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Help Bill get his “Gift-of-Life”
Bill was born in 1964 in Oxnard, CA and has lived in Columbus, OH since 1969. He has a wonderful and beautiful wife, Tina, who takes tremendous care of him. They are empty nesters with six children between them, and four grandbabies—ages 8, 3, 7 weeks and 3 weeks. All are great blessings and joys from God! Bill and Tina attend New Horizons Community Church of God to worship the Lord and also attend several Bible studies each week.
Over fifteen year ago, Bill started noticing that he was struggling to breathe while he was at work. A few years later, after suffering a cartilage strain, an x-ray revealed scar tissue throughout his lungs. Bill was subsequently diagnosed with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis and asthma — for which there is no cure. Bill struggles to breathe each and every day.
In August 2009, Bill was told by his doctors that his only chance for survival would be a lung transplant. The following month, Bill underwent evaluations at the Cleveland Clinic and was deemed a good candidate for transplant. He was placed on the active transplant list in December 2009.
When Bill’s ability to breathe is compromised life is “like constantly suffocating all the time”, he says, “The oxygen tube is making my ears stick out.” Bill uses oxygen tanks every day and relies on them to help him breathe. There are so many things he is not able to do anymore, and both Bill and Tina are looking forward to the day when Bill can breathe deeply again.
Even with insurance, Bill will have many uninsured transplant-related expenses such as: co-pays and deductibles, doctor visits, and the costly immunosuppressant medications that he will need to take for the rest of this life. This presents a monumental financial burden to the family — one they cannot meet without your support.
To help with some of these uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in Bill’s honor has been initiated with HelpHOPELive. HelpHOPELive is a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for more than 28 years. All donations are tax-deductible and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. Please consider making a donation:Thank you for your prayers and support.
The Family and Friends of Bill Laing

Updates (2)

December 27, 2011

Got Lungs! : )

Thank you Lord! And a Super Collosal HUGE THANK YOU to the donor, whoever you are for your selfless choice of being registered as an Organ And Tissue Donor. You have blessed me and my family abundantly. The Lord Jesus gave me a second chance at life and now you have given me a third chance. I pray that I get to meet you in Heaven!!!! On 16 Nov 11 at 9:30 p.m. several of us were singing praises to God in the sanctuary after bible study which we have never done before. exactly 12 hours later I got the call from the Cleveland Clinic saying I need to get up there ASAP because its time....... Sugery was scheduled for 5:30 p.m on Friday 17 Nov 11...... Tina came home from work and threw some stuff in the car and headed north. I wasnt to eat or drink anything nor had I since the night before. We expected a welcome comittee when we got there but with the hustle and bustle there, no one was there to greet us even though we were on the phone with them almost continually as we got closer. So we asked where to go and started getting pointed to the right places. Finally Tina and I walked into the Lung Transplant ICU with my O2 on 15 liters/min and said, "we made it". They asked if I had to use the potty so I did. They put me in a bed and proceeded to stab me several times with artery iv's and vein iv's. The fellows who were trying to start my arterial iv struggled and struggled and it hurt so much. I think it was his first time.... Lots of prep work and then into the Operating Room. The Anesthiologist had to re-do the atery iv. They stretched me out like Jesus on the cross but i was laying down. There was a team there of about 8 people who discussed what they were going to do, like a little meeting which was chaired by the main Surgeon. The anesthiologists assistant held this little green rubber mask over my nose and told me goodnight ............... I missed a couple days there and started conciously waking up and remembering where I was. In the ICU about Saturday night and Sunday. There were lots of struggles to get out of the icu and I was so hungry and dieing of thirst. All I got for the longest time was a morsel of a tiny ice cube about 9mmx9mmx9mm in side every what seemed like hour or two. All my kids and family came up and were there. Now after talking to everyone and putting things together, I remember a little more and more of post surgery. Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers for me and my family. I truly love you all! love, bill


August 15, 2011

Fundraising Event /Pizza - August 29th

Pizza Night at the Big Cheese....more details coming soon!

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December 5, 2011

Rick and I and family hope you are doing great, please keep up the faith and your strength, our love and prayers......

Aunt Charlotte/Colorado

November 18, 2011

Prayers are out to you and your family Bill, hope all goes well with surgery.

e. woodworth Mongo, IN

August 27, 2011

Billy & Tina,
We want you to know that we love you and are praying for you-both! I love your testimony, and it warms my heart to know that you both know & love our Lord and savior! We will be contributing to your support through the NTAF, we pray you get your transplant SOON. Love, Prayers and Hugs!

Aunt Nanner & Uncle Jerry, Sylva, NC