Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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These costs include Jamie’s insurance deductible, copays and the unexpected costs that arise as she heals. Soon Jamie’s next adventure is riding in a special ambulance (because of the Trach) to transport her from Cartersville, GA to Chattanooga, TN. Then Jamie will be receiving intensive therapies at Kindred Hospital for about 3-4 weeks. The “Disallowed Adjustment” bills have already begun to arrive.
Jamie has served multitudes of families over the past 40 years. Currently she is a mentor at two local elementary schools, Director of the Preschool ministry at First Baptist Cartersville plus volunteers in the Women’s ministry as well as part of the team that reaches out to families at a local housing development. As a widow, Jamie has sacrificially invested her time and resources in so many others lives. We look forward to hearing Jamie’s beautiful laugh when she is once again loving on the babies at First Baptist Cartersville.
Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised, tax deductibility for contributors and tax free resources for Jamie. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses.
To make a tax-deductible donation to support Jamie, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Please continue to ask the Lord to strengthen Jamie as she heals. Thank you for joining Jamie’s Army!!
Updates from Jamie -
Sept 15 "Spent this morning visiting with a sweet friend. Thank you for coming over Shelley! It is interesting to hear what all my prayer warriors went through while I was under sedation. I will share my experience in a different post. I have walked around the house. And attempted stairs. I was able to climb with my right leg ( I only did 2 steps 2x) but my left is not quite strong enough. God is so good"
Sept 16 "I’m trying every hour to get up and walk around the house and exercise and do different things to strengthen and move. Continue prayers for my legs to strengthen."
Sept. 17 Jamie "Somedays just be like
Jamie is home! Yesterday, after 49 days in ICU and Long Term Acute Care Jamie was released to continue healing at home.
We are rejoicing in God's abundant goodness in helping Jamie continue to recover. She will receive physical therapy, occupational therapy and nurse visits starting tomorrow.
The Washington Post even came and took pictures of Jamie's going home day which sure made everything more celebratory (: Jamie plans to write an update soon to describe her quest to gain strength and heal. We continue to ask the Lord to heal Jamie's throat. Thank you again for joining Jamie's prayer army!
From Jamie -
Buster was a bit confused at first because my voice is different. But my heart is happy to be with him.
From Jamie's Facebook post:
I know that I am really progressing from where I was... not even being able to move my body parts. And I am very thankful!!! My brain is farther than my body. Brain: “Sure I can lift that leg in that position, I have done it for years” Body: “nope not yet”. Such a strange phenomenon. I am NOT discouraged or depressed. Just stating facts.
Thankful that I was able to walk outside 2 times today. Mom came and I can walk out of my room as long as someone is with me.
So thankful I have my brain to get back to my studies!!! And it is helping pass the evenings.
So on a side note I finally found a way to sit in the chair in my room and be comfortable (my feet don’t touch the floor)
From Jamie:
So many awesome things today...check out the last event
-slept well
- mom came
- meeting with Dr and all dept heads, probably 10-12 people in my room.
-plan date to go home is 14th Tuesday. Have ok to take out peg tube- ( feeding tube
-walked 450 ft to outside and back
-sat outside - first time in 6 weeks to be outside. Felt so good
-Passed a couple OT test
Endurance and Patience
Please ask the Lord to help Jamie as she seeks to patiently endure each part of her healing process. We continue to rejoice in God's gracious mercies towards Jamie. She is slowly gaining strength and working hard to regain her life skills. She is able to walk a few hundred feet each day with a family member while using her walker. (Then she has a nap! ) The tracheostomy tube was removed and now she waits for the incision site to heal, until then she is able to talk while holding the incision sight closed.
From Jamie's Facebook today - "Many accomplishments today -Freshly washed hair...oh my! My sister Joy Cardell Carlisle washed my hair for me. Feels so much better!! - walked about 300 ft ( yesterday I actually walked 200 ft. It was 100 one way. )-after talking with OT and PT and a friend who does PT, I will be going home with home health care. Those wheels are in motion. Hopefully sometime next week. -Cartersville Hospital forwarded cards to me here. #whatamightyGod !!!!Prayer request - strength and stamina- muscles and joints are hurting from coming back to life. I did learn a lesson today ... Not to necessarily listen to my body and yes I know I have to know my limits but this morning I got up and paid bills and Walked around my room getting things( I am cord free) and when PT came in I told them I felt heavy and weak and wasn’t sure how far I could go. But I wanted to try. And I was able to walk farther. I can not express my appreciation and thankfulness for all the cards (I would say at this point to send them to my home), text and videos sent and I am overwhelmed and it is helping to keep me encouraged"
From part of Paul's prayer for the Colossian believers - Colossians 1:10 -12 ...so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; 12 giving thanks to the Father...
Thank you for enlisting in Jamie's Prayer Army!
The path
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths
Jamie's path the past six weeks has been full of twists, turns, valleys and mountain tops. There has not always been a clear path and we have been so thankful for each one of you who have prayed with us through this journey. A precise road map is nice to have, one that you know when to turn right or left, one that warns of the potholes and helps us feel safe. Thankfully the Lord provides another way to walk through life, trusting Him, leaning on Him to go before us and make our paths straight. Jamie trusts the Lord with all her heart to make her path straight and we are confident He will keep His promise. Jamie has a long road of healing ahead.
Please pray! Tomorrow the plan is to try to remove the tracheotomy. The respiratory therapist told Jamie it will feel like removing a tennis shoe from her throat - OUCH! Remember how the Lord graciously answered prayer for Jamie to wake up with the Ventilator tube in her throat and not to panic? Remember when we asked the Lord to help Jamie wake up and be calm? Tomorrow we are asking the Lord to again help Jamie as they try to remove the trach tube. Please pray she can breathe without panicking. Her throat has had a tube in place for over six weeks and her throat has been forced to stay open. Please ask the Lord to provide for Jamie as she goes through this procedure.
More praises! When we started the Help Hope Live the numbers we were receiving were a bit frightening. We rejoice that part of God's has provision has been through Jamie's insurance company approving the out of state / out of network costs for the Kindred Hospital stay. So her deductible, copay and out of pocket costs are much more attainable. We are abundantly appreciative to those who have sent Jamie gifts toward her financial needs. We continue to trust the Lord to meet Jamie's every need, would you ask the Jehovah Jireh to abundantly provide for Jamie? Joy has posted where to send cards and any donations directly to Jamie -Jamie Azar
% Joy Carlisle, P.O. Box 1897, Kennesaw, GA 30156
Jamie's prayer requests remain consistent - strength to walk, healing for her throat, that the feeding tube can be removed soon and that all would see Jesus in her journey.
We have shared an abundance of specific prayer requests and praises over these past weeks and you have faithfully prayed and rejoiced with us in God's specific answers. Please specifically pray for Jamie tomorrow.
Jamie's news that she posted on Facebook today - Praise Jesus!!! They changed my tube to a 6 cuff-less. They couldn’t find a 4 . But this gave me enough space to be able to talk and try some things. Man the things we take for granted!
Yesterday was a month. I’m sorry I’m not as detailed as my sister. But I am so thankful for the prayers and encouragement!! My legs are still very weak. So please pray for that.
Our family / nurses update:
Praise the Lord with us for His answers to prayer and manifesting His powerful mercies toward Jamie. Jamie had another busy day with physical therapy and she moved out of ICU to a room close to the nurses station on the second floor. The nurses have loved having Jamie as a patient, tonight's nurse said she was their favorite because she was so very sick and is healing so well. Please continue to pray for the medical staff who sacrificially give of themselves to care for others. Jamie has been where there is much grief.
As Jamie mentioned her legs are very weak, please continue to ask the Lord to provide strength for Jamie to be able to stand and walk.
Tomorrow morning Jamie has a swallowing test and if all goes well she will soon have the PEG / feeding tube removed. We are asking the Lord to provide the perfect next place for Jamie's therapy / rehabilitation. Please ask the Lord to lead, guide and provide the best for Jamie's recovery. Tomorrow will be another big day for Jamie. She has a lot of work ahead.
I expect this to be my last update because now Jamie will decide when and where she wants to give her own reports, it is nice to have her own words. Today was very emotional to hear Jamie's sweet voice and I continue to look forward to hearing her beautiful laugh.
God has answered so many of our specific requests over this past month. Four weeks ago yesterday is when Dr. Linn told us they had no where to go and Jamie needed to start responding to treatment. That was the same night her Church opened the doors and invited people to come pray for Jamie. Tonight there was another prayer meeting and thankfully there is much to praise God for in Jamie's journey.
There are three things I hope you have observed in Jamie's journey this past month-
* God is powerful, He is merciful, He is compassionate and all He says - He is. He hears our cries, cares about our cares and does all He says He does.
* Not one of us deserve this abundant grace from God and we cannot earn His grace in any way.
* God glorifies Himself - this is a beautiful mystery that sometimes we can observe. For our family, this past month has been a time we have observed our good God manifest Himself in answering specific prayer requests.
Thank you for praying. Thank you for caring. Thank you for sharing your encouraging words. Please thank the Lord with us for His display of His amazing grace, marvelous mercies and powerful love.
Psalm 34 1- 4 I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad.
3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.
Jehovah Jireh, God is the Provider
Jamie worked hard today sitting up and exercising. She is still in ICU and resting to help her heal. It is a blessing for the Lord to provide a day of rest. Praise the Lord for His blessing Jamie with a week of hard work and an abundance of answers to prayer. Jamie has a challenging journey ahead and we hope her prayer army will stay with her all the way.
Please ask the Lord to provide all Jamie needs over the next weeks. Jamie would say "God's got this!".
Our family is an open book and we are thrilled if you ask questions about our fundraising campaign for Jamie. Help Hope Live only supports families with their long term or catastrophic medical needs and provides resources for families that no other platform offers. Please feel free to call HHL or contact Mom if you have any questions.
We know Jehovah Jireh will provide and He may or may not use this crowdfunding opportunity to do His work.
We count on you crying out to God our Provider to manifest His goodness once again in Jamie's journey. Just like we asked the Lord to provide His healing, we are asking Him to provide the resources Jamie needs to recover.
Jeremiah speaks of God's provision for Israel in Jeremiah 33:8-10:
I will cleanse them from all the guilt of their sin against me, and I will forgive all the guilt of their sin and rebellion against me. 9 And this city shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and a glory before all the nations of the earth who shall hear of all the good that I do for them. They shall fear and tremble because of all the good and all the prosperity I provide for it.
May we all be amazed at Jehovah Jireh's continued provision for Jamie and tell of all the good that He has done.
Jamie has been OFF the ventilator for over 24 hours AND has been off all breathing supports today. Jamie is now breathing room air on her own. Praise the Lord with us for His goodness and mercies!
Please ask the Lord to protect Jamie from secondary infections. This is a critical component of her recovery.
For today we REJOICE as Peter writes in 1 Peter 1:6-7
In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
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Jamie, we are thankful for the miracle in your life! Continuing to pray for you as you recover! Much love - the O’Dell & Jordan Family
Heather Jordan
I can see how much you trust God. I contributed to your fundraiser, and I also thought that you might be interested in this podcast. It shows how God provides assistance in any emergency...even a financial one.
Where is God when bad things happen? Part 2: Responding to emergencies
Click here to view: https://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/1x43vgu2qx6?s=e
With much love to you,
Amy Richmond
May God bless and protect you Jamie.
I’m donating because this lady got the vaccine. Unfortunately she contracted Covid before her immune system could build antibodies to protect her. Hoping for a speedy recovery for her. Teachers, especially preschool teachers, are underpaid and are in line of Covid infection by being on the frontlines. Lots of good souls serve as teachers behind those classroom doors.
Mask up and get vaccinated. Protect our neighbors like Mrs. Azar.
Pamela Farris
Praying To The Father For Your Full Recovery in Lord Jesus/Yeshua Christ.
Best wishes for a full and quick recovery.
God bless you.
Amy Richmond
I made this donation because I believe in Christians helping fellow believers.
Max Staples
Seriously? This dear lady's care provider decides ARBITRARILY to re-instate covid coverage FEES Jan 31/21, after pulling off an EXTRA $1B in profits, and leave her with these bills. United HeathCare? SHAME ON YOU. Congress: get your sh!T together and start advocating for PEOPLE, not PHARMA!
May the Lord keep giving you the strength to heal in your journey to recovery!
Praying for you Jamie!
Cynthia Payne
This donation is given by the Fellowship Adult Class at CFBC, please know that we love y'all and are continuing to pray for your complete healing.
CFBC Fellowship Class
Prayers for God\'s healing hand upon you as you continue to improve. Sending love and prayers for God\'s Mercy and Grace on you and your family.
Thelma Stone
Thelma Stone
Keep fighting Jamie. We can’t wait to see you back at home.
Love, Marilea and Doug
William Hood
Prayers for you to get well soon!! May God continue to bless your recovery!!
Love you!!
Carol Hill
I’m thrilled that you will be going to Chattanooga soon for the skilled therapists to help you recover. Then back to Cartersville! Your journey has been such a wonderful demonstration of God’s love filling the hearts of your caregivers and your love expressed to them. We love you at CFBC!!
Support for Jamie Cardell Azar
Cynthia Carwile
Love you Jamie!
Nancy Smith
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Jamie Azar
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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