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On Dec. 15th at around mile 4,700 of a 5,000 mile bike trip across the United States with three of his best friends, Kyle Lehman was struck by a mini van on a highway outside of Daytona Beach Florida resulting in a serious traumatic brain injury. Kyle was lucky to survive the collision and escaped with no other major injuries . He was airlifted to Halifax hospital where he spent over two weeks in the ICU in an induced coma while the pressure in his head was closely monitored. Kyle was slowly brought out of his sedation as the bleeds in his brain healed and his pressure stabilized. On January 18, after Kyle became medically stable, he was moved on a medical jet flight from Halifax to Craig hospital in Denver where he will spend the duration of his rehab and recovery. Recovering from a traumatic brain injury is a long and uncertain road. Every day in tiny incremental steps Kyle and his team of therapists work toward getting back movement, memory, speech, and everything else he lost in the accident. How far his rehabilitation will take him and whether he will be left with physical or mental deficits is unknown. We his friends and family are trying to raise money to help pay for the numerous expenses involved in his recovery and life after recovery.

About Kyle
Kyle Lehman is 24 years old and grew up on a small farm outside of Portland, OR. before moving to Missoula, MT to study print journalism at the University of Montana. After graduating, he spent his time exploring the mountains of Alaska, Colorado and Montana. Last summer Kyle worked as a wildland firefighter for the Helena DNRC before embarking on a ten week bicycle tour from Portland, OR to Miami, FL. Kyle is an avid rock and ice climber, mountain biker, and generally spends little time indoors. Besides his outdoor hobbies, Kyle has pursued writing as a career and has contributed to a variety of publications.

Updates (1)

May 4, 2012

Kyle's Story is featured by ESPN Magazine


January 19, 2014

Dear Kyle and family,
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Perhaps you've heard of my sister, Alison Kellagher, a champion rider who lost her life from a head injury a couple of years ago in a cycling accident in Boulder. I'm not at all certain that I should even be in touch with you but the rules do need modification at at times......I work as an RN in a certain health insurance company and I had the opportunity to advocate for and to authorize high-level rehabilitation services for injuries such as yours. I only want you to know that I paid very close attention (as I do with any other brain-injured person) during the period of time when you, Kyle, needed intense collaborative treatment from an organization the name of which you and your family know well. I was with all of the love in the world at your side throughtout that first year or so of your recovery.
I'm out of the loop now but ran across a report of your progess a few days ago as I was auditing some home health cases. I wish you the best and bless all of those who care for you as your immense challenges continue.
For my own ethical professional purposes I'm certain that you all will understand that I can't identify myself personally in this letter. But no matter. It was my honor to be on your team from the start.
My best to you, Kyle, and to those who love you.

in a cycling accidnet.


November 25, 2013

love you sis.we are hopeful that you get a liver

cheryl jones

August 13, 2012

Kyle, I was stunned to hear the news. Been at least 8 years since we last connected, but I immediately remembered your spirit on those bus rides to and from soccer practices, games, etc. Keep up that good fight man.

Christo Raines Portland