you have a miraculous and complete recovery!
April 5, 2021
We hope for miracles and healing to come to you in time.
Jennifer Arbitman
April 5, 2021
Sending prayers for Rebecca and her family. From a friend of Debra Aleck.
Nancy Wilcox
April 5, 2021
ElenaMaria Panvini
April 5, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca and her family-Francine and Leonard Rivera
Francine Rivera
April 5, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and the Koltun family.
Cindy Knight
April 5, 2021
Unfathomable tragedy... We are all praying.
John Ziambras
April 5, 2021
We are all praying for Rebecca and her family during this time and will continue to raise awareness, support and donations in her honor. - Marisa Schulof (@mjhealthandhome)
Marisa Schulof
April 5, 2021
Sending strength, prayers and healing during this difficult time. Randy Wyman
Randy Wyman
April 5, 2021
Keeping you and your family in our prayers Becca! - Bryan Levine & Friends
Bryan Levine
April 5, 2021
Dearest Becca,
You are in our daily thoughts. We know how strong and courageous you are. Hugs, Tammy, Freddy, Zeke, Bazzy and Jesse Kopilak
Tammy Powell-Kopilak
April 5, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time. Patrick Echausse
Precision Test Prep Inc Echausse
April 5, 2021
Sending prayers for healing to you and your family
Linda Renna
April 5, 2021
Best wishes for your complete recovery
Lehni Lebert
April 5, 2021
I am a friend of Sue Teich. What she has told me about this family is remarkable. I am sending best wishes to Rebecca and the whole Koltun family.
Joyce Edel
April 5, 2021
Thoughts & Prayers to you all.
Jessica Bauer
April 5, 2021
Sending Prayers for healing & strength to your parents , family and friends.
The Cameron Family
Margaret Cameron
April 5, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and her family as they fight this challenge together.
Susan Jacobson Coburn
Susan Coburn
April 5, 2021
Stay strong.
Howard Greenberg
April 5, 2021
Rebecca and her family are in my thoughts in prayers. I am a C4/5 quadriplegic from a diving accident in 1997 when I was 18 years old. If I can be of any assistance, you can email me at [email protected].
Tim Dunne
Tim Dunne
April 5, 2021
Sending love to your whole family.
Jill Werbel Rider (from Norfolk)
Jill Werbel Rider
April 5, 2021
Thinking of you Erik, and your family during this time. Lots of love to you. Sending love and hope from Israel. רפואה שלמה
Love, Ofira
Ofira Dahan
April 4, 2021
Praying for you Rebecca!!
Leah Schneider
April 4, 2021
Seding love and support to the most absolute loving and caring human being. love, Brandon Vasquez
Brandon Vasquez
April 4, 2021
Sending prayers for your beautiful daughter. Ronni and Jason Sobel (Amanda Newman’s aunt and uncle)
Ronni Sobel
April 4, 2021
We are sending you love and prayers
Sharon & Jeff Kobrinsky
Jeff Kobrinsky
April 4, 2021
Sending love and hope for Rebecca and her family
Alan and Linda Aron
Linda ARON
April 4, 2021
Be Strong!
Sharon Pardo
April 4, 2021
Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Nancy Keane
April 4, 2021
I had the pleasure of working with Erik Koltun on his college essay years ago. When I read the article in today's Newsday, I was heartbroken for the entire Koltun family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all -- especially Rebecca -- on her journey towards recovery.
Peggy Kurtz
Peggy Kurtz
April 4, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, such a wonderful family.
The Kinstlers
Sheri Kinstler
April 4, 2021
Wishing you a healthy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Gabrielle and Stuart Shogan
April 4, 2021
Stay Strong!
Stacy Hitsky
April 4, 2021
Wishing for a speedy recovery and sending warm thoughts to Rebecca and her family during this difficult time.
-The Keelan Family
Stacey Keelan
April 4, 2021
Holding your family in my heart.
Nina Goldrich
April 4, 2021
Your entire family is in our thoughts and prayers...
Jody & David Laibstain
April 4, 2021
My heart is with all of you at this challenging time. By the grace of modern medicine and prayer, wishing for Rebecca a full recovery. Much strength to you all.
shari graber
April 4, 2021
Wishing Rebecca Koltun a complete recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Hailey Zion’s Aunt Marilyn S
Marilyn Silverstein
April 4, 2021
Just read about Rebecca's terrible accident in Newsday. On this holiest day of Easter, I will offer prayers for the best possible outcome for Rebecca as well as for her her parents and brother. Where there is life, there is hope. Keep fighting Rebecca and Godspeed !!!
Dennis Donohue
April 4, 2021
My prayers and thoughts go out to Rebecca and the entire Koltun family.
Rhonda Diller
April 4, 2021
Dear Koltun Family,
I am a C4/5 quadriplegic from a football injury in 1970. If I can be any help or answer any question please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Ken Kunken
April 4, 2021
We are all praying for you Rebecca .
Arianthe Vangelatos
April 4, 2021
Rebecca, I do not know you but I read your story in Newsday. I can't imagine what you are feeling. Please stay positive, and hopeful. I hope the love from your family and the support around you makes you stronger each day.
Michael Biordi
April 4, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca,
Eddie, Lisa , Carly, Elliot, and Robyn Salzberg
Edward Salzberg
April 4, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and her family.
Heather Habibi
April 4, 2021
So sorry to hear about Rebecca’s injury. As you know my brother also had a high level cervical spine fracture over 25 years ago and is a quadriplegic. Stay strong, stay positive. Stay hopeful
Pam Blais
April 4, 2021
Prayers of healing to Rebecca and support to all her family
Lois Miller
April 4, 2021
We wish you much strength getting through this difficult times! ❤️
The Pickus Family
Robert Pickus
April 4, 2021
Our most fervent hopes and warmest wishes to you all for a strong recovery for Rebecca. You are in our prayers.
Cassie and Larry Goldblatt
Lawrence Goldblatt
April 4, 2021
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for More Miracles to happen..b’H❗️
Darryl Lefcoe
April 4, 2021
Sending strength and prayers to Becca and the Koltun family.
- Julie Gold (part of the CPLV family)
Julie Gold
April 4, 2021
God Bless your recovery. The Kelch family will keep you in their prayers .
Alexander Kelch
April 4, 2021
Prayers and thoughts are with Rebecca and the Koltun family.
Mary Billings
April 4, 2021
You have a long life ahead of you beautiful! Keep your head up and know its so worth fighting for!
Samantha Duerst
April 4, 2021
Sending so much love and support to the whole Koltun family. Wishing Rebecca a speedy recovery! xoxo Jade Skye Jewelry
Allison Fass
April 4, 2021
Prayers and special wishes for Rebecca and her road to recovery. God bless you ,your family and caretakers.
Katherine Leogrande
April 4, 2021
We hope the strength from this incredible community will help your family stay strong during this difficult time.
Lisa Bernstein
April 4, 2021
The Board and Staff at the Mid Island YJCC offer our support to the entire family. We are here for you!
Mid Island YJCC
April 4, 2021
Stay strong and we are always thinking of you.
Carolynn Pillitteei
April 4, 2021
Sending prayers for your recovery
Dorothy Schultz
April 4, 2021
Keep up the fighting spirit!!
Ellen Brafman
April 4, 2021
God Bless you and love
Joanne Doyle
April 4, 2021
The strength of the parents is in these kids. A beautiful family with a challenging road before them. A new normal every day requires a village, and the village is present.
May we hold each other up in times like these. With each other, we can get through anything.
Praying for a full recovery.
Sharon Schultz
April 4, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May your family come our stronger, and may Rebecca know that all of Plainview is cheering for her. Much love, The Landes Family
Jaime Lynn Landes
April 4, 2021
Michael Brown
April 4, 2021
Miracles happen every day!,
Praying for Rebecca ❤️
Eileen Harbater
April 4, 2021
Prayers for strength for Rebecca
Andrea Baker
April 4, 2021
Life will always throw you curves, just keep fouling them off. The right pitch will come, and when it does, be prepared to hit a homerun!
We are rooting for you Rebecca!!!
⚾️❤️ Plainview Hawks 12u Cooperstown Baseball Team ⚾️❤️
Plainview Hawks 12u Cooperstown Baseball Team
April 4, 2021
My prayers are with you. My daughter graduated from Binghampton U
April 4, 2021
Wish Rebecca all the best in her recovery. Praying for her.
This is Jessica Rappaport’s grandmother
Sandra Wolk
April 4, 2021
Sending love and healing prayers for Rebrcca.
Linda and Stanley Samuels
April 4, 2021
Rebecca is a classmate of mine from last semester. I’m praying for you and sending your strength during the physical recovery process.
April 4, 2021
You are in our prayers Rebecca may God bless you and your family and give you strength. With love from Olivia Anderson and family
Ann Marie Anderson
April 4, 2021
Thinking of you all. Keep fighting!
Barbara Tetenbaum
April 3, 2021
Dear Rebecca, You are in all of our warmest thoughts as you recover. Best wishes, Eric, Debbie, Josh, Jessica and Justin Sekler
Eric Sekler
April 3, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Mara Cruz
April 3, 2021
We wish you all the strength and blessings you will need to get through this difficult time!
Ann Weissman
April 3, 2021
Kate DeAngelo
April 3, 2021
God bless
Janice Caro
April 3, 2021
My wife Carol and I have granddaughters that we adore, assuredly as you do Rebecca. They are both extraordinary athletes as I know Rebecca to be. We can empathize but hopefully will never realize the extraordinary difficulty of your situation. However, prayers are being multiplied manifold as the news of Rebecca’s accident is updated, Please keep us posted on the progress Rebecca is making. Carol & Richard Harris
Carol Harris
April 3, 2021
Lisa Bernstein
April 3, 2021
Wishing you a full recovery !
Carol Rosenblum
April 3, 2021
Love you becca !❤️ - adam ungar
Joanna Savino
April 3, 2021
We are always thinking of you all in our prayers. Sharon and Ed Becker
Edward Becker
April 3, 2021
Our family was saddened by Rebecca's misfortune but happy to contribute to her recovery, which we have great faith in. As a fellow Plainview resident, we pray for her and her family and wish them only the very best.
Felicia & Ellis Schneberg
April 3, 2021
Praying for the fullest recovery that is possible. So devastating. Praying for Rebecca and her whole family. I wish our health care system cared more about our people & their well-being.
April 3, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
April 3, 2021
Sending warm thoughts to the family during this difficult time
Sandy Berman
April 3, 2021
Sending our hope and support during your time of recovery.
Your neighbors The Kleins
Ellen Klein
April 3, 2021
Sending prayers
Heidi Wolpow
April 3, 2021
We are not religious either but are praying hard for the best outcome for Rebecca & your family!
Amy & Brian Newman
April 3, 2021
I said a prayer for you today
And know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart
Although he spoke no word!
I didn\'t ask for wealth or fame
(I knew you wouldn\'t mind).
I asked him to send treasures
Of a far more lasting kind!
I asked that he be near you
At the start of each new day;
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way!
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small.
But it was for his loving care
I prayed the most of all!
Maher Family
April 3, 2021
Rally For Rebecca Fundraiser
Day 1 Raffle Venmo Balance---
Jessica Scheibel
April 3, 2021
Sending love and hope for your recovery.
Lisa Feldman
April 3, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Koltun family
Steven Permut
April 3, 2021
Keeping Rebecca in our thoughts and prayers. Love, the Leo Family
Ronni Leo
April 3, 2021
Praying for Rebecca & her family
Anne Mulholland
April 3, 2021
Praying for you daily
April 3, 2021
Our prayers are with you Jim & Abby Goldblatt
James Goldblatt
April 3, 2021
We are so sorry to hear of this tragedy in your family. I hope this helps.
Jodie and Joseph
Spectacular Eyewear Eyeglass House
April 3, 2021
Sending our thoughts and prayers from a fellow Binghamton family.
The Falkowitz Family
Amy Falkowitz
April 3, 2021
God bless you!
Yong Jin
April 3, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and your whole family.
Randye Karmin
April 3, 2021
Sending all the love, support, and hope to Rebecca and the Koltun family.
The Fells
Sydney Fells
April 3, 2021
Our family sends our love and support to Rebecca and the Koltun family.
The Toleps
April 3, 2021
Thank you for representing Binghamton University Athletics as a dance team member. God bless you and your loved ones.
Bette Bearcat Gaube
April 3, 2021
Keeping this young girl and her family in my prayers. Stay strong!!
Lizette BROWN
April 3, 2021
Debbie Crudele
April 3, 2021
Praying for Rebecca in this difficult time. We are praying for a miracle. Stay strong!
April 3, 2021
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for many more miracles for Rebecca. Xoxo
Audrey Rudolph
April 3, 2021
Dear Aleck and Koltum Family,
You’re I in all our thoughts and prayers!!! Miracles happen every day. Love, Ronni Matcus
Ronni Marcus
April 3, 2021
Prayers for more miracles. God bless Rebecca and your family.
Laurie Miller
April 3, 2021
We have been thinking of and praying for Rebecca and your family since our son Brian (Binghamton) told us about her accident. Praying hard for another miracle. Stay strong and know there is a lot of love and support for all of you.
The Killian Family
Robert Killian
April 2, 2021
Saying prayers for your beautiful daughter
The Belous Family
Victoria Belous
April 2, 2021
Audrey - my thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. Sending you all my love & support. Xo M.Chin
Melissa Chin
April 2, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and her family.
April 2, 2021
We can't imagine how tough his is for all of you. We hope for more miracles.
April 2, 2021
Praying for healing for Rebecca
Marilyn Stolove
April 2, 2021
We are praying for a miracle for Rebecca and for your whole family.
Marilyn Stolove
April 2, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Beth Feldman
April 2, 2021
Josephine Carillo
April 2, 2021
I am June Levine's sister and feel so devastated by what has happened to your beautiful daughter. Sending healing thoughts and hope for progress your way.
Dr. Marcy Mostel
Marcy Mostel
April 2, 2021
i don't know your family, and i don't even know the woman in my town that posted the link and story about Rebecca, but it doesn't matter. I cried the story and i wish I could remove this pain from your life, but I feel some peace that Rebecca is still with us. I will keep your family in my prayers. I am so sorry.
Karl Braunsdorf
April 2, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and your family.
Laura Taub
April 2, 2021
This donation is for Rebecca Koltun. I will keep praying for Rebecca and the family. I was made aware of this from my daughter who attends Binghamton.
Lynn Re
April 2, 2021
Sending love and prayers
Jayne Italiano
April 2, 2021
Sending prayers and positive thoughts to Rebecca and the Koltun family
Laurie Yacht
April 2, 2021
Praying for you and your family❤️
James O’Reilly
April 2, 2021
My heart is with you
Carol Mastromonica
April 2, 2021
sending love and prayers to the Koltun family! <3
April 2, 2021
Sending prayers and hugs .
Robert & Joanne Lipskin
April 2, 2021
Sending prayers and strength. Thank you Chase Mechak for showing me the way.
Liz Leiter
April 2, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca
April 2, 2021
❤️❤️❤️ from Sarah Henriksen
Joanna Savino
April 2, 2021
Every families worst nightmare...the support and friendships your family has reached further into the community to give support. Grateful Jill told us so we could add you, Rebecca to our thoughts and prayers. We heard of your strength...if anyone can make a difference it’s you.
Jessica Rone
April 2, 2021
Thinking and praying for this family. Our hearts are with them❤️
Kerri Azoulay
April 2, 2021
Thinking of all and praying for Rebecca
Sharon Lasher
April 2, 2021
My father, Harvey Rudnick, and I are so saddened by this and hope to help in some small way through this contribution.
Karen Rudnick
April 2, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a refuah shleima, and strength and hope to her caregivers.
Jennifer Rueben
April 2, 2021
I just want to let you know what you definitely already know, but Rebecca truly is an amazing young women. I met her in my freshman year and she was so kind and exceptionally brilliant! My boyfriend went to high school with her as well and, whenever we saw her, we were always enthralled with talking about how great she is! I am so grateful to have met someone so nice to me! I am praying for her constantly and wish her the best recovery possible!!
Angelina Bonacasa
April 2, 2021
Praying for you
Michelle Digianni
April 2, 2021
We are so sorry this happen. We are thinking about your beautiful daughter and your family.
The Kushner Family
Plainview, NY
Glenn & Brett Kushner
April 2, 2021
My family and I are heartbroken for Rebecca and your entire family. We are all praying for a miracle and advances in science to help Rebecca to the fullest. Our daughter knows Rebecca from high school and Binghamton. She is devastated. Again, we are praying for your family.
Love, The Greenberg Family
Wayne Greenberg
April 2, 2021
Sending our hopes and prayers for a miracle for your beautiful girl. We will keep Rebecca in our thoughts and prayers.
With Love and Support,
The Greenberg Family
Yonit Greenberg
April 2, 2021
Wishing you a speedy recovery, keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
The Cohen Family
Stacy Cohen
April 2, 2021
Our prayers for you all.
Rita Wein
April 2, 2021
If there is anything my family and I can do we would love to help in any way. God Bless this family. Rebecca our hearts and our prayers with you.
Brennan Family
April 2, 2021
Praying for you!
Lisa Gordon
April 2, 2021
On behalf of my friend Alex Rich
Sara Fetzoff
April 2, 2021
Wishing you a full recovery and journey that is filled with angels who help you along the way.
Heidi & Scott Greenbaum
Heidi Greenbaum
April 2, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and her family!
Maria Bandel
April 2, 2021
Wishing Rebecca and her family well. Recently having stepped into snow sports myself, this makes me very sad seeing someone go through this. Praying for her recovery.
April 2, 2021
Alex Fried (graduated with Rebecca) and his family were heartbroken to learn of Rebecca’s accident. We hope that her rehab provides some relief and are thinking of her.
Bev Fried
April 1, 2021
Sending so much love and continued prayers for beautiful Becca. Sending prayers of hope and strength for your family.
The Pressman Family
Donna, Douglas, Daniel and Sophia
Donna Kelly
April 1, 2021
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Rebecca’s recovery.
Karen & Jeffrey Goldberg
Karen Goldberg
April 1, 2021
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Janna Bickoff and family
Janna Bickoff
April 1, 2021
Sending strength, love, and prayers to Rebecca and your family
The Shapiro Family
April 1, 2021
Sending hope and prayers for healing!!!
Helene and Gary Marks (friends of Bonnie and Mitch Jacobs)
Helene and Gary MARKS
April 1, 2021
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Janice Caso
April 1, 2021
From an Islanders fan here for you!
Kevin Ryan
April 1, 2021
Be Brave Rebecca!
Be Brave Family!
Rebecca, you are alive and there will be much you can do in this world to help yourself and others, no matter your limitations.
We, as physicians, will always consider you one of our own, even though you cannot attend medical school at this time.
Scott - there is no such thing as "overly religious". We are G-d's creations and there is always light that follows the deepest darkness. Every event, however sad and unfortunate, is an opportunity for growth for all involved. G-d will be right there by your side to help, just let him.
If there is anything I can do to help, email me.
Wishing all the best to you all, and a full recovery to Rebecca.
April 1, 2021
Sending you and your family love and support! Stay strong Becca!!
Binghamton Women's Club Soccer Team
Amanda Brugger
April 1, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers of hope are with you.
The Waltzer family
evelyn waltzer
April 1, 2021
Sending prayers for your family during this difficult time. As a person who works with children with disabilities, there is a lot of hope that comes from just focusing on getting to the next step in this journey.
April 1, 2021
Love coming your way wrapped in prayers
April 1, 2021
Please help support this young woman if you can.
Stacie Locascio
April 1, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca
Peter Mauro
April 1, 2021
I'm a friend of a friend; I have twin daughters who are the same age as Rebecca. Her story has really touched me. She sounds like a very strong, resilient person. I just wanted to send a small donation along with my prayers for her full recovery. (Prayers for your family, too.)
April 1, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you guys everyday ❤️
Courtney Hinkley
April 1, 2021
Sending love and prayers for healing and many more miracles !
Sharon Brown
April 1, 2021
On behalf of my cousin Corey
Sara Getzoff
April 1, 2021
We send our wishes for recovery & resilience to Rebecca and the Koltun Family. From the Iosefson Family
Brenda Iosefson
April 1, 2021
Best of luck in recovery from Telluride Colorado !
Teddy Errico
April 1, 2021
Praying for Rebecca’s recovery and strength for her family!
Ilene Brooks
April 1, 2021
In my thoughts and prayers
Eric Nachman
April 1, 2021
Sending prayers for a full recovery!
Alicia Loso
April 1, 2021
Sending strength, prayers, and continued miracles your way.
Susan O’Donnell
April 1, 2021
Dear Audrey and Scott, Erik and Rebecca, Love you and we are praying for you!
Anita & David Goldblatt
April 1, 2021
Prayers and much hope for Rebecca
Marilyn Greenberg
April 1, 2021
Get well soon, רפואה שלמה
Matthew Benak
April 1, 2021
Sending prayers to you and your family!!
Eleanor Wieder
April 1, 2021
Our thoughts are with you.
Lyndsey Garbi
April 1, 2021
Rebecca, sending you support & love. Holly (Gelfand) Kurtz & Fam
Holly Kurtz
April 1, 2021
Sending hopes and prayers to Rebecca and her family.
April 1, 2021
This is truly a heartbreaking story. Let's help this family.
Bonnie Smith
April 1, 2021
Sending prayers to Rebecca and her family.
April 1, 2021
Sending your family love and prayers. May many more miracles come as you enter into rehabilitation. You are in our thoughts❤️
-Benezra Family
Jolee Benezra
April 1, 2021
Wishing the family our sincere condolences on this very unfortunate tragedy..
Hoping this helps alleviate some of the medical expenses that were incurred during this very difficult time period.
The Gutterson Family Trust us
April 1, 2021
Thinking of you and your family during this time. Stay strong, Schwartzberg Family
Danielle Schwartzberg
April 1, 2021
Sending you and your family strength and healing prayers.
Anastasia Schepers
April 1, 2021
To Rebecca,
May you be fortified by the love and prayers, goodwill and respect being sent your way. May the Almighty Healer send healing and remedy. Praying with all our hearts.
Martin and Miriam Fisher
Martin and Miriam Fisher
April 1, 2021
With all of our love and prayers-Rebecca you got this!
April 1, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Carol Eidler
April 1, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Karey Stein
April 1, 2021
Sending love and strength to Rebecca and the whole Koltun family.
Laura Immergluck
April 1, 2021
with warm wishes we send our healing prayers. Alice & Victor Fornari
Victor Fornari
April 1, 2021
Raying for God’s intervention over this beautiful young woman. May the Lord provide comfort n peace to all her loved ones❤️ I’m putting her on our prayer list !
Cheryl Delena
April 1, 2021
Praying for Rebecca’s complete healing and full recovery!
Gabrielle Spann
April 1, 2021
In honor of Rebecca Alec Koltun. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Rubin Cooper
April 1, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Mark Nicholson
April 1, 2021
Prayers and strength to you all.
David Tegay
April 1, 2021
Don't give up! However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. (Stephen Hawking)
Ingo Zielhoff
April 1, 2021
Refuah shlema. Much love from Emily, Steve, Max, and Miriam Schulman
Emily Raphael
April 1, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
Dr. Barone
Stephen Barone
April 1, 2021
Praying for your family and your beautiful daughter.
Ann Le
April 1, 2021
Prayers for you and the entire family
Debra Hunter
April 1, 2021
As people have continued to send so much love, a special shout out goes to Hannah Lyons for showing so much generosity toward you and your family <3 We love you so much Becca, stay strong!!
Juliana Viola
April 1, 2021
Thoughts and prayers for the Koltun family.
Mario D'Elia
April 1, 2021
Sending prayers to the entire Koltun family. Rebecca has been in my thoughts constantly- wishing her a speedy recovery. Stay strong.
Lauren Crupnick
April 1, 2021
My family and I are so sorry to hear the news of Rebecca's devastating accident. We can't begin to understand what the Koltun family must be going through. As a colleague of Erik at KPMG, I join you in wishing and praying for Rebecca's recovery.
April 1, 2021
We love you Audrey !!!!!
Lois Feldman
April 1, 2021
We do not know you or Rebecca, we are friends of The Kopilak family. Wishing you and Rebecca miracles everyday. Prayers for you all.
The Rau’s
Gail Rau
April 1, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a complete & speedy recovery!
Michele Lowy
April 1, 2021
Sending love and prayers of healing to your family and to Rebecca.
Ariel and Mitchell Kase
April 1, 2021
Praying for a complete recovery for this young woman
Kirsten Rappleyea
April 1, 2021
We will be praying for Rebecca and her family.
Amy Corso
April 1, 2021
Praying for a speedy, healthy recovery.
April 1, 2021
On behalf of the Kopilaks
Leigh Quilliams
April 1, 2021
Sending love.
Elana Lebolt
April 1, 2021
In addition to my monetary offer, I offer prayers for strength, and love, to this family during this difficult period of adjustment.
MaryAnn Clara
April 1, 2021
Best wishes to all. Prayers and hope being sent your way.
Deborah Brown-Volkman
April 1, 2021
Let the miracles continue
Love from Rebecca's friend, Jessica's cousins in Ireland.
Catherine Daly
April 1, 2021
Many Blessings to you sweet girl and may Jesus wrap you in his arms and restored you at 100%.
April 1, 2021
Becca and family, sending you all so much strength, positive energy, hope, and love during this difficult time. I used to play soccer with Becca at Binghamton and she was always so kind and cheerful to be around. After reading the post about all of miracles that already happened I am confident so many more are on their way. Wishing Becca all the best at her recovery in Rehab.
April 1, 2021
Dear Koltun Family, your dear daughter Rebecca could be any of children. May knowing that strangers care and pray and are rooting for her recovery be of some small comfort.
Gigi Aharoni
April 1, 2021
Our prayers
Madelyne & Allan Sperber
April 1, 2021
Sending you more love Becca. You are so so strong❤️
Nicole Emma
April 1, 2021
To Rebecca and her family, our hearts go out to you and hope you stay strong through this extremely difficult time. I was so saddened by Rebecca’s skiing accident and couldn’t stop crying when I read this article, btw Im not a crier. My daughter Nikki, was on the Binghamton University intramural soccer team with Rebecca, so I wanted to do my small part to wish you well and hope for a small miracle in your recovery. The Sather’s
Kimberly Sather
April 1, 2021
Thoughts and prayers for healing and continued strength for Rebecca and her family!
The Carr Family ❤️
Matthew Carr
April 1, 2021
Sending love, prayers, and healing thoughts to Rebecca and the Koltun Family.
Leah Shokrian and Family
Leah Shokrian
April 1, 2021
We are praying for Rebecca's improvement and healing. May you all have the strength to deal with this devastating injury
Anna Szerencsy
April 1, 2021
Healing thoughts and prayers for Rebecca and her family.
The Paulo Family
Patricia Paulo
April 1, 2021
Robyn Feld
April 1, 2021
March 31, 2021
God watch over her
Gina Fiorenze
March 31, 2021
You are in our thoughts. Hoping she will have success with the surgery❤️
Raquel Weinstein
March 31, 2021
Sending healing prayers!!!!
Gina McCormack
March 31, 2021
Keep praying! As i will also pray for your daughters full recovery, and for God to give you and your family strength to get through this difficult time.
kaitlyn westhoff
March 31, 2021
Sending prayers for strength and healing❤️
Erin Coveny
March 31, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca and family.
Margaret Anderson
March 31, 2021
Sending our positive thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.
all our love,
Mitchell, Cindy, Hayden and Miles Chodes
Cindy Chodes
March 31, 2021
Endless hope and love to Rebecca and the Koltun family. Tomorrow is another day - believe in miracles.
March 31, 2021
Scott and family...praying for you all...there are still miracles to be had. May God bless you all and give you strength and faith.
Eileen B.
Eileen Brennan
March 31, 2021
Praying for a full recovery❤️
Elianna Oken
March 31, 2021
Sending much love, thoughts and prayers to Rebecca and her entire family. God bless.
The Sgrizzi family
Frank Sgrizzi
March 31, 2021
Sending all my love to you and the family.
Grant Tyler
March 31, 2021
Sending healing prayers to Rebecca and her family. What a special, beautiful young lady. Our community is right behind you. ❤️
Dana Botwinick
March 31, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and the family
March 31, 2021
Thinking of all of you at this very difficult time and sending love and prayers for Rebecca\'s recovery. She is in my thoughts every day.
Love Barbara
Barbara Kirschner
March 31, 2021
Gerald Rosen
March 31, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and her family during this difficult time
March 31, 2021
Sending you all hope and strength during this time. From what I hear, Rebecca is a special young lady.
Amy Goldsheid-Martin
March 31, 2021
Sending all of my love and prayers to you and your family
Emily Silver
March 31, 2021
Solidarity and care from the Department of Romance Languages.
March 31, 2021
Sending healing vibes and lots of good health wishes and keeping Rebecca in our thoughts and prayers.
Jennifer Hatz
March 31, 2021
Praying for her recovery and for your family ❤️
March 31, 2021
Stay hopeful!
Judy Gilbert, (Linda Goldbaum\'s Mom)
March 31, 2021
Wishing the best for full and speedy recovery to Rebecca. Much strength to the family during this difficult time.
March 31, 2021
Sending healing thoughts & prayers your way. One day at a time....
Debbie & Steve Goldmeier
March 31, 2021
The Savarino Family has you and your family in their thoughts and prayers.
Linda Savarino
March 31, 2021
Shalom Day Care Center is sending prayers to Rebecca and her whole family.
Miki Agman
March 31, 2021
Stay strong Becca praying for you and your family ❤️❤️❤️❤️
March 31, 2021
In honor of Matt Salkin's 22nd Birthday. Love and prayers to Rebecca and her family.
Jennifer Lynch
March 31, 2021
Sending positive thoughts your way. Stay strong!
Rebecca Shnitkin
March 31, 2021
Sending you positive thoughts! Hope for a speedy recovery!
Sally Salkin
March 31, 2021
The KPMG family supports Rebecca, the Koltrun family and the incredible medical professionals providing care and hope.
March 31, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Brian A'Hearn
Timothy Dunn
Joseph Pusateri
Brain A'Hearn
March 31, 2021
Thinking of the entire family and sending our prayers. Kirk & Amy
Amy Levy
March 31, 2021
This donation was raised from my “Hearts for Rebecca” campaign selling handmade heart charms to help and spread the love to dear Rebecca and family. Thank you,
Maryanne Durmer
Laura Normandin
Bari Sittenreich
Gail Limmer
Richard Hansen
Loretta Antosofsky
Randi Zeiden-Weber
Hannah Spicijaric
...for your purchases to benefit this cause
Diana Anton
March 31, 2021
Our best wishes for Rebecca and her family.
Cindy Denbaum
March 31, 2021
Rebecca and Family,
Sending our prayers and best wishes and hoping for the best- stay strong
Claire and Marvin Friedberg
Marvin Friedberg
March 31, 2021
Diana Gianturco
March 31, 2021
Sending healing prayers!!
Heather Grabelsky
March 31, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Lois Gatto(Matthew Barry\'s -Binghamton friend \'s Grandma)
March 31, 2021
My heart and prayers go out to Rebecca and her family and friends. <3
Lisa Mango
March 31, 2021
I’m keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Hilary Gomes
March 31, 2021
Prayers to you and your family.
David Montes
March 31, 2021
Your family is in my thoughts & prayers every second. Praying for Rebecca’s recovery
Genna Forman
March 31, 2021
My thoughts and supportive wishes are with you Erik, your sister Rebecca and the wider Koltun family.
Anuj Bahal
March 31, 2021
You family has been on my mind since I heard the terrible news from my daughter Sydney. Having watched Rebecca grow up on the soccer fields and seeing her determination, focus and drive, I know that she will exceed all her doctors expectations. If anyone can, Rebecca can! Please know that the Rebecca and the entire Kolton family is in our prayers and in our hearts.
David Frenkel
Frenkel Lambert Weiss Weisman & Gordon, LLP
David Frenkel
March 31, 2021
Sending prayers and strength. The Plattman Family
Robin Plattman
March 31, 2021
Love and prayers from the Gilman family to yours. Xo
Sylvia Gilman
March 31, 2021
Heard about Rebecca's story through some friends. Praying for her recovery <3
Alexa Levin
March 31, 2021
Sending love and hope for a full recovery!
- The Moritz Family
Amy Moritz
March 31, 2021
Sending lots of love and prayers to Rebecca and the entire Koltun family. Stay strong - more miracles are going to keep coming your way!
Nicole Goldbaum
March 31, 2021
Sending healing vibes and prayers to Rebecca and her family. (We are a Camp Poyntelle family that heard about your story)
Elissa Sharin
March 31, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Stay strong! Love, Rande Hirsch and Family
Rande Hirsch
March 31, 2021
Sending our love and prayers for Rebecca and her family. Rebecca babysat for my kids when they were little. We are all routing for her.
Dorene Greenberg
March 31, 2021
All of my love to Rebecca and family. You are in my daily prayers.
Barbie Cervoni
March 31, 2021
Feel better ❤️
Hayley Sofer
March 31, 2021
Thinking of your family
Erica and Jason Dorf
March 31, 2021
Any help and prayers would be appreciated
Ruth Sloane
March 31, 2021
keeping Rebecca in our thoughts and prayers <3
carol boccia
March 31, 2021
Thoughts and prayers to the Koltun family
Tara Lanzisera & Family
March 31, 2021
Our Power of 8 Intention group intended for Rebecca\'s well-being tonight and will set our intention again for her on April 6, 2021 b/w 7:30 and 8:30.
Dina L.
March 31, 2021
Sending you much love & strength!!! Please reach out if we can be of any help with anything in the Boston area
Randi-Beth, Neil, Issy, Brooke, and Sarah Beranbaum
March 31, 2021
Rebecca and the Koltun family are in our thoughts, we are wishing you a full and speedy recovery! -Messinger Family
Melanie Messinger
March 31, 2021
Audrey and Scott,
We all at Miss Debbie's came together in prayer when we received this news about our sweet Rebecca. Her life is precious, her spirit was always one of joy, she is a testament of miracles.... G-d still has for us if we can believe. We will continue to hold you all in prayer and be a steward to you all in whatever we can do during this time. We truly adore you as family and friend,Miss Debbie Miss Steffie ,Miss Roseanne, and all of the Miss Debbies teachers that were a part of her years here.
Debbies Creative Childcare Bedell
March 31, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a fast and full recovery
Matt Borkowsky
March 31, 2021
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family ❤️
Tori DiCicco
March 31, 2021
On behalf of my friends Eliana and Charlene <3
Sara Fetzoff
March 31, 2021
Our heart goes out to you all. Please try to stay strong.
Harvey Langenauer
March 30, 2021
Sending positive thoughts of healing and strength!!
The Davis Family
Cathy Davis
March 30, 2021
My thoughts and best wishes are with you during this hard time<3
Jonathan Gaughan
March 30, 2021
Sending prayers for Rebecca and family.
Christine Fabrizi
March 30, 2021
We are praying hard for Rebecca’s recovery. We won’t stop praying and will pass along to family and friends for more prayers and support. We had been at Stratton the same day and heard someone was injured but had no idea it was this close to home. We won’t stop praying for her.
Donna Donnelly
March 30, 2021
Sending prayers for Rebecca's recovery.
Sarah Ladwig
March 30, 2021
We had a similar experience at Dartmouth, you’re in the best hands♥️ We are praying for Rebecca and your family.
Paige Messana
March 30, 2021
We are praying for Rebecca and the entire Aleck and Koltun families.
Sandy and Marty Mendelsohn
Sandr Mendelsohn
March 30, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a full and speedy recovery !!
Sharon Rahmani
March 30, 2021
Rebecca and her family are in our prayers. We are praying very hard for her and asking everyone we know to pray and pass this on.
Sincerely- The Conk Family
Debbie Conk
March 30, 2021
From various donators, sending our love and support!
Matthew Barry
March 30, 2021
Rebecca and her family are in my daily prayers. Praying for a miracle ❤️
Linda Vigo
March 30, 2021
My brother goes to Binghamton and is in her graduating class. He shares this story with me and wanted to donate. Not as much as I wish I could but I hope what I was able to come up with helps a little. Good thoughts to her and the family during this difficult time.
Kiersten Higgins
March 30, 2021
You are in our hearts with positive thoughts and prayers. May Rebecca get stronger every day.
Lieberman Family
March 30, 2021
Wishing the whole Aleck Koltun Family courage, strength, and the best possible outcomes for Rebecca. Warmest hugs, Susan Alper and Steve Harwood
Susan Alper
March 30, 2021
Susan Sandler
March 30, 2021
Jamie Anchin
March 30, 2021
Dear Scott, Audrey and Erik,
I am sending you my sincerest thoughts, prayers and support at this most difficult time.
I wish for only more "wonderful miracles" for your beautiful, talented and brilliant Rebecca. Stay safe, healthy and strong for Rebecca -- she is a fighter and you will all get through this together!
Jane Eisenpresser
Jane Eisenpresser
March 30, 2021
We are keeping Rebecca and the Koltun Family in our hearts and prayers. Please stay strong.
With love,
Cindy and Steven Eizikowitz
Cindy Eizikowitz
March 30, 2021
Prayers for a strong and speedy recovery <3 - The Ulrich Family
Dina Ulrich
March 30, 2021
Prayers for your recovery
March 30, 2021
My condolences go out to the family and I really hope Rebecca makes the speediest recovery possible.
Haley Nemeth
March 30, 2021
Our prayers go out to Rebecca and the Koltun Family. Praying for your strength and the strength of those around you to see you through! You can do it!
March 30, 2021
We’ve never met, but I heard about Rebecca through a friend of a friend. Sending love and prayers to Rebecca and the Koltun family, you have strangers all over rooting for you!
Alyssa Frey
March 30, 2021
Full recovery from heaven may God bless you and protect you always May God send you רפואה שלמה משמיים
Sam Cohen
March 30, 2021
Our prayers are with you!
The Iraggi Family
Mona Iraggi
March 30, 2021
Sending all my love and prayers. You will get through this - stay fighting!!!!!
March 30, 2021
We don’t know each other but you played on my high school soccer team with my sister. Stay strong.
March 30, 2021
You’ve got this Becca, we all love you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Ashley Keane
March 30, 2021
We’ve never met, but I live in your area and I am really rooting for Rebecca and the Koltun family. I’ve been thinking of you all every day.
March 30, 2021
God bless you and your family. Please don’t lose hope. You are prayed for, loved, and supported by so many.
Sara Intonato
March 30, 2021
To the Koltun family,
I read your story and am so heartbroken for your family and your beautiful daughter. Please know you are in my family’s thoughts and prayers.
Rita Cappi
March 30, 2021
God bless!
michael jenks
March 30, 2021
Your thoughts and prayers are with your family.
The Shumer Family
Geri Shumer
March 30, 2021
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers
Joseph Madsen
March 30, 2021
All of our thoughts and prayers are with you Rebecca and with your entire family. Sending you strength and keeping you in our hearts - The Zelenka Family (Virginia Beach, VA)
March 30, 2021
From various donators, love you Becca!
John Pennisi
March 30, 2021
Our thoughts are with Rebecca and your entire family.
Roland Skemer
March 30, 2021
Sending our prayers and love to Rebecca and her family - ❤️ The Bernstein Family
Debbie Bernstein
March 30, 2021
A donation made from Ari’s outdoor workout park class. Becca, you are with me in everything, today I was there for us <3
March 30, 2021
Sending our prayers and support
Howard Greenberg
March 30, 2021
Stay strong!
Danielle Lieberman
March 30, 2021
This donation comes from over 40 of my friends and family who have been touched by your story. You are truly one of a kind human being and continue to amaze everyone who knows you, everyone you meet, and everyone who has read your story. You are a fighter and are going to continue doing incredible things in this world. We love you, we support you, and we're with you every step of the way.
- From various donors who are sending you so much love <3
Marisa Noon
March 30, 2021
We are praying for all the Koltuns and for more miracles.
Love, Michelle and Peter
Michelle Russo-Verdirame
March 30, 2021
This is a heartbreaking story. St Theresa please make a miracle for Rebecca.
I am so very very sorry
Dee Dee grandma
March 30, 2021
Sending prayers, love, and positivity to the whole family!
Alexa Leib
March 30, 2021
I was fortunate to have Rebecca in class. Even in a large class, taught completely online she made a distinct and outstanding impression on me. I wish her the best recovery possible.
John Swierk
March 30, 2021
My heart goes out to Rebecca’s family as they struggle with dealing with such a dire situation.
May God give strength to all, especially Rebecca.
Adrienne Gatto
March 30, 2021
Hang in there Rebecca I know it’s tough rn but you can get through this, never quit
Nick Portugal
March 30, 2021
All of our thoughts and Prayer's are with you Rebecca.
Mark & Molly
Mark Gauley
March 30, 2021
Life is a miracle...May God bless Rebecca and your family.
Audrey Abend
March 30, 2021
My son Michael is a student at Binghamton University and told me the news of your accident. We are sending our love and prayers for ongoing healing and restoration of your ability to breathe on your own. You have endured so much and are stronger than you know. We look with hope to the future where you continue to defy the odds and overcome your injuries. With the combined forces of your medical team, hard work and the power of miracles you will continue the journey towards recovery.
With Love,
The Trevisani Family
Paula Trevisani
March 30, 2021
Praying for you ...The Ditcheks
michele ditchek
March 30, 2021
Praying for your daughter!!
Jacqueline Martin
March 30, 2021
Good luck Rebecca!
Gerald Castaldo
March 30, 2021
Lots of love from the friends and family of Hunter Brink
Hunter Brink
March 30, 2021
Keep fighting!
Joel Jacobson
March 30, 2021
Sending love and support.
Tobi Wechsler
March 30, 2021
Keeping you in our thoughts everyday!! stay strong Becca. this donation is from Steve Moore
Joanna Savino
March 30, 2021
Wishing you all strength and love.
Karen Gross
March 30, 2021
Laura and I wish you the best recovery possible.
patti silver
March 30, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with Becca and her family
-Scott Okun
Scott Okun
March 30, 2021
We are sharing your pain & fear, and also the knowledge that miracles do happen. We pray that open miracles continue to happen for Rebecca, and that your family receives a “ yes” ! With love, Ron & Elaine
Ron & Elaine Collins
March 30, 2021
Audrey, Scott and Erik,
Our hearts and love and prayers go out to you and Rebecca. Though we have not met her, we have heard wonderful stories about her enthusiasm for life and know that you are the reason she is strong, smart and beautiful (inside and out). We are thinking of you each and every day and hope for more miracles. With love.
Sandra (Weinstein) and John Mahlmeister
sandra and john mahlmeister
March 30, 2021
Sending strength and well wishes to Rebecca and the Koltun family.
Jennifer Trinin
Jennifer Trinin
March 30, 2021
Sending all the prayers and well wishes your way!
Jesse Bedell
March 30, 2021
May Rebecca be herself again, May she be happy and strong, may she be helped and loved. All my thoughts, wishes, support and love. Go girl, life is ahead
March 30, 2021
God bless you, fight on.
Lucas Andriano
March 30, 2021
Thinking of you all...
- Your friends at 16 Donna
Ilana and Carey
March 30, 2021
Our thoughts abs prayers are with you!
The Malter Family
Robyn Malter
March 30, 2021
All my love and best wishes, allan weinberg
Allan Weinberg
March 30, 2021
My heart goes out to you and your family. May God bless you and bring you light in these trying times.
Alex Knight
March 30, 2021
Wishing you strength and recovery!
March 30, 2021
You will get through this!
March 30, 2021
Wishing you strength. Get well soon.
- The Graham Family
Dillon Graham
March 30, 2021
Sending love, prayers and positive thoughts!!
Mindy Grand
Mindy Grand
March 30, 2021
Sending prayers to Rebecca
Scott Halperin
March 30, 2021
Sending you the most love and support from AEPhi Binghamton. We wish you the best of luck in your recovery.
AEPHI Binghamton
March 30, 2021
Dear Warren and Helen Aleck
Wishing you only good news in the future for your granddaughter.
Love Kori
Korina Nadel
March 30, 2021
We are send prayers for your recovery. You are loved by all your family.
Aunt Gladys & Bert
Gladys & Bert Aaron
March 30, 2021
Your family is in my thoughts and prays.
Never give up hope miracles do happen
March 30, 2021
Prayers to Rebecca and the Koltun Family. You are in our thoughts!
Mark Silberman
March 30, 2021
Keep up the fight and resilience Rebecca! Thinking of you and your family
Daniel Goldbaum
March 30, 2021
We are thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.
The Greenspan Family
Jerri Greenspan
March 30, 2021
Praying for you Rebecca
Patti Balducci-Espiritu
March 30, 2021
Becca, it is incredible to see how many lives you've touched already. We continue to send all of our love and healing thoughts to you and your family. - Various donors
Juliana Viola
March 30, 2021
Sending love and prayers!
Rubani Narang
March 30, 2021
May God Bless you, and strengthen you in your recovery.
March 30, 2021
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.
Jacklyn and Zoe Sabbagh @jacklynsays
March 30, 2021
You are so brave and so strong! All our best wishes and loves to you!
March 30, 2021
I don’t know Rebecca but I work at Binghamton University and heard her story. Sending love and healing.
Alison Twang
March 30, 2021
wishing you love and strength!
Wendy Croce
March 30, 2021
Sending lots of love and support to Rebecca and the rest of the Koltun family.
Kim Ragnauth
March 30, 2021
Thinking and praying for you and your family.
theresa gaglia
March 29, 2021
Sending love!
March 29, 2021
Sending so much love to the best person I know from my family and I. Thinking and praying for you every day. Love forever & always.
Philip Beebe
March 29, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lawrence Agnello
March 29, 2021
Our daughter, Jessica’s Wyttenbach, who teaches at Stratford Road reached out to us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope that all the love and support of friends and family lift you up and give you strength in this difficult time.
Susan and Barry Seiden
Susan Seiden
March 29, 2021
My prayer is for a miracle of complete healing for Rebecca. May the Lord hold her in His loving arms during healing❤
Karen Jebens
March 29, 2021
Sending love and prayers to the Koltun Family ❤️
Debbie Sutin
March 29, 2021
Sending love and support to Rebecca and her family! Praying for a speedy recovery.
Sofia Levinson
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers to Rebecca and her family.
Diane and Jeffrey Leeds
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Sending much love
Sauer Family - Alex, Liz, Adam & Elijah
Alexandra sauer
March 29, 2021
To the Koltun Family: We are sending love, strength, and prayers. We are all here for you. This is the first half of the group donations, you should be receiving a check for the amount of donations the Hirani Family is matching.
Honorable Mentions (Donations $100 or more)
Jessica Hom
Lauren Fern
Sierra Schools
Brooke Simon
Anna Noreman
Tara Mandel (On behalf of DPHIE Bing)
Carolyn Johnston
Hailey Rosenbaum
Emily Leibowitz
Requested Mentions:
Colette Evangelista
Lauren Mraz
Akshay Nagrani
Sari Leibowitz
Cassi Leibowitz
Rhea Gupta
Jackie Thomas
Michael Portugal
Chris Evangelow
Hailey Garfinkel
Ethan Kaplan
Alyssa Hirani
March 29, 2021
Praying for more miracles. I am confident they will come your way! With love, healing and encouragement , the Spier Family
Kelly Spier
March 29, 2021
Prayers from the Show family in Pittsburgh, PA
Erika Show
March 29, 2021
Sending love and wishing for a smooth road to recovery. ❤️
March 29, 2021
Wishing you strength.
Roch Turco
March 29, 2021
Madison Levine
March 29, 2021
Sending positive healing thoughts your way.
March 29, 2021
I know it’s not much; but I hope this helps! Keep up the good fight; Rebecca!!
March 29, 2021
Thinking of you all and sending you strength. Wishing Rebecca a safe journey through her rehab. Stay strong!!
Barbara Zaidman
March 29, 2021
Sending love and support to Rebecca and her family & hoping for a speedy recovery!
- The Shah Family
Mili Shah
March 29, 2021
Prayers for recovery
Terrie Magro
March 29, 2021
My daughter in law Perri Gass and softball buddy Peter Janowsky both shared this story.
Wishing Rebecca a full recovery!!
Jeff Gass
March 29, 2021
Total stranger to the situation but sending endless love and will keep you all in my prayers. Crossing my fingers for an amazing recovery story
Zach G
March 29, 2021
Audrey & Scott
I am thinking of you all.
Sending love,
Sylvia Rosenthal
March 29, 2021
We continue daily to say prayers of strength and healing for each and everyone of you. Our love and best wishes to all.
Glenda & Lew
Glenda & Lewis Greenhouse
March 29, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you Rebecca.
March 29, 2021
Sending lots of strength and spirit <3
-A fellow Bearcat
March 29, 2021
We have to support our fellow skiers. I hope for continued miracles, and a smooth recovery.
Robert Zimmerman
March 29, 2021
All my thoughts and prayers to you!
March 29, 2021
Healing thoughts from our family
Eli LeonGreene
March 29, 2021
Keep Fighting...
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the entire family.
The Hirsch Family,
Eileen, Mark, Matt and Bryan
Eileen Hirsch
March 29, 2021
Rooting for you Rebecca. Sending my best wishes your way.
Alvaro Roque
March 29, 2021
Will keep you all in my prayers...
Maureen Gallagher
March 29, 2021
Sending lots of love to the Koltun family and beautiful Rebecca on her journey to recovery!
Adara Mifsud
March 29, 2021
Keep fighting constantly!
You’re going to improve day by day
The Freilich’s
Aaron Freilich
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and the whole family ! The K Family
gary klausner
March 29, 2021
Studied with you once fam. Praying for a safe recovery and that God is with you.
Flynn Anderson
March 29, 2021
Keep up your fight! Sending Support, love and prayers to Rebecca and her family
In our thoughts and prayers,
Michael Thiem and family
Michael and Barbara Thiem
March 29, 2021
Best wishes and a speedy recovery from the Olsen and Haslinger families. Be strong!
Lynn Haslinger
March 29, 2021
We are sending our love and prayers to you all. We know Rebecca will get through this, she is very strong.
The Schusheim Family
Larry Schusheim
March 29, 2021
Your Phi Delta Epsilon family is rooting for you and hoping for a speedy recovery! You got this.
Anand Lalaji
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers, strength, and love to Rebecca and her family!
March 29, 2021
Sending well wishes and a speedy recovery
March 29, 2021
At this trying time during the holidays, may your family and friends bring you strength. Above all may HaShem cradle Rebbeca in his arms. Baruh HaShem Refuah Shelma
Hesh Meyer
March 29, 2021
Sending strength, love & hope to Rebecca and family.
From a caring stranger.
Linda Mummiani
March 29, 2021
You are in our thoughts and prayers, Rebecca!!!
JoAnne Bonke
March 29, 2021
I hope this helps! Get well soon
Trent Spence
March 29, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a speedy recovery, and sending love to the Koltun family during this time ❤️ Jenna Bard
Jenna Bard
March 29, 2021
I don’t know this family but would like them to know they are in my prayers. I’m sure your daughter will receive the best care possible.
Lori Mannino
March 29, 2021
With lots of love and support from Jojo and Aunt Antoinette
Joanna Savino
March 29, 2021
Plainview supports our own! Please continue fighting Rebecca.
Joel Cohen
March 29, 2021
Our Hearts Go Out To The Koltun's...We Wish Rebecca The Best. The Rinder Family
Hal Rinder
March 29, 2021
I don't know this family personally but I'm so glad I could help in anyway I could. I can't imagine the pain this family is going through- I will keep them in my thoughts.
Marissa Troici
March 29, 2021
Prayers for Becca and her family.
March 29, 2021
Be strong!
I-Chin Lin
March 29, 2021
Praying for your family.
Susanne Wilson
March 29, 2021
I desperately hope everything works out for you. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time.
March 29, 2021
From the Thyberg family ❤️
Noah Mendelson
March 29, 2021
Sending love and support❤️
Michelle Collica
March 29, 2021
Dear Rebecca, Sending love and prayers to you and & your family. Melissa, Ben and Poppy Gaynor
Melissa Levine Gaynor
March 29, 2021
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family
Victoria Sallows
March 29, 2021
We love you and support you every step of this journey!
Colleen Germain
March 29, 2021
Sending love & Prayers.
Josh York
March 29, 2021
Thought, prayers & love to the Koltun Family from the The Healy’s
Lauren, Connor,
Rose & Sean
The Healy’s
March 29, 2021
Our hearts and prayers are with you during this difficult journey.
Your POBJFK Soccer Family (GVS) and the Erkus Family are sending you lots of love and support!
Becca, we love you!
Brooke Erkus
March 29, 2021
Stay strong, Rebecca! Sending healing vibes from NJ.
Michele Sinoway
March 29, 2021
Love and strength ❤️
Ryan Shaevitz
March 29, 2021
Sending love and prayers
Briana Castillo
March 29, 2021
On behalf of Lily Horowitch <3
Sara Getzoff
March 29, 2021
Donations from many who have been touched by your story. We love you Becca!!
Morgan Noon
March 29, 2021
Praying for you and your family!
Elizabeth Kaner
March 29, 2021
Thoughts and prayers
Lexie Jordan
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you
Chuck Merritt
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers of strength and recovery for Rebecca and the Koltun family..
The Bedell Family
Melanie Bedell
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers and love to Rebecca and her family.
Sending special hug to her loving grandparents Warren and Helen.
Shelly and Michael
Michelle Paolercio
March 29, 2021
you will prevail!!!!
Francesca Auriti
March 29, 2021
Sending all my love and positive energy your way ❤️
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers to your daughter Rebecca.
March 29, 2021
Prayers and well wishes from the Dorudhkin family
Ron Dorushkin
March 29, 2021
G-d bless Rebecca and your whole family.
Colleen Mack-Savino
March 29, 2021
All our love to the entire Koltun family.
The Nacsons
Chari Nacson
March 29, 2021
My daughter, Anna, a student at Binghamton University, shared your story with me and asked if our family can make a donation. I said of course. Then, I read your story and cried. I am religious and will continue to pray to God for more miracles for your beautiful daughter.
The Piazza Family
Brenda Piazza
March 29, 2021
Our prayers thoughts are with you all.
Stacy & Rob Rosen
stacy Rosen
March 29, 2021
Heard of Rebecca’s story through a friend....thinking of your beautiful daughter and your family during this impossible time.
Andrea Stein
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca & the Koltun Family.
The De Siver Family
Brenda De Siver
March 29, 2021
Please know that we are praying for you all and particularly for Rebecca\'s recovery.
Kevin Rappold
March 29, 2021
Keeping you in our thoughts and daily prayers.
The Raver Family
Marie Raver
March 29, 2021
God Bless Rebecca and her family during this difficult time.
Your Binghamton family
Danny and John Mancusi and family
Catherine Mancusi
March 29, 2021
Rebecca and the entire family are in my prayers! Stay strong
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts are with you and your family.
Karen Alford
March 29, 2021
Sending my prayers and support for your beautiful daughter.
Marissa Licata
March 29, 2021
Strong Prayers for Rebecca and her beautiful family ♥
Lisa Colella
March 29, 2021
sending love from the ostrach family
madison ostrach
March 29, 2021
In my thoughts and prayers.
March 29, 2021
My heart is with you all❤️ Praying for all good things for Rebecca
Denise DeVito
March 29, 2021
Our prayers are with you
Stephen Miller
March 29, 2021
Thinking of you all and sending prayers.
Jill Zeilander
March 29, 2021
Thinking of you and sending our prays. The Gilbert Family.
Joshua Gilbert
March 29, 2021
I will pray for my beautiful student Rebecca each and every day. Her smile is contagious, her zest for life will get her through this tragic ordeal. She is a one in a million person who makes the world a better place. Please give her lots of hugs from me.
Jen Temkin
March 29, 2021
Sending love and prayers your way, Becca. You are an outstanding young woman who has touched the lives of so many, and we know that you will continue to do so. Refuah Shlema <3
March 29, 2021
Keeping your family in my prayers!!
Stephanie Ragusa
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Rebecca and family for strength and healing.
The Sorkin family
Lauren Sorkin
March 29, 2021
Wishing you a a full recovery and lots of hugs to you and your family!
Heather Fleischman
March 29, 2021
My deepest thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Sending lots of hugs.
Much love,
Jennifer Temkin
Jen Temkin
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and the entire Koltun family.
Joe, Tracey & Alexa Savino
Tracey Savino
March 29, 2021
Praying for more miracles and strength!
With love,
A fellow skier
March 29, 2021
As a fellow binghamton student, I am praying for the best recovery possible <3.
Emma Hannigan
March 29, 2021
My heart breaks for you and your family. I will keep praying for your beautiful daughter.
Ashley Olivieri
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Lori Melnitsky
March 29, 2021
Northwell RD sending strength, support, and prayers.
stefanie grzancic
March 29, 2021
Thinking of you all during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending lots of love and hugs xoxo
The Ganz Family
Robin Ganz
March 29, 2021
We are sending prayers sand healing thoughts to Rebecca.
The Mickle family
Lisa Mickle
March 29, 2021
Ohef Sholom Temple and the entire Tidewater Jewish Community are praying for your Refuah Shleimah. May you continue to know the small miracles that sustain you and your family. With love, Rabbi Roz
Rabbi Roz Mandelberg
March 29, 2021
Sorry for your daughters accident. Strength, support and family love will get you through this time. I love to ski with my family and I support you #Plainviewstrong
Laura Perlmutter
March 29, 2021
My thoughts and prayers go out to Rebecca and your family.
Audrey Young
March 29, 2021
Very Sad story, wish her and entire family all the best and Happiest Passover.
Ben Mahgerefteh Norfolk, VA
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers for Rebecca
Kimberly Mark
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers and miracles!
Lindsey Vibe
March 29, 2021
A zillion prayers for Rebecca-
Lauren Broudy
March 29, 2021
May God Bless you a sound recovery in Jesus’ name Amen.
March 29, 2021
Eat. Sleep. Tie-Dye.
March 29, 2021
Praying for Rebecca
Jackie Primack
March 29, 2021
Keep strong, we are rooting for you!
Pato Smith
March 29, 2021
May God be with you during this extremely difficult time. We are praying for you.
Elizabeth Starr
March 29, 2021
hi - sending love and hope to rebecca and her family !! best wishes for a safe and speedy recovery.
Alison Cheung
March 29, 2021
Thinking of the Koltun family xoxo
Katie Sparer
March 29, 2021
Sending good energy and prayers for recovery.
Stephanie Wechsler
March 29, 2021
Sending so much love to Rebecca and the Koltun family.
Lindsay Korman
March 29, 2021
Hope to hear more good news from Rebecca!
March 29, 2021
Praying for you Rebecca
Sue Terrone
March 29, 2021
We’re all rooting for you Rebecca❤️
Binghamton Swimming and Diving
March 29, 2021
Praying for you!
Caryn Smith
March 29, 2021
Praying for you & your family
Debra Silverman
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
March 29, 2021
Sending thoughts and prayers to Rebecca.
Ashley Epstein and Family
Ashley Epstein
March 29, 2021
Our hearts go out for you and your family, wish Rebecca a speed recovery!
Jianwu Zhang
March 29, 2021
Praying for healing and strength for your family.
March 29, 2021
Fellow SCI family. Stay strong and hopeful, being incomplete is HUGE! Look into Craig hospital in CO for rehab. They’re well known for vented SCI and have a phenomenal program. We went to Shepherd in GA, also excellent, highly recommend but I heard Craig is better for higher level injuries. We too are from NY. Long journey, stay hopeful and lean on your community. My husband now walks (C6 incomplete). Our thoughts are with you all. Feel free to reach out, everything is overwhelming.
Krista Volpe
March 29, 2021
Thoughtful prayers are being sent your way with the hopes that she will have a speedy recovery.
Christina Dady
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers, love, and strength to your family and especially Rebecca.
March 29, 2021
We pray for your courage and strength.
Michele and Barry Goodman
Michele Goodman
March 29, 2021
Sending support and strength
Carly Alsofrom
March 29, 2021
Dear Audrey and Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
With love,
Peg, Jim, Carolyn, Christopher and Peg's parents, Jean and Gene
Margaret Pellizzari
March 29, 2021
Matthew 7:7
All glory to Jesus Christ!
March 29, 2021
Praying for a full recovery.
Sandra Brant
March 29, 2021
Thinking of all of you and praying for Rebecca ❤️❤️❤️
Jessica O'Sullivan
March 29, 2021
Sending love and prayers to Rebecca and your family from Wendy and Steve Ahart
Wendy and Steve Ahart
March 29, 2021
Sending love and prayers to your family
Gladys Jimenez
March 29, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca
Andrea Idy
March 29, 2021
We are so sorry to hear this sad news, we have and will continue to pray for a full recovery. We are giving what we can at this time. Sandra & Butch Brant
Sandra Brant
March 29, 2021
Sending love and healing for Rebecca. Xoxox miracles for you
Andrea Idy
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Rebecca and her family.
Tami Katz
March 29, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers go to your entire family. We are so very sorry.
Jodi Poggioreale
March 29, 2021
Keeping Rebecca in my prayers .
Joan Basile
March 29, 2021
Sending healing thoughts and prayers.
Andrew & Emily Love
March 29, 2021
Wishing the best to the family. From a friend of Dale Stark
Monique Gottlieb-McSorley
March 29, 2021
Sending heartfelt wishes and healing prayers to the Koltun family.
With love,
Helen and Meir Levy, parents of Judith Brenner
Judith Brenner
March 29, 2021
Holding Rebecca and your whole family in my heart...Refuah Shlema.
Shira Futterman
March 29, 2021
Everyday, miracles happen. Praying in my way for recovery.
Carla Tchack
March 29, 2021
Sending prayers and strength to your family!
Ronnie Hecht
March 29, 2021
May your Archangels guide you through this very trying time ..... We will continue to light candles and pray to God for a Miracle for Rebecca’s Recovery
Lisa Casagrande
March 29, 2021
Praying for you!
Janet Ferguson
March 29, 2021
Praying for the Koltun family. ❤️❤️
March 29, 2021
Rebecca is in our thoughts and prayers
The Baron Family
March 29, 2021
Keep fighting Rebecca..
You are so loved!
Please know that you have a village of family,friends and well wishers sending you prayers, strength,and healing energy. We are with you every day in spirit. Much love, Robin
Robin Brooke Meldon
March 29, 2021
My prayers go out to Rebecca and her family
March 29, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and your family!
Denise Scaglione
March 29, 2021
Our prayers are with you.
Cheryl and Larry Israeloff
Cheryl Berger Israeloff
March 29, 2021
With our thoughts and prayers.
Rhonda, Michael,Matt and Jordan Heller
Michael heller
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers and positive thoughts to Rebecca and her family
-Nick Savino
Nicholas Savino
March 28, 2021
SUNY Upstate COM 2024 + Family and Friends of Allison
Allison Regan
March 28, 2021
Hi Rebecca, I am Danae, from Chile, I am a SCI person since 2018.
All my prayers are for you and your family.
Danae Chandía
March 28, 2021
The Binghamton MINDS research team is making this donation with Rebecca Koltun in our hearts.
Binghamton MINDS Research Team
March 28, 2021
Sending love to Rebecca and the Koltun Family during this difficult time.
March 28, 2021
Your daughter is in our prayers and thoughts.
The Talio Family
(Pat Talio)
Patricia Talio
March 28, 2021
Sending love and prayers
Susan Rubin
March 28, 2021
Prayers for you and your family. May you beat the odds.
Chelsea Cheng
March 28, 2021
Praying for Rebecca
Diane Buffolino
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers to All
Karen Shea
March 28, 2021
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Colantuono Family
julie colantuono
March 28, 2021
Donating on behalf of myself and some friends that were moved by Rebecca's story: Derek Feehrer, Sophia Gervasio, and Colby Schweibenz. Sending love <3
Sarah Boecker
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers from The Cipolla Family
Karen & Joe Cipolla
March 28, 2021
My sincerest prayers for the Koltun family. Wishing you all well.
Jodi Goldstein
March 28, 2021
Love, strength and prayers going out to the Koltun family, xoxo
Karen Kessler & Family
Karen Kessler
March 28, 2021
I do not know Rebecca personally - but I could not help but think of her during this difficult time. Wishing the entire family strength and hope. One day at a time.
Susan Candiotti
March 28, 2021
Hearts and prayers from our family to yours.
March 28, 2021
Stay Strong!
Nicolette Capalbo
March 28, 2021
A Binghamton family holding her in our thoughts and prayers.
Christina Dubner
March 28, 2021
praying for Rebecca and her family❤️
March 28, 2021
Sending love and prayers to this beautiful young girl and her family
Tracy Frierman
March 28, 2021
Prayers for a miracle recovery
From fellow Plainview residents.
The Levy Family
Simone Levy
March 28, 2021
You’re in our thoughts, prayers and hearts. Stay strong, we’re all on your side!
The Hersh Family
Michele Hersh
March 28, 2021
These funds were raised from "Dance for Rebecca", a 305 Fitness cardio dance class dedicated to Rebecca. We wanted to use dance to show gratitude for our bodies and be mindful of how important they are. We're sending all of our love and positive thoughts to Rebecca and her family right now and we hope that this small contribution can help in some way!
With Love,
Paige Winn
Emma Gold
Sammi Seidita
Alex Baker
Jessica Raia
Suzy Gungor
Olivia Cappetta
Rachel Steiner
Taylor Winn
Danielle Shapiro
Nicole Albanese
Paige Winn
March 28, 2021
Sending positive thoughts.
Ivy Heller
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Rebecca and family for strength and healing.
Capri Family
March 28, 2021
We are heartbroken to hear about Rebecca. Sending positive thoughts, prayers and good wishes as Rebecca recovers. Love to the entire family.
Sharon and Larry Cohen
Sharon and Larry Cohen
March 28, 2021
Thoughts and prayers for a positive outcome!
Miriam Miller
March 28, 2021
These funds were raised from "Dance for Rebecca", a 305 Fitness cardio dance class dedicated to Rebecca. We wanted to use dance to show gratitude for our bodies and be mindful of how important they are. We're sending all of our love and positive thoughts to Rebecca and her family right now and we hope that this small contribution can help in some way!
With Love,
Paige Winn
Emma Gold
Sammi Seidita
Alex Baker
Jessica Raia
Suzy Gungor
Olivia Cappetta
Rachel Steiner
Taylor Winn
Danielle Shapiro
Nicole Albanese
Paige Winn
March 28, 2021
Sending our thoughts & prayers to the Koltun Family.
Rainer Family
March 28, 2021
Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
March 28, 2021
Sending love and prayers from Las Vegas
Brian Friedman
March 28, 2021
Sending light, love and support for Rebecca, Audrey and the entire Koltun family You are in my prayers,
Susan Cohen (from Equinox)
Susan Cohen
March 28, 2021
We are heartbroken to hear of Rebecca’s accident. We are thinking of you all.
The Normandins
Laura Normandin
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers of strength and hope to Rebecca and the Koltun family.
Adam Adler
March 28, 2021
Sending our thoughts and prayers from Plainview.
March 28, 2021
Praying for Rebecca’s recovery.
Ellen Mottel
March 28, 2021
Hope to see you up again!
Karlquist Family
March 28, 2021
Our prayers are with you and your family!
Melissa Perelmutter
March 28, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and her entire family. From one Plainview family to another.
March 28, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca and her family.
March 28, 2021
Sending strength and support
Julia Barillas
March 28, 2021
We send positive thoughts, prayers and good wishes to Rebecca and her family.
We wish you much strength in your recovery.
With best wishes,
Rebecca and Dara Gleeson and Family
Rebecca & Dara Gleeson
March 28, 2021
Sending love and prayers. Stay strong.
The Vieira Family
Patricia Vieira
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Koltun Family.
Debra Kimmel
March 28, 2021
Sending our prayers and support for Rebecca and the Koltun family.
John Micari
March 28, 2021
Stay strong and keep the faith! You got this Rebecca!
Jennifer Rotker
March 28, 2021
Sending love and strength your way!
Kristy Zimmerman
March 28, 2021
God bless Rebecca and family!
Luis Urrutia
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers to Rebecca and the Koltun family.
Laura Yacuk
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you
Melissa Lawrence
March 28, 2021
Sending positive thoughts to you and your family❤️❤️❤️
Gabrielle Wilson
March 28, 2021
Keep Fighting Rebecca!!!!
March 28, 2021
We met at Shaloma Hadassah. Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.
Laurie Introp
March 28, 2021
Stay strong! With your heart and your mind you can do anything.
March 28, 2021
Sending love and hugs of support to you and your family! ❤️
Tammy Bloom
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers with you and your family
Norma Ana Alan Jaffe
Alan Jaffe
March 28, 2021
The Bochner family is sending their love and support and during this extremely hard time. We will continue thinking of you and your fighting spirit.
Sari Bochner
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts are with you
The Taubenfeld Family
Cheryl Taubenfeld
March 28, 2021
Thoughts are with this beautiful young lady and her family. ❤️
Anne Gallagher Jones
March 28, 2021
Becca, you are one of the kindest souls I know. I am sending love to you and your family.
madison ostrach
March 28, 2021
To support Rebecca and theKoltun family. Love and hope. The Tothburd family
Karen Rothburd
March 28, 2021
Maria Boultadakis
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers
Laura Ferrucci
March 28, 2021
So much love for Becca, Audrey, Scott, and Erik <3 This is a collected donation from: Mary Donoghue, Sam Coffey, Nikki Sather, Caroline Kachonowski, Daniella Ciniglio, Emma Todisco, Alexia Moustakas, Nora Cusanelli, Alice De Marchi, Isabelle Hanchett, Andrea Russo, Madeline McCormick, Saroja Rao, Frank DiNatale, Holly Swimm, Anthony Germano, Maggie Singman, Sarah Chew, Christina Langan, Natalie Kister, Krista Diresta, Maxine Mechtovich, Patricia Doht
Margaret Cusanelli
March 28, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a speedy recovery!
Debbie Schatz
March 28, 2021
Our prayers for a speedy recovery
Jocelyne and Mike Notkin
Jocelyne Notkin
March 28, 2021
We are praying for Rebecca’s recovery and for strength for you all. Lise and Allen
Lise Mayer
March 28, 2021
Sending love and prayers to the Koltun family
Sharon John
March 28, 2021
Sending love and strength to Becca and her family. Thinking of you all and keeping you in our prayers.
Rachel, Jose, Caitlin, Victoria, Annmarie, Olivia, Kelsey, Evan, Russell, Killian, Hannah, Devin
Rachel Molzon
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers and hugs to you!!
Randi Sprung
March 28, 2021
Without words. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery during this challenging time.
Michael Motelson
March 28, 2021
Our prayers go out to Rebecca and her family.
March 28, 2021
Dear Kolton Family,
Amy's Sunday Yoga crew is sending Rebecca, Audrey, Scott and Erik strength, fortitude, and healing energy. Our practice this morning was dedicated to your family and we will continue to be sending you love and strength. Rebecca~ You are so strong. My heart is with you.
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." ~Desmond Tutu
With love, Amy, Jen E., Melissa, Michelle, Gail, Ilana, Dana, Jenny W., Jackie, Rebecca, Audra, & Amanda.
Amy Max
March 28, 2021
Sending all of my love and prayers to Becca and her family.
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Sincerely, Sandy and Sheldon Dobres (grandparents of Sarah Hamburg)
Sandra Dobres
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Sincerely, The Hamburg Family
Shari Hamburg
March 28, 2021
To Becca and the Koltuns, we love you so much! Becca you are the strongest person ever. Sending all of our love and support to you❤️❤️. From Jojo and Nonna
Joanna Savino
March 28, 2021
Sending healing prayers!
Gayle Hoeffner
March 28, 2021
Prayers and love for Rebecca, her medical team and the entire Aleck and Koltun family for healing and God’s plan.
Linda and Larry Greaver
Linda Greaver
March 28, 2021
We love you so much Becca! This is from Travis Ardin, Grace Farco, Adam Ungar, Samantha Kao, Lauren Burns, Kiley Sovern, Dylan McCarty, Jojo Cheng, Jamie Yonker, Xavier Colwin, Tara Gallagher, Raeann Dong and Carlos Medina.
Joanna Savino
March 28, 2021
Sending my absolute best to Rebecca and the Koltun family
Kyle Stern
March 28, 2021
Sending you Lots of positive vibes and prayers!!
Sandy Workman
March 28, 2021
Keeping your family in our prayers.
With love, The Greco Family
Donna Greco
March 28, 2021
Prayers to Rebecca and her family.
Lisa Iovine
March 28, 2021
Sending so much love and positive energy towards you Becca.
Chase Tomasino
Chase Tomasino
March 28, 2021
Alisa Glasel
March 28, 2021
We are praying for Rebecca and her family.
Kimberly Berson
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers, love, and strength to Rebecca and her family.
Tamara Koss & Michael, Stephen and Alexandra Bender
March 28, 2021
My heart goes out to this beautiful girl and her family.
Janie Steinberger
March 28, 2021
Sending love and prayers
Clark Gelfand
March 28, 2021
Thinking of you all! Sending lots of love and prayers your way! Love, Stacey and Noah Liiv, Karen, Rick and Lauren Aaron
Stacey Aaron
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and your family.
Ellen, Norm, Josh, Rachel Trichon
Norman Trichon
March 28, 2021
Stay Strong Rebecca and family
Lori and Lee Ditkowsky
March 28, 2021
As a mother it breaks my heart to hear of such a tragedy. Sending love and hope to Rebecca and her family.
Elizabeth Hyde
March 28, 2021
Sending so much strength and love.
Allason Trakhten
March 28, 2021
To the Koltun Family,
Our love and prayers go out to all of you.
Edie and Marvin Teich
Edythe Teich
March 28, 2021
From one lifetime member to another... praying for you and your family
March 28, 2021
Sending good, positive thoughts
Kim Shindler
March 28, 2021
My prayers are with you and your family.
Iris M. Torres
March 28, 2021
Thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong in mind and spirit. Love your friends at the Physical Therapy Experience
The Physical Therapy Experience
March 28, 2021
Sending love and light to you all. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Love The Zions
Zion Family
March 28, 2021
Our prayers are with you.
Judy, Gennifer, Rob and Rob
Judy Steinberg
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
The Greene Family
Adam Greene
March 28, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Marian Dobish
March 28, 2021
Prayers to the family..
Sandra Shea
March 28, 2021
Is there a way to get a message directly to the family? We live in their neighborhood (my son was a friend of Rebecca\'s in high school), and there is a specific type of help we may be able to offer.
Judy Ornstein Peskoff
March 28, 2021
Our prayers go out to the Koltun family.
Elisa Gordon
March 28, 2021
Sending healing wishes of strength and support.
Alison and Scott Kupersmith
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers and love.
-a caring neighbor
March 28, 2021
Hoping for the best recovery possible
Catherine Reilly
March 28, 2021
Thoughts and prayers for this difficult time
Jenny Bartling
March 28, 2021
Be strong!
Leslie Wac
March 28, 2021
Sending prayers and strength.
Lynn and Kerry Berman
Lynn Berman
March 28, 2021
Scott and Audrey, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Gail Kushner
March 28, 2021
I met you in Costa Rica and was so inspired by your love of life and travel. Sending my best wishes x
Bethan Evans
March 28, 2021
Sending love and lots of healing to Rebecca, her family, and friends. Praying for a full recovery!! ❤️
- The Sumakis Family
Alex Sumakis
March 28, 2021
Never stop believing in yourself. The Gleiber Family.
Joshua Gleiber
March 28, 2021
Our prayers are with you and your family.
March 28, 2021
We will keep Rebecca and your family in our prayers
Paige Bravin
March 28, 2021
Meghan Werth
March 28, 2021
Thinking of Rebecca and her entire family. Praying for a miracle!
Jonathan Lester
March 28, 2021
Prayers for this beautiful young lady
Bonni Silber
March 28, 2021
Praying for your family Audrey during these difficult times.
Joanne Lein
March 28, 2021
Keeping Becca and your family in our thoughts and prayers!!
March 28, 2021
Sending love, support and prayers to Rebecca and the Koltun family.
~The Pollack family
Jacki Pollack
March 28, 2021
Rebecca, Scott, Audrey and Erik - our daughter told us your story and it really hit home. Our daughter will be graduating from Binghamton University in May and we will all be thinking of you as Rebecca was supposed to be graduating alongside her friends too.
God Bless.
The Moore Family
Robert Moore
March 28, 2021
Sending the family positive thoughts and prayers for a full and speedy recovery.
Shari Tiriolo
March 28, 2021
Love God and love thy neighbor.
Andrew Stenbeck
March 28, 2021
Sending healing energy, positive thoughts and lots of prayers.
Eileen Curran
March 28, 2021
Becca- we believe with everything in us that the best days are still ahead. You are changing the world. We have always been so proud of you, but especially now your smile, strength and caring spirit has been nothing short of inspiring.
You are family. We love you so much and are with you everyday.
-Cory, Dale, Jena and Tara Stark
Tara Stark
March 28, 2021
Our prayers are with you and your family.
March 28, 2021
Sending love to you and your family!❤️
Abby Melillo
March 28, 2021
Praying for you and your family ❤️
Jocelyn Cottington
March 28, 2021
Sending love to you and your family ❤️
Maia Boni
March 28, 2021
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for you to have strength to heal.
Teri Polis
Mattlin Middle School Librarian
Teri Polis
March 28, 2021
Sending lots of prayers
March 27, 2021
Praying for a healthy recovery
Thomas Thompson
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and Prayers
Michael Criswell
March 27, 2021
Alejandro Pena
March 27, 2021
Sending masses of love, faith and hope your way beautiful girl. Praying to god that you get everything that you need to get better❤️Xxx
Keely x
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers and positive energy
Lisa, David, Ryan and Jillian Smith
March 27, 2021
Our love, support and prayers are with Rebecca and the Koltun family ❤️
Olivia and Kristi
The Chan Family
Kristi Chan
March 27, 2021
I wish you a successful recovery, Rebecca. My heart goes out to you, your family, and your friends.
Simon Hirschhorn
March 27, 2021
Rebecca is in my prayers!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Henry Corwin
March 27, 2021
My thoughts are with the family at this time!
Danielle S
March 27, 2021
Sending love and prayers
Nina Baumstein
March 27, 2021
Sending love and prayers.
nina melzer
March 27, 2021
It broke my heart to read about this horrible tragedy to such a beautiful vibrant young woman. Praying for her recovery ❤️
Michele Rothery
March 27, 2021
Sending ❤️
Arlene Jarvis
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and prayers
March 27, 2021
Marylee Norton
March 27, 2021
Sending love and prayers
Melina Hetman
March 27, 2021
A small donation from a friend of Vivian’s Aunt Arlene.
Margot Cluette
March 27, 2021
Gelena Kaminsky
March 27, 2021
Sending our hope & prayers for a miracle.
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers for a full recovery. Stay strong!
Karen Gallop
March 27, 2021
Sending many prayers for Rebecca and her family ❤️
Denise Amoriello-Hartzell
March 27, 2021
My prayers for you....Stay strong!
tanmeet josen
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers. Stay strong!
Pep Stein
March 27, 2021
Sending love, prayers and hope
March 27, 2021
Sending our prayers and strength to all of you.
The Taub Family
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers to Rebecca and her family
The Becker Family
Hope Becker
March 27, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca’s recovery.
Andrea Cohen
March 27, 2021
Sending strength and prayers for recovery.
The Rosenberg Family
Deborah Rosenberg
March 27, 2021
Love and Strength
March 27, 2021
Praying for you and your family!
Sylvia Sulimanov
March 27, 2021
Wishing all the best to Rebecca and her family ❤️❤️
Erin Curran
March 27, 2021
Praying for you becca
I know how strong you are, you will overcome this.
Sending love and strength to Koltun family !!!
Furkan Isik
March 27, 2021
Hoping for Rebecca's recovery.
Steve Feigenbaum
Steve Feigenbaum
March 27, 2021
Sending you prayers.
Rachael Weiss
Lilby Weiss
March 27, 2021
Making this contribution in honor of Rebecca Koltun who is being held so dear in our hearts and prayers.
Mary Hearring
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers for your beautiful daughter
Janet Mermel
March 27, 2021
Thinking of you in your road to recovery (Aunt of John Pennisi).
Noreen Lam
Noreen Lam
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers for the family
March 27, 2021
Praying powerful prayers for a miracle to be performed in Rebecca and for her family to have lasting strength in supporting her recovery process. With love, from the Binghamton University community.
March 27, 2021
We are all praying for your recovery, God bless you!
Tibor Foki
March 27, 2021
Rebecca and Family. This seems so unfair but God only gives us what we can handle. You will persevere. It\'s not always going to be easy, I struggle with my own battles, but you will make it through this and be an inspiration to all. Cry when you have to cry, no shame in that, and then keep fighting. Thoughts and prayers to all of you. God bless. A check is on the way.
March 27, 2021
I cried reading this and seeing a wonderful young lady smiling and happy. I will be praying to Jesus for her recovery, Jesus has done many miracles in my life, that still surprises me. I know He can help Rebecca, prayer works wonders, Jesus is love and compassion. I wish I could write how many miracles I have seen Jesus do in my life. Please Rebecca don\'t give up , please look to Jesus, He will get you through this. I will be praying for a miracle, and I am going to try and send money to help. I am on disability and it can be hard to make ends meet. I will do my best to send money.
Please hear me , Don\'t give up, You can make it, you are young, determined and you have Jesus on your side.
March 27, 2021
Sending you all of the love and healing thoughts we possibly can. You are not alone in this fight- every one of us is rooting for you!
-Various donors
Juliana Viola
March 27, 2021
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Rico Tribuzzi
March 27, 2021
Roxanna Fuertes
March 27, 2021
You are in my prayers ❤️
March 27, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and wishing her parents and family strength. We are friend of Sara and the Getzoffs. And friends of yours. Sending so much love.
Lisa Segelman
March 27, 2021
God bless Rebecca.
Stanley Wakshlag
March 27, 2021
The koltun family is in our thoughts.
Rick Rutman
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers..with love
Karen Oconnor
March 27, 2021
Sending love and prayers.
The Stephens Family
Marie Stephens
March 27, 2021
Sending love and prayers
Ruthie Pincus
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Stacy Oster
March 27, 2021
Sending love strength and prayers
Raquel Ribacoff
March 27, 2021
Sending best wishes and prayers
The Levitt Family
Ina Levitt
March 27, 2021
prayers to Rebecca and her family
staci kolins
March 27, 2021
Prayers and Hope and Faith for the entire Koltun Family.
arlene braverman
March 27, 2021
Hope you feel better soon Rebecca, sending all our prayers ❤️
Devishi Mathur
March 27, 2021
Rebecca & family: such a terrible tragedy. Hoping for the best possible recovery. Love, the Kornfeld family (friends of the Getzoff’s)
Margo Kornfeld
March 27, 2021
To Becca and the Koltuns we love you so so much! This is from Morgan Amick, Brendan Wold, Jessica Raia, Kevin Brennan, Satleen Kaur, Andrew Farco, Alexandra Paoli, Jonathan Greenspan, Heather Rutkiewicz, Adam Ungar, Matt Lambdin, Peyton Evertsen, Riley Hammar, Brielle Mollegard, Caitlin Trancho, Kelly Batache and Matt Bahar ❤️❤️❤️
Joanna Savino
March 27, 2021
My thoughts are with the entire Koltun family.
Robyn Sklar
March 27, 2021
Keeping you in our thoughts & prayers always.
With love,
Amanda Emmerich & family
Amanda Emmerich
March 27, 2021
Loving God, I pray that you will comfort Rebecca in her suffering, lend skill to the hands of her medical professionals, and bless the means used for her cure. Give her such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when Rebecca is afraid, she may put her whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
March 27, 2021
My parents live next door and we’re thinking and praying with you all as you navigate the road ahead. Love the Savitz family
Tamara Savitz
March 27, 2021
Saying so many prayers for Rebecca as she and her family handle this challenge. There is always a glimmer of hope, may it only continue to grow!
March 27, 2021
My thoughts and prayers and good health vibes are with Rebecca on her journey back to a healthy life.
Susan Katzenoff
March 27, 2021
Best wishes and prayers, you can do it :) - random fellow long islander
March 27, 2021
We are thinking of you and sending you all our wishes to grow stronger every day,
Casey, Jordan and Brooke Masone
Casey and Jordan Masone
March 27, 2021
<3 a bing alum
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers for Rebecca!
Stephanie Weinberg
March 27, 2021
With love from Dani Pollard’s Aunt Andi
Andi Jason
March 27, 2021
Thinking of you and your family.
The Getzler Family
March 27, 2021
Sending healing prayers and lots of strength and love to Rebecca and her family at this very difficult time and know that others care.
Mindy Spergel
March 27, 2021
I suffered a serious spinal cord injury back in 2007, so I can emphasize with what this young lady is dealing with. Sending prayers for her and her family as they face all the challenges ahead.
Kelly Smith
March 27, 2021
Wishing Rebecca health and strength during this difficult time
March 27, 2021
Our prayers and thoughts are with you for a miraculous recovery- love, a family of Binghamton University from Melville NY
March 27, 2021
Keeping you and your family in our thoughts
Jeff schonsky
March 27, 2021
More donations + love ❤️
Aysha Malawaraarachchi
March 27, 2021
I know it’s not much but it’s as much as I can really afford to give right now. She will be on my mind, hoping for her to get better. Blessed be
March 27, 2021
Praying she gets the care she needs and God bless your family ❤️❤️
Regan and Tony Tutt
March 27, 2021
Sending our love and support to you always
Alexa Grieco & Family
Alexa Grieco
March 27, 2021
Praying for you recovery. Dominators Forever ⚽️❤️
All the best,
Caroline Rosales & Family
Caroline Rosales
March 27, 2021
Jake Schkolnick
March 27, 2021
We hope Becca makes a speedy recovery and is feeling better soon.
Elaine and family Mutnick
March 27, 2021
You are love, you are loved
Surabhi Iyengar
March 27, 2021
I will be praying
Nathalie Escobar
March 27, 2021
My best thoughts and prayers for strength at this difficult time.
With optimism and love, Michele Rosenthal
Michele Rosenthal
March 27, 2021
Keeping you and your family in my prayers!❤️❤️ Stay strong beautiful!!
Michelle Lavietes
March 27, 2021
Thinking of Rebecca and her family. Sending positive healing thoughts and prayers from one POB Family to another.
- The Minimans
Tracy Miniman
March 27, 2021
From a friend in Costa Rica, Summer 2019 ❤️ Sending you all the love light and happiness in the universe
Elise Eriksson
March 27, 2021
Dearest Audrey and family,
Rebecca and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Sending our love for continued strength during this most difficult time and for a full recovery for Rebecca.
Carole Biggin
March 27, 2021
Keeping you in my prayers.
Love, Rachel Pabisch
Rachel Pabisch
March 27, 2021
Becca is genuinely one of the best people I've ever met. Sending hopeful thoughts and prayers to her and her family at this time. If anyone can get through this, it's Becca.
March 27, 2021
So sorry the struggle your family is going through right now!
Elizabeth Berman
March 27, 2021
Sending support to you and your family ❤️
March 27, 2021
Keeping you in my prayers
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers to the entire family and will continue to share this link.
March 27, 2021
Sending love and healing
Julia Davis
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers
Jill Stanski
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and prayers are with you
March 27, 2021
Our thoughts are with you and your family.
Andrea Levine
March 27, 2021
You, and your entire family, will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Andrew Paskal
March 27, 2021
We are praying for your complete recovery. Be strong!
Vivian and Burke Margulies
Vivian and Burke Margulies
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.
Kerry Zorn
March 27, 2021
Dear Rebecca,
Love and prayers for you and your family.
Never stop fighting. Believe in yourself. Power of strength
The Caruso Family
March 27, 2021
Praying for you.
Jessica Reed
March 27, 2021
Sending wishes for physical and emotional recovery- from one Binghamton parent to another.
Naomi Adler
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers.
March 27, 2021
Science and technology are racing forward to help you, Rebecca. Keep your spirits up!
Warmest thoughts from a fellow Long Islander.
March 27, 2021
March 27, 2021
Sending light and strength to your family in this harrowing time. Praying for a recovery. We are all with you. The Silver Family
Ronni Silver
March 27, 2021
You are in our thoughts & prayers .
The Handel Family
Debra Handel
March 27, 2021
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
March 27, 2021
Sending healing prayers to Rebecca and her family...from the mom of a Binghamton grad
Ellen Marcus
March 27, 2021
Positive thoughts coming to Rebecca and her family. My daughter, Grace, was in DECA with her at POB-JFK HS.
Leslie McCarthy
March 27, 2021
We are praying for Rebecca and her whole family! My daughter Sarah goes to bing with her and only has wonderful things to say about her.
Kim Zuckerman
March 27, 2021
Many prayers for Rebecca and family that God carries them through this.
Maureen Cooke
March 27, 2021
Sending healing prayers
Jill Auerbach
March 27, 2021
Sending well wishes and hopes of a speedy recovery
Allison Rifkin
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and prayers!!!
March 27, 2021
Get well soon. Our prayers are with you.
Liat Hanan
March 27, 2021
Having worked with Becca over the summer at UrSwim, I realized quickly what a fun loving and caring person she is. This breaks my heart and we are all praying for her to make a full recovery! Stay strong Becca!
~ Jessie S.
Lisa Sakhai
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers
Shari Delouya
March 27, 2021
Wishing you the best Rebecca and family. Thinking of you and sending love.
Diane Malkin
March 27, 2021
We wish to extend our deepest support to Rebecca for a full and glorious recovery
Maddy & Warren Kiersh
March 27, 2021
Praying for God to give you and your family healing, comfort, and peace!
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers to The Koltun Family from Julie & Brian Kessler
Julie Kessler
March 27, 2021
Praying for you
Stephanie Higgins
March 27, 2021
Thinking of you with support and hope!
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
March 27, 2021
Best wishes. Stay strong during these difficult times .
Karen Kramer-Klein
March 27, 2021
Sending thoughts of healing and hope as you navigate the challenges ahead.. From a Bing Family ❤️
Deb Newman
March 27, 2021
Suzan DeTingo
March 27, 2021
Sending lots of prayers and love to you and your family, Rebecca.
March 27, 2021
Sending our thoughts to you
Sam Spellman
March 27, 2021
Stay Strong
Love from Another Graduates Mom from Binghamton
Lisa Mossberg
March 27, 2021
Praying for a full and speedy recovery! Stay strong ❤️
Love, Jess Schaffer & James Serpico
Jess Schaffer
March 27, 2021
We are glad we are able help.
March 27, 2021
Sending lots of prayers your family's way!
Jenna Petrungaro
March 27, 2021
Prayers for this beautiful young woman.
Barbara Wright
March 27, 2021
sending positive thoughts to this beautiful girl ♡
March 27, 2021
Prayers for Rebeccca and her family!
Lynn Brazel
March 27, 2021
Sending positive thoughts to your beautiful daughter...
Laurie Samuels xo
Laurie Samuels
March 27, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you
Amy Hariton
March 27, 2021
Prayers to the Koltun family
Austin Cordero
March 27, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and her family.
Ellen Carella
March 27, 2021
Thoughts are with you and your family during this challenging time. Best of luck for a speedy recovery and getting your health back. Praying for you.
Gabriella Albert
March 27, 2021
Please donate and share this fundraiser with your family and friends! Thank you!
Armin Khan
March 27, 2021
sending prayers to Rebecca and the family. She’s such a great girl, she didn’t deserve this
March 27, 2021
Sending you so much love and strength ❤️
March 27, 2021
One of my friends on twitter told me about what happened to Rebecca and I feel so sad about what happened to her. I'm sure she is a great girl with a heart of goal and I really hope she can recover from her injuries. I'm the same age as her and i want her to have a great rest of her life. I'm donating 10 dollars and i really wish I had more money to pay. Rebecca and her family and friends are in my prayers and i wish her nothing but the best
Delanie Twitter
March 27, 2021
My daughter told me about Rebecca - we wish we could do more. Our entire family is rooting for her and hoping for the miracle she deserves.
Chris Cardillo
March 27, 2021
Sending love and light to All
Oralee Shelton
March 27, 2021
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Rebecca’s recovery.
Julie Rosenberg
March 27, 2021
Praying for you
Noah Broxmeyer
March 27, 2021
Keeping Rebecca and her family in our Prayers.
March 27, 2021
Sending strength
Molly Morrissey
March 27, 2021
“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”
Psalms 46:1 NLT
Jesus loves you ♥️
Sal Sanchez
March 27, 2021
God is great
Dominic Bonura
March 27, 2021
The Wiederman Family is praying for Rebecca and her family!!
Susan Wiederman
March 27, 2021
Praying for rebecca
Jody Steifman
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers for strength and recovery
Janna Ostroff
March 27, 2021
For the good of all and with harm to none, I am wishing you the best in recovery.
Karla Mejia
March 27, 2021
Dear Audrey, Scott and Erik
We have your beautiful Rebecca in our hearts and prayers. We are thinking of you all everyday and we want your to know that we are here for you and we will get through this together.
We love you ,
Ellen and Larry
Ellen and Larry Kagan
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers to you and your family
Luisa Belfiore
March 27, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca on her recovery
Michael Cerro
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and prayers with you and your family as you battle this injury.
Chris Moir
March 27, 2021
My heart goes out to your entire family. Healing prayers
Meredith Bernstein
March 27, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and her family. Praying for a miracle.
March 27, 2021
Keep fighting, Rebecca!! You got this <3
Daniel Shnitkin
March 27, 2021
My heart and prayers go out to my schoolmate from BHS, Scott Kulton and his family.
MArjori Schecter
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and prayers to Becca and family
Adelle Ricci
March 27, 2021
You are loved and have much to offer the world when you put your thought into making the world a better place. Always strive to be a little better today than yesterday.
Chris Muscolo
March 27, 2021
God Bless you and your family in this difficult time. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Maria Elaina DiFalco
March 27, 2021
Sending love to you & your family as you begin your recovery❤️
Vivian Wilson
March 27, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Toba Weinstein and Joel Siev
Toba Weinstein
March 27, 2021
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Sending SO much love! Rebecca, you are so strong! We are here if you need anything big or small, don't hesitate to call!
The Seidita Family
Samantha Seidita & Family
March 27, 2021
Best of luck
March 27, 2021
Rebecca and Family,
You are in my prayers. Sending you strength.
Maria Carnesi
Maria Carnesi
March 27, 2021
I can’t even imagine what its like to go through something like this, I hope for a speedy recovery and rehabilitation!
Jennifer Bernert
March 27, 2021
Sending healing prayers and strength to you all.
Khatchatourian Family
March 27, 2021
Rebecca and her family are in our thoughts and prayers
Sandra Layne
March 27, 2021
Our hearts are with you
Michelle Criss
March 27, 2021
Praying for healing and strength.
March 27, 2021
Thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. Stay strong!!!!
Stephen Babich
March 27, 2021
Praying for your family.
Pete & Beth Crump
March 27, 2021
Robin Radler
March 27, 2021
Sending love & prayers from the staff at pobjfkhs sunshine
Vivian Wilson
March 27, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Rebecca, and your family and friends. Godspeed...
Barbara Litt
March 27, 2021
Praying doe you
Lauriel Morales
March 27, 2021
Praying for Rebecca’s recovery
The Jacobs Family
Mitchell Jacobs
March 27, 2021
Our thoughts & prayers with you!!!
You & your family stay strong
Brigitte Rackover
March 27, 2021
The Marino family is praying for you .
Keep fighting !
Iris Marino and Family
March 27, 2021
Me and Rebecca go way back. I have nothing but positive memories of her. She deserves all the help in the world right now.
Griffin McCarthy
March 27, 2021
Dear Becca girl,
I know you can make through this. Sending so much love from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. <3
Wenyu Xiong
March 27, 2021
sending you lots of love and wishing you the best recovery❤️
March 27, 2021
Wishing Rebecca a full recovery ! Praying for her good health.
Ava & Steven Lichtenstein
March 27, 2021
Sending lots of love and healing prayers to Rebecca & The Koltun family. We love you forever!
The Fern Family
Lisa Fern
March 27, 2021
Keep Fighting! ❤️❤️❤️
Brandon Desvernine
March 27, 2021
Sending love and prayers !
Jody Shapiro
March 27, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca.
Rosalia Doyle
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers to Rebecca for a full recovery.
Eric and Jennifer Cohen
March 27, 2021
You are in mine and Emily’s thoughts.
Reed Blee
March 27, 2021
Heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Rebecca❤️
Midhun Thomas
March 27, 2021
Binghamton mom
Leslie Treanor
March 27, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with Rebecca and her Family.
Thomas Hoefling
March 27, 2021
Sending you love and prayers
Sherry Ma
Sherry Ma
March 27, 2021
Sending love to Rebecca and her family ♥️
Julia Goodkin
March 27, 2021
May God Bless you and your family with strength, courage, hope and love.
Mrs. Jahn
Donna Jahn
March 27, 2021
Sending you prayers and healing wishes!
The Warshaw Family
Rachel Warshaw
March 27, 2021
Praying for you and your family
March 27, 2021
May you be blessed with inner strength love and support.
Bill Schlesinger
March 27, 2021
My thoughts are with you, from a fellow CPLV alum
March 27, 2021
Prayers from the Vicente family❤️
Linda Vicente-Vissichelli
March 27, 2021
Sending you prayers.
March 27, 2021
Sending prayers ❤️
Dylan Gusler
March 27, 2021
sending healing prayers and much love to Rebecca
jill gerla
March 26, 2021
Sending prayers for healing
Kristin Braico
March 26, 2021
As parents of teenagers at POBJFK, we wanted to send well wishes your way. We are routing for your family and your daughters recovery.
Melissa and Alec Kessler
Melissa Kessler
March 26, 2021
Wishing Rebecca positive strength, energy, & resilience on her road to recovery. ❤️
Suzanne Hecht
March 26, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and family
Carey and Wendy halpern
Wendy Halpern
March 26, 2021
Sending Prayers-The Hakim Family
Melissa Hakim
March 26, 2021
Praying for Rebecca and her family!
Alisa and Steven Gold
March 26, 2021
I’m so sorry to hear about your sister. I’ve never met you, but as a professor at Binghamton, supporting students and the Binghamton community means more than just those you know in the classroom. I will share your sister’s story and the link to the fund with others. I hope my donation and those of others help.
Scott Bentley
March 26, 2021
Praying for you all
March 26, 2021
You seem like the most beautiful human being. I hope you have a strong road to recovery, we are all here to support you
Jessie Merten
March 26, 2021
Sending you prayers and healing wishes!
The Horowitz family
Tracy Horowitz
March 26, 2021
Praying everyday
Jeremy Gusman
March 26, 2021
My friend from Binghamton informed me about this, I pray for a recovery and I'm in full support for her.
Colby Perrigo
March 26, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
March 26, 2021
Rebecca our prayers are with you and your family during this time. God bless you
Diane and Michael Cusker
March 26, 2021
May God Bless You.
Erin Smith
March 26, 2021
Jeremiah Bual
March 26, 2021
Prayers to your family for Rebecca’s recovery.
Mogul Family
March 26, 2021
Our prayers for a successful recovery for this beautiful smart and wonderful girl...
SAM Cohen
March 26, 2021
Rebecca is a very special young lady, we need to get her life back on track so she can enjoy life to its full extent.
Ronald Brooke
March 26, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all and we hope for a full recovery.
Jerry and Judy Stein (Spencer Rubin’s Grandparents)
Jerry Stein
March 26, 2021
Our hearts and prayers go put to you.
Helen and Larry Rubin
March 26, 2021
Rebecca will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
marisa picciurro
March 26, 2021
Sending love and prayers for a refuah shelemah!
Deb and Peter Segaloff
March 26, 2021
Sending love and light to the family. We wish Rebecca strength and you are in our prayers. Kim & Matt Berkowitz
Kim & Matt Berkowitz
March 26, 2021
Sending prayers and love
Aleeyah Wellington
March 26, 2021
I hope with all my heart that Rebecca makes a total recovery she seems to be a strong individual she has her whole life ahead of her.
michael costa
March 26, 2021
We are thinking of you and sending love, from one Binghamton family to another.
Charlotte Weiser
March 26, 2021
Sending Lots of prayers
Sara Remhild
March 26, 2021
You got this Rebecca! One day at a time...We're rooting for you!
Ilan Lipetz
March 26, 2021
Healing prayers
Frankie Michels
March 26, 2021
You are in our prayers
Gina Raver
March 26, 2021
Sending love! :)
March 26, 2021
I remember playing basketball with Rebecca in 8th grade. From then on and through high school, I've always known her as lively and energetic. Keeping her in my prayers and wishing all the best for her recovery.
Corinne Testa
March 26, 2021
The Drebsky Family has you all in our prayers.
The Drebsky Family Drebsky
March 26, 2021
Strength, hope & love from The McKean Family
Michelle McKean
March 26, 2021
Keeping you and your family in my prayers
Joe Reich
March 26, 2021
Sending my thoughts and prayers!
Lindsay Goldman
March 26, 2021
We will keep Rebecca in our thoughts and prayers!
Cheryl, Scott, Lindsay, Rochelle and Maxine Gilder
Cheryl Gilder
March 26, 2021
Praying for you and your family. ❤️❤️
Rubi Varughese
March 26, 2021
My heart breaks for this beautiful young woman and her family. I hope that knowing the whole town is praying for you can provide some comfort during this time.
Lauren Gelman
March 26, 2021
We are supporting and loving you with your recovery!
The Hollander Family
Jesse Hollander
March 26, 2021
Nancy McCarty
March 26, 2021
Wishing a Speedy Recovery! Sending love and prayers :)
Learta Prishtina
March 26, 2021
Love you Rebecca!❤️ Praying for you!
Will Lynch
March 26, 2021
The Hacker family sends their deepest prayers and well wishes for Rebecca and her family.
Emily Hacker
March 26, 2021
Becca you’re in my thoughts and prayers ❤️
James McCarty
March 26, 2021
Scott, we are here for you in any way we can. Our hearts go out to you and your family. Stay strong... Maybe there will be a cure/fix/miracle??
Capt. David J. Mahler
March 26, 2021
Wishing Becca all the best in her recovery❤️
Amisha Patel
March 26, 2021
Hi Rebecca. I am sorry to hear this happened to you. Please get well.
Daniela Tedoldi
March 26, 2021
Sending my thoughts and prayers
Julia Kosches
March 26, 2021
Sending prayers
March 26, 2021
Sending prayers of strength and for a speedy recovery.
Rachel Weisbrot
March 26, 2021
Sending best wishes to Rebecca and the Koltun family,
The Saxman Family
Laura Saxman
March 26, 2021
We hope the best for you and your family!
Qian Wang
March 26, 2021
Praying for you as you begin your road to recovery.
Helene and jeff Quirk
March 26, 2021
The fight isn’t over. You got this❤️
Jake Cavanagh
March 26, 2021
Sending our love and healing prayers to Rebecca and the entire family. Lots of love and support from your family in Va beach!
Lauren Barkan
March 26, 2021
Praying Rebecca has a speedy recovery❤️
Morgan Davey
March 26, 2021
Thinking about you and your family. Praying for a speedy recovery.
Susan Morris
March 26, 2021
The Evangelow wish for a great recovery.
Maggie & Chris Evangelow
March 26, 2021
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!
Christopher Stone
March 26, 2021
God bless you and the family. I pray for a rapid recovery!
Marcus Wooling
March 26, 2021
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Mary-Jo DelGuercio
March 26, 2021
God bless the Koltun Family
Phyllis Montuori
March 26, 2021
Lord, I ask you to surround Rebecca with your holy light. That God will touch her with his healing hand and give strength, faith and peace to get through. You are the healing Lord. I pray your hand be the work in the life of Rebecca and her family. God heals, Doctors treat, believe in his healing and power of prayer.
I’m sending my Angels to protect her.
Chady Johnston
March 26, 2021
Prayers for Rebecca and her family.
Samantha and Mark Diamond
March 26, 2021
I may not know you but i know this, when you survive something like this its for a reason. That reason might not be clear to you yet, but don’t wait around for it, seek it. Just know that there are people in your life right now who are happy you are still here regardless of what state you’re in. Thats true love and its a rare thing to experience. Im sorry i couldn’t donate more
-Some guy from Vivian’s high school
Silas Slater
March 26, 2021
Sending strength and prayers to you and your family during this difficult time
-Kalman family
Justin Kalman
March 26, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Rebecca. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
Kaylie Amoriello & Family
March 26, 2021
Sending prayers.
March 26, 2021
Sending our prayers, from 1 POB family to another.
Sharon Levine
March 26, 2021
To a speedy recovery!
March 26, 2021
Sending love and support.
Randi (Levine) Brook
Randi Brook
March 26, 2021
Prayers for you & your family.............
Lillian Tramantano
March 26, 2021
Sending Rebecca and family heartfelt prayers of health, strength and determination!
Love, Sieradski Family
Juliana Sieradski
March 26, 2021
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
All my love
Arleen Halper
March 26, 2021
Liam Gallagher
March 26, 2021
Taylor Wild
March 26, 2021
Sending prayers for recovery. Stay strong. You’ve got a lot of support.
Sharon Kapusta
March 26, 2021
Sending love, light, and healing. Miracles happen everyday; you will heal.
David Caspi