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Joseph (or otherwise known as Joey), is a 20 year old young man who is best known for his beautiful and positive personality. He graduated from Rancho Cotati High School in 2021 and lives in Rohnert Park, Calif. with his Father-Steve, Mother-Vicki, as well as his older sister and brother – Haley and David.
Joey is an avid bowler, with a mad and unique two handed swing. He works at a bowling alley as well as playing on a league with his brother, his sister’s boyfriend Kevin and his best friend Zach. His family are super involved with his bowling enjoyment and happy he has found a sport that works with his physical limitations. When Joey is not working or bowling, he will be found playing video games (which is one of his favorite things to do), or out fishing – most likely with his Dad. Joey is lovingly referred to as the “fish whisperer”… he rarely leaves without a bucket of bass, and people have been known to have changed luck simply by standing near him while fishing – he has the magic touch!
Medically, Joey and his family have been on a continuous journey since his birth on 9/21/2002, involving six open heart surgeries and ten heart catheterizations. Joey was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). This means he was born with only half a heart. This was not caught on the sonogram prior to his birth and therefore led to unplanned emergency care and was transported to UCSF hospital where he had his first open heart surgery, called The Norwood, at the tender age of 4 days old. He had his 2nd surgery at 6 months old which ended up having an additional five week stay at the hospital due to getting an infection. His 3rd surgery called The Fontan occurred while Joey was in the second grade. It too brought about complications, in particular the discovery of some issues with his lymphatic system. Many bumps in the road to say the least. His heart condition has involved cardiovascular limitations his whole life which directly affect his oxygen delivery and his energy to do everyday normal activities. As I’m sure you can understand this has been a true emotional, physical and financial journey for Joey and his family. A journey that has now come to be at a place where a new heart is needed.
Even though it is said with his diagnosis that he was born with half a heart, all who have been blessed to know Joey, know that he has one of the biggest hearts around! Joey, besides exuding positivity and love for all, has the tremendous ability to never think of himself as a victim. Joey doesn’t allow the stress of his life and this future heart transplant to get him down and he states he is “…really living day by day and more in the moment”. Joey says that he has aspirations after he gets a new heart… to be able to move beyond the limitations he has lived with for twenty years and do things like join a men’s baseball team, go to the gym with his brother David and “get in shape”, go on a hike or ride his bike for a distance (more than just around the block). So many things the rest of us take for granted are a dream for Joey. Joey wants to find the love of his life and be blessed with a family – children and dogs included. He would “love to work in the service industry – Something that involves interacting with people” – He is truly a people person. A new heart would give Joey the ability to Give Back to people, and to this world in a huge way. More simply, he would have continued life – to spend with his family that he loves and is loved so stongly by. His Father Steve is his hero, his Mom Vicki is his rock, and his siblings Haley and David are his biggest fans and cheerleaders.
The Codoni family want to express that they recognize that “…in order for Joey to receive this Gift of a New Heart, someone has to agree to give so selflessly during the worst day of their life. To be able to think about someone else when grief is so heavy for them, is unimaginable”. They will do all they can to express their gratitude and awe in the fact that this gift will allow their son to live a full and healthy life.
While Joey and his family are ready for him to receive a new heart, the financial impact is staggering. When the Codoni’s get “the big call”, their life will immediately change. They will have 4 hours to get Joey to the hospital in San Francisco. Vicki will immediately leave her full time job as a hairdresser to join Joey in the hospital and then live in a transplant house for months while Joey is in recovery. The medical team advised the family to raise between $50,000 and $100,000 to cover their share of the cost as well as living expenses during those months.
Help Hope Live is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and is assisting the Codoni’s in this effort. Help Hope Live organization assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and provides a tax deduction for contributors. Contributors can be confident that donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you so much for your support!
Well, Joey cranked up the motion during his stay at the Rehabilitation hospital. He ended up discharging last Tuesday, April 4, 2023. He and Vicki are now living in what is called the KOZ house AKA the Transplant House. It is where Joey will have the continued one on one support from Vicki in getting back into a home environment routine.
It is located close to UCSF. He will have regular lab draws/appointments, outpatient PT and OT appointments, and will have close access to the medical team. The transplant house has strict rules with only one person being able to stay with Joey. This is all to keep all the occupants/post-op patients safe from the multitude of germs out there.
Joey is a step closer to home!
On Saturday March 11th Joey was finally DISCHARGED from UCSF Hospital! He is now at an inpatient Rehabilitation Center near UCSF. Vicki and Steve remain with Joey in San Francisco and continue to rotate shifts. Steve is balancing this along with his work schedule and attempting to get sleep.
Prior to discharge and after the last update on 2/14/23, Joey had another one of those "two steps back" events. Before discharging him, they performed another ultra sound on the "psuedo aneurism" in his femoral artery, and to everyone's dismay there was a separate aneurism that developed. Joey had to have yet Another procedure. On Febuary 28th he had an extensive 4-6 hour surgery to remove the aneurism. After the surgery, he was on bedrest for about five days thus the "two steps back" with regards to his strength and mobility. This poor kid! After finally getting his bowels working again - he had much relief of nausea and vomiting and was able to eat again. Yay, Joey's good appetite is back.
Vicki reports that they have Joey doing Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy from 7:30 a.m to around 4:00 pm. Joey is working super hard, and at the end of the day is enjoying the good food and sleeping well at night. :)
Happy Valentines Day! What an appropriate day for an update; A day to celebrate love, A day to acknowledge Joey and his new Heart.
On Monday February 6th, another milestone for Joey - He got out of the ICU and onto the Medical/Surgical floor. As for an update on this past week on the floor... Joey is working on swallowing food! This boy loves food, but it is a slow go because swallowing hurts. He is not yet eating enough to provide the nourishment he needs for strength with his Physical Therapy, so he still is getting supplemental nutrition thru the NG (nasal gastric tube). Please send positive thoughts and prayers his way for his tender throat to heal so that he can get the intake he needs to sustain good strength and get the darn NG tube out. He will get a lot from moving onto the Rehab facility which will provide the much needed intensive Physical Therapy but will not go until the NG tube is out and strength improved.
Joey's vision in the left eye remains absent but when visited by the Ophthalmologist yesterday, Joey is said to have 20/20 vision on the right - so celebration there. Vicki says that Joey is not complaining and letting the lost vision on the left to get him down - Again, a testament to this boy's spirit! He is a happy boy with his PS4 gaming system which David brought in for him - see pictures.
Another remaining item being worked on and something to be hopeful and prayerful about is his feet strength (in particular the left side). Vicki is excited to report that he is doing great with bending his knees! The thought being that with more PT, Joey will continue to see great improvement and strength.
Happy Heart Day Everyone! Be sure to keep Joey and his family in your thoughts and show your support in whatever way your heart leads you. God Bless.
Today is the two week mark from Joey's Heart Transplant.
The Codoni family got the big call from UCSF on the evening of Thursday January 12th, and on the 13th Joey was blessed with a huge gift from another family - a New Heart. The Codonis are beyond grateful for this gift that was for another family - a very difficult loss. Joey had a positive and courageous attitude in the what otherwise was an anxious wait in pre-op.
His surgery ended up taking 15 hours! They replaced his Heart, Aorta and reconstructed his Pulmonary Artery. Since surgery, it has been a lot of ups and downs and certainly some scary downs. Steven and Vicki have been by his side each step of the way (of course), but it has been quite difficult for Haley and David to not be allowed to be in the hospital also.
Since surgery: There were concerns with some neurological responses, a subdural hematoma (that then was ruled out as a concern with thankfully no growth), elevated temperatures and a lot of concern around his oxygen saturation. He has had Bronchoscopies, CT's, procedures in the Cath. Lab including this past Saturday he had to be transferred to Mission Bay Hospital for his Pediatric Cath. Cardiologist to take a closer look at what was going on internally with his heart and vessels. They found blockage (due to blood clotting and scar tissue) in the Superior vena cava and narrowing in the Inferior vena cava- thus placed two stents to open those major vessels up. He was looking improved and they attempted taking him off the ventilator and was unsuccessful. Most recently during a "crashing" episode , they found him to have a collapsed lung and had to place an emergency chest tube as well as bag him. Needless to say it's been a roller coaster of stabilization struggle and emotionally, has been a difficult ride.
We all know that Joey is a fighter and today was His Day - They successfully got him off the ventilator and he is responding really well!! Answered prayers for sure. The Codoni family has felt the love from all of you! They are holding close to our prayers and believe and know that Joey is not only in good hands with all of his medical team but in God's hands. Keep up the support please and Thank You all who have been providing so much love to this special family.
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Rooting for you Coach!
Yulahlia Hernandez
Keep up the good work Joey!
You're AWESOME!!!
Sending healing hugs your way!
Love, Gail and Steve
Gail and Steve
Best of luck Joey!
All my love and prayers are with the entire Codoni family! I especially appreciate all the “messengers” who have made sure all of us are updated.
Doreen Onizuka
Good Luck From the Rodrigo Family!!!
Matthew Rodrigo
Every little bit helps! Wanted to share the love and a prayer! Lord, I pray that you touch and embrace Joey as he heals from his recent heart transplant. Also, touch and embrace the doctors on his road to recovery. Comfort them and let them feel the joy of your divine presence. In Jesus name, Amen. -Justine's work family and friend - Terri
Terri Covello
You are a trooper Joey! Praying for a speedy recovery.
Love, Katy, Aiden, Brenden, and Caelen
Katerina Kidwell
We Are thinking of you! Many prayers to you and family!
Christy & Jeff Willey
Sending you love and positive wishes! The Heinse Family
Connie Heinse
Praying for his recovery and long life!
Tara Fraser
Wishing Joey a speedy and healthy recovery, be strong, we are all thinking of you.
Joe Lipari
Sending love and prayers for a successful and uneventful recovery. ❤️
Jennifer Ott
Wishing you a speedy and healthy recovery.
Andre Duarte
Sending prayers for a successful procedure and speedy recovery.
Lisa (Burrowes) Consani
Hey Joey,
I’m a friend of your brother. You were our ball boy at Analy. You’re such an awesome young man. You always have a big smile on your face, every time I seen you. Keep positive and keep fighting my man! We are all wishing nothing but the best ♥️
Anthony Martinez
Love Twood
Tyler Woodbury
Hi Joey, I’m a friend of Lexi’s back home, I’ve heard such amazing things about you and wanted to wish you a smooth recovery. keeping you in my thoughts and prayers❤️
Alannah Sebrero
Alannah Sebrero
Hi Joey, My name is Karen. I’m Lexi’s grandmother. I’m happy you are doing good.
Karen Peck
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Joey! I am one of Frankie's friends and although we haven't met, I feel like I know your family through her.
Sending lots of positives vibes your way ♡
Nimal Lata
Sending healing prayers.
David Schwarz
Joey you don\'t know me, I am a friend of Jessica Corley and Fran Juenemann. I feel like I know you though and I am one of your biggest fans! Good luck on your journey! Peace be with you. Vicki Edwards
Vicki Edwards
Joey you have always inspired the will to fight. We will always love you from the Vslez’s
Jon Valez
Best wishes in your recovery. I’m a friend of Laura’s from the dog park.
Anna Coopersmith
You got this Joey! So glad you have so much love and support!
Monica Walker
Prayers are with you!
Bethany Neese
Love you Joey! You got this you badass!
Shelby Stasiowski
Sending you well wishes and love your way.
Your Capital Lumber Family
Capital Lumber
We are sending you all well-wishes and support.
With Love,
Your Capital Lumber Family
Capital Lumber
Keeping good thoughts for you on your transplant journey.
Janet Corsiglia
Janet Corsiglia Stevenson
We are excited for you guys and you are in our thoughts. ❤
The Whitacre's
Kerri Whitacre
Sending positive thoughts, love, and strength your way Codoni family!
Madison Mccarthy
To a truly inspirational family that I am lucky to know.
Lacy Brown
Lots of love to Joey and family.
Hollie and Tad Weathers
Continuing to prayerfully lift the need for a heart for sweet Joey!! May you all hear very soon! Much love to you all!
Mike and Jody Bratton
Sending you lots of love Coach Hailey!
Catherine & Nick Meyer/Koeppen
Natalie Owdom
Natalie Bartlett
Our family sends positivity, strength , and courage to you and your family!
Dana Blake
Alexis Gomez
Go Joey!
Jennifer Esterman
There is no family like the Codoni family. They take you in as their own and show you an unconditional love you’ve never felt before. If any family deserves a donation, it’s them. In this moment they would still give you the shirt off their backs, without even asking. To a family that deserves the world and more, please help them in their hour of need. I can assure you no one deserves it more.
Danielle Gardner
Stay strong and have a fast recovery, your in my thoughts and prayers!
Peter Gizzo
Sending my prayers at getting this transplant done as quickly as possible!! So happy to be able to be a part of the journey
Stephanie Weinmann
Love you joey!!!!
Alexia Da Silva
All out for Joey!
Kate Cardle
Tracy Navas
Sending all our positive thoughts and well wishes your way!!!! -Josh and Kristina (OTRP)
Kristina Conophy
Joey! Love you buddy!!!
Thinking of you, Codoni family!
Denise Miller
Joey! Love you buddy! xoxo
Denise Miller
You never have to walk alone
Gustavo Beltran
Healing vibes and prayers coming your way.
Lia Gianola
So happy you’re getting this opportunity. We wish a speedy recovery. (OTFRP Family)
Alanya Navarro
Best of Luck
Melody Scahill
Remain strong in the midst of uncertainty because God has known you since you were in the womb and watches over you every moment of every day. Psalms 139:13-14.
Mike & Debbie LeBoy
Sending lots of love to the whole family.
Geri Dale
I love you Joey!
Bridget Codoni
Hoping you get the call soon!!
Kindra Gass
Joey, your BIG SMILE on that handsome face of yours is infectious. Never stop smiling kiddo. YOU GO THIS! Love the fishing pics.
LOVE, Teri, Dan, Aiden and the Zoo Crew
Teri Bowman
I’m so excited for you Joey. Prayers and positive thoughts are with you. ❤️
Debbie Havstad
Joey, you are as strong as a darn bowling ball and fight like steel head being reeled in.
We on your side all the way kiddo.
Love The Bowman Fam (Teri, Dan, Aiden and The Zoo Crew)
Teri Bowman
Thinking of you Joey!
Debbie Lane
Sending our love, support and positive thoughts to you all. Addie, Jenay, Shawn and Keegan
Jenay Lowe
You are in our thoughts, Joey. Sending hope and prayers to you and your family❤️
Colette, Mackenzie, and Bill Weber
All my fingers and toes are crossed in support for the Codoni family!
Doreen Onizuka
We love you, Joey and all of the Codoni Family! ♥️ From TJ, Kelly, Chris, and Matthew McMahon
Kelly McMahon
Sending love and prayers
Sharon Grenier
My love and prayers to you and the family
Denise Kreuzer
Joey and Family,
Sending positive thoughts and support for you all.
Ceilin Whitacre
Paul Valentine
Ceilin Whitacre
What a journey for you all- good thoughts and love- chris
Christianne Mccarthy
$25 - In honor of Bridget Codoni.
christopher fung
Love you bud
Stacy Buller Minnick
Katie Smith
Hey there fellow Morgan Wallen fan! It was so good meeting you the other night! Very exciting news here!! I am looking forward to getting to know you better when you are all healed up!! Prayers for a speedy recovery!!❤️❤️
Mackies momma
Shay Bennett
Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery!
Shannon Carrancho
Joey you have always been such a light in this world. Sending you and your family love and support.
Katee and Janae Capeto
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you!
Cyndy Lowe
Love you Joey!
Shellsea Stoughton
We love you buddy, all the best wishes to you! If you ever need anything don’t be afraid to reach out! If anyone in this world deserves this, it’s you my friend! Go give everyone!
Think Pink
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Joseph Codoni
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
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