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Dear Friends,
As you know, I have cerebral palsy. While I have been diagnosed as a wheelchair-bound quadriplegic, I have no problems with paralysis. I have full sensation in my entire body; however my range of motion is restricted due to tight, weak, and spastic muscles contracting. Speaking has become more difficult in recent years because of the increased tightness in my chest muscles. The physical pain I experience each day is challenging, but the isolation that comes from being mostly homebound is even more difficult to endure. I can say, however, that the pain makes me appreciate the gift of being alive!
Currently, I do not have access to the types of therapy that will help me manage my cerebral palsy, but I am determined to become as independent as possible so I can add my gifts and talents to the community.

During my extensive research into the best therapies, I found a clinic in China where doctors have had remarkable success with improving the condition of patients with cerebral palsy. The adult stem cells that are transplanted have the ability to grow into almost any cell in the body needing replacement. I am very, very eager to take advantage of this type of therapy, as it is my only hope for improving my condition.
I have been told I am an excellent candidate for an adult stem cell transplant. I hope to travel to China to receive the adult stem cells as well as undergo a rigorous physical and cognitive rehabilitation program. This procedure is not covered by insurance so in order to finance my travel to China the transplant, and the extensive rehabilitative therapy I need to raise over $30,000.
China offers me great hope, but I need your financial help. A fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with HelpHOPELive (formerly NTAF), a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for nearly 30 years. All donations are tax deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Southeast Stem Cell Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. If you are able and would like to contribute:This is a life-changing opportunity for me to achieve the very best life possible. Thank you for helping me attain the greatest quality of life possible.
Neil Barron
334-297-1645 /

Updates (2)

August 23, 2012

Mourning, a Poem by Neil Barron

Mourning, light, spirit-flight

I cannot believe that you are gone.

Fare well, I have to say so-long.

I can visit you in a dream, but this pain

I feel when I’m a wake this heart ache

I can’t take.

You are right- I have to get on with my life.

I’ll let your spirit take flight-with a

Promise you’ll come back to me and we will

Be Together again in the white light.

I know you’ll always be with me as I go


When I close my eyes at night my spirit takes

Wings and I see you in my dreams during


I hope this brings you an eternal good night.



August 23, 2012

Help Neil Fight Cerebral Palsy


THE GIVING INFORMATION IN THIS VIDEO IS OUT OF DATE AND NO LONGER VALID. Please make all donations directly to HelpHOPELive. Thank You! :)

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September 22, 2012

Hi,everyone someone recently gave me a donation
I have not found out who did it yet I wish to say Thank You So very much to the person or people responsible When someone/people donates I AM deeply honored because I understand that money is life
force I promise to better my life and be of service to humanity plus this world.
With deepest gratitude,


Neil Barron

August 22, 2012

Dear Neil, Post pictures of some of your paintings on this site. People do not know you are an Artist unless they can see your paintings for themselves. I know one day your talent will make you famous. I know people would love to buy your paintings, NOW.......God Bless!

Carol Petersen/ Pt. Charlotte, FL

August 20, 2012

Hi Neil! We Love You!! Ms. Tena

Tena N. Cowan