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Help HOPE Live for Patrick Pennington

My name is Patrick and I have been a Paramedic for the last 28 years.

Updates (8)

January 24, 2025

I am now 2 years and 4 months out from DLT. Some of my Doctor appointments have spread out to monthly. While I add a few more to my long list of physicians for continuing or new problems. I have actually gained some weight now and I don't look like a bean pole. We have been trying to wean me off of some meds, while lowering dosage or changing other medicines. My mental health has improved but still with ongoing depression and anxiety. My cardiologist has had to help with my hypertension which we finally got under control. My kidney failure has reached stage 4, so we are keeping a eye on their function. On the bright side my breathing is better. Now I'm working on stamina because I wear out on exertion. I haven't went back to work yet but hope to in future. All in all I feel great to be alive and kicking. I live each day "one day at a time" and I don't take things for granite.

October 10, 2023

It has been a little over a year since my double lung transplant. It has been a rough busy past year of testing, labs, hospital admissions, doctor appointments and driving back and forth to all of those events. None would of been possible without the best caregiver a person could ask for in life, my wife Tammy. She has been my guardian angel and has worked overtime looking out for my best interests when I couldn't do so. I will never be able to repay her for all that she has done for me.

As of today October 10th, 2023, I am fighting weight loss, and kidney failure. They both are being overseen by appropriate physician for care. I finally finished Cardio/Pulmonary rehab. between all the hospital admissions, doctor appointments and all the set backs it took longer then usual. I kept pushing forward sometimes slowly but I didn't quit even when I wanted to. I now do it all at home.

Even with all I have gone through I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have a second chance to live life. A better quality life than I had ever had prior to transplant. More updates to come.

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October 5, 2022

We love you and Tammy so much.

Bill and Michelle Zigarevich

January 17, 2022

Pat, on behalf of the members of IAEP Local R7-11, please get well soon!

James Griffith

December 15, 2021

Love you, Pat ❤

Samantha Manns