Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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Family and friends of Sarah Gerrish are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with Catastrophic Injury.
On March 28th, Sarah went to the garage to get something from her car and accidentally fell down the stairs. She broke the C5 vertebrae in her neck and sustained a significant spinal cord injury that left her paralyzed below her shoulders. She had surgery the next morning to replace her vertebrae with a graft and fuse it to the upper and lower vertebrae. Following a successful surgery, Sarah regained sensation in her fingers and toes, but was unable to move them on her own. After 15 days in the ICU, she moved to Courage Kenny in Minneapolis on April 13th for acute, inpatient therapy with a focus on regaining movement and strength, and to learn to adapt to what is working. She has made great strides since arriving at Courage Kenny and will stay there well into the summer.
These first months are critical in her recovery, but this journey of healing and rehabilitation will be measured in months and years, not in days and weeks, as she works to regain her independence and hold on to the gains she makes. She is fighting to once again walk, work, hug her friends and family, and get back to helping others.
Sarah’s injuries will require significant modifications to ensure their home is functional and safe, and she will need ongoing medical treatment, supplies and equipment, inpatient and outpatient therapy, and home medical care; all costs that will not be covered by medical insurance. While Sarah is focused on healing and recovery to regain strength, and mobility through intense physical and occupational therapy, Paul is balancing working at his new job, caring for their children, and modifying their home to get it ready for Sarah’s return this summer.
Sarah’s survival and early progress reflect her strength, resolve, perseverance, and drive to get back the life she loves. She will fight for every inch her body can manage and she’ll will herself further. We hope you’ll join Sarah and the Gerrish family as they get up, stand up, and move forward.
We have chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because they assure fiscal accountability of funds raised. You can be confident your donation will be used to pay or reimburse Sarah’s direct medical and care-related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation in support of Sarah’s care (by credit or debit card) click on the Give button. If you prefer to donate by check, instructions are on the left side of the page under Mail a Check.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
2 year update: Not a lot has changed since last year. I still sleep a lot. I am in constant, but bearable pain. My right arm/hand can be helpful in some cases, but is not really functional. I walk with a cane, or a walker for longer distances. But this last year has been filled with love and laughter, cross country and track meets, band and choir concerts, a trip to Disney with the whole fam, July 4th RV camping with friends, Christmas in Indiana, and lunches/dinners with so many friends. Glad to still be here, doing life with Paul, our kiddos, and all you lovely people.
Spent 6 hours over the last few weeks getting used to a spinner knob on my driver’s wheel with an Occupational Therapist from Courage Kenny. I can’t use my right arm, but I’m lucky to be able to use my right foot to drive, so I didn’t have to relearn how to do anything. Took my state driving test (as required because of the extent of my injury) and passed. I’m excited to be back to hauling kids around and late night McDonald’s runs! ☺️
One year ago today, my life changed forever. It feels weird to mark the worst day of my life, and weird not to. I spend a lot of time trying to focus on everything I’ve gained, and not all that I’ve lost. Yet I feel incredibly lucky to still be here, to continue to live along side and love on all my favorite people. ❤️
Walking on the treadmill at home
Hello friends! It’s been awhile since my last update. As many of you know, in December I was hospitalized for a large blood clot in my left leg and pulmonary embolisms in both my lungs. After 6 days in the hospital and surgery to remove the clot in my leg and place a stent, I was sent home the day before Christmas Eve. I went from walking 30 mins at a time, to 5 mins before my legs would tire and my chest would hurt.
Since then, I’ve been working on getting back to where I was. Had another little setback when I was having issues getting my blood thinner medication and I ended up back in the ER with another blood clot in late January. They decided continued medication and monitoring was the way to go (yay no hospital stay) and sent me home.
I’m now up to 20 min walks and the PEs have cleared up with the blood thinners. I’m using a walking stick instead of a cane. I also started acupuncture, which has been so helpful in reducing my nerve pain. Debbie Williams is kind enough to pick me up every Tuesday so I can walk someplace other than laps in my house. I’m currently in PT and OT through the middle of March. After that, I plan on taking a driving course through Courage Kenny so I can figure out what adaptations I need in the car and get to driving again.
With my right arm, not much has changed. Still can’t use it in any functional way, unfortunately, so I’m learning to be left-handed and to do as much as I can one-handed. I continue to work on it in OT.
Rockstar Paul Gerrish, as always, has been amazing in keeping us all taken care of while still working FT. And we’ve been blessed with so many friends and family checking on us, cleaning our house, and helping me get to appointments. We are so lucky to have the love and care of so many! ❤️
Surgery was a success! Went into her vein behind the knee, basically sucked the clot out, did some angioplasty and put a stent in to deal with the pressure an artery was putting on it. She's out now and headed back to her own room
Back in the hospital for a large blood clot in my left (the good!) leg. Been in the ER since 8pm last night and staying tonight again in the ER because there are no open beds (get your vaccine people!) I’m on a continuous IV of blood thinners to make sure it doesn’t get any worse. The plan is to be scheduled for a procedure at Abbott tomorrow to either break up or surgically remove the clot. They will transfer me up there (I’m currently at at St. Francis) when it’s my turn for the procedure, do it, and send me home because there are no beds. At least I will be home with my family for Christmas!
Just realized I never posted this interview with Help, Hope, Live for Spinal Cord Awareness month back in September. So grateful to have such an amazing community beside me as I heal.
After 6 months, we had our final “Meal Train” meal tonight. We in awe of the many gift card donations and how long you all kept the meals coming. Not having the extra stress of preparing meals nightly while I was in the hospital, and then once I transitioned home, was such a blessing for our family. We are so grateful for you all! ❤️
PT just retested me today. I am now walking slightly faster with a cane than I was walking with a walker when I l started there about a month ago. I am only walking slightly slower with no device. Making great progress!
Continuing to build on the skills I learned at Courage Kenny and in home care. Can now walk short distances without any equipment (though I always walk in the narrow hallway with Paul Gerrish close.) Excited to head to out patient at Courage Kenny in a little over a week! -Sarah
I finally got a chance to see Sarah walking stairs and was blown away. She alternated legs on one of the sets and I got a chance to be her support on another.
She also started curb steps with a walker today and killed it.
Onward (and now upward apparently).
Sarah is making steady progress at Courage Kenny and she's keeping her care team on their toes. She's progressed from standing for the first time with the help of a mechanical lift two weeks ago, to walking yesterday with a standard walker. Her coordination/balance is challenged and she needs help to keep the walker from tipping over, but she's doing all of the walking. The gains she's making has the physical therapist moving up milestones and pushing her for more. She also has made some great strides with the occupational therapist - Sarah is now brushing her own teeth, feeding herself, working on brushing her hair, and she's transferring in/out of bed without a lift.
We never expected to be excited about brushing teeth or using a walker, but we are thankful for the independence she's gaining and the hope it's given us. Hopefully we can capture some of these wins on video to share with you soon, but for now, here she is on 5/7 taking her first steps since before her injury.
Moving day! Sarah moved from Courage Kenny at Abbott hospital to CK Golden Valley, her next step closer to home. Less medical treatments, more therapy, and more freedom. Her room is Alexa enabled so making calls is easier and after therapy she can drive her chair outside by the creek and visit with family/friends outdoors.
We spent the evening her first evening in Golden Valley together, explored the grounds, and spent time talking/dreaming about our goals. Time to start the big projects, make sure we have accessible transportation and a home care plan before she rolls up to the front door.
Thank you all for the support and encouragement; we’re thankful we have all of you by our side.
A few small steps at Courage Kenny, but huge leaps forward in recovery. Sarah is stacking wins this week. After standing for more than 8 minutes on Thursday, her physical therapist moved a significant milestone up by more than a week and had her try taking steps today. Sarah was standing, holding a machine, and in a safety harness and took more than 10 steps with a full team there to help her right foot get off the ground and ensure she was safe. We didn't dream this was possible while we were in the hospital and now we believe that with continued, intense therapy, Sarah will be walking again. After 20 years, I'm still amazed at Sarah's determination, perseverance, and fight. Onward!
03/28/2021 - Sarah and Paul were hosting their good friends and pastors for dinner for the first time since the start of the pandemic to celebrate life and being vaccinated. Just before 5pm, Sarah went out to the garage to get something from her van, like she'd done a million times before. As she was going down the stairs, her slipper started falling off and as she went to pull it up, she lost her balance, fell down the stairs and landed horribly on her head without being able to break her fall. She was rushed via ambulance to HCMC and admitted to the ICU with a broken C5 vertebrae in her neck that impacted her spinal cord between the C5 & C6, an arterial dissection at C2/C3, and a large cut on the top of her head requiring multiple staples. She had very limited sensation below her shoulders and no movement. Visitation is extremely limited due to COVID - Paul had to leave at 8pm and Sarah spent the night alone in the ICU, unable to page a nurse.
03/29/2021 Sarah had emergency surgery first thing in the morning to replace her C5 vertebrae with a full graft and it was fused to the C4 and C6 vertebrae for stability. As Sarah recovered from the surgery, she had more sensation throughout her body, but still no movement. The doctors called the surgery a success - Sarah's spine was stabilized - but they were clear that she had a very long, difficult, and uncertain recovery ahead. They were advised to measure recovery in months, not days and to celebrate the small wins along the way. They were relieved to have made it through the night and began a new journey. Paul's mom drove up from Indiana to care for the kids and let him spend more time at the hospital with Sarah.
03/30/2021 - Day 2 post-surgery and Sarah started physical therapy. As the swelling started to recede, Sarah was able to lift her arms (her shoulders and biceps were strong). Her left arm had full feeling down to her wrist and sensation down to her toes. Progress is slow, but the medical team was encouraged that she had regained some movement and feeling continued to come back.
03/31/2021: The hospital granted a compassionate visitor exemption and I was able to spend the night in Sarah's room to call a nurse if she needed one or just reassurance or a drink of water. This was the first night either of us slept for more than a few hours and the first chance we'd had to talk for more than a minute between visits. They were able to get Sarah's bed to a seated position to start occupational therapy and work more on stretching her arms and legs.
04/08/2021: After a few stable days of steady progress (movement in her left leg and toes, more strength and control in her arms), Sarah had a few setbacks. Her blood pressure dropped significantly, leading to dizzyness and nausea; it is made much worse when she sits up and that's making therapy a challenge. Muscle spasms started in her legs and spread through her body, making for difficult nights with less sleep. Despite the hurdles, Sarah stayed engaged in therapy and kept making small gains. Her identical twin, Andrea flew into town and lifted her spirits.
04/09/2021: While Andrea was visiting, Sarah had the first movement in her hands! She was able to pinch her thumb and index finger together. Over the next 3 days, each of our kids were allowed to come up and visit their mom for the 1st time in two weeks. After a lot of tears, there were nothing but smiles and cuddles. Sarah was more determined than ever after seeing the kiddos.
04/13/2021: Sarah's recovery took a big step forward as she transferred from HCMC to Courage Kenny Inpatient Rehabilitation. She's still getting round-the-clock medical care, but the focus has shifted from getting medically stable to rehabilitation. Sarah was thrilled to get to the place where she would make the biggest strides, but almost immediately had the start to her biggest setbacks to date. In addition to the challenge of low blood pressure, nausea, and vertigo, her blood pressure began to spike higher than it had ever been before. The medical team had a hard time getting it back down and the rapid response team joined her team of doctors and nurses. High Spinal Cord injuries can often create issues with how a patient's body responds to stimulus like pain and it can result in dangerous blood pressure spikes.
04/21/2021: Over the last week, the team at Courage Kenny worked to get her BP under control through medication, and treatments. She's still having some issues, but they have been less drastic and she's spending more time in therapy and tolerating sitting upright for longer stretches. Todays big wins: I got to see Sarah move her fingers today for the first time. I know she's feeling isolated in the hospital and disconnected from her friends/family - the sooner she can get dexterity in her fingers, the sooner she can get online to reconnect with her people. She was also able to pick up and move a small object.
04/24/2021: Family visit outside in the courtyard at Courage Kenny. For just the 2nd time in a month, the kids got to see the center of their universe and Sarah got to spend time with the kids. It was cold and gray and too short of a visit, but it was a blessing. Sarah was even able to use her left arm to give each kid a hug.
04/26/2021: Sarah was able to extend her leg (a kicking motion) for the first time. Her left leg continues to be well ahead of her right, but she has movement in each. Her PT was able to get Sarah sitting up, unassisted for the first time since her injury. She was able to support her own weight and balance sitting up before vertigo and blood pressure issues sent her back to bed. Her doctor put her through the ASIA Spinal Cord Impairment Scale test to assess Sarah's sensory and motor impairment below the injury. She's diagnosed as a C, incomplete, meaning motor function is preserved below the injury, but more than half of the muscle groups are unable to actively move against gravity. She's making great progress, but has a long way to go.
05/04/2021: Sarah's super power is grit. And it's paying off. Her PT said she's never had anyone with Sarah's injuries come so far, in such a short time. Sarah was able to stand for 40 seconds today. Just a couple weeks earlier she wiggled her toes for the first time and now she's determined to walk. She also fed herself for the first time and I'm pretty sure Lay's potato chips never tasted so good.
05/06/2021: Two more big wins for Sarah today. 4 weeks ago, Sarah couldn't lay in bed at a 45 degree angle for 30 minutes. last week she stood for 3 seconds and passed out. Monday she stood for 40 seconds. Today, she shattered her personal best standing time of 40 seconds with an amazing 8 minutes and 25 seconds standing in the gym. She followed that up with another 7 minute stand. Her PT was so impressed they moved a milestone up to Friday. Tomorrow... Sarah will take her first step post-surgery.
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Your long lost pen pal is in awe of you!!! Sending hugs!!
Ruby Barghini
You are amazing!
Richard D Strid II
Was saddened to read article in Prior Lake newspaper. Praying for you and your family for recovery and healing. May God bless you and those sweet little ones.
Kimberly Gleason
Gerrish Family -
I am so sorry to hear about Sarah\'s accident and this challenging time for the whole family. Keep fighting Sarah! I am sending you lots of strength and well wishes for a speedy recovery.
Beth Borchart
Praying for your recovery! God bless you and your family!
Terri Eckelman
So sorry for your accident. Our family is thinking of you and praying for your speedy recovery. Stay strong. You can do it!
Tim Schatz
I am sending prayers for you and your family. I enjoyed running into you several years ago in Minnesota. You have a beautiful family, and I hope you continue to get stronger every day!
-Leslie (Kopko) Galer
Leslie Galer
We continue to pray for your total recovery. You have come a long way. Keep up the fight, we are behind you.
Love, Bruce and Barb Case
Bruce & Barbara Case
Sarah (and Paul and the kids)- we're thinking of you all and cheering on your improvements! - The Ochmaneks
Jon Ochmanek
Keeping Sarah and the entire Gerrish family in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and are praying for a full recovery!
Tom, Alissa, Weston, and Wyatt Prather
Indianapolis, IN
Tom Prather
Sarah, you have been missed at EAS. Hopefully this helps in your recovery, take care!
We’re alll collectively one family, when one hurts we all hurt. Let us turn to each other and not on each other because united we stand, divided we fall. Be the change, it’s that simple!
George Kuczek
Your story touched my heart. You’re inspiring and a beautiful mother. Keep fighting!
Lacy Atkinson
I don't know you Sarah, but having had brain surgery myself in 2019, I understand how difficult unexpected illness or injury can be. My recovery was nothing like what you are going through but I wish you strength and love during this challenging time.
Stephanie Boegeman
Keep working hard!! We’re cheering for you. :)
Sydnee Fennewald
Get well soon Kimmy!!!!!!
Kevin Trout
To a beautiful family with a fierce mom.
Anna Drake (mommy group)
Anna Drake
We’re rooting for you, Sarah! Much love!!!
Nicole Kokenes
Prayers for your recovery and for your family.
Megan Lovett
Wishing you strength and perseverance and God’s blessings in your total recovery
Lynn and Peter Heilbrun
Peter Heilbrun
Will continue to keep Sarah and your family in my prayers!
Erin Jones
Keep it up girl!! You’re doing so great! Prayers for you and your recovery!!
Johnsons Jonson
We are all thinking about your wife, the kids and you! We are sending all our strength and prayers.
Megan Hecker
Sending love and support to the family!
Jenna DeGreve
Praying for a full recovery!
Paris Barnes
Praying for your family, Paul!
Natalie Ellis
I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. Praying for strength and recovery for your wife and your family.
God bless,
Meghan Cox
Our love, prayers and encouragement surrounds you. Onward and upward - we are behind you 100%.
The Ostrowski Family
Christina Ostrowski
You and your family have been in my thoughts. You're doing a great job! I'm cheering you on! Keep pushing forward!
Stella Brown
You've got this, Sarah! I'm in awe of your strength and perseverance.
Tami Sheiffer
Continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers! You’ve got this, Sarah! Everyone is cheering you on!
Amanda Greenwell
Many prayers for the Gerrish family as you go through this difficult period. God Bless!!!
Brandon Newman
Love, support, and all the help I can give is heading to your family. Always.
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Sarah Michelle Gerrish
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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