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Help HOPE Live for Judy Grossman


Updates (4)

March 7, 2025

Our friend Judy Grossman is still on the prowl to find a caring place to live. She needs our support transitioning, as she wheels over yet another large challenge.

After months of searching Judy found a great assisted living facility close to her community, only to be told their fees would be going up in a month making it impossible for her to afford. She needs to find a facility that can segue her from assisted living to skilled nursing without having to move to a totally different facility when her funds run out. A skilled nursing facility that will accept MediCal/Medicaid ( we are keeping our fingers crossed these programs won't be government canceled!) Yes. A SKILLED NURSING FACILITY! So now the search begins, yet again, for a facility that can meet her needs.

The funds received from fundraising efforts in the past 2 years are dangerously low. After several trips to the ER in the middle of the night and unable to find a qualified live-in caregiver, she was convinced she must now put her house on the market. She once more needs our love and support to get through this new search time, while finishing up the painful details of moving.

Her immediate needs are:

  • Funding for caregiving during moving preparations.
  • Finding a skilled nursing facility, or assisted living with attached skilled nursing.
  • A low cost or free location to have an estate sale (she can’t have one where she lives).
  • Volunteers to help make the sale happen, packing, moving, pricing and running the sale.
  • Yes, all big challenges.

Many have told her how strong she is and what an inspiration she has been. Well, now she is feeling the weight of these last three years bearing down on her with little release. She needs our strength and inspiration to get over these last large humps. Judy has always been a “get-r-done” person. Now it's time we help her get it done.

Having no family near her, we turn to her friends and community for help. Let's give her the strength she needs.

If you can volunteer, please “Message” Judy at Facebook or Instagram judygart

If you can donate, please go to 

If you prefer to send a check or Venmo, please “Message” her and she will give you the address. Or call if you have he number.

Loving Friends for Judy Grossman

Donations through Help Hope Live are tax deductible. Make your donations now, for this calendar year.


January 25, 2025

On May 29, 2024 Judy, unexpectedly lost her beloved Dean. Her Rock of support and nurturing caregiver passed away, after almost 20 years of marriage. Judy was faced with extra caregiving costs, trying to maintain a new household, losing a lost income, finding out the fact that Dean had to use most of their savings to give her the best care possible, and struggling to get stronger physically as well as mentally. All of this, while grieving.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello all you loving, beautiful people. It's been almost THREE YEARS since my first debilitating surgery, the 4 other surgeries, 4 hospitals, two rehab facilities, and a transitional care (nursing home!!!) facility. I thought I should check in with you, personally. Three years is so hard to comprehend. It's like the world stopped in some kind of time warp and I am just coming out of it's dark cave. Thanks to so many wonderful donations, we were able to buy a wheelchair accessible van and pay for some caregiving for me.Caregiving companies charge a huge amount of money and we watched our savings and small retirement dwindle to almost nothing. This has been a painfully rude awakening on many levels. Who would have ever thought this shocking medical disaster would happen? Who could have planned well enough for it? We, unfortunately did not. And this has now become a harsh reality. The reality is that we did not plan for a situation such as this. In 2009 Dean struggled through a year of bladder cancer with a major loss of income, and again in 2013. Both times beating the Big C, but at a huge hit to our savings. And again in 2019 when he had to have one kidney removed.Currently I have a caregiver during the day for four days, and 3 days are split shift. I am alone at night. Dean was my primary caregiver overnight and two and a half days a week. Finding the balance in providing quality care that’s affordable is critical to helping gain more strength and independence.I will always need a caregiver for the rest of my life; not full days, but partial days. I am positive of this. A challenging thought, for sure. Here's a bit of a quote from a very dear friend who honors me with her kind words: "Have you been shopping in downtown Sonora? To the farmer’s market on Saturdays? Have you visited any of the small towns in Tuolumne County? If your answer is YES, then you’ve seen some of Judy’s contributions to our community. Judy has been an accomplished sign painter , mural artist, and graphic designer via her business JG Signs and Designs in Tuolumne County for over 35 years. Her signature is everywhere in the county.Judy started the wine and paint business in Tuolumne County with the creation of Brush & Cork, teaching our small community to not be afraid to put brush to canvas. At Brush & Cork, Judy always used to say “this isn’t a class it’s a party” and there was always infectious laughter at her paint parties. She has brought the beauty and colors of the rainbow to our community.Amazingly, towns and communities across the country have been touched by Judy’s colorful personality and artwork. Since 2006, she has dedicated a week every year to travel to small towns across the country working in tandem with other sign and mural artists to bring beauty via art to their community. Most of it as an unpaid volunteer."How will donations help?1. Upkeep of the accessible van. 2. Financial help to continue necessary caregiving needs (the most costly of her needs), and 3. Providing Judy the ability to remain at home as she continues to build her strength.TIMES HAVE CHANGED since Dean's passingUnfortunately, Judy has come to the harsh reality that it is just too costly to maintain a household and pay for her caregiving needs too. She is faced with these painful facts and the understanding that she must move into an assisted living facility. She will be putting her new house on the market and having an estate sale. During this painful, decision-making time, she needs your donations and support to help facilitate the process. After searching through more than 20 assisted living facilities, she has finally found ONE that is actually accessible (YES, you read that correctly...ONE out of TWENTY!!!), and it's in Manteca. She needs our donations to make it through this last push of time that it will take to sell her household and move on.PLEASE SHOW YOUR LOVE with donations to help with caregiving costs during this very painful time for her.

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January 26, 2025

Judy, hoping you soon find happiness in your new home.
Love, Carol

Carol Butler

January 26, 2025

Prayers go out to you as you make this next step in this rough journey.

Jill Olson

January 26, 2025

I hope you find the care you need and remain as strong as you have been! Sending love and a donation to you via HelpHopeLive.

Rosie Cohan