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Although Christie contracted Hepatitis C in 1987 from a blood transfusion, she did not know she had Hep C until 2008. At the time, Christie worked for a small medical equipment retailer in Topeka and did not have enough insurance coverage to afford the treatment that was available (out of pocket cost of $3k per month). In 2013, Christie changed jobs, had better insurance, and Harvoney became an option. The Harvoney Hep C treatment was successful, but too late; the cirrhosis was too far along. Christie is now on the transplant list through Nebraska Medical and is anxiously awaiting a new liver.
Christie has always lived a positive life and put her family ahead of herself. She loves cooking and creating in the kitchen. Christie is a grandmother to two adorable boys. One is eight and the other is less than one. Her goal is to live to watch her grandsons grow and be there for them and to teach them all her secret recipes!
While Christie has health insurance, many transplant expenses are surprisingly not covered. Because she does not live in the same city as the medical center, there will be temporary relocation, travel and care-taker relocation expenses on top of those already not covered by insurance.
Family and friends of Christie Jacobs are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
Christie has chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
Yesterday was my last day in Omaha with Christie. I was hopeful that she would transition to Madonna Rehab before I left but that wasn’t the case. The plan is for her to move there today. Her stay there will depend on how she does but is estimated to be 2-3 weeks.
OT came by today and took her for an assisted walk down the hall! This is the most she has walked since her transplant on 9/16. Madonna will be intensive inpatient rehab to help her get back to her pre cirrhosis self.
Christie had a rough day yesterday as her acites acted up again. Her Med team said it was normal for that to happen if it was happening prior to transplant but would go away. They drained 8.3 liters from her abdominal cavity yesterday afternoon. She then, finally, got some decent sleep. She slept until this morning and awoke with an appetite! That’s a reason for celebration. While we had hoped for discharge to Madonna today, they are watching her labs and keeping her here today. It looks like her blood count is low and they are going to give her some blood. Her kidneys labs aren’t as good as they were so the nephrologist is being called to consult again. We have been assured that these little hiccups are normal and part of the process of recovery. Her body is absolutely not used to having a functioning liver!
For the first time, she had a shower and washed her hair! With every little step our Christie is coming back to us! For that we are forever grateful.
I made it to Omaha and to Christie’s room shortly after 5pm. When I arrived she was sitting in the chair! It’s been a long time since she’s been able to sit up! It was a great thing to see. She has had some pain yesterday and today from some abdominal swelling and will likely be drained before going to Madonna Rehab. This is something she’s been dealing with for months prior to her transplant and her medical team said it’s norm to have it occur after transplant and usually for only about a month.
Despite the pain she is in good spirits and enjoyed her belated birthday gifts! More updates to come over the next few days while I act as her temporary care giver.
I'm a little slow with this update, but I am still very excited about it. Some of you may know already (although I haven't included it in these updates) that Christie had been on dialysis for her kidneys since her transplant. In the beginning it was a 24 hour cycle and then off, then back on. Early this week they dropped it to 3 hours every other day. As of yesterday, she is officially OFF OF DIALYSIS! Her kidneys are perking up an functioning almost normally now. I'd call that a milestone.
A second milestone took place yesterday as well in that she was able to walk to the restroom by herself! Staff was right there with her for safety, but she did it. She was told by her medical team yesterday that on Monday or Tuesday she will be moved to a Madonna Rehab facility for a week or two to help her with physical and occupational therapy and to gain back some of the strength she has lost over the course of this disease!
What's amazing to me is that she sounds like her pre-cirrhosis self again on the phone. Christie (CJ or Cookie) is almost back. She's doing fantastic with her recovery and there is finally, after such a long and harrowing journey, light at the end of the tunnel.
Please leave greetings for her, I will read them all to her and cannot wait to get there to share pictures, videos and her words with you all. It truly takes a community for support, and she is thankful you are here with her!
I have been able to speak to Christie on the phone the last two nights. She sounds AMAZING! She's not falling asleep like she was pre transplant; and her voice has strength to it, something that has been missing from my friend for a long time.
Christie was thrilled to see her grandbabies (Dean (8 years) & Spartan (5 months)) today before the changing of the guard! They always make her smile big and Spartan smiles a ton when he's with is grandma. Robert and Daisy are back in Topeka and Craig is now with her for his turn being her care taker. I'll be next, so watch for some videos and lots of photos and updates while I'm in Omaha with her!
Keep her in your thoughts and light an extra candle for her when you can!
Christie is 3 days post transplant! It's hard to believe. What's even more amazing is that for the first time in FIVE days my phone rang and it said "Cookie" on the screen! Cookie is my nick name for Christie. I was surprised she called. She sounded so good and so strong! She's receiving excellent care in Omaha and is staying really positive. Her medical team says her new liver is functioning as they anticipate for this state of the process. They are keeping a close eye on her kidneys which are taking a little longer to perk up and start functioning at a higher level. I'm confident they will get there. She said she was cold and had some swelling but otherwise was feeling good. If you put greetings here on her campaign page, I will read them to her over the phone. It really brightens her day and I can hear her smile in her voice. Keep the messages coming!
Here's a short story to help explain why its strange for me not to talk to Cookie for 5 days. We have been friends since our boys were in kindergarten - they are now 34! In November, when I was sick with CoVid at home and hospitalized in isolation over Thanksgiving, Cookie gave me an amazing gift. The gift of at least one phone call every single day! Usually more than one, but for sure ONE EVERY SINGLE DAY! That gift during isolation was priceless. My heart is so happy now that someone literally gave her an even more priceless gift.
Thank you all for your thoughts prayers and donations. Her family and I are very grateful.
Yours Truly,
Yolande (Yo) Nichols, her sister by choice
We are starting Christie's goal at $4,000, which is to help pay the costs of her relocation to Omaha for the surgery and recovery along with relocation of her required care givers during her recovery. We have uploaded a couple of post surgery pictures so you can follow-along with her recovery!
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Tina Kilian
Thinking of you CJ, you are a fighter! Hugs and prayers!
Giselle (Gigi) Harlow
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Christie Jacobs
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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