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Family and friends of Jair Erickson are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.

I am a 47 year old disabled veteran who was diagnosed with Scleroderma while on active duty in 1999. I was medically retired in 2001. Scleroderma is an Auto immune disease that affects many of the body’s tissues and hardens them. Unfortunately my lungs have developed interstitial lung disease over the years which now require a double lung transplant. I am on oxygen 24/7 and struggle to do everyday simple tasks. I can no longer go for walks, cut the grass, or wash the car. Simple tasks are very hard to do and get me out of breath quickly. My pulmonologist let me know without the transplant I may only live another 6 months to a year.
I currently live in Universal City, Texas with my wife Sandra and son Julian who help with my care. I have been married for 26 amazing years. Our son Julian, has had to adjust and help us out with maintenance of our house and other things I used to do.
The lung transplant cannot be done in San Antonio due to the complications that the disease itself presents and will have to be done in Houston at Methodist Hospital. We will have to relocate to Houston for a year after transplant in order to be close to the Hospital. We are asking friends and family to help with those costs associated with the relocation. Any amount will help no matter how small. This will be a life changing surgery that will finally give me a second chance at life.
We are asking for help during this life changing event and appreciate everyone’s support and thoughts this past year and months ahead.

Updates (5)

May 13, 2022

On February 15, 2022 we received a call that a donor was available but I would be secondary. The primary recipient did get lungs so unfortunately I did not. On april 16, 2022 we received another call that a donor had become available only this time I was primary. We headed to,Houston and got prepped for surgery after a 2 day wait. The final inspection is a visual one of the lungs. They were not good and we were devastated but optimistic. On may 3 we received another call as primary so back to Houston. On may 6 I went into surgery and as of this posting I’m doing better than expected with new lungs.

My family and I want to thank every single person that has stood by us and supported us throughout this endeavor. Without your support and compassion we would have struggled to raise funds.

Please consider becoming a donor. Life is precious please cherish the moments you experience. Without donors I probably would never have seen my 50th next year. Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart.

April 22, 2021

Hello friends and family. First I would like to once again thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. We were able to raise the funds that will help us with the relocation to Houston. I will be on the list for lung transplant tomorrow morning. The next step is to wait for the call that the surgeons have the donor lungs. This will be a lifesaving, life altering surgery. I fully expect a positive outcome, but there is never any guarantee that any surgery is 100 percent successful. I’m ready to face this and meet it head on.

I could not have gone through any of this without my soulmate Sandy. I love her more than life itself. There is nothing I won’t do for my wife. She gives me the strength to continue to fight this disease. She has been with me at my highest and she is right by my side at my lowest. She never backs down from any challenge. 26 years ago I became her husband and the luckiest man alive. I ask that everyone give her the strength to get through the hardest part that is yet to come.

Lastly I want to thank my son, Julian who has been the rock that both of us lean on when we can’t stand. He has not only had to continue to study for his career but also had to stand in for the things I used to do. He has been challenged and has taken on those challenges with strength and commitment. He set up all of the social media for us and got everything rolling. I could not be more proud of the man my son has become.

We will continue to post updates as much as we can. Thank you all for the support you have given our family. I will never be able to express just how indebted I am to everyone. I will just say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hopefully next update will be us on the way to surgery.

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April 18, 2021

Sending my prayers up for Jair and the whole Erickson family!

Tanner Leissnet

April 13, 2021

Sending prayers and well wishes

Laura Butler

April 13, 2021

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love the Kelso's.

Tony Kelso