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Oct 2007, Kelley was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis (TM), a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the myelin sheath. Her infection was caused by a parasite (Schistosomiasis) she obtained on the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia, in 2004. It took three years for the parasite to manifest. Kelley has severe nerve pain and is paralyzed at T-10 level.

Kelley Kalafatich is raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses, personal products needed for Kelley’s daily Colostomy care; nightly foley Catheter; daily Catheterizing (Baby wipes, rubbing alcohol, iodine, magnesium citrate (bones and bowels reg.), osteoporosis supplements, biotene, clorox wipes,..etc). Van$ DMV License$; Insurance$; Maintenance replaced parts – like water pump; Tires (rotation, and grease axle and boots, 4×4,..etc).

Updates (3)

December 28, 2015

My little device dog Wilbur has gone through cataract surgery and is doing great. It has been the best gift of my life for my little guy to see again. Thank you all who helped me .

December 28, 2015

It has been a while since I've updated my progress.

April 2014: I had a pain pump implant.

I have been spending summers in Montana. Except for the 2014 summer I spent in Folsom, trying to get the titration of medication right with new pain pump. April- Aug...5 long months of excruciating pain. Doctors never did get the titration right!!!; the catheter leading up my spine never did give relief. I was in terrible severe nerve pain all summer. In Aug I was having headaches and stiff neck and a temperature....and ended up getting spinal meningitis from the catheter opening getting septic. Aug-Sept 2014, I spent 30 days in the hospital on antibiotics. Afterwards I rehabilitated Nov-May, at the Brain Health Clinic in Sacramento CA, with Therapist Tori Trask. I went every day, 5 days a week recovering from the meningitis and severe nerve pain by using Neurofeedback treatment.

Primary I have been struggling with nerve pain sense I've been injuried. Just trying to keep my head above water.

I want to thank everyone who had contributed to my campaign. These funds have helped me with with medical bills and rehab with Brain Health Clinic.

Thank you for donating to my campaign before Dec 31 and receive a tax saving in 2015