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On June 19, 2010 I recieved a call that would give me a new life. I recieved my lung transplant, and recovered quickly – faster than any of the doctors or nurses predicted. I was released from the hospital less than a month later, with few limitations and many aspirations. Breathing has made life easier, and has made me love every second even more so. I will forever be grateful to the donor, and their family for giving me the opportunity to live, dance, and laugh… but most of all be with the ones I love even longer.
Medical expenses for transplant are not cheap, whether you have insurance or not. This was not a surprise to us, and so we began fundraising as soon as I knew I would need new lungs. Everyday, there are more and more bills in the mailbox for things such as surgery co-pays, and medications I will need to be on for the rest of my life. This is why I am asking for help. These costs add up each and every day, and though breathing is has been a beautiful experience- seeing the costs can take your breath away! I thank each and every one of you who have spent time reading my story, sharing it, fundraising, praying and donating. May you be blessed with health, happiness, and most importantly love – because you deserve nothing less.
We are currently raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation. I have chosen to fundraise with HelpHOPELive (HelpHOPELive) in part because HelpHOPELive provides both tax-deductibility and fiscal accountability to contributors. Contributors can be sure that funds contributed will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses. To make a contribution to this fundraising campaign:
Make checks payable to:
HelpHOPELive Southeast Lung Transplant Fund
Note in memo section:*important*
In Honor of Ashley Kennen
Mail to:
Two Radnor Corporate Center100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087
For secure credit card donations:
Call 800-642-8399 or click the “CONTRIBUTE NOW” button.
To email this page directly to others in your community who might wish to learn about this campaign, click the “E-MAIL TO FRIENDS” button and type in as many addresses as you wish.
For more information, please contact HelpHOPELive at 800-642-8399.
Thanks for your support!
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Sending a message of love
Darcy Grabenstein
Ashley, Katie and I have been praying for you since we heard about the transplant...We are thrilled and wish you a speedy recovery. We love you. Hugs
Fran + Katie
Fran Jackson
Hi Ashley,
I am so very excited for you. You so much deserve to live a long and healthy life and now you can. Be strong.
Amy, NTAF, Philadelphia
Hey Ashley. Its Sam. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and tell you how lucky I am to know such a strong person like you. Keep up the hard work and we'll reach that goal!!! >:o)
Samantha Holland (Lady Lake, FL)
Hi Ashley! Just wanted to let you know that I pray for you and your family often. Love you both and can't wait to hear your success story when you finally have this hurdle behind you.
Destiny Caruthers Sharp (Oxford, FL)
I really hope you get the help you need. I've talked to Debbie Guitton about fundraising. I hope you reach your goal.
Mathew Gonzalez/Gainesville, FL
We just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you. Your family loves you!
Steven and Tamara Jonas Miami,Florida
Dear Ashley. I want to wish all the luck in the world. I am praying for you everyday. I still remember you as that beatiful little girl next door always smiling and laughing. Stay strong! Love, Bonnie Muller
Bonnie Muller/Winter Springs, Fl.
You probably don't remember meeting me but I know your mom from SFC. I met you once trough Hillel and it was a pleasure. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and forward your page to all my friends and family. Your positive attitude is an inspiration and I look forward to hearing about your post transplant progress...it will happen!
Alexandria Figueroa (Gainesville, FL)
I was reading your profile and having flashbacks of when we were kids. I remember you telling me that you didn't want to be sick anymore. We were so young then, and I am so happy for how far you have come. You seem like a very happy and passionate woman and I am honored to help support you. Remember to always stay positive!
Laura Schwebel, Boca Raton, FL
We love and support you.
Jean and Grandma Olga,Gainesville,FL
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Ashley Kennen
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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