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Help HOPE Live for Laurie Aman (Kammer)

Dear Friends and Family,

Updates (7)

June 8, 2022

I have wonderful news in regards to the large Medical bill for my catheters...

I was able to get support from my medical supply company and now the cost has been 100% covered!

I am soo very grateful and I honestly feel that knowing I have so much support makes me stronger on this journey. I will be using any funds raised here towards replacing my 11 year old custom padded shower chair that is a large cost and not covered by insurance.

Thank you all so very much


May 26, 2022

Update...copied from my profile above.

As some of you know, in 2017 I had a very complex surgery involving a bladder augmentation which took around 4 months to heal from...but has made my life SO much easier.

Since this surgery I have been able to obtain my medical supplies without difficulty...however that changed in December 2021 when Medicare changed their requirements for the type of catheter that I use.

So I ask for help with my latest challenge... to pay a large medical bill for my catheters.

I wanted to start this fundraising effort again and turn to my community for support because I have been hit with a huge medical bill for catheters that Medicare will no longer cover. I am still hopeful to work it out with Medicare so I can receive the coverage I need. Therefore, any funds raised will help in that regard and to help purchase uninsured medical equipment that needs to be replaced such as shower chairs or the expense of an adapted vehicle.

I very much thank you for your ongoing support. If you feel so moved, please share with your friends and families.

To help with the financial burden uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for the past 39 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by Help Hope Live in the Great Lakes Catastrophic Injury Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for injury-related expenses only. Please consider a contribution.

For credit card contributions, please select the "Give" button or call 800.642.8399. Or, make checks payable to: Help Hope Live; note in memo section: In honor of Laurie Aman; please send to: Help Hope Live, 2 Radnor Corporate Center, 100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100, Radnor, PA 19087

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!



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May 27, 2022

Always rooting for you Laurie in your journey! Wishing you all the best in the road ahead!

~ Korey

Korey Ouellette

May 26, 2022

Laurie, I'm sending you love, and wishing you health and happiness, always! :)

Timothy Donnel

November 15, 2014

Seeing your legs fluttering away in that video was amazing and inspiring. We think of you and tell your beautiful story of hope and courage more than you will ever know. Please let us know when you are anywhere near CT and Keep On Dancing, Laurie! We love you!
