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Carson is a unique little man. Right before his third birthday Carson was diagnosed with RYR-1. RYR-1 is a rare genetic mutation that effects Carson’s ability to breathe and his ability to walk.

Because of this Carson is limited to a wheelchair for most of his day. This is the safest way for him to navigate a busy day as a 1st grader. Because Carson has weakened muscles his ability to stand is hindered. Unfortunately, that means Carson falls frequently.

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October 29, 2023

Miss you and praying for Carson and the Tussing family- you are all amazing!!!

Kami Bulson

August 31, 2023

You are amazing parents! Carson is so blessed to have you fighting for him :)

Mireille Helm

June 24, 2023

Love you Tussing family!

Pamela Marcus-White