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My name is Jerri Lewis (Jeannie). I was born with a condition called Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and unless I have a transplant, I will not survive.

My kidneys have started to shut down. I am now on dialysis 5 days a week. The life expectancy of a dialysis patient is 5 to 10 years. I have been offered a transplant through Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. There are out-of-pocket expenses that come with an organ transplant that my insurance will not cover. I am responsible for nearly $10K of these that are related to transplantation, housing and post transplant care. The hospital will not move forward until I can show that I’ve fundraised for the money needed. I will be required to stay in Seattle for 6 weeks after my transplant surgery which is a requirement to make sure that I don’t reject the organ and I can begin the healing process.

Updates (1)

April 18, 2024

I am officially on the transplant list and will be listed as active in a couple of weeks so wish me luck and getting a kidney in the next couple of years the donor that I had they found something wrong with her so she was not able to donate it this time

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February 19, 2023

After seeing your story on the Sunday morning TV show, Positively Montana, we wanted to help! You are in our prayers as you go through this process. Best Wishes and God Bless.


February 7, 2023

I'm praying that all goes well for you.

Rhonda Loose

February 7, 2023

You are in my thoughts!

Nancy Pyron