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Melody is a 42 year old energetic working professional who has tremendous passion for children. She worked her way through college as a single mom of one daughter to earn the necessary credentials to take on a lifetime career of caring for and educating OUR children. Today Melody is the Executive Director of The Learning Experience (TLE) here in Massachusetts, a franchise of the highly regarded national early learning centers. Melody constantly demonstrates an amazing unconditional love for children, while mentoring staff and partnering closely with families and the community. She is a remarkably strong woman who fights with passion and perseverance to maintain nothing less than the best. Outside of work Melody is the same amazing person who cares for and “watches over” her family, friends and loved ones with the same passion. This world needs more Melodys! She is an amazing human being.
In February 2012 Melody was diagnosed with Systemic Scleroderma – a debilitating, painful autoimmune disease. With the rapid progression of her disease, her doctors are very concerned the disease will become life-threatening as it spreads to her internal organs. The medical professionals at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago (the premier stem cell transplant program in the country) have determined that Melody is an excellent candidate for a stem cell transplant. Their expectation is to stop the progression of the disease, repair the damage her body has already suffered and return Melody to good health and the quality of life she deserves.
While Melody is fortunate to have medical insurance there are many very costly procedures, tests and travel expenses which are not covered. In addition, Melody and a caregiver will need to stay in Chicago for up four months until she has fully recovered. This presents an extraordinary hardship.
To ease the financial burden, a fundraising campaign in Melody’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a non profit organization that has been assisting transplant patients for 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Northeast Stem Cell Transplant Fund, and administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant- related expenses only. Please consider a life-saving donation.
For credit card contributions, please select the DONATE NOW button or call 800.642.8399.
Make checks payable to:
Note in memo sections:
In honor of Melody Lee
Please send to:
2 Radnor Corporate Center
100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087
Thank you for your kindness and generosity. We couldn’t do this without you.
Bobby Lee, Robert Iadonisi, Jaqueline Theide, Dana Eguia Jr., Gene Gawron and Jan Reardon
A huge thank you to all of you who have prayed, donated money, sent cards, called or texted. My journey has been long and filled with ups and downs but was a bit easier with the amount of support you all provided. On March 4th I received my stem cell transplant and was blessed enough to share the journey with three of the most selfless people in my life. Please keep praying and supporting as the recovery road is long but I'm tackling it one day at a time with a smile and an amazingly positive attitude. Xxxooo
Please join us Wednesday January 8th from 11:00am until 10:00pm at Owen and Ollie's restaurant in Dracut, Mass. For a dine for dough fundraiser 20% off all bills (excluding tip and taxes) including take-out will be donated to helphopelive.org/ Melody Lee call, text or email for the coupon in which you must present in order for your purchase to count. Thank you in advance for supporting my cause!
Thank you so much to all of you who have donated thus far. We are almost there. Please continue to spread the word and share this page. It would be wonderful to start 2014 on the road to recovery. Please help! Happy holidays to all of you!!!
Check out this wonderful article and video about Melody and her preschool supporters: http://www.lowellsun.com/local/ci_24708260/compassion-and-caring-top-lessons-pupils-impart-ill
Please join us Saturday at the Lowell VFW at 7:00pm for music, dancing, raffles, food and drinks. But more importantly your donation at the door could help make my stem cell transplant possible. Please come!!!
Thanks to all donors we are 1/3 of the way to achieving the financial goal needed so I can receive a life saving Stem Cell Transplant. Please continue to spread the word......... Thank you so much for you kindness, generosity and overwhelming support.
Thank you so much for you generous donations. Please be patient while your donation is processed. While credit card donations are processed automatically, donations made by check are processed when your bank transfers the funds. Thanks so much for your support!
Melody Lee
Hello Kimlee,
Wanted 2 let u know we are thinking of you :)
Lees, Lyons, Dahdouh & Chheath
Hello Cucks O McManus The Master Lee!!!!
Bobby Lee
Hi Kimlee,
We are sending many hugs for you. There are good days and there are horrible days so, I hope by knowing that many people care about you will help you during your whole recovery process. We love and miss you.
Hi Melody. I am a working friend of Jennifer Littlefield. I am sending to you my best wishes and my prayers for your recovery.
john lodato
We appreciate all that you do and are grateful to have someone like you influence our daughter's life everyday.
Rob, Jen & Madelyn Estepe
Our best wishes for your recovery. Your daughter Jackie is our grandchihildren's nanny. She is a treasure and we would like her to have her mother back in good health.
Myrna Goodman
Wish you the best and continued support by family and friends and those of us who have been made aware of your cause.
Jack Resch
We love you Melody and wish we were there to help & hug you !! xoxo
Cherie, Al, Josh, Jake & Jared Leal
I love you with all my heart. I will continue to try and raise money for your surgery. I will always be your girl. It was wonderful to see you tonight and see all those people that came out to support you. See you on Thanksgiving. Its a date.
Near or far I am cheering you on. You are a ray of hope and a beam of sunshine, something an illness cannot take. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers
Amanda Beers
Dana - Best of luck to you and your mom.
Chris Shepard
I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and a heart; a heart that's aching to see you smile again! :) Remember...Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts, just be strong and act like your okay. BE STRONG, things will get better and remember...It may be stormy now, but rain doesn't last forever! I'll always be here for you.
Love you always,
Annie <3
We love and support you here at the Fredericksburg, Va TLE! We will be with you every step of the way. Your strength and determination inspire each of us to be better every day.
Pamela Kestner, Center Director
To my amazing sister: i Know we talk everyday, and I can't wait for this to be ALL over with, so I can have my happy sister back with NO pain... Always remember I am behind you 110%, and I will NEVER stop fighting for you.. I am very proud of how much you have gone through, and what is to come. But I know sister, you will MAKE IT!!! And I will be there right with you.. Holding your hand, and making you feel better.. I am your BIG sister and I will promise to take wonderful care of my baby sister... Love you always and forever, Your BIG sister
Melody, Your strong will, determination, and passion are qualities you have that an illness cannot stifle. Continue to remain positive knowing that your family at The Learning Experience is sending love, strength and well wishes your way. All our best,
The Learning Experience
Melody we hope to meet you in the future! Rob speaks very highly of you and also from what I read, you are an amazing sole. God Bless!!
Jackie & Jamie Turner
When Amy Green reaches out, I can't help but respond....I wish I was still working in the area to attend your event but hopefully this donation will help in absence of that....you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Mary Shriner
Melody, you do not know me, but any friend of Rob's is a friend of mine. I look forward to seeing your financial goal become a distant memory and excede everyone's expectations, and in the process you are blessed with the love and support of your family and friends as your health is restored.
Darren Priebe
I love you Birthday style!
Melody Jean the singing machine! You are simply amazing, you're beautiful, strong, and spectacular! From the first day I met you.....I loved you. You have helped me through many tough obstacles in my life and have always cheered me on. It is now my time to cheer you on....you got this!!!!! I love you like crazy, Mother Nature
Mery Buono
Melody, I met you for two days at Conference this year...and you touched my life! I am praying that your money goes up, up, up! Best wishes and health to you! It might take them awhile to post new money, as my donation is not showing yet. Stay strong, I expect to see a whole "new" you next July! With love,
Matty Heenan
Melody, (aka Kimlee)
We will be happy to help as much as we can. I know it's easier said than done but, try to stay strong emotionally and physically. You've worked hard all your life for what you have and good things will happen for you.
Again, we are here for you.
Your sister in law
My BFF from high school & always in my heart no matter how far apart we have been since then. I watched Jacqui be born, listened to you beg for me to pull your IV during. You didn't need me to give mercy to you then. You are strong! You make everyone feel alive, loved & the most important person when you talk with them. You CAN beat this!!!! Remember the "I feel like shi* " pictures? You may feel worse now but we laughed through that. Beat this so you can look back & say I made it. Something more important to look back on & laugh at it after you show you are better. Love you & I told you from the start...you CAN do this!
Kelly (Downs) Baker / Florida (where we can sit & cause trouble when we are old & grey)
You are true fighter a great friend and sister to me. Love Dara & Fred
Dara & Fred Family ,Janneris Dorian
We are here for you... doing all that we can within our realm of possibility to support you!
Dad & Cheryl
Cheering you on and sending you all the hugs I can.
Charlie Sullivan. (Murdock)
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Melody Lee
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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