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In 2006, my dad had his first heart attack at the age of 35 while on duty as an Undercover Police Detective. Since that day, My family and I have learned the true test of heart disease and heart failure; following 20 heart attacks, one occipital stroke that took half of his vision, two implantable defibrillators/pacemakers, 23 shocks from the defibrillators, and multiple surgeries to buy us more time to find a solution for his steadily weakening heart. My dad has always stayed active and has come back from every set back that his heart challenges him with, and now its my turn to return a kindness and help him get a new heart to make him stronger. For my little brother, Lukas who is 12 years old; for myself, Nicole to see my father around long enough to have grandchildren, for our family to share life and laughter with; and for his friends, who he would lay his own life down for.
My dad joined the Air Force right out of high school in 1988; leaving behind his small town in New Mexico to see the world and make a difference. He became a Security Police Officer, where he traveled from the U.S. to the Pacific including Japan, Korea, Guam and Hawaii. When he was honorably discharged in 1992, he moved to Dallas, TX and soon became a cross trained Firefighter/Police Officer/EMT for The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Department of Public Safety and served for 5 years; where his civil service began.
After being paralyzed from the waist down in 1996 and having to learn how to walk again following a major accident at the airport, my father joined the Plano Police Department in 1998 to continue to serve his community. At Plano PD, he served for 19 years, 17 of those as a Narcotics Detective. He has spent his life dedicated to protecting and serving those around him. He has been nominated as Officer of the Year and received countless Commendations and Chiefs Unit awards. My dad has been there for his fellow officers and those in need. I believe it is his turn to receive a gift that he desperately needs. If he hasn’t earned this heart, I don’t know who would deserve it.
Like many other out there, my dad lives on his disability insurance from his work as a Police Officer. That income can barely sustain his medical bills from ongoing heart failure. Now that we have received the diagnosis and he’s now waiting on getting on the transplant list for a heart, we must find other means of paying for his heart failure IV medication along with his other medication, co-pays, deductible not covered by insurance for the the heart transplant specialist visits, post-transplant costs that include anti-rejection drugs that he will need to take for the rest of his life. This medication is estimated to cost at least $5000/month.
Your donation can help ease the huge financial burden of the costs to get the heart transplant and to make a life worth living for my Dad in a world where he can receive a heart. He will then be able to focus on his strength and recovery post-transplant for my little brother and our family for a long life ahead.
Family and friends of Kevin Lopez are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
Kevin has chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
Jan. 20, 2023: It’s not everyday you get to meet your heart! Today we visited Dad’s “original” heart; the Heart-to-Heart program at Baylor University Medical Center Dallas allows patients, who are willing, to meet and say goodbye to their heart after its removal for transplant in order to learn more about the damage it sustained during their lifetime.
We met with Dr. William Roberts (the longest tenured cardiologist at Baylor) and his Clinical Coordinator, Saba, to learn more about what kind of damage Dad’s heart had undergone. Dr. Roberts claimed he had never witnessed such a scarred heart during his time studying extracted hearts before. The heart was so thin in places that you could visibly see through membranous tissue. As estimated, Dad’s ejection fraction was about 10% at the time of its removal (compared to the average 50-75% of most adults); combined with the immense scarring from so many cardiac events and attacks, the heart itself looked to be incredibly enlarged (the average heart is the size of a fist, his appeared to be 3x that size.)
It is a testament to Dad’s strength that his heart held on by literal fibers until the time of transplant called. How he lasted so long with such intense damage we will never know; other than by sheer force of will to live. It is also a reminder of how important taking care of your body is; not only for your health but for your longevity.
We want to thank the staff at BUMC, as well as Shannon Murray and Good Morning Fox 4 for sending their cameraman, David, to cover their upcoming story on this amazing experience we all shared today! We are excited to share the behind the scenes coverage and how special it truly was.
Jan. 12, 2023: DIVE! DIVE! DIVE! Dad completed his 1st hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) treatment today at R3 Wound Care and Hyperbarics; HBOT dives are a great way to aide the wound healing process; using increased atmospheric pressure and 100% oxygen levels, each session is about 2 hours long and he can relax and enjoy Netflix in the giant, acrylic chamber while the simulated pressure (equivalent to being about 33 feet under water) helps bring more oxygen to his tissues.
This is something that we greatly need, to help his wound healing along more to get him to cardiac rehab sooner rather than later.
Dec. 31, 2022: 2022 has been a hell of a year for the Lopez’s!
Sometimes numbers can put reality into perspective for us. This year we had:
-6 Emergency room visits
-43+ doctors office visits
-60 total days admitted to hospital (including infections, pre/post transplant, and emergencies)
-7 Cath Labs
-6 Picc lines
-40+ Different Medications
-2 wound vacs
-30+ different doctors and specialists that worked together to make this miracle possible.
-50+ nurses (including home health) who cared for us along the many admissions to hospital.
-COUNTLESS new friends made, old friends reaching out, and family who supported us each step of the way.
-1 new heart from a donor we are forever grateful to.
We were the 49th heart transplant that Baylor University Medical Center achieved in 2022. October 23rd will forever be our heart-iversary. And a human being donated their organs to save me, and countless others, in the ultimate sacrifice a person can make.
The past year has been heart-wrenching, inspirational, difficult, painful, hopeful, and most of all: life-changing. We are so grateful to everyone who helped us and continues to help and support us as we continue to now face recovery and the financial aftermath of transplant; this journey is not over and the fight to keep on livin continues!
Dec. 20, 2022: Dad got his 2nd heart biopsy and right/left heart cath today!
These are a routine procedure that heart transplant recipients go through to check/measure different aspects of their new organ. It includes taking a small biopsy of the new heart, measuring pressures inside, and examining the overall health of the heart (for plaques or any identifiable issues).
The results were: Dad’s new heart is doing GREAT! The heart is healthy, pressures look good, arteries are clean, and he’s healing well on the inside!
He had his antibiotic picc line removed yesterday (yay!) and is starting to slowly gain some energy back as his wounds continue to heal after being cleared of signs of infection. Although he’s faced setbacks in the healing/recovery process, we are being as patient as we can to allow his body to heal to the best of his ability.
Dec. 8. 2022: On Wednesday, we went in for a follow-up with his cardio-thoracic surgeons office and they took off one of his wound vacuums, so now he only has one machine to carry around! His wounds are healing up nicely; the worst part of this whole event has been the affect the antibiotics and meds have had on him: he basically feels crummy most of the time.
In other news, we did notice that since Dad’s heart transplant his hair has darkened and is growing thicker on his head and his beard! So a new heart might be the cure to male pattern baldness and grey hair or he’s an anomaly.
Nov. 28, 2022: An update straight from the horses mouth: we are anticipating my dad being released from the hospital sometime this week. He went in to the hospital last Monday with what we discovered were wound infections, which then had a Covid diagnosis also added to it over the weekend. He’s been feeling quite “cruddy” lately but his team is watching everything closely as is our family.
His medical team at Baylor is helping us coordinate his home health and wound care (which sounds simpler than it actually is); we are so grateful for their help during every step of the way. Let’s get him out so he can start recovery 2.0!
A small bump (or infection) in the road to recovery... On Monday (Nov. 22, 2022) Kevin was re-admitted to Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX after a recent transplant clinic visit; concern was raised after one of his surgical sites opened and has now been found to have signs of early infection.
Due to the high risk of infection spreading after his recent heart transplant, as a result of the anti-rejection medications creating an immunosuppressant response in his body, healing this wound has become priority number one. The day before Thanksgiving he got to experience the placement of a wound vac (for the first time); he has officially become a human space bag! Through the use of negative pressure the wound vac will keep his wound clean and help pull the tissue together to heal properly.
Day 17 (Nov. 10, 2022): Thank you so much to BUMC and all the staff for giving us such a special send off back home today! We even got to be walked out the door by one of our favorite nurses, Tierra; all the staff has been so amazing to us and made this experience special. Home here we come.
Day 17 (Nov. 10, 2022): Today we leave Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX to go HOME!
Day 11 (Nov. 3, 2022): Today they removed Kevin's last IV line from his neck; that means no more tubes, wires, or long-term IV's are left! HOORAY!
Day 8: Happy Halloween 2022 from us in Cardiac Recovery at Baylor Dallas! Kevin got out of the room and walked a bit today... with a surprise costume to bring a smile to the amazing nursing and hospital staff who have helped this first week out of transplant. Stay heart-y!
Day 5: Today Kevin had his chest drainage tubes (the tubes removing fluid buildup within his chest cavity and near new heart) removed! Kind of gnarly to think these two large tubes bend around his lungs and have been keeping fluid draining from the surgical area for the past week.
Day 5: Moving slow but feeling fast! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Day 3: Kevin’s first walk on Oct. 26th, 2022! According to his doctors and team he is ahead of schedule and doing great with no abnormal complications!!
Day 1 Post Transplant: Kevin’s update in his own words! Tomorrow they are planning to take him for his first steps and walk post procedure, and hopefully removing his drainage tubes from his chest. Feeling truly blessed today!
At about 11:00 am, Oct. 23, 2022, Kevin rolls into the OR at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX to receive his life saving heart transplant! We are grateful and thankful for his donor and the sacrifice they and their family made for us to receive this gift. We pray and hope that one day we can meet their family and let them know how special this gift truly is.
Day 26: At 2:13 am on Oct. 23, 2022, we received the call from the transplant team that a heart was available for transplant!
Day 10: Started out rough, but got to end the day and the week with a delicious burger from Twisted Root Burger Co. with some "medical grade" green chile!
Day 9: Visited with my daughter today and got a new decor addition to my room!
Day 8: Kind of rough day; staying positive while getting some fresh air.
Day 6: Today we explored (and possibly got lost) Baylor Heart and Vascular Center in Dallas, TX to pass the time while waiting another day for a heart transplant.
Day 3: In the books! We truly appreciate all the support and prayers we have received and will keep the fight up!
Day 2: Great news! I have been updated to a status 3 on the transplant listing. This allows my case to be seen as more urgent and hopefully brings me closer to a new heart sooner!
Day 1: Entering Baylor Heart and Vascular Center in Dallas, TX to wait for a new heart for transplant. Join me on my journey to a new heart and new health!
We had our first event outing while Dad is in the hospital yesterday at Celina Oktoberfest 2022; we were able to meet a lot of people and spread the word on his fundraiser and story! Overall we had a successful outing and hope we can keep making it to events!
Today's event at Black Gold Harley Davidson went great! We had a successful turn out and enjoyed seeing everyone that stopped by to see Kevin in his last in-person event; he is going to the hospital until he receives his transplant this coming Wednesday (9.28.22). We want to say thank you to everyone who purchased raffle sweepstakes tickets, pool squares, and donated!! We couldn't do this without your support and generosity!
Today we got news we hadn't been hoping for from the Heart Transplant Team. My dad will be admitted into Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC) Heart Hospital in Dallas indefinitely after a heart catheter procedure on September 28th until he receives his heart transplant.
This is due to the worsening of his condition related to heart failure and the boundaries of out-patient therapies and medications that he has been using being met, his doctors determined it will be best for him to be on increased medication and full time monitoring. They are allowing us two weeks to organize ourselves for his admission but we cannot wait much longer.
This has some positive aspect in that being hospitalized will increase his status on the list to a more urgent need than he is currently listed; i.e. this is will lead to him receiving a heart sooner.
The challenges we face are now the separation of my dad from our home, my brother and I, and his worsening state. My dad and I had scheduled to appear at a few DFW events to promote his medical fundraiser, but I will be taking the lead on these in his absence. I would like to ask our friends and supporters for help in any way that they can; either through attending an event to help me with setting up his fundraiser booth or staying with me during the events to help attract donators. We could also use some visitors to the hospital once we know more details and figure out his needs as his condition progresses.
I live over an hour from Dallas BUMC (the hospital) and am going to do my best to be there for my dad to take care of any extra needs he may have; I am a full time student, full time employee, and will be taking on my brother’s schedule in lieu of my dad’s hospitalization.
He is fighting with all he’s got and doesn’t want anyone feeling sorry for him. He will never admit how hard this really is. He hopes his struggle will motivate others to never quit and always be a Warrior!
We need help now more than ever before. Donations to his @helphopeliveorg medical fundraiser help our family be able to be together without going completely broke. This is a process I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but we are staying as vigilant as possible to overcome what my dad faces. We know he can do it.
Today Kevin got his PICC line changed to a Hickman line to hopefully create less complications at the insertion site. It is a day-surgery where they make an incision into the right, upper chest and direct the catheter tube into a vein entering the upper heart; his main heart failure medication will now hopefully have more sterility and less irritation at this point of entry.
Now we just cross our fingers and hope that this site won't cause as many issues!
Well Kevin is back in the hospital with an irritated/possibly infected picc line site.
Last night, the decision was made to admit him to the hospital due to irritation and inflammation at the site, and to have an infectious specialist meet with him per his cardiologist. They also moved the picc line from his right arm to his left arm, near his elbow. Sterility and infection control is a major priority in relation to his picc line due to it being a direct route to his heart, and any infection on the outside can get directly his heart that is already working so hard with the medication to keep him going until we receive the transplant.
Thank you to his longtime cardiologist Dr. Bavikati and Gabina Gosse for getting him seen and attended to in a timely manner last night! We couldn't do this without our team and supporters with us every step of the way!
So, it's been a while since we updated everyone on Kevin's health. Today, he experienced his 23rd defibrillator shock while organizing his belongings in his new bedroom. Fortunately, it was only one shock he received and we spoke to his physicians and transplant team and he didn't need to go to the ER.
The past month has been quite hectic for us; getting my dad moved into our home has been very important for days like today most especially and unpacking is nearly done. He's completely moved in now, although he has been testing the limits of his fatigue and energy levels and we believe that may be what triggered todays episode. So if you have the time, send Kevin a message and tell him to take it easy!!
OFFICIALLY LISTED TODAY!! After some slight delays after being approved to be listed, for more evaluations and testing, today he was listed officially on UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing)! Now we begin the daunting part of this experience, the actual wait for a new heart...
We wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting our journey through this difficult time along the way! We have LOVED seeing everyone wearing their Heart of A Warrior shirts! It's a very emotional time right now but we're ready for the fight.
April 14, 2022:
Just received great news from Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC) Dallas!
I cannot describe the feelings and emotions I’m going through right now! God is good! This is huge news for my family and I! It will take about two weeks to get everything approved with the insurance companies and then I’ll be able to get listed. Huge milestone today y’all, HUGE!!
Thanks again for all the help yesterday Shannon Murray FOX 4, Kevin Bell and Good Day Fox 4!
Thank you to Shannon Murray and Fox 4 Good Day for picking up my dad's story! We've received such an outpouring of support and love after the broadcast and it's truly impossible to put into words how amazing the past 24 hours has been for us. Thank you to every donor and just know that we will keep fighting!
Every dollar counts and goes toward his fight; we hope to raise enough money to pay for his transplant/post-care expenses completely and then be able to give back to Help Hope Live and pay this kindness forward to another person in great need!!
Today was a BIG day for us! My dad interviewed with Shannon Murray FOX 4 this morning to share his heart health battle and need for a heart transplant in honor of #DonateLifeMonth! Don't worry; we'll let you know when to expect the story on @fox4news next week sometime!
Thank you to Shannon and Kevin (the cameraman) for picking up my dad's story and being so amazing in the interview process!
In the meantime, we have completed all of his evaluations for heart transplant consideration; next Thursday, Dr. Al-Saffar will present his case to a board of doctors, nurses, and surgeons to approve or deny his acceptability to receive a second chance at life. For now, we will wait until next week to hear if we have been accepted, denied, or require more testing. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue the fight!!
3.30.2022 Update: Thank You!
Another day, another couple evaluations completed.
We had another heart failure check-in yesterday at the Center of Advanced Cardio Care; Dr. Kabra is our home base for my dad's transplant process and maintaining his health to make it to that new heart successfully.
We also met with one of the cardiothoracic surgeons, Dr. Enter, who evaluated our chances of a successful transplant and (good news!)... my dad has a great chance of having a successful procedure based on his eval! We learned more about the surgery process from the surgeons POV and his information brought us a lot of comfort in the wake of all of this.
Bonus: It turns out us Hispanics have our OWN Cardiovascular Institute at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas TX!
Yesterday, we attended our Transplant Education Class and the Transplant Dietician Consultation!
Both are steps towards being presented to the Transplant Committee at BUMC Dallas, which is the most important decision we will be going up for Kevin's heart transplant; the committee can choose to accept, deny, or ask for MORE evaluations in order to list him. It's like applying to a very IMPORTANT college!
We have 6 more evaluations to complete with Baylor before Kevin's case is presented, so these next couple weeks are imperative for us. The Transplant Education class was nearly 3 hours long and incredibly packed with information; but from speaking to our team everyday, we think Kevin has a great chance at being accepted by the program! Keep us in your prayers and cross your fingers we get listed officially!
Thank you for your support and care! If you would like to donate to Kevin's transplant campaign, please visit https://helphopelive.org/campaign/19830/!
Getting our defibrillator checked!
We went to visit our electrophysiologist, Dr. Chhabra to get our defib check up. This is just another part of moving forward and hopefully one day not needing it anymore if we get a new heart! This little device has saved Kevin's life multiple times; he has been shocked by the defib over 20 times, just imagine being suddenly hit with a huge electrical charge at any given moment when it senses your heart issues...
Dr. Chhabra has been with us for awhile and made the process of having this car battery in my Dad's chest easier through his great care and friendship. Also, shoutout to the Medtronic tech, Josh!
Please keep donating and sharing this journey, every dollar counts and goes towards the medical costs associated with getting to the heart transplant! Visit https://helphopelive.org/campaign/19830/ to donate today!
Another test, another day closer to getting a new heart.
Kevin went for a sleep study (this must be his 5th one by now) this week; this evaluation is key to finishing some more requirements for his transplant listing. It also has the benefit of weird pictures.
DON'T FORGET: Join #TeamLopez and purchase a shirt at https://www.bonfire.com/heart-of-a-warrior-kevin/
to donate to his heart transplant fundraiser in benefit of his medical expenses!
THANK YOU TO Dental Care of Frisco, Dr. Grant and the team!!
Part of the journey to getting any organ transplant requires maintenance of oral health, for infection and sterility purposes. Now Kevin has received dental clearance after some work that was necessary to make his teeth viable for his heart health!
Due to years of medication-related tooth decay, this work was at the top of our urgent list to get him ready for transplant listing, so we cannot thank Dr. Grant, Cari Seelye & Chessa Hammond, and the whole team at the office for their quick and FANTASTIC work!! They made my Dad a high priority and understood our financial needs; through our fundraising efforts he was able to afford getting the necessary work done!!
If you're wondering why Kevin is visiting a Cancer Treatment Center, don't worry too much; he visits quite often to get his INR checked! Coumadin is an anti-coagulate that keeps his blood nice and thin (prevents those dangerous clots), but a side effect is that it makes your blood so thin that even a simple cut could be dangerous and cause excessive bleeding. That's why we keep him away from sharp edges and objects!
His doctors must also monitor the side effects of the drug, which is normally prescribed to patients much older due to the damage it can cause in younger patients; which he is already also experiencing.
Did you know that O type blood patients have the longest wait on an organ transplant list??
For those with O blood, like Kevin, the wait time averages over 470 DAYS for a compatible heart/organ to align with your availability/suitable condition!! The shortest wait-list blood type is also the rarest: AB blood! Congrats AB blood; you average about 24 days!!
Today, we visited the DFW Heart Transplant Center that is going to be our new home away from home during this journey. Many blood draws, appointments, evaluations, meetings, and more are awaiting us to get to this new heart; it’s kind of like applying for the most important job in your life! We want to thank everyone for their support and love during this journey!
How do you keep your heart going when experiencing heart failure?
Well, it's easy!
1. Start with an amazing cardiologist that has saved your life more than you can count. (Shout out Dr. Bavikati!)
2. Have a PICC line inserted through a vein in your arm that goes DIRECTLY to your weakening heart to administer medication to buy you more time to a heart transplant. Highly recommend; looks fun doesn't it?
3. Attach a portable IV infusion pump that you must wear 24/7 until said heart is found for you. Sure; it beeps a lot and you have to wear it everywhere (#manpurse) and a home health nurse (who is amazing and helps you feel more comfortable with your new life saving appendage) has to come twice a week to clean your insertion site due to infection risk and to make sure you're flushing the line everyday... But it keeps you moving! Don't forget to charge your IV pump, by the way!
This is what heart failure at the beginning of the heart transplant process looks like. Lots of medicine, bruises, fear, worry, and stress about whether you forgot to flush your IV line and may cause a blockage in your heart.
Home health nurses and doctors keep us moving and motivated during health issues when it seems impossible to do. Thank one today. And thank you to family and friends who are supporting us during this journey.
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God bless you Kevin.
Cheri Wheeler
I spoke to your daughter this past Christmas in Plano. I am a board member for America\'s Defenders Foundation and have something I\'d like to share with you. If you could please contact me.
[email protected]
Andrew Leonard
God Bless your journey Kevin
Glenn Forc
Praying for you Kevin!
gail leyko
You have been touching and impacting the lives of many people positively, including mine - I want you to keep doing that by getting through this.
Tak Wakimoto
Sending my love and support!
-Prof. Sanchez
Nealie Sanchez
Praying for you friend. Your old FTO.
Chuck Tippett
Kevin, we met you yesterday at the Parkinson’s ride. Read your story and hope to help you and your family. Rooting and praying for you!
Augustine Gomez
God bless you, Kevin. I’m so thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ that through prayer and support from family and friends, you will receive a new heart. Praying that all goes well in Jesus name, Amen.
Cheri Wheeler
Pulling for you and your family for a successful heart transplant! Thanks for your service to the Plano PD and our community.
Robert & Pam Mabry
From one DFW Redskins fan to another! #HTTR
Gillian Smoak
Stay strong. Go Commanders!
Alex Grey
HTTR bro, praying for you
John Echenique
Prayers for your entire family from another Founders family. I lost my dad to cancer when I was four and I would give anything to have him back. Good on you for advocating for your family!!
You are such a kind-hearted, selfless person that is much deserving of a heart transplant. We need more people like you on this earth. I will pray for God to stay by your side every step of the way to watch over you and to give you and your family the strength needed to push through. I\'m here for support if needed and keep smiling. That smile always brightened up the days.
God bless.
Belen Valdez
Sending love and prayers your way. Hang in there. You got this! (PPD Records 01-04)
Carmen Padilla
May God be with you.
Jeffrey Oakley
Best wishes on your journey to good health.
Dave Ergott
Retired DPS
David Ergott
Hang in there sir, you're one of the good ones
Gregory Jones
Hello I was really touched by your story that I told my husband about you that I want to donate and he told some of his friends and they are willing to donate as well they just want to know if they can mail out a check or is it just on here can you plz call me 972-971-0601
Virginia Canales
Thank you for your service! Blessings!
Zulema Morgan
My husband was retired, disabled from the Carrollton Police Dept. I don’t know how we would have made it without the help from our brothers & sisters in blue. I retired from the CPD as his cancer worsened to care for him. I appreciated the help we received during his last 2 years.
God Bless and Good Luck Kevin!
Kathy Pinkston
Kathy Pinkston
What a story you have any how brave you are. Praying for you and your kids to not loose hope. God still makes miracles!
Stay strong! Sending prayers!
Stephanie Valdez
Hang in there! You are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you have a new heart soon. I have great memories of your drug orientations when I was a grand jury prosecutor. Thank you for all of your great public service.
Paul A.
Paul Anfosso
Praying for you! Keep fighting, God’s got this!
Marcia Gates
Will be praying for you in my prayer group.
Sofia Piedra
You are so precious. So glad that God is bringing all of us together to support you. You keep thinking good, sweet thoughts and do not worry because everyone is pulling for you and you have God to protect you and bless you.......... will pray every day for YOU !!!
Connie D. Hedrick Plano, Tx
Prayers for total healing
Brenda Davis
Thank you for your many years of service. I pray that you find a heart and that your surgery goes well. God bless you and your family!
Susan Fegraeus
Thank you for your service and dedication!!
Valerie Ware
Praying for you!!!
You are whole in Jesus Name Amen!!!
Onotse Momodu
For a speedy recovery!
Thank you for your service.
Brian Castleberry
Kevin -Thank you very much for your service to our country and community
Geoff Riley
One of my best friends back in 1992 received a heart transplant
and lived a great live after for another 14 years. Your longevity should
be much longer in 2022.
God Bless
Thank you for all your service to our community and our country.
Elizabeth Carter
Just a small way to serve those who serve us. Praying for healing.
Morgan Harrison
Praying for Kevin and all those in need of assistance to get the help needed. Praying that God will supply ALL your needs! Linda Moffett
Linda Moffett
Kevin, keeping you and your family in my prayers, and wishing you the best my Plano PD Brother.......Neal
Neal Knowlton
God bless always
Praying for you and your future donor.
Debbie Branton
Sending you positive energy, love and light. Thank you for your service!
Pami and Brian Fine
You got this Kevin !!! May God bless you !!!
Michael Carriker
Thank you for your service!
Jodina Geren
Prayers being sent for you and your family!
Nancy McMenamy
Praying for you Kevin.
Clay Hodson, Retired Chief of Investigator's, Riverside Co DA
May God Bless you as you heal once you get the transplant done. J
May the Lord our God be with you.
Rey Martinez
May God keep you and your family.
Telisha Kirtdoll
Please Donate !!!! Anyone, like Kevin Lopez who has served our country, served his community as a police officer deserves our support… Our Prayers are with you Mr. Lopez.
Chris and Samantha Vigil
May God bless Kevin and his family.
Maria Butler
Love your warrior spirit and servant heart.
Shelley Reynolds
Stay strong my brother in blue . God bless
Rose Lopez
Thank you for your service!
Blessings on you and your family. And prayers for your wonderful return to health!
Nicki Willis
Thank you for your service and your touching story. Stay in the fight! You are a shining example to your children and your community. You will get your new heart and a 2nd chance at life. I know you will make the most of it.
Kaylann Ryan
Kevin, prayers brother. My family lives in McKinney, if you need anything - help around the house, a ride to the doc, just let me know. 469.765.2341
jerry casey
jerry casey
Thank you for your service! Praying for you and your family.
Thank you for you service and sharing your story with your beautiful kids!! You are loved!
Barbara Harris
Good luck, sir. Hang in there. Thank you for your service.
Alex Kim
Thank you for your service. May God hold you close!
Mike Fathke
Thank you for your service to the US and our community. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
Gina Foster
You are in our prayers. God bless you. Keep the faith. Wish we could more.
Raquel De Fraites
Thank you for your service! I’m praying for you ❤️
Kelly Little
We are praying for you K-Lo! With God all things are possible!
Freddie Hall
Praying for you Kevin!!
Lindsey Wynne
Keeping you in my prayers !
Kristen Weinheimer
God bless you , Kevin. Trust in the Lord with all your might, with all your hope, and with all your strength. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Shalom, brother!
Ida Hangen
Keep fighting!
Kike T
I only met you a short time ago but you are definitely one of the strongest men I know, you got this!!!
You and your family are in my thoughts & prayers. Thank you for your service!
Elizabeth Sauceda
praying for you Kevin!
gail leyko
From your neighbor in blue in Waco, Texas, sending prayers for healing and strength. You got this Kevin.
-Anita Johnson
Anita Johnson
Keep fighting brother!
Ali Turon
For you!
Jackie Mitchusson
You’re as tough as they come! Thank you for all of your service. Keep fighting!
MB & Tom Thomas (Terry’s sister)
Mary beth Thomas
Kevin, you are in our prayers daily. Please call us if you need anything.
We Love You,
Kent and Mary Beth
Mary Beth and Kent Burkett
Although we have bever met, I wish you the best on your journey! And will share your cause with others.
Carol Benton
Kevin, we are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
Rick Elskamp
Bridget & I always have, and always will, Back the Blue. Thank you for serving the DFW area. You, your wife and your kids are in our prayers. God Bless.
Mike & Bridget Melson
Sending my support for a fellow brother in blue. Hang in there!
Retired San Jose Police Department, #3082
Kevin Kyono
You got this Kevin!!
Larry Bartek
Get well brother... have you in my prayers... your brethren in blue... Amo
Amo Virk
Praying for you and your family!
- Ryan, Ashley & Jake Jernigan
Ashley Jernigan
Thinking of you & hoping all goes as it should.
-The Reids
Victoria & Justin Reid
Love and prayers, vato
Carloa Villegas
You're in our prayers!!!!
Frank McElligott
After reading your bio it is evident you are truly a fighter. You got this Kevin! We are sending prayers your way.
Kristin Nichols
Love you Kevin
Jose Gutierrez
Love you Kevin
Jose Gutierrez
Brian Quinn
You got this. New heart coming.
Warren Rooks
We are thinking of you and your family Kevin.. we love you... Mike and Courtney
Courtney Noel
Hand in there buddy. Everything will work out.
Jeff Kranz
God bless you my friend.
James Rich
Sending hugs, prayers and positive energy!
Theresa Nolte
Kevin is the best of the best ! Love you brother
Hang in there Kevin!
Max Townsend
Praying for Kevin!!
Gabriella Sadler
Saying many prayers. I always appreciated the work you did to help the community. You were a truly great officer.
Crystal Levonius
Praying for you
Rebecca Benavidez
I am not far! Please reach out if you need anything at all. Let's get you a new heart!
Katie Roberts
Love you Brother, You got this. Prayers for you and the family.
Paul Phillips
We wish all the best for you, Kevin.
Linda & Maya Lazcano
Love and Prayers for you and your family!
Shawnna Ragain
Blessed to know you, Kevin. There is no more deserving person.
Jeff Rich
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Kevin J Lopez
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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