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Family and friends of Ethan Kadish are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with a Catastrophic Injury. The Kadish Family has chosen to fundraise with Help Hope Live in part because donations are tax deductible for contributors and will only be used to cover medical and related expenses.
On June 29, 2013, at URJ-Goldman Union Camp Institute, a summer camp near Indianapolis, a sudden burst of lightning struck on the athletic field where Ethan was out enjoying some Ultimate Frisbee with other campers. Everything changed for Ethan in that one moment. He was taken in critical condition to the local Children’s Hospital, where the doctors and nurses worked around the clock to stabilize him and assess his injuries.
Ethan suffered a severe brain injury as a result of his injuries. It costs over $100,000 each year to support Ethan’s uninsured medical expenses. Costs include copays and deductibles associated with three health insurance policies; caregiving costs, and nursing care; and a myriad of therapies to help him re-establish basic functions within his brain.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Help Hope Live in honor of our son Ethan to ensure that he gets the best care available so that he can keep making progress.
All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law and are held by Help Hope Live in the Great Lakes Catastrophic Injury Fund. They are administered by Help Hope Live for injury-related expenses only.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399. To learn more about Ethan’s Story, visit our blog, www.jointeamethan.org or our Facebook page, www.Facebook.com/jointeamethan.
Stay Strong,
Alexia and Scott Kadish
Join Team Ethan Friends!
We hope your Chanukah has been bringing more light into your lives. Unfortunately, we will not be lighting candles live on Facebook tomorrow night. It would make us so happy if you would help fill Ethan’s Facebook page with photos of your own 8th Night lightings.
Eighth Night for Ethan 2024 (actually, 2025)What an unusual Chanukah we are about to experience—one that begins in calendar year 2024 and ends in calendar year 2025! The last time this happened was Chanukah 2005. What does this mean? We don’t know, but we think it’s kind of cool. This Chanukah, we welcome you to join us live on our Join Team Ethan Facebook page to light the final candles and to share your own photos with us on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, at 8pm EST. Please text photos of your family lighting the candles to 513.428.1972 or post them on Ethan’s Facebook page. At this time of the year, as we look to increase the light in all of our lives, we remember with gratitude all of the support and light that has poured into our family’s life over these last 11 years. Chag Sameach.
Heal Us Now
***With gratitude and love to a sensational musician and dear friend, Dan Nichols, who recorded this rendition of Heal Us Now in honor of this moment (if needed, copy/paste this link into a new page to enjoy)
Scott and I are returning from an extended time away. We planned for this trip over the course of the last year, coordinating nursing schedules, stocking up on medical supplies, dotting all i’s and crossing all t’s (even crossing all fingers and toes for good measure), and finally whispering into Ethan’s ears upon our departure to “stay the course.”
We returned to Hawaii, a sacred place for the two of us, a place we used to travel to more frequently when we lived on the west coast, and where we hadn’t been to as a couple for 23 years; the last time in 2001, when we dropped off 4-year-old Zak and 1-year-old Ethan with their Nana and Papa in Seattle (pre Elyse). Our lives looked a lot different back then, as did our hopes and dreams for our futures and the futures of our children.
Who could have predicted how needed this journey was for us to take together? Amazingly, these 10 days have felt like 10 weeks. This time away has provided us with glimmers of hope and healing, two things that have evaded us for 11 years.
In the initial weeks/months/years following Ethan’s accident we would sing the Mi Shebeirach in synagogue—knowing that as we called out Ethan’s name for healing, there were countless others who held Ethan’s name in their hearts and on their lips—and we truly believed he would experience more healing. It wasn’t until several years ago, when we determined there was a greater need for providing the most comfort care over thoughts of further rehabilitation, that the Mi Shebeirach opened doors to new understandings for us.
Then, in more recent years, we heard a new song (at least for us) called “Heal Us Now”—something in this song tugged deeper into our souls, making us realize that while Ethan’s path to healing in ways that we yearned may not be possible, there was still the possibility for us to achieve a healing of mind and spirit, both essential as lifetime caregivers.
As we returned to these beautiful islands looking for peace, hope, wholeness, and healing, we found all of these and so much more. We opened each of our senses wide to experience the healing beauty of these lands. There were times for laughter and times for tears. This beautiful song started playing on a loop in our hearts as we passed through each day.
Recognizing that we each have a finite time to live, and knowing that there are no guarantees for a long life, we wonder why we can’t collectively find a path to peace and wholeness. We are not the only ones in need of healing—there are also Our families, Our Friends, Our People, Our World.
May each one of us find a way to healing moments,
Alexia and Scott
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us via our gathering on Zoom last night. You can view the evening on our Facebook page under videos. https://www.facebook.com/jointeamethan
Wishing a special 7th night of Chanukah to everyone in our Team Ethan community who celebrates. We hope you will all be able to join us for Ethan’s Eighth Night for Israel on Thursday, December 14, 2024 at 7:30 ET.
A little over ten years ago, Scott and I sat around a long table filled with people from all parts of the Cincinnati Jewish community–the purpose was to define and create a fundraising opportunity to help cover uninsured medical costs for Ethan. Around that table, Eighth Night for Ethan was born, and volunteers worked tirelessly to bring the event to fruition for the first time. Interest in the event was great, and the community (local, national, worldwide) participated with donations, photos, and love. I remember being in that initial meeting and thinking that someday, when Ethan was healed, it would be so nice to turn Eighth Night for Ethan into a Foundation of Miracles and let him choose a direction for the donations to impact. Unfortunately, that dream hasn’t happened, and Eighth Night for Ethan has been an incredible way to remain connected with the community who has surrounded us in love and support for all of these years.
This year is different. Our world is different. Our hearts are shattered over the horrifying events that occurred in Israel on the 7th of October, the war that has ensued, the hostages that remain in Gaza, and the rampant antisemitism that has swept across our nation and the world. These last several weeks have found us feeling numb, scared, and in shock.
If Ethan was more cognitively aware, he would certainly join us in being frightened for family and friends in Israel. This year, for the Eighth Night for Ethan, we would like to shift the donations to the Israel Emergency Fund, https://www.jewishcincinnati.org/israel-emergency-fund-resources/donate, or another organization supporting Israel of your choice. The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, through the Israel Emergency Fund, is providing assistance on the ground in Israel. These funds are being used to provide help to many in need right now, including, but not limited to, food and financial assistance to impacted families, the elderly, and homebound individuals, as well as emergency medical supplies for first responders and hospitals.
Essentially, we want to do something positive in the midst of these turbulent and disturbing times, and this feels like the right way to channel our energy.
On Thursday, December 14, at 7:30pm, join us on Zoom at https://bit.ly/EthansEighthNightforIsrael for Ethan's Eighth Night for Israel as we gather to light the Chanukah candles. Our Rabbi Meredith Kahan will lead us in blessings, songs, and readings, as we direct our prayers of love and hope to Israel. Let’s continue to be the light that is needed to illuminate our world and elevate ourselves from darkness and despair to hope. We hope you will join us.
Am Israel Chai.
Alexia and Scott
Happy 23rd Birthday to Ethan!
Ten Years
Where were you 10 years ago? What were your thoughts, your hopes and your dreams?
It is mind blowing to think we have reached this moment of 10 years since Ethan’s injury.
A week after Ethan was struck by lightning, we sat down with several doctors who read the report of his first post-injury MRI. I was numb, in complete disbelief at the dismal possibilities for Ethan’s life. A trusted doctor soon after told me not to put all my thoughts into one MRI report; this represented one moment in time, a still-shot, and it would take time to see where Ethan’s journey took him. I draw on a quote recently gleaned from an episode of Grey’s Anatomy – Pick Yourself Up. “Tests and algorithms don’t tell the whole story. They’re snapshots in time. There’s not a roadmap for every uncertainty we meet. Some things we just have to wait and see. We have to reach down inside ourselves and find that last piece of strength. As impossible as it can be to find, we have to rise to the occasion. We have to rise to keep going.”
And rise is what we’ve tried to do throughout these years. Rising to meet each uncertainty, each hospitalization; rising to provide love and support for Ethan’s older brother and younger sister; rising to keep our own heads above water in a sea of constant grief; and rising to make the choice to continue living a life full of meaningful experiences.
Here are some lessons we’ve learned along the way:
1) Unconditional means just that – without condition. In the early days of being at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, different medical professionals would come in to do x, y, or z on Ethan. They would always turn to us and say “Would you like to do this? You know your son best.” Those words were among the most ridiculous I’d heard. What do you mean we know him best? Do you see him? Yes, he looks like our son, but that is where the familiarity ends. The very essence of this young man, lying in that bed, has been altered beyond recognition. Through time, everything we knew about Ethan would need to be learned again, and we embraced this challenge because we loved him—whoever he turned out to be—unconditionally.
2) What started as a local community support, Team Ethan quickly grew to include people across the country and around the world. With the guidance from Help Hope Live, and the incredible generosity of so many people, we have raised funds that have not only helped us with Ethan’s uninsured expenses in these last 10 years, but will also help him into his future. The enormity of gratitude we feel every single day is beyond belief.
3) Anyone who steps into the viewfinder of our lives comes in for a short time – an hour, a day, a week – and then, rightfully, returns to their own lives. Eventually, what remains is the core strength of support that comes from the caregivers who live with his complex needs day in and day out. Holding that strength for the two of us has been a daily challenge, and one that we take pride in having accomplished for these 10 years.
4) We are immensely appreciative for the home nursing care Ethan receives each week. These professionals love and tend to Ethan's needs as if he was their own. We trust them implicitly. And we are constantly reminded that nothing gets planned without first having nursing coverage in place. Spontaneity is overrated.
5) You don’t go through an experience like this without being changed. I don’t know if I like all the changes I’ve witnessed in myself, and I’ve let go of any perceived expectations. We are living the best life we can under unfathomable and heart-wrenching circumstances.
These 10 years have launched all three of our children into their 20s; we’ve joyfully celebrated the marriage of our oldest, and our youngest has completed her second year in college. And for every day that Ethan has a smile on his face or a laugh coming from deep within, is a day that brings us a small sense of peace.
Who knows what 10 years from now will reveal—for today, we will be quiet; we will reflect and be a little sad. And then we will continue.
A New Adventure Begins!
This morning, Ethan left the house with his awesome nurse heading to his first day in a local Adult Day Program. This has been a long wait, as Ethan has mainly been homebound since last June when he officially graduated from school. Watching him head out this morning to start on this new journey gave us a smile and allowed our hearts to feel a little fuller. Ethan has always been a social-seeking person, and that is a piece of him that remains to this day.
'Eighth Night for Ethan' annual fundraiser support remains strong
By: Kendria Lafleur Posted at 11:38 PM, Dec 25, 2022 and last updated 11:38 PM, Dec 25, 2022
CINCINNATI — The support continues years later for a Loveland family, whose son was struck by lightning in 2013. Ethan Kadish survived but was never the same after that incident.
It happened while Ethan was attending a Jewish summer camp. He was 12 years old. His heart was stopped, and his brain was without oxygen for 45 minutes.
He suffered a severe brain injury. During that time, nobody knew if he would survive, but by Hanukkah he was back home. It’s been a long road for Ethan and his family.
Ethan will need care and treatment for the rest of his life. To help with the costs, an annual fundraiser was created called the Eighth Night for Ethan. Ten years, after it began, the support remains strong.
“It’s really meaningfully to see,” Ethan’s sister Elyse said. “It was such a difficult situation to grow up with and being surrounded by so much love and support was so meaningful. It’s beautiful to see it’s still here and continues. “
Sunday, loved ones gathered for a movie night marking the 10th year of the fundraiser. After the movie they gathered in the lobby, lighting the menorah on the eight night of Hanukkah.
“As the candles bring light into all of our lives collectively, during the 8th nights of Hanukkah, we try to remember to also be that light throughout the rest of the year,” Ethan’s mom Alexia said.
It’s been a long road the Kadish family.
“It’s kind of tricky there’s been a lot of downs and some ups,” Alexia said. “We try to take it year by year. We’ve learned a lot along the way.”
The family works with the organization called Help Hope Live
“This allows people who would like to donate for Ethans care to donate in its tax deductible,” Alexia said.
Ethan’s father, Scott, explained how beneficial the fundraiser is, “It generates some awareness about Ethan and the challenges one has when they’re medically comprised and when they have lots of medical issues. It’s a way to help raise funds to cover those costs.”
If you’d like to make a donation and would like to learn more on Ethan’s story: https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/eighth-night-for-ethan-annual-fundraiser-support-remains-strong/
Dear Team Ethan,
We are so thankful and grateful for all of your support over these past years. It is difficult to keep this group updated on all that is going on with Ethan, and please know that no news is good news in our world.
As we approach the eighth night of Chanukah, we will be recognizing the 10th Annual Eighth Night for Ethan fundraiser on December 25, 2022. All of the fundraisers held in honor of Ethan, are vitally important and allow us to continue to provide him with the best care and treatments available. Given Ethan’s injuries, he will require care and treatment for the rest of his life.
This year, as we recognize the 10th Annual Eighth Night for Ethan, we wanted to do something to give back to the Team Ethan community. We are renting out a local movie theater in Cincinnati and will treat our Team Ethan community to a recently released movie and some snacks.
Please pre-register for this special event by December 23rd at this link: https://bit.ly/TeamEthan2022
Once we receive your registration details, we will share the specifics of the event with you. You can plan on 4pm. We will be lighting the Chanukah menorah in-person and via Facebook Live @jointeamethan after the movie.
Donations to Ethan's Help Hope Live campaign are welcome.
We thank you for all of your support and look forward to seeing you on December 25th.
With love,
Alexia and Scott
Wishing Ethan a magnificent 22nd birthday! We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than playing Taylor Swift's "22" on repeat! Ethan loved receiving visitors and phone calls throughout the day. We love you, Ethan!
Tonight was Ethan's night to shine as he became a graduate of Loveland High School (through Bobbie B Fairfax School). It has taken a village to get him to this moment and we are forever grateful to everyone who aided in his journey to graduation.
Congratulations, Ethan!
Ethan celebrated his 21st birthday at the Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati with his family and a few close friends. Our friends Lucy May and Terry Helmer from WCPO were there to cover these very special moments.
We celebrated Ethan's 21st Birthday at the new Hard Rock Casino - Cincinnati. He had a blast playing the slots! Ethan started with $20 and cashed out with $26! Not bad for his first time gambling.
After a VIP Tour, Ethan was presented with a generous gift of $2100 from Hard Rock Casino - Cincinnati on a guitar shaped check made out to Help Hope Live in honor of his 21st birthday!!!
June 29, 2021 – Eight Years – 2,922 Days
I dread the end of June. Putting a layer of protection around my heart, I wish away the final days, hoping to leapfrog across to July.
Truth be told, grief is a lonely road. Traveling this long distance for eight years now, with countless bumps, sudden drops, and no posted speed limit, brings its own type of fatigue. This is a topic my dear friend and rabbi, Sissy Coran – her memory will always be for a blessing – and I would talk about at length. Trying to articulate the weight of this grief was often difficult – Ethan is still here with us; yet, is he? Sissy would periodically send articles, sometimes with the lead in of “I found this article” or “I think this says some things we have been trying to say.” She steered us to understand a type of grief known as unconventional, or ambiguous, grief. Today I searched once again and found an article that helps explain this type of grief—I wish I could share this piece with Sissy. Instead, I share this article with anyone who may find comfort in reading about ambiguous grief, which is a reaction to a loss that has no closure https://www.thehealthy.com/mental-health/ambiguous-grief/
About 50 years ago, noted psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross shared her theory of the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). We have learned over the years that grief is different for everyone, not necessarily a linear process, and that the stages a person goes through may include going backward, forward, skipping, etc. These descriptors don’t necessarily apply to those of us experiencing ambiguous grief. Since music is such a large part of my life, an escape that provides daily comfort for me, I’ve started a playlist of songs that reflect my own interpretation of stages involved in my ambiguous grief:
1) Fix You by Coldplay https://youtu.be/k4V3Mo61fJM
2) Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson https://youtu.be/MmcdK9IKZsY
3) Esah Einai (I will lift up my eyes, Psalm 121) by Dan Nichols https://youtu.be/typXcJy-x4I
4) The Reason by Hoobastank https://youtu.be/fV4DiAyExN0
We continue to be amazed at the capacity of the human body—Ethan keeps his medical team on their toes, teaching them new things with each passing year. Witnessing Ethan’s daily smiles and hearing his infectious laughter help keep us grounded in the moment. He is a handsome young man, and we love him, all of him, eternally.
To everyone who participated in the Hope Travels 5K in honor of Ethan, THANK YOU! Together you helped us raise over $5300 to help assist with Ethan's campaign at #helphopelive. #helphopelive5k #hopetravels
#TeamEthanKadish "Hope Travels" 5K
On Sunday, May 16th, join supporters of "Team Ethan" locally, across the country and the world as we gather (virtually) to run, walk, roll or ride indoors or outside, 5 km (3.1 miles) to raise funds for Ethan.
Here’s how you can get involved:
• Participate in the 5K: Join us virtually on May 16th. You choose how and where you would like to participate. To join, click our dedicated link http://bit.ly/HopeTravelsTeamEthanKadish. Enter your email address and a password to sign up. There is a $25 donation to register. You'll receive a teal “Hope Travels” t-shirt to wear too! Once you register, your name will be listed with "Amount Raised: $0". Rest assured, your $25 registration fee is going directly to Ethan’s account (you’ll receive your tax receipt for the $25 after the May 16th event). For additional donations, you’ll receive your tax receipt right away.
• Fundraise: We invite you to use your own personal fundraising link to get others to support you through donations. When you do that (or if you donate to yourself as a team member), your “Amount Raised” number will go up!
• Donate: We would love for you to support Team Ethan here. Under “Team Name” type: Team Ethan, and click on “Donate”. You can click on a specific Team Ethan participant if you’d like to support that person's fundraising efforts. You will (virtually) cheer on the entire team as they run, walk, roll or ride for Ethan on May 16th!
All donations to Ethan’s campaign are tax-deductible and will go directly to help cover Ethan's expenses. Follow us on Facebook @JoinTeamEthan and our blog at www.jointeamethan.org.
Virtual Eighth Night for Ethan
Join us on Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 5pm Eastern Time on www.facebook.com/jointeamethan for our live event. We cannot gather together this year, but we can promote hope.
Happy 2️⃣0️⃣ Ethan! While this pandemic keeps away large gatherings (no movie theater party this year!) you are definitely enjoying the calls, FaceTimes, and messages. We love you!
What a Difference a Year Makes – Especially this Pivotal Year
(v) to turn or rotate, like a hinge.
(v) to change your opinions, statements, decisions, etc. so that they are different from what they were before
(n) a person or thing that plays a central part in an activity or organization
Here we are, seven years later, changed in so many ways. We find ourselves in a unique position this year, a pivotal one where we simultaneously look backward and forward. Experiences we enjoyed a year ago are not possible at this moment. Our country and world look a lot different today than they did 12 months ago. Gratitude fills our souls in reflection of this past year. We are thankful to so many who have kept us in their hearts and prayers, who check in on us, who assist Ethan financially.
College Graduations
Last spring brought two family graduations—Zakary from Washington University in St. Louis, and our nephew, Patrick, from the University of Southern California. We gathered with the family and celebrated these momentous occasions, not realizing that six months later we would say a sad farewell to Alexia’s dad. As well, we could feel the presence of Alexia’s sister, Suzanne, knowing how much she would be beaming with pride to see her son and her nephew graduate within a week of one another. Graduation events looked a lot different this year, and our hearts felt broken with so many who did not get to experience these events as originally anticipated.
Family-of-four trip to Hawaii June 2019
Years before moving to Cincinnati, and before having children, we were fortunate to vacation several times in Hawaii. It was much closer to California where we previously lived, and we were fortunate to have access to accommodations on Maui. For years we talked about taking the kids to our “favorite playground” and even flagged a potential date as a graduation trip. Due to Ethan’s injuries, that trip could not happen after Zakary’s high school graduation, so we revisited the idea for his college graduation. Taking Zak and Elyse to a place that held so much meaning to us was wonderful, and bittersweet since we could not include Ethan, and we were comforted knowing that Ethan had experienced the beauty and splendor of the islands when he was 10. As with so many things, travel looks vastly different this year, and we are grateful for the experiences we had creating these memories last year.
Losing Alexia’s Dad
In December 2019, we lost Alexia’s father, William Brody. Dad was extremely smart, witty, and humble. He was our go-to person for anything medical and a sounding board regarding Ethan’s care. He was impressed with the excellent attention Ethan received at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, even googling a few of Ethan’s doctors on occasion to read about their areas of expertise. As a Cardiologist himself, he knew exactly what was happening in his body as he struggled with congestive heart failure, and still managed to direct his path until the end. The last 18 months of his life were lived on a high: a much-anticipated family reunion in New York City, where members of his family gathered (for some it was the first time meeting); he witnessed two grandsons graduate from college; and he led a Passover seder! We miss him every day, we speak of him often, and we wonder what he would have thought about our current global situation with the pandemic.
What phenomenal times we are living in—staying home, working, watching, wondering. Receiving updates that seem to change from one moment to the next. During the pandemic of 1918, how did people react and behave that helped guide them through? How can we all make the best decisions that will preserve life and protect the vulnerable? I so wish I could talk with my Dad and bounce these ideas off him; he was always striving for knowledge and would have been all over this. Recognizing our lives had already changed so significantly seven years ago, we were familiar with feeling a lack of control and stability. We have been lucky to maintain all of Ethan’s nursing team, who continue to treat him with the utmost love and professionalism.
Losing Sissy
In what was to be her last Yom Kippur Sermon, Rabbi Sissy Coran taught us amazing lessons. She shared with us the importance of vulnerability—taking off the mask, exposing our true selves, and searching for the best version of ourselves. These lessons, and so many others, will remain imprinted on my heart. Sissy was my friend before she became my rabbi. We shared many beautiful experiences before Ethan’s accident, and then she remained steadfastly by our sides for all these years—as our friend, as a mother of one of Ethan’s friends, as a guide, as a rabbi. We talked at length about the unknowns, we cried, we lived in the moment together. She continues to teach us about embracing vulnerability and stepping into it, rather than running away. Her memory and guidance will always be for a blessing.
National Unrest and Reset
As we watch the events unfolding throughout our city and around the country, we are listening to those personally impacted by systemic racism and we are learning how to be part of the solution. There are so many conversations and steps to be taken, and it is important to move forward. From Rabbi Tarfon in Pirke Avot 2:21 (Ethical Teachings) we hear the wise words, “It is not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but you are not free to desist from it either.” We can be so much better, the time is now, let’s get going.
Ethan still pushes the boundaries of staying out of the hospital—we just crossed three years without an emergency hospitalization—and we all recognize how much more living we do when outside those walls. Along with all the other schools, Ethan’s school shut down in mid-March. His summer vacation came early this year and he has spent most days outside enjoying the fresh air within our screened porch (without the hassle of bugs, weather, or too much sun exposure), listening to the sounds of nature, music, and audiobooks. His teachers reached out with weekly check-in phone calls and ZOOM meet-ups—much appreciated! Who knows what the next school year will look like, and we hope that Ethan is able to safely return to his school program that offers so many therapies and brain stimulation.
Living with a brain injured family member is hard, messy, and a lot more than we can truly describe. We do our best to keep ourselves healthy and strong so we can manage Ethan’s daily needs. In whatever capacity you continue to keep up with our journey, thank you for being with us. It makes things less lonely.
***Thanks to the generosity of Children’s Hospital Starshine Group, we took some family photos last year. While a lot has changed these last seven years, we are still a family of five with a lot of love to share.
Eighth Night Coming Soon
Ethan Needs Your Help This Year
Please Give - Help Hope Live
Six years after lightning strike, 'time for a celebration'
You may have heard of a Golden Birthday (when you turn the age of your birth day). How about a “Platinum” Birthday? Not sure if that’s a real thing, but that’s what we are calling today!
Happy Platinum Birthday to Ethan, who is 19 today, July 19, in 2019‼️
We love you so much!
The Cold Hard Facts - 5 Years
We are now more than 5 years post Ethan’s injury. We are enormously grateful for all of the love we continue to receive from our family, our community and Team Ethan. Your generosity and support have kept our family grounded.
Ethan has remained hospital-free over the past 1.5 years! We are focused on providing Ethan with the therapies and care needed to remain comfortable. Your past and future support provide us with the resources to continue these services.
As we approach the 6th Annual Eighth Night for Ethan, we wanted to summarize why we keep pursuing these fundraising events – not by choice, but by necessity.
Ethan continues to be covered by three different health insurance policies (private insurance, Medicaid and a program for children in the state of Ohio). These three policies cover about 90% of Ethan’s care; the other 10% is paid by funds we raise through Help Hope Live or from out-of-pocket payments.
For the past 5 years, Ethan’s cost of care has exceeded $1,000,000 per year. This is not a typo – more than one million dollars per year. We are very thankful to the amazing medical team that cares for Ethan. Over $100,000 per year of out-of-pocket expenses are needed to care for Ethan. This is where Help Hope Live and Team Ethan make a huge impact. The fundraisers that are done on behalf of Ethan directly impact Ethan’s care. They give him access to therapies and care that are necessary.
All contributions to Help Hope Live in honor of Ethan are tax deductible. Consider becoming a Team Ethan All-Star by signing up for recurring contributions to Ethan’s campaign. No amount is too small.
Did you know…
$1,050 ($88 per month) = 30 hours of nursing care for 1 weekend of rest away from home.
$400 ($33 per month) = 2 therapy sessions per year. If you can afford $50 or $100 per month, it will make a lasting impact.
$275 ($23 per month) = 8 hours of nursing care per year.
$216 ($18 per month (Chai)) = A tremendous help.
Anyone who signs up for automatic monthly contributions will receive a car magnet to display your Team Ethan pride around town!
We enjoy hearing from you at www.facebook.com/jointeamethan and www.jointeamethan.org. Please stay engaged with Team Ethan.
With strength and love – Happy Holidays,
Alexia and Scott Kadish
Loveland, Ohio
Eighth Night for Ethan 2018: Kadish family grateful that support continues for sixth year
June 29
I have an annual reminder on my phone calendar on June 29 with the title, “Most awful day of my life.” Not that I need a reminder, as that date is etched in my memory, yet every year it serves as a constant companion of dread.
Scott and I have just returned from our 2nd annual “West Coast Family Tour.” We are especially grateful for the support and care from Ethan’s awesome team of nurses, who all kicked-in to high gear and gave us the time to spread our wings and connect with our extended families. As the years pass, we yearn to spend meaningful times together, and wish that we were all geographically closer.
Being out west as we led up to June 29 provided a brief reprieve from the sadness; however, the awareness of “the date” found us as we waited at the airport for our homebound flight.
Here we are at five years. As we often say in relation to how quickly our kids grow, or how fast each school year passes, I can’t say that these five years have flown by—we have felt the weight of every single day (that’s 1,825 days); in addition, we have also felt the love, the support, and the connections to so many magnificent people—family, friends, neighbors, community members, congregants, strangers. If I were to draw a Venn diagram it would show all these different circles, with the intersection at Ethan.
As heavy as our hearts have been, the amount of gratitude we feel toward everyone who has been a part of our story provides a counterbalance and continues to sustain us to this day. Early on in our first lengthy hospital stay, when the number of supporters was at an all-time high, we were gently encouraged to accept that this level of ongoing support was a fleeting event, a strange and wonderful phenomenon, and that we should prepare ourselves for when the well-wishers returned to their lives.
We’re still waiting.
The wave of Team Ethan has been a tsunami, and is as strong as ever, constantly clearing a path to allow us to remain upright. Granted, our needs today are far different than they were in those initial days, weeks, and months, but we know in our hearts that Team Ethan will continue to rise to the challenge.
We mark this date as an awareness of where we are, and how much we appreciate those who have been alongside us the entire way.
Five years later, we continue to go from strength to strength,
Alexia and Scott
Dear Ethan,
How do I even begin to express the emotions that have been pouring through my body, mind and soul this entire school year? Let me begin with a story:
When you were born, on July 19, 2000, we were so excited to welcome you into our growing family. Not long after (I’m not kidding here), I was asked on a number of occasions, “When will you start Ethan in kindergarten?” “Really?” I thought, while looking at my beautiful weeks-, and later, months-old baby. I never thought of your summer birthdate as providing such interesting dialogue. Your dad and I figured we would wait and see. See if you were ready to start a kindergarten program at the age of five and one month, or if you would benefit from waiting until you were six. Regardless, that was years away. Even as a toddler/preschooler, we were barraged with stories of what others had done with their children, and why we should follow the same path; start you “early,” wait an extra year—whatever was recommended was the absolute “best” plan, so we were told. As we had done with your older brother, Zakary, we poured into you our hopes and dreams for a future filled with wonder and exploration. Fast forward a few years and we discovered that, while you were quite inquisitive, you were also able to sit and listen well to your preschool teachers, and, by all accounts, ready to begin kindergarten in the fall of 2005. You thrived in school, loved learning and participating in everything that came your way, and were on track to be part of the Graduating Class of 2018…
Well, life changed. Drastically.
For the first few years after your injury, we were predominately focused on the rehabilitation part of your recovery. School took a place on the back burner. Whatever it would take to help you make the most gains possible, that’s where our attention remained. Nothing could sway us from giving you the best chance at coming back to us. However, your mounting medical challenges kept you returning to the hospital, for weeks, and sometimes months, at a time. Each hospitalization would hinder any positive gains, and, more often, would compound the growing list of challenges. All we could do was continue moving forward, keeping our eye on the goal of helping you achieve “more.” Eventually, the more whittled away. It’s ok if you remain wheelchair-bound, we reasoned, plenty of people lead successful lives without the use of their legs. The same reasoning was used when we thought of your use of your arms. And your ability to speak.
Slowly, painstakingly at times, the days, weeks, months and years passed, with increasing returns to the hospital, bringing us to late-summer 2017. A realization washed over us that this was supposed to be the start of your senior year of high school. That was not going to happen.
How could we make room in our hearts for all that you had missed out on and all that you would be missing from this school year (and beyond)? I can tell you this, it has not been a positive year for me, emotionally. I did not deal with any of it very well. I retreated from friends and social gatherings, I created a cocoon around myself, and I welcomed the quiet space to mourn it all. I “saw” you in every imaginable location; participating in sport teams, theater, show choir, even walking across the school parking lot with friends. Senior pictures, applying and being accepted to college, school dances, youth group events, plans for being a camp counselor, the list goes on and on. I kept a low profile on social media, as it was too painful to see what friends posted regarding their “seniors.”
Loveland High School graduation took place a few days ago. You were not there. Neither were we, nor our extended family. In fact, your dad and I secured extra nursing coverage and took a 24-hour leave from the city. As heartbreaking as missing out on this milestone with you was for us, your dad and I wish great things to all of the Graduating Class of 2018—push yourselves beyond your wildest dreams, find where your passions lie, and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.
Our beautiful son, Ethan, you don’t need to worry about us. Do you remember that feeling when you would dive into a pool, and make the descent to the bottom? Once you reached the bottom you would tap out with your hand, turn your body around, and push off with your feet, heading up to the surface of the water. Your dad and I have reached this bottom, and we are making our way back. We have taken measures to strengthen our health, lift our spirits, and find the joy in the tiniest of things. We are emerging from this much-needed period of sadness. We love you and will always take care of you, assuring that you are able to reach as high as possible.
With love and strength, always and forever,
Mom and Dad
Tonight is a milestone—tonight marks the fifth Eighth Night for Ethan. Prior to the first, we had written remarks, but Ethan’s body decided that the hospital was where we needed to be that night, instead of celebrating the last night of Chanukah with the community which had already done so much to support us.
Thanks to our oldest son, Zakary, those remarks were still delivered, and a beautiful tradition was started.
Fortunately, we are here tonight, as one family, celebrating a holiday that has come to mean so much more to us than just the Miracle of Lights.
When speaking about the story of Chanukah, many like to focus on the messages of “a light in the darkness,” or “hope where there was none,” or “the miracle of oil.” Although it plays second fiddle to these themes, friendship, and unity, play a tremendous role in the Chanukah tale. It takes a special kind of bond to fight together against a well-trained Greek army, and the bonds of friendship—the brotherhood of the Maccabees—won the day, just as much as Judah’s hammer.
Ethan is blessed to have his own band of Maccabees fighting with him tonight. This entire event was envisioned, organized, and executed by some of Ethan’s closest friends from his time at Yavneh/Rockwern Academy.
These friends created the “Battle of the Schools” to help raise money for Ethan’s continuous medical care, and our family is so grateful for all the time and effort they have put in to making this night so special. We are constantly amazed by the amount of love people display for Ethan—as well as for our family—and this outpouring from his friends has been a tremendous sight to behold. Perhaps a true light in the darkness, providing us with hope where there was none. And some may even say, a miracle.
Even though these friends will soon be going their separate ways as they venture off to college, we hope that their bonds will remain strong. It takes a special kind of friendship to band together to fight for a friend who needs their aid.
Thank you all for coming, thank you for your generous donations to help make Ethan’s care a little bit easier, and thank you to Ethan’s Maccabees.
Ethan's friends and classmates from Rockwern Academy's Kindergarten Class of 2018 organized and competed in the Eighth Night for Ethan Battle of the Schools. The entire community came together on the Eighth Night of Hanukkah, December 19, for a Hanukkah celebration featuring arts and crafts for younger kids, candle lighting, a song session and dessert.
You can still contribute to their campaign in honor of Ethan at the link below!
November 23, 2017
Hello everyone!
Our names are Daniel Shapiro and Zack Berger. We are seniors at Wyoming High School and Sycamore High School, respectively. Our friendship started at Rockwern Academy, formerly Yavneh Day School, in 2005. Rockwern/Yavneh sparked many lasting friendships for our classmates. Four and a half years ago, our fellow classmate, Ethan Kadish, was struck by lightning while at summer camp, resulting in traumatic brain damage. This tragic event has left Ethan and his family with extensive medical annual costs of over $100,000 after insurance.
Every year since Ethan’s accident, we have celebrated the 8th night of Hanukkah in honor of him with both a fundraiser and Hanukkah celebration. Please consider donating what you would spend on gifts for your family’s 8th night celebration to Help Hope Live in Ethan’s honor. This event and your donation are crucial for helping alleviate the Kadish’s financial burden.
As we are now seniors, our last year together before moving to the next chapter in our lives, we want to add a new element to this year’s events – a “Battle of the Schools.” With the goal of raising $40,000, each former Rockwern/Yavneh classmate will represent their respective high school and lead the fundraising efforts. For those able to donate but do not have an allegiance to one of the represented schools, please give to the Rockwern Academy team, because this is where our friendships started. Please consider donating today. For credit card donations, please visit www.helphopelive.org and search for Ethan Kadish, or http://bit.ly/8thnightbattlepage or call 800-642-8399. If you would prefer to write a check, make it out to “Help Hope Live”, write Ethan Kadish in the memo section, and mail it to Daniel Shapiro, 165 Wyoming Woods Lane, Cincinnati, OH, 45215.
Also, please join us locally at Rockdale Temple on the 8th Night of Hanukkah, December 19th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm for a Hanukkah celebration, arts and crafts for younger kids, candle lighting and dessert. There will be an opportunity to donate at the event. Even though this is a “Battle of the Schools,” we are all fighting for our friend Ethan.
Let the games begin!
Thanks in advance for your donation,
Daniel and Zack
Donations made in honor of a specific individual, or in response to campaign solicitations, are restricted by region only and do not obligate Help Hope Live to allocate funds toward a specific individual, as the IRS would deem such donations to be private gifts, which are not tax deductible. Patients receive support according to their medical and financial need. Help Hope Live is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Information: 800.642.8399.
Calling all Cincinnati/Kentucky Team Ethan supporters:
In case you haven’t seen it, there is an upcoming Wifflemania tournament in support of Ethan on August 19. We would LOVE to see you at this great event, whether it is with your own organized team or as a volunteer.
Volunteer? YES, an event this size takes a lot of support! Can you give some of your time on August 19 to help make this tournament spectacular?
Please click on the link below to see all the volunteer opportunities:
AND…it’s not too late to sign up for yourself or a team to participate in Team Ethan Wifflemania:
Hope to see you there,
Alexia and Scott
WCPO.com's Lucy May and Emily K. Maxwell, wrote another beautifully compassionate story about our family.
Ethan's Future Health Care
NOTE: Please share this post broadly and contact your representatives in Congress. Each one of us has a voice, a story to share and a vote. This is our story...
Scared. Shocked. Angry. Confused.
We did not want this, We did not ask for this "opportunity;" we did not do anything wrong to deserve this AND we will not run from our obligations as parents to care for our child. However, we cannot afford to cover all of Ethan's health care costs without help from a large community and our government.
What do Ethan's future health care options look like?
Ethan will not have the opportunity to receive health care from his employer or pay the premiums for private insurance. Ethan's significant disabilities will prevent him from finding employment and generating income. We hope we are proven wrong, as this is a very difficult reality to accept.
So, what are his future options?
While he is very fortunate today to be covered by a great employer-sponsored health care plan, thanks to Procter & Gamble, what happens when Ethan is no longer eligible for this insurance?
Remember, today Ethan's health care costs exceed $1,000,000 per year and it takes three policies to provide for his needs (Private, Medicaid and BCMH). Even with these three policies, there is about $100,000 per year of costs not covered by any of them.
Ethan will age out of BCMH and private insurance.
What will happen if Medicaid is taken away from Ethan, too?
How will his future medical needs get paid for? Will we be placed in the position of having to make health care decisions for Ethan based on the cost? We already know we cannot afford to pay $1,000,000 per year (not even for one year). Ethan has already spent +380 days in the hospital over 4 years. Do we opt to not take him for urgent care at the hospital when private insurance and Medicaid are not available? For reference, ONE DAY in the hospital for Ethan costs $5,000-10,000, depending on his diagnosis and testing needs. If he ends up having surgery (Ethan has had 7 surgeries in the past 4 years), the costs are significantly higher and the hospitalization is longer.
We deal with a significant amount of uncertainty every day, just managing Ethan's day-to-day care. We do not need the added stress of how to pay for Ethan's basic medical care, or if our family will be forced into financial ruin.
We think you get the picture.
PLEASE talk with your U.S. Senators and House of Representative member about preserving Medicaid for those who truly need it.
Ethan needs it NOW and will be dependent on it in the FUTURE.
We have and we are. We have talked with the offices of Congressman Wenstrup and Senator Portman, and have left messages with Congressman Chabot and Senator Brown.
Stay Strong,
Alexia and Scott
24 karat Anniversary
Twenty-four years ago, my amazingly talented sister, Suzanne, of blessed memory, sang me down the aisle to this beautiful song. With my mom on one side and my dad on the other, they escorted me to my beloved, and underneath the chuppah we created our first "home," promising to love and protect each other. Through the years we have changed homes and cities, added furry friends, and opened our hearts to three children. We have balanced each other and remained in each other's corner through some of life's greatest joys and most harrowing challenges. Today we recommit ourselves and look ahead to the coming year. Because we are stronger together, we will stand by each other and continue to move forward.
Celebrating in an unconventional way, we traveled to The Ohio State University with Ethan today, to have modifications made on his wheelchair. Ethan was discharged from the hospital two weeks ago. Having made selected changes to his pain medications, the doctors hope the new combination will keep him comfortable and stable outside of the hospital. At this point we are appreciating each day at home, having all of our kids under the same roof. With comfort topping our list of desires for Ethan at this time, we hope the journey to Columbus will bring him closer to that goal.
To life and love, l'chaim,
Alexia and Scott
Ethan Update - A Flicker of Light at the End of the Tunnel
Ethan is finishing Day 11 of his most recent hospitalization. The severe pain has been successfully managed and he is weaning off the pain med combination that delivered the much-needed relief. As good as this news is, there are challenges still ahead before discharge. Ethan needs to prove he can receive nutrition and hydration through his GI System – typically not an easy task for him. The other challenge is more mental. Given we do not know exactly what caused Ethan’s severe pain event on April 27, we cannot be confident it will not return. Add this to a long list of potential issues that could send Ethan back to the hospital at any time. Not an easy way to live for Ethan or for us.
This will be a very busy week – Ethan will remain at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital until he demonstrates GI success, Alexia will pick up Zakary who is finishing his sophomore year at Washington University in St. Louis, and Scott and Elyse will try to have a typical/not-typical week at home. We will all juggle commitments at work, home and the hospital.
With so many unknowns, this current admission has been very challenging emotionally. Not understanding the source of Ethan’s severe pain is scary. It creates a lot of worry. As of today, Ethan has spent a total of 373 days in the hospital, and counting, since his injury on June 29, 2013…that’s 26.5%, a statistic that is unimaginable!
We hope the flicker of light we see grows stronger this week. We all need Ethan to get well and come home.
Alexia and Scott
Dear Team Ethan,
Nothing is normal anymore. Nothing seems to come natural or easy. We are tired. It has become very difficult to post updates on Ethan. Please know that all of your support is appreciated - your prayers, your love and your contributions to Help Hope Live.
It has been a long time since we have posted as we try to stay positive and forward thinking, however, the past three weeks have been incredibly difficult for our family and for Ethan.
Ethan has been in the hospital three times over the past three weeks. Each admission has been for unrelated reasons. But each admission is a challenge. The day or night begins with 4-6 hours of assessments in the Emergency Department followed by hours of settling into his new room within the hospital. Managing the discomfort is always a priority, but not always achievable. This current admission is due to severe pain and discomfort and managing the pain is more challenging than ever.
Ethan's Medical Team is working to identify the source of his pain. Until more information is known, Ethan is receiving several different pain medications to keep him comfortable.
Please send Ethan strength and prayers (Reminder: his Hebrew name is Eitan Chaim ben Elisheva v'Shmuel).
Chazak - Stay Strong,
Alexia and Scott
Ethan Kadish: How a book about a rhino can help Loveland boy struck by lightning
'It's just ... so heartwarming'
The Cold Hard Facts
We are now almost 3.5 years post Ethan’s injury. We are enormously grateful for all of the love and support we receive from our family, our community and Team Ethan. We wish we could give each one of you a personal THANK YOU for all that you have done.
As we approach the 4th Annual Eighth Night for Ethan, we wanted to summarize why we keep pursuing these fundraising events – not by choice but by necessity.
Ethan is covered by three different health insurance policies (private insurance, Medicaid and a program for children in the state of Ohio). These three health insurance policies cover about 90% of Ethan’s care, the other 10% is paid by funds we raise through HelpHOPELive or from out-of-pocket payments.
For the past 3.5 years, Ethan’s cost of care has exceeded $1,000,000 per year. This is not a typo – more than one million dollars per year. We are very thankful to the amazing medical team that cares for Ethan – they do an amazing job. Over $100,000 per year of out-of-pocket expenses are needed to care for Ethan. This is where HelpHOPELive and Team Ethan make a huge impact. The fundraisers that are done on behalf of Ethan directly impact Ethan’s care. They give him access to therapies and care that are necessary.
All contributions to HelpHOPELive in honor of Ethan are tax deductible. Consider becoming a Team Ethan All-Star by signing up for reocurring contributions to Ethan’s campaign. No amount is too small.
Did you know…
$1,050 ($88 per month) = 30 hours of nursing care for 1 weekend of rest away from home.
$400 ($33 per month) = 2 therapy sessions per year. If you can afford $50 or $100 per month, it will make a lasting impact.
$275 ($23 per month) = 8 hours of nursing care per year.
$216 ($18 per month (Chai)) = A tremendous help.
Anyone who signs up for automatic monthly contributions will receive a car magnet to display your Team Ethan pride around town!
You can also mail your donation made payable to HelpHOPELive with In Honor of Ethan S Kadish on the memo line to Two Radnor Corp. Center, 100 Matsonford Rd., Radnor, PA 19087
We enjoy hearing from you at www.facebook.com/jointeamethan and www.jointeamethan.org. Please stay engaged with Team Ethan.
With strength and love – Happy Holidays,
Alexia and Scott Kadish
Loveland, Ohio
Ethan Kadish is a teenager from Loveland, Ohio who suffered a brain injury after he was struck by lightning nearly four years ago. Ethan has been participating in a myriad of therapies to help to help him re-establish basic functions within his brain, and recently began to answer simple yes/no questions by blinking his eyes.
Over $100,000 per year of out-of-pocket expenses are needed to care for Ethan. Please consider joining the worldwide community as we dedicate the Eighth Night of Hanukkah to Ethan. A tax-deductible donation to HelpHOPELive in honor of Ethan will help ensure that he gets the best care available so that he can keep making progress.
Any size donation is greatly appreciated.
Donate Here
On December 31st, the eighth night of Hanukkah, light a blue candle and dedicate your gift to Ethan to show your support.
Post your candle lighting photos with #8thNightForEthan to @JoinTeamEthan via Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
Happy Hanukkah
Congratulations Jacob! A friend of Ethan’s, who created the Yes/No communication device we shared with you last November, presented his creation at the TEDx Vienna Conference yesterday. We are thankful for Jacob’s energy and thoughtfulness and his courage to take the stage in Vienna to present his ideas to the attendees of the conference and the live-streaming audience.
We are proud to have Jacob on Team Ethan.
Enjoy the rest of your time touring Vienna with your family,
Alexia and Scott
For updates about Ethan and our family, follow our blog at www.jointeamethan.org
New Logo – Same Place – Same Great Care...Here We Go Again
On the evening of Saturday, October 15, Ethan and Scott headed to the Emergency Department (ED) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) as Ethan presented the same GI issues he has presented in the past. Ethan’s last GI event which resulted in surgery was some 258 days ago.
After a flurry of tests, fluid replacement, x-rays and a CT scan, Ethan found his way into the PICU with a UTI and concern for a bowel obstruction (Ethan’s nemesis ever since his initial abdominal surgery in December 2013). Ethan is now on the GI Floor he has spent so much time on over the past +3 years for observation and rest. So, after a little more than a week as an in-patient at CCHMC, Ethan’s UTI has been resolved with antibiotics. However, his GI issues have not been resolved, so we wait; we wait for the conclusions of tests to determine if surgery is required or not; we wait to see if we have the strength to go through a 5th abdominal surgery – like we have a choice; we wait to see how long Ethan’s overall admission to the hospital is; we wait and we wait and we wait.
There have been so many changes to CCHMC since Ethan’s last admission in February 2016. There is a new logo, a new tag line, a new main entrance, a new parking garage entrance, and so much more. Change is in the air at CCHMC. What has not changed, is the incredible care Ethan continues to receive. Whether it is the ED, PICU or the GI Floor, Ethan has the best medical team around him day in and day out – for this we are thankful.
We are slowly reaching out to Team Ethan with help request. Thank you for your support and efforts to help Ethan and our family. You can also help by making a tax-deductible contribution to HelpHOPELive in honor of Ethan (www.bit.ly/hhl-jointeamethan). All funds raised go to help with Ethan’s uninsured/uncovered costs of care.
Trying to remain strong,
Alexia and Scott
View Lucy May's interview with Alexia and Scott Kadish "Parents of Loveland teen struck by lightning find new hope on community trip to Israel" http://bit.ly/2bnFhUE
Our dear Ethan,
Today you turn 16 and we are exceptionally proud of the strength, courage and determination you show us every day. We see that all of your hard work during therapies is making an improvement in your comfort and progress toward recovery. This was not the path that you or we ever envisioned--yet you are paving the way and teaching us how to see the good in every day. We love you, and your brother and sister more than we can ever express. Mazel Tov on this milestone birthday. Here's to the year ahead!
Mom and Dad
It's been three years since Ethan was struck by lightning while at summer camp. WCPO reporters, Lucy May and Emily Maxwell spent a day with Ethan. Here's is their brilliant story.
We're Back!
Dear Wonderful Team Ethan Community,
After spending approximately four months “off the radar” we are now back; refreshed (some days), energized (NOT) and ready to resume sharing our journey. Thank you to so many who have been finding ways to check on us, without directly checking on us. We have officially recharged our batteries and are no longer living our day-to-day life on “Low Power Mode”—reference to our last post on February 19, 2016. In the coming days and weeks, we will share more—there’s a lot to catch you all up on—and bring you up to speed on our lives and, most importantly, the progress Ethan is making in his recovery.
To my wonderful husband, Scott, who is the father “extraordinaire” of our three children, I thank you for your partnership in providing a solid foundation for Zakary, Ethan and Elyse. To all of the fathers in our lives, we send wishes for a fabulously relaxing day. We love you all and appreciate everything you do for us.
With continued strength,
Alexia and Scott
Surviving on Low Power Mode
I recently noticed a feature on my phone when the battery is getting very low. An icon pops up giving me the option of conserving energy by hitting the button “Low Power Mode.” This is a fitting analogy for our lives in the past couple of weeks (or months, or years). I found myself hitting this button several times in recent weeks, as I saw this as the best way to proceed through the monotonous days in the hospital. For the most part, Scott and I tackled this hospitalization by dividing days and nights. I spent the days, he spent the nights (even after his long days at work). When I would go home in the evenings, or for Scott, on the weekends, it was to spend some precious moments with Elyse, catch a few hours of much-needed sleep, get up and head back down to the hospital.
Overall, this hospitalization went more smoothly from a post-operative perspective, and we saw Ethan’s entire system respond and bounce back much faster than with previous surgeries. We caught up with some of our favorite hospital nurses, doctors, and support staff, and even high-fived ourselves for remaining calm, present and focused, even in the face of a fourth abdominal surgery. At the end of two weeks, we were well-prepared and ready to bring Ethan home to continue his healing.
And then the other shoe dropped.
Somewhere between hospital and home, while transferring Ethan into his wheelchair, his leg caught in a precarious position and he let out a tremendous scream. The pain and discomfort he expressed throughout that first night at home led us to believe that something bad had happened. An x-ray the next morning confirmed the unfortunate truth—Ethan had slightly fractured his femur, just above the knee. We came home with Ethan’s leg in a quasi-cast—hard on the bottom, surrounded in an ace bandage—which will remain in place for at least four weeks.
We are feeling one snowflake short of an avalanche.
And so we will remain, for the time being, on low power mode. The mounting pile of mail, the growing stacks of miscellaneous papers, clothes, returning phone calls, texts, emails, etc. will have to wait. These things will still be here when we resurface, and that is just fine with me. For those local friends who have answered the call for Lotsa Helping Hands, thank you. For those of you who keep our family in your thoughts and prayers, thank you. For those of you who take the time to read our updates, thank you.
Let’s hope for an early spring,
Alexia and Scott
Read our new update on Ethan's post surgery recovery and our "room with a view" at http://bit.ly/1mj2qsq
It's a #Groundhogday Surgery Update http://bit.ly/20pPmEh
Feb. 1, Ethan Update http://bit.ly/1nZplKV
Eighth Night for Ethan Remarks – December 13, 2015
Dear Family,
As we have shared many times, you all are our family. The journey we are on seems to have lasted a lifetime, but in reality, it is still in its infancy. We have experienced the lowest of lows and rebounded to experience many breakthroughs. All of which would not be possible without your support and the support of so many others around the country and even around the world. THANK YOU.
This journey continues to be a very humbling experience for our family. We have been touched by so much good that helps lift us each day and provides Ethan with so many extras that we believe are contributing to his rehabilitation and recovery. Ethan currently receives therapies from his school, Bobbie B Fairfax, the Perlman Center at Cincinnati Children’s, private therapy providers, consultants specializing in neurological reorganization, energy healing, and most recently, a doctor of osteopathic medicine helping us approach Ethan’s recovery from a whole body point of view. All of this, along with home nursing from a team of dedicated nurses, as well as specialized equipment and continued home modifications, has been possible with your support.
You would not believe the networks and touch points that have been created from all of the internet postings, Facebook sharing, the brilliant coverage from our local news affiliates, and discussions across our care teams. Ethan has visited the Carrick Brain Center in Atlanta, the Rehabilitation Institute in Chicago, the Myofascial Release Center in Philadelphia, and just in the past two weeks, we have been contacted by families with experiences in using adaptive equipment to communicate. One of the families has lived this experience for the past 30 years as they are caring for their son who was injured in a lightning strike in July 1985. We have found these connections to be powerful in identifying new leads to experts who might be able to help Ethan with his rehabilitation and recovery. Please continue to help us share Ethan’s story – you never know if the next reader may have another avenue to share with us or new ways for covering the ongoing cost of his care. Ethan continues to rack up medical expenses nearing $1 million a year, with over $150 thousand of uninsured/uncovered expenses. All of this is why your continued support is so very important to Ethan and our family.
While Ethan has had significant breakthroughs in recent weeks, 2015 was not a great year for him from a hospitalization standpoint. He was admitted to Children’s Hospital seven times in the past year, for a total of 80 days. Over the last two and a half years, he has spent over 300 days in the hospital – about one third of the time since his injury. He deserves a BIG BREAK!
At Chanukah, one of the miracles we celebrate is the idea of one small flask of oil, discovered untouched in the rubbles of the destroyed and desecrated temple. This one small flask that contained enough oil to burn for one night, we are told that it burned for eight nights. In early July 2013, Scott and I watched from afar—through live-streaming technology—in amazement as our wonderful community of Cincinnati united here at Rockdale Temple, for a special prayer service for our son, Ethan, who was fighting for his life at Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis. The gathering here that night was really no different from the flask of oil—except for this. While the oil from the days of old—bayamim hahem—burned brightly for eight nights, the light and the energy that reached us from that prayer service have continued to fill our hearts with love and support, two and a half years later. That is one of our Chanukah miracles that we continue celebrating tonight.
Please join with us in singing the Shechehyanu, a prayer of Thanksgiving to God, for sustaining us and allowing us to reach this moment.
Two years ago, as our Cincinnati community gathered for the first Eighth Night for Ethan, we were not in attendance. Rather, we were anxiously awaiting news from Ethan’s surgeon, as he had been taken for emergency abdominal surgery—one of many huge obstacles we have faced with Ethan since June 2013. Our oldest son, Zakary, delivered our remarks that evening. Those remarks included a future hope—that we still hold close to our heart— that someday Ethan would be able to participate in Eighth Night for Ethan—at a time when funds were no longer needed for his ongoing medical care, but rather Ethan would designate those funds to another worthy cause.
Tonight’s celebration would not have been possible without the efforts, devotion and love of a dedicated group of friends. Without sounding like an Academy Awards acceptance speech, we send a shout out to our rabbis, Rockdale staff, Eighth Night for Ethan committee, to our families, and to all of you who have come out to celebrate miracles big and small with us. We also send our tremendous gratitude to an unstoppable force, called Team Ethan—over 400 strong—who have rallied behind us and continue to push us forward. We would be remiss not to mention HelpHOPELive, an organization who’s HELP has been invaluable in bringing HOPE to Ethan’s LIFE.
We would like to conclude our remarks with a quote from Moshe Davis and Victor Ratner
A candle is a small thing.
But one candle can light another.
And see how its own light increases,
as a candle gives its flame to the other.
You are such a light.
Alexia and Scott Kadish
Our Hanukkah Hiccup
We’ve been told that Ethan has this uncanny ability to time his hospitalizations around holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Passover, Birthdays, and Mother’s Day. I guess the odds are that when you spend more than 300 days in the hospital over 2 ½ years’ time, you’re bound to be in-patient over some holidays. This week’s holiday of Hanukkah is no different. Ethan was diagnosed with a UTI on Tuesday morning, and by Tuesday afternoon, his bowels decided to take a siesta. We know all too well that when his bowels go to sleep, then we need to head down with him to CCHMC. It’s a phenomenon that we have lovingly diagnosed as “Quiet Bowel Syndrome,” and the prescription is complete bowel rest, time and patience. Fortunately, we are seeing a much quicker turnaround than we have seen with all of his other hospitalizations for the same issue. His systems have woken up and we have begun feeding him through his G-Tube and we are watching for his tolerance. If all goes well, Ethan will be discharged sooner rather than later.
This Sunday is the 3rd annual Eighth Night for Ethan. A wonderful committee of great friends has worked tirelessly to put together a fundraising celebration for Ethan on the last night of Hanukkah. While our intention was to bring Ethan to this year’s event, we will have to wait and see if he is discharged from the hospital and if he’s strong enough to attend. Regardless, we will be there, and we look forward to seeing whoever is available to join us. We welcome you all, whether your traditions include Chanukah or not! Let’s light the last candles together, and thank God for the many miracles in our lives.
Happy Hanukkah and Shabbat Shalom!
Alexia and Scott
After watching the amazing breakthrough video of Ethan blinking his answers to his mom's questions, Jacob Smilg, 13 immediately knew what he wanted to build for Ethan Kadish. Jacob got to work programming and wiring his @arduino and @adafruit LED board to craft an impressive Communication Yes/No Board for Ethan to use with his family and friends. Jacob is an 8th grader at Sycamore Jr. High School in Cincinnati, Ohio and a URJ-GUCI camper.
Visit www.jointeamethan.org to read more about this incredible gift for Ethan.
We are ecstatic to share this video update of Ethan, showing signs of understanding and communication. This is a game-changer, as it will open up more avenues of engaging with the world around him. Who knows where he will go from here?
Thank you to Team Ethan for your constant love and support. A more detailed update on Ethan is in the works; this latest development trumps anything I was writing!
Much love and strength,
Alexia and Scott
Last night during Ethan’s evening home PT exercises he broke his left humerus bone. Definitely not humorous. Ethan’s left upper arm (elbow to shoulder) is in a temporary splint for the next five days until he is seen again by the orthopedist to receive his cast. The discussion around the house is what color the cast should be. Elyse votes for purple/pink and Zak says orange/black.
This is not the break we were hoping for.
- Read the rest on our blog: http://www.jointeamethan.org
We cannot believe you are 15 years old today. Wow.
Your focus, dedication and determination are impressive. You have taught us and many others so many valuble lessons over the past two years. THANK YOU.
We wish you another year of rehabilitation and successful therapies. We hope you are as pain free as possible and find comfort each day.
We are right by your side helping you reach your full potential. We will never give up. We will support you always.
Enjoy your special day.
Mom and Dad
Thank you, Lucy May, Emily Maxwell and WCPO, for sharing the story of our journey with the utmost respect and compassion.
HelpHOPELive has featured Ethan and our family in a very special blog post today. http://blog.helphopelive.org/2015/06/29/lightning-injury-ethan-kadish/
A Day in the Life of Ethan.....
Wait until you get to the exciting part of his day...around 6:45PM. Sorry in advance for the long post, Ethan lives an active life some days.
7AM - Lindsey, our night nurse, reports Ethan had a great night of sleep.
8AM - Caleb, our day nurse, arrives to take Ethan to his Summer School Program.
8:45AM - Ethan and Caleb head off on the bus.
12:15PM - Ethan and Caleb arrive home. Caleb reports that Ethan enjoyed a lazy day and slept through most of the morning.
5PM - Power at home goes out due to thunderstorms and heavy rain
5:45PM - Scott gets home and Ethan is still enjoying a lazy day. Maybe the change in weather, or all the rain, has made Ethan tired?
6PM - Scott sends a text to Lindsey, our night nurse, to expect lots of traffic and to warn that key intersections around us do not have working traffic lights due to the lack of power.
6:15PM - Scott gives Ethan his evening Prevacid and fills his feed bag with formula.
6:30PM - Scott and Alexia are looking forward to Thirsty Thursday at our local wine store - A Bottle or Two. Lindsey is scheduled to arrive at 7PM.
6:45PM - Feed pump alarms - No Flow. Not a good alarm to get when the feed bag was just filled. Scott (the Chemical Engineer) tries to advance water through the feeding tube - no luck. This is not a good sign, as it indicates a possible clog in the line.
6:50PM - Alexia calls his Medical Team (Complex Care). Ethan needs to go to the Emergency Department (ED) to get his tube replaced. If the tube cannot be replaced tonight then he will need an IV for maintenance fluids and will be admitted to Cincinnati Children's Hospital (CCHMC) until the tube can be replaced.
7:05PM - Lindsey arrives and we share the exciting news with her.
7:15PM - Alexia comes up with a PLAN. Scott and Lindsey (she can accompany to the hospital up until he is admitted -- at least it’s not a complete waste of a work night!) will take Ethan to the ED while Alexia and Zak join friends for dinner.
8:30PM - Arrive at CCHMC. Nice remodel of the ED waiting area.
8:45PM - Ethan gets a room in the ED.
9:30PM - Ethan heads to Radiology for X-rays to confirm his feeding tube placement. Tried to place a wire in his feeding tube to facilitate the replacement tonight. UNSUCCESSFUL.
10:30PM - Return to ED to understand next steps.
11PM - IV placed and maintenance fluids started. Not a good sign. Doctors talk about admitting him until the procedure can be done in the OR under anesthesia.
11:15PM - Ethan falls asleep.
12:30AM - A room has been identified but it needs to be cleaned. Scott offers to go clean the room if it helps move the process along.
1:15AM - Room ready - yeah. Lindsey heads for home.
1:30AM - Ethan arrives at his room. Still asleep. It is very clean. NO bed.
1:40AM - Bed arrives.
1:45AM - Overnight Doctors go over meds.
2AM - Scott settles into the uncomfortable parent couch/bed to get some sleep.
5:15AM - The IV pump alarms. Low Battery. The nurse did not plug the pump into the electrical outlet when we arrived at 1:30AM. Bummer. Ethan slept through it - Scott did not!
9:15AM - Rounds. Working on a PLAN for today.
10:30AM - Ethan is an Add-On for the procedure to place a new GJ Tube in the OR under general anesthesia. This is hospital code for “You will wait a long time before having your procedure.” Our concerns are rising as Ethan's GI system is slow to respond post anesthesia - but at this point there are no better options to replace his tube.
11:15AM - Bath Time. Might as well make good use of Ethan's day.
12:30PM - Lunch for Scott. Ethan is still sleeping - strange. Why?
2:40PM - Ethan gets the green light to head down to the OR.
3:30PM - Ethan is wheeled into the OR for his GJ Tube replacement.
4:15PM – Scott talks with the Doctor who replaced Ethan's GJ Tube. Now the fun begins. Ethan has to prove he can maintain his target feed rate of 120 ml/hr. Given the late afternoon procedure, Ethan will spend at least one more night in the hospital. Hoping he will be home for Father's Day.
Shabbat Shalom to all and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.
Alexia and Scott
Reflections on Camp Drop-off 2015 - http://jointeamethan.org/?p=3087
Home! 'nuff said....
The Boomerang Effect - A Much Overdue Ethan Update. https://shar.es/1pMeVj
Ethan has been readmitted to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.... http://shar.es/1gDeNn
That's the feeling of the day/week/month. We spin in our own circles of work, therapies, doctor visits, school, extra-curricular stuff, etc. At the end of the day we often look to each other and say, "What happened?"
Working with Ethan is physically and mentally challenging and we eagerly collapse into bed each night. Yet we push forward and see that gradually there are some small, noticeable changes. The way that Ethan seems more present at times in conversations; the way he reacts during familiar times, like Shabbat; the more comfortable and tolerant he is during therapy sessions. While these are positive observances, we are all still waiting for...more.
Continue reading our update at www.jointeamethan.org
Home is the where the heart is. It's also where Ethan is! And Scott, Alexia, Zakary, Elyse and Cincy. We are excited to be back together again after spending the last 29 days in the hospital. We are welcoming Shabbat as a family and enjoying the peace and wholeness it brings back into our lives.
Shabbat Shalom,
Alexia and Scott
Finding Strength in Stories, http://shar.es/1oXs9Z
We've posted an update on our blog page about Ethan's surgical recovery at www.jointeamethan.org.
Dear Team Ethan:
Ethan came out of surgery beautifully and is resting comfortably. The doctors found and corrected a significant bowel obstruction which Ethan had developed, and he will continue his recovery in the ICU.
We felt your prayers.
Shabbat Shalom,
Alexia and Scott
Dear Team Ethan,
Please pray for Ethan.
Ethan developed abdominal issues and at 9:15 PM Ethan went into Operating Room for exploratory abdominal surgery.
Strengthen One Another,
Alexia and Scott
Dedicate Your Eighth Night to Ethan
written by Alexia and Scott Kadish
Chanukah Takes on New Meaning for Family of Boy Struck by Lightning at Jewish Summer Camp
written by Adam Daley
Eighth Night for Ethan
Families are encouraged to donate to #HelpHOPELive in lieu of a gift exchange on the 8th night of Chanukah, December 23rd, and to light their eighth candle in Ethan’s honor.
Post your photos on Twitter with #8NE2 and Join Team Ethan on Facebook. Please watch and SHARE this video.
Thank you Team Ethan Philadelphia for all of your help for the past three weeks. http://jewishexponent.com/headlines/2014/11/philadelphia-jews-extend-royal-welcome-to-lightning-victim
Visit us at www.jointeamethan.org for a new blog post on our adventures in Philadelphia.
Visit the Team Ethan booth at the Cincinnati Chocolate Festival on Sunday, October 19th at Xavier University's Cintas Center from Noon to 5pm.
Visit the Team Ethan booth at the Cincinnati Chocolate Festival, located at Xavier University's Cintas Center on October 19, from Noon - 5:00pm.
The 2nd Annual Home Run Derby in honor of Ethan is this Sunday, Sept. 28 behind Loveland Middle School at 12 Noon. This is a fun family event for all ages. Please join us!
Please join us this Friday, September 12th for Bites & Beverages with our good friend & Team Ethan supporter Penny Friedman as she presents her Fine Art Show at A. Maris Design, 2550 Woodburn Ave., Cincinnati.
10% of each purchased piece will be donated to the Great Lakes Catastrophic Injury Fund at HelpHOPELive in honor of our son, Ethan Kadish.
We have posted an end of summer progress report on www.jointeamethan.org.
Your smile and laughter are infectious. We look forward to smiling and laughing with you all day long. Enjoy your special day. We LOVE YOU - Mom & Dad
Thank you to all of the campers and staff at URJ Kutz Camp in Warwick, NY for donating towards Ethan's campaign!
Ethan's Story: The Power of Community: www.wcpo.com/ethankadish
..The Circle Game... on our blog, www.jointeamethan.org
Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li : on the blog www.jointeamethan.org
Help TEAM ETHAN make more connections. The power of multiplication. Can we turn 3,743 Likes into 7,484 Likes.. www.jointeamethan.org
Find some "JOY" at http://jointeamethan.org/2014/05/18/joy/
Alexia Kadish wrote a beautiful essay for Mother's Day. Please read it and share it with the mothers in your lives... http://www.wcpo.com/lifestyle/alexia-kadish-mom-of-boy-struck-by-lightning-reflects-on-mothering-her-son-her-familys-future
A very special envelope arrived from The White House a few weeks ago. Read about it on our blog at www.jointeamethan.org.
Thinking of the Kansas City Jewish Community
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Kansas City Jewish Community and the Team Ethan family who live in KC or who have family or friends in the KC area.
Visit our blog to read about the latest updates about Ethan at www.jointeamethan.org
A little piece on abcnews.com about Ethan.
Making Progress, Lots of Hope - Many Not Yets to Achieve
Mazel Tov and Shabbat Shalom to the Lefton Family!
The #trimitzvah Weekend has arrived! Let's all support Abby, Grace and Nathan with one final push for their #amazing three week long #fundraiser to #HelpHOPELive for Ethan! Just grab your friends and a ride over to Skyline Chili on Cornell Rd to eat in, drive-thru, or pick up a gift card for a fabulously fun meal and dine for #EthanKadish
Please visit our blog site at http://jointeamethan.org/ for our latest entry with some exciting news...
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Love and prayers
Matthew Kraus
In honor of 8th night for Ethan from Bill, Julia, Asher, and Maggie.
Julia Weinstein
Sending love, hugs and light from the redwoods -
xo Susan Bernardo
Susan Bernardo
Happy Hanukkah to the Kadish family!
Christine Hamilton
Eighth Night For Ethan!
Shelley and Ron morris
In loving memory of Barbara Sommer.
Jeff Otchis
Sending love and light! We'll be thinking of you on the eighth night.
Shannon Shensky
Wishing you a Happy Chanukah and only good things in 2025!
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
Mary Lee & Louie Sirkin
Happy Hanukkah!
Jeff Otchis
That summer 11 years ago was also my older daughter's first summer at GUCI. You and your family have been on my mind since, particularly each summer.
Aviva Wulfsohn
God bless you Eyhan
Adrian Hughes
We continue to root for you!
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
As a fellow GUCI-ite, Daniel and his family send our best holiday wishes to Ethan and his family.
Daniel Nestel
In honor of Alexia and Scott and their 3 wonderful children. From David and Karen Farbman
David Farbman
The 8th night of Chanukah will always be for Ethan. Wishing for your family some light in the darkness.
Rebecca Carr
Sending love to Ethan and the entire Kadish family! Love Bonnie and Darryl
Darryl Dick
We love you, Kadish family:)
Cora Steinberg
For Ethan Kadish, prayers for you and your family.
Lynn Rosenblum
We have never met, but I am thinking of Ethan and the whole family.
Suan Ringel
From Dan Berger and Bethann Johnston
Dan Berger
In honor of Ethan and his loving family for holding strong after 10 years
Lisa Plosker
In honor of Zach and Emily 's wedding.
Susan Goldmeier
The Scales Elementary PTO makes this donation in memory of Mrs Elizabeth St Vincent, our sweet crossing guard that impacted all of our lives in a beautiful and positive way. We hope her light will continue to shine through her family and each of us. It was a blessing to know her, and we hope this donation helps her nephew with his care. Thank you!
Scales Elementary PTO
In memory of Elizabeth
Embry Nichols
In memory of Elizabeth St Vincent (Scales Elementary family)
Samantha Reedy
FICO CARES Gift Match - Daniel Nestel
Remembering Ms. Elizabeth and cheering you on, Ethan!
Melissa Cothran
In honor of Ethan Kadish and his family
Sally and Gerry Korkin
our love to you all
James & M. Lori Reidel
God bless you, Elizabeth. Thank you for your grace with me. And God bless you, Ethan.
Ethan Benson
In memory of Elizabeth Stvincent who was a friend and an inspiration.
Carisa Dahl
Send our love and hugs to the Kadish family. Shelley & Ron
Shelley and Ron Morris
I hope Ethan’s recovery continues. I read recent news story about his progress.
Ross Wright
Sending lots of love and good wishes for Ethan.
Stacie Franklin
Sending light and love to the Kadish family.
Ali Reich
We have never met, but I have followed your journey since it happened. My son was a camper at another UJRC at the same time and I think about Ethan and his family quite often. From one parent to another...sending you love and peace.
Jennifer Wiener
So glad we could spend eighth night with the Kadish family.
Margaret Meyer
Always keeping Ethan and his family in my thoughts.
kim lukin
Sending lots of love to the entire Kadish family. And a big hug to Ethan!
Happy Hanukkah!
Love, The Jaffee family
Shena & Brian Jaffee
Please give Ethan a hug from us on this 10th 8th night for Ethan! So sorry we will miss the movie!
Laura Berger
Chazak chazak venitchazeik. May there be continued love, hope, and light from 8th night for Ethan 2022
Matthew Kraus
Wishing Ethan and the Kaddish family a happy holiday season and a wonderful 2023!
Daniel and Dana Nestel
Sending love to Ethan and the family
Terry & Erica Posner
Sending love and daily prayers to you all! Love Bonnie and Darryl
Darryl Dick
much love to the Kadish family:). Sorry we will miss the 12/25 event.
Cora Steinberg
Go, Ethan, go!
Daniel Hoffheimer
This is for the Eighth Night for Ethan on 12/25/22.
Hayley Englander
See you at the movie 12/25!
Thinking of the Kadish family. Happy Hanukkah!
Jane and Howard Morrison
Dear Alexia,
My thoughts are with you and the whole family. Happy Hanukkah and a healthy, happy New Year.
Love, Inga
Inga Cherman-Lurie
Happy Hanukkah Ethan and to the rest of the Kadish Family! We love you!
Eric, Lisa, Alex, Noah and Ian
Berko Family
Thinking of you. Our thoughts and prayers from Seattle
David Aronowitz
In honor of Ethan Kadish and his amazing family.
Margaret Meyer
Wishing you continued strength and perseverance
David Cohen
Wish we could be at the movie night. You, your family and Ethan are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Marci Blachman
We send you our best wishes for continued improvement and hope the days ahead will be filled with promise.
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
Mary Lee Sirkin
Ethan, you are our rock & Hero!
Susan Kadish
astrid matathia
Happy 22nd Birthday Ethan!
Love, Jen, Larry, Ethan, Noah and Jacob
Smilg Family
Congratulations Ethan! We are very proud of you!
Sharon Eastern
Congratulations to the Graduate!
Alessandra Schulman
We have Ethan in our thoughts and prayers every day from the Holy City of Jerusalem.
Glenn Bochner
Congratulations on your Graduation!
Matthew Kraus
Mazel Tov to Ethan on reaching this special milestone!
The Smilg Family
Our love to Ethan and the entire Kadish family. We think of you often
Arnie & Louise
Louise Epstein
Beth Miles
As a fellow GUCI alum, sending our best wishes to Ethan and family for a brighter 2022 filled with love and good health.
Daniel Nestel
Sending love to Ethan and the entire Kadish family. You are in my prayers every single day!
Darryl and Bonnie Dick
Thinking of Ethan. Enjoyed watching Zak’s delight (in our home) when Ethan showed his happiness when we sang Chanukah songs at the Eighth Night for Ethan!
Karen & David Farbman
Sending love and hugs. Happy 8th Night for Ethan. Love, Shelley and Ron
Shelley Morris
Sending love on the Eighth Night for Ethan!
Deb and Marc Kadish
Love and light to Ethan and the Kadish family
Ali Reich
Much love to the Kadish Family:)
Cora Steinberg
Happy Hanukkah!
Vanessa Kurtzer
Hoping for a refuah schleima for Ethan!
Ian and Adrienne Davidson
Ethan is my inspiration!
Daniel Hoffheimer
Sending warm thoughts to Ethan and family.
Risa Feagins
Thinking of Ethan and the whole family during this week of the miracle of lights!
Berko Family
Thinking of Ethan and the family at Hanukkah times. With love, Ophra
Ophra Weisberg
Happy Hanukkah to Ethan and the whole family.
Love, your Texas Cousins
Jeff Otchis
Sending love and light this Chanukah. XOX The Hoolihans
Shana Hoolihan
What an honor to share in the Chanukah celebration! Nancy and Ray Warren
Raphael Warren
Love and strength
Fay May
With Our Love ❤️ Always
Nana & Papa
Susan Kadish
Congratulations to Jen Smilg, the recipient of the 2021 Help award.
Mark Barsman
Ethan is in my thoughts and prayers.
Lorie Kleiner Eckert
I heard about Ethan years ago and have never forgotten him or your family. Wishing you moments of joy.
A fellow Jewish Mother
Jessica Goldman
Happy 21st Birthday Ethan!!!
Vanessa Kurtzer
Happy 21st Birthday Ethan!
Jen & Larry Smilg
Happy birthday, Ethan!!
Julie Jacobson-Ruby
My girls went to GUCI many years ago, so we were all touched by Ethan\'s strength and struggle to come as far as he has. Please know that even though we are not acquainted, he is in the hearts of many of us.
Jody Lapine
Our hearts go out to you! Your strength is a true inspiration.
Jane Morrison
I hold Ethan in my thoughts and prayers.
Lorie Kleiner Eckert
Will Run 5 K in Ethan's honor on 5-16-2021
Tom Nelson
Sending love from the Gunn family.
Jamie Gunn
We're thinking of you.
The Wetzler Family
Carolyn and Howard Wetzler
Go Team Ethan! Debra and Michael Steinbuch
Michael and Debra Steinbuch
To The Kadish Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you,
Cissy and Bob Lenobel
Cissy and Bob Lenobel
Team Ethan Gift of Light,
The Kerschners (Carmel, IN)
Mike Kerschner
Tom & Lois Ruby
While I never met Ethan or his family, I share his love for GUCI (as a former camper and staffer). I greatly admire Ethan's strength and courage along with the family's strong sense of unity. Wishing you an exponentially better year ahead.
Daniel (and family) Nestel
Dana and Daniel Nestel
Sending love to the Kadish family and donating in honor of the Rockwern Academy staff!
Laura Baum
My love and support continue for Ethan!!!
❤️ You guys!
Judith White
Love to all! The Reizes Family
Ofer Reizes
I am thinking of Ethan and your family, and I am wishing you strength and light.
Cynthia Blew
Sent with LOVE,
Terry & Erica
Erica Posner
Ethan, you are always in our shabbat healing prayers. Wishing you many blessings.
Deborah Stadtner
Hope Ethan is staying Strong and Safe in these Covid Times!
Melinda L. Disney
My Best to Ethan and your Family! Hope you are all staying Happy & Healthy in these Covid Times.
Melinda Disney
We have never forgotten this story. Sending our prayers. We are friends of the Moskowitz family in Michigan.
Jody Lipton
Thinking of you on Chanukah and always,
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
Great to see Ethan’s smile. We pray for him weekly.
Willian Smead
Sending good thoughts from a fellow GUCI family.
Stacie Franklin
We think of you often and pray for continued strength for your family.
Joyce and Brian
Joyce Forschner
Sending good vibes your way!
Tara McConnaughey
In honor of Ethan on the eighth night of Chanukah. Always rooting for and thinking about you!
Lisa Friedman
Sending love on this 8th Night for Ethan.
Shelley Morris
Sending lots of love and light to the Kadish family from the Jaffee family!
Shena and Brian Jaffee
Sending you love and light this Hanukkah.
Rebecca, Eowyn (Winnie), Etana, Ezra, Zeke, and Elijah
Eowyn Garfinkle Plymesser
Happy 8th night of Hannukah to Ethan!
From Global Development and Management (GDM)
Laura Berger
Love to Ethan on this 8th night of Hannukah!
xoxoxo Laura, Mark and Zack
Laura Berger
Thinking of you. Wishing you a happy Chanukah!
Leslie and Michael Moskowitz
Sending love and light this Chanukah.
Danielle Levine
Sending Love, Light and Hope to Ethan and the Kadish Family. Xoxo
Bonnie and Larry Goldberg
Light and Love to Ethan and family.
James & M. Lori Reidel
chazak chazak v'nitchazek! Love you guys.
Brett Stern
Our best wishes to Ethan, Sally & Gerry Korkin
Sally Korkin
Wishing Ethan and the Kadish family lots of light in the year ahead.
Ali Reich
I pray that you get the money that you need. You all seem to be a wonderful family, and I am sad for your suffering. May God redeem your days.
Lynn Rosenblum
Sending love to the entire Kadish family! Love, Bonnie and Darryl
Darryl Dick
Wishing you the best of health for the coming year. Stay safe.
Leslie and Bernie Reiss
God bless Ethan and his family. All of them are inspirational to me every day.
Daniel Hoffheimer
Sending so much love and light to Ethan and the whole Kadish family.
Penny and Ron
penny ron friedman meyer
Much love to the Kadish family
Cora Steinberg
We are behind you Team Ethan! Keep up the fight!
Beth Miles
Wishing you an early Happy Hannukah and much love for a wonderful 2021!
Jeff Otchis
To the Kadish family,
Thinking of you and hope you are all doing well!
Karen and Brad Kaplan
Karen Kaplan
Hoping for better days ahead!
Lyn Diamond
Sending holiday light and a healthy year to Ethan and the entire Kadish family.
Nancy and Sandford Kopnick
We continue to root for Ethan and his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Marci and Gary Blachman
Thank you for sharing your faith, strength, and love with us. Many blessings to you all!
michelle maurer
Thinking of you.
Rachel, Jane and Howard Morrison
Jane and Howard Morrison
The entire Kadish Family is always in our thoughts. Best wishes and Happy New Year,
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
Mary Lee & Louie Sirkin
We wish you and your family happy days ahead! Our son Brad went to GUCI (he is 28 now) and we have followed your story from the beginning.
Susan Ringel
With warm best wishes from the Raider-Roth Family
Mark Raider
8th night for Ethan.
Jenny Sherr Gratson
Happy Hanukkah Kadish family! We hope you’re all doing well and send hugs from California.
Whitney, Ally, and Hannah Jacobson
Whitney Jacobson
Keeping Ethan and his family in my prayers.
Jen Yun
Love to Ethan and the Kadish family
Cora Steinberg
Eighth Night for Ethan!
Sienna and Maliya Shapiro
Sending love.
Alison Weikel
Sending love.
Alison Weikel
We love and miss all of you!
Seth, Jolee, Rayna, Dara and Lainey
Seth & Jolee Klugherz
8th Night for Ethan
Shelley Morris
Sending love to Ethan, Scott, Alexia, Zak, and Elyse on this 8th Night of Hanukkah and for 2020. ❤
Shelley and Ron Morris
Thank you for your light on this 8th Night of Hanukkah.
Julia Weinstein
Always thinking of Ethan and the Kadish Family. This donation is from the sale of Chazak Bracelets for Ethan.
Amy Bennett
May you and your family go from strength to strength.
Wendy Steinberg
Wishing the entire Kadish Family a Happy Chanukah!
Danielle Levine
With love and and prayer from the Loeb(Shulman) Family of Seattle
Donald Loeb
We have been following Ethan's story since the beginning. We've been streaming Shabbat services at Temple Sholom and hear Ethan's name each week on the mesheberach list. In spring of 2020, we're moving to Cincinnati and hope to meet Ethan and the Kaddish family.
Tom & Lois Ruby
Best wishes to your whole family from the family of two GUCI alumni (second session).
Tanya Christiansen
Happy Hanukkah to the Kadish Family!
Love, the Wetzler Family
I think of Ethan and you all often. You are amazing and I wish only the best for you always.
Lauren Sokol Hanono
Lauren Sokol Hanono
Thinking of you
Rebecca Carr
Thinking of you and your family always, Ethan. Sending love and positive thoughts.
In memory of Cindy Cohen and her support of the Kadish family.
David Cohen
Donating in honor of Julia and Bill Weinstein's birthdays. Chag Sameach from Asher and me!
Katie Ross
Ethan's birthday is the same day as my wedding anniversary. I remember being at the cottage and hearing about the lightening strike at our beloved G.U.C.I. As will be chanted during the Torah service at the end of this Shabbat's reading, "Chazak chazak"...we wish you all continued strength!
Tara Abrams
Keeping your entire family in our thoughts & prayers.
Susan Loether
Ethan, Happy Platinum Birthday! Wishing you a wonderful 19th year!!
Jill Goffe Jill Goffe
Happy Golden Birthday, Ethan!!! We are so pleased to hear how well you are doing!!! :)
Sherri Symson
Wishing Ethan a happy and healthy 19th birthday! The Sugarman Family
Jennifer Sugarman
Thinking of you, and Ethan, with love.
Naomi Weisberg Siegel
Edith Posner was one of my late Grandmother's (Ruth Shulman) best friends. I remember Edith's store and the ever-present cigarette.
Donald Loeb
Always thinking about Ethan and the family. Very belated Happy Hanukkah and eighth night.
Charley Frank
Sienna and Maliya are donating their tzedakah collections to assist in Ethan's care.
Roxanne Shapiro
Keep fighting Ethan and family!
Beth Miles
As part of our end of year activities, Ethan's Texan cousin Ryan wanted to donate some of his own money to Ethan. He hopes this helps. :-)
Jeff Otchis
Much love, the Steinbergs
Cora Steinberg
We are a group of friends in Louisville who play canasta on Weds. afternoons, calling ourselves The Lucky Ladies. We play for very little money, but whenever we've accumulated a few hundred dollars, from those who lose each week, we send it to this wonderful organization. Maybe this would be an idea for you who are reading this. If you play cards, golf, any game...why not do the same thing? They may be drops in the bucket for Ethan's care, but together we can help.
We think of Ethan & the Kadish family often & send our best possible wishes.
Sue Rosen
Continued well wishes
Jennifer Zvokel
I wasn't able to attend the 8th Night for Ethan, but this has been on my "to do" list. Best wishes to your family!
Claire Lee
We learned about Ethan through his Aunt Suzanne and so we want to honor Suzanne in this donation. God bless you Ethan.
Cathi Lundy
Wishing Ethan only happiness. It is a true honor to be part of his team.
Jason Frischer
Celebrating 8th Night of Ethan!
Meredith Kahan
We love you, Ethan!
Meredith Flowers
Dear Kadish Family,
Our thoughts are with you all.
Inga and Henry
Inga Lurie
In honor of Ethan and his family.
Diana Savas
I've been following Ethan's triumphs and tribulations over the past five years. My heart goes out to all of you. Your support and strength is remarkable. Although I am from a different camp, the camp community stretches far and wide, and we all come together in times of need. Good luck with your and Ethan's progress.
Celia Baczkowski
The Franklin family and friends from GUCI sends continued good wishes and love to Ethan on his journey.
Stacie Franklin
Eighth night for Ethan 2018
Kerschner Family
So glad to help Ethan!
Melinda Disney
Sending love and light to Ethan and his family on this eighth night of Hanukkah!
Robin Gurin
Thinking of you once again on this eighth night. My boys were at GUCI that fateful day as well. We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Josh, Robyn, Ryan and Ian Plaskoff
Always sending love to your family.
Jim & Lori Reidel
My children both attended GUCI so we have a connection with Ethan. We also have an Ethan in our family, another connection.
Susan Garelick
Send love and hugs to the Kadish family on this 8th Night of Hanukkah. Shelley & Ron
Shelley Morris
Love and continued prayers for Ethan!
Amy & Bill Dunlop
Visiting from Seattle. Your love and courage have inspired many
Nadine Strauss
Every good wish for Ethan and all of you for a wonderful and healthy new year! - Laura, Michael, Sam & Katherine Rose
Michael & Laura Ellenhorn
Continued prayers for Ethan, and your family.
Lynn Rosenblum
May light and warmth surround the Kadish family this Chanukah and throughout the year.
Alissa Reich
We continue to support your entire family. We send our love,
Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin
Your family is an inspiration and we are hopeful that the generosity of your tremendous support network will continue to sustain the expenses you bear in providing what Ethan needs. All our love to you. The Ragusas
Holly & Damon Ragusa
I have you all in my heart filled with LOVE and HOPE.. I don't know you , but I know your story, and I feel your family's love for each other.
Wishing you ..more then words can say...ALL THE BEST
Debbie Verona
Deborah Verona
Thank you, Ellie Moskowitz, for making me aware of this campaign!
Together, we can do anything.
Judy Bloomberg, M.D.
Our hearts and prayers are with you all.
Beverlie and Chris Miller
Happy Hanukkah to Ethan and the entire Kadish family!
Love, Amy and Steven Rothchild and family
Amy Rothchild Amy Rothchild
You have our continued love and support.
Susan Goldmeier
From Dr. Gary P. and Stefi Zola - and the American Jewish Archives
Dr. Gary P. Zola
Happy Hannukah to your family. You are in our thoughts, particularly this time of year.
Jeff Otchis
Thinking of you all!
Jane Morrison
You are a beacon of hope. Continued prayers of strength and peace.
Traci Stubenrauch
Happy Birthday Ethan!
Jonah Pesner
Happy birthday Ethan!
Patti Levine
Happy 18th Birthday Ethan!
love, The Smilg's
Jen & Larry Smilg
Happy Birthday Ethan!
Matthew Kraus
Stay strong!
Susan Ringel
Our hearts are always with you.
Lyn Diamond
With love to the Kadish family.
Lorie Eckert
Donation from two of Ethan’s classmates.... Connor and Brendan Hogan.
Peggy Hogan
In support of Ethan and his family
Ali Reich
Sending strength and love to your family from St. Louis - The Yawitz Family
Julie Yawitz
May the Kadish Family and all who support them be blessed with good health, much love and success, and a persistent sense of optimism. -Glenn and Nellie Bochner & Family
Glenn and Nellie Bochner
Hope is help.
Susan Picciotto
In honor of Ethan and the entire class of 2018!
Laura Berger
We are making this donation in honor of Ethan and his uncle Marc, who has been a part of the Pac Iron family for twenty years. Marc will be missed by our team, and we all send our best wishes and prayers for Ethan's continuing recovery.
Ryan Glant
Purim Tzedakah for Ethan
Howard & Carolyn Wetzler
Purim is tonight and it is a time when good things can be revealed. May Hashem continue to bentch your family with only good things.❤️
Wendy Steinberg
We are always rooting for Ethan asproud members of the Team!
The Berger Family
Hi Ethan and family, a lot of tzurris but also love and community. I hope and pray for a miracle. How awesome your old buddies care. Love from Boston
Carol Rosskam
Dear Ethan and Family,
We send you continued best wishes on your recovery. We had the pleasure of working with your grandmother, Stella Leontsini, who helped us plan a trip to Greece. We are happy to donate as a thank-you to her as we encourage Ethan's continued recovery.
Best, Christine and Josh Katzman and family
Dear Ethan: I recently met your grandmother in Redondo Beach, California. She is a wonderful lady, and you are lucky to have such continuous support from her. She thinks constantly of you and has dedicated her life now to raising funds for your care. You have made her very happy with your recently learned system of communication with your eyes. Keep up the progress; your grandmother loves you very much.
Jane Readeur of Torrance/Malibu, California
I'm incredibly excited that, with the amazing help of his young friend, Ethan is now able to communicate with the people he loves. The world of AAC is ever expanding, and I'm sure Ethan will find a method to help him express himself even more in due course! All the best x
Amber Masterson
i wish u to be well and to get threw all. to recover fully.
people from serbia.
Hi Ethan,
You are a courageous and remarkable person! I am a friend of Talia Rosenblum who is from Portland, Oregon and is working to support of you through her Mitzvah project. I also told some of my mom's work friends, who are really into Ultimate, about you. Take good care.
Sophia Miller
This is a picture taken on Ethan's 15th birthday, this last Sunday. He had a tiny taste of vanilla on the tip of his tongue, and then we went back to work. I'm a Team Ethan Volunteer. On top of the nursing care he needs everyday, Ethan works through therapy after therapy -- none covered by medical insurance, all because he has the endurance and the potential. This is what you are giving helpHOPElive. Ethan lives in Cincinnati. No player on the Reds, no player on the Bengals, endures a harder daily regimin than Ethan. I work with him for an hour and I'm spent...and he'll work for hours more. My sweaty hour is free -- his sweaty care is not. Help Ethan work his butt off.
Bill Weinstein
Dear Ethan,
Happy 15th Birthday!
Sending lots of gentle birthday hugs,
Jacob, Noah & Ethan Smilg
The Smilg Family
Hello Ethan,
In honor of Talia's Bat Mitzvah, she asked people to make a donation for your care. I am honored to help her help you. May you continue to make progress in your recovery.
Makenna Markman
Hi lovely Kadish family! I have been thinking about you all so much and sending love and light always. Talia is raising funds for Ethan's care for her Bat Mitzvah project and I wanted to let you know you are thought of, loved and supported by such a wide range of people. Sending wishes of peace for all.
Michelle Collins (rosenbloom)
Dear Kadish family. I live in Israel and heard about your son's accident when it first happened. I just checked this page to see how he's doing. I pray for his continuing recovery.
Michele Chabin
Dear friends,
May this year bring you and your dear ones health and the peace you truly deserve. We keep praying for Ethan's recovery and keep you in our thoughts.
eva and family
Dear Kadish Family,
Our thoughts are with you. Our daughters, Rachel and Ellie were at GUCI with Ethan. We counted out our Tzedakah coins that had accumulated over the year and again this year decided as a family to donate it to Ethan and HelpHopeLive. Hope the year brings much healing.
The Morrison Family-Howard, Jane, Jacob, Ellie and Rachel
Dear Kadish Family, We never met you all, but through your posts, I feel like we've gotten to know your brave and amazing family. Our son goes to GUCI and Ethan is always in our thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting and smiling Ethan! You have an amazing smile!!
the Schnee Family
May the coming year bring Ethan and your entire family happiness and continued healing. It was Eli and Aaron's honor to continue this amazing tradition of the eighth night for Ethan. Happy new year!
The Zelvy Family
Our gift is late because we were out of the country on the 8th night of Chanukah, but were still thinking of Ethan. My husband attended GUCI as a child, and my children adore Camp Eisner. We wish you continued progress and send you much healing light in 2015.
Betsy Shimberg
Thinking of you during this holiday season. Hoping that 2015 brings Ethan and the entire Kadish family wonderful times.
Rebecca, Howard, Tamar, and Brooke Goldwasser
Thinking of you on the 8th night of Chanukah. May the lights guide you.
The Harry Family
So happy to be part of the Eighth Night campaign! Hoping the lights glow brighter and brighter for Ethan!
Laura Wright
Thinking of Ethan and the whole family this holiday season. Wishing you peace and progress in recovery.
Karin, Jacob and Samantha
Thinking of all of you tonight!
The Horner Family
Thinking of you and your family as we light the eighth candle tonight. On behalf of our 5 grandchildren, Shane,Lexi, Morgan, Brooke and Royce we share this last night of Chanukah with you Ethan.
Wendy & Ed and family
I was so moved by Ethan's update. The Klotzman Family dedicates the Eighth night to Ethan and his further recovery.
Ruth, Bruce, Emily, Dori and Jill Klotzman
When we light our last candle tonight, we will be thinking of you Ethan. We wish you continued strength as your recovery continues. Lisa sends her love from Israel.
Sue, Joe, Lisa, Highway, Miyu and Mazie
Looking forward to the 8th night to light a candle in honor of Ethan!
Loren, Maya, and Kayla Israel
I think of you and your family often and your name is on our prayer list at our little Reform congregation in eastern North Carolina. Wishes for a GOOD, HEALTHY 2015.
Marsha Luhrs
Sending our prayers and hopes for continued progress in your recovery and strength and love to your family. May the bright lights of Hanukkah bring a miracle to you!
Shani & Jeff Romick and Family
we couldn't wait for the eighth night to support your healing efforts and celebrated this Shabbat night of Hanukkah in your honor and wish you Refua Shelema
Brad, Sharon, Ellie and Abby Roth
Ethan, The children of the Beth Shalom religious school in Arlington, Texas have been collecting their Tzedakah money each week in honor of you and your bravery. We pray you will have continued healing and will continue to help you in this endeavor.
Stephanie Posner
I do not know you nor have we ever met, however, hearing about your tragedy in 2013, my heart broke. Ethan you are an amazingly strong child that G-d has special plans for you. My children and I are saving money up currently to make a donation and will put it with some of our tax check next year to make a huge donation. Know that people out there are thinking of you and seeing your smile makes us smile. Take care Ethan.
Dear Ethan, I met your yaiyai and heard your story. You are such a great kid! Blessings to you each and every day and know that your are greatly loved by many. Continued strength and hope to your family.
Esther and Robert Fino
Thank G-d for all progress which you have made, Ethan and all that He will grant that you make!!! A Blessed Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur!!!!!
R. K. ("Shelley") Schwartz
Dear Ethan,
Wishing you a great school year and progress.
Lots of love, eva, anat and family
eva freed
Keep making progress.Our thoughts are with you all
Jerry & Hunter Goldberg
Asher is paying his IceBucket Challenge in honor of his friend, Ethan.
Happy First Day of School, Kadish family!
Weinstein family
Dear Ethan,
We know that your birthday will be filled with lots if love, laughter and hugs today. A donation of Chai has been made in your honor on this very special day!
Love, Jen, Larry, Ethan, Noah & Jacob Smilg
Dear Ethan and Kadish family,
my cousin who lives in Cincinatti sent a facebook request last summer for us to pray for Ethan. He has been on my mishabeirach list since then, every Shabbat i say his name. somehow i never read his story until today. i found it on another email. as i read, i saw that he hasn't yet had his bar mitzvah. My son did become a bar mitzvah this summer and so i felt it appropriate to give Ethan his gift now, in a multiple of chai, which you also shared is part of his Hebrew name. I will continue to pray for his healing and that your family is blessed with only health and joy in the coming years.
with love,
the Mallis family
lisa mallis
Dear Kadish Family,
I had been wondering, all year, about the children who had been struck. Then a friend shared a blog about it. We are making a donation in Ethan's honor, and in honor of our two adult children who went to GUCI in the 80s. With love and blessings.
Marsha and David Weinbaum Gahanna, OH
Dear Ethan:
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Gary and Merrisue Steinman
Dear Ethan
Your great grandparents were lifelong friends of my parents .
I went to Trails End Camp with your grandmother when we were kids. Although we have never met you we send our love & healing messages along with our check & our prayers.
You are indeed a blessing.
Bobbie & Michel Stern
This donation is in honor of our son's Bar Mitzvah. His name is also Ethan, and he is a former GUCI camper, like his brothers. He wants to contribute from his gifts to help you all during Ethan's recovery. We wish you the best.
Marcy and Mike Bandick
Our hearts and prayers go out to the family. May you continue to find strength and love during this journey
The Chapnick Family
This donation is in honor of Asher and Nathan's Bnai Mitzvah. Through the gift of giving and the love they share for Ethan is a valuable lesson everyone can learn from. Ethan, we wish you the best of luck in your journey to good health!
Marcie and Paul Rosen
We hope the best for Ethan and thank G-d for Nathan and Asher's compassionand dedication. We donate in honor of their B'nai Mitzvat
The Finkelstein family
Sending best hopes and wishes for Ethan. I also mailed support in honor of the b'nai mitzvah of Asher and Nathan Moskowitz.
-Richard Moskowitz (Rabbi Michael's cousin)
Our donation is in honor of Asher and Nathan's b'nai mitvah--mazel tov. Love, Brett, Sarah, Matilda and Sadie Mountain
Brett Mountain
We are proud to donate to Ethan and his family in honor of your Bar Mitzvah. Our family will be praying for Ethan's health and recovery. Thank you for caring so deeply!
Michael, Susie, Max and Addison Fenster
This donation is in honor of the b'nai mitzvah, Nathan and Asher Moskowitz and their parents, Rabbi Michael and Leslie. My prayers are for Ethan and his family.
Renée Firestone
What a wonderful Bar Mitzvah project for Asher and Nathan. Please accept our donation in their honor. Our thoughts and prayers with Ethan and his family.
Jameson Prahler and family
Our hearts are full of hope and G-d's blessings for Ethan and the Kadish family as we celebrate the B'nai Mitzvah of Asher and Nathan.
David and Elane Feldman
Ethan and Kadish family-
I'm honored to give a gift on behalf of Abby, Grace and Nathan Lefton and wish your family the very best.
Rachel Lyon
In honor of Asher and Ethan's Bar Mitzvah, both Richard and I hope our contribution of funds and love help Ethan get better every day.
Jan Brody and Richard Gautreau
We think of you every day, all the time. We miss you more then we can sY and wish we were closer. But more than that, we wish we were there to share in the milestones to come, big and small, because surely, they will come.
The Reizes Family
Ethan, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for your speedy recovery. -a friend of the Lefton family
Dave Evans
Happy Valentine's Day....Happy LABOR Day....to our Amazing friends. Here's to lots of laughter and love to today! ~ The Smilg Family
xo, Jen & Larry, Ethan, Noah & Jacob
We are thinking of Ethan and all of the Kadish family. Our children are campers at Greene Family Camp, and we want you to know that there are lots of people all over the Jewish community praying for Ethan's recovery.
Estra and James Grant
Our thought and prayers are with Ethan and The Kadish Family.
Elaine & Don Sherman
Today's contribution is a supplement to that of The Woodford NFL Ladies. Brian and I both have Ethan and all your family in our thoughts and prayers. May you have continued strength through this challenge.
Joyce and Brian Forschner
Our recent contribution is in honor of Carly's 17th birthday - a fellow GUCI camper. Our family continues to keep Ethan in our thoughts and prayers.
Cheryl, Greg, Carly and Max Hooker
Our recent contribution honors Bob & Sandy Schulman's upcoming40th Anniversary and their commitent to Ethan and the entrie Kadish famlly.
Dena & Stu Schulman
Love and prayers to all of the Kadish family, near and far, for 2014.
Julia, Bill and Asher Weinstein
Thinking of you and sending all best wishes for the new year.
Your URJ Crane Lake Camp friends, The Landesman-Sauberman Family
We send prayers and hope to Ethan from Molly Grossman's grandparents in FL
Barbara & Richard Grossman
Ethan, you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. My students pray for you and ask about how you are doing. They're love and prayers are very powerful and will bring you health and laughter. They love to laugh. My mother, Theresa, prays for you everyday, too. She is also calling on St. Patrick to work a miracle. God's blessings on you and your family, Aunty Kathy.
Kathleen McDermott
We love you guys!
Michael, Carole and Alex Bunk
The Hancock family and the Smith family is praying for a full recovery for you Ethan. God will see you through the storm. God bless you and your family
Justin Hancock
Ethan, may you have a Refuah Shleimah, a complete healing!
The Mukamal Family
Sending prayers for strength and healing from California. I hope you can feel the energy from across the country---let it carry you during this extremely difficult time...
Jennifer Marks and Family
We had children at two different Jewish camps when this tragedy occurred and I (like many, many others) was saddened to realize that something so awful could happen in such an idyllic setting. I pray that Ethan recovers and that his beautiful family gets what they need!
Shelly Freedenthal
Each year since our children were young we had a night that they gave a gift to others. At first we took them to purchase toys for someone else but as they got older they were given an amount that they donated to a charity of their choice. Our oldest, Matti, was the Ivrit and t'filah specialist at GUCI this summer and was truly taken by a reading that Ethan wrote just prior to the incident. She asked that we make a donation in her honor to Ethan's fund for her 8th day of Chanukah gift. So while my name may appear because I made the donation on her behalf, the donation is from her and her incredibly loving heart. May you and your family find many blessings in the year to come, most especially that of good health for all you love.
Lisa Lieberman Barzilai
Tonight, as we lit our blue candles on our menorahs, we said our prayers and said out loud, "for Ethan!" We have been following his story, even though we have never met. We pray for his recovery!
The Goldberg Family
You're in my prayers Ethan.
Hashem gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers!
Our family from California found your story from a URJ Camp Newman email and were instantly moved and compelled to help. We hope the prayers of our community will help in your healing process.
Wishing you blessed Chanukah!
The Bloom-King family - San Francisco
Thoughts and prayers from our family to yours on this Eighth Night for Ethan.
Hilary, Joel, Brooke and Harry Suddleson
Prayers for Ethan.
"Against all hope, in hope I believe..." Romans 4:18
Mindi, Friend to Deb and Marc
Sending you strength and positive thoughts to help with your recovery.
The Hert family in NY
Sending you strength and hope from our family in Providence, RI. We have been talking about Ethan and our children have made a donation on this eighth night of Chanukah.
Betsy, Ken (GUCI '79-'81), Naomi and Daniel (both at Eisner Camp) Shimberg
Thinking of you Ethan and send love from our family to yours.
The Amsteys
Our thoughts are with all of you on this night of Hannukah.
Love and hope from Oakville, Canada.
Eva, Eli, Anat, Bob, Lea, Cordell and Sophie
Thinking of Ethan on the last night of Hannukah.
Becca Anolick
On this final night of Hanukkah, I shared Ethan's story with my two twelve-year-olds who attend URJ Camp Harlam. They decided to donate some of their Hanukkah "gelt" to help with medical costs. Prayers for speedy progress during Ethan's recovery.
Susan Goldstein-Jimenez, Rachel Jimenez and Ben Jimenez
Thinking of you all on this 8th night of Chanukah! Wishing you love and prayers,
Lauren, Todd, Jacob, Jed and Rachel Chizner, a URJ Crane Lake Camp family.
On this 8th night of Chanukkah, we send Ethan love and prayers from Champaign!
The Israels
Tonight on our family's annual Chanukah tzedakah night, we have decided to donate to HelpHOPELive in Ethan's honor. We think of Ethan often since we heard of this tragic event in the early summer. Sending Ethan and his family warm wishes on this last night of Chanukah. Fondly, The Sullivan Family
Heather, Patrick, Nate, Matthew, Ben and Rachel Sullivan
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family on this 8th night of Hannukah.
Barbara Starr - Bergen County NJ
Sending our love and support to you on this 8th night of Chanukah. from the Holtzman/Kline family, a URJ Camp Kalsman family
Kathy Kline and Louis, Briana and Michael Holtzman
URJ Camp George supports you Ethan and we will be thinking of you tonight as we all light the menorah!
Jeff Dicker
Ethan will be in our thoughts tonight as we light the 8th candle for him. We don't know Ethan, altho we are friends of the Weinstein's and that is how we heard about you. On this special night of miracles, we hope the best for Ethan. Happy Chanukah to the entire family.
The Lowe's, in Milwaukee
Pip Lowe
Tonight at work and at Home we lit all blue candles in support of Ethan.
Sending our love and support from Israel
Jacob Klaven (Velis Media and Israel Phone Rentals)
tonight as we light our eighth candle we will be thinking of Ethan and his family, as we offer a gesture of support from the Wahles, a URJ Eisner Camp family...
Bruce, Ellen and Danny Wahle
Scott, Alexia and Family
Thinking of you and wishing you all continued strength and our prayers! Ferne and Harold!
Ferne and Harold Ross
Sending you love from URJ's Eisner and Crane Lake Board!
Roberta Franco Glick
After 15 collective years at GUCI in total, our family, including our Ethan, sends you wishes for continued recovery and chazak, strength. Heidi, Harris, Ethan, and Darcy Schild, Sandusky OH
The Schild family
To Ethan & The Kadish Family,
Wishing you a wonderful holiday and prayers for speedy recovery!
The Weingers, Gilstens & Guttermans
To Ethan & The Kadish Family,
We send you our prayers and wishes for a full recovery. Happy Hanukkah =) Your new friends from URJ Eisner Camp!
The Leventhal Family
In honor of Ethan, the Kadish Family, Thanksgiving and Chanukah, we have dedicated this night to making a difference by making a donation to HelpHOPELive! This GUCI family wishes the Kadish family continued strength and healing.
Josh, Robyn, Ryan and Ian Plaskoff of Carmel, IN
Dear Kadish Family
We send you our very best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. From a Pittsburgh EKC family to your GUCI family, we send our regards.
Plaut family
As a GUCI alum, I heard about and was deeply moved by your story and Eighth Night for Ethan video.
Robin Rodenberg English
Sending light, love and strength to Ethan, my childhood friend Alexia and her family and their inspired community of support. I celebrate your resilience, courage and positivity. You are in my thoughts each day.
Diana Scott-Monck
We heard about your story at our synagogue today in Mt Laurel NJ. We are all praying for your speedy recovery!
Brown Family
That Bat Mitzvah was in Manhasset, NY!
The Wesson Family
Your story was mentioned by the Rabbi at our friend's Madelyn's Bat Mitzvah yesterday. We are happy to make a donation in her name. We wish your family all the best
Our granddaughter was at the camp at the time of the incident and we feel a connection. We had our Congregation here in New Jersey pray for Ethan.
We hope our donation helps defray what appear to be enormous costs.
Arlene and Don Fultonberg
I am glad to dedicate my eighth night of Hannuka to Ethan. I don't know your family, but feel connected to you through the GUCI family and simply as a mother. I was a long time GUCI camper and staffer and my daughter was at camp during the tragic lightening strike. I think of you and your family and all of your strength of spirit and am glad to do what I can to support Team Ethan.
Karen Dill Siegel
Ethan, sending you best wishes for a quick recovery. PS) Terrific website by HelpHOPELive!
Nathalie Cohen ( Redondo Beach, CA)
I wonder if anyone in America now has as many friends as Ethan! I doubt it; I think he is NUMBER ONE!!!
Dan Hoffheimer
Ethan I met you once with Max Marino at his birthday party, and let me tell you, you are a funny,kind, smart kid that I enjoyed to be around. Stay Strong.
Noah Patterson
The recent donation, in the name of David Anolick, is a gift from NFTY GER. As a region we send our love and support to Ethan, and the entire family.
The NFTY GER Family as well as the Group Four Family
Ethan - I've known your Dad since grade school - and know your grandparents well. My husband Roy and I have you and your family in our prayers -
Mabelan Correa
To Ethan Kadish
I know you father and I still to this day remember playing football with him - I'll never forget playing defense with him and others notably Chris Grossi. One play a running back came through and one of our teammates came up and knocked the guy backwards - Chris and I looked at each other and then saw your Dad get up from the tackle smiling!
He's a heck of a fighter and know he'll be in your corner.
Best Wishes,
Jay Correa
We first heard about Ethan's story in our local Jewish Transcript paper in Seattle. No words can clearly express the anguish your family has endured over Ethan's injuries. We send our love, prayers, and donation for support and even though there are so many just like us that you have never met, we are routing Ethan on for a complete recovery. Hugs to your family...
Lori Hara-Horowitz & Ed Horowitz
Good luck Ethan... The body is amazing and in time, you will get better.
Dan Rosenthal / Tampa, Fl.
The road was not of your choosing and it is uncertain what will be encountered. You have the light of God to guide you to the the destination you are chosen to arrive at. His blessings may seem strange but your strength will be multiplied by the love of those that know you so you will succeed. Our prayers are with you on your journey to a new life.
Tom Donner
My daughters were at URJ Camp Harlam when Ethan was struck by lightening at URJ Camp GUCI. When I told them about Ethan's injury and the fund that was established, they wanted to help. My older daughter's Bat Mitzvah was October 12th and she decided to donate a portion of the money she received to the fund for Ethan (instead of toward her original Mitzvah project). Our whole family is pulling for your family as Ethan's recovery continues.
Beth Schwartz
I am one of 9 women who play canasta once a week in Louisville. We call ourselves the Lucky Ladies, as we are blessed in so many ways. We are happy to turn our losses of the past few months into a win for Ethan! You are in our thoughts.
Sue Rosen
As a staff member at a URJ camp, Ethan's story hit quite close to him! Wishing your strong young man a speedy recovery and great health in the future. Sending my thoughts and prayers to Ethan and the rest of your family!
I wish all of you strength and peace. I am a friend of Shannon Bodenstein who posted this on Facebook.
Alice Ruebusch
I'm the grandmother of children in the Loveland School District (Josh and Sydney Bodenstein) and will be making a donation to help with expenses.
Lillian Westfelt
Everyone in the Loveland school district is thinking of you and is with your family in spirit.
Shannon Bodenstein
Alexia and Scott,
Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. We are sending healing vibes to Ethan. Stay strong.
XO Nicole, Joel, Bailee and Jonah
Nicole Starr
Once a Giant, always a Giant -- God Bless you and your family
Joe, Abby, Hannah, Patty and Scott Pawlikowski
My son and his classmates at Loveland Middle School took it upon themselves to show their support of Ethan by raising money which will be donated via HelpHOPELive. A small contribution from the large hearts of the students and faculty at LMS. Prayers for Ethan and family.
May G-d bless you all! Sending Love, Prayers and Money.
Praying for you and sending you and your family lots of love...
I am Brendan Parker Granpa. Keep fighting. I will be praying for Ethan
Ron Mc Cane Coleraine' Township
Hi Scott and Alexia, I just read about Ethan's accident and am very humbled and moved by your situation. I can only imagine the feelings of terror that overtook you- and now there is the long road ahead. I wish you the strength to take help from those around you and continue to love yourselves and each other as you all gather round Ethan and help him to recover. Refu'ah Shlemah! Wishing you well with all my heart!
Esti Karson Mercer Island
As a family of GUCI Alumni, we are so saddened by this tragedy. We send you our prayers for your strength and Ethan's health and comfort.
Sally Cotlar, Indianapolis
Hi Ethan and family. Our grandson Joseph was on your baseball team and told us of your injury. You are now being prayed for daily by the St. Mary's Prayer Chain in Elyria, Ohio. May God send you many blessings and healing strength.
Celie Pawlikowski, Elyria, Ohio
My nephew Levi was in the session at GUCI after Ethan, and his Bar Mitzvah was on August 24, a further connection to Ethan. Part of his Mitzvah project is to raise awareness of Ethan’s condition and the road ahead for Ethan and your family. He spoke to the congregation about Ethan and your family. No help can be enough, but my hope is that this small gift and many more like it will offer support to Ethan and your family. All of you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers, and we wish you continued strength.
Joseph Kahn, Washington, DC
Ethan, I don't know you but I am a GUCI alum. I have been following this story since it occurred and am saying a Mi Shebeyrach for you.
Jessica Faust-Maiten, Los Angeles, CA
Ethan, you and your wonderful family are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to recover. God Bless You.
Nancy Hood, Cincinnati, Ohio
Ethan, I read your story and I'm praying for you and your family through this time. You will recover and be such a strong young man. Please keep reaching for the stars and all of your goals that you have.
Tina Reedy, Loveland Ohio
You do not know me, but I heard your story on Facebook from Mandy. I wanted to let you know that I am going to add Ethan's name to the names read for healing at our Synagogue, Morristown Jewish Center Beit Israel, in Morristown, NJ and share his story with our Rabbi. In addition, I will be thinking and praying for you all this week that G-d give you strength and courage in the New Year. With Love, Jeanne Stifelman and family
Jeanne Stifelman, NJ
Our son Alex was at camp with Ethan this summer, as were my nephews, the Kleymeyers. We have been thinking of your son, praying for your family, and hoping for Ethan's recovery since that day. Our rabbi Sharon Henry brought your family's struggles to the attention of all our congregants during her sermon on Rosh Hashanah. May your whole family find strength in the new year - strength in body and spirit. We are all with you and with Ethan. With love, the Korzeniwsky family.
Terri Glueck, Pittsburgh
I remember hearing this happened in late June on the local news. I'm pulling for you, Ethan, and will look forward to your continued progress.
Lindy Disney, Cincinnati, Ohio (Anderson Twp.)
Dear Kadish family,rabbi Judy chesin ,temple Beth or in Dayton related your tragedy at temple Beth or last week.it has been in our thoughts and prayers ,and will remain there as you struggle through this terrible challenge.our contribution will not begin to meet your costs,but know that we care.elaine and Joe Bettman,Dayton,Ohio
Elaine and Joe Bettman,Dayton,ohio
Dear Alexia and Scott,
Our hearts are broken for Ethan and all your family. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
We pray that he continues to recover.
Love, Laura and Irv Karl
Laura and Irv Karl Mercer Island, Wash
My thoughts and prayers are with Ethan and you. I do not know you, but I am a mom, and could not imagine what you must be going through. May the strength of your community help you through this, and may you never lose hope for a full recovery for your dear son, Ethan.
Cathy/Northville, Michigan
Oopsies. I am the author of the lengthy entry below and see a typo. (That's what I get for posting without proofing!) Regarding hope, it should read: ...no matter how utterly grave, dangerous, mentally exhausting any situation can be, hope is a feeling, a kind of lifting, a knowledge that the grave situation is smaller than HOPE.
Susan Blumenthal Donchin, Oklahoma City, OK
To the Kadish family,
I learned of Ethan's story a few days after it happened and have kept him in my prayers ever since. Sometimes I exercise very early in the morning under a backyard tree, beginning by closing my eyes and silently praying for those in my life who need physical healing in various ways. Ethan has been there in my prayers many many times. No, I've never met you or Ethan but my two kids, aged 20 and 18, are both staffers at URJ Greene Family Camp in Texas, so in a very special way we are in fact family.
In my prayers I envision God's golden/white light and energy hovering around Ethan's body as well as flowing through each and every cell within. I envision God sending special healing energy within each neuron of Ethan's brain and 'neuro highway systems' up and down his body.
These are the things I pray for your son. God did not leave Ethan out there alone in the field nor is Ethan alone in his recovery. Neither are you - those who love him the most - as well as those who provide medical care.
I had a dream years ago in which I was given the definition of hope: that no matter how utterly grave, dangerous, mentally exhausting any situation can be, hope is a feeling, a kind of lifting, a knowledge that the grave situation is smaller than the disaster. Hope is bigger in size than anything that tears at your heart. In hope there can be a kind of emotional release.
I am learning about Psalms. In Psalms there is all kind of human emotion. Joy, despair, anger, love, frustration, hope, faith, etc. Obviously I don't know how you feel about any of this, but I pulled out a couple passages for you in case you're interested: Psalm 31:3 - Incline Your ear to me; be quick to save me; be a rock, a stronghold for me, a citadel, for my deliverance. Psalm 121:1-2 I turn my eyes to the mountains; from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.
I will continue to envision God's healing light within and surrounding your son, paving the way to recovery.
Susan Blumenthal Donchin, Oklahoma City, OK
Thinking of Ethan and your family during this difficult time. Happy to donate to Ethan's fund to ease any difficulty for you and the family. May the connection to family and friends be of comfort and bring peace to you and your loved ones.
Anita and Murray Dock, Blue Ash, Ohio [email protected]
Sending you lots of healing prayers. Love from Suzanne's friend Maria and her family
Maria Cominis Glaudini
From The Lefton Family
Vicki Denenberg
Our thoughts and prayers for the Kadish family and for Ethan's continued recovery. You are our heroes... Stay strong.
The Echevarria family, Cincinnati OH
From the "Swampscott/Marblehead Area Temple Youth (SMARTY)
Rabbi David J. Meyer
My thought and prayers are with you, it's so sad to read. May God be with you to strength your family through this difficult time. Amen
Gail MORAVSKY . Nashville TN
Our thoughts and prayers are with you for continued strength and healing.
Rabbis Susan & Rick Rheins, Josh, Sam & Jakob; Englewood, CO
Wishing Ethan and family a smoothe recovery. It is amazing what you can accomplish with determination, love, strength and support. Never forget: anything is possible!
Suzanne Baker, GUCI alumni, Squamish, BC
Dear Kadish Family, although we have not met, my daughter was at camp with Ethan and he is in our thoughts and prayers often. Having worked on a TBI unit myself for many years, my heart is aching for you all. I am glad to see the fundraising campaign and I hope it makes life a little easier as Ethan recovers.
The Kaufman family, Lexington,KY
We are praying every day for Ethan's recovery. We wish your family the continued strength that has been such an inspiration to so many. Please know that you are all in our thoughts daily.
The caller Family
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Scott. GOD has his hands in this situation....he has the POWER to heal...just pray and lean on him for strength. GOD Bless.
Carla Cobb
Dear Kadish Family, You are in our thoughts and deeply in our hearts. Camp has been a part of our family for 40+ years. I hope with our support of HelpHOPElive we can help in your journey to bring Ethan home.
The Klotzman Family, Solon, OH
Sending prayers to you and your family for your full recovery.
Lynn Moser (friend of Jen Smilg's mom) Great Neck, NY
Our thoughts and prayers to out to you and your family. We will keep you in our hearts always.
Scott and Monica Shapiro
Monica and Scott Shapiro
As a former camper of GUCI for 7 years, I know how special a place it is to spend your summer. I was glued to the internet when this news broke, even though I live in Toronto. My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family since that horrific day. I wish you all the best in your recovery!
Jennifer Shneer
Prayers for you Ethan and to your family. Keep fighting, keep believing.
the Ritchey Family, Centreville, VA
So sorry to hear about the tragic accident, but I hope the support from HelpHOPELive will make Ethan's transition back home easy. I pray for his continued recovery.
RBI - Temple Emanu-El, Dallas, TX
Dear Kadish Family,
Having just returned from Camp Mountain Chai in southern CA with my 5 year-old grandson, I fully understand the importance of camp. I wish you a quick recovery and a New Year filled with good health and happiness.
Stacey Kasendorf, Temple Emanu-El, San Diego, CA
Dear Kadish family,
As part of the URJ Eisner Camp family, I send you my wishes for the strength to meet your challenges and the hope for a better tomorrow. --Lisa Berman
Lisa Berman, Newton, MA
As a former staff member at URJ Eisner Camp, your story touched us all. At Crane Lake Camp this summer we offered Mishebeirach prayers for you, your family and your caretakers. May you smile never fade. We're all rooting for you!
Amy and Peter Dattner-Levy/Baldwin NY
I had followed the tragic events through the news and prayed for all of the victims to find the courage and strength to heal. My thoughts are with you as you proceed on this next phase of your recovery. I hope that knowing that your are loved by your community helps you on this path.
Elisa Newman, MD, Temple Emanuel Beverly Hills
G-d Bless you and your Family, Ethan! I am praying that He will give you the strength and courage and Faith to continue fighting for your recovery in our New Year! Our entire Movement is surely behind your complete recovery!
R. K. (Shelley) Schwartz,Temple Ohabei Shalom, Brookline, MA
We are praying for your recovery. Our thoughts are with you & your family, Ethan.
The Poliner Family, Cincinnati
I just received the e-mail from Rick Jacobs and saw, for the first time, the name of the young man who was injured. I'm so sorry that you and your family are going through this struggle. Please know that Ethan and your family are in my family's thoughts and prayers.
Hank Rouda, Hartsdale, NY
I just read your story and my heart aches for all of you and all who know your beloved son. Though we have never met, i send strength, courage, and determination to face tge road ahead.
Rabbi Yael Ridberg, La Jolla, CA
Our hearts, prayers, and thoughts are with you and your family, Ethan.
The Lobar Family
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In honor of Ethan S Kadish
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